This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0817a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,2552 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+import (
+	"encoding"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+// Some tagging information for error messages.
+const (
+	msgBadDesc            = "unrecognized descriptor byte"
+	msgDecCannotExpandArr = "cannot expand go array from %v to stream length: %v"
+const decDefSliceCap = 8
+const decDefChanCap = 64 // should be large, as cap cannot be expanded
+const decScratchByteArrayLen = cacheLineSize - 8
+var (
+	errstrOnlyMapOrArrayCanDecodeIntoStruct = "only encoded map or array can be decoded into a struct"
+	errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil               = "cannot decode into nil"
+	errmsgExpandSliceOverflow     = "expand slice: slice overflow"
+	errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange = "expand slice: cannot change"
+	errDecoderNotInitialized = errors.New("Decoder not initialized")
+	errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead   = errors.New("cannot unread - nothing has been read")
+	errDecUnreadByteLastByteNotRead = errors.New("cannot unread - last byte has not been read")
+	errDecUnreadByteUnknown         = errors.New("cannot unread - reason unknown")
+// decReader abstracts the reading source, allowing implementations that can
+// read from an io.Reader or directly off a byte slice with zero-copying.
+type decReader interface {
+	unreadn1()
+	// readx will use the implementation scratch buffer if possible i.e. n < len(scratchbuf), OR
+	// just return a view of the []byte being decoded from.
+	// Ensure you call detachZeroCopyBytes later if this needs to be sent outside codec control.
+	readx(n int) []byte
+	readb([]byte)
+	readn1() uint8
+	numread() int // number of bytes read
+	track()
+	stopTrack() []byte
+	// skip will skip any byte that matches, and return the first non-matching byte
+	skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte)
+	// readTo will read any byte that matches, stopping once no-longer matching.
+	readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte)
+	// readUntil will read, only stopping once it matches the 'stop' byte.
+	readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte)
+type decDriver interface {
+	// this will check if the next token is a break.
+	CheckBreak() bool
+	// Note: TryDecodeAsNil should be careful not to share any temporary []byte with
+	// the rest of the decDriver. This is because sometimes, we optimize by holding onto
+	// a transient []byte, and ensuring the only other call we make to the decDriver
+	// during that time is maybe a TryDecodeAsNil() call.
+	TryDecodeAsNil() bool
+	// vt is one of: Bytes, String, Nil, Slice or Map. Return unSet if not known.
+	ContainerType() (vt valueType)
+	// IsBuiltinType(rt uintptr) bool
+	// DecodeNaked will decode primitives (number, bool, string, []byte) and RawExt.
+	// For maps and arrays, it will not do the decoding in-band, but will signal
+	// the decoder, so that is done later, by setting the decNaked.valueType field.
+	//
+	// Note: Numbers are decoded as int64, uint64, float64 only (no smaller sized number types).
+	// for extensions, DecodeNaked must read the tag and the []byte if it exists.
+	// if the []byte is not read, then kInterfaceNaked will treat it as a Handle
+	// that stores the subsequent value in-band, and complete reading the RawExt.
+	//
+	// extensions should also use readx to decode them, for efficiency.
+	// kInterface will extract the detached byte slice if it has to pass it outside its realm.
+	DecodeNaked()
+	// Deprecated: use DecodeInt64 and DecodeUint64 instead
+	// DecodeInt(bitsize uint8) (i int64)
+	// DecodeUint(bitsize uint8) (ui uint64)
+	DecodeInt64() (i int64)
+	DecodeUint64() (ui uint64)
+	DecodeFloat64() (f float64)
+	DecodeBool() (b bool)
+	// DecodeString can also decode symbols.
+	// It looks redundant as DecodeBytes is available.
+	// However, some codecs (e.g. binc) support symbols and can
+	// return a pre-stored string value, meaning that it can bypass
+	// the cost of []byte->string conversion.
+	DecodeString() (s string)
+	DecodeStringAsBytes() (v []byte)
+	// DecodeBytes may be called directly, without going through reflection.
+	// Consequently, it must be designed to handle possible nil.
+	DecodeBytes(bs []byte, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte)
+	// DecodeBytes(bs []byte, isstring, zerocopy bool) (bsOut []byte)
+	// decodeExt will decode into a *RawExt or into an extension.
+	DecodeExt(v interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) (realxtag uint64)
+	// decodeExt(verifyTag bool, tag byte) (xtag byte, xbs []byte)
+	DecodeTime() (t time.Time)
+	ReadArrayStart() int
+	ReadArrayElem()
+	ReadArrayEnd()
+	ReadMapStart() int
+	ReadMapElemKey()
+	ReadMapElemValue()
+	ReadMapEnd()
+	reset()
+	uncacheRead()
+type decDriverNoopContainerReader struct{}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayStart() (v int) { return }
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayElem()          {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadArrayEnd()           {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapStart() (v int)   { return }
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapElemKey()         {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapElemValue()       {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) ReadMapEnd()             {}
+func (x decDriverNoopContainerReader) CheckBreak() (v bool)    { return }
+// func (x decNoSeparator) uncacheRead() {}
+// DecodeOptions captures configuration options during decode.
+type DecodeOptions struct {
+	// MapType specifies type to use during schema-less decoding of a map in the stream.
+	// If nil (unset), we default to map[string]interface{} iff json handle and MapStringAsKey=true,
+	// else map[interface{}]interface{}.
+	MapType reflect.Type
+	// SliceType specifies type to use during schema-less decoding of an array in the stream.
+	// If nil (unset), we default to []interface{} for all formats.
+	SliceType reflect.Type
+	// MaxInitLen defines the maxinum initial length that we "make" a collection
+	// (string, slice, map, chan). If 0 or negative, we default to a sensible value
+	// based on the size of an element in the collection.
+	//
+	// For example, when decoding, a stream may say that it has 2^64 elements.
+	// We should not auto-matically provision a slice of that size, to prevent Out-Of-Memory crash.
+	// Instead, we provision up to MaxInitLen, fill that up, and start appending after that.
+	MaxInitLen int
+	// ReaderBufferSize is the size of the buffer used when reading.
+	//
+	// if > 0, we use a smart buffer internally for performance purposes.
+	ReaderBufferSize int
+	// If ErrorIfNoField, return an error when decoding a map
+	// from a codec stream into a struct, and no matching struct field is found.
+	ErrorIfNoField bool
+	// If ErrorIfNoArrayExpand, return an error when decoding a slice/array that cannot be expanded.
+	// For example, the stream contains an array of 8 items, but you are decoding into a [4]T array,
+	// or you are decoding into a slice of length 4 which is non-addressable (and so cannot be set).
+	ErrorIfNoArrayExpand bool
+	// If SignedInteger, use the int64 during schema-less decoding of unsigned values (not uint64).
+	SignedInteger bool
+	// MapValueReset controls how we decode into a map value.
+	//
+	// By default, we MAY retrieve the mapping for a key, and then decode into that.
+	// However, especially with big maps, that retrieval may be expensive and unnecessary
+	// if the stream already contains all that is necessary to recreate the value.
+	//
+	// If true, we will never retrieve the previous mapping,
+	// but rather decode into a new value and set that in the map.
+	//
+	// If false, we will retrieve the previous mapping if necessary e.g.
+	// the previous mapping is a pointer, or is a struct or array with pre-set state,
+	// or is an interface.
+	MapValueReset bool
+	// SliceElementReset: on decoding a slice, reset the element to a zero value first.
+	//
+	// concern: if the slice already contained some garbage, we will decode into that garbage.
+	SliceElementReset bool
+	// InterfaceReset controls how we decode into an interface.
+	//
+	// By default, when we see a field that is an interface{...},
+	// or a map with interface{...} value, we will attempt decoding into the
+	// "contained" value.
+	//
+	// However, this prevents us from reading a string into an interface{}
+	// that formerly contained a number.
+	//
+	// If true, we will decode into a new "blank" value, and set that in the interface.
+	// If false, we will decode into whatever is contained in the interface.
+	InterfaceReset bool
+	// InternString controls interning of strings during decoding.
+	//
+	// Some handles, e.g. json, typically will read map keys as strings.
+	// If the set of keys are finite, it may help reduce allocation to
+	// look them up from a map (than to allocate them afresh).
+	//
+	// Note: Handles will be smart when using the intern functionality.
+	// Every string should not be interned.
+	// An excellent use-case for interning is struct field names,
+	// or map keys where key type is string.
+	InternString bool
+	// PreferArrayOverSlice controls whether to decode to an array or a slice.
+	//
+	// This only impacts decoding into a nil interface{}.
