blob: 6ad68ea7cb0e8863684e2b204eefc24ce11dac35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package core provides the utility for olt devices, flows and statistics
package core
import (
plt ""
tp ""
rsrcMgr ""
ia ""
ofp ""
openoltpb2 ""
tp_pb ""
const (
//IPProtoDhcp flow category
IPProtoDhcp = 17
//IgmpProto proto value
IgmpProto = 2
//EapEthType eapethtype value
EapEthType = 0x888e
//LldpEthType lldp ethtype value
LldpEthType = 0x88cc
//IPv4EthType IPv4 ethernet type value
IPv4EthType = 0x800
//PPPoEDEthType PPPoE discovery ethernet type value
PPPoEDEthType = 0x8863
//ReservedVlan Transparent Vlan (Masked Vlan, VLAN_ANY in ONOS Flows)
ReservedVlan = 4096
//DefaultMgmtVlan default vlan value
DefaultMgmtVlan = 4091
// Openolt Flow
//Upstream constant
Upstream = "upstream"
//Downstream constant
Downstream = "downstream"
//Multicast constant
Multicast = "multicast"
//PacketTagType constant
PacketTagType = "pkt_tag_type"
//Untagged constant
Untagged = "untagged"
//SingleTag constant
SingleTag = "single_tag"
//DoubleTag constant
DoubleTag = "double_tag"
// classifierInfo
//EthType constant
EthType = "eth_type"
//EthDst constant
EthDst = "eth_dst"
//EthSrc constant
EthSrc = "eth_src"
//TPID constant
TPID = "tpid"
//IPProto constant
IPProto = "ip_proto"
//InPort constant
InPort = "in_port"
//VlanVid constant
VlanVid = "vlan_vid"
//VlanPcp constant
VlanPcp = "vlan_pcp"
//UDPDst constant
UDPDst = "udp_dst"
//UDPSrc constant
UDPSrc = "udp_src"
//Ipv4Dst constant
Ipv4Dst = "ipv4_dst"
//Ipv4Src constant
Ipv4Src = "ipv4_src"
//Metadata constant
Metadata = "metadata"
//TunnelID constant
TunnelID = "tunnel_id"
//Output constant
Output = "output"
//GroupID constant
GroupID = "group_id"
// Actions
//PopVlan constant
PopVlan = "pop_vlan"
//PushVlan constant
PushVlan = "push_vlan"
//TrapToHost constant
TrapToHost = "trap_to_host"
//MaxMeterBand constant
MaxMeterBand = 2
//VlanPCPMask contant
VlanPCPMask = 0xFF
//VlanvIDMask constant
VlanvIDMask = 0xFFF
//IntfID constant
IntfID = "intfId"
//OnuID constant
OnuID = "onuId"
//UniID constant
UniID = "uniId"
//PortNo constant
PortNo = "portNo"
//AllocID constant
AllocID = "allocId"
//GemID constant
GemID = "gemId"
//NoneOnuID constant
NoneOnuID = -1
//NoneUniID constant
NoneUniID = -1
// Max number of flows that can be queued per ONU
maxConcurrentFlowsPerOnu = 20
bitMapPrefix = "0b"
pbit1 = '1'
type schedQueue struct {
direction tp_pb.Direction
intfID uint32
onuID uint32
uniID uint32
tpID uint32
uniPort uint32
tpInst interface{}
meterID uint32
flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata
type flowContext struct {
intfID uint32
onuID uint32
uniID uint32
portNo uint32
classifier map[string]interface{}
action map[string]interface{}
logicalFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats
allocID uint32
gemPortID uint32
tpID uint32
pbitToGem map[uint32]uint32
gemToAes map[uint32]bool
// This control block is created per flow add/remove and pushed on the incomingFlows channel slice
// The flowControlBlock is then picked by the perOnuFlowHandlerRoutine for further processing.
// There is on perOnuFlowHandlerRoutine routine per ONU that constantly monitors for any incoming
// flow and processes it serially
type flowControlBlock struct {
ctx context.Context // Flow handler context
addFlow bool // if true flow to be added, else removed
flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats // Flow message
flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata // FlowMetadata that contains flow meter information. This can be nil for Flow remove
errChan *chan error // channel to report the Flow handling error
// OpenOltFlowMgr creates the Structure of OpenOltFlowMgr obj
type OpenOltFlowMgr struct {
ponPortIdx uint32 // Pon Port this FlowManager is responsible for
techprofile tp.TechProfileIf
deviceHandler *DeviceHandler
grpMgr *OpenOltGroupMgr
resourceMgr *rsrcMgr.OpenOltResourceMgr
packetInGemPort map[rsrcMgr.PacketInInfoKey]uint32 //packet in gem port local cache
packetInGemPortLock sync.RWMutex
// Slice of channels. Each channel in slice, index by ONU ID, queues flows per ONU.
// A go routine per ONU, waits on the unique channel (indexed by ONU ID) for incoming flows (add/remove)
incomingFlows []chan flowControlBlock
stopFlowHandlerRoutine []chan bool
flowHandlerRoutineActive []bool
// CloseKVClient closes open KV clients
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) CloseKVClient(ctx context.Context) {
if f.techprofile != nil {
// NewFlowManager creates OpenOltFlowMgr object and initializes the parameters
func NewFlowManager(ctx context.Context, dh *DeviceHandler, rMgr *rsrcMgr.OpenOltResourceMgr, grpMgr *OpenOltGroupMgr, ponPortIdx uint32) *OpenOltFlowMgr {
logger.Infow(ctx, "initializing-flow-manager", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.device.Id})
var flowMgr OpenOltFlowMgr
var err error
flowMgr.deviceHandler = dh
flowMgr.ponPortIdx = ponPortIdx
flowMgr.grpMgr = grpMgr
flowMgr.resourceMgr = rMgr
// dh.totalPonPorts is reserved for NNI trap flows. It doesn't need a tech profile
if ponPortIdx != dh.totalPonPorts {
if err = flowMgr.populateTechProfileForCurrentPonPort(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-populating-tech-profile-mgr", log.Fields{"err": err})
return nil
flowMgr.packetInGemPort = make(map[rsrcMgr.PacketInInfoKey]uint32)
// Create a slice of buffered channels for handling concurrent flows per ONU.
// The additional entry (+1) is to handle the NNI trap flows on a separate channel from individual ONUs channel
flowMgr.incomingFlows = make([]chan flowControlBlock, plt.MaxOnusPerPon+1)
flowMgr.stopFlowHandlerRoutine = make([]chan bool, plt.MaxOnusPerPon+1)
flowMgr.flowHandlerRoutineActive = make([]bool, plt.MaxOnusPerPon+1)
for i := range flowMgr.incomingFlows {
flowMgr.incomingFlows[i] = make(chan flowControlBlock, maxConcurrentFlowsPerOnu)
flowMgr.stopFlowHandlerRoutine[i] = make(chan bool)
// Spin up a go routine to handling incoming flows (add/remove).
// There will be on go routine per ONU.
// This routine will be blocked on the flowMgr.incomingFlows[onu-id] channel for incoming flows.
flowMgr.flowHandlerRoutineActive[i] = true
go flowMgr.perOnuFlowHandlerRoutine(i, flowMgr.incomingFlows[i], flowMgr.stopFlowHandlerRoutine[i])
//load interface to multicast queue map from kv store
logger.Info(ctx, "initialization-of-flow-manager-success")
return &flowMgr
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) registerFlow(ctx context.Context, flowFromCore *ofp.OfpFlowStats, deviceFlow *openoltpb2.Flow) error {
// In case of nni trap flow
if deviceFlow.AccessIntfId == -1 {
return f.resourceMgr.RegisterFlowIDForGem(ctx, uint32(deviceFlow.AccessIntfId), flowFromCore)
if !deviceFlow.ReplicateFlow && deviceFlow.GemportId > 0 {
// Flow is not replicated in this case, we need to register the flow for a single gem-port
return f.resourceMgr.RegisterFlowIDForGem(ctx, uint32(deviceFlow.GemportId), flowFromCore)
} else if deviceFlow.ReplicateFlow && len(deviceFlow.PbitToGemport) > 0 {
// Flow is replicated in this case. We need to register the flow for all the gem-ports it is replicated to.
for _, gemPort := range deviceFlow.PbitToGemport {
if err := f.resourceMgr.RegisterFlowIDForGem(ctx, gemPort, flowFromCore); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) processAddFlow(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, portNo uint32,
classifierInfo map[string]interface{}, actionInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, TpID uint32,
UsMeterID uint32, DsMeterID uint32, flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata) error {
var allocID uint32
var gemPorts []uint32
var TpInst interface{}
logger.Infow(ctx, "dividing-flow", log.Fields{
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"port-no": portNo,
"classifier": classifierInfo,
"action": actionInfo,
"usmeter-iD": UsMeterID,
"dsmeter-iD": DsMeterID,
"tp-id": TpID})
// only create tcont/gemports if there is actually an onu id. otherwise BAL throws an error. Usually this
// is because the flow is an NNI flow and there would be no onu resources associated with it
// TODO: properly deal with NNI flows
if onuID == 0 {
cause := "no-onu-id-for-flow"
fields := log.Fields{
"onu": onuID,
"port-no": portNo,
"classifer": classifierInfo,
"action": actionInfo,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}
logger.Errorw(ctx, cause, fields)
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound(cause, fields, nil)
uni := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID))
logger.Debugw(ctx, "uni-port-path", log.Fields{
"uni": uni,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "dividing-flow-create-tcont-gem-ports", log.Fields{
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"port-no": portNo,
"classifier": classifierInfo,
"action": actionInfo,
"usmeter-id": UsMeterID,
"dsmeter-id": DsMeterID,
"tp-id": TpID})
allocID, gemPorts, TpInst = f.createTcontGemports(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, uni, portNo, TpID, UsMeterID, DsMeterID, flowMetadata)
if allocID == 0 || gemPorts == nil || TpInst == nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "alloc-id-gem-ports-tp-unavailable")
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound(
nil, nil)
args := make(map[string]uint32)
args[IntfID] = intfID
args[OnuID] = onuID
args[UniID] = uniID
args[PortNo] = portNo
args[AllocID] = allocID
/* Flows can be added specific to gemport if p-bits are received.
