blob: b47b5621d882db0a737be026678290925905b0f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Older Version of Logger interface without support of Context Injection
// This is Depreciated and should not be used anymore. Instead use CLogger
// defined in log.go file.
// This file will be deleted once all code files of voltha compopnents have been
// changed to use new CLogger interface methods supporting context injection
package log
import (
zp ""
// Logger represents an abstract logging interface. Any logging implementation used
// will need to abide by this interface
type Logger interface {
Debugf(string, ...interface{})
Debugw(string, Fields)
Infof(string, ...interface{})
Infow(string, Fields)
Warnf(string, ...interface{})
Warnw(string, Fields)
Errorf(string, ...interface{})
Errorw(string, Fields)
Fatalf(string, ...interface{})
Fatalw(string, Fields)
With(Fields) Logger
// The following are added to be able to use this logger as a gRPC LoggerV2 if needed
Warningf(string, ...interface{})
// V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
V(l LogLevel) bool
//Returns the log level of this specific logger
GetLogLevel() LogLevel
// logger has been refactored to be a thin wrapper on clogger implementation to support
// all existing log statements during transition to new clogger
type logger struct {
cl *clogger
func AddPackage(outputType string, level LogLevel, defaultFields Fields, pkgNames ...string) (Logger, error) {
// Get package name of caller method and pass further on; else this method is considered caller
pkgName, _, _, _ := getCallerInfo()
pkgNames = append(pkgNames, pkgName)
clg, err := RegisterPackage(outputType, level, defaultFields, pkgNames...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logger{cl: clg.(*clogger)}, nil
func getPackageLevelSugaredLogger() *zp.SugaredLogger {
pkgName, _, _, _ := getCallerInfo()
if _, exist := loggers[pkgName]; exist {
return loggers[pkgName].log
return defaultLogger.log
func getPackageLevelLogger() CLogger {
pkgName, _, _, _ := getCallerInfo()
if _, exist := loggers[pkgName]; exist {
return loggers[pkgName]
return defaultLogger
// With returns a logger initialized with the key-value pairs
func (l logger) With(keysAndValues Fields) Logger {
return logger{cl: &clogger{log:, parent:}}
// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Debug(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugln logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Debugln(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugw logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// Debugw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func (l logger) Debugw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
if l.V(DebugLevel) {, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Info(args ...interface{}) {
// Infoln logs a message at level Info on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Infoln(args ...interface{}) {
//msg := fmt.Sprintln(args...)
// Infof logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// Infow logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func (l logger) Infow(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
if l.V(InfoLevel) {, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warn(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// Warnw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func (l logger) Warnw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
if l.V(WarnLevel) {, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorln logs a message at level Error on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorf logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// Errorw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func (l logger) Errorw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
if l.V(ErrorLevel) {, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalln logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// Fatalw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func (l logger) Fatalw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
if l.V(FatalLevel) {, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Warning logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warning(args ...interface{}) {
// Warningln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
func (l logger) Warningln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warningf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) {, args...)
// V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
func (l logger) V(level LogLevel) bool {
// GetLogLevel returns the current level of the logger
func (l logger) GetLogLevel() LogLevel {
return levelToLogLevel(cfgs[].Level.Level())
// With returns a logger initialized with the key-value pairs
func With(keysAndValues Fields) Logger {
return logger{cl: &clogger{log: getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().With(serializeMap(keysAndValues)...), parent: defaultLogger.parent}}
// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debug(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugln logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debugln(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugf logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Debugf(format, args...)
// Debugw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func Debugw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Debugw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Info(args ...interface{}) {
// Infoln logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Infoln(args ...interface{}) {
// Infof logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Infof(format, args...)
//Infow logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
//pairs are treated as they are in With.
func Infow(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Infow(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warn(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Warnf(format, args...)
// Warnw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func Warnw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Warnw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorln logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorf logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Errorf(format, args...)
// Errorw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func Errorw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Errorw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalln logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Fatalf(format, args...)
// Fatalw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
// pairs are treated as they are in With.
func Fatalw(msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Fatalw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
// Warning logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warning(args ...interface{}) {
// Warningln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warningln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warningf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
getPackageLevelSugaredLogger().Warnf(format, args...)
// V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
func V(level LogLevel) bool {
return getPackageLevelLogger().V(level)
//GetLogLevel returns the log level of the invoking package
func GetLogLevel() LogLevel {
return getPackageLevelLogger().GetLogLevel()