blob: 5275b123c97d3d2ad6db8bdfe94960c09bb8725a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package core
import (
const (
DeviceAggregationModule = "bbf-device-aggregation"
DevicesPath = "/" + DeviceAggregationModule + ":devices"
ServiceProfileModule = "bbf-nt-service-profile"
ServiceProfilesPath = "/" + ServiceProfileModule + ":service-profiles"
VlansModule = "bbf-l2-access-attributes"
VlansPath = "/" + VlansModule + ":vlan-translation-profiles"
BandwidthProfileModule = "bbf-nt-line-profile"
BandwidthProfilesPath = "/" + BandwidthProfileModule + ":line-bandwidth-profiles"
//Device types
DeviceTypeOlt = "bbf-device-types:olt"
DeviceTypeOnu = "bbf-device-types:onu"
//Admin states
ietfAdminStateUnknown = "unknown"
ietfAdminStateLocked = "locked"
ietfAdminStateUnlocked = "unlocked"
//Oper states
ietfOperStateUnknown = "unknown"
ietfOperStateDisabled = "disabled"
ietfOperStateEnabled = "enabled"
ietfOperStateTesting = "testing"
ietfOperStateUp = "up"
ietfOperStateDown = "down"
//Keys of useful values in device events
eventContextKeyPonId = "pon-id"
eventContextKeyOnuSn = "serial-number"
eventContextKeyOltSn = "olt-serial-number"
//Values to allow any VLAN ID
YangVlanIdAny = "any"
VolthaVlanIdAny = 4096
type YangItem struct {
Path string
Value string
//getDevicePath returns the yang path to the root of the device with a specific ID
func getDevicePath(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/device[name='%s']", DevicesPath, id)
//getDevicePath returns the yang path to the root of the device's hardware module in its data mountpoint
func getDeviceHardwarePath(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/device[name='%s']/data/ietf-hardware:hardware/component[name='%s']", DevicesPath, id, id)
//GetServicePortPath returns the yang path to a service's port node
func GetServicePortPath(serviceName string, portName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/service-profile[name='%s']/ports/port[name='%s']", ServiceProfilesPath, serviceName, portName)
//GetVlansPath returns the yang path to a vlan translation profile's root node
func GetVlansPath(serviceName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/vlan-translation-profile[name='%s']", VlansPath, serviceName)
//ietfHardwareAdminState returns the string that represents the ietf-hardware admin state
//enum value corresponding to the one of VOLTHA
func ietfHardwareAdminState(volthaAdminState voltha.AdminState_Types) string {
//TODO: verify this mapping is correct
switch volthaAdminState {
case common.AdminState_UNKNOWN:
return ietfAdminStateUnknown
case common.AdminState_PREPROVISIONED:
case common.AdminState_DOWNLOADING_IMAGE:
case common.AdminState_ENABLED:
return ietfAdminStateUnlocked
case common.AdminState_DISABLED:
return ietfAdminStateLocked
//TODO: does something map to "shutting-down" ?