* If no pbit mentioned then adding flows for all gemports
return f.checkAndAddFlow(ctx, args, classifierInfo, actionInfo, flow, TpInst, gemPorts, TpID, uni)
// CreateSchedulerQueues creates traffic schedulers on the device with the given scheduler configuration and traffic shaping info
// nolint: gocyclo
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) CreateSchedulerQueues(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "CreateSchedulerQueues",
log.Fields{"dir": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"tp-inst": sq.tpInst,
"flowmetadata": sq.flowMetadata,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
direction, err := verifyMeterIDAndGetDirection(sq.meterID, sq.direction)
if err != nil {
return err
var TrafficShaping *tp_pb.TrafficShapingInfo
if sq.flowMetadata == nil || len(sq.flowMetadata.Meters) != 1 {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"reason": "invalid-meter-config",
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, nil)
if TrafficShaping, err = meters.GetTrafficShapingInfo(ctx, sq.flowMetadata.Meters[0]); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"reason": "invalid-meter-config",
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, nil)
var SchedCfg *tp_pb.SchedulerConfig
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
SchedCfg = f.techprofile.GetUsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
} else if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
SchedCfg = f.techprofile.GetDsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
TrafficSched := []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler{f.techprofile.GetTrafficScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), SchedCfg, TrafficShaping)}
TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId = sq.tpID
/* Lets make a simple assumption that if the meter-id is present on the KV store,
* then the scheduler and queues configuration is applied on the OLT device
* in the given direction.
meterInfo, err := f.resourceMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, direction, sq.onuID, sq.uniID, sq.tpID)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("meter",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
// update reference count and return if the meter was already installed before
if meterInfo != nil && meterInfo.MeterID == sq.meterID {
logger.Infow(ctx, "scheduler-already-created-for-direction",
log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "direction": direction, "meter-id": sq.meterID})
if err = f.resourceMgr.HandleMeterInfoRefCntUpdate(ctx, direction, sq.onuID, sq.uniID, sq.tpID, true); err != nil {
return err
if allocExists := f.isAllocUsedByAnotherUNI(ctx, sq); allocExists {
// Alloc object was already created as part of flow setup on another uni of the onu for the same service.
// Just create gem ports and traffic queues on the current uni for the given service
logger.Infow(ctx, "alloc in use on another uni, schedulers already created, creating queues only",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// The upstream scheduler is already created. We only need to create the queues
// If there are multiple upstream flows on a given uni, then it is possible that
// we call pushTrafficQueues multiple times, but that is OK as BAL returns OK.
// TODO: Find better mechanism to not duplicate request.
if err = f.pushTrafficQueues(ctx, sq, TrafficSched); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failure-pushing-traffic-queues-to-device",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"direction": sq.direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "alloc not in use on another uni, only meter ref cnt updated",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "meter-does-not-exist-creating-new",
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"direction": direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
found := false
meterInfo = &rsrcMgr.MeterInfo{}
if sq.flowMetadata != nil {
for _, meter := range sq.flowMetadata.Meters {
if sq.meterID == meter.MeterId {
meterInfo.MeterID = meter.MeterId
meterInfo.RefCnt = 1 // initialize it to 1, since this is the first flow that referenced the meter id.
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-meter-config-from-flowmetadata",
log.Fields{"meter": meter,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
found = true
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "flow-metadata-not-present-in-flow", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if !found {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("meterbands", log.Fields{
"reason": "Could-not-get-meterbands-from-flowMetadata",
"flow-metadata": sq.flowMetadata,
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, nil)
if err := f.pushSchedulerQueuesToDevice(ctx, sq, TrafficSched); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failure-pushing-traffic-scheduler-and-queues-to-device",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"direction": sq.direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
/* After we successfully applied the scheduler configuration on the OLT device,
* store the meter id on the KV store, for further reference.
if err := f.resourceMgr.StoreMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, direction, sq.onuID, sq.uniID, sq.tpID, meterInfo); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-updating-meter-id",
log.Fields{"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"meter-id": sq.meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "updated-meter-info-into-kv-store-successfully",
log.Fields{"direction": direction,
"meter-info": meterInfo,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) pushTrafficQueues(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue, TrafficSched []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler) error {
trafficQueues, err := f.techprofile.GetTrafficQueues(ctx, sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), sq.direction)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-construct-traffic-queue-configuration",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"direction": sq.direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-traffic-queues-create-to-device",
log.Fields{"direction": sq.direction,
"traffic-queues": trafficQueues,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
queues := &tp_pb.TrafficQueues{IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficQueues: trafficQueues,
TechProfileId: TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId}
if _, err := f.deviceHandler.Client.CreateTrafficQueues(ctx, queues); err != nil {
if len(queues.TrafficQueues) > 1 {
logger.Debug(ctx, "removing-queues-for-1tcont-multi-gem", log.Fields{"intfID": sq.intfID, "onuID": sq.onuID, "dir": sq.direction})
_, _ = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficQueues(ctx, queues)
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-create-traffic-queues-in-device", log.Fields{"traffic-queues": trafficQueues}, err)
return err
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) pushSchedulerQueuesToDevice(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue, TrafficSched []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler) error {
trafficQueues, err := f.techprofile.GetTrafficQueues(ctx, sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), sq.direction)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-construct-traffic-queue-configuration",
log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"direction": sq.direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
if allocExists := f.isAllocUsedByAnotherUNI(ctx, sq); !allocExists {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-traffic-scheduler-create-to-device",
"direction": sq.direction,
"TrafficScheds": TrafficSched,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intfID": sq.intfID,
"onuID": sq.onuID,
"uniID": sq.uniID})
if _, err := f.deviceHandler.Client.CreateTrafficSchedulers(ctx, &tp_pb.TrafficSchedulers{
IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficScheds: TrafficSched}); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-create-traffic-schedulers-in-device", log.Fields{"TrafficScheds": TrafficSched}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "successfully-created-traffic-schedulers", log.Fields{
"direction": sq.direction,
"traffic-queues": trafficQueues,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// On receiving the CreateTrafficQueues request, the driver should create corresponding
// downstream queues.
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-traffic-queues-create-to-device",
log.Fields{"direction": sq.direction,
"traffic-queues": trafficQueues,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
queues := &tp_pb.TrafficQueues{IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficQueues: trafficQueues,
TechProfileId: TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId}
if _, err := f.deviceHandler.Client.CreateTrafficQueues(ctx, queues); err != nil {
if len(queues.TrafficQueues) > 1 {
logger.Debug(ctx, "removing-queues-for-1tcont-multi-gem", log.Fields{"intfID": sq.intfID, "onuID": sq.onuID, "dir": sq.direction})
_, _ = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficQueues(ctx, queues)
f.revertScheduler(ctx, sq, TrafficSched)
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-create-traffic-queues-in-device", log.Fields{"traffic-queues": trafficQueues}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "successfully-created-traffic-schedulers", log.Fields{
"direction": sq.direction,
"traffic-queues": trafficQueues,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
multicastTrafficQueues := f.techprofile.GetMulticastTrafficQueues(ctx, sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
if len(multicastTrafficQueues) > 0 {
if _, present := f.grpMgr.GetInterfaceToMcastQueueMap(sq.intfID); !present { //assumed that there is only one queue per PON for the multicast service
//the default queue with multicastQueuePerPonPort.Priority per a pon interface is used for multicast service
//just put it in interfaceToMcastQueueMap to use for building group members
logger.Debugw(ctx, "multicast-traffic-queues", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
multicastQueuePerPonPort := multicastTrafficQueues[0]
val := &QueueInfoBrief{
gemPortID: multicastQueuePerPonPort.GemportId,
servicePriority: multicastQueuePerPonPort.Priority,
f.grpMgr.UpdateInterfaceToMcastQueueMap(sq.intfID, val)
//also store the queue info in kv store
if err := f.resourceMgr.AddMcastQueueForIntf(ctx, multicastQueuePerPonPort.GemportId, multicastQueuePerPonPort.Priority); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-add-mcast-queue", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
logger.Infow(ctx, "multicast-queues-successfully-updated", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
// RemoveQueues removes the traffic queues from the device based on the given schedQueue info
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) RemoveQueues(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) error {
var err error
logger.Infow(ctx, "removing-queue-in-olt",
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
TrafficQueues, err := f.techprofile.GetTrafficQueues(ctx, sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), sq.direction)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-construct-traffic-queue-configuration",
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"direction": sq.direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
if _, err = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficQueues(ctx,
&tp_pb.TrafficQueues{IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficQueues: TrafficQueues,
TechProfileId: sq.tpID}); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-remove-traffic-queues-from-device",
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"traffic-queues": TrafficQueues,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "removed-traffic-queues-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "trafficQueues": TrafficQueues})
return err
// RemoveScheduler removes the traffic scheduler from the device based on the given schedQueue info
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) RemoveScheduler(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) error {
var Direction string
var SchedCfg *tp_pb.SchedulerConfig
var err error
logger.Infow(ctx, "removing-scheduler-in-olt",
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
SchedCfg = f.techprofile.GetUsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
Direction = "upstream"
} else if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
SchedCfg = f.techprofile.GetDsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
Direction = "downstream"
TrafficShaping := &tp_pb.TrafficShapingInfo{} // this info is not really useful for the agent during flow removal. Just use default values.