+	// Consequently, it has no effect on codecgen.
+	//
+	// *Note*: This only applies if using go1.5 and above,
+	// as it requires reflect.ArrayOf support which was absent before go1.5.
+	PreferArrayOverSlice bool
+	// DeleteOnNilMapValue controls how to decode a nil value in the stream.
+	//
+	// If true, we will delete the mapping of the key.
+	// Else, just set the mapping to the zero value of the type.
+	DeleteOnNilMapValue bool
+// ------------------------------------
+type bufioDecReader struct {
+	buf []byte
+	r   io.Reader
+	c   int // cursor
+	n   int // num read
+	err error
+	tr  []byte
+	trb bool
+	b   [4]byte
+func (z *bufioDecReader) reset(r io.Reader) {
+	z.r, z.c, z.n, z.err, z.trb = r, 0, 0, nil, false
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return 0, z.err
+	}
+	p0 := p
+	n = copy(p, z.buf[z.c:])
+	z.c += n
+	if z.c == len(z.buf) {
+		z.c = 0
+	}
+	z.n += n
+	if len(p) == n {
+		if z.c == 0 {
+			z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+			z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+			z.c = 1
+		}
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	p = p[n:]
+	var n2 int
+	// if we are here, then z.buf is all read
+	if len(p) > len(z.buf) {
+		n2, err = decReadFull(z.r, p)
+		n += n2
+		z.n += n2
+		z.err = err
+		// don't return EOF if some bytes were read. keep for next time.
+		if n > 0 && err == io.EOF {
+			err = nil
+		}
+		// always keep last byte in z.buf
+		z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+		z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+		z.c = 1
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// z.c is now 0, and len(p) <= len(z.buf)
+	for len(p) > 0 && z.err == nil {
+		// println("len(p) loop starting ... ")
+		z.c = 0
+		z.buf = z.buf[0:cap(z.buf)]
+		n2, err = z.r.Read(z.buf)
+		if n2 > 0 {
+			if err == io.EOF {
+				err = nil
+			}
+			z.buf = z.buf[:n2]
+			n2 = copy(p, z.buf)
+			z.c = n2
+			n += n2
+			z.n += n2
+			p = p[n2:]
+		}
+		z.err = err
+		// println("... len(p) loop done")
+	}
+	if z.c == 0 {
+		z.buf = z.buf[:1]
+		z.buf[0] = p[len(p)-1]
+		z.c = 1
+	}
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, p0[:n]...)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) ReadByte() (b byte, err error) {
+	z.b[0] = 0
+	_, err = z.Read(z.b[:1])
+	b = z.b[0]
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) UnreadByte() (err error) {
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return z.err
+	}
+	if z.c > 0 {
+		z.c--
+		z.n--
+		if z.trb {
+ =[:len(]
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	return errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead
+func (z *bufioDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.n
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	if n <= 0 || z.err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if z.c+n <= len(z.buf) {
+		bs = z.buf[z.c : z.c+n]
+		z.n += n
+		z.c += n
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	bs = make([]byte, n)
+	_, err := z.Read(bs)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	_, err := z.Read(bs)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+// func (z *bufioDecReader) readn1eof() (b uint8, eof bool) {
+// 	b, err := z.ReadByte()
+// 	if err != nil {
+// 		if err == io.EOF {
+// 			eof = true
+// 		} else {
+// 			panic(err)
+// 		}
+// 	}
+// 	return
+// }
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readn1() (b uint8) {
+	b, err := z.ReadByte()
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) search(in []byte, accept *bitset256, stop, flag uint8) (token byte, out []byte) {
+	// flag: 1 (skip), 2 (readTo), 4 (readUntil)
+	if flag == 4 {
+		for i := z.c; i < len(z.buf); i++ {
+			if z.buf[i] == stop {
+				token = z.buf[i]
+				z.n = z.n + (i - z.c) - 1
+				i++
+				out = z.buf[z.c:i]
+				if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+				}
+				z.c = i
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		for i := z.c; i < len(z.buf); i++ {
+			if !accept.isset(z.buf[i]) {
+				token = z.buf[i]
+				z.n = z.n + (i - z.c) - 1
+				if flag == 1 {
+					i++
+				} else {
+					out = z.buf[z.c:i]
+				}
+				if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+				}
+				z.c = i
+				return
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	z.n += len(z.buf) - z.c
+	if flag != 1 {
+		out = append(in, z.buf[z.c:]...)
+	}
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:]...)
+	}
+	var n2 int
+	if z.err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for {
+		z.c = 0
+		z.buf = z.buf[0:cap(z.buf)]
+		n2, z.err = z.r.Read(z.buf)
+		if n2 > 0 && z.err != nil {
+			z.err = nil
+		}
+		z.buf = z.buf[:n2]
+		if flag == 4 {
+			for i := 0; i < n2; i++ {
+				if z.buf[i] == stop {
+					token = z.buf[i]
+					z.n += i - 1
+					i++
+					out = append(out, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					z.c = i
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			for i := 0; i < n2; i++ {
+				if !accept.isset(z.buf[i]) {
+					token = z.buf[i]
+					z.n += i - 1
+					if flag == 1 {
+						i++
+					}
+					if flag != 1 {
+						out = append(out, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[z.c:i]...)
+					}
+					z.c = i
+					return
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if flag != 1 {
+			out = append(out, z.buf[:n2]...)
+		}
+		z.n += n2
+		if z.err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, z.buf[:n2]...)
+		}
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	token, _ =, accept, 0, 1)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	_, out =, accept, 0, 2)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	_, out =, nil, stop, 4)
+	return
+func (z *bufioDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	err := z.UnreadByte()
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+func (z *bufioDecReader) track() {
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	z.trb = true
+func (z *bufioDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	z.trb = false
+	return
+// ioDecReader is a decReader that reads off an io.Reader.
+// It also has a fallback implementation of ByteScanner if needed.
+type ioDecReader struct {
+	r io.Reader // the reader passed in
+	rr io.Reader
+	br io.ByteScanner
+	l   byte // last byte
+	ls  byte // last byte status. 0: init-canDoNothing, 1: canRead, 2: canUnread
+	trb bool // tracking bytes turned on
+	_   bool
+	b   [4]byte // tiny buffer for reading single bytes
+	x  [scratchByteArrayLen]byte // for: get struct field name, swallow valueTypeBytes, etc
+	n  int                       // num read
+	tr []byte                    // tracking bytes read
+func (z *ioDecReader) reset(r io.Reader) {
+	z.r = r
+	z.rr = r
+	z.l,, z.n, z.trb = 0, 0, 0, false
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	var ok bool
+	if, ok = r.(io.ByteScanner); !ok {
+ = z
+		z.rr = z
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	if len(p) == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	var firstByte bool
+	if == 1 {
+ = 2
+		p[0] = z.l
+		if len(p) == 1 {
+			n = 1
+			return
+		}
+		firstByte = true
+		p = p[1:]
+	}
+	n, err = z.r.Read(p)
+	if n > 0 {
+		if err == io.EOF && n == len(p) {
+			err = nil // read was successful, so postpone EOF (till next time)
+		}
+		z.l = p[n-1]
+ = 2
+	}
+	if firstByte {
+		n++
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
+	n, err := z.Read(z.b[:1])
+	if n == 1 {
+		c = z.b[0]
+		if err == io.EOF {
+			err = nil // read was successful, so postpone EOF (till next time)
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) UnreadByte() (err error) {
+	switch {
+	case 2:
+ = 1
+	case 0:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteNothingToRead
+	case 1:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteLastByteNotRead
+	default:
+		err = errDecUnreadByteUnknown
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.n
+func (z *ioDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	if n <= 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if n < len(z.x) {
+		bs = z.x[:n]
+	} else {
+		bs = make([]byte, n)
+	}
+	if _, err := decReadFull(z.rr, bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n += len(bs)
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	// if len(bs) == 0 {
+	// 	return
+	// }
+	if _, err := decReadFull(z.rr, bs); err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n += len(bs)
+	if z.trb {
+ = append(, bs...)
