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8 kafka - The Go Programming Language
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28 <h1>
29 Package kafka
30 </h1>
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32 </div>
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56 <dl>
57 <dd>
58 <a class="overviewLink" href="#pkg-overview">
59 Overview
60 </a>
61 </dd>
62 <dd>
63 <a class="indexLink" href="#pkg-index">
64 Index
65 </a>
66 </dd>
67 <dd>
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71 <!-- The package's Name is printed as title by the top-level template -->
72 <div class="toggleVisible" id="pkg-overview">
73 <div class="collapsed">
74 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Overview section">
75 Overview ▹
76 </h2>
77 </div>
78 <div class="expanded">
79 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Overview section">
80 Overview ▾
81 </h2>
82 <p>
83 Package kafka provides high-level Apache Kafka producer and consumers
84using bindings on-top of the librdkafka C library.
85 </p>
86 <h3 id="hdr-High_level_Consumer">
87 High-level Consumer
88 </h3>
89 <p>
90 * Decide if you want to read messages and events from the `.Events()` channel
91(set `"": true`) or by calling `.Poll()`.
92 </p>
93 <p>
94 * Create a Consumer with `kafka.NewConsumer()` providing at
95least the `bootstrap.servers` and `` configuration properties.
96 </p>
97 <p>
98 * Call `.Subscribe()` or (`.SubscribeTopics()` to subscribe to multiple topics)
99to join the group with the specified subscription set.
100Subscriptions are atomic, calling `.Subscribe*()` again will leave
101the group and rejoin with the new set of topics.
102 </p>
103 <p>
104 * Start reading events and messages from either the `.Events` channel
105or by calling `.Poll()`.
106 </p>
107 <p>
108 * When the group has rebalanced each client member is assigned a
109(sub-)set of topic+partitions.
110By default the consumer will start fetching messages for its assigned
111partitions at this point, but your application may enable rebalance
112events to get an insight into what the assigned partitions where
113as well as set the initial offsets. To do this you need to pass
114`"go.application.rebalance.enable": true` to the `NewConsumer()` call
115mentioned above. You will (eventually) see a `kafka.AssignedPartitions` event
116with the assigned partition set. You can optionally modify the initial
117offsets (they'll default to stored offsets and if there are no previously stored
118offsets it will fall back to `"default.topic.config": ConfigMap{"auto.offset.reset": ..}`
119which defaults to the `latest` message) and then call `.Assign(partitions)`
120to start consuming. If you don't need to modify the initial offsets you will
121not need to call `.Assign()`, the client will do so automatically for you if
122you dont.
123 </p>
124 <p>
125 * As messages are fetched they will be made available on either the
126`.Events` channel or by calling `.Poll()`, look for event type `*kafka.Message`.
127 </p>
128 <p>
129 * Handle messages, events and errors to your liking.
130 </p>
131 <p>
132 * When you are done consuming call `.Close()` to commit final offsets
133and leave the consumer group.
134 </p>
135 <h3 id="hdr-Producer">
136 Producer
137 </h3>
138 <p>
139 * Create a Producer with `kafka.NewProducer()` providing at least
140the `bootstrap.servers` configuration properties.
141 </p>
142 <p>
143 * Messages may now be produced either by sending a `*kafka.Message`
144on the `.ProduceChannel` or by calling `.Produce()`.
145 </p>
146 <p>
147 * Producing is an asynchronous operation so the client notifies the application
148of per-message produce success or failure through something called delivery reports.
149Delivery reports are by default emitted on the `.Events()` channel as `*kafka.Message`
150and you should check `msg.TopicPartition.Error` for `nil` to find out if the message
151was succesfully delivered or not.
152It is also possible to direct delivery reports to alternate channels
153by providing a non-nil `chan Event` channel to `.Produce()`.
154If no delivery reports are wanted they can be completely disabled by
155setting configuration property `"": false`.
156 </p>
157 <p>
158 * When you are done producing messages you will need to make sure all messages
159are indeed delivered to the broker (or failed), remember that this is
160an asynchronous client so some of your messages may be lingering in internal
161channels or tranmission queues.
162To do this you can either keep track of the messages you've produced
163and wait for their corresponding delivery reports, or call the convenience
164function `.Flush()` that will block until all message deliveries are done
165or the provided timeout elapses.
166 </p>
167 <p>
168 * Finally call `.Close()` to decommission the producer.
169 </p>
170 <h3 id="hdr-Events">
171 Events
172 </h3>
173 <p>
174 Apart from emitting messages and delivery reports the client also communicates
175with the application through a number of different event types.
176An application may choose to handle or ignore these events.
177 </p>
178 <h3 id="hdr-Consumer_events">
179 Consumer events
180 </h3>
181 <p>
182 * `*kafka.Message` - a fetched message.
183 </p>
184 <p>
185 * `AssignedPartitions` - The assigned partition set for this client following a rebalance.
186Requires `go.application.rebalance.enable`
187 </p>
188 <p>
189 * `RevokedPartitions` - The counter part to `AssignedPartitions` following a rebalance.
190`AssignedPartitions` and `RevokedPartitions` are symetrical.
191Requires `go.application.rebalance.enable`
192 </p>
193 <p>
194 * `PartitionEOF` - Consumer has reached the end of a partition.
195NOTE: The consumer will keep trying to fetch new messages for the partition.
196 </p>
197 <p>
198 * `OffsetsCommitted` - Offset commit results (when `` is enabled).
199 </p>
200 <h3 id="hdr-Producer_events">
201 Producer events
202 </h3>
203 <p>
204 * `*kafka.Message` - delivery report for produced message.
205Check `.TopicPartition.Error` for delivery result.
206 </p>
207 <h3 id="hdr-Generic_events_for_both_Consumer_and_Producer">
208 Generic events for both Consumer and Producer
209 </h3>
210 <p>
211 * `KafkaError` - client (error codes are prefixed with _) or broker error.
212These errors are normally just informational since the
213client will try its best to automatically recover (eventually).
214 </p>
215 <p>
216 Hint: If your application registers a signal notification
217(signal.Notify) makes sure the signals channel is buffered to avoid
218possible complications with blocking Poll() calls.