TrafficSched := []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler{f.techprofile.GetTrafficScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), SchedCfg, TrafficShaping)}
TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId = sq.tpID
if _, err = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficSchedulers(ctx, &tp_pb.TrafficSchedulers{
IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficScheds: TrafficSched}); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-remove-traffic-schedulers-from-device",
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"traffic-schedulers": TrafficSched,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "removed-traffic-schedulers-successfully",
log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort})
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
allocID := sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance).UsScheduler.AllocId
// Delete the TCONT on the ONU.
uni := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, sq.intfID, int32(sq.onuID), int32(sq.uniID))
tpPath := f.getTPpath(ctx, uni, sq.tpID)
if err := f.sendDeleteTcontToChild(ctx, sq.intfID, sq.onuID, sq.uniID, allocID, tpPath); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-processing-delete-tcont-towards-onu",
"intf": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"alloc-id": allocID})
/* After we successfully remove the scheduler configuration on the OLT device,
* delete the meter id on the KV store.
err = f.removeMeterReference(ctx, Direction, sq)
return err
// We are trying to force remove the schedulers and queues here if one exists for the given key.
// We ignore any errors encountered in the process. The errors most likely are encountered when
// the schedulers and queues are already cleared for the given key.
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) forceRemoveSchedulerQueues(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) {
var schedCfg *tp_pb.SchedulerConfig
var err error
logger.Infow(ctx, "removing-schedulers-and-queues-in-olt",
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
schedCfg = f.techprofile.GetUsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
} else if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
schedCfg = f.techprofile.GetDsScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))
TrafficShaping := &tp_pb.TrafficShapingInfo{} // this info is not really useful for the agent during flow removal. Just use default values.
TrafficSched := []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler{f.techprofile.GetTrafficScheduler(sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), schedCfg, TrafficShaping)}
TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId = sq.tpID
// Remove traffic queues. Ignore any errors, just log them.
if TrafficQueues, err := f.techprofile.GetTrafficQueues(ctx, sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance), sq.direction); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error retrieving traffic queue", log.Fields{
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"err": err})
} else {
if _, err = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficQueues(ctx,
&tp_pb.TrafficQueues{IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficQueues: TrafficQueues,
TechProfileId: TrafficSched[0].TechProfileId}); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "error removing traffic queue", log.Fields{
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"err": err})
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "removed-traffic-queues-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID})
// Remove traffic schedulers. Ignore any errors, just log them.
if _, err = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficSchedulers(ctx, &tp_pb.TrafficSchedulers{
IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficScheds: TrafficSched}); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "error removing traffic scheduler", log.Fields{
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"err": err})
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "removed-traffic-schedulers-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"direction": sq.direction,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort,
"tp-id": sq.tpID})
// This function allocates tconts and GEM ports for an ONU
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) createTcontGemports(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, uni string, uniPort uint32, TpID uint32, UsMeterID uint32, DsMeterID uint32, flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata) (uint32, []uint32, interface{}) {
var allocIDs []uint32
var allgemPortIDs []uint32
var gemPortIDs []uint32
tpInstanceExists := false
var err error
allocIDs = f.resourceMgr.GetCurrentAllocIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
allgemPortIDs = f.resourceMgr.GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
tpPath := f.getTPpath(ctx, uni, TpID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-new-tcont-and-gem", log.Fields{
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"tp-id": TpID})
// Check tech profile instance already exists for derived port name
techProfileInstance, _ := f.techprofile.GetTPInstance(ctx, tpPath)
if techProfileInstance == nil {
logger.Infow(ctx, "tp-instance-not-found--creating-new",
"path": tpPath,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
techProfileInstance, err = f.techprofile.CreateTechProfileInstance(ctx, TpID, uni, intfID)
if err != nil {
// This should not happen, something wrong in KV backend transaction
logger.Errorw(ctx, "tp-instance-create-failed",
"err": err,
"tp-id": TpID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return 0, nil, nil
if err := f.resourceMgr.UpdateTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, TpID); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed-to-update-tech-profile-id", log.Fields{"err": err})
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "tech-profile-instance-already-exist-for-given port-name",
"uni": uni,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
tpInstanceExists = true
switch tpInst := techProfileInstance.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
if UsMeterID != 0 {
sq := schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID, tpID: TpID,
uniPort: uniPort, tpInst: techProfileInstance, meterID: UsMeterID, flowMetadata: flowMetadata}
if err := f.CreateSchedulerQueues(ctx, sq); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "CreateSchedulerQueues-failed-upstream",
"err": err,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"meter-id": UsMeterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
f.revertTechProfileInstance(ctx, sq)
return 0, nil, nil
if DsMeterID != 0 {
sq := schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID, tpID: TpID,
uniPort: uniPort, tpInst: techProfileInstance, meterID: DsMeterID, flowMetadata: flowMetadata}
if err := f.CreateSchedulerQueues(ctx, sq); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "CreateSchedulerQueues-failed-downstream",
"err": err,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"meter-id": DsMeterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
f.revertTechProfileInstance(ctx, sq)
return 0, nil, nil
allocID := tpInst.UsScheduler.AllocId
for _, gem := range tpInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList {
gemPortIDs = append(gemPortIDs, gem.GemportId)
allocIDs = appendUnique32bit(allocIDs, allocID)
if tpInstanceExists {
return allocID, gemPortIDs, techProfileInstance
for _, gemPortID := range gemPortIDs {
allgemPortIDs = appendUnique32bit(allgemPortIDs, gemPortID)
logger.Infow(ctx, "allocated-tcont-and-gem-ports",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"alloc-ids": allocIDs,
"gemports": allgemPortIDs,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// Send Tconts and GEM ports to KV store
f.storeTcontsGEMPortsIntoKVStore(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, allocIDs, allgemPortIDs)
return allocID, gemPortIDs, techProfileInstance
case *tp_pb.EponTechProfileInstance:
// CreateSchedulerQueues for EPON needs to be implemented here
// when voltha-protos for EPON is completed.
