blob: 936a79abbd2f7e8e5a46c9a4dcf61ebd80bc0b59 [file] [log] [blame]
package model
import (
const (
NONE string = "none"
type Node struct {
root *Root
Type interface{}
Branches map[string]*Branch
Tags map[string]*Revision
Proxy *Proxy
EventBus *EventBus
AutoPrune bool
func NewNode(root *Root, initialData interface{}, autoPrune bool, txid string) *Node {
cn := &Node{}
cn.root = root
cn.Branches = make(map[string]*Branch)
cn.Tags = make(map[string]*Revision)
cn.Proxy = nil
cn.EventBus = nil
cn.AutoPrune = autoPrune
if IsProtoMessage(initialData) {
cn.Type = reflect.ValueOf(initialData).Interface()
dataCopy := proto.Clone(initialData.(proto.Message))
cn.initialize(dataCopy, txid)
} else if reflect.ValueOf(initialData).IsValid() {
cn.Type = reflect.ValueOf(initialData).Interface()
} else {
// not implemented error
fmt.Errorf("cannot process initial data - %+v", initialData)
return cn
func (cn *Node) makeNode(data interface{}, txid string) *Node {
return NewNode(cn.root, data, true, txid)
func (cn *Node) makeRevision(branch *Branch, data interface{}, children map[string][]*Revision) *Revision {
return cn.root.makeRevision(branch, data, children)
func (cn *Node) makeLatest(branch *Branch, revision *Revision, changeAnnouncement map[string]interface{}) {
if _, ok := branch.revisions[revision.Hash]; !ok {
branch.revisions[revision.Hash] = revision
if branch.Latest == nil || revision.Hash != branch.Latest.Hash {
branch.Latest = revision
if changeAnnouncement != nil && branch.Txid == "" {
if cn.Proxy != nil {
for changeType, data := range changeAnnouncement {
// TODO: Invoke callback
fmt.Printf("invoking callback - changeType: %+v, data:%+v\n", changeType, data)
for changeType, data := range changeAnnouncement {
// TODO: send notifications
fmt.Printf("sending notification - changeType: %+v, data:%+v\n", changeType, data)
func (cn *Node) Latest() *Revision {
if branch, exists := cn.Branches[NONE]; exists {
return branch.Latest
return nil
func (cn *Node) GetHash(hash string) *Revision {
return cn.Branches[NONE].revisions[hash]
func (cn *Node) initialize(data interface{}, txid string) {
var children map[string][]*Revision
children = make(map[string][]*Revision)
for fieldName, field := range ChildrenFields(cn.Type) {
fieldValue := GetAttributeValue(data, fieldName, 0)
if fieldValue.IsValid() {
if field.IsContainer {
if field.Key != "" {
var keysSeen []string
for i := 0; i < fieldValue.Len(); i++ {
v := fieldValue.Index(i)
rev := cn.makeNode(v.Interface(), txid).Latest()
key := GetAttributeValue(v.Interface(), field.Key, 0)
for _, k := range keysSeen {
if k == key.String() {
fmt.Errorf("duplicate key - %s", k)
children[fieldName] = append(children[fieldName], rev)
keysSeen = append(keysSeen, key.String())
} else {
for i := 0; i < fieldValue.Len(); i++ {
v := fieldValue.Index(i)
children[fieldName] = append(children[fieldName], cn.makeNode(v.Interface(), txid).Latest())
} else {
children[fieldName] = append(children[fieldName], cn.makeNode(fieldValue.Interface(), txid).Latest())
} else {
fmt.Errorf("field is invalid - %+v", fieldValue)
// FIXME: ClearField??? No such method in go protos. Reset?