return ietfAdminStateUnknown
//ietfHardwareOperState returns the string that represents the ietf-hardware oper state
//enum value corresponding to the one of VOLTHA
func ietfHardwareOperState(volthaOperState voltha.OperStatus_Types) string {
//TODO: verify this mapping is correct
switch volthaOperState {
case common.OperStatus_UNKNOWN:
return ietfOperStateUnknown
case common.OperStatus_TESTING:
return ietfOperStateTesting
case common.OperStatus_ACTIVE:
return ietfOperStateEnabled
case common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED:
case common.OperStatus_ACTIVATING:
case common.OperStatus_FAILED:
case common.OperStatus_RECONCILING:
case common.OperStatus_RECONCILING_FAILED:
return ietfOperStateDisabled
return ietfOperStateUnknown
//ietfHardwareOperState returns the string that represents the ietf-interfaces oper state
//enum value corresponding to the one of VOLTHA
func ietfInterfacesOperState(volthaOperState voltha.OperStatus_Types) string {
//TODO: verify this mapping is correct
switch volthaOperState {
case common.OperStatus_UNKNOWN:
return ietfOperStateUnknown
case common.OperStatus_TESTING:
return ietfOperStateTesting
case common.OperStatus_ACTIVE:
return ietfOperStateUp
case common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED:
case common.OperStatus_ACTIVATING:
case common.OperStatus_FAILED:
case common.OperStatus_RECONCILING:
case common.OperStatus_RECONCILING_FAILED:
return ietfOperStateDown
return ietfOperStateUnknown
//translateDevice returns a slice of yang items that represent a voltha device
func translateDevice(device *voltha.Device) []YangItem {
devicePath := getDevicePath(device.Id)
hardwarePath := getDeviceHardwarePath(device.Id)
result := []YangItem{}
//Device type
if device.Root {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: devicePath + "/type",
Value: DeviceTypeOlt,
} else {
result = append(result, []YangItem{
Path: devicePath + "/type",
Value: DeviceTypeOnu,
Path: hardwarePath + "/parent",
Value: device.ParentId,
Path: hardwarePath + "/parent-rel-pos",
Value: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(device.ParentPortNo), 10),
//Vendor name
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/mfg-name",
Value: device.Vendor,
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/model-name",
Value: device.Model,
//Hardware version
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/hardware-rev",
Value: device.HardwareVersion,
//Firmware version
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/firmware-rev",
Value: device.FirmwareVersion,
//Serial number
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/serial-num",
Value: device.SerialNumber,
//Administrative state
//Translates VOLTHA admin state enum to ietf-hardware enum
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/state/admin-state",
Value: ietfHardwareAdminState(device.AdminState),
//Operative state
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: hardwarePath + "/state/oper-state",
Value: ietfHardwareOperState(device.OperStatus),
return result
//translateOnuPorts returns a slice of yang items that represent the UNIs of an ONU
func translateOnuPorts(deviceId string, ports *voltha.Ports) ([]YangItem, error) {
interfacesPath := getDevicePath(deviceId) + "/data/ietf-interfaces:interfaces"
result := []YangItem{}
for _, port := range ports.Items {
if port.Type == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI {
if port.OfpPort == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no-ofp-port-in-uni: %s %d", deviceId, port.PortNo)
interfacePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/interface[name='%s']", interfacesPath, port.OfpPort.Name)
result = append(result, []YangItem{
Path: interfacePath + "/type",
Value: "bbf-xpon-if-type:onu-v-vrefpoint",
Path: interfacePath + "/oper-status",
Value: ietfInterfacesOperState(port.OperStatus),
return result, nil
//TranslateOnuActivatedEvent returns a slice of yang items and the name of the channel termination to populate
//an ONU discovery notification with data from ONU_ACTIVATED_RAISE_EVENT coming from the Kafka bus
func TranslateOnuActivatedEvent(eventHeader *voltha.EventHeader, deviceEvent *voltha.DeviceEvent) (notification []YangItem, channelTermination []YangItem, err error) {
//TODO: the use of this notification, which requires the creation of a dummy channel termination node,
//is temporary, and will be substituted with a more fitting one as soon as it will be defined
//Check if the needed information is present
ponId, ok := deviceEvent.Context[eventContextKeyPonId]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing-key-from-event-context: %s", eventContextKeyPonId)
oltId, ok := deviceEvent.Context[eventContextKeyOltSn]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing-key-from-event-context: %s", eventContextKeyPonId)
