blob: d6cb1e60b36265d040f01d2a4279230e364bcd74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package core provides the utility for olt devices, flows and statistics
package core
import (
rsrcMgr ""
ic ""
of ""
oop ""
// Constants for number of retries and for timeout
const (
MaxRetry = 10
MaxTimeOutInMs = 500
InvalidPort = 0xffffffff
// pendingFlowRemoveDataKey is key to pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber map
type pendingFlowRemoveDataKey struct {
intfID uint32
onuID uint32
uniID uint32
// pendingFlowRemoveData is value stored in pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber map
// This holds the number of pending flow removes and also a signal channel to
// to indicate the receiver when all flow removes are handled
type pendingFlowRemoveData struct {
pendingFlowRemoveCount uint32
allFlowsRemoved chan struct{}
//DeviceHandler will interact with the OLT device.
type DeviceHandler struct {
device *voltha.Device
coreProxy adapterif.CoreProxy
AdapterProxy adapterif.AdapterProxy
EventProxy adapterif.EventProxy
openOLT *OpenOLT
exitChannel chan int
lockDevice sync.RWMutex
Client oop.OpenoltClient
transitionMap *TransitionMap
clientCon *grpc.ClientConn
flowMgr *OpenOltFlowMgr
eventMgr *OpenOltEventMgr
resourceMgr *rsrcMgr.OpenOltResourceMgr
discOnus sync.Map
onus sync.Map
portStats *OpenOltStatisticsMgr
metrics *pmmetrics.PmMetrics
stopCollector chan bool
stopHeartbeatCheck chan bool
activePorts sync.Map
stopIndications chan bool
isReadIndicationRoutineActive bool
// pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber map is used to maintain the context on a per
// subscriber basis for the number of pending flow removes. This data is used
// to process all the flow removes for a subscriber before handling flow adds.
// Interleaving flow delete and flow add processing has known to cause PON resource
// management contentions on a per subscriber bases, so we need ensure ordering.
pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber map[pendingFlowRemoveDataKey]pendingFlowRemoveData
//OnuDevice represents ONU related info
type OnuDevice struct {
deviceID string
deviceType string
serialNumber string
onuID uint32
intfID uint32
proxyDeviceID string
uniPorts map[uint32]struct{}
losRaised bool
var pmNames = []string{
//NewOnuDevice creates a new Onu Device
func NewOnuDevice(devID, deviceTp, serialNum string, onuID, intfID uint32, proxyDevID string, losRaised bool) *OnuDevice {
var device OnuDevice
device.deviceID = devID
device.deviceType = deviceTp
device.serialNumber = serialNum
device.onuID = onuID
device.intfID = intfID
device.proxyDeviceID = proxyDevID
device.uniPorts = make(map[uint32]struct{})
device.losRaised = losRaised
return &device
//NewDeviceHandler creates a new device handler
func NewDeviceHandler(cp adapterif.CoreProxy, ap adapterif.AdapterProxy, ep adapterif.EventProxy, device *voltha.Device, adapter *OpenOLT) *DeviceHandler {
var dh DeviceHandler
dh.coreProxy = cp
dh.AdapterProxy = ap
dh.EventProxy = ep
cloned := (proto.Clone(device)).(*voltha.Device)
dh.device = cloned
dh.openOLT = adapter
dh.exitChannel = make(chan int, 1)
dh.lockDevice = sync.RWMutex{}
dh.stopCollector = make(chan bool, 2)
dh.stopHeartbeatCheck = make(chan bool, 2)
dh.metrics = pmmetrics.NewPmMetrics(cloned.Id, pmmetrics.Frequency(150), pmmetrics.FrequencyOverride(false), pmmetrics.Grouped(false), pmmetrics.Metrics(pmNames))
dh.activePorts = sync.Map{}
dh.stopIndications = make(chan bool, 1)
dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber = make(map[pendingFlowRemoveDataKey]pendingFlowRemoveData)
//TODO initialize the support classes.
return &dh
// start save the device to the data model
func (dh *DeviceHandler) start(ctx context.Context) {
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
logger.Debugw("starting-device-agent", log.Fields{"device": dh.device})
// Add the initial device to the local model
// stop stops the device dh. Not much to do for now
func (dh *DeviceHandler) stop(ctx context.Context) {
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
dh.exitChannel <- 1
func macifyIP(ip net.IP) string {
if len(ip) > 0 {
oct1 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(ip[12]), 16)
oct2 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(ip[13]), 16)
oct3 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(ip[14]), 16)
oct4 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(ip[15]), 16)
return fmt.Sprintf("00:00:%02v:%02v:%02v:%02v", oct1, oct2, oct3, oct4)
return ""
func generateMacFromHost(host string) (string, error) {
var genmac string
var addr net.IP
var ips []string
var err error
logger.Debugw("generating-mac-from-host", log.Fields{"host": host})
if addr = net.ParseIP(host); addr == nil {
logger.Debugw("looking-up-hostname", log.Fields{"host": host})
if ips, err = net.LookupHost(host); err == nil {
logger.Debugw("dns-result-ips", log.Fields{"ips": ips})
if addr = net.ParseIP(ips[0]); addr == nil {
return "", olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"ip": ips[0]}, nil)
genmac = macifyIP(addr)
log.Fields{"host": ips[0],
"mac": genmac})
return genmac, nil
return "", olterrors.NewErrAdapter("cannot-resolve-hostname-to-ip", log.Fields{"host": host}, err)
genmac = macifyIP(addr)
log.Fields{"host": host,
"mac": genmac})
return genmac, nil
func macAddressToUint32Array(mac string) []uint32 {
slist := strings.Split(mac, ":")
result := make([]uint32, len(slist))
var err error
var tmp int64
for index, val := range slist {
if tmp, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 16, 32); err != nil {
return []uint32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
result[index] = uint32(tmp)
return result
//GetportLabel returns the label for the NNI and the PON port based on port number and port type
func GetportLabel(portNum uint32, portType voltha.Port_PortType) (string, error) {
switch portType {
case voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI:
return fmt.Sprintf("nni-%d", portNum), nil
case voltha.Port_PON_OLT:
return fmt.Sprintf("pon-%d", portNum), nil
return "", olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"port-type": portType}, nil)
func (dh *DeviceHandler) addPort(intfID uint32, portType voltha.Port_PortType, state string) error {
var operStatus common.OperStatus_Types
if state == "up" {
operStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
//populating the intfStatus map
dh.activePorts.Store(intfID, true)
} else {
operStatus = voltha.OperStatus_DISCOVERED
dh.activePorts.Store(intfID, false)
portNum := IntfIDToPortNo(intfID, portType)
label, err := GetportLabel(portNum, portType)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("port-label", log.Fields{"port-number": portNum, "port-type": portType}, err)
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
if device.Ports != nil {
for _, dPort := range device.Ports {
if dPort.Type == portType && dPort.PortNo == portNum {
if err := dh.coreProxy.PortStateUpdate(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, portType, portNum, operStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-update-port-state", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port-type": portType,
"port-number": portNum,
"oper-status": operStatus}, err)
return nil
// Now create Port
port := &voltha.Port{
PortNo: portNum,
Label: label,
Type: portType,
OperStatus: operStatus,
logger.Debugw("sending-port-update-to-core", log.Fields{"port": port})
// Synchronous call to update device - this method is run in its own go routine
if err := dh.coreProxy.PortCreated(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, port); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("error-creating-port", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port-type": portType}, err)
go dh.updateLocalDevice()
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) updateLocalDevice() error {
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
logger.Errorf("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
dh.device = device
return nil
// readIndications to read the indications from the OLT device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) readIndications(ctx context.Context) error {
defer logger.Debugw("indications-ended", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
defer func() {
dh.isReadIndicationRoutineActive = false
indications, err := dh.startOpenOltIndicationStream(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
/* get device state */
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
// Create an exponential backoff around re-enabling indications. The
// maximum elapsed time for the back off is set to 0 so that we will
// continue to retry. The max interval defaults to 1m, but is set
// here for code clarity
indicationBackoff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
indicationBackoff.MaxElapsedTime = 0
indicationBackoff.MaxInterval = 1 * time.Minute
dh.isReadIndicationRoutineActive = true
for {
select {
case <-dh.stopIndications:
logger.Debugw("stopping-collecting-indications-for-olt", log.Fields{"deviceID:": dh.device.Id})
break Loop
indication, err := indications.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
log.Fields{"err": err,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
// Use an exponential back off to prevent getting into a tight loop
duration := indicationBackoff.NextBackOff()
if duration == backoff.Stop {
// If we reach a maximum then warn and reset the backoff
// timer and keep attempting.
log.Fields{"max-indication-backoff": indicationBackoff.MaxElapsedTime,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if indications, err = dh.startOpenOltIndicationStream(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
log.Fields{"err": err,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if device.AdminState == voltha.AdminState_DELETED {
break Loop
// Close the stream, and re-initialize it
if err = indications.CloseSend(); err != nil {
// Ok to ignore here, because we landed here due to a problem on the stream
// In all probability, the closeSend call may fail
logger.Debugw("error-closing-send stream--error-ignored",
log.Fields{"err": err,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if indications, err = dh.startOpenOltIndicationStream(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// once we re-initialized the indication stream, continue to read indications
// Reset backoff if we have a successful receive
// When OLT is admin down, ignore all indications.
