blob: cc319fa2ea489549086bb8fb87157bc02755e8e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package core provides APIs for the openOLT adapter
package core
import (
ctx "context"
oop ""
const (
onuDiscoveryEvent = "ONU_DISCOVERY"
onuLosEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL"
onuLobEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST"
onuLopcMissEvent = "ONU_LOPC_MISS"
onuLopcMicErrorEvent = "ONU_LOPC_MIC_ERROR"
oltLosEvent = "OLT_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL"
oltIndicationDown = "OLT_DOWN_INDICATION"
onuDyingGaspEvent = "ONU_DYING_GASP"
onuSignalsFailEvent = "ONU_SIGNALS_FAIL"
onuStartupFailEvent = "ONU_STARTUP_FAIL"
onuSignalDegradeEvent = "ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE"
onuDriftOfWindowEvent = "ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW"
onuActivationFailEvent = "ONU_ACTIVATION_FAIL"
onuProcessingErrorEvent = "ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR"
onuLossOfKeySyncEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC"
onuLossOfFrameEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_FRAME"
onuLossOfPloamEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_PLOAM"
ponIntfDownIndiction = "OLT_PON_INTERFACE_DOWN"
onuDeactivationFailureEvent = "ONU_DEACTIVATION_FAILURE"
onuRemoteDefectIndication = "ONU_REMOTE_DEFECT"
onuPhysicalEquipmentErrorEvent = "ONU_PHYSICAL_EQUIPMENT_ERROR"
onuLossOfAcknowledgementEvent = "ONU_LOSS_OF_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT"
const (
pon = voltha.EventSubCategory_PON
olt = voltha.EventSubCategory_OLT
ont = voltha.EventSubCategory_ONT
onu = voltha.EventSubCategory_ONU
nni = voltha.EventSubCategory_NNI
service = voltha.EventCategory_SERVICE
security = voltha.EventCategory_SECURITY
equipment = voltha.EventCategory_EQUIPMENT
processing = voltha.EventCategory_PROCESSING
environment = voltha.EventCategory_ENVIRONMENT
communication = voltha.EventCategory_COMMUNICATION
const (
// statusCheckOn represents status check On
statusCheckOn = "on"
// statusCheckOff represents status check Off
statusCheckOff = "off"
// operationStateUp represents operation state Up
operationStateUp = "up"
// operationStateDown represents operation state Down
operationStateDown = "down"
// base10 represents base 10 conversion
base10 = 10
// OpenOltEventMgr struct contains
type OpenOltEventMgr struct {
eventProxy adapterif.EventProxy
handler *DeviceHandler
// NewEventMgr is a Function to get a new event manager struct for the OpenOLT to process and publish OpenOLT event
func NewEventMgr(eventProxy adapterif.EventProxy, handler *DeviceHandler) *OpenOltEventMgr {
var em OpenOltEventMgr
em.eventProxy = eventProxy
em.handler = handler
return &em
// ProcessEvents is function to process and publish OpenOLT event
// nolint: gocyclo
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) ProcessEvents(alarmInd *oop.AlarmIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var err error
switch alarmInd.Data.(type) {
case *oop.AlarmIndication_LosInd:
log.Debugw("Received LOS indication", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.oltLosIndication(alarmInd.GetLosInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuAlarmInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu alarm indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuAlarmIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuAlarmInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_DyingGaspInd:
log.Debugw("Received dying gasp indication", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuDyingGaspIndication(alarmInd.GetDyingGaspInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuActivationFailInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu activation fail indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuActivationFailIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuActivationFailInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuLossOmciInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu loss omci indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuLossOmciIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuLossOmciInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuDriftOfWindowInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu drift of window indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuDriftOfWindowIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuDriftOfWindowInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuSignalDegradeInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu signal degrade indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuSignalDegradeIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuSignalDegradeInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuSignalsFailInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu signal fail indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuSignalsFailIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuSignalsFailInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuStartupFailInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu startup fail indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuStartupFailedIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuStartupFailInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuTiwiInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu transmission warning indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
log.Debugw("Not implemented yet", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": "Onu-Transmission-indication"})
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuLossOfSyncFailInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu Loss of Sync Fail indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuLossOfSyncIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuLossOfSyncFailInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuItuPonStatsInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu Itu Pon Stats indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
log.Debugw("Not implemented yet", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuRemoteDefectInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu remote defect indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuRemoteDefectIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuRemoteDefectInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuDeactivationFailureInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu deactivation failure indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuDeactivationFailureIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuDeactivationFailureInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuLossGemDelineationInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu loss of GEM channel delineation indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuLossOfGEMChannelDelineationIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuLossGemDelineationInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuPhysicalEquipmentErrorInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu physical equipment error indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuPhysicalEquipmentErrorIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuPhysicalEquipmentErrorInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
case *oop.AlarmIndication_OnuLossOfAckInd:
log.Debugw("Received onu loss of acknowledgement indication ", log.Fields{"alarm_ind": alarmInd})
err = em.onuLossOfAcknowledgementIndication(alarmInd.GetOnuLossOfAckInd(), deviceID, raisedTs)
err = olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"indication-type": alarmInd}, nil)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("publish-message", log.Fields{"indication-type": alarmInd}, err).Log()
return nil
// oltUpDownIndication handles Up and Down state of an OLT
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) oltUpDownIndication(oltIndication *oop.OltIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["oper-state"] = oltIndication.OperState
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if oltIndication.OperState == operationStateDown {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", oltIndicationDown, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if oltIndication.OperState == operationStateUp {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", oltIndicationDown, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, olt, raisedTs); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-olt-event", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID}, err)
log.Debugw("OLT UpDown event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{})
return nil
// OnuDiscoveryIndication is an exported method to handle ONU discovery event
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) OnuDiscoveryIndication(onuDisc *oop.OnuDiscIndication, deviceID string, OnuID uint32, serialNumber string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(OnuID), base10)
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDisc.IntfId), base10)
context["serial-number"] = serialNumber
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuDiscoveryEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, equipment, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-onu-discovery-event", log.Fields{"serial-number": serialNumber, "intf-id": onuDisc.IntfId}, err)
log.Debugw("ONU discovery event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"serial-number": serialNumber, "intf-id": onuDisc.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) oltLosIndication(oltLos *oop.LosIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var err error = nil
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
var alarmInd oop.OnuAlarmIndication
ponIntdID := PortNoToIntfID(oltLos.IntfId, voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(oltLos.IntfId), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if oltLos.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", oltLosEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
/* When PON cable disconnected from OLT, it was expected OnuAlarmIndication
with "los_status: on" should be raised for each Onu connected to the PON
but BAL does not raise this Alarm hence manually sending OnuLosRaise event
for all the ONU's connected to PON on receiving LoSIndication for PON */
em.handler.onus.Range(func(Onukey interface{}, onuInCache interface{}) bool {
if onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID == ponIntdID {
alarmInd.IntfId = ponIntdID
alarmInd.OnuId = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).onuID
alarmInd.LosStatus = statusCheckOn
err = em.onuAlarmIndication(&alarmInd, deviceID, raisedTs)
return true
if err != nil {
/* Return if any error encountered while processing ONU LoS Event*/
return err
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", oltLosEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, olt, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("OLT LOS event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"intf-id": oltLos.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuDyingGaspIndication(dgi *oop.DyingGaspIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
var serialNumber string
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
serialNumber = ""
onu := em.handler.formOnuKey(dgi.IntfId, dgi.OnuId)
if onu, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onu); ok {
serialNumber = onu.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber
context["serial-number"] = serialNumber
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(dgi.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(dgi.OnuId), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuDyingGaspEvent, "EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU dying gasp event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"intf-id": dgi.IntfId})
return nil
//wasLosRaised checks whether los raised already. If already raised returns true else false
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) wasLosRaised(onuAlarm *oop.OnuAlarmIndication) bool {
onuKey := em.handler.formOnuKey(onuAlarm.IntfId, onuAlarm.OnuId)
if onuInCache, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
log.Debugw("onu-device-found-in-cache.", log.Fields{"intfID": onuAlarm.IntfId, "onuID": onuAlarm.OnuId})
if onuAlarm.LosStatus == statusCheckOn {
if onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).losRaised {
log.Warnw("onu-los-raised-already", log.Fields{"onu_id": onuAlarm.OnuId,
"intf_id": onuAlarm.IntfId, "LosStatus": onuAlarm.LosStatus})
return true
return false
return true
//wasLosCleared checks whether los cleared already. If already cleared returns true else false
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) wasLosCleared(onuAlarm *oop.OnuAlarmIndication) bool {
onuKey := em.handler.formOnuKey(onuAlarm.IntfId, onuAlarm.OnuId)
if onuInCache, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
log.Debugw("onu-device-found-in-cache.", log.Fields{"intfID": onuAlarm.IntfId, "onuID": onuAlarm.OnuId})
if onuAlarm.LosStatus == statusCheckOff {
if !onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).losRaised {
log.Warnw("onu-los-cleared-already", log.Fields{"onu_id": onuAlarm.OnuId,
"intf_id": onuAlarm.IntfId, "LosStatus": onuAlarm.LosStatus})
return true
return false
return true
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) getDeviceEventName(onuAlarm *oop.OnuAlarmIndication) string {
var deviceEventName string
if onuAlarm.LosStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLosEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LosStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLosEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LobStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLobEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LobStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLobEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LopcMissStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLopcMissEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LopcMissStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLopcMissEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LopcMicErrorStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLopcMicErrorEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LopcMicErrorStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLopcMicErrorEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LofiStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfFrameEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LofiStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfFrameEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LoamiStatus == statusCheckOn {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfPloamEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if onuAlarm.LoamiStatus == statusCheckOff {
deviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfPloamEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
return deviceEventName
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuAlarmIndication(onuAlarm *oop.OnuAlarmIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
var serialNumber string