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readn1eof() (b uint8, eof bool) {
+	b, err :=
+	if err == nil {
+		z.n++
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, b)
+		}
+	} else if err == io.EOF {
+		eof = true
+	} else {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	return
+func (z *ioDecReader) readn1() (b uint8) {
+	var err error
+	if b, err =; err == nil {
+		z.n++
+		if z.trb {
+ = append(, b)
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	panic(err)
+func (z *ioDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	for {
+		var eof bool
+		token, eof = z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			return
+		}
+		if accept.isset(token) {
+			continue
+		}
+		return
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	out = in
+	for {
+		token, eof := z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			return
+		}
+		if accept.isset(token) {
+			out = append(out, token)
+		} else {
+			z.unreadn1()
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	out = in
+	for {
+		token, eof := z.readn1eof()
+		if eof {
+			panic(io.EOF)
+		}
+		out = append(out, token)
+		if token == stop {
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	err :=
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	z.n--
+	if z.trb {
+		if l := len( - 1; l >= 0 {
+ =[:l]
+		}
+	}
+func (z *ioDecReader) track() {
+	if != nil {
+ =[:0]
+	}
+	z.trb = true
+func (z *ioDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	z.trb = false
+	return
+// ------------------------------------
+var errBytesDecReaderCannotUnread = errors.New("cannot unread last byte read")
+// bytesDecReader is a decReader that reads off a byte slice with zero copying
+type bytesDecReader struct {
+	b []byte // data
+	c int    // cursor
+	a int    // available
+	t int    // track start
+func (z *bytesDecReader) reset(in []byte) {
+	z.b = in
+	z.a = len(in)
+	z.c = 0
+	z.t = 0
+func (z *bytesDecReader) numread() int {
+	return z.c
+func (z *bytesDecReader) unreadn1() {
+	if z.c == 0 || len(z.b) == 0 {
+		panic(errBytesDecReaderCannotUnread)
+	}
+	z.c--
+	z.a++
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readx(n int) (bs []byte) {
+	// slicing from a non-constant start position is more expensive,
+	// as more computation is required to decipher the pointer start position.
+	// However, we do it only once, and it's better than reslicing both z.b and return value.
+	if n <= 0 {
+	} else if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	} else if n > z.a {
+		panic(io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
+	} else {
+		c0 := z.c
+		z.c = c0 + n
+		z.a = z.a - n
+		bs = z.b[c0:z.c]
+	}
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readb(bs []byte) {
+	copy(bs, z.readx(len(bs)))
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readn1() (v uint8) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	}
+	v = z.b[z.c]
+	z.c++
+	z.a--
+	return
+// func (z *bytesDecReader) readn1eof() (v uint8, eof bool) {
+// 	if z.a == 0 {
+// 		eof = true
+// 		return
+// 	}
+// 	v = z.b[z.c]
+// 	z.c++
+// 	z.a--
+// 	return
+// }
+func (z *bytesDecReader) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if !accept.isset(z.b[i]) {
+			token = z.b[i]
+			i++
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readTo(_ []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if !accept.isset(z.b[i]) {
+			out = z.b[z.c:i]
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	out = z.b[z.c:]
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	return
+func (z *bytesDecReader) readUntil(_ []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+	if z.a == 0 {
+		panic(io.EOF)
+	}
+	blen := len(z.b)
+	for i := z.c; i < blen; i++ {
+		if z.b[i] == stop {
+			i++
+			out = z.b[z.c:i]
+			z.a -= (i - z.c)
+			z.c = i
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	z.a, z.c = 0, blen
+	panic(io.EOF)
+func (z *bytesDecReader) track() {
+	z.t = z.c
+func (z *bytesDecReader) stopTrack() (bs []byte) {
+	return z.b[z.t:z.c]
+// ----------------------------------------
+// func (d *Decoder) builtin(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+// 	d.d.DecodeBuiltin(f.ti.rtid, rv2i(rv))
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) rawExt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.d.DecodeExt(rv2i(rv), 0, nil)
+func (d *Decoder) ext(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.d.DecodeExt(rv2i(rv), f.xfTag, f.xfFn)
+func (d *Decoder) selferUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	rv2i(rv).(Selfer).CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+func (d *Decoder) binaryUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	bm := rv2i(rv).(encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler)
+	xbs := d.d.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+	if fnerr := bm.UnmarshalBinary(xbs); fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) textUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	tm := rv2i(rv).(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalText(d.d.DecodeStringAsBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) jsonUnmarshal(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	tm := rv2i(rv).(jsonUnmarshaler)
+	// bs := d.d.DecodeBytes(d.b[:], true, true)
+	// grab the bytes to be read, as UnmarshalJSON needs the full JSON so as to unmarshal it itself.
+	fnerr := tm.UnmarshalJSON(d.nextValueBytes())
+	if fnerr != nil {
+		panic(fnerr)
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) kErr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	d.errorf("no decoding function defined for kind %v", rv.Kind())
+// var kIntfCtr uint64
+func (d *Decoder) kInterfaceNaked(f *codecFnInfo) (rvn reflect.Value) {
+	// nil interface:
+	// use some hieristics to decode it appropriately
+	// based on the detected next value in the stream.
+	n := d.naked()
+	d.d.DecodeNaked()
+	if n.v == valueTypeNil {
+		return
+	}
+	// We cannot decode non-nil stream value into nil interface with methods (e.g. io.Reader).
+	if f.ti.numMeth > 0 {
+		d.errorf("cannot decode non-nil codec value into nil %v (%v methods)", f.ti.rt, f.ti.numMeth)
+		return
+	}
+	// var useRvn bool
+	switch n.v {
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		// if json, default to a map type with string keys
+		mtid := d.mtid
+		if mtid == 0 {
+			if d.jsms {
+				mtid = mapStrIntfTypId
+			} else {
+				mtid = mapIntfIntfTypId
+			}
+		}
+		if mtid == mapIntfIntfTypId {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if n.lm < arrayCacheLen {
+[n.lm] = nil
+				rvn = n.rma[n.lm]
+				n.lm++
+				d.decode(&[n.lm-1])
+				n.lm--
+			} else {
+				var v2 map[interface{}]interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+		} else if mtid == mapStrIntfTypId { // for json performance
+			n.initContainers()
+			if n.ln < arrayCacheLen {
+[n.ln] = nil
+				rvn = n.rna[n.ln]
+				n.ln++
+				d.decode(&[n.ln-1])
+				n.ln--
+			} else {
+				var v2 map[string]interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+		} else {
+			if {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.MapType)
+				d.decode(rv2i(rvn))
+				rvn = rvn.Elem()
+			} else {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.MapType).Elem()
+				d.decodeValue(rvn, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		if d.stid == 0 || d.stid == intfSliceTypId {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+[] = nil
+				rvn = n.rsa[]
+				d.decode(&[])
+			} else {
+				var v2 []interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+				rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&v2).Elem()
+			}
+			if reflectArrayOfSupported && d.stid == 0 && d.h.PreferArrayOverSlice {
+				rvn2 := reflect.New(reflectArrayOf(rvn.Len(), intfTyp)).Elem()
+				reflect.Copy(rvn2, rvn)
+				rvn = rvn2
+			}
+		} else {
+			if d.str {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.SliceType)
+				d.decode(rv2i(rvn))
+				rvn = rvn.Elem()
+			} else {
+				rvn = reflect.New(d.h.SliceType).Elem()
+				d.decodeValue(rvn, nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+	case valueTypeExt:
+		var v interface{}
+		tag, bytes := n.u, n.l // calling decode below might taint the values
+		if bytes == nil {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+				n.ia[] = nil
+				d.decode(&n.ia[])
+				// v = *(&n.ia[l])
+				v = n.ia[]
+				n.ia[] = nil
+			} else {
+				d.decode(&v)
+			}
+		}
+		bfn := d.h.getExtForTag(tag)
+		if bfn == nil {
+			var re RawExt
+			re.Tag = tag
+			re.Data = detachZeroCopyBytes(d.bytes, nil, bytes)
+			re.Value = v
+			rvn = reflect.ValueOf(&re).Elem()
+		} else {
+			rvnA := reflect.New(bfn.rt)
+			if bytes != nil {
+				bfn.ext.ReadExt(rv2i(rvnA), bytes)
+			} else {
+				bfn.ext.UpdateExt(rv2i(rvnA), v)
+			}
+			rvn = rvnA.Elem()
+		}
+	case valueTypeNil:
+		// no-op
+	case valueTypeInt:
+		rvn = n.ri
+	case valueTypeUint:
+		rvn =
+	case valueTypeFloat:
+		rvn = n.rf
+	case valueTypeBool:
+		rvn = n.rb
+	case valueTypeString, valueTypeSymbol:
+		rvn =
+	case valueTypeBytes:
+		rvn = n.rl
+	case valueTypeTime:
+		rvn = n.rt
+	default:
+		panicv.errorf("kInterfaceNaked: unexpected valueType: %d", n.v)
+	}
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) kInterface(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	// Note:
+	// A consequence of how kInterface works, is that
+	// if an interface already contains something, we try
+	// to decode into what was there before.