if device.AdminState == voltha.AdminState_DISABLED && !isIndicationAllowedDuringOltAdminDown(indication) {
logger.Debugw("olt-is-admin-down, ignore indication",
log.Fields{"indication": indication,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
dh.handleIndication(ctx, indication)
// Close the send stream
_ = indications.CloseSend() // Ok to ignore error, as we stopping the readIndication anyway
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) startOpenOltIndicationStream(ctx context.Context) (oop.Openolt_EnableIndicationClient, error) {
indications, err := dh.Client.EnableIndication(ctx, new(oop.Empty))
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrCommunication("indication-read-failure", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
if indications == nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"indications": nil, "device-id": dh.device.Id}, nil).Log()
return indications, nil
// isIndicationAllowedDuringOltAdminDown returns true if the indication is allowed during OLT Admin down, else false
func isIndicationAllowedDuringOltAdminDown(indication *oop.Indication) bool {
switch indication.Data.(type) {
case *oop.Indication_OltInd, *oop.Indication_IntfInd, *oop.Indication_IntfOperInd:
return true
return false
func (dh *DeviceHandler) handleOltIndication(ctx context.Context, oltIndication *oop.OltIndication) error {
raisedTs := time.Now().UnixNano()
if oltIndication.OperState == "up" && dh.transitionMap.currentDeviceState != deviceStateUp {
dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, DeviceUpInd)
} else if oltIndication.OperState == "down" {
dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, DeviceDownInd)
// Send or clear Alarm
if err := dh.eventMgr.oltUpDownIndication(oltIndication, dh.device.Id, raisedTs); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-indication", log.Fields{
"device_id": dh.device.Id,
"indication": oltIndication,
"timestamp": raisedTs}, err)
return nil
// nolint: gocyclo
func (dh *DeviceHandler) handleIndication(ctx context.Context, indication *oop.Indication) {
raisedTs := time.Now().UnixNano()
switch indication.Data.(type) {
case *oop.Indication_OltInd:
if err := dh.handleOltIndication(ctx, indication.GetOltInd()); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "olt", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
case *oop.Indication_IntfInd:
intfInd := indication.GetIntfInd()
go func() {
if err := dh.addPort(intfInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT, intfInd.GetOperState()); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "interface", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Infow("received-interface-indication", log.Fields{"InterfaceInd": intfInd, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
case *oop.Indication_IntfOperInd:
intfOperInd := indication.GetIntfOperInd()
if intfOperInd.GetType() == "nni" {
go func() {
if err := dh.addPort(intfOperInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI, intfOperInd.GetOperState()); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "interface-oper-nni", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
dh.resourceMgr.AddNNIToKVStore(ctx, intfOperInd.GetIntfId())
} else if intfOperInd.GetType() == "pon" {
// TODO: Check what needs to be handled here for When PON PORT down, ONU will be down
// Handle pon port update
go func() {
if err := dh.addPort(intfOperInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT, intfOperInd.GetOperState()); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "interface-oper-pon", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
go dh.eventMgr.oltIntfOperIndication(indication.GetIntfOperInd(), dh.device.Id, raisedTs)
log.Fields{"interfaceOperInd": intfOperInd,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
case *oop.Indication_OnuDiscInd:
onuDiscInd := indication.GetOnuDiscInd()
logger.Infow("received-onu-discovery-indication", log.Fields{"OnuDiscInd": onuDiscInd, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
sn := dh.stringifySerialNumber(onuDiscInd.SerialNumber)
go func() {
if err := dh.onuDiscIndication(ctx, onuDiscInd, sn); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "onu-discovery", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
case *oop.Indication_OnuInd:
onuInd := indication.GetOnuInd()
logger.Infow("received-onu-indication", log.Fields{"OnuInd": onuInd, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
go func() {
if err := dh.onuIndication(onuInd); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "onu", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
case *oop.Indication_OmciInd:
omciInd := indication.GetOmciInd()
logger.Debugw("received-omci-indication", log.Fields{"IntfId": omciInd.IntfId, "OnuId": omciInd.OnuId, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
go func() {
if err := dh.omciIndication(omciInd); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "omci", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
case *oop.Indication_PktInd:
pktInd := indication.GetPktInd()
logger.Infow("received-packet-indication", log.Fields{"PktInd": pktInd, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
go func() {
if err := dh.handlePacketIndication(ctx, pktInd); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("handle-indication-error", log.Fields{"type": "packet", "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
case *oop.Indication_PortStats:
portStats := indication.GetPortStats()
go dh.portStats.PortStatisticsIndication(portStats, dh.resourceMgr.DevInfo.GetPonPorts())
case *oop.Indication_FlowStats:
flowStats := indication.GetFlowStats()
logger.Infow("received-flow-stats", log.Fields{"FlowStats": flowStats, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
case *oop.Indication_AlarmInd:
alarmInd := indication.GetAlarmInd()
logger.Infow("received-alarm-indication", log.Fields{"AlarmInd": alarmInd, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
go dh.eventMgr.ProcessEvents(alarmInd, dh.device.Id, raisedTs)
// doStateUp handle the olt up indication and update to voltha core
func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateUp(ctx context.Context) error {
//starting the stat collector
go startCollector(dh)
// Synchronous call to update device state - this method is run in its own go routine
if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, dh.device.Id, voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE,
voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
return nil
// doStateDown handle the olt down indication
func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateDown(ctx context.Context) error {
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
logger.Debugw("do-state-down-start", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
//Update the device oper state and connection status
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
dh.device = cloned
if err = dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("state-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id}, err)
//get the child device for the parent device
onuDevices, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevices(ctx, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("child-device-fetch-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
for _, onuDevice := range onuDevices.Items {
// Update onu state as down in onu adapter
onuInd := oop.OnuIndication{}
onuInd.OperState = "down"
err := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(ctx, &onuInd, ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST,
"openolt", onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, "")
if err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrCommunication("inter-adapter-send-failed", log.Fields{
"source": "openolt",
"onu-indicator": onuInd,
"device-type": onuDevice.Type,
"device-id": onuDevice.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
//Do not return here and continue to process other ONUs
/* Discovered ONUs entries need to be cleared , since after OLT
is up, it starts sending discovery indications again*/
dh.discOnus = sync.Map{}
logger.Debugw("do-state-down-end", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id})
return nil
// doStateInit dial the grpc before going to init state
func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateInit(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
if dh.clientCon, err = grpc.Dial(dh.device.GetHostAndPort(), grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithBlock()); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("dial-failure", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"host-and-port": dh.device.GetHostAndPort()}, err)
return nil
// postInit create olt client instance to invoke RPC on the olt device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) postInit(ctx context.Context) error {
dh.Client = oop.NewOpenoltClient(dh.clientCon)
dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, GrpcConnected)
return nil
// doStateConnected get the device info and update to voltha core
func (dh *DeviceHandler) doStateConnected(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
logger.Debugw("olt-device-connected", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
// Case where OLT is disabled and then rebooted.
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-fetch-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
if device.AdminState == voltha.AdminState_DISABLED {
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
dh.device = cloned
if err = dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
// Since the device was disabled before the OLT was rebooted, enforce the OLT to be Disabled after re-connection.
_, err = dh.Client.DisableOlt(ctx, new(oop.Empty))
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("olt-disable-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
// We should still go ahead an initialize various device handler modules so that when OLT is re-enabled, we have
// all the modules initialized and ready to handle incoming ONUs.