219 </p>
220 </div>
221 </div>
222 <div class="toggleVisible" id="pkg-index">
223 <div class="collapsed">
224 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Index section">
225 Index ▹
226 </h2>
227 </div>
228 <div class="expanded">
229 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Index section">
230 Index ▾
231 </h2>
232 <!-- Table of contents for API; must be named manual-nav to turn off auto nav. -->
233 <div id="manual-nav">
234 <dl>
235 <dd>
236 <a href="#pkg-constants">
237 Constants
238 </a>
239 </dd>
240 <dd>
241 <a href="#LibraryVersion">
242 func LibraryVersion() (int, string)
243 </a>
244 </dd>
245 <dd>
246 <a href="#AssignedPartitions">
247 type AssignedPartitions
248 </a>
249 </dd>
250 <dd>
251 <a href="#AssignedPartitions.String">
252 func (e AssignedPartitions) String() string
253 </a>
254 </dd>
255 <dd>
256 <a href="#BrokerMetadata">
257 type BrokerMetadata
258 </a>
259 </dd>
260 <dd>
261 <a href="#ConfigMap">
262 type ConfigMap
263 </a>
264 </dd>
265 <dd>
266 <a href="#ConfigMap.Set">
267 func (m ConfigMap) Set(kv string) error
268 </a>
269 </dd>
270 <dd>
271 <a href="#ConfigMap.SetKey">
272 func (m ConfigMap) SetKey(key string, value ConfigValue) error
273 </a>
274 </dd>
275 <dd>
276 <a href="#ConfigValue">
277 type ConfigValue
278 </a>
279 </dd>
280 <dd>
281 <a href="#Consumer">
282 type Consumer
283 </a>
284 </dd>
285 <dd>
286 <a href="#NewConsumer">
287 func NewConsumer(conf *ConfigMap) (*Consumer, error)
288 </a>
289 </dd>
290 <dd>
291 <a href="#Consumer.Assign">
292 func (c *Consumer) Assign(partitions []TopicPartition) (err error)
293 </a>
294 </dd>
295 <dd>
296 <a href="#Consumer.Close">
297 func (c *Consumer) Close() (err error)
298 </a>
299 </dd>
300 <dd>
301 <a href="#Consumer.Commit">
302 func (c *Consumer) Commit() ([]TopicPartition, error)
303 </a>
304 </dd>
305 <dd>
306 <a href="#Consumer.CommitMessage">
307 func (c *Consumer) CommitMessage(m *Message) ([]TopicPartition, error)
308 </a>
309 </dd>
310 <dd>
311 <a href="#Consumer.CommitOffsets">
312 func (c *Consumer) CommitOffsets(offsets []TopicPartition) ([]TopicPartition, error)
313 </a>
314 </dd>
315 <dd>
316 <a href="#Consumer.Events">
317 func (c *Consumer) Events() chan Event
318 </a>
319 </dd>
320 <dd>
321 <a href="#Consumer.GetMetadata">
322 func (c *Consumer) GetMetadata(topic *string, allTopics bool, timeoutMs int) (*Metadata, error)
323 </a>
324 </dd>
325 <dd>
326 <a href="#Consumer.Poll">
327 func (c *Consumer) Poll(timeoutMs int) (event Event)
328 </a>
329 </dd>
330 <dd>
331 <a href="#Consumer.QueryWatermarkOffsets">
332 func (c *Consumer) QueryWatermarkOffsets(topic string, partition int32, timeoutMs int) (low, high int64, err error)
333 </a>
334 </dd>
335 <dd>
336 <a href="#Consumer.String">
337 func (c *Consumer) String() string
338 </a>
339 </dd>
340 <dd>
341 <a href="#Consumer.Subscribe">
342 func (c *Consumer) Subscribe(topic string, rebalanceCb RebalanceCb) error
343 </a>
344 </dd>
345 <dd>
346 <a href="#Consumer.SubscribeTopics">
347 func (c *Consumer) SubscribeTopics(topics []string, rebalanceCb RebalanceCb) (err error)
348 </a>
349 </dd>
350 <dd>
351 <a href="#Consumer.Unassign">
352 func (c *Consumer) Unassign() (err error)
353 </a>
354 </dd>
355 <dd>
356 <a href="#Consumer.Unsubscribe">
357 func (c *Consumer) Unsubscribe() (err error)
358 </a>
359 </dd>
360 <dd>
361 <a href="#Error">
362 type Error
363 </a>
364 </dd>
365 <dd>
366 <a href="#Error.Code">
367 func (e Error) Code() ErrorCode
368 </a>
369 </dd>
370 <dd>
371 <a href="#Error.Error">
372 func (e Error) Error() string
373 </a>
374 </dd>
375 <dd>
376 <a href="#Error.String">
377 func (e Error) String() string
378 </a>
379 </dd>
380 <dd>
381 <a href="#ErrorCode">
382 type ErrorCode
383 </a>
384 </dd>
385 <dd>
386 <a href="#ErrorCode.String">
387 func (c ErrorCode) String() string
388 </a>
389 </dd>
390 <dd>
391 <a href="#Event">
392 type Event
393 </a>
394 </dd>
395 <dd>
396 <a href="#Handle">
397 type Handle
398 </a>
399 </dd>
400 <dd>
401 <a href="#Message">
402 type Message
403 </a>
404 </dd>
405 <dd>
406 <a href="#Message.String">
407 func (m *Message) String() string
408 </a>
409 </dd>
410 <dd>
411 <a href="#Metadata">
412 type Metadata
413 </a>
414 </dd>
415 <dd>
416 <a href="#Offset">
417 type Offset
418 </a>
419 </dd>
420 <dd>
421 <a href="#NewOffset">
422 func NewOffset(offset interface{}) (Offset, error)
423 </a>
424 </dd>
425 <dd>
426 <a href="#OffsetTail">
427 func OffsetTail(relativeOffset Offset) Offset
428 </a>
429 </dd>
430 <dd>
431 <a href="#Offset.Set">
432 func (o Offset) Set(offset interface{}) error
433 </a>
434 </dd>
435 <dd>
436 <a href="#Offset.String">
437 func (o Offset) String() string
438 </a>
439 </dd>
440 <dd>
441 <a href="#OffsetsCommitted">
442 type OffsetsCommitted
443 </a>
444 </dd>
445 <dd>
446 <a href="#OffsetsCommitted.String">
447 func (o OffsetsCommitted) String() string
448 </a>
449 </dd>
450 <dd>
451 <a href="#PartitionEOF">
452 type PartitionEOF
453 </a>
454 </dd>
455 <dd>
456 <a href="#PartitionEOF.String">
457 func (p PartitionEOF) String() string
458 </a>
459 </dd>
460 <dd>
461 <a href="#PartitionMetadata">
462 type PartitionMetadata
463 </a>
464 </dd>
465 <dd>
466 <a href="#Producer">
467 type Producer
468 </a>
469 </dd>
470 <dd>
471 <a href="#NewProducer">
472 func NewProducer(conf *ConfigMap) (*Producer, error)
473 </a>
474 </dd>
475 <dd>
476 <a href="#Producer.Close">
477 func (p *Producer) Close()
478 </a>
479 </dd>
480 <dd>
481 <a href="#Producer.Events">
482 func (p *Producer) Events() chan Event
483 </a>
484 </dd>
485 <dd>
486 <a href="#Producer.Flush">
487 func (p *Producer) Flush(timeoutMs int) int
488 </a>
489 </dd>
490 <dd>
491 <a href="#Producer.GetMetadata">
492 func (p *Producer) GetMetadata(topic *string, allTopics bool, timeoutMs int) (*Metadata, error)
493 </a>
494 </dd>
495 <dd>
496 <a href="#Producer.Len">
497 func (p *Producer) Len() int
498 </a>
499 </dd>
500 <dd>
501 <a href="#Producer.Produce">
502 func (p *Producer) Produce(msg *Message, deliveryChan chan Event) error
503 </a>
504 </dd>
505 <dd>
506 <a href="#Producer.ProduceChannel">
507 func (p *Producer) ProduceChannel() chan *Message
508 </a>
509 </dd>
510 <dd>
511 <a href="#Producer.QueryWatermarkOffsets">
512 func (p *Producer) QueryWatermarkOffsets(topic string, partition int32, timeoutMs int) (low, high int64, err error)
513 </a>
514 </dd>
515 <dd>
516 <a href="#Producer.String">