allocID := tpInst.AllocId
for _, gem := range tpInst.UpstreamQueueAttributeList {
gemPortIDs = append(gemPortIDs, gem.GemportId)
allocIDs = appendUnique32bit(allocIDs, allocID)
if tpInstanceExists {
return allocID, gemPortIDs, techProfileInstance
for _, gemPortID := range gemPortIDs {
allgemPortIDs = appendUnique32bit(allgemPortIDs, gemPortID)
logger.Infow(ctx, "allocated-tcont-and-gem-ports",
"alloc-ids": allocIDs,
"gemports": allgemPortIDs,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// Send Tconts and GEM ports to KV store
f.storeTcontsGEMPortsIntoKVStore(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, allocIDs, allgemPortIDs)
return allocID, gemPortIDs, techProfileInstance
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unknown-tech",
"tpInst": tpInst})
return 0, nil, nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) storeTcontsGEMPortsIntoKVStore(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, allocID []uint32, gemPortIDs []uint32) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "storing-allocated-tconts-and-gem-ports-into-KV-store",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"alloc-id": allocID,
"gemport-ids": gemPortIDs,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
/* Update the allocated alloc_id and gem_port_id for the ONU/UNI to KV store */
if err := f.resourceMgr.UpdateAllocIdsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, allocID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-uploading-allocid-to-kv-store", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "onuID": onuID, "allocID": allocID})
if err := f.resourceMgr.UpdateGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, gemPortIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-uploading-gemports-to-kv-store", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "onuID": onuID, "gemPort": gemPortIDs})
logger.Infow(ctx, "stored-tconts-and-gem-into-kv-store-successfully", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
for _, gemPort := range gemPortIDs {
if err := f.resourceMgr.AddGemToOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID, gemPort); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-uploading-onugeminfos-to-kv-store", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "onuID": onuID, "gemPort": gemPort})
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) populateTechProfileForCurrentPonPort(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, techRange := range f.resourceMgr.DevInfo.Ranges {
for _, intfID := range techRange.IntfIds {
if intfID == f.ponPortIdx { // initialize only for the pon port that this flow manager is managing
var err error
f.techprofile, err = tp.NewTechProfile(ctx, intfID, f.resourceMgr.DeviceID, f.resourceMgr.PonRsrMgr, f.resourceMgr.PonRsrMgr.Backend,
if err != nil || f.techprofile == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-allocate-to-techprofile-for-pon-port", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "err": err})
return fmt.Errorf("failed-to-allocate-tech-profile-for-pon-port--pon-%v-err-%v", intfID, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "init-tech-profile-done",
"intf-id": intfID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "pon port not found in the the device pon port range", log.Fields{"intfID": f.ponPortIdx})
return fmt.Errorf("pon-port-idx-not-found-in-the-device-info-pon-port-range-%v", f.ponPortIdx)
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addUpstreamDataPathFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext) error {
flowContext.classifier[PacketTagType] = SingleTag
// extract the cvid/inner-vid from the write metadata
writeMetadata := flows.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(ctx, flowContext.logicalFlow)
if writeMetadata != 0 {
// Writemetadata field is 8 bytes
// cvid is on the outer most two bytes of the write metadata
cvid := (writeMetadata & 0xffff000000000000) >> 48
// if the cvid does not match the classifier vlan, then this indicates it is a double tagged packet
if cvid != flowContext.classifier[VlanVid] && cvid != 0 {
flowContext.classifier[PacketTagType] = DoubleTag
logger.Debugw(ctx, "adding-upstream-data-flow",
"uplinkClassifier": flowContext.classifier,
"uplinkAction": flowContext.action})
return f.addSymmetricDataPathFlow(ctx, flowContext, Upstream)
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addDownstreamDataPathFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext) error {
downlinkClassifier := flowContext.classifier
downlinkAction := flowContext.action
// default to single tag. If we detect an inner cvid from write-metadata, then we mark the PacketTagType as DoubleTag
downlinkClassifier[PacketTagType] = SingleTag
// extract the cvid/inner-vid from the write metadata
writeMetadata := flows.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(ctx, flowContext.logicalFlow)
if writeMetadata != 0 {
// Writemetadata field is 8 bytes
// cvid is on the outer most two bytes of the write metadata
if cvid := (writeMetadata & 0xffff000000000000) >> 48; cvid != 0 {
downlinkClassifier[PacketTagType] = DoubleTag
logger.Debugw(ctx, "adding-downstream-data-flow",
"downlinkClassifier": downlinkClassifier,
"downlinkAction": downlinkAction})
// If Pop Vlan action is specified, set the vlan to be popped from the classifier vlan match field.
// The matched vlan is the one that is getting popped.
if val, ok := downlinkAction[PopVlan]; ok && val.(bool) {
// vlan_vid is a uint32. must be type asserted as such or conversion fails
dlClVid, ok := downlinkClassifier[VlanVid].(uint32)
if ok {
downlinkAction[VlanVid] = dlClVid & 0xfff
return f.addSymmetricDataPathFlow(ctx, flowContext, Downstream)
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addSymmetricDataPathFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext, direction string) error {
intfID := flowContext.intfID
onuID := flowContext.onuID
uniID := flowContext.uniID
classifier := flowContext.classifier
action := flowContext.action
allocID := flowContext.allocID
gemPortID := flowContext.gemPortID
tpID := flowContext.tpID
logicalFlow := flowContext.logicalFlow
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-hsia-flow",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"direction": direction,
"alloc-id": allocID,
"gemport-id": gemPortID,
"logicalflow": *logicalFlow})
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-already-exists",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addSymmetricDataPathFlow--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifier, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto",
"classifier": *classifierProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(action, classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": action, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-action-proto",
"action": *actionProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
networkIntfID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-interface-id",
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
}, err).Log()
flow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(intfID),
OnuId: int32(onuID),
UniId: int32(uniID),
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: direction,
AllocId: int32(allocID),
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkIntfID),
GemportId: int32(gemPortID),
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: flowContext.portNo,
TechProfileId: tpID,
ReplicateFlow: len(flowContext.pbitToGem) > 0,
PbitToGemport: flowContext.pbitToGem,
GemportToAes: flowContext.gemToAes,
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &flow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, nil, err).Log()
logger.Infow(ctx, "hsia-flow-added-to-device-successfully",
log.Fields{"direction": direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"flow": flow,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addDHCPTrapFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext) error {
intfID := flowContext.intfID
onuID := flowContext.onuID
uniID := flowContext.uniID
logicalFlow := flowContext.logicalFlow
classifier := flowContext.classifier
action := flowContext.action
networkIntfID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-interface-id", log.Fields{
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id},
// Clear the action map
for k := range action {
delete(action, k)
action[TrapToHost] = true
classifier[UDPSrc] = uint32(68)
classifier[UDPDst] = uint32(67)
classifier[PacketTagType] = SingleTag
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-exists--not-re-adding",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addDHCPTrapFlow--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-ul-dhcp-flow",
"ul_classifier": classifier,
"ul_action": action,
"uplinkFlowId": logicalFlow.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifier}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto", log.Fields{"classifier": *classifierProto})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(action, classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": action}, err).Log()
dhcpFlow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(intfID),
OnuId: int32(onuID),
UniId: int32(uniID),
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: Upstream,
AllocId: int32(flowContext.allocID),
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkIntfID),
GemportId: int32(flowContext.gemPortID),
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: flowContext.portNo,
TechProfileId: flowContext.tpID,
ReplicateFlow: len(flowContext.pbitToGem) > 0,
PbitToGemport: flowContext.pbitToGem,
GemportToAes: flowContext.gemToAes,
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &dhcpFlow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, log.Fields{"dhcp-flow": dhcpFlow}, err).Log()
logger.Infow(ctx, "dhcp-ul-flow-added-to-device-successfully",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"flow-id": logicalFlow.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
return nil
// addIGMPTrapFlow creates IGMP trap-to-host flow
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addIGMPTrapFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext) error {
delete(flowContext.classifier, VlanVid)
return f.addUpstreamTrapFlow(ctx, flowContext)
// addUpstreamTrapFlow creates a trap-to-host flow
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addUpstreamTrapFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext) error {
intfID := flowContext.intfID
onuID := flowContext.onuID
uniID := flowContext.uniID
logicalFlow := flowContext.logicalFlow
classifier := flowContext.classifier
action := flowContext.action
networkIntfID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-interface-id",
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id},
// Clear the action map
for k := range action {
delete(action, k)
action[TrapToHost] = true
classifier[PacketTagType] = SingleTag
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-exists-not-re-adding", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addUpstreamTrapFlow--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-upstream-trap-flow",
"ul_classifier": classifier,
"ul_action": action,
"uplinkFlowId": logicalFlow.Id,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifier, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto",
"classifier": *classifierProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(action, classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": action, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
flow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(intfID),
OnuId: int32(onuID),
UniId: int32(uniID),
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: Upstream,
AllocId: int32(flowContext.allocID),
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkIntfID),
GemportId: int32(flowContext.gemPortID),
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: flowContext.portNo,
TechProfileId: flowContext.tpID,
ReplicateFlow: len(flowContext.pbitToGem) > 0,
PbitToGemport: flowContext.pbitToGem,
GemportToAes: flowContext.gemToAes,
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &flow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, log.Fields{"flow": flow, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
return nil
// Add EthType flow to device with mac, vlanId as classifier for upstream and downstream
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addEthTypeBasedFlow(ctx context.Context, flowContext *flowContext, vlanID uint32, ethType uint32) error {
intfID := flowContext.intfID
onuID := flowContext.onuID
uniID := flowContext.uniID
portNo := flowContext.portNo
allocID := flowContext.allocID
gemPortID := flowContext.gemPortID
logicalFlow := flowContext.logicalFlow
classifier := flowContext.classifier
action := flowContext.action
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-ethType-flow-to-device",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"port-no": portNo,
"alloc-id": allocID,
"gemport-id": gemPortID,
"vlan-id": vlanID,
"flow": logicalFlow,
"ethType": ethType})
uplinkClassifier := make(map[string]interface{})
uplinkAction := make(map[string]interface{})
// Fill Classfier
uplinkClassifier[EthType] = ethType
uplinkClassifier[PacketTagType] = SingleTag
uplinkClassifier[VlanVid] = vlanID
uplinkClassifier[VlanPcp] = classifier[VlanPcp]
// Fill action
uplinkAction[TrapToHost] = true
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-exists-not-re-adding", log.Fields{
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"ethType": ethType})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addEthTypeBasedFlow--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
//Add Uplink EthType Flow
logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-ul-ethType-flow",
"ul_classifier": uplinkClassifier,
"ul_action": uplinkAction,
"uplinkFlowId": logicalFlow.Id,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID})
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(uplinkClassifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"classifier": uplinkClassifier,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto",
"classifier": *classifierProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(uplinkAction, uplinkClassifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": uplinkAction, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err).Log()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-action-proto",
"action": *actionProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
networkIntfID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-interface-id", log.Fields{
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id},
upstreamFlow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(intfID),
OnuId: int32(onuID),
UniId: int32(uniID),
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: Upstream,
AllocId: int32(allocID),
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkIntfID),
GemportId: int32(gemPortID),
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: portNo,
TechProfileId: flowContext.tpID,
ReplicateFlow: len(flowContext.pbitToGem) > 0,
PbitToGemport: flowContext.pbitToGem,
GemportToAes: flowContext.gemToAes,
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &upstreamFlow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, log.Fields{"flow": upstreamFlow}, err).Log()
logger.Infow(ctx, "ethType-ul-flow-added-to-device-successfully",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"ethType": ethType,
return nil
func makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifierInfo map[string]interface{}) (*openoltpb2.Classifier, error) {
var classifier openoltpb2.Classifier
classifier.EthType, _ = classifierInfo[EthType].(uint32)
classifier.IpProto, _ = classifierInfo[IPProto].(uint32)
if vlanID, ok := classifierInfo[VlanVid].(uint32); ok {
if vlanID != ReservedVlan {
vid := vlanID & VlanvIDMask
classifier.OVid = vid
// The classifierInfo[Metadata] is set for the following flows
// - In the Downstream datapath flow table0 and table1. From the OLT perspective, only table0 downstream flow is relevant.
