blob: b0a11a5029747a5e93f441bc21a4c30830705549 [file] [log] [blame]
package goraph
import "sync"
// Tarjan finds the strongly connected components.
// In the mathematics, a directed graph is "strongly connected"
// if every vertex is reachable from every other node.
// Therefore, a graph is strongly connected if there is a path
// in each direction between each pair of node of a graph.
// Then a pair of vertices u and v is strongly connected to each other
// because there is a path in each direction.
// "Strongly connected components" of an arbitrary graph
// partition into sub-graphs that are themselves strongly connected.
// That is, "strongly connected component" of a directed graph
// is a sub-graph that is strongly connected.
// Formally, "Strongly connected components" of a graph is a maximal
// set of vertices C in G.V such that for all u, v ∈ C, there is a path
// both from u to v, and from v to u.
// (
// 0. Tarjan(G):
// 1.
// 2. globalIndex = 0 // smallest unused index
// 3. let S be a stack
// 4. result = [][]
// 5.
// 6. for each vertex v in G:
// 7. if v.index is undefined:
// 8. tarjan(G, v, globalIndex, S, result)
// 9.
// 10. return result
// 11.
// 12.
// 13. tarjan(G, v, globalIndex, S, result):
// 14.
// 15. v.index = globalIndex
// 16. v.lowLink = globalIndex
// 17. globalIndex++
// 18. S.push(v)
// 19.
// 20. for each child vertex w of v:
// 21.
// 22. if w.index is undefined:
// 23. recursively tarjan(G, w, globalIndex, S, result)
// 24. v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.lowLink)
// 25.
// 26. else if w is in S:
// 27. v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.index)
// 28.
// 29. // if v is the root
// 30. if v.lowLink == v.index:
// 31.
// 32. // start a new strongly connected component
// 33. component = []
// 34.
// 35. while True:
// 36.
// 37. u = S.pop()
// 38. component.push(u)
// 39.
// 40. if u == v:
// 41. result.push(component)
// 42. break
func Tarjan(g Graph) [][]ID {
d := newTarjanData()
// for each vertex v in G:
for v := range g.GetNodes() {
// if v.index is undefined:
if _, ok := d.index[v]; !ok {
// tarjan(G, v, globalIndex, S, result)
tarjan(g, v, d)
return d.result
type tarjanData struct {
mu sync.Mutex // guards the following
// globalIndex is the smallest unused index
globalIndex int
// index is an index of a node to record
// the order of being discovered.
index map[ID]int
// lowLink is the smallest index of any index
// reachable from v, including v itself.
lowLink map[ID]int
// S is the stack.
S []ID
// extra map to check if a vertex is in S.
smap map[ID]struct{}
result [][]ID
func newTarjanData() *tarjanData {
return &tarjanData{
globalIndex: 0,
index: make(map[ID]int),
lowLink: make(map[ID]int),
S: []ID{},
smap: make(map[ID]struct{}),
result: [][]ID{},
func tarjan(
g Graph,
id ID,
data *tarjanData,
) {
// This is not inherently parallelizable problem,
// but just to make sure.
// v.index = globalIndex
data.index[id] = data.globalIndex
// v.lowLink = globalIndex
data.lowLink[id] = data.globalIndex
// globalIndex++
// S.push(v)
data.S = append(data.S, id)
data.smap[id] = struct{}{}
// for each child vertex w of v:
cmap, err := g.GetTargets(id)
if err != nil {
for w := range cmap {
// if w.index is undefined:
if _, ok := data.index[w]; !ok {
// recursively tarjan(G, w, globalIndex, S, result)
tarjan(g, w, data)
// v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.lowLink)
data.lowLink[id] = min(data.lowLink[id], data.lowLink[w])
} else if _, ok := data.smap[w]; ok {
// else if w is in S:
// v.lowLink = min(v.lowLink, w.index)
data.lowLink[id] = min(data.lowLink[id], data.index[w])
// if v is the root
// if v.lowLink == v.index:
if data.lowLink[id] == data.index[id] {
// start a new strongly connected component
component := []ID{}
// while True:
for {
// u = S.pop()
u := data.S[len(data.S)-1]
data.S = data.S[:len(data.S)-1 : len(data.S)-1]
delete(data.smap, u)
// component.push(u)
component = append(component, u)
// if u == v:
if u == id {
data.result = append(data.result, component)
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b