517 func (p *Producer) String() string
518 </a>
519 </dd>
520 <dd>
521 <a href="#RebalanceCb">
522 type RebalanceCb
523 </a>
524 </dd>
525 <dd>
526 <a href="#RevokedPartitions">
527 type RevokedPartitions
528 </a>
529 </dd>
530 <dd>
531 <a href="#RevokedPartitions.String">
532 func (e RevokedPartitions) String() string
533 </a>
534 </dd>
535 <dd>
536 <a href="#TimestampType">
537 type TimestampType
538 </a>
539 </dd>
540 <dd>
541 <a href="#TimestampType.String">
542 func (t TimestampType) String() string
543 </a>
544 </dd>
545 <dd>
546 <a href="#TopicMetadata">
547 type TopicMetadata
548 </a>
549 </dd>
550 <dd>
551 <a href="#TopicPartition">
552 type TopicPartition
553 </a>
554 </dd>
555 <dd>
556 <a href="#TopicPartition.String">
557 func (p TopicPartition) String() string
558 </a>
559 </dd>
560 </dl>
561 </div>
562 <!-- #manual-nav -->
563 <h4>
564 Package files
565 </h4>
566 <p>
567 <span style="font-size:90%">
568 <a href="">
569 build_dynamic.go
570 </a>
571 <a href="">
572 config.go
573 </a>
574 <a href="">
575 consumer.go
576 </a>
577 <a href="">
578 error.go
579 </a>
580 <a href="">
581 event.go
582 </a>
583 <a href="">
584 generated_errors.go
585 </a>
586 <a href="">
587 handle.go
588 </a>
589 <a href="">
590 kafka.go
591 </a>
592 <a href="">
593 message.go
594 </a>
595 <a href="">
596 metadata.go
597 </a>
598 <a href="">
599 misc.go
600 </a>
601 <a href="">
602 producer.go
603 </a>
604 <a href="">
605 testhelpers.go
606 </a>
607 </span>
608 </p>
609 </div>
610 <!-- .expanded -->
611 </div>
612 <!-- #pkg-index -->
613 <div class="toggle" id="pkg-callgraph" style="display: none">
614 <div class="collapsed">
615 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Internal Call Graph section">
616 Internal call graph ▹
617 </h2>
618 </div>
619 <!-- .expanded -->
620 <div class="expanded">
621 <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Internal Call Graph section">
622 Internal call graph ▾
623 </h2>
624 <p>
625 In the call graph viewer below, each node
626 is a function belonging to this package
627 and its children are the functions it
628 calls—perhaps dynamically.
629 </p>
630 <p>
631 The root nodes are the entry points of the
632 package: functions that may be called from
633 outside the package.
634 There may be non-exported or anonymous
635 functions among them if they are called
636 dynamically from another package.
637 </p>
638 <p>
639 Click a node to visit that function's source code.
640 From there you can visit its callers by
641 clicking its declaring
642 <code>
643 func
644 </code>
645 token.
646 </p>
647 <p>
648 Functions may be omitted if they were
649 determined to be unreachable in the
650 particular programs or tests that were
651 analyzed.
652 </p>
653 <!-- Zero means show all package entry points. -->
654 <ul class="treeview" id="callgraph-0" style="margin-left: 0.5in">
655 </ul>
656 </div>
657 </div>
658 <!-- #pkg-callgraph -->
659 <h2 id="pkg-constants">
660 Constants
661 </h2>
662 <pre>const (
663 <span class="comment">// TimestampNotAvailable indicates no timestamp was set, or not available due to lacking broker support</span>
664 <span id="TimestampNotAvailable">TimestampNotAvailable</span> = <a href="#TimestampType">TimestampType</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE</a>)
665 <span class="comment">// TimestampCreateTime indicates timestamp set by producer (source time)</span>
666 <span id="TimestampCreateTime">TimestampCreateTime</span> = <a href="#TimestampType">TimestampType</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_CREATE_TIME</a>)
667 <span class="comment">// TimestampLogAppendTime indicates timestamp set set by broker (store time)</span>
668 <span id="TimestampLogAppendTime">TimestampLogAppendTime</span> = <a href="#TimestampType">TimestampType</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_LOG_APPEND_TIME</a>)
670 <pre>const <span id="OffsetBeginning">OffsetBeginning</span> = <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_BEGINNING</a>)</pre>
671 <p>
672 Earliest offset (logical)
673 </p>
674 <pre>const <span id="OffsetEnd">OffsetEnd</span> = <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_END</a>)</pre>
675 <p>
676 Latest offset (logical)
677 </p>
678 <pre>const <span id="OffsetInvalid">OffsetInvalid</span> = <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID</a>)</pre>
679 <p>
680 Invalid/unspecified offset
681 </p>
682 <pre>const <span id="OffsetStored">OffsetStored</span> = <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_STORED</a>)</pre>
683 <p>
684 Use stored offset
685 </p>
686 <pre>const <span id="PartitionAny">PartitionAny</span> = <a href="">int32</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA</a>)</pre>
687 <p>
688 Any partition (for partitioning), or unspecified value (for all other cases)
689 </p>
690 <h2 id="LibraryVersion">
691 func
692 <a href="">
693 LibraryVersion
694 </a>
695 </h2>
696 <pre>func LibraryVersion() (<a href="">int</a>, <a href="">string</a>)</pre>
697 <p>
698 LibraryVersion returns the underlying librdkafka library version as a
699(version_int, version_str) tuple.
700 </p>
701 <h2 id="AssignedPartitions">
702 type
703 <a href="">
704 AssignedPartitions
705 </a>
706 </h2>
707 <pre>type AssignedPartitions struct {
708 Partitions []<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>
710 <p>
711 AssignedPartitions consumer group rebalance event: assigned partition set
712 </p>
713 <h3 id="AssignedPartitions.String">
714 func (AssignedPartitions)
715 <a href="">
716 String
717 </a>
718 </h3>
719 <pre>func (e <a href="#AssignedPartitions">AssignedPartitions</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
720 <h2 id="BrokerMetadata">
721 type
722 <a href="">
723 BrokerMetadata
724 </a>
725 </h2>
726 <pre>type BrokerMetadata struct {
727 ID <a href="">int32</a>
728 Host <a href="">string</a>
729 Port <a href="">int</a>
731 <p>
732 BrokerMetadata contains per-broker metadata
733 </p>
734 <h2 id="ConfigMap">
735 type
736 <a href="">
737 ConfigMap
738 </a>
739 </h2>
740 <pre>type ConfigMap map[<a href="">string</a>]<a href="#ConfigValue">ConfigValue</a></pre>
741 <p>
742 ConfigMap is a map contaning standard librdkafka configuration properties as documented in:
743 <a href="">
745 </a>
746 </p>
747 <p>
748 The special property "default.topic.config" (optional) is a ConfigMap containing default topic
749configuration properties.