// - Mcast flow that points to a group in the treatment
// This value, when present and valid (not 0 and not 4096), is interpreted as below
// - inner vid for a double tagged packet in the datapath flow
// - outer vid for a single tagged packet in the datapath flow
// - inner vid in the mcast flow that points to a group
if metadata, ok := classifierInfo[Metadata].(uint64); ok {
vid := uint32(metadata)
// Set the OVid or IVid classifier based on the whether OLT is using a transparent tag or not
// If OLT is using transparent tag mechanism, then it classifies whatever tag it sees to/from ONU which
//is OVid from the perspective of the OLT. When OLT also places or pops the outer tag, then classifierInfo[Metadata]
// becomes the IVid.
if classifier.OVid != 0 && classifier.OVid != ReservedVlan { // This is case when classifier.OVid is not set
if vid != ReservedVlan {
classifier.IVid = vid
} else {
if vid != ReservedVlan {
classifier.OVid = vid
// Use VlanPCPMask (0xff) to signify NO PCP. Else use valid PCP (0 to 7)
if vlanPcp, ok := classifierInfo[VlanPcp].(uint32); ok {
classifier.OPbits = vlanPcp
} else {
classifier.OPbits = VlanPCPMask
classifier.SrcPort, _ = classifierInfo[UDPSrc].(uint32)
classifier.DstPort, _ = classifierInfo[UDPDst].(uint32)
classifier.DstIp, _ = classifierInfo[Ipv4Dst].(uint32)
classifier.SrcIp, _ = classifierInfo[Ipv4Src].(uint32)
classifier.DstMac, _ = classifierInfo[EthDst].([]uint8)
classifier.SrcMac, _ = classifierInfo[EthSrc].([]uint8)
if pktTagType, ok := classifierInfo[PacketTagType].(string); ok {
classifier.PktTagType = pktTagType
switch pktTagType {
case SingleTag:
case DoubleTag:
case Untagged:
return nil, olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"packet-tag-type": pktTagType}, nil)
return &classifier, nil
func makeOpenOltActionField(actionInfo map[string]interface{}, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}) (*openoltpb2.Action, error) {
var actionCmd openoltpb2.ActionCmd
var action openoltpb2.Action
action.Cmd = &actionCmd
if _, ok := actionInfo[PopVlan]; ok {
// Pop outer vid
action.Cmd.RemoveOuterTag = true
if _, ok := actionInfo[VlanPcp]; ok {
// Remark inner pbit
action.Cmd.RemarkInnerPbits = true
action.IPbits = actionInfo[VlanPcp].(uint32)
if _, ok := actionInfo[VlanVid]; ok {
// Remark inner vid
action.Cmd.TranslateInnerTag = true
action.IVid = actionInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)
} else if _, ok := actionInfo[PushVlan]; ok {
// push outer vid
action.OVid = actionInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)
action.Cmd.AddOuterTag = true
if _, ok := actionInfo[VlanPcp]; ok {
// translate outer pbit
action.OPbits = actionInfo[VlanPcp].(uint32)
action.Cmd.RemarkOuterPbits = true
if _, ok := classifierInfo[VlanVid]; ok {
// translate inner vid
action.IVid = classifierInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)
action.Cmd.TranslateInnerTag = true
} else if _, ok := actionInfo[TrapToHost]; ok {
action.Cmd.TrapToHost = actionInfo[TrapToHost].(bool)
} else if _, ok := actionInfo[VlanVid]; ok {
// Translate outer vid
action.Cmd.TranslateOuterTag = true
action.OVid = actionInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)
// When OLT is transparent to vlans no-action is valid.
else {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action-command": actionInfo}, nil)
return &action, nil
// getTPpath return the ETCD path for a given UNI port
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) getTPpath(ctx context.Context, uniPath string, TpID uint32) string {
return f.techprofile.GetTechProfileInstanceKey(ctx, TpID, uniPath)
// DeleteTechProfileInstances removes the tech profile instances from persistent storage
// We also force release scheduler and queues associated with the tp instance. Theoretically there could be
// an issue if the upstream scheduler (DBA) is shared across multiple UNI and we force release it, given that
// this function is only meant to clean up TP instances of a given UNI. But in practicality this routine
// is only meant to be called when the clean up of resource for the whole ONU is taking place.
// The reason for introducing the force cleanup of scheduler and queues (on the OLT) was introduced here
// because it was observed that if the ONU device was deleted too soon after the flows were
// unprovisioned on that ONU, the scheduler and queue removal pertinent to that ONU would remain
// uncleaned on the OLT. So we force clean up here and ignore any error that OLT returns during the
// force cleanup (possible if the OLT has already cleared those resources).
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) DeleteTechProfileInstances(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32) error {
tpIDList := f.resourceMgr.GetTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
uniPortName := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID))
for _, tpID := range tpIDList {
// Force cleanup scheduler/queues -- start
uniPortNum := plt.MkUniPortNum(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID)
uni := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID))
tpPath := f.getTPpath(ctx, uni, tpID)
tpInst, err := f.techprofile.GetTPInstance(ctx, tpPath)
if err != nil || tpInst == nil { // This should not happen, something wrong in KV backend transaction
logger.Warnw(ctx, "tech-profile-not-in-kv-store",
"tp-id": tpID,
"path": tpPath})
switch tpInstance := tpInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
f.forceRemoveSchedulerQueues(ctx, schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID, tpID: tpID, uniPort: uniPortNum, tpInst: tpInstance})
f.forceRemoveSchedulerQueues(ctx, schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: onuID, uniID: uniID, tpID: tpID, uniPort: uniPortNum, tpInst: tpInstance})
// Force cleanup scheduler/queues -- end
// Now remove the tp instance
if err := f.DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, uniPortName, tpID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "delete-tech-profile-failed", log.Fields{"err": err, "device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// return err
// We should continue to delete tech-profile instances for other TP IDs
logger.Debugw(ctx, "tech-profile-instance-deleted", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id, "uniPortName": uniPortName, "tp-id": tpID})
return nil
// DeleteTechProfileInstance removes the tech profile instance from persistent storage
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, uniPortName string, tpID uint32) error {
if uniPortName == "" {
uniPortName = getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID))
if err := f.techprofile.DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx, tpID, uniPortName); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("failed-to-delete-tp-instance-from-kv-store",
"tp-id": tpID,
"uni-port-name": uniPortName,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addFlowToDevice(ctx context.Context, logicalFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, deviceFlow *openoltpb2.Flow) error {
var intfID uint32
/* For flows which trap out of the NNI, the AccessIntfId is invalid
(set to -1). In such cases, we need to refer to the NetworkIntfId .
if deviceFlow.AccessIntfId != -1 {
intfID = uint32(deviceFlow.AccessIntfId)
} else {
// We need to log the valid interface ID.
// For trap-on-nni flows, the access_intf_id is invalid (-1), so choose the network_intf_id.
intfID = uint32(deviceFlow.NetworkIntfId)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-flow-to-device-via-grpc", log.Fields{
"flow": *deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID})
_, err := f.deviceHandler.Client.FlowAdd(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.Background(), ctx), deviceFlow)
st, _ := status.FromError(err)
if st.Code() == codes.AlreadyExists {
logger.Debug(ctx, "flow-already-exists", log.Fields{
"err": err,
"deviceFlow": deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID})
return nil
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-add-flow-to-device",
log.Fields{"err": err,
"device-flow": deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID})
return err
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-added-to-device-successfully ",
"flow": *deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": intfID})
if err := f.registerFlow(ctx, logicalFlow, deviceFlow); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-register-flow", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) removeFlowFromDevice(ctx context.Context, deviceFlow *openoltpb2.Flow, ofFlowID uint64) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-flow-to-device-via-grpc",
"flow": *deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
_, err := f.deviceHandler.Client.FlowRemove(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.Background(), ctx), deviceFlow)
if err != nil {
if f.deviceHandler.device.ConnectStatus == common.ConnectStatus_UNREACHABLE {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "can-not-remove-flow-from-device--unreachable",
"err": err,
"deviceFlow": deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
//Assume the flow is removed
return nil
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("remove", deviceFlow.FlowId, log.Fields{"deviceFlow": deviceFlow}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-removed-from-device-successfully", log.Fields{
"of-flow-id": ofFlowID,
"flow": *deviceFlow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addLLDPFlow(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, portNo uint32) error {
classifierInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
actionInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
classifierInfo[EthType] = uint32(LldpEthType)
classifierInfo[PacketTagType] = Untagged
actionInfo[TrapToHost] = true
// LLDP flow is installed to trap LLDP packets on the NNI port.
