blob: b18cc2d61474de1d64f92827930134622b2f6057 [file] [log] [blame]
ssiddiquif076cb82021-04-23 10:47:04 +05301// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package gomock
17import (
18 "fmt"
19 "reflect"
20 "strconv"
21 "strings"
24// Call represents an expected call to a mock.
25type Call struct {
26 t TestHelper // for triggering test failures on invalid call setup
28 receiver interface{} // the receiver of the method call
29 method string // the name of the method
30 methodType reflect.Type // the type of the method
31 args []Matcher // the args
32 origin string // file and line number of call setup
34 preReqs []*Call // prerequisite calls
36 // Expectations
37 minCalls, maxCalls int
39 numCalls int // actual number made
41 // actions are called when this Call is called. Each action gets the args and
42 // can set the return values by returning a non-nil slice. Actions run in the
43 // order they are created.
44 actions []func([]interface{}) []interface{}
47// newCall creates a *Call. It requires the method type in order to support
48// unexported methods.
49func newCall(t TestHelper, receiver interface{}, method string, methodType reflect.Type, args ...interface{}) *Call {
50 t.Helper()
52 // TODO: check arity, types.
53 margs := make([]Matcher, len(args))
54 for i, arg := range args {
55 if m, ok := arg.(Matcher); ok {
56 margs[i] = m
57 } else if arg == nil {
58 // Handle nil specially so that passing a nil interface value
59 // will match the typed nils of concrete args.
60 margs[i] = Nil()
61 } else {
62 margs[i] = Eq(arg)
63 }
64 }
66 // callerInfo's skip should be updated if the number of calls between the user's test
67 // and this line changes, i.e. this code is wrapped in another anonymous function.
68 // 0 is us, 1 is RecordCallWithMethodType(), 2 is the generated recorder, and 3 is the user's test.
69 origin := callerInfo(3)
70 actions := []func([]interface{}) []interface{}{func([]interface{}) []interface{} {
71 // Synthesize the zero value for each of the return args' types.
72 rets := make([]interface{}, methodType.NumOut())
73 for i := 0; i < methodType.NumOut(); i++ {
74 rets[i] = reflect.Zero(methodType.Out(i)).Interface()
75 }
76 return rets
77 }}
78 return &Call{t: t, receiver: receiver, method: method, methodType: methodType,
79 args: margs, origin: origin, minCalls: 1, maxCalls: 1, actions: actions}
82// AnyTimes allows the expectation to be called 0 or more times
83func (c *Call) AnyTimes() *Call {
84 c.minCalls, c.maxCalls = 0, 1e8 // close enough to infinity
85 return c
88// MinTimes requires the call to occur at least n times. If AnyTimes or MaxTimes have not been called or if MaxTimes
89// was previously called with 1, MinTimes also sets the maximum number of calls to infinity.
90func (c *Call) MinTimes(n int) *Call {
91 c.minCalls = n
92 if c.maxCalls == 1 {
93 c.maxCalls = 1e8
94 }
95 return c
98// MaxTimes limits the number of calls to n times. If AnyTimes or MinTimes have not been called or if MinTimes was
99// previously called with 1, MaxTimes also sets the minimum number of calls to 0.
100func (c *Call) MaxTimes(n int) *Call {
101 c.maxCalls = n
102 if c.minCalls == 1 {
103 c.minCalls = 0
104 }
105 return c
108// DoAndReturn declares the action to run when the call is matched.
109// The return values from this function are returned by the mocked function.
110// It takes an interface{} argument to support n-arity functions.
111func (c *Call) DoAndReturn(f interface{}) *Call {
112 // TODO: Check arity and types here, rather than dying badly elsewhere.
113 v := reflect.ValueOf(f)
115 c.addAction(func(args []interface{}) []interface{} {
116 vargs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
117 ft := v.Type()
118 for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
119 if args[i] != nil {
120 vargs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])
121 } else {
122 // Use the zero value for the arg.
123 vargs[i] = reflect.Zero(ft.In(i))
124 }
125 }
126 vrets := v.Call(vargs)
127 rets := make([]interface{}, len(vrets))
128 for i, ret := range vrets {
129 rets[i] = ret.Interface()
130 }
131 return rets
132 })
133 return c
136// Do declares the action to run when the call is matched. The function's
137// return values are ignored to retain backward compatibility. To use the
138// return values call DoAndReturn.
139// It takes an interface{} argument to support n-arity functions.
140func (c *Call) Do(f interface{}) *Call {
141 // TODO: Check arity and types here, rather than dying badly elsewhere.
142 v := reflect.ValueOf(f)
144 c.addAction(func(args []interface{}) []interface{} {
145 vargs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
146 ft := v.Type()
147 for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
148 if args[i] != nil {
149 vargs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])
150 } else {
151 // Use the zero value for the arg.
152 vargs[i] = reflect.Zero(ft.In(i))
153 }
154 }
155 v.Call(vargs)
156 return nil
157 })
158 return c
161// Return declares the values to be returned by the mocked function call.