750 </p>
751 <h3 id="ConfigMap.Set">
752 func (ConfigMap)
753 <a href="">
754 Set
755 </a>
756 </h3>
757 <pre>func (m <a href="#ConfigMap">ConfigMap</a>) Set(kv <a href="">string</a>) <a href="">error</a></pre>
758 <p>
759 Set implements flag.Set (command line argument parser) as a convenience
760for `-X key=value` config.
761 </p>
762 <h3 id="ConfigMap.SetKey">
763 func (ConfigMap)
764 <a href="">
765 SetKey
766 </a>
767 </h3>
768 <pre>func (m <a href="#ConfigMap">ConfigMap</a>) SetKey(key <a href="">string</a>, value <a href="#ConfigValue">ConfigValue</a>) <a href="">error</a></pre>
769 <p>
770 SetKey sets configuration property key to value.
771For user convenience a key prefixed with {topic}. will be
772set on the "default.topic.config" sub-map.
773 </p>
774 <h2 id="ConfigValue">
775 type
776 <a href="">
777 ConfigValue
778 </a>
779 </h2>
780 <pre>type ConfigValue interface{}</pre>
781 <p>
782 ConfigValue supports the following types:
783 </p>
784 <pre>bool, int, string, any type with the standard String() interface
786 <h2 id="Consumer">
787 type
788 <a href="">
789 Consumer
790 </a>
791 </h2>
792 <pre>type Consumer struct {
793 <span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span>
795 <p>
796 Consumer implements a High-level Apache Kafka Consumer instance
797 </p>
798 <h3 id="NewConsumer">
799 func
800 <a href="">
801 NewConsumer
802 </a>
803 </h3>
804 <pre>func NewConsumer(conf *<a href="#ConfigMap">ConfigMap</a>) (*<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
805 <p>
806 NewConsumer creates a new high-level Consumer instance.
807 </p>
808 <p>
809 Supported special configuration properties:
810 </p>
811 <pre>go.application.rebalance.enable (bool, false) - Forward rebalancing responsibility to application via the Events() channel.
812 If set to true the app must handle the AssignedPartitions and
813 RevokedPartitions events and call Assign() and Unassign()
814 respectively. (bool, false) - Enable the Events() channel. Messages and events will be pushed on the Events() channel and the Poll() interface will be disabled. (Experimental) (int, 1000) - Events() channel size
818 <p>
819 WARNING: Due to the buffering nature of channels (and queues in general) the
820use of the events channel risks receiving outdated events and
821messages. Minimizing reduces the risk
822and number of outdated events and messages but does not eliminate
823the factor completely. With a channel size of 1 at most one
824event or message may be outdated.
825 </p>
826 <h3 id="Consumer.Assign">
827 func (*Consumer)
828 <a href="">
829 Assign
830 </a>
831 </h3>
832 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Assign(partitions []<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>) (err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
833 <p>
834 Assign an atomic set of partitions to consume.
835This replaces the current assignment.
836 </p>
837 <h3 id="Consumer.Close">
838 func (*Consumer)
839 <a href="">
840 Close
841 </a>
842 </h3>
843 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Close() (err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
844 <p>
845 Close Consumer instance.
846The object is no longer usable after this call.
847 </p>
848 <h3 id="Consumer.Commit">
849 func (*Consumer)
850 <a href="">
851 Commit
852 </a>
853 </h3>
854 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Commit() ([]<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
855 <p>
856 Commit offsets for currently assigned partitions
857This is a blocking call.
858Returns the committed offsets on success.
859 </p>
860 <h3 id="Consumer.CommitMessage">
861 func (*Consumer)
862 <a href="">
863 CommitMessage
864 </a>
865 </h3>
866 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) CommitMessage(m *<a href="#Message">Message</a>) ([]<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
867 <p>
868 CommitMessage commits offset based on the provided message.
869This is a blocking call.
870Returns the committed offsets on success.
871 </p>
872 <h3 id="Consumer.CommitOffsets">
873 func (*Consumer)
874 <a href="">
875 CommitOffsets
876 </a>
877 </h3>
878 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) CommitOffsets(offsets []<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>) ([]<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
879 <p>
880 CommitOffsets commits the provided list of offsets
881This is a blocking call.
882Returns the committed offsets on success.
883 </p>
884 <h3 id="Consumer.Events">
885 func (*Consumer)
886 <a href="">
887 Events
888 </a>
889 </h3>
890 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Events() chan <a href="#Event">Event</a></pre>
891 <p>
892 Events returns the Events channel (if enabled)
893 </p>
894 <h3 id="Consumer.GetMetadata">
895 func (*Consumer)
896 <a href="">
897 GetMetadata
898 </a>
899 </h3>
900 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) GetMetadata(topic *<a href="">string</a>, allTopics <a href="">bool</a>, timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) (*<a href="#Metadata">Metadata</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
901 <p>
902 GetMetadata queries broker for cluster and topic metadata.
903If topic is non-nil only information about that topic is returned, else if
904allTopics is false only information about locally used topics is returned,
905else information about all topics is returned.
906 </p>
907 <h3 id="Consumer.Poll">
908 func (*Consumer)
909 <a href="">
910 Poll
911 </a>
912 </h3>
913 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Poll(timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) (event <a href="#Event">Event</a>)</pre>
914 <p>
915 Poll the consumer for messages or events.
916 </p>
917 <h3 id="hdr-Will_block_for_at_most_timeoutMs_milliseconds">
918 Will block for at most timeoutMs milliseconds
919 </h3>
920 <p>
921 The following callbacks may be triggered:
922 </p>
923 <pre>Subscribe()'s rebalanceCb
925 <p>
926 Returns nil on timeout, else an Event
927 </p>
928 <h3 id="Consumer.QueryWatermarkOffsets">
929 func (*Consumer)
930 <a href="">
931 QueryWatermarkOffsets
932 </a>
933 </h3>
934 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) QueryWatermarkOffsets(topic <a href="">string</a>, partition <a href="">int32</a>, timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) (low, high <a href="">int64</a>, err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
935 <p>
936 QueryWatermarkOffsets returns the broker's low and high offsets for the given topic
937and partition.
938 </p>
939 <h3 id="Consumer.String">
940 func (*Consumer)
941 <a href="">
942 String
943 </a>
944 </h3>
945 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
946 <p>
947 Strings returns a human readable name for a Consumer instance
948 </p>
949 <h3 id="Consumer.Subscribe">
950 func (*Consumer)
951 <a href="">
952 Subscribe
953 </a>
954 </h3>
955 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Subscribe(topic <a href="">string</a>, rebalanceCb <a href="#RebalanceCb">RebalanceCb</a>) <a href="">error</a></pre>
956 <p>
957 Subscribe to a single topic
958This replaces the current subscription
959 </p>
960 <h3 id="Consumer.SubscribeTopics">
961 func (*Consumer)
962 <a href="">
963 SubscribeTopics
964 </a>
965 </h3>
966 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) SubscribeTopics(topics []<a href="">string</a>, rebalanceCb <a href="#RebalanceCb">RebalanceCb</a>) (err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
967 <p>
968 SubscribeTopics subscribes to the provided list of topics.
969This replaces the current subscription.