// We manage flow_id resource pool on per PON port basis.
// Since this situation is tricky, as a hack, we pass the NNI port
// index (network_intf_id) as PON port Index for the flow_id resource
// pool. Also, there is no ONU Id available for trapping LLDP packets
// on NNI port, use onu_id as -1 (invalid)
// ****************** CAVEAT *******************
// This logic works if the NNI Port Id falls within the same valid
// range of PON Port Ids. If this doesn't work for some OLT Vendor
// we need to have a re-look at this.
// *********************************************
var onuID = -1
var uniID = -1
var gemPortID = -1
networkInterfaceID, err := plt.IntfIDFromNniPortNum(ctx, portNo)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"nni-port-number": portNo}, err).Log()
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), flow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "flow-exists--not-re-adding", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addLLDPFlow--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": networkInterfaceID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": flow.Id})
return err
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifierInfo)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(
"classifier": classifierInfo,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto",
"classifier": *classifierProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(actionInfo, classifierInfo)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(
"action": actionInfo,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-action-proto",
"action": *actionProto,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
downstreamflow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(-1), // AccessIntfId not required
OnuId: int32(onuID), // OnuId not required
UniId: int32(uniID), // UniId not used
FlowId: flow.Id,
FlowType: Downstream,
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkInterfaceID),
GemportId: int32(gemPortID),
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(flow.Priority),
Cookie: flow.Cookie,
PortNo: portNo}
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, flow, &downstreamflow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", flow.Id,
"flow": downstreamflow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "lldp-trap-on-nni-flow-added-to-device-successfully",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID,
"flow-id": flow.Id})
return nil
func getUniPortPath(oltID string, intfID uint32, onuID int32, uniID int32) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("olt-{%s}/pon-{%d}/onu-{%d}/uni-{%d}", oltID, intfID, onuID, uniID)
// getOnuDevice to fetch onu from cache or core.
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) getOnuDevice(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32) (*OnuDevice, error) {
onuKey := f.deviceHandler.formOnuKey(intfID, onuID)
onuDev, ok := f.deviceHandler.onus.Load(onuKey)
if !ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "couldnt-find-onu-in-cache",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
onuDevice, err := f.getChildDevice(ctx, intfID, onuID)
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu-child-device",
"onu-id": onuID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
onuDev = NewOnuDevice(onuDevice.Id, onuDevice.Type, onuDevice.SerialNumber, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.OnuId, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.ChannelId, onuDevice.ProxyAddress.DeviceId, false, onuDevice.AdapterEndpoint)
//better to ad the device to cache here.
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-onu-in-cache",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return onuDev.(*OnuDevice), nil
// getChildDevice to fetch onu
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) getChildDevice(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32) (*voltha.Device, error) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "GetChildDevice",
"pon-port": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
parentPortNo := plt.IntfIDToPortNo(intfID, voltha.Port_PON_OLT)
onuDevice, err := f.deviceHandler.GetChildDevice(ctx, parentPortNo, onuID)
if err != nil {
return nil, olterrors.NewErrNotFound("onu",
"interface-id": parentPortNo,
"onu-id": onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id},
logger.Infow(ctx, "successfully-received-child-device-from-core",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"child_device_id": onuDevice.Id,
"child_device_sn": onuDevice.SerialNumber})
return onuDevice, nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) sendDeleteGemPortToChild(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, gemPortID uint32, tpPath string) error {
onuDev, err := f.getOnuDevice(ctx, intfID, onuID)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "couldnt-find-onu-child-device",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return err
delGemPortMsg := &ia.DeleteGemPortMessage{
DeviceId: onuDev.deviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
GemPortId: gemPortID,
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-gem-port-delete-to-openonu-adapter", log.Fields{"msg": *delGemPortMsg, "child-device-id": onuDev.deviceID})
if err := f.deviceHandler.sendDeleteGemPortToChildAdapter(ctx, onuDev.adapterEndpoint, delGemPortMsg); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-delete-gem-port-to-onu-adapter",
"from-adapter": f.deviceHandler.openOLT.config.AdapterEndpoint,
"to-adapter": onuDev.adapterEndpoint,
"onu-id": onuDev.deviceID,
"proxyDeviceID": onuDev.proxyDeviceID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "success-sending-del-gem-port-to-onu-adapter",
"msg": delGemPortMsg,
"from-adapter": f.deviceHandler.device.Type,
"to-adapter": onuDev.deviceType,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"child-device-id": onuDev.deviceID})
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) sendDeleteTcontToChild(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, allocID uint32, tpPath string) error {
onuDev, err := f.getOnuDevice(ctx, intfID, onuID)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "couldnt-find-onu-child-device",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return err
delTcontMsg := &ia.DeleteTcontMessage{
DeviceId: onuDev.deviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
AllocId: allocID,
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-tcont-delete-to-openonu-adapter",
"msg": *delTcontMsg,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if err := f.deviceHandler.sendDeleteTContToChildAdapter(ctx, onuDev.adapterEndpoint, delTcontMsg); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-delete-tcont-to-onu-adapter",
"from-adapter": f.deviceHandler.openOLT.config.AdapterEndpoint,
"to-adapter": onuDev.adapterEndpoint,
"onu-id": onuDev.deviceID,
"proxyDeviceID": onuDev.proxyDeviceID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "success-sending-del-tcont-to-onu-adapter",
"msg": delTcontMsg,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"child-device-id": onuDev.deviceID})
return nil
// clearResources clears pon resources in kv store and the device
// nolint: gocyclo
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) clearResources(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID int32, uniID int32,
flowID uint64, portNum uint32, tpID uint32, sendDeleteGemRequest bool) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "clearing-resources", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID, "tpID": tpID})
uni := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, onuID, uniID)
tpPath := f.getTPpath(ctx, uni, tpID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "getting-techprofile-instance-for-subscriber",
"tpPath": tpPath,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
techprofileInst, err := f.techprofile.GetTPInstance(ctx, tpPath)
if err != nil || techprofileInst == nil {
// The child device is possibly deleted which in turn had cleaned up all the resources (including tp instances), check..
childDevice, _ := f.getChildDevice(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID)) // do not care about the error code
if childDevice == nil {
// happens when subscriber un-provision is immediately followed by child device delete
// before all the flow removes are processed, the child device delete has already arrived and cleaned up all the resources
logger.Warnw(ctx, "child device and its associated resources are already cleared", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID})
return nil
// If the tech profile is not found, since we want to delete it, there is no need to throw an error
_ = olterrors.NewErrNotFound("tech-profile-in-kv-store",
"tp-id": tpID,
"path": tpPath}, err).Log()
return nil
var allGemPortsFree = true
switch techprofileInst := techprofileInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
for _, gemPort := range techprofileInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList {
gemPortID := gemPort.GemportId
flowIDs, err := f.resourceMgr.GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID)
if err != nil {
return err
used := false
for _, id := range flowIDs {
if flowID != id {
used = true
if used {
for i, flowIDinMap := range flowIDs {
if flowIDinMap == flowID {
flowIDs = append(flowIDs[:i], flowIDs[i+1:]...)
if err := f.resourceMgr.UpdateFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID, flowIDs); err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "gem-port-id-is-still-used-by-other-flows",
"gemport-id": gemPortID,
"usedByFlows": flowIDs,
"currentFlow": flowID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
allGemPortsFree = false
if !allGemPortsFree {
return nil
logger.Debugw(ctx, "all-gem-ports-are-free-to-be-deleted", log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID, "tpID": tpID})
// Free TPInstance, TPID, GemPorts and Traffic Queues. AllocID and Schedulers will be cleared later only if they are not shared across all the UNIs
switch techprofileInst := techprofileInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
for _, gemPort := range techprofileInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList {
gemPortID := gemPort.GemportId
_ = f.resourceMgr.RemoveGemFromOnuGemInfo(ctx, uint32(onuID), gemPortID) // ignore error and proceed.