err = dh.initializeDeviceHandlerModules(ctx)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-handler-initialization-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
// Start reading indications
go func() {
if err = dh.readIndications(ctx); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("indication-read-failure", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
return nil
device, err = dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
/*TODO: needs to handle error scenarios */
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("fetch-device-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
if err := dh.disableAdminDownPorts(device); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-status-update-failed", log.Fields{"device": device}, err)
if err := dh.initializeDeviceHandlerModules(ctx); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-handler-initialization-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
// Start reading indications
go func() {
if err := dh.readIndications(ctx); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("read-indications-failure", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
go dh.updateLocalDevice()
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) initializeDeviceHandlerModules(ctx context.Context) error {
deviceInfo, err := dh.populateDeviceInfo()
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("populate-device-info-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
KVStoreHostPort := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", dh.openOLT.KVStoreHost, dh.openOLT.KVStorePort)
// Instantiate resource manager
if dh.resourceMgr = rsrcMgr.NewResourceMgr(ctx, dh.device.Id, KVStoreHostPort, dh.openOLT.KVStoreType, dh.device.Type, deviceInfo); dh.resourceMgr == nil {
return olterrors.ErrResourceManagerInstantiating
// Instantiate flow manager
if dh.flowMgr = NewFlowManager(ctx, dh, dh.resourceMgr); dh.flowMgr == nil {
return olterrors.ErrResourceManagerInstantiating
/* TODO: Instantiate Alarm , stats , BW managers */
/* Instantiating Event Manager to handle Alarms and KPIs */
dh.eventMgr = NewEventMgr(dh.EventProxy, dh)
// Stats config for new device
dh.portStats = NewOpenOltStatsMgr(dh)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) populateDeviceInfo() (*oop.DeviceInfo, error) {
var err error
var deviceInfo *oop.DeviceInfo
deviceInfo, err = dh.Client.GetDeviceInfo(context.Background(), new(oop.Empty))
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrPersistence("get", "device", 0, nil, err)
if deviceInfo == nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"device": nil}, nil)
logger.Debugw("fetched-device-info", log.Fields{"deviceInfo": deviceInfo, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
dh.device.Root = true
dh.device.Vendor = deviceInfo.Vendor
dh.device.Model = deviceInfo.Model
dh.device.SerialNumber = deviceInfo.DeviceSerialNumber
dh.device.HardwareVersion = deviceInfo.HardwareVersion
dh.device.FirmwareVersion = deviceInfo.FirmwareVersion
if deviceInfo.DeviceId == "" {
logger.Warnw("no-device-id-provided-using-host", log.Fields{"hostport": dh.device.GetHostAndPort()})
host := strings.Split(dh.device.GetHostAndPort(), ":")[0]
genmac, err := generateMacFromHost(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-generate-mac-host", log.Fields{"host": host}, err)
logger.Debugw("using-host-for-mac-address", log.Fields{"host": host, "mac": genmac})
dh.device.MacAddress = genmac
} else {
dh.device.MacAddress = deviceInfo.DeviceId
// Synchronous call to update device - this method is run in its own go routine
if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceUpdate(context.TODO(), dh.device); err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
return deviceInfo, nil
func startCollector(dh *DeviceHandler) {
context := make(map[string]string)
freq := dh.metrics.ToPmConfigs().DefaultFreq
for {
select {
case <-dh.stopCollector:
logger.Debugw("stopping-collector-for-olt", log.Fields{"deviceID:": dh.device.Id})
case <-time.After(time.Duration(freq) * time.Second):
context["oltid"] = dh.device.Id
context["devicetype"] = dh.device.Type
ports := make([]*voltha.Port, len(dh.device.Ports))
copy(ports, dh.device.Ports)
for _, port := range ports {
// NNI Stats
if port.Type == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
intfID := PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI)
cmnni := dh.portStats.collectNNIMetrics(intfID)
logger.Debugw("collect-nni-metrics", log.Fields{"metrics": cmnni})
go dh.portStats.publishMetrics(cmnni, port, context, dh.device.Id)
logger.Debugw("publish-nni-metrics", log.Fields{"nni-port": port.Label})
// PON Stats
if port.Type == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
intfID := PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
if val, ok := dh.activePorts.Load(intfID); ok && val == true {
cmpon := dh.portStats.collectPONMetrics(intfID)
logger.Debugw("collect-pon-metrics", log.Fields{"metrics": cmpon})
go dh.portStats.publishMetrics(cmpon, port, context, dh.device.Id)
logger.Debugw("publish-pon-metrics", log.Fields{"pon-port": port.Label})
//AdoptDevice adopts the OLT device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) AdoptDevice(ctx context.Context, device *voltha.Device) {
dh.transitionMap = NewTransitionMap(dh)
logger.Infow("adopt-device", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id, "Address": device.GetHostAndPort()})
dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, DeviceInit)
// Now, set the initial PM configuration for that device
if err := dh.coreProxy.DevicePMConfigUpdate(nil, dh.metrics.ToPmConfigs()); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("error-updating-performance-metrics", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
go startHeartbeatCheck(ctx, dh)
//GetOfpDeviceInfo Gets the Ofp information of the given device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) GetOfpDeviceInfo(device *voltha.Device) (*ic.SwitchCapability, error) {
return &ic.SwitchCapability{
Desc: &of.OfpDesc{
MfrDesc: "VOLTHA Project",
HwDesc: "open_pon",
SwDesc: "open_pon",
SerialNum: dh.device.SerialNumber,
SwitchFeatures: &of.OfpSwitchFeatures{
NBuffers: 256,
NTables: 2,
Capabilities: uint32(of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_FLOW_STATS |
of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_TABLE_STATS |
of.OfpCapabilities_OFPC_PORT_STATS |
}, nil
//GetOfpPortInfo Get Ofp port information
func (dh *DeviceHandler) GetOfpPortInfo(device *voltha.Device, portNo int64) (*ic.PortCapability, error) {
capacity := uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD | of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_FIBER)
return &ic.PortCapability{
Port: &voltha.LogicalPort{
OfpPort: &of.OfpPort{
HwAddr: macAddressToUint32Array(dh.device.MacAddress),
Config: 0,
State: uint32(of.OfpPortState_OFPPS_LIVE),
Curr: capacity,
Advertised: capacity,
Peer: capacity,
CurrSpeed: uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
MaxSpeed: uint32(of.OfpPortFeatures_OFPPF_1GB_FD),
DeviceId: dh.device.Id,
DevicePortNo: uint32(portNo),
}, nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) omciIndication(omciInd *oop.OmciIndication) error {
logger.Debugw("omci-indication", log.Fields{"intfID": omciInd.IntfId, "onuID": omciInd.OnuId, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
var deviceType string
var deviceID string
var proxyDeviceID string
transid := extractOmciTransactionID(omciInd.Pkt)
logger.Debugw("recv-omci-msg", log.Fields{"intfID": omciInd.IntfId, "onuID": omciInd.OnuId, "device-id": dh.device.Id,
"omciTransactionID": transid, "omciMsg": hex.EncodeToString(omciInd.Pkt)})
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(omciInd.IntfId, omciInd.OnuId)
if onuInCache, ok := dh.onus.Load(onuKey); !ok {
logger.Debugw("omci-indication-for-a-device-not-in-cache.", log.Fields{"intfID": omciInd.IntfId, "onuID": omciInd.OnuId, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
ponPort := IntfIDToPortNo(omciInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
kwargs := make(map[string]interface{})
kwargs["onu_id"] = omciInd.OnuId
kwargs["parent_port_no"] = ponPort
onuDevice, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, kwargs)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu", log.Fields{
"interface-id": omciInd.IntfId,
"onu-id": omciInd.OnuId}, err)
deviceType = onuDevice.Type
deviceID = onuDevice.Id
proxyDeviceID = onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId
//if not exist in cache, then add to cache.
dh.onus.Store(onuKey, NewOnuDevice(deviceID, deviceType, onuDevice.SerialNumber, omciInd.OnuId, omciInd.IntfId, proxyDeviceID, false))
} else {
//found in cache
logger.Debugw("omci-indication-for-a-device-in-cache.", log.Fields{"intfID": omciInd.IntfId, "onuID": omciInd.OnuId, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
deviceType = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceType
deviceID = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID
proxyDeviceID = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).proxyDeviceID
omciMsg := &ic.InterAdapterOmciMessage{Message: omciInd.Pkt}
if err := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(context.Background(), omciMsg,
ic.InterAdapterMessageType_OMCI_REQUEST, dh.device.Type, deviceType,
deviceID, proxyDeviceID, ""); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("omci-request", log.Fields{
"source": dh.device.Type,
"destination": deviceType,
"onu-id": deviceID,
"proxy-device-id": proxyDeviceID}, err)
return nil
//ProcessInterAdapterMessage sends the proxied messages to the target device
// If the proxy address is not found in the unmarshalled message, it first fetches the onu device for which the message
// is meant, and then send the unmarshalled omci message to this onu
func (dh *DeviceHandler) ProcessInterAdapterMessage(msg *ic.InterAdapterMessage) error {
logger.Debugw("process-inter-adapter-message", log.Fields{"msgID": msg.Header.Id})
if msg.Header.Type == ic.InterAdapterMessageType_OMCI_REQUEST {
msgID := msg.Header.Id
fromTopic := msg.Header.FromTopic
toTopic := msg.Header.ToTopic
toDeviceID := msg.Header.ToDeviceId
proxyDeviceID := msg.Header.ProxyDeviceId
logger.Debugw("omci-request-message-header", log.Fields{"msgID": msgID, "fromTopic": fromTopic, "toTopic": toTopic, "toDeviceID": toDeviceID, "proxyDeviceID": proxyDeviceID})
msgBody := msg.GetBody()
omciMsg := &ic.InterAdapterOmciMessage{}
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msgBody, omciMsg); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("cannot-unmarshal-omci-msg-body", log.Fields{"msgbody": msgBody}, err)
if omciMsg.GetProxyAddress() == nil {
onuDevice, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, toDeviceID)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-device-id": toDeviceID}, err)
logger.Debugw("device-retrieved-from-core", log.Fields{"msgID": msgID, "fromTopic": fromTopic, "toTopic": toTopic, "toDeviceID": toDeviceID, "proxyDeviceID": proxyDeviceID})
if err := dh.sendProxiedMessage(onuDevice, omciMsg); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-device-id": toDeviceID}, err)
} else {
logger.Debugw("proxy-address-found-in-omci-message", log.Fields{"msgID": msgID, "fromTopic": fromTopic, "toTopic": toTopic, "toDeviceID": toDeviceID, "proxyDeviceID": proxyDeviceID})
if err := dh.sendProxiedMessage(nil, omciMsg); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-device-id": toDeviceID}, err)
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"inter-adapter-message-type": msg.Header.Type}, nil)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) sendProxiedMessage(onuDevice *voltha.Device, omciMsg *ic.InterAdapterOmciMessage) error {
var intfID uint32
var onuID uint32
var connectStatus common.ConnectStatus_Types
if onuDevice != nil {
intfID = onuDevice.ProxyAddress.GetChannelId()
onuID = onuDevice.ProxyAddress.GetOnuId()
connectStatus = onuDevice.ConnectStatus
} else {
intfID = omciMsg.GetProxyAddress().GetChannelId()
onuID = omciMsg.GetProxyAddress().GetOnuId()
connectStatus = omciMsg.GetConnectStatus()
if connectStatus != voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE {
logger.Debugw("onu-not-reachable--cannot-send-omci", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID})
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("unreachable", log.Fields{
"interface-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID}, nil)
// TODO: OpenOLT Agent oop.OmciMsg expects a hex encoded string for OMCI packets rather than the actual bytes.
