blob: 2d831c16948b78e7183704a6ed349dee18fb4f29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package model
import (
var (
func Test_Proxy_1_1_Add_NewDevice(t *testing.T) {
devIdBin, _ := uuid.New().MarshalBinary()
devId = "0001" + hex.EncodeToString(devIdBin)[:12]
preAddExecuted := false
postAddExecuted := false
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.RegisterCallback(PRE_ADD, commonCallback, "PRE_ADD instructions", &preAddExecuted)
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.RegisterCallback(POST_ADD, commonCallback, "POST_ADD instructions", &postAddExecuted)
device.Id = devId
if added := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Add("/devices", device, ""); added == nil {
t.Error("Failed to add device")
} else {
t.Logf("Added device : %+v", added)
if d := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+devId, 0, false, ""); !reflect.ValueOf(d).IsValid() {
t.Error("Failed to find added device")
} else {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Logf("Found device: %s", string(djson))
if !preAddExecuted {
t.Error("PRE_ADD callback was not executed")
if !postAddExecuted {
t.Error("POST_ADD callback was not executed")
func Test_Proxy_1_2_Add_ExistingDevice(t *testing.T) {
device.Id = devId
if added := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Add("/devices", device, ""); added == nil {
t.Logf("Successfully detected that the device already exists: %s", devId)
} else {
t.Errorf("A new device should not have been created : %+v", added)
func Test_Proxy_2_1_Get_AllDevices(t *testing.T) {
devices := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices", 1, false, "")
if len(devices.([]interface{})) == 0 {
t.Error("there are no available devices to retrieve")
} else {
// Save the target device id for later tests
targetDeviceId = devices.([]interface{})[0].(*voltha.Device).Id
t.Logf("retrieved all devices: %+v", devices)
func Test_Proxy_2_2_Get_SingleDevice(t *testing.T) {
if d := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+targetDeviceId, 0, false, ""); !reflect.ValueOf(d).IsValid() {
t.Errorf("Failed to find device : %s", targetDeviceId)
} else {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Logf("Found device: %s", string(djson))
func Test_Proxy_3_1_Update_Device_WithRootProxy(t *testing.T) {
if retrieved := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+targetDeviceId, 1, false, ""); retrieved == nil {
t.Error("Failed to get device")
} else {
t.Logf("Found raw device (root proxy): %+v", retrieved)
var fwVersion int
if retrieved.(*voltha.Device).FirmwareVersion == "n/a" {
fwVersion = 0
} else {
fwVersion, _ = strconv.Atoi(retrieved.(*voltha.Device).FirmwareVersion)
fwVersion += 1
preUpdateExecuted := false
postUpdateExecuted := false
"PRE_UPDATE instructions (root proxy)", &preUpdateExecuted,
"POST_UPDATE instructions (root proxy)", &postUpdateExecuted,
//cloned := reflect.ValueOf(retrieved).Elem().Interface().(voltha.Device)
//cloned.FirmwareVersion = strconv.Itoa(fwVersion)
retrieved.(*voltha.Device).FirmwareVersion = strconv.Itoa(fwVersion)
//t.Logf("Before update : %+v", cloned)
if afterUpdate := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Update("/devices/"+targetDeviceId, retrieved, false, ""); afterUpdate == nil {
t.Error("Failed to update device")
} else {
t.Logf("Updated device : %+v", afterUpdate.(Revision).GetData())
if d := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+targetDeviceId, 1, false, ""); !reflect.ValueOf(d).IsValid() {
t.Error("Failed to find updated device (root proxy)")
} else {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Logf("Found device (root proxy): %s raw: %+v", string(djson), d)
if !preUpdateExecuted {
t.Error("PRE_UPDATE callback was not executed")
if !postUpdateExecuted {
t.Error("POST_UPDATE callback was not executed")
func Test_Proxy_3_2_Update_Flow_WithSubProxy(t *testing.T) {
// Get a device proxy and update a specific port
devflowsProxy := modelTestConfig.Root.GetProxy("/devices/"+devId+"/flows", false)
flows := devflowsProxy.Get("/", 0, false, "")
//flows.([]interface{})[0].(*openflow_13.Flows).Items[0].TableId = 2222
//flows.([]interface{})[0].(*openflow_13.Flows).Items[0].TableId = 2244
flows.(*openflow_13.Flows).Items[0].TableId = 2244
t.Logf("before updated flows: %+v", flows)
//devPortsProxy := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.node.GetProxy("/devices/"+devId+"/ports", false)
//port123 := devPortsProxy.Get("/123", 0, false, "")
//t.Logf("got ports: %+v", port123)
//port123.(*voltha.Port).OperStatus = common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED
preUpdateExecuted := false
postUpdateExecuted := false
"PRE_UPDATE instructions (flows proxy)", &preUpdateExecuted,