ponName := oltId + "-pon-" + ponId
onuSn, ok := deviceEvent.Context[eventContextKeyOnuSn]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("missing-key-from-event-context: %s", eventContextKeyOnuSn)
notificationPath := "/bbf-xpon-onu-states:onu-state-change"
notification = []YangItem{
Path: notificationPath + "/detected-serial-number",
Value: onuSn,
Path: notificationPath + "/channel-termination-ref",
Value: ponName,
Path: notificationPath + "/onu-state-last-change",
Value: eventHeader.RaisedTs.AsTime().Format(time.RFC3339),
Path: notificationPath + "/onu-state",
Value: "bbf-xpon-onu-types:onu-present",
Path: notificationPath + "/detected-registration-id",
Value: deviceEvent.ResourceId,
channelTermination = []YangItem{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface[name='%s']/type", ponName),
Value: "bbf-if-type:vlan-sub-interface",
return notification, channelTermination, nil
//translateService returns a slice of yang items that represent a programmed service
func translateService(tagInfo clients.SadisUniTag, alias ServiceAlias) ([]YangItem, error) {
result := []YangItem{}
portPath := GetServicePortPath(alias.ServiceName, alias.Key.Port)
if tagInfo.ConfiguredMacAddress != "" {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:configured-mac-address",
Value: tagInfo.ConfiguredMacAddress,
result = append(result, []YangItem{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/port-vlans/port-vlan[name='%s']", portPath, alias.VlansName),
Value: "",
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:technology-profile-id",
Value: strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.TechnologyProfileID),
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:mac-learning-enabled",
Value: strconv.FormatBool(tagInfo.EnableMacLearning),
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:dhcp-required",
Value: strconv.FormatBool(tagInfo.IsDhcpRequired),
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:igmp-required",
Value: strconv.FormatBool(tagInfo.IsIgmpRequired),
Path: portPath + "/bbf-nt-service-profile-voltha:pppoe-required",
Value: strconv.FormatBool(tagInfo.IsPPPoERequired),
// TODO: The creation of leaves for Bandwidth Profiles has been temporarily
// removed to avoid validation issues during reconciliation, until the translation
// of Bandwidth Profiles is agreed.
// See translateBandwidthProfiles()
return result, nil
//translateVlans returns a slice of yang items that represent the vlans used by a programmed service
func translateVlans(tagInfo clients.SadisUniTag, alias ServiceAlias) ([]YangItem, error) {
result := []YangItem{}
vlansPath := GetVlansPath(alias.VlansName)
uniTagMatch := YangVlanIdAny
sTag := YangVlanIdAny
cTag := YangVlanIdAny
if tagInfo.UniTagMatch != VolthaVlanIdAny {
uniTagMatch = strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.UniTagMatch)
if tagInfo.PonSTag != VolthaVlanIdAny {
sTag = strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.PonSTag)
if tagInfo.PonCTag != VolthaVlanIdAny {
cTag = strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.PonCTag)
if tagInfo.UniTagMatch > 0 {
result = append(result, []YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/match-criteria/outer-tag/vlan-id",
Value: uniTagMatch,
Path: vlansPath + "/match-criteria/second-tag/vlan-id",
Value: "any",
if tagInfo.UsPonSTagPriority >= 0 {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-outer-tag/pbit",
Value: strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.UsPonSTagPriority),
if tagInfo.DsPonSTagPriority >= 0 {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-outer-tag/bbf-voltha-vlan-translation:dpbit",
Value: strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.DsPonSTagPriority),
if tagInfo.UsPonCTagPriority >= 0 {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-second-tag/pbit",
Value: strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.UsPonCTagPriority),
if tagInfo.DsPonCTagPriority >= 0 {
result = append(result, YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-second-tag/bbf-voltha-vlan-translation:dpbit",
Value: strconv.Itoa(tagInfo.DsPonCTagPriority),
result = append(result, []YangItem{
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-outer-tag/vlan-id",
Value: sTag,
Path: vlansPath + "/ingress-rewrite/push-second-tag/vlan-id",
Value: cTag,
return result, nil
//translateBandwidthProfiles returns a slice of yang items that represent the bandwidth profiles used by programmed services
func translateBandwidthProfiles(bwProfiles []clients.BandwidthProfile) ([]YangItem, error) {
result := []YangItem{}
//TODO: The best way to translate this information is still under discussion, but the code
// to retrieve it is ready. Since this is not fundamental at the moment, an empty slice is
// returned, and the correct translation can be added here at a later time.
return result, nil