// Fix this in the agent and then we can pass byte array as Pkt: omciMsg.Message.
var omciMessage *oop.OmciMsg
hexPkt := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(omciMsg.Message)))
hex.Encode(hexPkt, omciMsg.Message)
omciMessage = &oop.OmciMsg{IntfId: intfID, OnuId: onuID, Pkt: hexPkt}
// TODO: Below logging illustrates the "stringify" of the omci Pkt.
// once above is fixed this log line can change to just use hex.EncodeToString(omciMessage.Pkt)
transid := extractOmciTransactionID(omciMsg.Message)
logger.Debugw("sent-omci-msg", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID,
"omciTransactionID": transid, "omciMsg": string(omciMessage.Pkt)})
_, err := dh.Client.OmciMsgOut(context.Background(), omciMessage)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("omci-send-failed", log.Fields{
"interface-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"message": omciMessage}, err)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) activateONU(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID int64, serialNum *oop.SerialNumber, serialNumber string) error {
logger.Debugw("activate-onu", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "serialNum": serialNum, "serialNumber": serialNumber, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
if err := dh.flowMgr.UpdateOnuInfo(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID), serialNumber); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("onu-activate-failed", log.Fields{"onu": onuID, "intfID": intfID}, err)
// TODO: need resource manager
var pir uint32 = 1000000
Onu := oop.Onu{IntfId: intfID, OnuId: uint32(onuID), SerialNumber: serialNum, Pir: pir}
if _, err := dh.Client.ActivateOnu(ctx, &Onu); err != nil {
st, _ := status.FromError(err)
if st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
logger.Debugw("onu-activation-in-progress", log.Fields{"SerialNumber": serialNumber, "onuID": onuID, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("onu-activate-failed", log.Fields{"onu": Onu, "device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
} else {
logger.Infow("activated-onu", log.Fields{"SerialNumber": serialNumber, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) onuDiscIndication(ctx context.Context, onuDiscInd *oop.OnuDiscIndication, sn string) error {
channelID := onuDiscInd.GetIntfId()
parentPortNo := IntfIDToPortNo(onuDiscInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
logger.Infow("new-discovery-indication", log.Fields{"sn": sn})
kwargs := make(map[string]interface{})
if sn != "" {
kwargs["serial_number"] = sn
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"serial-number": sn}, nil)
var alarmInd oop.OnuAlarmIndication
raisedTs := time.Now().UnixNano()
if _, loaded := dh.discOnus.LoadOrStore(sn, true); loaded {
/* When PON cable disconnected and connected back from OLT, it was expected OnuAlarmIndication
with "los_status: off" should be raised but BAL does not raise this Alarm hence manually sending
OnuLosClear event on receiving OnuDiscoveryIndication for the Onu after checking whether
OnuLosRaise event sent for it */
dh.onus.Range(func(Onukey interface{}, onuInCache interface{}) bool {
if onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber == sn && onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).losRaised {
if onuDiscInd.GetIntfId() != onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID {
logger.Warnw("onu-is-on-a-different-intf-id-now", log.Fields{
"previousIntfId": onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID,
"currentIntfId": onuDiscInd.GetIntfId()})
// TODO:: Should we need to ignore raising OnuLosClear event
// when onu connected to different PON?
alarmInd.IntfId = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).intfID
alarmInd.OnuId = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).onuID
alarmInd.LosStatus = statusCheckOff
go dh.eventMgr.onuAlarmIndication(&alarmInd, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID, raisedTs)
return true
logger.Warnw("onu-sn-is-already-being-processed", log.Fields{"sn": sn})
return nil
var onuID uint32
// check the ONU is already know to the OLT
// NOTE the second time the ONU is discovered this should return a device
onuDevice, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, kwargs)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw("core-proxy-get-child-device-failed", log.Fields{"parentDevice": dh.device.Id, "err": err, "sn": sn})
if e, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
logger.Warnw("core-proxy-get-child-device-failed-with-code", log.Fields{"errCode": e.Code(), "sn": sn})
switch e.Code() {
case codes.Internal:
// this probably means NOT FOUND, so just create a new device
onuDevice = nil
case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
// if the call times out, cleanup and exit
return olterrors.NewErrTimeout("get-child-device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
if onuDevice == nil {
// NOTE this should happen a single time, and only if GetChildDevice returns NotFound
logger.Infow("creating-new-onu", log.Fields{"sn": sn})
// we need to create a new ChildDevice
ponintfid := onuDiscInd.GetIntfId()
onuID, err = dh.resourceMgr.GetONUID(ctx, ponintfid)
logger.Infow("creating-new-onu-got-onu-id", log.Fields{"sn": sn, "onuId": onuID})
if err != nil {
// if we can't create an ID in resource manager,
// cleanup and exit
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("resource-manager-get-onu-id-failed", log.Fields{
"pon-interface-id": ponintfid,
"serial-number": sn}, err)
if onuDevice, err = dh.coreProxy.ChildDeviceDetected(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, int(parentPortNo),
"", int(channelID), string(onuDiscInd.SerialNumber.GetVendorId()), sn, int64(onuID)); err != nil {
dh.resourceMgr.FreeonuID(ctx, ponintfid, []uint32{onuID}) // NOTE I'm not sure this method is actually cleaning up the right thing
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("core-proxy-child-device-detected-failed", log.Fields{
"pon-interface-id": ponintfid,
"serial-number": sn}, err)
dh.eventMgr.OnuDiscoveryIndication(onuDiscInd, onuDevice.Id, onuID, sn, time.Now().UnixNano())
log.Fields{"onuDevice": onuDevice,
"sn": sn,
"onuID": onuID,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
// we can now use the existing ONU Id
onuID = onuDevice.ProxyAddress.OnuId
//Insert the ONU into cache to use in OnuIndication.
//TODO: Do we need to remove this from the cache on ONU change, or wait for overwritten on next discovery.
log.Fields{"onuID": onuID,
"intfId": onuDiscInd.GetIntfId(),
"sn": sn})
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(onuDiscInd.GetIntfId(), onuID)
onuDev := NewOnuDevice(onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.SerialNumber, onuID, onuDiscInd.GetIntfId(), onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, false)
dh.onus.Store(onuKey, onuDev)
log.Fields{"onu": onuDev,
"sn": sn})
if err = dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, onuDevice.Id, common.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE, common.OperStatus_DISCOVERED); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-update-device-state", log.Fields{
"device-id": onuDevice.Id,
"serial-number": sn}, err)
logger.Infow("onu-discovered-reachable", log.Fields{"device-id": onuDevice.Id, "sn": sn})
if err = dh.activateONU(ctx, onuDiscInd.IntfId, int64(onuID), onuDiscInd.SerialNumber, sn); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("onu-activation-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": onuDevice.Id,
"serial-number": sn}, err)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) onuIndication(onuInd *oop.OnuIndication) error {
serialNumber := dh.stringifySerialNumber(onuInd.SerialNumber)
kwargs := make(map[string]interface{})
ponPort := IntfIDToPortNo(onuInd.GetIntfId(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
var onuDevice *voltha.Device
var err error
foundInCache := false
log.Fields{"onuId": onuInd.OnuId,
"intfId": onuInd.GetIntfId(),
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(onuInd.GetIntfId(), onuInd.OnuId)
errFields := log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}
if onuInCache, ok := dh.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
//If ONU id is discovered before then use GetDevice to get onuDevice because it is cheaper.