970 </p>
971 <h3 id="Consumer.Unassign">
972 func (*Consumer)
973 <a href="">
974 Unassign
975 </a>
976 </h3>
977 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Unassign() (err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
978 <p>
979 Unassign the current set of partitions to consume.
980 </p>
981 <h3 id="Consumer.Unsubscribe">
982 func (*Consumer)
983 <a href="">
984 Unsubscribe
985 </a>
986 </h3>
987 <pre>func (c *<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>) Unsubscribe() (err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
988 <p>
989 Unsubscribe from the current subscription, if any.
990 </p>
991 <h2 id="Error">
992 type
993 <a href="">
994 Error
995 </a>
996 </h2>
997 <pre>type Error struct {
998 <span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span>
1000 <p>
1001 Error provides a Kafka-specific error container
1002 </p>
1003 <h3 id="Error.Code">
1004 func (Error)
1005 <a href="">
1006 Code
1007 </a>
1008 </h3>
1009 <pre>func (e <a href="#Error">Error</a>) Code() <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a></pre>
1010 <p>
1011 Code returns the ErrorCode of an Error
1012 </p>
1013 <h3 id="Error.Error">
1014 func (Error)
1015 <a href="">
1016 Error
1017 </a>
1018 </h3>
1019 <pre>func (e <a href="#Error">Error</a>) Error() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1020 <p>
1021 Error returns a human readable representation of an Error
1022Same as Error.String()
1023 </p>
1024 <h3 id="Error.String">
1025 func (Error)
1026 <a href="">
1027 String
1028 </a>
1029 </h3>
1030 <pre>func (e <a href="#Error">Error</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1031 <p>
1032 String returns a human readable representation of an Error
1033 </p>
1034 <h2 id="ErrorCode">
1035 type
1036 <a href="">
1037 ErrorCode
1038 </a>
1039 </h2>
1040 <pre>type ErrorCode <a href="">int</a></pre>
1041 <p>
1042 ErrorCode is the integer representation of local and broker error codes
1043 </p>
1044 <pre>const (
1045 <span class="comment">// ErrBadMsg Local: Bad message format</span>
1046 <span id="ErrBadMsg">ErrBadMsg</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BAD_MSG</a>)
1047 <span class="comment">// ErrBadCompression Local: Invalid compressed data</span>
1048 <span id="ErrBadCompression">ErrBadCompression</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BAD_COMPRESSION</a>)
1049 <span class="comment">// ErrDestroy Local: Broker handle destroyed</span>
1050 <span id="ErrDestroy">ErrDestroy</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__DESTROY</a>)
1051 <span class="comment">// ErrFail Local: Communication failure with broker</span>
1052 <span id="ErrFail">ErrFail</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FAIL</a>)
1053 <span class="comment">// ErrTransport Local: Broker transport failure</span>
1054 <span id="ErrTransport">ErrTransport</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TRANSPORT</a>)
1055 <span class="comment">// ErrCritSysResource Local: Critical system resource failure</span>
1056 <span id="ErrCritSysResource">ErrCritSysResource</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CRIT_SYS_RESOURCE</a>)
1057 <span class="comment">// ErrResolve Local: Host resolution failure</span>
1058 <span id="ErrResolve">ErrResolve</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__RESOLVE</a>)
1059 <span class="comment">// ErrMsgTimedOut Local: Message timed out</span>
1060 <span id="ErrMsgTimedOut">ErrMsgTimedOut</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__MSG_TIMED_OUT</a>)
1061 <span class="comment">// ErrPartitionEOF Broker: No more messages</span>
1062 <span id="ErrPartitionEOF">ErrPartitionEOF</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF</a>)
1063 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownPartition Local: Unknown partition</span>
1064 <span id="ErrUnknownPartition">ErrUnknownPartition</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION</a>)
1065 <span class="comment">// ErrFs Local: File or filesystem error</span>
1066 <span id="ErrFs">ErrFs</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FS</a>)
1067 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownTopic Local: Unknown topic</span>
1068 <span id="ErrUnknownTopic">ErrUnknownTopic</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC</a>)
1069 <span class="comment">// ErrAllBrokersDown Local: All broker connections are down</span>
1070 <span id="ErrAllBrokersDown">ErrAllBrokersDown</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ALL_BROKERS_DOWN</a>)
1071 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidArg Local: Invalid argument or configuration</span>
1072 <span id="ErrInvalidArg">ErrInvalidArg</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG</a>)
1073 <span class="comment">// ErrTimedOut Local: Timed out</span>
1074 <span id="ErrTimedOut">ErrTimedOut</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT</a>)
1075 <span class="comment">// ErrQueueFull Local: Queue full</span>
1076 <span id="ErrQueueFull">ErrQueueFull</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__QUEUE_FULL</a>)
1077 <span class="comment">// ErrIsrInsuff Local: ISR count insufficient</span>
1078 <span id="ErrIsrInsuff">ErrIsrInsuff</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ISR_INSUFF</a>)
1079 <span class="comment">// ErrNodeUpdate Local: Broker node update</span>
1080 <span id="ErrNodeUpdate">ErrNodeUpdate</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NODE_UPDATE</a>)
1081 <span class="comment">// ErrSsl Local: SSL error</span>
1082 <span id="ErrSsl">ErrSsl</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__SSL</a>)
1083 <span class="comment">// ErrWaitCoord Local: Waiting for coordinator</span>
1084 <span id="ErrWaitCoord">ErrWaitCoord</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__WAIT_COORD</a>)
1085 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownGroup Local: Unknown group</span>
1086 <span id="ErrUnknownGroup">ErrUnknownGroup</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_GROUP</a>)
1087 <span class="comment">// ErrInProgress Local: Operation in progress</span>
1088 <span id="ErrInProgress">ErrInProgress</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__IN_PROGRESS</a>)
1089 <span class="comment">// ErrPrevInProgress Local: Previous operation in progress</span>
1090 <span id="ErrPrevInProgress">ErrPrevInProgress</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PREV_IN_PROGRESS</a>)
1091 <span class="comment">// ErrExistingSubscription Local: Existing subscription</span>
1092 <span id="ErrExistingSubscription">ErrExistingSubscription</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__EXISTING_SUBSCRIPTION</a>)
1093 <span class="comment">// ErrAssignPartitions Local: Assign partitions</span>
1094 <span id="ErrAssignPartitions">ErrAssignPartitions</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS</a>)
1095 <span class="comment">// ErrRevokePartitions Local: Revoke partitions</span>
1096 <span id="ErrRevokePartitions">ErrRevokePartitions</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS</a>)
1097 <span class="comment">// ErrConflict Local: Conflicting use</span>
1098 <span id="ErrConflict">ErrConflict</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT</a>)
1099 <span class="comment">// ErrState Local: Erroneous state</span>
1100 <span id="ErrState">ErrState</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE</a>)
1101 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownProtocol Local: Unknown protocol</span>
1102 <span id="ErrUnknownProtocol">ErrUnknownProtocol</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL</a>)
1103 <span class="comment">// ErrNotImplemented Local: Not implemented</span>
1104 <span id="ErrNotImplemented">ErrNotImplemented</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_IMPLEMENTED</a>)
1105 <span class="comment">// ErrAuthentication Local: Authentication failure</span>
1106 <span id="ErrAuthentication">ErrAuthentication</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__AUTHENTICATION</a>)
1107 <span class="comment">// ErrNoOffset Local: No offset stored</span>
1108 <span id="ErrNoOffset">ErrNoOffset</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_OFFSET</a>)
1109 <span class="comment">// ErrOutdated Local: Outdated</span>
1110 <span id="ErrOutdated">ErrOutdated</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__OUTDATED</a>)
1111 <span class="comment">// ErrTimedOutQueue Local: Timed out in queue</span>
1112 <span id="ErrTimedOutQueue">ErrTimedOutQueue</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT_QUEUE</a>)
1113 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknown Unknown broker error</span>
1114 <span id="ErrUnknown">ErrUnknown</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN</a>)
1115 <span class="comment">// ErrNoError Success</span>
1116 <span id="ErrNoError">ErrNoError</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR</a>)
1117 <span class="comment">// ErrOffsetOutOfRange Broker: Offset out of range</span>