+	// We do not replace with a generic value (as got from decodeNaked).
+	// every interface passed here MUST be settable.
+	var rvn reflect.Value
+	if rv.IsNil() || d.h.InterfaceReset {
+		// check if mapping to a type: if so, initialize it and move on
+		rvn = d.h.intf2impl(f.ti.rtid)
+		if rvn.IsValid() {
+			rv.Set(rvn)
+		} else {
+			rvn = d.kInterfaceNaked(f)
+			if rvn.IsValid() {
+				rv.Set(rvn)
+			} else if d.h.InterfaceReset {
+				// reset to zero value based on current type in there.
+				rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Elem().Type()))
+			}
+			return
+		}
+	} else {
+		// now we have a non-nil interface value, meaning it contains a type
+		rvn = rv.Elem()
+	}
+	if d.d.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rvn.Type()))
+		return
+	}
+	// Note: interface{} is settable, but underlying type may not be.
+	// Consequently, we MAY have to create a decodable value out of the underlying value,
+	// decode into it, and reset the interface itself.
+	// fmt.Printf(">>>> kInterface: rvn type: %v, rv type: %v\n", rvn.Type(), rv.Type())
+	rvn2, canDecode := isDecodeable(rvn)
+	if canDecode {
+		d.decodeValue(rvn2, nil, true)
+		return
+	}
+	rvn2 = reflect.New(rvn.Type()).Elem()
+	rvn2.Set(rvn)
+	d.decodeValue(rvn2, nil, true)
+	rv.Set(rvn2)
+func decStructFieldKey(dd decDriver, keyType valueType, b *[decScratchByteArrayLen]byte) (rvkencname []byte) {
+	// use if-else-if, not switch (which compiles to binary-search)
+	// since keyType is typically valueTypeString, branch prediction is pretty good.
+	if keyType == valueTypeString {
+		rvkencname = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeInt {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendInt(b[:0], dd.DecodeInt64(), 10)
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeUint {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendUint(b[:0], dd.DecodeUint64(), 10)
+	} else if keyType == valueTypeFloat {
+		rvkencname = strconv.AppendFloat(b[:0], dd.DecodeFloat64(), 'f', -1, 64)
+	} else {
+		rvkencname = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	}
+	return rvkencname
+func (d *Decoder) kStruct(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	fti := f.ti
+	dd := d.d
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	sfn := structFieldNode{v: rv, update: true}
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	if ctyp == valueTypeMap {
+		containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+		if containerLen == 0 {
+			dd.ReadMapEnd()
+			return
+		}
+		tisfi := fti.sfiSort
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		var rvkencname []byte
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+			}
+			rvkencname = decStructFieldKey(dd, fti.keyType, &d.b)
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+			}
+			if k := fti.indexForEncName(rvkencname); k > -1 {
+				si := tisfi[k]
+				if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+					si.setToZeroValue(rv)
+				} else {
+					d.decodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+				}
+			} else {
+				d.structFieldNotFound(-1, stringView(rvkencname))
+			}
+			// keepAlive4StringView(rvkencnameB) // not needed, as reference is outside loop
+		}
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	} else if ctyp == valueTypeArray {
+		containerLen := dd.ReadArrayStart()
+		if containerLen == 0 {
+			dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+			return
+		}
+		// Not much gain from doing it two ways for array.
+		// Arrays are not used as much for structs.
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j, si := range fti.sfiSrc {
+			if (hasLen && j == containerLen) || (!hasLen && dd.CheckBreak()) {
+				break
+			}
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadArrayElem()
+			}
+			if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+				si.setToZeroValue(rv)
+			} else {
+				d.decodeValue(sfn.field(si), nil, true)
+			}
+		}
+		if containerLen > len(fti.sfiSrc) {
+			// read remaining values and throw away
+			for j := len(fti.sfiSrc); j < containerLen; j++ {
+				if elemsep {
+					dd.ReadArrayElem()
+				}
+				d.structFieldNotFound(j, "")
+			}
+		}
+		dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		d.errorstr(errstrOnlyMapOrArrayCanDecodeIntoStruct)
+		return
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) kSlice(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	// A slice can be set from a map or array in stream.
+	// This way, the order can be kept (as order is lost with map).
+	ti := f.ti
+	if f.seq == seqTypeChan && ti.chandir&uint8(reflect.SendDir) == 0 {
+		d.errorf("receive-only channel cannot be decoded")
+	}
+	dd := d.d
+	rtelem0 := ti.elem
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	if ctyp == valueTypeBytes || ctyp == valueTypeString {
+		// you can only decode bytes or string in the stream into a slice or array of bytes
+		if !(ti.rtid == uint8SliceTypId || rtelem0.Kind() == reflect.Uint8) {
+			d.errorf("bytes/string in stream must decode into slice/array of bytes, not %v", ti.rt)
+		}
+		if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+			bs2 := dd.DecodeBytes(nil, true)
+			irv := rv2i(rv)
+			ch, ok := irv.(chan<- byte)
+			if !ok {
+				ch = irv.(chan byte)
+			}
+			for _, b := range bs2 {
+				ch <- b
+			}
+		} else {
+			rvbs := rv.Bytes()
+			bs2 := dd.DecodeBytes(rvbs, false)
+			// if rvbs == nil && bs2 != nil || rvbs != nil && bs2 == nil || len(bs2) != len(rvbs) {
+			if !(len(bs2) > 0 && len(bs2) == len(rvbs) && &bs2[0] == &rvbs[0]) {
+				if rv.CanSet() {
+					rv.SetBytes(bs2)
+				} else if len(rvbs) > 0 && len(bs2) > 0 {
+					copy(rvbs, bs2)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	// array := f.seq == seqTypeChan
+	slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart() // only expects valueType(Array|Map)
+	// an array can never return a nil slice. so no need to check f.array here.
+	if containerLenS == 0 {
+		if rv.CanSet() {
+			if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+				if rv.IsNil() {
+					rv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, 0, 0))
+				} else {
+					rv.SetLen(0)
+				}
+			} else if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+				if rv.IsNil() {
+					rv.Set(reflect.MakeChan(ti.rt, 0))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		slh.End()
+		return
+	}
+	rtelem0Size := int(rtelem0.Size())
+	rtElem0Kind := rtelem0.Kind()
+	rtelem0Mut := !isImmutableKind(rtElem0Kind)
+	rtelem := rtelem0
+	rtelemkind := rtelem.Kind()
+	for rtelemkind == reflect.Ptr {
+		rtelem = rtelem.Elem()
+		rtelemkind = rtelem.Kind()
+	}
+	var fn *codecFn
+	var rvCanset = rv.CanSet()
+	var rvChanged bool
+	var rv0 = rv
+	var rv9 reflect.Value
+	rvlen := rv.Len()
+	rvcap := rv.Cap()
+	hasLen := containerLenS > 0
+	if hasLen && f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+		if containerLenS > rvcap {
+			oldRvlenGtZero := rvlen > 0
+			rvlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, int(rtelem0.Size()))
+			if rvlen <= rvcap {
+				if rvCanset {
+					rv.SetLen(rvlen)
+				}
+			} else if rvCanset {
+				rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, rvlen, rvlen)
+				rvcap = rvlen
+				rvChanged = true
+			} else {
+				d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			}
+			if rvChanged && oldRvlenGtZero && !isImmutableKind(rtelem0.Kind()) {
+				reflect.Copy(rv, rv0) // only copy up to length NOT cap i.e. rv0.Slice(0, rvcap)
+			}
+		} else if containerLenS != rvlen {
+			rvlen = containerLenS
+			if rvCanset {
+				rv.SetLen(rvlen)
+			}
+			// else {
+			// rv = rv.Slice(0, rvlen)
+			// rvChanged = true
+			// d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			// }
+		}
+	}
+	// consider creating new element once, and just decoding into it.