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuAlarm.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuAlarm.OnuId), base10)
serialNumber = ""
onuKey := em.handler.formOnuKey(onuAlarm.IntfId, onuAlarm.OnuId)
if onu, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
serialNumber = onu.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber
context["serial-number"] = serialNumber
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
de.DeviceEventName = em.getDeviceEventName(onuAlarm)
switch onuAlarm.LosStatus {
case statusCheckOn:
if em.wasLosRaised(onuAlarm) {
/* No need to raise Onu Los Event as it might have already raised
or Onu might have deleted */
return nil
onuKey := em.handler.formOnuKey(onuAlarm.IntfId, onuAlarm.OnuId)
if onuInCache, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
/* Update onu device with LoS raised state as true */
em.handler.onus.Store(onuKey, NewOnuDevice(onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceType,
onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).onuID, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID,
onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).proxyDeviceID, true))
case statusCheckOff:
if em.wasLosCleared(onuAlarm) {
/* No need to clear Onu Los Event as it might have already cleared
or Onu might have deleted */
return nil
onuKey := em.handler.formOnuKey(onuAlarm.IntfId, onuAlarm.OnuId)
if onuInCache, ok := em.handler.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
/* Update onu device with LoS raised state as false */
em.handler.onus.Store(onuKey, NewOnuDevice(onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceType,
onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).onuID, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID,
onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).proxyDeviceID, false))
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU LOS event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuAlarm.OnuId, "intf-id": onuAlarm.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuActivationFailIndication(oaf *oop.OnuActivationFailureIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(oaf.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(oaf.OnuId), base10)
context["fail-reason"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(oaf.FailReason), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuActivationFailEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, equipment, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU activation failure event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": oaf.OnuId, "intf-id": oaf.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuLossOmciIndication(onuLossOmci *oop.OnuLossOfOmciChannelIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLossOmci.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLossOmci.OnuId), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuLossOmci.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOmciEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOmciEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU loss of OMCI channel event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuLossOmci.OnuId, "intf-id": onuLossOmci.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuDriftOfWindowIndication(onuDriftWindow *oop.OnuDriftOfWindowIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDriftWindow.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDriftWindow.OnuId), base10)
context["drift"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDriftWindow.Drift), base10)
context["new-eqd"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDriftWindow.NewEqd), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuDriftWindow.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuDriftOfWindowEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuDriftOfWindowEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU drift of window event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuDriftWindow.OnuId, "intf-id": onuDriftWindow.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuSignalDegradeIndication(onuSignalDegrade *oop.OnuSignalDegradeIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalDegrade.IntfId), base10)
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalDegrade.OnuId), base10)
context["inverse-bit-error-rate"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalDegrade.InverseBitErrorRate), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuSignalDegrade.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuSignalDegradeEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuSignalDegradeEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU signal degrade event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuSignalDegrade.OnuId, "intf-id": onuSignalDegrade.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuSignalsFailIndication(onuSignalsFail *oop.OnuSignalsFailureIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalsFail.OnuId), base10)
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalsFail.IntfId), base10)
context["inverse-bit-error-rate"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuSignalsFail.InverseBitErrorRate), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuSignalsFail.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuSignalsFailEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuSignalsFailEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU signals fail event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuSignalsFail.OnuId, "intf-id": onuSignalsFail.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuStartupFailedIndication(onuStartupFail *oop.OnuStartupFailureIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuStartupFail.OnuId), base10)
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuStartupFail.IntfId), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuStartupFail.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuStartupFailEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuStartupFailEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, pon, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU startup fail event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuStartupFail.OnuId, "intf-id": onuStartupFail.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuLossOfSyncIndication(onuLOKI *oop.OnuLossOfKeySyncFailureIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLOKI.OnuId), base10)
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLOKI.IntfId), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if onuLOKI.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfKeySyncEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfKeySyncEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, security, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU loss of key sync event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuLOKI.OnuId, "intf-id": onuLOKI.IntfId})
return nil
// oltIntfOperIndication handles Up and Down state of an OLT PON ports
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) oltIntfOperIndication(ifindication *oop.IntfOperIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
portID := IntfIDToPortNo(ifindication.IntfId, voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
device, err := em.handler.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx.Background(), deviceID, deviceID)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("Error while fetching Device object", log.Fields{"DeviceId": deviceID}, err)
for _, port := range device.Ports {
if port.PortNo == portID {
// Events are suppressed if the Port Adminstate is not enabled.
