This update provides:
1)  workaround around the build failures. In
summary, it forces the download of some packages during the build
2) update the set of packages that should go inside the vendor
3) Update the dockerfile to use go 1.10

Change-Id: I2bfd090ce0f25b0c10aa214755ae2da7e5384d60
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240ba9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// +build codecgen.exec
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
+package codec
+// DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM gen-dec-(map|array).go.tmpl
+const genDecMapTmpl = `
+{{var "v"}} := *{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "l"}} := r.ReadMapStart()
+{{var "bh"}} := z.DecBasicHandle()
+if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+	{{var "rl"}} := z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, {{var "bh"}}.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+	{{var "v"}} = make(map[{{ .KTyp }}]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
+var {{var "mk"}} {{ .KTyp }}
+var {{var "mv"}} {{ .Typ }}
+var {{var "mg"}}, {{var "mdn"}} {{if decElemKindPtr}}, {{var "ms"}}, {{var "mok"}}{{end}} bool
+if {{var "bh"}}.MapValueReset {
+	{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{else if decElemKindIntf}}if !{{var "bh"}}.InterfaceReset { {{var "mg"}} = true }
+	{{else if not decElemKindImmutable}}{{var "mg"}} = true
+	{{end}} }
+if {{var "l"}} != 0 {
+{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0 
+	for {{var "j"}} := 0; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+	r.ReadMapElemKey() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapKey{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmk%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVarK $x }}
+{{ if eq .KTyp "interface{}" }}{{/* // special case if a byte array. */}}if {{var "bv"}}, {{var "bok"}} := {{var "mk"}}.([]byte); {{var "bok"}} {
+		{{var "mk"}} = string({{var "bv"}})
+	}{{ end }}{{if decElemKindPtr}}
+	{{var "ms"}} = true{{end}}
+	if {{var "mg"}} {
+		{{if decElemKindPtr}}{{var "mv"}}, {{var "mok"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] 
+		if {{var "mok"}} {
+			{{var "ms"}} = false
+		} {{else}}{{var "mv"}} = {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] {{end}}
+	} {{if not decElemKindImmutable}}else { {{var "mv"}} = {{decElemZero}} }{{end}}
+	r.ReadMapElemValue() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapValue{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+	{{var "mdn"}} = false
+	{{ $x := printf "%vmv%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ $y := printf "%vmdn%v" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x $y }}
+	if {{var "mdn"}} {
+		if {{ var "bh" }}.DeleteOnNilMapValue { delete({{var "v"}}, {{var "mk"}}) } else { {{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{decElemZero}} }
+	} else if {{if decElemKindPtr}} {{var "ms"}} && {{end}} {{var "v"}} != nil {
+		{{var "v"}}[{{var "mk"}}] = {{var "mv"}}
+	}
+} // else len==0: TODO: Should we clear map entries?
+r.ReadMapEnd() {{/* z.DecSendContainerState(codecSelfer_containerMapEnd{{ .Sfx }}) */}}
+const genDecListTmpl = `
+{{var "v"}} := {{if not isArray}}*{{end}}{{ .Varname }}
+{{var "h"}}, {{var "l"}} := z.DecSliceHelperStart() {{/* // helper, containerLenS */}}{{if not isArray}}
+var {{var "c"}} bool {{/* // changed */}}
+_ = {{var "c"}}{{end}}
+if {{var "l"}} == 0 {
+	{{if isSlice }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = []{{ .Typ }}{}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if len({{var "v"}}) != 0 {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:0]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{else if isChan }}if {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make({{ .CTyp }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+} else {
+	{{var "hl"}} := {{var "l"}} > 0
+	var {{var "rl"}} int
+	_ =  {{var "rl"}}
+	{{if isSlice }} if {{var "hl"}} {
+	if {{var "l"}} > cap({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+		if {{var "rl"}} <= cap({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "rl"}}]
+		} else {
+			{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, {{var "rl"}})
+		}
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "l"}} != len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "l"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	}
+	} {{end}}
+	var {{var "j"}} int 
+    // var {{var "dn"}} bool 
+	for ; ({{var "hl"}} && {{var "j"}} < {{var "l"}}) || !({{var "hl"}} || r.CheckBreak()); {{var "j"}}++ {
+		{{if not isArray}} if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+			if {{var "hl"}} {
+				{{var "rl"}} = z.DecInferLen({{var "l"}}, z.DecBasicHandle().MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
+			} else {
+				{{var "rl"}} = {{if isSlice}}8{{else if isChan}}64{{end}}
+			}
+			{{var "v"}} = make({{if isSlice}}[]{{ .Typ }}{{else if isChan}}{{.CTyp}}{{end}}, {{var "rl"}})
+			{{var "c"}} = true 
+		}{{end}}
+		{{var "h"}}.ElemContainerState({{var "j"}})
+        {{/* {{var "dn"}} = r.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}{{/* commented out, as decLineVar handles this already each time */}}
+        {{if isChan}}{{ $x := printf "%[1]vvcx%[2]v" .TempVar .Rand }}var {{$x}} {{ .Typ }}
+		{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		{{var "v"}} <- {{ $x }}
+        // println(">>>> sending ", {{ $x }}, " into ", {{var "v"}}) // TODO: remove this
+        {{else}}{{/* // if indefinite, etc, then expand the slice if necessary */}}
+		var {{var "db"}} bool
+		if {{var "j"}} >= len({{var "v"}}) {
+			{{if isSlice }} {{var "v"}} = append({{var "v"}}, {{ zero }})
+			{{var "c"}} = true
+			{{else}} z.DecArrayCannotExpand(len(v), {{var "j"}}+1); {{var "db"}} = true
+			{{end}}
+		}
+		if {{var "db"}} {
+			z.DecSwallow()
+		} else {
+			{{ $x := printf "%[1]vv%[2]v[%[1]vj%[2]v]" .TempVar .Rand }}{{ decLineVar $x }}
+		}
+        {{end}}
+	}
+	{{if isSlice}} if {{var "j"}} < len({{var "v"}}) {
+		{{var "v"}} = {{var "v"}}[:{{var "j"}}]
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} else if {{var "j"}} == 0 && {{var "v"}} == nil {
+		{{var "v"}} = make([]{{ .Typ }}, 0)
+		{{var "c"}} = true
+	} {{end}}
+{{var "h"}}.End()
+{{if not isArray }}if {{var "c"}} { 
+	*{{ .Varname }} = {{var "v"}}
+const genEncChanTmpl = `
+switch timeout{{.Sfx}} :=  z.EncBasicHandle().ChanRecvTimeout; {
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} == 0: // only consume available
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{ .Slice }} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		default:
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+case timeout{{.Sfx}} > 0: // consume until timeout
+	tt{{.Sfx}} := time.NewTimer(timeout{{.Sfx}})
+	for {
+		select {
+		case b{{.Sfx}} := <-{{.Chan}}:
+			{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+		case <-tt{{.Sfx}}.C:
+			// close(tt.C)
+			break {{.Label}}
+		}
+	}
+default: // consume until close
+	for b{{.Sfx}} := range {{.Chan}} {
+		{{.Slice}} = append({{.Slice}}, b{{.Sfx}})
+	}