+	var rtelem0Zero reflect.Value
+	var rtelem0ZeroValid bool
+	var decodeAsNil bool
+	var j int
+	d.cfer()
+	for ; (hasLen && j < containerLenS) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if j == 0 && (f.seq == seqTypeSlice || f.seq == seqTypeChan) && rv.IsNil() {
+			if hasLen {
+				rvlen = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, rtelem0Size)
+			} else if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+				rvlen = decDefSliceCap
+			} else {
+				rvlen = decDefChanCap
+			}
+			if rvCanset {
+				if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+					rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, rvlen, rvlen)
+					rvChanged = true
+				} else { // chan
+					// xdebugf(">>>>>> haslen = %v, make chan of type '%v' with length: %v", hasLen, ti.rt, rvlen)
+					rv = reflect.MakeChan(ti.rt, rvlen)
+					rvChanged = true
+				}
+			} else {
+				d.errorf("cannot decode into non-settable slice")
+			}
+		}
+		slh.ElemContainerState(j)
+		decodeAsNil = dd.TryDecodeAsNil()
+		if f.seq == seqTypeChan {
+			if decodeAsNil {
+				rv.Send(reflect.Zero(rtelem0))
+				continue
+			}
+			if rtelem0Mut || !rv9.IsValid() { // || (rtElem0Kind == reflect.Ptr && rv9.IsNil()) {
+				rv9 = reflect.New(rtelem0).Elem()
+			}
+			if fn == nil {
+				fn =, true, true)
+			}
+			d.decodeValue(rv9, fn, true)
+			// xdebugf(">>>> rv9 sent on %v during decode: %v, with len=%v, cap=%v", rv.Type(), rv9, rv.Len(), rv.Cap())
+			rv.Send(rv9)
+		} else {
+			// if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary
+			var decodeIntoBlank bool
+			if j >= rvlen {
+				if f.seq == seqTypeArray {
+					d.arrayCannotExpand(rvlen, j+1)
+					decodeIntoBlank = true
+				} else { // if f.seq == seqTypeSlice
+					// rv = reflect.Append(rv, reflect.Zero(rtelem0)) // append logic + varargs
+					var rvcap2 int
+					var rvErrmsg2 string
+					rv9, rvcap2, rvChanged, rvErrmsg2 =
+						expandSliceRV(rv, ti.rt, rvCanset, rtelem0Size, 1, rvlen, rvcap)
+					if rvErrmsg2 != "" {
+						d.errorf(rvErrmsg2)
+					}
+					rvlen++
+					if rvChanged {
+						rv = rv9
+						rvcap = rvcap2
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if decodeIntoBlank {
+				if !decodeAsNil {
+					d.swallow()
+				}
+			} else {
+				rv9 = rv.Index(j)
+				if d.h.SliceElementReset || decodeAsNil {
+					if !rtelem0ZeroValid {
+						rtelem0ZeroValid = true
+						rtelem0Zero = reflect.Zero(rtelem0)
+					}
+					rv9.Set(rtelem0Zero)
+				}
+				if decodeAsNil {
+					continue
+				}
+				if fn == nil {
+					fn =, true, true)
+				}
+				d.decodeValue(rv9, fn, true)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if f.seq == seqTypeSlice {
+		if j < rvlen {
+			if rv.CanSet() {
+				rv.SetLen(j)
+			} else if rvCanset {
+				rv = rv.Slice(0, j)
+				rvChanged = true
+			} // else { d.errorf("kSlice: cannot change non-settable slice") }
+			rvlen = j
+		} else if j == 0 && rv.IsNil() {
+			if rvCanset {
+				rv = reflect.MakeSlice(ti.rt, 0, 0)
+				rvChanged = true
+			} // else { d.errorf("kSlice: cannot change non-settable slice") }
+		}
+	}
+	slh.End()
+	if rvChanged { // infers rvCanset=true, so it can be reset
+		rv0.Set(rv)
+	}
+// func (d *Decoder) kArray(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+// 	// d.decodeValueFn(rv.Slice(0, rv.Len()))
+// 	f.kSlice(rv.Slice(0, rv.Len()))
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) kMap(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) {
+	dd := d.d
+	containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	ti := f.ti
+	if rv.IsNil() {
+		rv.Set(makeMapReflect(ti.rt, containerLen))
+	}
+	if containerLen == 0 {
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+		return
+	}
+	ktype, vtype := ti.key, ti.elem
+	ktypeId := rt2id(ktype)
+	vtypeKind := vtype.Kind()
+	var keyFn, valFn *codecFn
+	var ktypeLo, vtypeLo reflect.Type
+	for ktypeLo = ktype; ktypeLo.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; ktypeLo = ktypeLo.Elem() {
+	}
+	for vtypeLo = vtype; vtypeLo.Kind() == reflect.Ptr; vtypeLo = vtypeLo.Elem() {
+	}
+	var mapGet, mapSet bool
+	rvvImmut := isImmutableKind(vtypeKind)
+	if !d.h.MapValueReset {
+		// if pointer, mapGet = true
+		// if interface, mapGet = true if !DecodeNakedAlways (else false)
+		// if builtin, mapGet = false
+		// else mapGet = true
+		if vtypeKind == reflect.Ptr {
+			mapGet = true
+		} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Interface {
+			if !d.h.InterfaceReset {
+				mapGet = true
+			}
+		} else if !rvvImmut {
+			mapGet = true
+		}
+	}
+	var rvk, rvkp, rvv, rvz reflect.Value
+	rvkMut := !isImmutableKind(ktype.Kind()) // if ktype is immutable, then re-use the same rvk.
+	ktypeIsString := ktypeId == stringTypId
+	ktypeIsIntf := ktypeId == intfTypId
+	hasLen := containerLen > 0
+	var kstrbs []byte
+	d.cfer()
+	for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+		if rvkMut || !rvkp.IsValid() {
+			rvkp = reflect.New(ktype)
+			rvk = rvkp.Elem()
+		}
+		if elemsep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+		}
+		if false && dd.TryDecodeAsNil() { // nil cannot be a map key, so disregard this block
+			// Previously, if a nil key, we just ignored the mapped value and continued.
+			// However, that makes the result of encoding and then decoding map[intf]intf{nil:nil}
+			// to be an empty map.
+			// Instead, we treat a nil key as the zero value of the type.
+			rvk.Set(reflect.Zero(ktype))
+		} else if ktypeIsString {
+			kstrbs = dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+			rvk.SetString(stringView(kstrbs))
+			// NOTE: if doing an insert, you MUST use a real string (not stringview)
+		} else {
+			if keyFn == nil {
+				keyFn =, true, true)
+			}
+			d.decodeValue(rvk, keyFn, true)
+		}
+		// special case if a byte array.
+		if ktypeIsIntf {
+			if rvk2 := rvk.Elem(); rvk2.IsValid() {
+				if rvk2.Type() == uint8SliceTyp {
+					rvk = reflect.ValueOf(d.string(rvk2.Bytes()))
+				} else {
+					rvk = rvk2
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if elemsep {
+			dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+		}
+		// Brittle, but OK per TryDecodeAsNil() contract.
+		// i.e. TryDecodeAsNil never shares slices with other decDriver procedures
+		if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+			if ktypeIsString {
+				rvk.SetString(d.string(kstrbs))
+			}
+			if d.h.DeleteOnNilMapValue {
+				rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, reflect.Value{})
+			} else {
+				rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, reflect.Zero(vtype))
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		mapSet = true // set to false if u do a get, and its a non-nil pointer
+		if mapGet {
+			// mapGet true only in case where kind=Ptr|Interface or kind is otherwise mutable.
+			rvv = rv.MapIndex(rvk)
+			if !rvv.IsValid() {
+				rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+			} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Ptr {
+				if rvv.IsNil() {
+					rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+				} else {
+					mapSet = false
+				}
+			} else if vtypeKind == reflect.Interface {
+				// not addressable, and thus not settable.
+				// e MUST create a settable/addressable variant
+				rvv2 := reflect.New(rvv.Type()).Elem()
+				if !rvv.IsNil() {
+					rvv2.Set(rvv)
+				}
+				rvv = rvv2
+			}
+			// else it is ~mutable, and we can just decode into it directly
+		} else if rvvImmut {
+			if !rvz.IsValid() {
+				rvz = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+			}
+			rvv = rvz
+		} else {
+			rvv = reflect.New(vtype).Elem()
+		}
+		// We MUST be done with the stringview of the key, before decoding the value
+		// so that we don't bastardize the reused byte array.
+		if mapSet && ktypeIsString {
+			rvk.SetString(d.string(kstrbs))
+		}
+		if valFn == nil {
+			valFn =, true, true)
+		}
+		d.decodeValue(rvv, valFn, true)
+		// d.decodeValueFn(rvv, valFn)
+		if mapSet {
+			rv.SetMapIndex(rvk, rvv)
+		}
+		// if ktypeIsString {
+		// 	// keepAlive4StringView(kstrbs) // not needed, as reference is outside loop
+		// }
+	}
+	dd.ReadMapEnd()
+// decNaked is used to keep track of the primitives decoded.
+// Without it, we would have to decode each primitive and wrap it
+// in an interface{}, causing an allocation.
+// In this model, the primitives are decoded in a "pseudo-atomic" fashion,
+// so we can rest assured that no other decoding happens while these
+// primitives are being decoded.