1118 <span id="ErrOffsetOutOfRange">ErrOffsetOutOfRange</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE</a>)
1119 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidMsg Broker: Invalid message</span>
1120 <span id="ErrInvalidMsg">ErrInvalidMsg</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_MSG</a>)
1121 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownTopicOrPart Broker: Unknown topic or partition</span>
1122 <span id="ErrUnknownTopicOrPart">ErrUnknownTopicOrPart</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART</a>)
1123 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidMsgSize Broker: Invalid message size</span>
1124 <span id="ErrInvalidMsgSize">ErrInvalidMsgSize</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_MSG_SIZE</a>)
1125 <span class="comment">// ErrLeaderNotAvailable Broker: Leader not available</span>
1126 <span id="ErrLeaderNotAvailable">ErrLeaderNotAvailable</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE</a>)
1127 <span class="comment">// ErrNotLeaderForPartition Broker: Not leader for partition</span>
1128 <span id="ErrNotLeaderForPartition">ErrNotLeaderForPartition</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION</a>)
1129 <span class="comment">// ErrRequestTimedOut Broker: Request timed out</span>
1130 <span id="ErrRequestTimedOut">ErrRequestTimedOut</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT</a>)
1131 <span class="comment">// ErrBrokerNotAvailable Broker: Broker not available</span>
1132 <span id="ErrBrokerNotAvailable">ErrBrokerNotAvailable</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_BROKER_NOT_AVAILABLE</a>)
1133 <span class="comment">// ErrReplicaNotAvailable Broker: Replica not available</span>
1134 <span id="ErrReplicaNotAvailable">ErrReplicaNotAvailable</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_REPLICA_NOT_AVAILABLE</a>)
1135 <span class="comment">// ErrMsgSizeTooLarge Broker: Message size too large</span>
1136 <span id="ErrMsgSizeTooLarge">ErrMsgSizeTooLarge</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_MSG_SIZE_TOO_LARGE</a>)
1137 <span class="comment">// ErrStaleCtrlEpoch Broker: StaleControllerEpochCode</span>
1138 <span id="ErrStaleCtrlEpoch">ErrStaleCtrlEpoch</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_STALE_CTRL_EPOCH</a>)
1139 <span class="comment">// ErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge Broker: Offset metadata string too large</span>
1140 <span id="ErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge">ErrOffsetMetadataTooLarge</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_OFFSET_METADATA_TOO_LARGE</a>)
1141 <span class="comment">// ErrNetworkException Broker: Broker disconnected before response received</span>
1142 <span id="ErrNetworkException">ErrNetworkException</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NETWORK_EXCEPTION</a>)
1143 <span class="comment">// ErrGroupLoadInProgress Broker: Group coordinator load in progress</span>
1144 <span id="ErrGroupLoadInProgress">ErrGroupLoadInProgress</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS</a>)
1145 <span class="comment">// ErrGroupCoordinatorNotAvailable Broker: Group coordinator not available</span>
1146 <span id="ErrGroupCoordinatorNotAvailable">ErrGroupCoordinatorNotAvailable</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE</a>)
1147 <span class="comment">// ErrNotCoordinatorForGroup Broker: Not coordinator for group</span>
1148 <span id="ErrNotCoordinatorForGroup">ErrNotCoordinatorForGroup</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_COORDINATOR_FOR_GROUP</a>)
1149 <span class="comment">// ErrTopicException Broker: Invalid topic</span>
1150 <span id="ErrTopicException">ErrTopicException</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_TOPIC_EXCEPTION</a>)
1151 <span class="comment">// ErrRecordListTooLarge Broker: Message batch larger than configured server segment size</span>
1152 <span id="ErrRecordListTooLarge">ErrRecordListTooLarge</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_RECORD_LIST_TOO_LARGE</a>)
1153 <span class="comment">// ErrNotEnoughReplicas Broker: Not enough in-sync replicas</span>
1154 <span id="ErrNotEnoughReplicas">ErrNotEnoughReplicas</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS</a>)
1155 <span class="comment">// ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend Broker: Message(s) written to insufficient number of in-sync replicas</span>
1156 <span id="ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend">ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS_AFTER_APPEND</a>)
1157 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidRequiredAcks Broker: Invalid required acks value</span>
1158 <span id="ErrInvalidRequiredAcks">ErrInvalidRequiredAcks</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_REQUIRED_ACKS</a>)
1159 <span class="comment">// ErrIllegalGeneration Broker: Specified group generation id is not valid</span>
1160 <span id="ErrIllegalGeneration">ErrIllegalGeneration</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_ILLEGAL_GENERATION</a>)
1161 <span class="comment">// ErrInconsistentGroupProtocol Broker: Inconsistent group protocol</span>
1162 <span id="ErrInconsistentGroupProtocol">ErrInconsistentGroupProtocol</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL</a>)
1163 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidGroupID Broker: Invalid</span>
1164 <span id="ErrInvalidGroupID">ErrInvalidGroupID</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_GROUP_ID</a>)
1165 <span class="comment">// ErrUnknownMemberID Broker: Unknown member</span>
1166 <span id="ErrUnknownMemberID">ErrUnknownMemberID</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID</a>)
1167 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidSessionTimeout Broker: Invalid session timeout</span>
1168 <span id="ErrInvalidSessionTimeout">ErrInvalidSessionTimeout</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT</a>)
1169 <span class="comment">// ErrRebalanceInProgress Broker: Group rebalance in progress</span>
1170 <span id="ErrRebalanceInProgress">ErrRebalanceInProgress</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS</a>)
1171 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize Broker: Commit offset data size is not valid</span>
1172 <span id="ErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize">ErrInvalidCommitOffsetSize</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_COMMIT_OFFSET_SIZE</a>)
1173 <span class="comment">// ErrTopicAuthorizationFailed Broker: Topic authorization failed</span>
1174 <span id="ErrTopicAuthorizationFailed">ErrTopicAuthorizationFailed</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED</a>)
1175 <span class="comment">// ErrGroupAuthorizationFailed Broker: Group authorization failed</span>
1176 <span id="ErrGroupAuthorizationFailed">ErrGroupAuthorizationFailed</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED</a>)
1177 <span class="comment">// ErrClusterAuthorizationFailed Broker: Cluster authorization failed</span>
1178 <span id="ErrClusterAuthorizationFailed">ErrClusterAuthorizationFailed</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED</a>)
1179 <span class="comment">// ErrInvalidTimestamp Broker: Invalid timestamp</span>
1180 <span id="ErrInvalidTimestamp">ErrInvalidTimestamp</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_TIMESTAMP</a>)
1181 <span class="comment">// ErrUnsupportedSaslMechanism Broker: Unsupported SASL mechanism</span>
1182 <span id="ErrUnsupportedSaslMechanism">ErrUnsupportedSaslMechanism</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_SASL_MECHANISM</a>)
1183 <span class="comment">// ErrIllegalSaslState Broker: Request not valid in current SASL state</span>
1184 <span id="ErrIllegalSaslState">ErrIllegalSaslState</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_ILLEGAL_SASL_STATE</a>)
1185 <span class="comment">// ErrUnsupportedVersion Broker: API version not supported</span>
1186 <span id="ErrUnsupportedVersion">ErrUnsupportedVersion</span> <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a> = <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>(<a href="">C</a>.<a href="">RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION</a>)
1188 <h3 id="ErrorCode.String">
1189 func (ErrorCode)
1190 <a href="">
1191 String
1192 </a>
1193 </h3>
1194 <pre>func (c <a href="#ErrorCode">ErrorCode</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1195 <p>
1196 String returns a human readable representation of an error code
1197 </p>
1198 <h2 id="Event">
1199 type
1200 <a href="">
1201 Event
1202 </a>
1203 </h2>
1204 <pre>type Event interface {
1205 <span class="comment">// String returns a human-readable representation of the event</span>
1206 String() <a href="">string</a>
1208 <p>
1209 Event generic interface
1210 </p>
1211 <h2 id="Handle">
1212 type
1213 <a href="">
1214 Handle
1215 </a>
1216 </h2>
1217 <pre>type Handle interface {
1218 <span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported methods</span>
1220 <p>
1221 Handle represents a generic client handle containing common parts for
1222both Producer and Consumer.
