blob: 47d2df042a9961301cc708a86cca8a0dad608d18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package config provides the Log, kvstore, Kafka configuration
package config
import (
// Open OLT default constants
const (
EtcdStoreName = "etcd"
defaultInstanceid = "openOlt001"
defaultKafkaadapteraddress = ""
defaultKafkaclusteraddress = ""
defaultKvstoretype = EtcdStoreName
defaultKvstoretimeout = 5 * time.Second
defaultKvstoreaddress = "" // Port: Consul = 8500; Etcd = 2379
defaultLoglevel = "WARN"
defaultBanner = false
defaultDisplayVersionOnly = false
defaultTopic = "openolt"
defaultCoretopic = "rwcore"
defaultEventtopic = ""
defaultOnunumber = 1
defaultProbeAddress = ":8080"
defaultLiveProbeInterval = 60 * time.Second
defaultNotLiveProbeInterval = 5 * time.Second // Probe more frequently when not alive
//defaultHeartbeatCheckInterval is the time in seconds the adapter will keep checking the hardware for heartbeat.
defaultHeartbeatCheckInterval = 15 * time.Second
// defaultHeartbeatFailReportInterval is the time adapter will wait before updating the state to the core.
defaultHeartbeatFailReportInterval = 0 * time.Second
//defaultGrpcTimeoutInterval is the time in seconds a grpc call will wait before returning error.
defaultGrpcTimeoutInterval = 2 * time.Second
defaultCurrentReplica = 1
defaultTotalReplicas = 1
defaultTraceEnabled = false
defaultTraceAgentAddress = ""
defaultLogCorrelationEnabled = true
defaultOmccEncryption = false
defaultEnableONUStats = false
defaultEnableGEMStats = false
defaultReconnectTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
// AdapterFlags represents the set of configurations used by the read-write adaptercore service
type AdapterFlags struct {
// Command line parameters
AdapterName string
InstanceID string // NOTE what am I used for? why not cli but only ENV? TODO expose in the chart
KafkaAdapterAddress string
KafkaClusterAddress string
KVStoreType string
KVStoreTimeout time.Duration
KVStoreAddress string
Topic string
CoreTopic string
EventTopic string
LogLevel string
OnuNumber int
Banner bool
DisplayVersionOnly bool
ProbeAddress string
LiveProbeInterval time.Duration
NotLiveProbeInterval time.Duration
HeartbeatCheckInterval time.Duration
HeartbeatFailReportInterval time.Duration
GrpcTimeoutInterval time.Duration
CurrentReplica int
TotalReplicas int
TraceEnabled bool
TraceAgentAddress string
LogCorrelationEnabled bool
OmccEncryption bool
EnableONUStats bool
EnableGEMStats bool
ReconnectTimeout time.Duration
// NewAdapterFlags returns a new RWCore config
func NewAdapterFlags() *AdapterFlags {
var adapterFlags = AdapterFlags{ // Default values
InstanceID: defaultInstanceid,
KafkaAdapterAddress: defaultKafkaadapteraddress,
KafkaClusterAddress: defaultKafkaclusteraddress,
KVStoreType: defaultKvstoretype,
KVStoreTimeout: defaultKvstoretimeout,
KVStoreAddress: defaultKvstoreaddress,
Topic: defaultTopic,
CoreTopic: defaultCoretopic,
EventTopic: defaultEventtopic,
LogLevel: defaultLoglevel,
OnuNumber: defaultOnunumber,
Banner: defaultBanner,
DisplayVersionOnly: defaultDisplayVersionOnly,
ProbeAddress: defaultProbeAddress,
LiveProbeInterval: defaultLiveProbeInterval,
NotLiveProbeInterval: defaultNotLiveProbeInterval,
HeartbeatCheckInterval: defaultHeartbeatCheckInterval,
HeartbeatFailReportInterval: defaultHeartbeatFailReportInterval,
GrpcTimeoutInterval: defaultGrpcTimeoutInterval,
TraceEnabled: defaultTraceEnabled,
TraceAgentAddress: defaultTraceAgentAddress,
LogCorrelationEnabled: defaultLogCorrelationEnabled,
OmccEncryption: defaultOmccEncryption,
EnableONUStats: defaultEnableONUStats,
EnableGEMStats: defaultEnableGEMStats,
ReconnectTimeout: defaultReconnectTimeout,
return &adapterFlags
// ParseCommandArguments parses the arguments when running read-write adaptercore service
func (so *AdapterFlags) ParseCommandArguments() {
help := fmt.Sprintf("Kafka - Adapter messaging address")
flag.StringVar(&(so.KafkaAdapterAddress), "kafka_adapter_address", defaultKafkaadapteraddress, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Kafka - Cluster messaging address")
flag.StringVar(&(so.KafkaClusterAddress), "kafka_cluster_address", defaultKafkaclusteraddress, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Open OLT topic")
flag.StringVar(&(so.Topic), "adapter_topic", defaultTopic, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Core topic")
flag.StringVar(&(so.CoreTopic), "core_topic", defaultCoretopic, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Event topic")