+// maps and arrays are not handled by this mechanism.
+// However, RawExt is, and we accommodate for extensions that decode
+// RawExt from DecodeNaked, but need to decode the value subsequently.
+// kInterfaceNaked and swallow, which call DecodeNaked, handle this caveat.
+// However, decNaked also keeps some arrays of default maps and slices
+// used in DecodeNaked. This way, we can get a pointer to it
+// without causing a new heap allocation.
+// kInterfaceNaked will ensure that there is no allocation for the common
+// uses.
+type decNakedContainers struct {
+	// array/stacks for reducing allocation
+	// keep arrays at the bottom? Chance is that they are not used much.
+	ia [arrayCacheLen]interface{}
+	ma [arrayCacheLen]map[interface{}]interface{}
+	na [arrayCacheLen]map[string]interface{}
+	sa [arrayCacheLen][]interface{}
+	// ria [arrayCacheLen]reflect.Value // not needed, as we decode directly into &ia[n]
+	rma, rna, rsa [arrayCacheLen]reflect.Value // reflect.Value mapping to above
+func (n *decNakedContainers) init() {
+	for i := 0; i < arrayCacheLen; i++ {
+		// n.ria[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&(n.ia[i])).Elem()
+		n.rma[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+		n.rna[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+		n.rsa[i] = reflect.ValueOf(&([i])).Elem()
+	}
+type decNaked struct {
+	// r RawExt // used for RawExt, uint, []byte.
+	// primitives below
+	u uint64
+	i int64
+	f float64
+	l []byte
+	s string
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	t time.Time
+	b bool
+	// state
+	v              valueType
+	li, lm, ln, ls int8
+	inited         bool
+	*decNakedContainers
+	ru, ri, rf, rl, rs, rb, rt reflect.Value // mapping to the primitives above
+	// _ [6]uint64 // padding // no padding - rt goes into next cache line
+func (n *decNaked) init() {
+	if n.inited {
+		return
+	}
+ = reflect.ValueOf(&n.u).Elem()
+	n.ri = reflect.ValueOf(&n.i).Elem()
+	n.rf = reflect.ValueOf(&n.f).Elem()
+	n.rl = reflect.ValueOf(&n.l).Elem()
+ = reflect.ValueOf(&n.s).Elem()
+	n.rt = reflect.ValueOf(&n.t).Elem()
+	n.rb = reflect.ValueOf(&n.b).Elem()
+	n.inited = true
+	// n.rr[] = reflect.ValueOf(&n.)
+func (n *decNaked) initContainers() {
+	if n.decNakedContainers == nil {
+		n.decNakedContainers = new(decNakedContainers)
+		n.decNakedContainers.init()
+	}
+func (n *decNaked) reset() {
+	if n == nil {
+		return
+	}
+, n.lm, n.ln, = 0, 0, 0, 0
+type rtid2rv struct {
+	rtid uintptr
+	rv   reflect.Value
+// --------------
+type decReaderSwitch struct {
+	rb bytesDecReader
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	ri       *ioDecReader
+	mtr, str bool // whether maptype or slicetype are known types
+	be    bool // is binary encoding
+	bytes bool // is bytes reader
+	js    bool // is json handle
+	jsms  bool // is json handle, and MapKeyAsString
+	esep  bool // has elem separators
+// TODO: Uncomment after mid-stack inlining enabled in go 1.11
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) unreadn1() {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.unreadn1()
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.unreadn1()
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readx(n int) []byte {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readx(n)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readx(n)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readb(s []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.readb(s)
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.readb(s)
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readn1() uint8 {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readn1()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readn1()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) numread() int {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.numread()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.numread()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) track() {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		z.rb.track()
+// 	} else {
+// 		z.ri.track()
+// 	}
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) stopTrack() []byte {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.stopTrack()
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.stopTrack()
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) skip(accept *bitset256) (token byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.skip(accept)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.skip(accept)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readTo(in []byte, accept *bitset256) (out []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readTo(in, accept)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readTo(in, accept)
+// }
+// func (z *decReaderSwitch) readUntil(in []byte, stop byte) (out []byte) {
+// 	if z.bytes {
+// 		return z.rb.readUntil(in, stop)
+// 	}
+// 	return z.ri.readUntil(in, stop)
+// }
+// A Decoder reads and decodes an object from an input stream in the codec format.
+type Decoder struct {
+	panicHdl
+	// hopefully, reduce derefencing cost by laying the decReader inside the Decoder.
+	// Try to put things that go together to fit within a cache line (8 words).
+	d decDriver
+	// NOTE: Decoder shouldn't call it's read methods,
+	// as the handler MAY need to do some coordination.
+	r  decReader
+	h  *BasicHandle
+	bi *bufioDecReader
+	// cache the mapTypeId and sliceTypeId for faster comparisons
+	mtid uintptr
+	stid uintptr
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	decReaderSwitch
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	codecFnPooler
+	// cr containerStateRecv
+	n   *decNaked
+	nsp *sync.Pool
+	err error
+	// ---- cpu cache line boundary?
+	b  [decScratchByteArrayLen]byte // scratch buffer, used by Decoder and xxxEncDrivers
+	is map[string]string            // used for interning strings
+	// padding - false sharing help // modify 232 if Decoder struct changes.
+	// _ [cacheLineSize - 232%cacheLineSize]byte
+// NewDecoder returns a Decoder for decoding a stream of bytes from an io.Reader.
+// For efficiency, Users are encouraged to pass in a memory buffered reader
+// (eg bufio.Reader, bytes.Buffer).
+func NewDecoder(r io.Reader, h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := newDecoder(h)
+	d.Reset(r)
+	return d
+// NewDecoderBytes returns a Decoder which efficiently decodes directly
+// from a byte slice with zero copying.
+func NewDecoderBytes(in []byte, h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := newDecoder(h)
+	d.ResetBytes(in)
+	return d
+var defaultDecNaked decNaked
+func newDecoder(h Handle) *Decoder {
+	d := &Decoder{h: h.getBasicHandle(), err: errDecoderNotInitialized}
+	d.hh = h
+ = h.isBinary()
+	// NOTE: do not initialize d.n here. It is lazily initialized in d.naked()
+	var jh *JsonHandle
+	jh, d.js = h.(*JsonHandle)
+	if d.js {
+		d.jsms = jh.MapKeyAsString
+	}
+	d.esep = d.hh.hasElemSeparators()
+	if d.h.InternString {
+ = make(map[string]string, 32)
+	}
+	d.d = h.newDecDriver(d)
+	//, _ = d.d.(containerStateRecv)
+	return d
+func (d *Decoder) resetCommon() {
+	d.n.reset()
+	d.d.reset()
+	d.err = nil
+	// reset all things which were cached from the Handle, but could change
+	d.mtid, d.stid = 0, 0
+, d.str = false, false
+	if d.h.MapType != nil {
+		d.mtid = rt2id(d.h.MapType)
+ = fastpathAV.index(d.mtid) != -1
+	}
+	if d.h.SliceType != nil {
+		d.stid = rt2id(d.h.SliceType)
+		d.str = fastpathAV.index(d.stid) != -1
+	}
+// Reset the Decoder with a new Reader to decode from,
+// clearing all state from last run(s).
+func (d *Decoder) Reset(r io.Reader) {
+	if r == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if == nil {
+ = new(bufioDecReader)
+	}
+	d.bytes = false
+	if d.h.ReaderBufferSize > 0 {
+ = make([]byte, 0, d.h.ReaderBufferSize)
+		d.r =
+	} else {
+		// d.ri.x = &d.b
+		// d.s =[:0]
+		if d.ri == nil {
+			d.ri = new(ioDecReader)
+		}
+		d.ri.reset(r)
+		d.r = d.ri
+	}
+	d.resetCommon()
+// ResetBytes resets the Decoder with a new []byte to decode from,
+// clearing all state from last run(s).
+func (d *Decoder) ResetBytes(in []byte) {
+	if in == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	d.bytes = true
+	d.rb.reset(in)
+	d.r = &d.rb
+	d.resetCommon()
+// naked must be called before each call to .DecodeNaked,
+// as they will use it.
+func (d *Decoder) naked() *decNaked {
+	if d.n == nil {
+		// consider one of:
+		//   - get from sync.Pool  (if GC is frequent, there's no value here)
+		//   - new alloc           (safest. only init'ed if it a naked decode will be done)
+		//   - field in Decoder    (makes the Decoder struct very big)
+		// To support using a decoder where a DecodeNaked is not needed,
+		// we prefer #1 or #2.