if err := f.resourceMgr.DeleteFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-removing-flow-ids-of-gem-port",
"err": err,
"intf": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"gemport-id": gemPortID})
// Remove queues at OLT in upstream and downstream direction
schedQueue := schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: uint32(onuID), uniID: uint32(uniID), tpID: tpID, uniPort: portNum, tpInst: techprofileInst}
if err := f.RemoveQueues(ctx, schedQueue); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
schedQueue.direction = tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM
if err := f.RemoveQueues(ctx, schedQueue); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
switch techprofileInst := techprofileInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
// Proceed to free allocid and cleanup schedulers (US/DS) if no other references are found for this TP across all the UNIs on the ONU
schedQueue := schedQueue{direction: tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM, intfID: intfID, onuID: uint32(onuID), uniID: uint32(uniID), tpID: tpID, uniPort: portNum, tpInst: techprofileInst}
allocExists := f.isAllocUsedByAnotherUNI(ctx, schedQueue)
if !allocExists {
// all alloc object references removed, remove upstream scheduler
if KvStoreMeter, _ := f.resourceMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, "upstream", uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), tpID); KvStoreMeter != nil {
if err := f.RemoveScheduler(ctx, schedQueue); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
// remove alloc id from resource pool by setting the 'freeFromResourcePool' to true
f.resourceMgr.FreeAllocID(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), techprofileInst.UsScheduler.AllocId, true)
} else {
// just remove meter reference for the upstream direction for the current pon/onu/uni
// The upstream scheduler, alloc id and meter-reference for the last remaining pon/onu/uni will be removed when no other alloc references that TP
if err := f.removeMeterReference(ctx, "upstream", schedQueue); err != nil {
return err
// setting 'freeFromResourcePool' to false in resourceMgr.FreeAllocID will only remove alloc-id data for the given pon/onu/uni
// but still preserve it on the resource pool.
f.resourceMgr.FreeAllocID(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), techprofileInst.UsScheduler.AllocId, false)
// Downstream scheduler removal is simple, just invoke RemoveScheduler without all the complex handling we do for the alloc object.
schedQueue.direction = tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM
if KvStoreMeter, _ := f.resourceMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, "downstream", uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), tpID); KvStoreMeter != nil {
if err := f.RemoveScheduler(ctx, schedQueue); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
case *tp_pb.EponTechProfileInstance:
// Delete the TCONT on the ONU.
if err := f.sendDeleteTcontToChild(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), techprofileInst.AllocId, tpPath); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-processing-delete-tcont-towards-onu",
"intf": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"alloc-id": techprofileInst.AllocId,
"error": err})
f.resourceMgr.FreeAllocID(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), techprofileInst.AllocId, true)
if err := f.resourceMgr.RemoveTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), tpID); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
if err := f.DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), "", tpID); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-unknown-tech",
"techprofileInst": techprofileInst})
// Free TPInstance, TPID, GemPorts and Traffic Queues. AllocID and Schedulers will be cleared later only if they are not shared across all the UNIs
switch techprofileInst := techprofileInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
for _, gemPort := range techprofileInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList {
// Delete the gem port on the ONU.
if sendDeleteGemRequest {
if err := f.sendDeleteGemPortToChild(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), gemPort.GemportId, tpPath); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-processing-delete-gem-port-towards-onu",
"err": err,
"intfID": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"gemport-id": gemPort.GemportId})
f.resourceMgr.FreeGemPortID(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), gemPort.GemportId)
//Delete the tp instance and the techprofileid for onu at the end
if err := f.DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx, intfID, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), "", tpID); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
if err := f.resourceMgr.RemoveTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), tpID); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
return nil
// nolint: gocyclo
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) clearFlowFromDeviceAndResourceManager(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, flowDirection string) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "clear-flow-from-resource-manager",
"flowDirection": flowDirection,
"flow": *flow,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
if flowDirection == Multicast {
return f.clearMulticastFlowFromResourceManager(ctx, flow)
var ethType, ipProto, inPort uint32
for _, field := range flows.GetOfbFields(flow) {
if field.Type == flows.IP_PROTO {
ipProto = field.GetIpProto()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "field-type-ip-proto", log.Fields{"ipProto": ipProto})
} else if field.Type == flows.ETH_TYPE {
ethType = field.GetEthType()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "field-type-eth-type", log.Fields{"ethType": ethType})
} else if field.Type == flows.IN_PORT {
inPort = field.GetPort()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "field-type-in-port", log.Fields{"inPort": inPort})
portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(inPort)
if (ethType == uint32(LldpEthType) || ipProto == uint32(IPProtoDhcp) || ipProto == uint32(IgmpProto)) &&
(portType == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI) {
removeFlowMessage := openoltpb2.Flow{FlowId: flow.Id, AccessIntfId: -1, OnuId: -1, UniId: -1, TechProfileId: 0, FlowType: Downstream}
logger.Debugw(ctx, "nni-trap-flow-to-be-deleted", log.Fields{"flow": flow})
return f.removeFlowFromDevice(ctx, &removeFlowMessage, flow.Id)
// No more processing needed for trap from nni flows.
portNum, Intf, onu, uni, _, _, err := plt.FlowExtractInfo(ctx, flow, flowDirection)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, err)
return err
onuID := int32(onu)
uniID := int32(uni)
tpID, err := getTpIDFromFlow(ctx, flow)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("tp-id",
"flow": flow,
"intf-id": Intf,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "extracted-access-info-from-flow-to-be-deleted",
"flow-id": flow.Id,
"intf-id": Intf,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID})
removeFlowMessage := openoltpb2.Flow{FlowId: flow.Id, AccessIntfId: int32(Intf), OnuId: onuID, UniId: uniID, TechProfileId: tpID, FlowType: flowDirection}
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-to-be-deleted", log.Fields{"flow": flow})
if err = f.removeFlowFromDevice(ctx, &removeFlowMessage, flow.Id); err != nil {
return err
if err = f.clearResources(ctx, Intf, onuID, uniID, flow.Id, portNum, tpID, true); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-clear-resources-for-flow", log.Fields{
"flow-id": flow.Id,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"onu-id": onuID,
"intf": Intf,
"err": err,
return err
// Decrement reference count for the meter associated with the given <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
if err := f.resourceMgr.HandleMeterInfoRefCntUpdate(ctx, flowDirection, uint32(onuID), uint32(uniID), tpID, false); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveFlow removes the flow from the device
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) RemoveFlow(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "removing-flow", log.Fields{"flow": *flow})
var direction string
actionInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, action := range flows.GetActions(flow) {
if action.Type == flows.OUTPUT {
if out := action.GetOutput(); out != nil {
actionInfo[Output] = out.GetPort()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-type-output", log.Fields{"out_port": actionInfo[Output].(uint32)})
} else {
logger.Error(ctx, "invalid-output-port-in-action")
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"invalid-out-port-action": 0}, nil)
if flows.HasGroup(flow) {
direction = Multicast
return f.clearFlowFromDeviceAndResourceManager(ctx, flow, direction)
} else if plt.IsUpstream(actionInfo[Output].(uint32)) {
direction = Upstream
} else {
direction = Downstream
// Serialize flow removes on a per subscriber basis
err := f.clearFlowFromDeviceAndResourceManager(ctx, flow, direction)
return err
// isIgmpTrapDownstreamFlow return true if the flow is a downsteam IGMP trap-to-host flow; false otherwise
func isIgmpTrapDownstreamFlow(classifierInfo map[string]interface{}) bool {
if portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)); portType == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
if ethType, ok := classifierInfo[EthType]; ok {
if ethType.(uint32) == IPv4EthType {
if ipProto, ok := classifierInfo[IPProto]; ok {
if ipProto.(uint32) == IgmpProto {
return true
return false
// RouteFlowToOnuChannel routes incoming flow to ONU specific channel
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) RouteFlowToOnuChannel(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, addFlow bool, flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata) error {
if f.deviceHandler.getDeviceDeletionInProgressFlag() {
// The device itself is going to be reset as part of deletion. So nothing to be done.
logger.Infow(ctx, "device-deletion-in-progress--not-handling-flows-or-groups", log.Fields{"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return nil
// Step1 : Fill flowControlBlock
// Step2 : Push the flowControlBlock to ONU channel
// Step3 : Wait on response channel for response
// Step4 : Return error value
startTime := time.Now()
logger.Infow(ctx, "process-flow", log.Fields{"flow": flow, "addFlow": addFlow})
errChan := make(chan error)
flowCb := flowControlBlock{
ctx: ctx,
addFlow: addFlow,
flow: flow,
flowMetadata: flowMetadata,
errChan: &errChan,
inPort, outPort := getPorts(flow)
var onuID uint32
if inPort != InvalidPort && outPort != InvalidPort {
_, _, onuID, _ = plt.ExtractAccessFromFlow(inPort, outPort)
if f.flowHandlerRoutineActive[onuID] {
// inPort or outPort is InvalidPort for trap-from-nni flows.