branch := NewBranch(cn, "", nil, cn.AutoPrune)
rev := cn.makeRevision(branch, data, children)
cn.makeLatest(branch, rev, nil)
cn.Branches[txid] = branch
func (cn *Node) makeTxBranch(txid string) *Branch {
branchPoint := cn.Branches[NONE].Latest
branch := NewBranch(cn, txid, branchPoint, true)
cn.Branches[txid] = branch
return branch
func (cn *Node) deleteTxBranch(txid string) {
delete(cn.Branches, txid)
type t_makeBranch func(*Node) *Branch
// Get operation
func (cn *Node) Get(path string, hash string, depth int, deep bool, txid string) interface{} {
if deep {
depth = -1
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:]
var branch *Branch
var rev *Revision
// FIXME: should empty txid be cleaned up?
if branch = cn.Branches[txid]; txid == "" || branch == nil {
branch = cn.Branches[NONE]
if hash != "" {
rev = branch.revisions[hash]
} else {
rev = branch.Latest
return cn.get(rev, path, depth)
func (cn *Node) findRevByKey(revs []*Revision, keyName string, value string) (int, *Revision) {
for i, rev := range revs {
dataValue := reflect.ValueOf(rev.Config.Data)
dataStruct := GetAttributeStructure(rev.Config.Data, keyName, 0)
fieldValue := dataValue.Elem().FieldByName(dataStruct.Name)
if fieldValue.Interface().(string) == value {
return i, rev
fmt.Errorf("key %s=%s not found", keyName, value)
return -1, nil
func (cn *Node) get(rev *Revision, path string, depth int) interface{} {
if path == "" {
return cn.doGet(rev, depth)
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
name := partition[0]
path = partition[1]
field := ChildrenFields(cn.Type)[name]
if field.IsContainer {
if field.Key != "" {
children := rev.Children[name]
if path != "" {
partition = strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
key := partition[0]
path = ""
key = field.KeyFromStr(key).(string)
_, childRev := cn.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, key)
childNode := childRev.getNode()
return childNode.get(childRev, path, depth)
} else {
var response []interface{}
for _, childRev := range children {
childNode := childRev.getNode()
value := childNode.doGet(childRev, depth)
response = append(response, value)
return response
} else {
childRev := rev.Children[name][0]
childNode := childRev.getNode()
return childNode.get(childRev, path, depth)
return nil
func (cn *Node) doGet(rev *Revision, depth int) interface{} {
msg := rev.Get(depth)
if cn.Proxy != nil {
// TODO: invoke GET callback
fmt.Println("invoking proxy GET Callbacks")
return msg
// Update operation
func (n *Node) Update(path string, data interface{}, strict bool, txid string, makeBranch t_makeBranch) *Revision {
// FIXME: is this required ... a bit overkill to take out a "/"
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:]
var branch *Branch
var ok bool
if branch, ok = n.Branches[txid]; !ok {
branch = makeBranch(n)
if path == "" {
return n.doUpdate(branch, data, strict)
return &Revision{}
func (n *Node) doUpdate(branch *Branch, data interface{}, strict bool) *Revision {
if reflect.TypeOf(data) != n.Type {
// TODO raise error
fmt.Errorf("data does not match type: %+v", n.Type)
// TODO: noChildren?
