blob: 4ababe3c607a683b256faf26804a58ac9d4460fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package sysrepo
//#cgo LDFLAGS: -lsysrepo -lyang -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition
//#include "plugin.c"
import "C"
import (
const (
eventNameOnuActivated = "ONU_ACTIVATED_RAISE_EVENT"
//Performs the necessary operations on a new voltha event received from Kafka
func (p *SysrepoPlugin) ManageVolthaEvent(ctx context.Context, event *voltha.Event) {
if event.Header.Type == voltha.EventType_DEVICE_EVENT {
devEvent, ok := event.EventType.(*voltha.Event_DeviceEvent)
if !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unexpected-event-type", log.Fields{
"headerType": event.Header.Type,
"actualType": fmt.Sprintf("%T", event.EventType),
//TODO: map other events to ONU state changes
switch devEvent.DeviceEvent.DeviceEventName {
case eventNameOnuActivated:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "onu-activated-event-received", log.Fields{
"header": event.Header,
"deviceEvent": devEvent.DeviceEvent,
if err := p.sendOnuActivatedNotification(ctx, event.Header, devEvent.DeviceEvent); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-send-onu-activated-notification", log.Fields{"err": err})
//Sends a notification based on the content of the received device event
func (p *SysrepoPlugin) sendOnuActivatedNotification(ctx context.Context, eventHeader *voltha.EventHeader, deviceEvent *voltha.DeviceEvent) error {
//Prepare the content of the notification
notificationItems, channelTermItems, err := core.TranslateOnuActivatedEvent(eventHeader, deviceEvent)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed-to-translate-onu-activated-event: %v", err)
//Create the channel termination in the datastore to make the notification leafref valid
channelTermTree, err := createYangTree(ctx, p.operationalSession, channelTermItems)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed-to-create-channel-termination-tree: %v", err)
defer C.lyd_free_all(channelTermTree)
err = editDatastore(ctx, p.operationalSession, channelTermTree)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed-to-apply-channel-termination-to-datastore: %v", err)
//Create the notification tree
notificationTree, err := createYangTree(ctx, p.operationalSession, notificationItems)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed-to-create-onu-activated-notification-tree: %v", err)
//Let sysrepo manage the notification tree to properly free it after its delivery
var notificationData *C.sr_data_t
errCode := C.sr_acquire_data(p.connection, notificationTree, &notificationData)
if errCode != C.SR_ERR_OK {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot-acquire-notification-data")
logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"errCode": errCode, "errMsg": srErrorMsg(errCode)})
return err
defer C.sr_release_data(notificationData)
//Send the notification
logger.Infow(ctx, "sending-onu-activated-notification", log.Fields{
"onuSn": deviceEvent.Context["serial-number"],
errCode = C.sr_notif_send_tree(p.operationalSession, notificationData.tree, 0, 0)
if errCode != C.SR_ERR_OK {
err := fmt.Errorf("cannot-send-notification")
logger.Errorw(ctx, err.Error(), log.Fields{"errCode": errCode, "errMsg": srErrorMsg(errCode)})
return err
return nil