+		// d.n = new(decNaked) // &d.nv // new(decNaked) // grab from a sync.Pool
+		// d.n.init()
+		var v interface{}
+		d.nsp, v = pool.decNaked()
+		d.n = v.(*decNaked)
+	}
+	return d.n
+// Decode decodes the stream from reader and stores the result in the
+// value pointed to by v. v cannot be a nil pointer. v can also be
+// a reflect.Value of a pointer.
+// Note that a pointer to a nil interface is not a nil pointer.
+// If you do not know what type of stream it is, pass in a pointer to a nil interface.
+// We will decode and store a value in that nil interface.
+// Sample usages:
+//   // Decoding into a non-nil typed value
+//   var f float32
+//   err = codec.NewDecoder(r, handle).Decode(&f)
+//   // Decoding into nil interface
+//   var v interface{}
+//   dec := codec.NewDecoder(r, handle)
+//   err = dec.Decode(&v)
+// When decoding into a nil interface{}, we will decode into an appropriate value based
+// on the contents of the stream:
+//   - Numbers are decoded as float64, int64 or uint64.
+//   - Other values are decoded appropriately depending on the type:
+//     bool, string, []byte, time.Time, etc
+//   - Extensions are decoded as RawExt (if no ext function registered for the tag)
+// Configurations exist on the Handle to override defaults
+// (e.g. for MapType, SliceType and how to decode raw bytes).
+// When decoding into a non-nil interface{} value, the mode of encoding is based on the
+// type of the value. When a value is seen:
+//   - If an extension is registered for it, call that extension function
+//   - If it implements BinaryUnmarshaler, call its UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
+//   - Else decode it based on its reflect.Kind
+// There are some special rules when decoding into containers (slice/array/map/struct).
+// Decode will typically use the stream contents to UPDATE the container.
+//   - A map can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching keys.
+//   - A slice can be decoded from a stream array,
+//     by updating the first n elements, where n is length of the stream.
+//   - A slice can be decoded from a stream map, by decoding as if
+//     it contains a sequence of key-value pairs.
+//   - A struct can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching fields.
+//   - A struct can be decoded from a stream array,
+//     by updating fields as they occur in the struct (by index).
+// When decoding a stream map or array with length of 0 into a nil map or slice,
+// we reset the destination map or slice to a zero-length value.
+// However, when decoding a stream nil, we reset the destination container
+// to its "zero" value (e.g. nil for slice/map, etc).
+// Note: we allow nil values in the stream anywhere except for map keys.
+// A nil value in the encoded stream where a map key is expected is treated as an error.
+func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) (err error) {
+	defer d.deferred(&err)
+	d.MustDecode(v)
+	return
+// MustDecode is like Decode, but panics if unable to Decode.
+// This provides insight to the code location that triggered the error.
+func (d *Decoder) MustDecode(v interface{}) {
+	// TODO: Top-level: ensure that v is a pointer and not nil.
+	if d.err != nil {
+		panic(d.err)
+	}
+	if d.d.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		setZero(v)
+	} else {
+		d.decode(v)
+	}
+	d.alwaysAtEnd()
+	// xprintf(">>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> num decFns: %v\n",
+func (d *Decoder) deferred(err1 *error) {
+	d.alwaysAtEnd()
+	if recoverPanicToErr {
+		if x := recover(); x != nil {
+			panicValToErr(d, x, err1)
+			panicValToErr(d, x, &d.err)
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) alwaysAtEnd() {
+	if d.n != nil {
+		// if n != nil, then nsp != nil (they are always set together)
+		d.nsp.Put(d.n)
+		d.n, d.nsp = nil, nil
+	}
+	d.codecFnPooler.alwaysAtEnd()
+// // this is not a smart swallow, as it allocates objects and does unnecessary work.
+// func (d *Decoder) swallowViaHammer() {
+// 	var blank interface{}
+// 	d.decodeValueNoFn(reflect.ValueOf(&blank).Elem())
+// }
+func (d *Decoder) swallow() {
+	// smarter decode that just swallows the content
+	dd := d.d
+	if dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
+		return
+	}
+	elemsep := d.esep
+	switch dd.ContainerType() {
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			// if clenGtEqualZero {if j >= containerLen {break} } else if dd.CheckBreak() {break}
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemKey()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadMapElemValue()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+		}
+		dd.ReadMapEnd()
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		containerLen := dd.ReadArrayStart()
+		hasLen := containerLen >= 0
+		for j := 0; (hasLen && j < containerLen) || !(hasLen || dd.CheckBreak()); j++ {
+			if elemsep {
+				dd.ReadArrayElem()
+			}
+			d.swallow()
+		}
+		dd.ReadArrayEnd()
+	case valueTypeBytes:
+		dd.DecodeBytes(d.b[:], true)
+	case valueTypeString:
+		dd.DecodeStringAsBytes()
+	default:
+		// these are all primitives, which we can get from decodeNaked
+		// if RawExt using Value, complete the processing.
+		n := d.naked()
+		dd.DecodeNaked()
+		if n.v == valueTypeExt && n.l == nil {
+			n.initContainers()
+			if < arrayCacheLen {
+				n.ia[] = nil
+				d.decode(&n.ia[])
+				n.ia[] = nil
+			} else {
+				var v2 interface{}
+				d.decode(&v2)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func setZero(iv interface{}) {
+	if iv == nil || definitelyNil(iv) {
+		return
+	}
+	var canDecode bool
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	case *string:
+		*v = ""
+	case *bool:
+		*v = false
+	case *int:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int8:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int16:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *int64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint8:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint16:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *uint64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *float32:
+		*v = 0
+	case *float64:
+		*v = 0
+	case *[]uint8:
+		*v = nil
+	case *Raw:
+		*v = nil
+	case *time.Time:
+		*v = time.Time{}
+	case reflect.Value:
+		if v, canDecode = isDecodeable(v); canDecode && v.CanSet() {
+			v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
+		} // TODO: else drain if chan, clear if map, set all to nil if slice???
+	default:
+		if !fastpathDecodeSetZeroTypeSwitch(iv) {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+			if v, canDecode = isDecodeable(v); canDecode && v.CanSet() {
+				v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
+			} // TODO: else drain if chan, clear if map, set all to nil if slice???
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) decode(iv interface{}) {
+	// check nil and interfaces explicitly,
+	// so that type switches just have a run of constant non-interface types.
+	if iv == nil {
+		d.errorstr(errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil)
+		return
+	}
+	if v, ok := iv.(Selfer); ok {
+		v.CodecDecodeSelf(d)
+		return
+	}
+	switch v := iv.(type) {
+	// case nil:
+	// case Selfer:
+	case reflect.Value:
+		v = d.ensureDecodeable(v)
+		d.decodeValue(v, nil, true)
+	case *string:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeString()
+	case *bool:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeBool()
+	case *int:
+		*v = int(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize))
+	case *int8:
+		*v = int8(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 8))
+	case *int16:
+		*v = int16(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 16))
+	case *int32:
+		*v = int32(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 32))
+	case *int64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeInt64()
+	case *uint:
+		*v = uint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize))
+	case *uint8:
+		*v = uint8(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 8))
+	case *uint16:
+		*v = uint16(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 16))
+	case *uint32:
+		*v = uint32(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 32))
+	case *uint64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeUint64()
+	case *float32:
+		f64 := d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+		if chkOvf.Float32(f64) {
+			d.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", f64)
+		}
+		*v = float32(f64)
+	case *float64:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeFloat64()
+	case *[]uint8:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeBytes(*v, false)
+	case []uint8:
+		b := d.d.DecodeBytes(v, false)
+		if !(len(b) > 0 && len(b) == len(v) && &b[0] == &v[0]) {
+			copy(v, b)
+		}
+	case *time.Time:
+		*v = d.d.DecodeTime()
+	case *Raw:
+		*v = d.rawBytes()
+	case *interface{}:
+		d.decodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(iv).Elem(), nil, true)
+		// d.decodeValueNotNil(reflect.ValueOf(iv).Elem())
+	default:
+		if !fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv, d) {
+			v := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
+			v = d.ensureDecodeable(v)
+			d.decodeValue(v, nil, false)
+			// d.decodeValueFallback(v)
+		}
+	}
+func (d *Decoder) decodeValue(rv reflect.Value, fn *codecFn, chkAll bool) {
+	// If stream is not containing a nil value, then we can deref to the base
+	// non-pointer value, and decode into that.