162func (c *Call) Return(rets ...interface{}) *Call {
163 c.t.Helper()
165 mt := c.methodType
166 if len(rets) != mt.NumOut() {
167 c.t.Fatalf("wrong number of arguments to Return for %T.%v: got %d, want %d [%s]",
168 c.receiver, c.method, len(rets), mt.NumOut(), c.origin)
169 }
170 for i, ret := range rets {
171 if got, want := reflect.TypeOf(ret), mt.Out(i); got == want {
172 // Identical types; nothing to do.
173 } else if got == nil {
174 // Nil needs special handling.
175 switch want.Kind() {
176 case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
177 // ok
178 default:
179 c.t.Fatalf("argument %d to Return for %T.%v is nil, but %v is not nillable [%s]",
180 i, c.receiver, c.method, want, c.origin)
181 }
182 } else if got.AssignableTo(want) {
183 // Assignable type relation. Make the assignment now so that the generated code
184 // can return the values with a type assertion.
185 v := reflect.New(want).Elem()
186 v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(ret))
187 rets[i] = v.Interface()
188 } else {
189 c.t.Fatalf("wrong type of argument %d to Return for %T.%v: %v is not assignable to %v [%s]",
190 i, c.receiver, c.method, got, want, c.origin)
191 }
192 }
194 c.addAction(func([]interface{}) []interface{} {
195 return rets
196 })
198 return c
201// Times declares the exact number of times a function call is expected to be executed.
202func (c *Call) Times(n int) *Call {
203 c.minCalls, c.maxCalls = n, n
204 return c
207// SetArg declares an action that will set the nth argument's value,
208// indirected through a pointer. Or, in the case of a slice, SetArg
209// will copy value's elements into the nth argument.
210func (c *Call) SetArg(n int, value interface{}) *Call {
211 c.t.Helper()
213 mt := c.methodType
214 // TODO: This will break on variadic methods.
215 // We will need to check those at invocation time.
216 if n < 0 || n >= mt.NumIn() {
217 c.t.Fatalf("SetArg(%d, ...) called for a method with %d args [%s]",
218 n, mt.NumIn(), c.origin)
219 }
220 // Permit setting argument through an interface.
221 // In the interface case, we don't (nay, can't) check the type here.
222 at := mt.In(n)
223 switch at.Kind() {
224 case reflect.Ptr:
225 dt := at.Elem()
226 if vt := reflect.TypeOf(value); !vt.AssignableTo(dt) {
227 c.t.Fatalf("SetArg(%d, ...) argument is a %v, not assignable to %v [%s]",
228 n, vt, dt, c.origin)
229 }
230 case reflect.Interface:
231 // nothing to do
232 case reflect.Slice:
233 // nothing to do
234 default:
235 c.t.Fatalf("SetArg(%d, ...) referring to argument of non-pointer non-interface non-slice type %v [%s]",
236 n, at, c.origin)
237 }
239 c.addAction(func(args []interface{}) []interface{} {
240 v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
241 switch reflect.TypeOf(args[n]).Kind() {
242 case reflect.Slice:
243 setSlice(args[n], v)
244 default:
245 reflect.ValueOf(args[n]).Elem().Set(v)
246 }
247 return nil
248 })
249 return c
252// isPreReq returns true if other is a direct or indirect prerequisite to c.
253func (c *Call) isPreReq(other *Call) bool {
254 for _, preReq := range c.preReqs {
255 if other == preReq || preReq.isPreReq(other) {
256 return true
257 }
258 }
259 return false
262// After declares that the call may only match after preReq has been exhausted.
263func (c *Call) After(preReq *Call) *Call {
264 c.t.Helper()
266 if c == preReq {
267 c.t.Fatalf("A call isn't allowed to be its own prerequisite")
268 }
269 if preReq.isPreReq(c) {
270 c.t.Fatalf("Loop in call order: %v is a prerequisite to %v (possibly indirectly).", c, preReq)
271 }
273 c.preReqs = append(c.preReqs, preReq)
274 return c
277// Returns true if the minimum number of calls have been made.
278func (c *Call) satisfied() bool {
279 return c.numCalls >= c.minCalls
282// Returns true if the maximum number of calls have been made.
283func (c *Call) exhausted() bool {
284 return c.numCalls >= c.maxCalls
287func (c *Call) String() string {
288 args := make([]string, len(c.args))
289 for i, arg := range c.args {
290 args[i] = arg.String()
291 }
292 arguments := strings.Join(args, ", ")
293 return fmt.Sprintf("%T.%v(%s) %s", c.receiver, c.method, arguments, c.origin)
296// Tests if the given call matches the expected call.
297// If yes, returns nil. If no, returns error with message explaining why it does not match.