if port.AdminState != common.AdminState_ENABLED {
log.Debugw("Port disable/enable event not generated because, The port is not enabled by operator", log.Fields{"deviceId": deviceID, "port": port})
return nil
/* Populating event context */
context["oper-state"] = ifindication.GetOperState()
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
if ifindication.GetOperState() == operationStateDown {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", ponIntfDownIndiction, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else if ifindication.OperState == operationStateUp {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", ponIntfDownIndiction, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, communication, olt, raisedTs); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-olt-intf-oper-status-event", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID, "intf-id": ifindication.IntfId, "oper-state": ifindication.OperState}, err).Log()
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuDeactivationFailureIndication(onuDFI *oop.OnuDeactivationFailureIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
var de voltha.DeviceEvent
context := make(map[string]string)
/* Populating event context */
context["onu-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDFI.OnuId), base10)
context["intf-id"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDFI.IntfId), base10)
context["failure-reason"] = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuDFI.FailReason), base10)
/* Populating device event body */
de.Context = context
de.ResourceId = deviceID
de.DeviceEventName = onuDeactivationFailureEvent
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(&de, equipment, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU deactivation failure event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuDFI.OnuId, "intf-id": onuDFI.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuRemoteDefectIndication(onuRDI *oop.OnuRemoteDefectIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
/* Populating event context */
context := map[string]string{
"onu-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuRDI.OnuId), base10),
"intf-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuRDI.IntfId), base10),
"rdi-errors": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuRDI.RdiErrors), base10),
/* Populating device event body */
de := &voltha.DeviceEvent{
Context: context,
ResourceId: deviceID,
DeviceEventName: onuRemoteDefectIndication,
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(de, equipment, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU remote defect event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuRDI.OnuId, "intf-id": onuRDI.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuLossOfGEMChannelDelineationIndication(onuGCD *oop.OnuLossOfGEMChannelDelineationIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
/* Populating event context */
context := map[string]string{
"onu-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuGCD.OnuId), base10),
"intf-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuGCD.IntfId), base10),
"delineation-errors": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuGCD.DelineationErrors), base10),
/* Populating device event body */
de := &voltha.DeviceEvent{
Context: context,
ResourceId: deviceID,
if onuGCD.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfGEMChannelDelineationEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfGEMChannelDelineationEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(de, communication, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU loss of GEM channel delineation event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuGCD.OnuId, "intf-id": onuGCD.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuPhysicalEquipmentErrorIndication(onuErr *oop.OnuPhysicalEquipmentErrorIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
/* Populating event context */
context := map[string]string{
"onu-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuErr.OnuId), base10),
"intf-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuErr.IntfId), base10),
/* Populating device event body */
de := &voltha.DeviceEvent{
Context: context,
ResourceId: deviceID,
if onuErr.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuPhysicalEquipmentErrorEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuPhysicalEquipmentErrorEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(de, equipment, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU physical equipment error event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuErr.OnuId, "intf-id": onuErr.IntfId})
return nil
func (em *OpenOltEventMgr) onuLossOfAcknowledgementIndication(onuLOA *oop.OnuLossOfAcknowledgementIndication, deviceID string, raisedTs int64) error {
/* Populating event context */
context := map[string]string{
"onu-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLOA.OnuId), base10),
"intf-id": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(onuLOA.IntfId), base10),
/* Populating device event body */
de := &voltha.DeviceEvent{
Context: context,
ResourceId: deviceID,
if onuLOA.Status == statusCheckOn {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfAcknowledgementEvent, "RAISE_EVENT")
} else {
de.DeviceEventName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", onuLossOfAcknowledgementEvent, "CLEAR_EVENT")
/* Send event to KAFKA */
if err := em.eventProxy.SendDeviceEvent(de, equipment, onu, raisedTs); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugw("ONU physical equipment error event sent to KAFKA", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuLOA.OnuId, "intf-id": onuLOA.IntfId})
return nil