flag.StringVar(&(so.EventTopic), "event_topic", defaultEventtopic, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("KV store type")
flag.StringVar(&(so.KVStoreType), "kv_store_type", defaultKvstoretype, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("The default timeout when making a kv store request")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.KVStoreTimeout), "kv_store_request_timeout", defaultKvstoretimeout, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("KV store address")
flag.StringVar(&(so.KVStoreAddress), "kv_store_address", defaultKvstoreaddress, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Log level")
flag.StringVar(&(so.LogLevel), "log_level", defaultLoglevel, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of ONUs")
flag.IntVar(&(so.OnuNumber), "onu_number", defaultOnunumber, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Show startup banner log lines")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.Banner), "banner", defaultBanner, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Show version information and exit")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.DisplayVersionOnly), "version", defaultDisplayVersionOnly, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("The address on which to listen to answer liveness and readiness probe queries over HTTP.")
flag.StringVar(&(so.ProbeAddress), "probe_address", defaultProbeAddress, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds for the default liveliness check")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.LiveProbeInterval), "live_probe_interval", defaultLiveProbeInterval, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds for liveliness check if probe is not running")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.NotLiveProbeInterval), "not_live_probe_interval", defaultNotLiveProbeInterval, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds for heartbeat check interval.")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.HeartbeatCheckInterval), "heartbeat_check_interval", defaultHeartbeatCheckInterval, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds adapter has to wait before reporting core on the hearbeat check failure.")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.HeartbeatFailReportInterval), "heartbeat_fail_interval", defaultHeartbeatFailReportInterval, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds for GRPC timeout.")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.GrpcTimeoutInterval), "grpc_timeout_interval", defaultGrpcTimeoutInterval, help)
help = "Replica number of this particular instance (default: %s)"
flag.IntVar(&(so.CurrentReplica), "current_replica", defaultCurrentReplica, help)
help = "Total number of instances for this adapter"
flag.IntVar(&(so.TotalReplicas), "total_replica", defaultTotalReplicas, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Whether to send logs to tracing agent?")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.TraceEnabled), "trace_enabled", defaultTraceEnabled, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("The address of tracing agent to which span info should be sent.")
flag.StringVar(&(so.TraceAgentAddress), "trace_agent_address", defaultTraceAgentAddress, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Whether to enrich log statements with fields denoting operation being executed for achieving correlation?")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.LogCorrelationEnabled), "log_correlation_enabled", defaultLogCorrelationEnabled, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("OMCI Channel encryption status")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.OmccEncryption), "omcc_encryption", defaultOmccEncryption, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Enable ONU Statistics")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.EnableONUStats), "enable_onu_stats", defaultEnableONUStats, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Enable GEM Statistics")
flag.BoolVar(&(so.EnableGEMStats), "enable_gem_stats", defaultEnableGEMStats, help)
help = fmt.Sprintf("Number of seconds for reconnection retries to a device")
flag.DurationVar(&(so.ReconnectTimeout), "reconnection_timeout", defaultReconnectTimeout, help)
containerName := getContainerInfo()
if len(containerName) > 0 {
so.InstanceID = containerName
func getContainerInfo() string {
return os.Getenv("HOSTNAME")