[VOL-5272] Check on code review input from Mirko D

[VOL-5031] - original ticket

  o Fixed a typo in parsed path:
    + use names="${names[0]}" to extract path from sed command output.
    + Inline comments showing input string and names array variable.

  o Screen sources with latest shellcheck v0.9.0.
  o Replace cd $HERE && cd $APP_ROOT with {pushd,popd} and error checking.

  o Usability enhancements to improve log readability:
    + func init: validate and display envionment vars used.
    + Display banners and whitespace to breakup a long stream
      of artifact copying and unpacking.

  o Add simple getopts command line switches to enable --debug mode.

  o Replace "cp -v" with "rsync --checksum"
    + Adds error checking, detect bit flip.
    + Only copy files when needed.

  o Install rsync command, mia from the base docker image.
  o Display command version installed for rsync and unzip.

Change-Id: Ief6ca6bf381394d6a50e6bb17037228a2fe2041a
2 files changed
tree: e421c3f5a3c3986c7e74c14356c5768e589236c3
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  4. Dockerfile.voltha-onos
  5. Makefile
  6. README.md
  8. app-install.sh
  9. config.mk
  10. dependencies.xml
  11. etc/
  12. get-local-oars.sh
  13. makefiles/
  14. mvn_settings.sh
  15. mvn_settings.xml
  16. network-cfg-example.json
  17. network-cfg.json
  18. tests/

VOLTHA ONOS Development Build Environment

Docker build environment capable of producing a version of onos and needed apps that can run with voltha. Typically the onos restful api would be used to include apps after onos is started. This provides a build environment that includes current released and enabled oar files or optionally can import locally built oar files.


By default the current set of onos apps is imported from a maven repository as read from dependencies.xml.

make build

Including locally built oar files

If you wish to include your own onos apps then export the LOCAL_ONOSAPPS environment variable to have locally built oar files copied from local_imports/oar into the docker build environment rather than pulling from maven. Any oar files in this directory will be included and set to start on onos startup.

Note! its assumed that the standard apps (olt-app, sadis, aaa, and dhcpl2relay) build environment is one up directory from this build environment. Modify get-local-oars.sh if this is not the case:

export LOCAL_ONOSAPPS=true
make build

Including custom config

The voltha-onos build also includes a mechanism to build in a default onos network-config.json file. You can simply edit network-cfg.json before building the docker image. Or if using docker-compose or k8s volume mount over the built in file within the container /root/onos/config/network-cfg.json with your own.

For example, in a docker-compose file:

    - "8101:8101" # ssh
    - "6653:6653" # OF
    - "8181:8181" # UI
      ONOS_APPS: 'drivers,openflow-base'
    - "/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock"
    - "./network-cfg.json:/root/onos/config/network-cfg.json"
    - default
    restart: unless-stopped