foundInCache = true
errFields["onu-id"] = onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID
onuDevice, err = dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(nil, dh.device.Id, onuInCache.(*OnuDevice).deviceID)
} else {
//If ONU not found in adapter cache then we have to use GetChildDevice to get onuDevice
if serialNumber != "" {
kwargs["serial_number"] = serialNumber
errFields["serial-number"] = serialNumber
} else {
kwargs["onu_id"] = onuInd.OnuId
kwargs["parent_port_no"] = ponPort
errFields["onu-id"] = onuInd.OnuId
errFields["parent-port-no"] = ponPort
onuDevice, err = dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, kwargs)
if err != nil || onuDevice == nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu-device", errFields, err)
if onuDevice.ParentPortNo != ponPort {
logger.Warnw("onu-is-on-a-different-intf-id-now", log.Fields{
"previousIntfId": onuDevice.ParentPortNo,
"currentIntfId": ponPort})
if onuDevice.ProxyAddress.OnuId != onuInd.OnuId {
logger.Warnw("onu-id-mismatch-possible-if-voltha-and-olt-rebooted", log.Fields{
"expected-onu-id": onuDevice.ProxyAddress.OnuId,
"received-onu-id": onuInd.OnuId,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if !foundInCache {
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(onuInd.GetIntfId(), onuInd.GetOnuId())
dh.onus.Store(onuKey, NewOnuDevice(onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.SerialNumber, onuInd.GetOnuId(), onuInd.GetIntfId(), onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, false))
if err := dh.updateOnuStates(onuDevice, onuInd); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("state-update-failed", errFields, err)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) updateOnuStates(onuDevice *voltha.Device, onuInd *oop.OnuIndication) error {
ctx := context.TODO()
logger.Debugw("onu-indication-for-state", log.Fields{"onuIndication": onuInd, "device-id": onuDevice.Id, "operStatus": onuDevice.OperStatus, "adminStatus": onuDevice.AdminState})
if onuInd.AdminState == "down" {
// The ONU has gone admin_state "down" and we expect the ONU to send discovery again
// Tests have shown that we sometimes get OperState as NOT down even if AdminState is down, forcing it
if onuInd.OperState != "down" {
logger.Warnw("onu-admin-state-down", log.Fields{"operState": onuInd.OperState})
onuInd.OperState = "down"
switch onuInd.OperState {
case "down":
logger.Debugw("sending-interadapter-onu-indication", log.Fields{"onuIndication": onuInd, "device-id": onuDevice.Id, "operStatus": onuDevice.OperStatus, "adminStatus": onuDevice.AdminState})
// TODO NEW CORE do not hardcode adapter name. Handler needs Adapter reference
err := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(ctx, onuInd, ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST,
"openolt", onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, "")
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("inter-adapter-send-failed", log.Fields{
"onu-indicator": onuInd,
"source": "openolt",
"device-type": onuDevice.Type,
"device-id": onuDevice.Id}, err)
case "up":
logger.Debugw("sending-interadapter-onu-indication", log.Fields{"onuIndication": onuInd, "device-id": onuDevice.Id, "operStatus": onuDevice.OperStatus, "adminStatus": onuDevice.AdminState})
// TODO NEW CORE do not hardcode adapter name. Handler needs Adapter reference
err := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(ctx, onuInd, ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST,
"openolt", onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, "")
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("inter-adapter-send-failed", log.Fields{
"onu-indicator": onuInd,
"source": "openolt",
"device-type": onuDevice.Type,
"device-id": onuDevice.Id}, err)
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"oper-state": onuInd.OperState}, nil)
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) stringifySerialNumber(serialNum *oop.SerialNumber) string {
if serialNum != nil {
return string(serialNum.VendorId) + dh.stringifyVendorSpecific(serialNum.VendorSpecific)
return ""
func (dh *DeviceHandler) deStringifySerialNumber(serialNum string) (*oop.SerialNumber, error) {
decodedStr, err := hex.DecodeString(serialNum[4:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &oop.SerialNumber{
VendorId: []byte(serialNum[:4]),
VendorSpecific: []byte(decodedStr),
}, nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) stringifyVendorSpecific(vendorSpecific []byte) string {
tmp := fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[0])>>4)&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", uint32(vendorSpecific[0]&0x0f)) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[1])>>4)&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[1]))&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[2])>>4)&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[2]))&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[3])>>4)&0x0f) +
fmt.Sprintf("%x", (uint32(vendorSpecific[3]))&0x0f)
return tmp
//UpdateFlowsBulk upates the bulk flow
func (dh *DeviceHandler) UpdateFlowsBulk() error {
return olterrors.ErrNotImplemented
//GetChildDevice returns the child device for given parent port and onu id
func (dh *DeviceHandler) GetChildDevice(parentPort, onuID uint32) (*voltha.Device, error) {
log.Fields{"pon-port": parentPort,
"onuID": onuID,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
kwargs := make(map[string]interface{})
kwargs["onu_id"] = onuID
kwargs["parent_port_no"] = parentPort
onuDevice, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevice(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, kwargs)
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu-device", log.Fields{
"interface-id": parentPort,
"onu-id": onuID}, err)
logger.Debugw("successfully-received-child-device-from-core", log.Fields{"child-device-id": onuDevice.Id, "child-device-sn": onuDevice.SerialNumber})
return onuDevice, nil
// SendPacketInToCore sends packet-in to core
// For this, it calls SendPacketIn of the core-proxy which uses a device specific topic to send the request.
// The adapter handling the device creates a device specific topic
func (dh *DeviceHandler) SendPacketInToCore(logicalPort uint32, packetPayload []byte) error {
logger.Debugw("send-packet-in-to-core", log.Fields{
"port": logicalPort,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetPayload),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
if err := dh.coreProxy.SendPacketIn(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, logicalPort, packetPayload); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("packet-send-failed", log.Fields{
"source": "adapter",
"destination": "core",
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"logical-port": logicalPort,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetPayload)}, err)
logger.Debugw("sent-packet-in-to-core-successfully", log.Fields{
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetPayload),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
return nil
// AddUniPortToOnu adds the uni port to the onu device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) AddUniPortToOnu(intfID, onuID, uniPort uint32) {
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(intfID, onuID)
if onuDevice, ok := dh.onus.Load(onuKey); ok {
// add it to the uniPort map for the onu device
if _, ok = onuDevice.(*OnuDevice).uniPorts[uniPort]; !ok {
onuDevice.(*OnuDevice).uniPorts[uniPort] = struct{}{}
logger.Debugw("adding-uni-port", log.Fields{"port": uniPort, "intfID": intfID, "onuId": onuID})
//UpdateFlowsIncrementally updates the device flow
func (dh *DeviceHandler) UpdateFlowsIncrementally(ctx context.Context, device *voltha.Device, flows *of.FlowChanges, groups *of.FlowGroupChanges, flowMetadata *voltha.FlowMetadata) error {
logger.Debugw("received-incremental-flowupdate-in-device-handler", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id, "flows": flows, "groups": groups, "flowMetadata": flowMetadata})
var errorsList []error
if flows != nil {
for _, flow := range flows.ToRemove.Items {
log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id,
"flowToRemove": flow})
err := dh.flowMgr.RemoveFlow(ctx, flow)
if err != nil {
errorsList = append(errorsList, err)
for _, flow := range flows.ToAdd.Items {
log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id,
"flowToAdd": flow})
// If there are active Flow Remove in progress for a given subscriber, wait until it completes
err := dh.flowMgr.AddFlow(ctx, flow, flowMetadata)
if err != nil {
errorsList = append(errorsList, err)
// Whether we need to synchronize multicast group adds and modifies like flow add and delete needs to be investigated
if groups != nil {
for _, group := range groups.ToAdd.Items {
err := dh.flowMgr.AddGroup(ctx, group)
if err != nil {
errorsList = append(errorsList, err)
for _, group := range groups.ToUpdate.Items {
err := dh.flowMgr.ModifyGroup(ctx, group)
if err != nil {
errorsList = append(errorsList, err)
if len(groups.ToRemove.Items) != 0 {
logger.Debugw("group-delete-operation-not-supported", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if len(errorsList) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("errors-installing-flows-groups, errors:%v", errorsList)
logger.Debugw("updated-flows-incrementally-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
return nil
//DisableDevice disables the given device
//It marks the following for the given device:
//Device-Handler Admin-State : down
//Device Port-State: UNKNOWN
//Device Oper-State: UNKNOWN
func (dh *DeviceHandler) DisableDevice(device *voltha.Device) error {
/* On device disable ,admin state update has to be done prior sending request to agent since
the indication thread may processes invalid indications of ONU and OLT*/
if dh.Client != nil {
if _, err := dh.Client.DisableOlt(context.Background(), new(oop.Empty)); err != nil {
if e, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && e.Code() == codes.Internal {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("olt-disable-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id}, err)
logger.Debugw("olt-disabled", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id})
/* Discovered ONUs entries need to be cleared , since on device disable the child devices goes to
UNREACHABLE state which needs to be configured again*/
dh.discOnus = sync.Map{}
dh.onus = sync.Map{}
//stopping the stats collector
dh.stopCollector <- true
go dh.notifyChildDevices("unreachable")
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
//Update device Admin state
dh.device = cloned
// Update the all pon ports state on that device to disable and NNI remains active as NNI remains active in openolt agent.