+	var rvp reflect.Value
+	var rvpValid bool
+	if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+		rvpValid = true
+		for {
+			if rv.IsNil() {
+				rv.Set(reflect.New(rv.Type().Elem()))
+			}
+			rvp = rv
+			rv = rv.Elem()
+			if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if fn == nil {
+		// always pass checkCodecSelfer=true, in case T or ****T is passed, where *T is a Selfer
+		fn = d.cfer().get(rv.Type(), chkAll, true) // chkAll, chkAll)
+	}
+	if fn.i.addrD {
+		if rvpValid {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rvp)
+		} else if rv.CanAddr() {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv.Addr())
+		} else if !fn.i.addrF {
+			fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv)
+		} else {
+			d.errorf("cannot decode into a non-pointer value")
+		}
+	} else {
+		fn.fd(d, &fn.i, rv)
+	}
+	// return rv
+func (d *Decoder) structFieldNotFound(index int, rvkencname string) {
+	// NOTE: rvkencname may be a stringView, so don't pass it to another function.
+	if d.h.ErrorIfNoField {
+		if index >= 0 {
+			d.errorf("no matching struct field found when decoding stream array at index %v", index)
+			return
+		} else if rvkencname != "" {
+			d.errorf("no matching struct field found when decoding stream map with key " + rvkencname)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	d.swallow()
+func (d *Decoder) arrayCannotExpand(sliceLen, streamLen int) {
+	if d.h.ErrorIfNoArrayExpand {
+		d.errorf("cannot expand array len during decode from %v to %v", sliceLen, streamLen)
+	}
+func isDecodeable(rv reflect.Value) (rv2 reflect.Value, canDecode bool) {
+	switch rv.Kind() {
+	case reflect.Array:
+		return rv, true
+	case reflect.Ptr:
+		if !rv.IsNil() {
+			return rv.Elem(), true
+		}
+	case reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map:
+		if !rv.IsNil() {
+			return rv, true
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) ensureDecodeable(rv reflect.Value) (rv2 reflect.Value) {
+	// decode can take any reflect.Value that is a inherently addressable i.e.
+	//   - array
+	//   - non-nil chan    (we will SEND to it)
+	//   - non-nil slice   (we will set its elements)
+	//   - non-nil map     (we will put into it)
+	//   - non-nil pointer (we can "update" it)
+	rv2, canDecode := isDecodeable(rv)
+	if canDecode {
+		return
+	}
+	if !rv.IsValid() {
+		d.errorstr(errstrCannotDecodeIntoNil)
+		return
+	}
+	if !rv.CanInterface() {
+		d.errorf("cannot decode into a value without an interface: %v", rv)
+		return
+	}
+	rvi := rv2i(rv)
+	rvk := rv.Kind()
+	d.errorf("cannot decode into value of kind: %v, type: %T, %v", rvk, rvi, rvi)
+	return
+// Possibly get an interned version of a string
+// This should mostly be used for map keys, where the key type is string.
+// This is because keys of a map/struct are typically reused across many objects.
+func (d *Decoder) string(v []byte) (s string) {
+	if == nil {
+		return string(v) // don't return stringView, as we need a real string here.
+	}
+	s, ok :=[string(v)] // no allocation here, per go implementation
+	if !ok {
+		s = string(v) // new allocation here
+[s] = s
+	}
+	return s
+// nextValueBytes returns the next value in the stream as a set of bytes.
+func (d *Decoder) nextValueBytes() (bs []byte) {
+	d.d.uncacheRead()
+	d.r.track()
+	d.swallow()
+	bs = d.r.stopTrack()
+	return
+func (d *Decoder) rawBytes() []byte {
+	// ensure that this is not a view into the bytes
+	// i.e. make new copy always.
+	bs := d.nextValueBytes()
+	bs2 := make([]byte, len(bs))
+	copy(bs2, bs)
+	return bs2
+func (d *Decoder) wrapErrstr(v interface{}, err *error) {
+	*err = fmt.Errorf("%s decode error [pos %d]: %v", d.hh.Name(), d.r.numread(), v)
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// decSliceHelper assists when decoding into a slice, from a map or an array in the stream.
+// A slice can be set from a map or array in stream. This supports the MapBySlice interface.
+type decSliceHelper struct {
+	d *Decoder
+	// ct valueType
+	array bool
+func (d *Decoder) decSliceHelperStart() (x decSliceHelper, clen int) {
+	dd := d.d
+	ctyp := dd.ContainerType()
+	switch ctyp {
+	case valueTypeArray:
+		x.array = true
+		clen = dd.ReadArrayStart()
+	case valueTypeMap:
+		clen = dd.ReadMapStart() * 2
+	default:
+		d.errorf("only encoded map or array can be decoded into a slice (%d)", ctyp)
+	}
+	// x.ct = ctyp
+	x.d = d
+	return
+func (x decSliceHelper) End() {
+	if x.array {
+		x.d.d.ReadArrayEnd()
+	} else {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapEnd()
+	}
+func (x decSliceHelper) ElemContainerState(index int) {
+	if x.array {
+		x.d.d.ReadArrayElem()
+	} else if index%2 == 0 {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapElemKey()
+	} else {
+		x.d.d.ReadMapElemValue()
+	}
+func decByteSlice(r decReader, clen, maxInitLen int, bs []byte) (bsOut []byte) {
+	if clen == 0 {
+		return zeroByteSlice
+	}
+	if len(bs) == clen {
+		bsOut = bs
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+	} else if cap(bs) >= clen {
+		bsOut = bs[:clen]
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+	} else {
+		// bsOut = make([]byte, clen)
+		len2 := decInferLen(clen, maxInitLen, 1)
+		bsOut = make([]byte, len2)
+		r.readb(bsOut)
+		for len2 < clen {
+			len3 := decInferLen(clen-len2, maxInitLen, 1)
+			bs3 := bsOut
+			bsOut = make([]byte, len2+len3)
+			copy(bsOut, bs3)
+			r.readb(bsOut[len2:])
+			len2 += len3
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func detachZeroCopyBytes(isBytesReader bool, dest []byte, in []byte) (out []byte) {
+	if xlen := len(in); xlen > 0 {
+		if isBytesReader || xlen <= scratchByteArrayLen {
+			if cap(dest) >= xlen {
+				out = dest[:xlen]
+			} else {
+				out = make([]byte, xlen)
+			}
+			copy(out, in)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	return in
+// decInferLen will infer a sensible length, given the following:
+//    - clen: length wanted.
+//    - maxlen: max length to be returned.
+//      if <= 0, it is unset, and we infer it based on the unit size
+//    - unit: number of bytes for each element of the collection
+func decInferLen(clen, maxlen, unit int) (rvlen int) {
+	// handle when maxlen is not set i.e. <= 0
+	if clen <= 0 {
+		return
+	}
+	if unit == 0 {
+		return clen
+	}
+	if maxlen <= 0 {
+		// no maxlen defined. Use maximum of 256K memory, with a floor of 4K items.
+		// maxlen = 256 * 1024 / unit
+		// if maxlen < (4 * 1024) {
+		// 	maxlen = 4 * 1024
+		// }
+		if unit < (256 / 4) {
+			maxlen = 256 * 1024 / unit
+		} else {
+			maxlen = 4 * 1024
+		}
+	}
+	if clen > maxlen {
+		rvlen = maxlen
+	} else {
+		rvlen = clen
+	}
+	return
+func expandSliceRV(s reflect.Value, st reflect.Type, canChange bool, stElemSize, num, slen, scap int) (
+	s2 reflect.Value, scap2 int, changed bool, err string) {
+	l1 := slen + num // new slice length
+	if l1 < slen {
+		err = errmsgExpandSliceOverflow
+		return
+	}
+	if l1 <= scap {
+		if s.CanSet() {
+			s.SetLen(l1)
+		} else if canChange {
+			s2 = s.Slice(0, l1)
+			scap2 = scap
+			changed = true
+		} else {
+			err = errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange
+			return
+		}
+		return
+	}
+	if !canChange {
+		err = errmsgExpandSliceCannotChange
+		return
+	}
+	scap2 = growCap(scap, stElemSize, num)
+	s2 = reflect.MakeSlice(st, l1, scap2)
+	changed = true
+	reflect.Copy(s2, s)
+	return
+func decReadFull(r io.Reader, bs []byte) (n int, err error) {
+	var nn int
+	for n < len(bs) && err == nil {
+		nn, err = r.Read(bs[n:])
+		if nn > 0 {
+			if err == io.EOF {
+				// leave EOF for next time
+				err = nil
+			}
+			n += nn
+		}
+	}
+	// do not do this - it serves no purpose
+	// if n != len(bs) && err == io.EOF { err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF }
+	return