1223 </p>
1224 <h2 id="Message">
1225 type
1226 <a href="">
1227 Message
1228 </a>
1229 </h2>
1230 <pre>type Message struct {
1231 TopicPartition <a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>
1232 Value []<a href="">byte</a>
1233 Key []<a href="">byte</a>
1234 Timestamp <a href="">time</a>.<a href="">Time</a>
1235 TimestampType <a href="#TimestampType">TimestampType</a>
1236 Opaque interface{}
1238 <p>
1239 Message represents a Kafka message
1240 </p>
1241 <h3 id="Message.String">
1242 func (*Message)
1243 <a href="">
1244 String
1245 </a>
1246 </h3>
1247 <pre>func (m *<a href="#Message">Message</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1248 <p>
1249 String returns a human readable representation of a Message.
1250Key and payload are not represented.
1251 </p>
1252 <h2 id="Metadata">
1253 type
1254 <a href="">
1255 Metadata
1256 </a>
1257 </h2>
1258 <pre>type Metadata struct {
1259 Brokers []<a href="#BrokerMetadata">BrokerMetadata</a>
1260 Topics map[<a href="">string</a>]<a href="#TopicMetadata">TopicMetadata</a>
1262 OriginatingBroker <a href="#BrokerMetadata">BrokerMetadata</a>
1264 <p>
1265 Metadata contains broker and topic metadata for all (matching) topics
1266 </p>
1267 <h2 id="Offset">
1268 type
1269 <a href="">
1270 Offset
1271 </a>
1272 </h2>
1273 <pre>type Offset <a href="">int64</a></pre>
1274 <p>
1275 Offset type (int64) with support for canonical names
1276 </p>
1277 <h3 id="NewOffset">
1278 func
1279 <a href="">
1280 NewOffset
1281 </a>
1282 </h3>
1283 <pre>func NewOffset(offset interface{}) (<a href="#Offset">Offset</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
1284 <p>
1285 NewOffset creates a new Offset using the provided logical string, or an
1286absolute int64 offset value.
1287Logical offsets: "beginning", "earliest", "end", "latest", "unset", "invalid", "stored"
1288 </p>
1289 <h3 id="OffsetTail">
1290 func
1291 <a href="">
1292 OffsetTail
1293 </a>
1294 </h3>
1295 <pre>func OffsetTail(relativeOffset <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>) <a href="#Offset">Offset</a></pre>
1296 <p>
1297 OffsetTail returns the logical offset relativeOffset from current end of partition
1298 </p>
1299 <h3 id="Offset.Set">
1300 func (Offset)
1301 <a href="">
1302 Set
1303 </a>
1304 </h3>
1305 <pre>func (o <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>) Set(offset interface{}) <a href="">error</a></pre>
1306 <p>
1307 Set offset value, see NewOffset()
1308 </p>
1309 <h3 id="Offset.String">
1310 func (Offset)
1311 <a href="">
1312 String
1313 </a>
1314 </h3>
1315 <pre>func (o <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1316 <h2 id="OffsetsCommitted">
1317 type
1318 <a href="">
1319 OffsetsCommitted
1320 </a>
1321 </h2>
1322 <pre>type OffsetsCommitted struct {
1323 Error <a href="">error</a>
1324 Offsets []<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>
1326 <p>
1327 OffsetsCommitted reports committed offsets
1328 </p>
1329 <h3 id="OffsetsCommitted.String">
1330 func (OffsetsCommitted)
1331 <a href="">
1332 String
1333 </a>
1334 </h3>
1335 <pre>func (o <a href="#OffsetsCommitted">OffsetsCommitted</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1336 <h2 id="PartitionEOF">
1337 type
1338 <a href="">
1339 PartitionEOF
1340 </a>
1341 </h2>
1342 <pre>type PartitionEOF <a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a></pre>
1343 <p>
1344 PartitionEOF consumer reached end of partition
1345 </p>
1346 <h3 id="PartitionEOF.String">
1347 func (PartitionEOF)
1348 <a href="">
1349 String
1350 </a>
1351 </h3>
1352 <pre>func (p <a href="#PartitionEOF">PartitionEOF</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1353 <h2 id="PartitionMetadata">
1354 type
1355 <a href="">
1356 PartitionMetadata
1357 </a>
1358 </h2>
1359 <pre>type PartitionMetadata struct {
1360 ID <a href="">int32</a>
1361 Error <a href="#Error">Error</a>
1362 Leader <a href="">int32</a>
1363 Replicas []<a href="">int32</a>
1364 Isrs []<a href="">int32</a>
1366 <p>
1367 PartitionMetadata contains per-partition metadata
1368 </p>
1369 <h2 id="Producer">
1370 type
1371 <a href="">
1372 Producer
1373 </a>
1374 </h2>
1375 <pre>type Producer struct {
1376 <span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span>
1378 <p>
1379 Producer implements a High-level Apache Kafka Producer instance
1380 </p>
1381 <h3 id="NewProducer">
1382 func
1383 <a href="">
1384 NewProducer
1385 </a>
1386 </h3>
1387 <pre>func NewProducer(conf *<a href="#ConfigMap">ConfigMap</a>) (*<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
1388 <p>
1389 NewProducer creates a new high-level Producer instance.
1390 </p>
1391 <p>
1392 conf is a *ConfigMap with standard librdkafka configuration properties, see here:
1393 </p>
1394 <p>
1395 Supported special configuration properties:
1396 </p>
1397 <pre>go.batch.producer (bool, false) - Enable batch producer (experimental for increased performance).