for _, port := range cloned.Ports {
if port.GetType() == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if err := dh.coreProxy.PortStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id,
voltha.Port_PON_OLT, port.GetPortNo(), voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id, "port-number": port.GetPortNo()}, err)
logger.Debugw("disable-device-end", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id})
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) notifyChildDevices(state string) {
// Update onu state as unreachable in onu adapter
onuInd := oop.OnuIndication{}
onuInd.OperState = state
//get the child device for the parent device
onuDevices, err := dh.coreProxy.GetChildDevices(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed-to-get-child-devices-information", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id, "error": err})
if onuDevices != nil {
for _, onuDevice := range onuDevices.Items {
err := dh.AdapterProxy.SendInterAdapterMessage(context.TODO(), &onuInd, ic.InterAdapterMessageType_ONU_IND_REQUEST,
"openolt", onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, "")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed-to-send-inter-adapter-message", log.Fields{"OnuInd": onuInd,
"From Adapter": "openolt", "DeviceType": onuDevice.Type, "device-id": onuDevice.Id})
//ReenableDevice re-enables the olt device after disable
//It marks the following for the given device:
//Device-Handler Admin-State : up
//Device Port-State: ACTIVE
//Device Oper-State: ACTIVE
func (dh *DeviceHandler) ReenableDevice(device *voltha.Device) error {
if _, err := dh.Client.ReenableOlt(context.Background(), new(oop.Empty)); err != nil {
if e, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && e.Code() == codes.Internal {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("olt-reenable-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
// Update the all ports state on that device to enable
if err := dh.disableAdminDownPorts(device); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-status-update-failed-after-olt-reenable", log.Fields{"device": device}, err)
//Update the device oper status as ACTIVE
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
dh.device = cloned
if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(context.TODO(), cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("state-update-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": device.Id,
"connect-status": cloned.ConnectStatus,
"oper-status": cloned.OperStatus}, err)
logger.Debugw("reenabledevice-end", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id})
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) clearUNIData(ctx context.Context, onu *rsrcMgr.OnuGemInfo) error {
var uniID uint32
var err error
for _, port := range onu.UniPorts {
uniID = UniIDFromPortNum(uint32(port))
logger.Debugw("clearing-resource-data-for-uni-port", log.Fields{"port": port, "uniID": uniID})
/* Delete tech-profile instance from the KV store */
if err = dh.flowMgr.DeleteTechProfileInstances(ctx, onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID, onu.SerialNumber); err != nil {
logger.Debugw("failed-to-remove-tech-profile-instance-for-onu", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
logger.Debugw("deleted-tech-profile-instance-for-onu", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
flowIDs := dh.resourceMgr.GetCurrentFlowIDsForOnu(ctx, onu.IntfID, int32(onu.OnuID), int32(uniID))
for _, flowID := range flowIDs {
dh.resourceMgr.FreeFlowID(ctx, onu.IntfID, int32(onu.OnuID), int32(uniID), flowID)
tpIDList := dh.resourceMgr.GetTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID)
for _, tpID := range tpIDList {
if err = dh.resourceMgr.RemoveMeterIDForOnu(ctx, "upstream", onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID, tpID); err != nil {
logger.Debugw("failed-to-remove-meter-id-for-onu-upstream", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
logger.Debugw("removed-meter-id-for-onu-upstream", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
if err = dh.resourceMgr.RemoveMeterIDForOnu(ctx, "downstream", onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID, tpID); err != nil {
logger.Debugw("failed-to-remove-meter-id-for-onu-downstream", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
logger.Debugw("removed-meter-id-for-onu-downstream", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
dh.resourceMgr.FreePONResourcesForONU(ctx, onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID)
if err = dh.resourceMgr.RemoveTechProfileIDsForOnu(ctx, onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uniID); err != nil {
logger.Debugw("failed-to-remove-tech-profile-id-for-onu", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
logger.Debugw("removed-tech-profile-id-for-onu", log.Fields{"onu-id": onu.OnuID})
if err = dh.resourceMgr.DelGemPortPktIn(ctx, onu.IntfID, onu.OnuID, uint32(port)); err != nil {
logger.Debugw("failed-to-remove-gemport-pkt-in", log.Fields{"intfid": onu.IntfID, "onuid": onu.OnuID, "uniId": uniID})
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) clearNNIData(ctx context.Context) error {
nniUniID := -1
nniOnuID := -1
if dh.resourceMgr == nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("resource-manager", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, nil)
//Free the flow-ids for the NNI port
nni, err := dh.resourceMgr.GetNNIFromKVStore(ctx)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrPersistence("get", "nni", 0, nil, err)
logger.Debugw("nni-", log.Fields{"nni": nni})
for _, nniIntfID := range nni {
flowIDs := dh.resourceMgr.GetCurrentFlowIDsForOnu(ctx, uint32(nniIntfID), int32(nniOnuID), int32(nniUniID))
logger.Debugw("current-flow-ids-for-nni", log.Fields{"flow-ids": flowIDs})
for _, flowID := range flowIDs {
dh.resourceMgr.FreeFlowID(ctx, uint32(nniIntfID), -1, -1, uint32(flowID))
dh.resourceMgr.RemoveResourceMap(ctx, nniIntfID, int32(nniOnuID), int32(nniUniID))
if err = dh.resourceMgr.DelNNiFromKVStore(ctx); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrPersistence("clear", "nni", 0, nil, err)
return nil
// DeleteDevice deletes the device instance from openolt handler array. Also clears allocated resource manager resources. Also reboots the OLT hardware!
func (dh *DeviceHandler) DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, device *voltha.Device) error {
/* Clear the KV store data associated with the all the UNI ports
This clears up flow data and also resource map data for various
other pon resources like alloc_id and gemport_id
go dh.cleanupDeviceResources(ctx)
// Stop the Stats collector
dh.stopCollector <- true
// stop the heartbeat check routine
dh.stopHeartbeatCheck <- true
//Reset the state
if dh.Client != nil {
if _, err := dh.Client.Reboot(ctx, new(oop.Empty)); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("olt-reboot-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
cloned.OperStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
cloned.ConnectStatus = voltha.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE
if err := dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, cloned.Id, cloned.ConnectStatus, cloned.OperStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": device.Id,
"connect-status": cloned.ConnectStatus,
"oper-status": cloned.OperStatus}, err).Log()
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) cleanupDeviceResources(ctx context.Context) error {
if dh.resourceMgr != nil {
noOfPonPorts := dh.resourceMgr.DevInfo.GetPonPorts()
var ponPort uint32
for ponPort = 0; ponPort < noOfPonPorts; ponPort++ {
var onuGemData []rsrcMgr.OnuGemInfo
err := dh.resourceMgr.ResourceMgrs[ponPort].GetOnuGemInfo(ctx, ponPort, &onuGemData)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"pon-port": ponPort}, err)
for _, onu := range onuGemData {
onuID := make([]uint32, 1)
logger.Debugw("onu-data", log.Fields{"onu": onu})
if err = dh.clearUNIData(ctx, &onu); err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed-to-clear-data-for-onu", log.Fields{"onu-device": onu})
// Clear flowids for gem cache.
for _, gem := range onu.GemPorts {
dh.resourceMgr.DeleteFlowIDsForGem(ctx, ponPort, gem)
onuID[0] = onu.OnuID
dh.resourceMgr.FreeonuID(ctx, ponPort, onuID)
dh.resourceMgr.DeleteIntfIDGempMapPath(ctx, ponPort)
onuGemData = nil
err = dh.resourceMgr.DelOnuGemInfoForIntf(ctx, ponPort)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed-to-update-onugem-info", log.Fields{"intfid": ponPort, "onugeminfo": onuGemData})
/* Clear the flows from KV store associated with NNI port.
There are mostly trap rules from NNI port (like LLDP)
if err := dh.clearNNIData(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed-to-clear-data-for-NNI-port", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
/* Clear the resource pool for each PON port in the background */
go dh.resourceMgr.Delete(ctx)
/*Delete ONU map for the device*/
dh.onus.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
return true
/*Delete discovered ONU map for the device*/
dh.discOnus.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
return true
return nil
//RebootDevice reboots the given device
func (dh *DeviceHandler) RebootDevice(device *voltha.Device) error {
if _, err := dh.Client.Reboot(context.Background(), new(oop.Empty)); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("olt-reboot-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err)
logger.Debugw("rebooted-device-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": device.Id})
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) handlePacketIndication(ctx context.Context, packetIn *oop.PacketIndication) error {
logger.Debugw("received-packet-in", log.Fields{
"packet-indication": *packetIn,
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt),
logicalPortNum, err := dh.flowMgr.GetLogicalPortFromPacketIn(ctx, packetIn)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("logical-port", log.Fields{"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt)}, err)
logger.Debugw("sending-packet-in-to-core", log.Fields{
"logicalPortNum": logicalPortNum,
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt),
if err := dh.coreProxy.SendPacketIn(context.TODO(), dh.device.Id, logicalPortNum, packetIn.Pkt); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-packet-in", log.Fields{
"destination": "core",
"source": dh.device.Type,
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt),
}, err)
logger.Debugw("success-sending-packet-in-to-core!", log.Fields{
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
return nil
// PacketOut sends packet-out from VOLTHA to OLT on the egress port provided
func (dh *DeviceHandler) PacketOut(ctx context.Context, egressPortNo int, packet *of.OfpPacketOut) error {
logger.Debugw("incoming-packet-out", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"egress-port-no": egressPortNo,
"pkt-length": len(packet.Data),
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
egressPortType := IntfIDToPortTypeName(uint32(egressPortNo))
if egressPortType == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI {
outerEthType := (uint16(packet.Data[12]) << 8) | uint16(packet.Data[13])
innerEthType := (uint16(packet.Data[16]) << 8) | uint16(packet.Data[17])
if outerEthType == 0x8942 || outerEthType == 0x88cc {
// Do not packet-out lldp packets on uni port.