"POST_UPDATE instructions (flows proxy)", &postUpdateExecuted,
kvFlows := devflowsProxy.Get("/", 0, false, "")
if reflect.DeepEqual(flows, kvFlows) {
t.Errorf("Local changes have changed the KV store contents - local:%+v, kv: %+v", flows, kvFlows)
if updated := devflowsProxy.Update("/", flows.(*openflow_13.Flows), false, ""); updated == nil {
t.Error("Failed to update flow")
} else {
t.Logf("Updated flows : %+v", updated)
if d := devflowsProxy.Get("/", 0, false, ""); d == nil {
t.Error("Failed to find updated flows (flows proxy)")
} else {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Logf("Found flows (flows proxy): %s", string(djson))
if d := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+devId+"/flows", 0, false, ""); !reflect.ValueOf(d).IsValid() {
t.Error("Failed to find updated flows (root proxy)")
} else {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Logf("Found flows (root proxy): %s", string(djson))
if !preUpdateExecuted {
t.Error("PRE_UPDATE callback was not executed")
if !postUpdateExecuted {
t.Error("POST_UPDATE callback was not executed")
//Get a device proxy and update all its ports
//devProxy := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.GetProxy("/devices/"+devId, false)
//ports := devProxy.Get("/ports", 0, false, "")
//t.Logf("got ports: %+v", ports)
//devProxy.RegisterCallback(POST_UPDATE, commonCallback, nil)
//ports.([]interface{})[0].(*voltha.Port).OperStatus = common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED
//devProxy.Update("/ports", ports, false, "")
//updated := devProxy.Get("/ports", 0, false, "")
//t.Logf("got updated ports: %+v", updated)
// Get a device proxy, retrieve all the ports and update a specific one
//devProxy := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.GetProxy("/devices/"+devId, false)
//ports := devProxy.Get("/ports", 0, false, "")
//t.Logf("got ports: %+v", ports)
//devProxy.RegisterCallback(POST_UPDATE, commonCallback, nil)
//ports.([]interface{})[0].(*voltha.Port).OperStatus = common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED
//devProxy.Update("/ports/123", ports.([]interface{})[0], false, "")
//updated := devProxy.Get("/ports", 0, false, "")
//t.Logf("got updated ports: %+v", updated)
func Test_Proxy_4_1_Remove_Device(t *testing.T) {
preRemoveExecuted := false
postRemoveExecuted := false
"PRE_REMOVE instructions (root proxy)", &preRemoveExecuted,
"POST_REMOVE instructions (root proxy)", &postRemoveExecuted,
if removed := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Remove("/devices/"+devId, ""); removed == nil {
t.Error("Failed to remove device")
} else {
t.Logf("Removed device : %+v", removed)
if d := modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Get("/devices/"+devId, 0, false, ""); reflect.ValueOf(d).IsValid() {
djson, _ := json.Marshal(d)
t.Errorf("Device was not removed - %s", djson)
} else {
t.Logf("Device was removed: %s", devId)
if !preRemoveExecuted {
t.Error("PRE_UPDATE callback was not executed")
if !postRemoveExecuted {
t.Error("POST_UPDATE callback was not executed")
// -----------------------------
// Callback tests
// -----------------------------
func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_1_Register(t *testing.T) {
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.RegisterCallback(PRE_ADD, firstCallback, "abcde", "12345")
m := make(map[string]string)
m["name"] = "fghij"
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.RegisterCallback(PRE_ADD, secondCallback, m, 1.2345)
d := &voltha.Device{Id: "12345"}
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.RegisterCallback(PRE_ADD, thirdCallback, "klmno", d)
func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_2_Invoke_WithNoInterruption(t *testing.T) {
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.InvokeCallbacks(PRE_ADD, false, nil)
func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_3_Invoke_WithInterruption(t *testing.T) {
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.InvokeCallbacks(PRE_ADD, true, nil)
func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_4_Unregister(t *testing.T) {
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.UnregisterCallback(PRE_ADD, firstCallback)
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.UnregisterCallback(PRE_ADD, secondCallback)
modelTestConfig.RootProxy.UnregisterCallback(PRE_ADD, thirdCallback)
//func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_5_Add(t *testing.T) {
// modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Root.AddCallback(modelTestConfig.RootProxy.InvokeCallbacks, POST_UPDATE, false, "some data", "some new data")
//func Test_Proxy_Callbacks_6_Execute(t *testing.T) {
// modelTestConfig.RootProxy.Root.ExecuteCallbacks()