298func (c *Call) matches(args []interface{}) error {
299 if !c.methodType.IsVariadic() {
300 if len(args) != len(c.args) {
301 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s has the wrong number of arguments. Got: %d, want: %d",
302 c.origin, len(args), len(c.args))
303 }
305 for i, m := range c.args {
306 if !m.Matches(args[i]) {
307 return fmt.Errorf(
308 "expected call at %s doesn't match the argument at index %d.\nGot: %v\nWant: %v",
309 c.origin, i, formatGottenArg(m, args[i]), m,
310 )
311 }
312 }
313 } else {
314 if len(c.args) < c.methodType.NumIn()-1 {
315 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s has the wrong number of matchers. Got: %d, want: %d",
316 c.origin, len(c.args), c.methodType.NumIn()-1)
317 }
318 if len(c.args) != c.methodType.NumIn() && len(args) != len(c.args) {
319 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s has the wrong number of arguments. Got: %d, want: %d",
320 c.origin, len(args), len(c.args))
321 }
322 if len(args) < len(c.args)-1 {
323 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s has the wrong number of arguments. Got: %d, want: greater than or equal to %d",
324 c.origin, len(args), len(c.args)-1)
325 }
327 for i, m := range c.args {
328 if i < c.methodType.NumIn()-1 {
329 // Non-variadic args
330 if !m.Matches(args[i]) {
331 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s doesn't match the argument at index %s.\nGot: %v\nWant: %v",
332 c.origin, strconv.Itoa(i), formatGottenArg(m, args[i]), m)
333 }
334 continue
335 }
336 // The last arg has a possibility of a variadic argument, so let it branch
338 // sample: Foo(a int, b int, c
339 if i < len(c.args) && i < len(args) {
340 if m.Matches(args[i]) {
341 // Got Foo(a, b, c) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, gomock.Any())
342 // Got Foo(a, b, c) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, someSliceMatcher)
343 // Got Foo(a, b, c) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC)
344 // Got Foo(a, b) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB)
345 // Got Foo(a, b, c, d) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC, matcherD)
346 continue
347 }
348 }
350 // The number of actual args don't match the number of matchers,
351 // or the last matcher is a slice and the last arg is not.
352 // If this function still matches it is because the last matcher
353 // matches all the remaining arguments or the lack of any.
354 // Convert the remaining arguments, if any, into a slice of the
355 // expected type.
356 vargsType := c.methodType.In(c.methodType.NumIn() - 1)
357 vargs := reflect.MakeSlice(vargsType, 0, len(args)-i)
358 for _, arg := range args[i:] {
359 vargs = reflect.Append(vargs, reflect.ValueOf(arg))
360 }
361 if m.Matches(vargs.Interface()) {
362 // Got Foo(a, b, c, d, e) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, gomock.Any())
363 // Got Foo(a, b, c, d, e) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, someSliceMatcher)
364 // Got Foo(a, b) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, gomock.Any())
365 // Got Foo(a, b) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, someEmptySliceMatcher)
366 break
367 }
368 // Wrong number of matchers or not match. Fail.
369 // Got Foo(a, b) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC, matcherD)
370 // Got Foo(a, b, c) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC, matcherD)
371 // Got Foo(a, b, c, d) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC, matcherD, matcherE)
372 // Got Foo(a, b, c, d, e) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB, matcherC, matcherD)
373 // Got Foo(a, b, c) want Foo(matcherA, matcherB)
375 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s doesn't match the argument at index %s.\nGot: %v\nWant: %v",
376 c.origin, strconv.Itoa(i), formatGottenArg(m, args[i:]), c.args[i])
377 }
378 }
380 // Check that all prerequisite calls have been satisfied.
381 for _, preReqCall := range c.preReqs {
382 if !preReqCall.satisfied() {
383 return fmt.Errorf("Expected call at %s doesn't have a prerequisite call satisfied:\n%v\nshould be called before:\n%v",
384 c.origin, preReqCall, c)
385 }
386 }
388 // Check that the call is not exhausted.
389 if c.exhausted() {
390 return fmt.Errorf("expected call at %s has already been called the max number of times", c.origin)
391 }
393 return nil
396// dropPrereqs tells the expected Call to not re-check prerequisite calls any
397// longer, and to return its current set.
398func (c *Call) dropPrereqs() (preReqs []*Call) {
399 preReqs = c.preReqs
400 c.preReqs = nil
401 return
404func (c *Call) call() []func([]interface{}) []interface{} {
405 c.numCalls++
406 return c.actions
409// InOrder declares that the given calls should occur in order.
410func InOrder(calls ...*Call) {
411 for i := 1; i < len(calls); i++ {
412 calls[i].After(calls[i-1])
413 }
416func setSlice(arg interface{}, v reflect.Value) {
417 va := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
418 for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
419 va.Index(i).Set(v.Index(i))
420 }
423func (c *Call) addAction(action func([]interface{}) []interface{}) {
424 c.actions = append(c.actions, action)
427func formatGottenArg(m Matcher, arg interface{}) string {
428 got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", arg)
429 if gs, ok := m.(GotFormatter); ok {
430 got = gs.Got(arg)
431 }
432 return got