// ONOS has no clue about uni/nni ports, it just packets out on all
// available ports on the Logical Switch. It should not be interested
// in the UNI links.
logger.Debugw("dropping-lldp-packet-out-on-uni", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
return nil
if outerEthType == 0x88a8 || outerEthType == 0x8100 {
if innerEthType == 0x8100 {
// q-in-q 802.1ad or 802.1q double tagged packet.
// slice out the outer tag.
packet.Data = append(packet.Data[:12], packet.Data[16:]...)
logger.Debugw("packet-now-single-tagged", log.Fields{
"packetData": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
intfID := IntfIDFromUniPortNum(uint32(egressPortNo))
onuID := OnuIDFromPortNum(uint32(egressPortNo))
uniID := UniIDFromPortNum(uint32(egressPortNo))
gemPortID, err := dh.flowMgr.GetPacketOutGemPortID(ctx, intfID, onuID, uint32(egressPortNo))
if err != nil {
// In this case the openolt agent will receive the gemPortID as 0.
// The agent tries to retrieve the gemPortID in this case.
// This may not always succeed at the agent and packetOut may fail.
logger.Errorw("failed-to-retrieve-gemport-id-for-packet-out", log.Fields{
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
onuPkt := oop.OnuPacket{IntfId: intfID, OnuId: onuID, PortNo: uint32(egressPortNo), GemportId: gemPortID, Pkt: packet.Data}
logger.Debugw("sending-packet-to-onu", log.Fields{
"egress-port-no": egressPortNo,
"IntfId": intfID,
"onuID": onuID,
"uniID": uniID,
"gemPortID": gemPortID,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
if _, err := dh.Client.OnuPacketOut(ctx, &onuPkt); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("packet-out-send", log.Fields{
"source": "adapter",
"destination": "onu",
"egress-port-number": egressPortNo,
"interface-id": intfID,
"oni-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"gem-port-id": gemPortID,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
}, err)
} else if egressPortType == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
nniIntfID, err := IntfIDFromNniPortNum(uint32(egressPortNo))
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"egress-nni-port": egressPortNo,
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
}, err)
uplinkPkt := oop.UplinkPacket{IntfId: nniIntfID, Pkt: packet.Data}
logger.Debugw("sending-packet-to-nni", log.Fields{
"uplink-pkt": uplinkPkt,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
if _, err := dh.Client.UplinkPacketOut(ctx, &uplinkPkt); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("packet-out-to-nni", log.Fields{
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
}, err)
} else {
logger.Warnw("packet-out-to-this-interface-type-not-implemented", log.Fields{
"egress-port-no": egressPortNo,
"egressPortType": egressPortType,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packet.Data),
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
return nil
func (dh *DeviceHandler) formOnuKey(intfID, onuID uint32) string {
return "" + strconv.Itoa(int(intfID)) + "." + strconv.Itoa(int(onuID))
func startHeartbeatCheck(ctx context.Context, dh *DeviceHandler) {
// start the heartbeat check towards the OLT.
var timerCheck *time.Timer
for {
heartbeatTimer := time.NewTimer(dh.openOLT.HeartbeatCheckInterval)
select {
case <-heartbeatTimer.C:
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), dh.openOLT.GrpcTimeoutInterval)
if heartBeat, err := dh.Client.HeartbeatCheck(ctxWithTimeout, new(oop.Empty)); err != nil {
logger.Warnw("hearbeat-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
if timerCheck == nil {
// start a after func, when expired will update the state to the core
timerCheck = time.AfterFunc(dh.openOLT.HeartbeatFailReportInterval, func() { dh.updateStateUnreachable(ctx) })
} else {
if timerCheck != nil {
if timerCheck.Stop() {
logger.Debugw("got-hearbeat-within-timeout", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
timerCheck = nil
log.Fields{"signature": heartBeat,
"device-id": dh.device.Id})
case <-dh.stopHeartbeatCheck:
logger.Debugw("stopping-heart-beat-check", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
func (dh *DeviceHandler) updateStateUnreachable(ctx context.Context) {
device, err := dh.coreProxy.GetDevice(ctx, dh.device.Id, dh.device.Id)
if err != nil || device == nil {
olterrors.NewErrNotFound("device", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
if device.ConnectStatus == voltha.ConnectStatus_REACHABLE {
if err = dh.coreProxy.DeviceStateUpdate(ctx, dh.device.Id, voltha.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE, voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("device-state-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).LogAt(log.ErrorLevel)
if err = dh.coreProxy.PortsStateUpdate(ctx, dh.device.Id, voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN); err != nil {
olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-update-failed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id}, err).Log()
go dh.cleanupDeviceResources(ctx)
// Stop the read indication only if it the routine is active
// The read indication would have already stopped due to failure on the gRPC stream following OLT going unreachable
// Sending message on the 'stopIndication' channel again will cause the readIndication routine to immediately stop
// on next execution of the readIndication routine.
if dh.isReadIndicationRoutineActive {
dh.stopIndications <- true
dh.transitionMap.Handle(ctx, DeviceInit)
// EnablePort to enable Pon interface
func (dh *DeviceHandler) EnablePort(port *voltha.Port) error {
logger.Debugw("enable-port", log.Fields{"Device": dh.device, "port": port})
return dh.modifyPhyPort(port, true)
// DisablePort to disable pon interface
func (dh *DeviceHandler) DisablePort(port *voltha.Port) error {
logger.Debugw("disable-port", log.Fields{"Device": dh.device, "port": port})
return dh.modifyPhyPort(port, false)
//modifyPhyPort is common function to enable and disable the port. parm :enablePort, true to enablePort and false to disablePort.
func (dh *DeviceHandler) modifyPhyPort(port *voltha.Port, enablePort bool) error {
ctx := context.Background()
logger.Infow("modifyPhyPort", log.Fields{"port": port, "Enable": enablePort, "device-id": dh.device.Id})
if port.GetType() == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
// Bug is opened for VOL-2505 to support NNI disable feature.
log.Fields{"device": dh.device, "port": port})
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("illegal-port-request", log.Fields{
"port-type": port.GetType,
"enable-state": enablePort}, nil)
// fetch interfaceid from PortNo
ponID := PortNoToIntfID(port.GetPortNo(), voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
ponIntf := &oop.Interface{IntfId: ponID}
var operStatus voltha.OperStatus_Types
if enablePort {
operStatus = voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE
out, err := dh.Client.EnablePonIf(ctx, ponIntf)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("pon-port-enable-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port": port}, err)
// updating interface local cache for collecting stats
dh.activePorts.Store(ponID, true)
logger.Infow("enabled-pon-port", log.Fields{"out": out, "device-id": dh.device, "Port": port})
} else {
operStatus = voltha.OperStatus_UNKNOWN
out, err := dh.Client.DisablePonIf(ctx, ponIntf)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("pon-port-disable-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port": port}, err)
// updating interface local cache for collecting stats
dh.activePorts.Store(ponID, false)
logger.Infow("disabled-pon-port", log.Fields{"out": out, "device-id": dh.device, "Port": port})
if err := dh.coreProxy.PortStateUpdate(ctx, dh.device.Id, voltha.Port_PON_OLT, port.PortNo, operStatus); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-state-update-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port": port.PortNo}, err)
return nil
//disableAdminDownPorts disables the ports, if the corresponding port Adminstate is disabled on reboot and Renable device.
func (dh *DeviceHandler) disableAdminDownPorts(device *voltha.Device) error {
cloned := proto.Clone(device).(*voltha.Device)
// Disable the port and update the oper_port_status to core
// if the Admin state of the port is disabled on reboot and re-enable device.