if n.Proxy != nil {
// TODO: n.proxy.InvokeCallbacks(CallbackType.PRE_UPDATE, data)
fmt.Println("invoking proxy PRE_UPDATE Callbacks")
if branch.Latest.getData() != data {
if strict {
// TODO: checkAccessViolations(data,
fmt.Println("checking access violations")
rev := branch.Latest.UpdateData(data, branch)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev, nil) // TODO -> changeAnnouncement needs to be a tuple (CallbackType.POST_UPDATE,
return rev
} else {
return branch.Latest
// TODO: the python implementation has a method to check if the data has no children
//func (n *SomeNode) noChildren(data interface{}) bool {
// for fieldName, field := range ChildrenFields(n.Type) {
// fieldValue := GetAttributeValue(data, fieldName)
// if fieldValue.IsValid() {
// if field.IsContainer {
// if len(fieldValue) > 0 {
// }
// } else {
// }
// }
// }
// Add operation
func (n *Node) Add(path string, data interface{}, txid string, makeBranch t_makeBranch) *Revision {
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:]
if path == "" {
// TODO raise error
fmt.Errorf("cannot add for non-container mode\n")
var branch *Branch
var ok bool
if branch, ok = n.Branches[txid]; !ok {
branch = makeBranch(n)
rev := branch.Latest
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
name := partition[0]
path = partition[1]
field := ChildrenFields(n.Type)[name]
var children []*Revision
if field.IsContainer {
if path == "" {
if field.Key != "" {
if n.Proxy != nil {
// TODO -> n.proxy.InvokeCallbacks(PRE_ADD, data)
fmt.Println("invoking proxy PRE_ADD Callbacks")
copy(children, rev.Children[name])
key := GetAttributeValue(data, field.Key, 0)
if _, rev := n.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, key.String()); rev != nil {
// TODO raise error
fmt.Errorf("duplicate key found: %s", key.String())
childRev := n.makeNode(data, "").Latest()
children = append(children, childRev)
rev := rev.UpdateChildren(name, children, branch)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev, nil) // TODO -> changeAnnouncement needs to be a tuple (CallbackType.POST_ADD,
return rev
} else {
fmt.Errorf("cannot add to non-keyed container\n")
} else if field.Key != "" {
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
key := partition[0]
path = partition[1]
key = field.KeyFromStr(key).(string)
copy(children, rev.Children[name])
idx, childRev := n.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, key)
childNode := childRev.getNode()
newChildRev := childNode.Add(path, data, txid, makeBranch)
children[idx] = newChildRev
rev := rev.UpdateChildren(name, children, branch)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev, nil)
return rev
} else {
fmt.Errorf("cannot add to non-keyed container\n")
} else {
fmt.Errorf("cannot add to non-container field\n")
return nil
// Remove operation
func (n *Node) Remove(path string, txid string, makeBranch t_makeBranch) *Revision {
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:]
if path == "" {
// TODO raise error
fmt.Errorf("cannot remove for non-container mode\n")
var branch *Branch
var ok bool
if branch, ok = n.Branches[txid]; !ok {
branch = makeBranch(n)
rev := branch.Latest
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
name := partition[0]
path = partition[1]
field := ChildrenFields(n.Type)[name]
var children []*Revision
post_anno := make(map[string]interface{})
if field.IsContainer {
if path == "" {
fmt.Errorf("cannot remove without a key\n")
} else if field.Key != "" {
partition := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
key := partition[0]
path = partition[1]
key = field.KeyFromStr(key).(string)
if path != "" {
copy(children, rev.Children[name])
idx, childRev := n.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, key)
childNode := childRev.getNode()
newChildRev := childNode.Remove(path, txid, makeBranch)
children[idx] = newChildRev
rev := rev.UpdateChildren(name, children, branch)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev, nil)
return rev
} else {
copy(children, rev.Children[name])
idx, childRev := n.findRevByKey(children, field.Key, key)
if n.Proxy != nil {
data := childRev.getData()
fmt.Println("invoking proxy PRE_REMOVE Callbacks")
fmt.Printf("setting POST_REMOVE Callbacks : %+v\n", data)
} else {
fmt.Println("setting POST_REMOVE Callbacks")
children = append(children[:idx], children[idx+1:]...)
rev := rev.UpdateChildren(name, children, branch)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev, post_anno)
return rev
} else {
fmt.Errorf("cannot add to non-keyed container\n")
} else {
fmt.Errorf("cannot add to non-container field\n")
return nil
func (n *Node) LoadLatest(kvStore *Backend, hash string) {
branch := NewBranch(n, "", nil, n.AutoPrune)
pr := &PersistedRevision{}
rev := pr.load(branch, kvStore, n.Type, hash)
n.makeLatest(branch, rev.Revision, nil)
n.Branches[NONE] = branch