1398 These batches do not relate to Kafka message batches in any way. (bool, true) - Forward per-message delivery reports to the
1400 Events() channel. (int, 1000000) - ProduceChannel() buffer size (in number of messages)
1403 <h3 id="Producer.Close">
1404 func (*Producer)
1405 <a href="">
1406 Close
1407 </a>
1408 </h3>
1409 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) Close()</pre>
1410 <p>
1411 Close a Producer instance.
1412The Producer object or its channels are no longer usable after this call.
1413 </p>
1414 <h3 id="Producer.Events">
1415 func (*Producer)
1416 <a href="">
1417 Events
1418 </a>
1419 </h3>
1420 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) Events() chan <a href="#Event">Event</a></pre>
1421 <p>
1422 Events returns the Events channel (read)
1423 </p>
1424 <h3 id="Producer.Flush">
1425 func (*Producer)
1426 <a href="">
1427 Flush
1428 </a>
1429 </h3>
1430 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) Flush(timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) <a href="">int</a></pre>
1431 <p>
1432 Flush and wait for outstanding messages and requests to complete delivery.
1433Includes messages on ProduceChannel.
1434Runs until value reaches zero or on timeoutMs.
1435Returns the number of outstanding events still un-flushed.
1436 </p>
1437 <h3 id="Producer.GetMetadata">
1438 func (*Producer)
1439 <a href="">
1440 GetMetadata
1441 </a>
1442 </h3>
1443 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) GetMetadata(topic *<a href="">string</a>, allTopics <a href="">bool</a>, timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) (*<a href="#Metadata">Metadata</a>, <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
1444 <p>
1445 GetMetadata queries broker for cluster and topic metadata.
1446If topic is non-nil only information about that topic is returned, else if
1447allTopics is false only information about locally used topics is returned,
1448else information about all topics is returned.
1449 </p>
1450 <h3 id="Producer.Len">
1451 func (*Producer)
1452 <a href="">
1453 Len
1454 </a>
1455 </h3>
1456 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) Len() <a href="">int</a></pre>
1457 <p>
1458 Len returns the number of messages and requests waiting to be transmitted to the broker
1459as well as delivery reports queued for the application.
1460Includes messages on ProduceChannel.
1461 </p>
1462 <h3 id="Producer.Produce">
1463 func (*Producer)
1464 <a href="">
1465 Produce
1466 </a>
1467 </h3>
1468 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) Produce(msg *<a href="#Message">Message</a>, deliveryChan chan <a href="#Event">Event</a>) <a href="">error</a></pre>
1469 <p>
1470 Produce single message.
1471This is an asynchronous call that enqueues the message on the internal
1472transmit queue, thus returning immediately.
1473The delivery report will be sent on the provided deliveryChan if specified,
1474or on the Producer object's Events() channel if not.
1475Returns an error if message could not be enqueued.
1476 </p>
1477 <h3 id="Producer.ProduceChannel">
1478 func (*Producer)
1479 <a href="">
1480 ProduceChannel
1481 </a>
1482 </h3>
1483 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) ProduceChannel() chan *<a href="#Message">Message</a></pre>
1484 <p>
1485 ProduceChannel returns the produce *Message channel (write)
1486 </p>
1487 <h3 id="Producer.QueryWatermarkOffsets">
1488 func (*Producer)
1489 <a href="">
1490 QueryWatermarkOffsets
1491 </a>
1492 </h3>
1493 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) QueryWatermarkOffsets(topic <a href="">string</a>, partition <a href="">int32</a>, timeoutMs <a href="">int</a>) (low, high <a href="">int64</a>, err <a href="">error</a>)</pre>
1494 <p>
1495 QueryWatermarkOffsets returns the broker's low and high offsets for the given topic
1496and partition.
1497 </p>
1498 <h3 id="Producer.String">
1499 func (*Producer)
1500 <a href="">
1501 String
1502 </a>
1503 </h3>
1504 <pre>func (p *<a href="#Producer">Producer</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1505 <p>
1506 String returns a human readable name for a Producer instance
1507 </p>
1508 <h2 id="RebalanceCb">
1509 type
1510 <a href="">
1511 RebalanceCb
1512 </a>
1513 </h2>
1514 <pre>type RebalanceCb func(*<a href="#Consumer">Consumer</a>, <a href="#Event">Event</a>) <a href="">error</a></pre>
1515 <p>
1516 RebalanceCb provides a per-Subscribe*() rebalance event callback.
1517The passed Event will be either AssignedPartitions or RevokedPartitions
1518 </p>
1519 <h2 id="RevokedPartitions">
1520 type
1521 <a href="">
1522 RevokedPartitions
1523 </a>
1524 </h2>
1525 <pre>type RevokedPartitions struct {
1526 Partitions []<a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>
1528 <p>
1529 RevokedPartitions consumer group rebalance event: revoked partition set
1530 </p>
1531 <h3 id="RevokedPartitions.String">
1532 func (RevokedPartitions)
1533 <a href="">
1534 String
1535 </a>
1536 </h3>
1537 <pre>func (e <a href="#RevokedPartitions">RevokedPartitions</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1538 <h2 id="TimestampType">
1539 type
1540 <a href="">
1541 TimestampType
1542 </a>
1543 </h2>
1544 <pre>type TimestampType <a href="">int</a></pre>
1545 <p>
1546 TimestampType is a the Message timestamp type or source
1547 </p>
1548 <h3 id="TimestampType.String">
1549 func (TimestampType)
1550 <a href="">
1551 String
1552 </a>
1553 </h3>
1554 <pre>func (t <a href="#TimestampType">TimestampType</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1555 <h2 id="TopicMetadata">
1556 type
1557 <a href="">
1558 TopicMetadata
1559 </a>
1560 </h2>
1561 <pre>type TopicMetadata struct {
1562 Topic <a href="">string</a>
1563 Partitions []<a href="#PartitionMetadata">PartitionMetadata</a>
1564 Error <a href="#Error">Error</a>
1566 <p>
1567 TopicMetadata contains per-topic metadata
1568 </p>
1569 <h2 id="TopicPartition">
1570 type
1571 <a href="">
1572 TopicPartition
1573 </a>
1574 </h2>
1575 <pre>type TopicPartition struct {
1576 Topic *<a href="">string</a>
1577 Partition <a href="">int32</a>
1578 Offset <a href="#Offset">Offset</a>
1579 Error <a href="">error</a>
1581 <p>
1582 TopicPartition is a generic placeholder for a Topic+Partition and optionally Offset.
1583 </p>
1584 <h3 id="TopicPartition.String">
1585 func (TopicPartition)
1586 <a href="">
1587 String
1588 </a>
1589 </h3>
1590 <pre>func (p <a href="#TopicPartition">TopicPartition</a>) String() <a href="">string</a></pre>
1591 <div id="footer">
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1602 <a href="">
1603 BSD license
1604 </a>
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