blob: 4a692d3748ba8c677323b609f0e847c832b62b51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package core
import (
func init() {
log.AddPackage(log.JSON, log.WarnLevel, nil)
type ownership struct {
id string
owned bool
chnl chan int
type DeviceOwnership struct {
instanceId string
exitChannel chan int
kvClient kvstore.Client
reservationTimeout int64 // Duration in seconds
ownershipPrefix string
deviceMgr *DeviceManager
logicalDeviceMgr *LogicalDeviceManager
deviceMap map[string]*ownership
deviceMapLock *sync.RWMutex
deviceToKeyMap map[string]string
deviceToKeyMapLock *sync.RWMutex
func NewDeviceOwnership(id string, kvClient kvstore.Client, deviceMgr *DeviceManager, logicalDeviceMgr *LogicalDeviceManager, ownershipPrefix string, reservationTimeout int64) *DeviceOwnership {
var deviceOwnership DeviceOwnership
deviceOwnership.instanceId = id
deviceOwnership.exitChannel = make(chan int, 1)
deviceOwnership.kvClient = kvClient
deviceOwnership.deviceMgr = deviceMgr
deviceOwnership.logicalDeviceMgr = logicalDeviceMgr
deviceOwnership.ownershipPrefix = ownershipPrefix
deviceOwnership.reservationTimeout = reservationTimeout
deviceOwnership.deviceMap = make(map[string]*ownership)
deviceOwnership.deviceMapLock = &sync.RWMutex{}
deviceOwnership.deviceToKeyMap = make(map[string]string)
deviceOwnership.deviceToKeyMapLock = &sync.RWMutex{}
return &deviceOwnership
func (da *DeviceOwnership) Start(ctx context.Context) {
log.Info("starting-deviceOwnership", log.Fields{"instanceId": da.instanceId})
func (da *DeviceOwnership) Stop(ctx context.Context) {
da.exitChannel <- 1
// Need to flush all device reservations
func (da *DeviceOwnership) tryToReserveKey(id string) bool {
var currOwner string
//Try to reserve the key
kvKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", da.ownershipPrefix, id)
value, err := da.kvClient.Reserve(kvKey, da.instanceId, da.reservationTimeout)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("error", log.Fields{"error": err, "id": id, "instanceId": da.instanceId})
if value != nil {
if currOwner, err = kvstore.ToString(value); err != nil {
return currOwner == da.instanceId
return false
func (da *DeviceOwnership) renewReservation(id string) bool {
// Try to reserve the key
kvKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", da.ownershipPrefix, id)
if err := da.kvClient.RenewReservation(kvKey); err != nil {
log.Errorw("reservation-renewal-error", log.Fields{"error": err, "instance": da.instanceId})
return false
return true
func (da *DeviceOwnership) MonitorOwnership(id string, chnl chan int) {
op := "starting"
exit := false
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(da.reservationTimeout) / 3 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-da.exitChannel:
log.Infow("closing-monitoring", log.Fields{"Id": id})
exit = true
case <-ticker.C:
log.Debugw(fmt.Sprintf("%s-reservation", op), log.Fields{"Id": id})
case <-chnl:
log.Infow("closing-device-monitoring", log.Fields{"Id": id})
exit = true
if exit {
deviceOwned, ownedByMe := da.getOwnership(id)
if deviceOwned && ownedByMe {
// Device owned; renew reservation
op = "renew"
if da.renewReservation(id) {
log.Debugw("reservation-renewed", log.Fields{"id": id, "instanceId": da.instanceId})
} else {
log.Debugw("reservation-not-renewed", log.Fields{"id": id, "instanceId": da.instanceId})
} else {
// Device not owned or not owned by me; try to seize ownership
op = "retry"
if err := da.setOwnership(id, da.tryToReserveKey(id)); err != nil {
log.Errorw("unexpected-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
func (da *DeviceOwnership) getOwnership(id string) (bool, bool) {
defer da.deviceMapLock.RUnlock()
if val, exist := da.deviceMap[id]; exist {
return true, val.owned
return false, false
func (da *DeviceOwnership) setOwnership(id string, owner bool) error {
defer da.deviceMapLock.Unlock()
if _, exist := da.deviceMap[id]; exist {
if da.deviceMap[id].owned != owner {
log.Debugw("ownership-changed", log.Fields{"Id": id, "owner": owner})
da.deviceMap[id].owned = owner
return nil
return status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("id-inexistent-%s", id))
// OwnedByMe returns where this Core instance active owns this device. This function will automatically
// trigger the process to monitor the device and update the device ownership regularly.