for _, port := range cloned.Ports {
if port.AdminState == common.AdminState_DISABLED {
if err := dh.DisablePort(port); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("port-disable-failed", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"port": port}, err)
return nil
//populateActivePorts to populate activePorts map
func (dh *DeviceHandler) populateActivePorts(device *voltha.Device) {
logger.Infow("populateActiveports", log.Fields{"Device": device})
for _, port := range device.Ports {
if port.Type == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
if port.OperStatus == voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE {
dh.activePorts.Store(PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI), true)
} else {
dh.activePorts.Store(PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI), false)
if port.Type == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if port.OperStatus == voltha.OperStatus_ACTIVE {
dh.activePorts.Store(PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_PON_OLT), true)
} else {
dh.activePorts.Store(PortNoToIntfID(port.PortNo, voltha.Port_PON_OLT), false)
// ChildDeviceLost deletes ONU and clears pon resources related to it.
func (dh *DeviceHandler) ChildDeviceLost(ctx context.Context, pPortNo uint32, onuID uint32) error {
logger.Debugw("child-device-lost", log.Fields{"pdeviceID": dh.device.Id})
IntfID := PortNoToIntfID(pPortNo, voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(IntfID, onuID)
onuDevice, ok := dh.onus.Load(onuKey)
if !ok {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-load-onu-details",
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID,
"interface-id": IntfID}, nil).Log()
var sn *oop.SerialNumber
var err error
if sn, err = dh.deStringifySerialNumber(onuDevice.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-destringify-serial-number",
"devicer-id": dh.device.Id,
"serial-number": onuDevice.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber}, err).Log()
onu := &oop.Onu{IntfId: IntfID, OnuId: onuID, SerialNumber: sn}
if _, err := dh.Client.DeleteOnu(context.Background(), onu); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-delete-onu", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID}, err).Log()
//clear PON resources associated with ONU
var onuGemData []rsrcMgr.OnuGemInfo
if onuMgr, ok := dh.resourceMgr.ResourceMgrs[IntfID]; !ok {
logger.Warnw("failed-to-get-resource-manager-for-interface-Id", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"interface-id": IntfID})
} else {
if err := onuMgr.GetOnuGemInfo(ctx, IntfID, &onuGemData); err != nil {
logger.Warnw("failed-to-get-onu-info-for-pon-port", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"interface-id": IntfID,
"error": err})
} else {
for i, onu := range onuGemData {
if onu.OnuID == onuID && onu.SerialNumber == onuDevice.(*OnuDevice).serialNumber {
logger.Debugw("onu-data", log.Fields{"onu": onu})
if err := dh.clearUNIData(ctx, &onu); err != nil {
logger.Warnw("failed-to-clear-uni-data-for-onu", log.Fields{
"device-id": dh.device.Id,
"onu-device": onu,
"error": err})
// Clear flowids for gem cache.
for _, gem := range onu.GemPorts {
dh.resourceMgr.DeleteFlowIDsForGem(ctx, IntfID, gem)
onuGemData = append(onuGemData[:i], onuGemData[i+1:]...)
err := onuMgr.AddOnuGemInfo(ctx, IntfID, onuGemData)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw("persistence-update-onu-gem-info-failed", log.Fields{
"interface-id": IntfID,
"onu-device": onu,
"onu-gem": onuGemData,
"error": err})
//Not returning error on cleanup.
logger.Debugw("removed-onu-gem-info", log.Fields{"intf": IntfID, "onu-device": onu, "onugem": onuGemData})
dh.resourceMgr.FreeonuID(ctx, IntfID, []uint32{onu.OnuID})
return nil
func getInPortFromFlow(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) uint32 {
for _, field := range flows.GetOfbFields(flow) {
if field.Type == flows.IN_PORT {
return field.GetPort()
return InvalidPort
func getOutPortFromFlow(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) uint32 {
for _, action := range flows.GetActions(flow) {
if action.Type == flows.OUTPUT {
if out := action.GetOutput(); out != nil {
return out.GetPort()
return InvalidPort
func (dh *DeviceHandler) incrementActiveFlowRemoveCount(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) {
inPort, outPort := getPorts(flow)
logger.Debugw("increment-flow-remove-count-for-inPort-outPort", log.Fields{"inPort": inPort, "outPort": outPort})
if inPort != InvalidPort && outPort != InvalidPort {
_, intfID, onuID, uniID := ExtractAccessFromFlow(inPort, outPort)
key := pendingFlowRemoveDataKey{intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID}
logger.Debugw("increment-flow-remove-count-for-subscriber", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
flowRemoveData, ok := dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key]
if !ok {
flowRemoveData = pendingFlowRemoveData{
pendingFlowRemoveCount: 0,
allFlowsRemoved: make(chan struct{}),
dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key] = flowRemoveData
log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID,
"currCnt": dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key].pendingFlowRemoveCount})
func (dh *DeviceHandler) decrementActiveFlowRemoveCount(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) {
inPort, outPort := getPorts(flow)
logger.Debugw("decrement-flow-remove-count-for-inPort-outPort", log.Fields{"inPort": inPort, "outPort": outPort})
if inPort != InvalidPort && outPort != InvalidPort {
_, intfID, onuID, uniID := ExtractAccessFromFlow(uint32(inPort), uint32(outPort))
key := pendingFlowRemoveDataKey{intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID}
logger.Debugw("decrement-flow-remove-count-for-subscriber", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
defer dh.lockDevice.Unlock()
if val, ok := dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key]; !ok {
logger.Fatalf("flow-remove-key-not-found", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
} else {
if val.pendingFlowRemoveCount > 0 {
log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID,
"currCnt": dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key].pendingFlowRemoveCount})
// If all flow removes have finished, then close the channel to signal the receiver
// to go ahead with flow adds.
if val.pendingFlowRemoveCount == 0 {
delete(dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber, key)
dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key] = val
func (dh *DeviceHandler) waitForFlowRemoveToFinish(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) {
var flowRemoveData pendingFlowRemoveData
var ok bool
inPort, outPort := getPorts(flow)
logger.Debugw("wait-for-flow-remove-to-finish-for-inPort-outPort", log.Fields{"inPort": inPort, "outPort": outPort})
if inPort != InvalidPort && outPort != InvalidPort {
_, intfID, onuID, uniID := ExtractAccessFromFlow(inPort, outPort)
key := pendingFlowRemoveDataKey{intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID}
logger.Debugw("wait-for-flow-remove-to-finish-for-subscriber", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
if flowRemoveData, ok = dh.pendingFlowRemoveDataPerSubscriber[key]; !ok {
logger.Debugw("no-pending-flow-to-remove", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
// Wait for all flow removes to finish first
logger.Debugw("all-flows-cleared--handling-flow-add-now", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
func getPorts(flow *of.OfpFlowStats) (uint32, uint32) {
inPort := getInPortFromFlow(flow)
outPort := getOutPortFromFlow(flow)
if inPort == InvalidPort || outPort == InvalidPort {
return inPort, outPort
if isControllerFlow := IsControllerBoundFlow(outPort); isControllerFlow {
/* Get UNI port/ IN Port from tunnel ID field for upstream controller bound flows */
if portType := IntfIDToPortTypeName(inPort); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
return uniPort, outPort
} else {
// Downstream flow from NNI to PON port , Use tunnel ID as new OUT port / UNI port
if portType := IntfIDToPortTypeName(outPort); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
return inPort, uniPort
// Upstream flow from PON to NNI port , Use tunnel ID as new IN port / UNI port
} else if portType := IntfIDToPortTypeName(inPort); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
return uniPort, outPort
return InvalidPort, InvalidPort
func extractOmciTransactionID(omciPkt []byte) uint16 {
if len(omciPkt) > 3 {
d := omciPkt[0:2]
transid := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(d)
return transid
return 0
// StoreOnuDevice stores the onu parameters to the local cache.
func (dh *DeviceHandler) StoreOnuDevice(onuDevice *OnuDevice) {
onuKey := dh.formOnuKey(onuDevice.intfID, onuDevice.onuID)
dh.onus.Store(onuKey, onuDevice)
func (dh *DeviceHandler) getExtValue(device *voltha.Device, value voltha.ValueType_Type) (*voltha.ReturnValues, error) {
var err error
var sn *oop.SerialNumber
var ID uint32
resp := new(voltha.ReturnValues)
valueparam := new(oop.ValueParam)
ctx := context.Background()
log.Infow("getExtValue", log.Fields{"onu-id": device.Id, "pon-intf": device.ParentPortNo})
if sn, err = dh.deStringifySerialNumber(device.SerialNumber); err != nil {
return nil, err
ID = device.ProxyAddress.GetOnuId()
Onu := oop.Onu{IntfId: device.ParentPortNo, OnuId: ID, SerialNumber: sn}
valueparam.Onu = &Onu
valueparam.Value = value
// This API is unsupported until agent patch is added
resp.Unsupported = uint32(value)
_ = ctx
// Uncomment this code once agent changes are complete and tests
resp, err = dh.Client.GetValue(ctx, valueparam)
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("error-while-getValue", log.Fields{"DeviceID": dh.device, "onu-id": onuid, "error": err})
return nil, err
log.Infow("get-ext-value", log.Fields{"resp": resp, "device-id": dh.device, "onu-id": device.Id, "pon-intf": device.ParentPortNo})
return resp, nil