func (da *DeviceOwnership) OwnedByMe(id interface{}) bool {
// Retrieve the ownership key based on the id
var ownershipKey string
var err error
if ownershipKey, err = da.getOwnershipKey(id); err != nil {
log.Warnw("no-ownershipkey", log.Fields{"error": err})
return false
deviceOwned, ownedByMe := da.getOwnership(ownershipKey)
if deviceOwned {
return ownedByMe
// Not owned by me or maybe anybody else. Try to reserve it
reservedByMe := da.tryToReserveKey(ownershipKey)
myChnl := make(chan int)
da.deviceMap[ownershipKey] = &ownership{id: ownershipKey, owned: reservedByMe, chnl: myChnl}
log.Debugw("set-new-ownership", log.Fields{"Id": ownershipKey, "owned": reservedByMe})
go da.MonitorOwnership(ownershipKey, myChnl)
return reservedByMe
//AbandonDevice must be invoked whenever a device is deleted from the Core
func (da *DeviceOwnership) AbandonDevice(id string) error {
defer da.deviceMapLock.Unlock()
if o, exist := da.deviceMap[id]; exist {
// Stop the Go routine monitoring the device
delete(da.deviceMap, id)
log.Debugw("abandoning-device", log.Fields{"Id": id})
return nil
return status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("id-inexistent-%s", id))
//abandonAllDevices must be invoked whenever a device is deleted from the Core
func (da *DeviceOwnership) abandonAllDevices() {
defer da.deviceMapLock.Unlock()
for _, val := range da.deviceMap {
func (da *DeviceOwnership) getDeviceKey(id string) (string, error) {
defer da.deviceToKeyMapLock.RUnlock()
if val, exist := da.deviceToKeyMap[id]; exist {
return val, nil
return "", status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("not-present-%s", id))
func (da *DeviceOwnership) updateDeviceKey(id string, key string) error {
defer da.deviceToKeyMapLock.Unlock()
if _, exist := da.deviceToKeyMap[id]; exist {
return status.Error(codes.AlreadyExists, fmt.Sprintf("already-present-%s", id))
da.deviceToKeyMap[id] = key
return nil
func (da *DeviceOwnership) getOwnershipKey(id interface{}) (string, error) {
if id == nil {
return "", status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "nil-id")
var device *voltha.Device
var lDevice *voltha.LogicalDevice
// The id can either be a device Id or a logical device id.
if dId, ok := id.(*utils.DeviceID); ok {
// Use cache if present
if val, err := da.getDeviceKey(dId.Id); err == nil {
return val, nil
if device, _ = da.deviceMgr.GetDevice(dId.Id); device == nil {
return "", status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("id-absent-%s", dId))
if device.Root {
if err := da.updateDeviceKey(dId.Id, device.Id); err != nil {
log.Warnw("Error-updating-cache", log.Fields{"id": dId.Id, "key": device.Id, "error": err})
return device.Id, nil
} else {
if err := da.updateDeviceKey(dId.Id, device.ParentId); err != nil {
log.Warnw("Error-updating-cache", log.Fields{"id": dId.Id, "key": device.ParentId, "error": err})
return device.ParentId, nil
} else if ldId, ok := id.(*utils.LogicalDeviceID); ok {
// Use cache if present
if val, err := da.getDeviceKey(ldId.Id); err == nil {
return val, nil
if lDevice, _ = da.logicalDeviceMgr.getLogicalDevice(ldId.Id); lDevice == nil {
return "", status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("id-absent-%s", ldId))
if err := da.updateDeviceKey(ldId.Id, lDevice.RootDeviceId); err != nil {
log.Warnw("Error-updating-cache", log.Fields{"id": ldId.Id, "key": lDevice.RootDeviceId, "error": err})
return lDevice.RootDeviceId, nil
return "", status.Error(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("id-%s", id))