// In the that case onuID is 0 which is the reserved index for trap-from-nni flows in the f.incomingFlows slice
// Send the flowCb on the ONU flow channel
f.incomingFlows[onuID] <- flowCb
// Wait on the channel for flow handlers return value
err := <-errChan
logger.Infow(ctx, "process-flow-received-resp", log.Fields{"err": err, "totalTimeSeconds": time.Since(startTime).Seconds()})
return err
logger.Errorw(ctx, "flow handler routine not active for onu", log.Fields{"onuID": onuID, "ponPortIdx": f.ponPortIdx})
return fmt.Errorf("flow-handler-routine-not-active-for-onu-%v-pon-%d", onuID, f.ponPortIdx)
// This routine is unique per ONU ID and blocks on flowControlBlock channel for incoming flows
// Each incoming flow is processed in a synchronous manner, i.e., the flow is processed to completion before picking another
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) perOnuFlowHandlerRoutine(handlerRoutineIndex int, subscriberFlowChannel chan flowControlBlock, stopHandler chan bool) {
var flowCb flowControlBlock
for {
select {
// block on the channel to receive an incoming flow
// process the flow completely before proceeding to handle the next flow
case flowCb = <-subscriberFlowChannel:
if flowCb.addFlow {
logger.Info(flowCb.ctx, "adding-flow-start")
startTime := time.Now()
err := f.AddFlow(flowCb.ctx, flowCb.flow, flowCb.flowMetadata)
logger.Infow(flowCb.ctx, "adding-flow-complete", log.Fields{"processTimeSecs": time.Since(startTime).Seconds()})
// Pass the return value over the return channel
*flowCb.errChan <- err
} else {
logger.Info(flowCb.ctx, "removing-flow-start")
startTime := time.Now()
err := f.RemoveFlow(flowCb.ctx, flowCb.flow)
logger.Infow(flowCb.ctx, "removing-flow-complete", log.Fields{"processTimeSecs": time.Since(startTime).Seconds()})
// Pass the return value over the return channel
*flowCb.errChan <- err
case <-stopHandler:
f.flowHandlerRoutineActive[handlerRoutineIndex] = false
// StopAllFlowHandlerRoutines stops all flow handler routines. Call this when device is being rebooted or deleted
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) StopAllFlowHandlerRoutines(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
for i, v := range f.stopFlowHandlerRoutine {
if f.flowHandlerRoutineActive[i] {
select {
case v <- true:
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
logger.Warnw(ctx, "timeout stopping flow handler routine", log.Fields{"onuID": i, "deviceID": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
f.stopFlowHandlerRoutine[i] = nil
f.stopFlowHandlerRoutine = nil
if f.incomingFlows != nil {
for k := range f.incomingFlows {
if f.incomingFlows[k] != nil {
f.incomingFlows[k] = nil
f.incomingFlows = nil
logger.Debugw(ctx, "stopped all flow handler routines", log.Fields{"ponPortIdx": f.ponPortIdx})
// AddFlow add flow to device
// nolint: gocyclo
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) AddFlow(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, flowMetadata *ofp.FlowMetadata) error {
classifierInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
actionInfo := make(map[string]interface{})
var UsMeterID uint32
var DsMeterID uint32
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-flow",
"flow": flow,
"flowmetadata": flowMetadata})
formulateClassifierInfoFromFlow(ctx, classifierInfo, flow)
err := formulateActionInfoFromFlow(ctx, actionInfo, classifierInfo, flow)
if err != nil {
// Error logging is already done in the called function
// So just return in case of error
return err
if flows.HasGroup(flow) {
// handle multicast flow
return f.handleFlowWithGroup(ctx, actionInfo, classifierInfo, flow)
/* Controller bound trap flows */
err = formulateControllerBoundTrapFlowInfo(ctx, actionInfo, classifierInfo, flow)
if err != nil {
// error if any, already logged in the called function
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "flow-ports",
"classifierinfo_inport": classifierInfo[InPort],
"action_output": actionInfo[Output]})
portNo, intfID, onuID, uniID := plt.ExtractAccessFromFlow(classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32), actionInfo[Output].(uint32))
if ethType, ok := classifierInfo[EthType]; ok {
if ethType.(uint32) == LldpEthType {
logger.Info(ctx, "adding-lldp-flow")
return f.addLLDPFlow(ctx, flow, portNo)
if ethType.(uint32) == PPPoEDEthType {
if voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI == plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "trap-pppoed-from-nni-flow")
return f.addTrapFlowOnNNI(ctx, flow, classifierInfo, portNo)
if ipProto, ok := classifierInfo[IPProto]; ok {
if ipProto.(uint32) == IPProtoDhcp {
if udpSrc, ok := classifierInfo[UDPSrc]; ok {
if udpSrc.(uint32) == uint32(67) || udpSrc.(uint32) == uint32(546) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "trap-dhcp-from-nni-flow")
return f.addTrapFlowOnNNI(ctx, flow, classifierInfo, portNo)
if isIgmpTrapDownstreamFlow(classifierInfo) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "trap-igmp-from-nni-flow")
return f.addIgmpTrapFlowOnNNI(ctx, flow, classifierInfo, portNo)
f.resourceMgr.AddUniPortToOnuInfo(ctx, onuID, portNo)
tpID, err := getTpIDFromFlow(ctx, flow)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("tpid-for-flow",
"flow": flow,
"intf-id": IntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "tpid-for-this-subcriber",
"tp-id": tpID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID})
if plt.IsUpstream(actionInfo[Output].(uint32)) {
UsMeterID = flows.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "upstream-flow-meter-id", log.Fields{"us-meter-id": UsMeterID})
if err := f.validateMeter(ctx, Upstream, UsMeterID, intfID, onuID, uniID, tpID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "meter-validation-failed", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
} else {
DsMeterID = flows.GetMeterIdFromFlow(flow)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "downstream-flow-meter-id", log.Fields{"ds-meter-id": DsMeterID})
if err := f.validateMeter(ctx, Downstream, DsMeterID, intfID, onuID, uniID, tpID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "meter-validation-failed", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
return f.processAddFlow(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, portNo, classifierInfo, actionInfo, flow, tpID, UsMeterID, DsMeterID, flowMetadata)
// handleFlowWithGroup adds multicast flow to the device.
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) handleFlowWithGroup(ctx context.Context, actionInfo, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
classifierInfo[PacketTagType] = getPacketTypeFromClassifiers(classifierInfo)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "add-multicast-flow", log.Fields{
"classifier-info": classifierInfo,
"actionInfo": actionInfo})
networkInterfaceID, err := f.getNNIInterfaceIDOfMulticastFlow(ctx, classifierInfo)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("multicast-in-port", log.Fields{"classifier": classifierInfo}, err)
delete(classifierInfo, EthType)
onuID := NoneOnuID
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), flow.Id)
if present {
logger.Infow(ctx, "multicast-flow-exists-not-re-adding", log.Fields{"classifier-info": classifierInfo})
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-handleFlowWithGroup--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": networkInterfaceID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": flow.Id})
return err
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifierInfo)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifierInfo}, err)
groupID := actionInfo[GroupID].(uint32)
multicastFlow := openoltpb2.Flow{
FlowId: flow.Id,
FlowType: Multicast,
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkInterfaceID),
GroupId: groupID,
Classifier: classifierProto,
Priority: int32(flow.Priority),
Cookie: flow.Cookie}
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, flow, &multicastFlow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", flow.Id, log.Fields{"flow": multicastFlow}, err)
logger.Info(ctx, "multicast-flow-added-to-device-successfully")
//get cached group
if group, _, err := f.grpMgr.getFlowGroupFromKVStore(ctx, groupID, true); err == nil {
//calling groupAdd to set group members after multicast flow creation
if err := f.grpMgr.ModifyGroup(ctx, group); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrGroupOp("modify", groupID, log.Fields{"group": group}, err)
//cached group can be removed now
if err := f.resourceMgr.RemoveFlowGroupFromKVStore(ctx, groupID, true); err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed-to-remove-flow-group", log.Fields{"group-id": groupID, "err": err})
return nil
// getNNIInterfaceIDOfMulticastFlow returns associated NNI interface id of the inPort criterion if exists; returns the first NNI interface of the device otherwise
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) getNNIInterfaceIDOfMulticastFlow(ctx context.Context, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}) (uint32, error) {
if inPort, ok := classifierInfo[InPort]; ok {
nniInterfaceID, err := plt.IntfIDFromNniPortNum(ctx, inPort.(uint32))
if err != nil {
return 0, olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"nni-in-port-number": inPort}, err)
return nniInterfaceID, nil
// TODO: For now we support only one NNI port in VOLTHA. We shall use only the first NNI port, i.e., interface-id 0.
return 0, nil
// sendTPDownloadMsgToChild send payload
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) sendTPDownloadMsgToChild(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, uni string, TpID uint32, tpInst tp_pb.TechProfileInstance) error {
onuDev, err := f.getOnuDevice(ctx, intfID, onuID)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "couldnt-find-onu-child-device",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "got-child-device-from-olt-device-handler", log.Fields{"onu-id": onuDev.deviceID})
tpPath := f.getTPpath(ctx, uni, TpID)
tpDownloadMsg := &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage{
DeviceId: onuDev.deviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
TechTpInstance: &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage_TpInstance{TpInstance: &tpInst},
logger.Debugw(ctx, "sending-load-tech-profile-request-to-brcm-onu-adapter", log.Fields{"tpDownloadMsg": *tpDownloadMsg})
err = f.deviceHandler.sendDownloadTechProfileToChildAdapter(ctx, onuDev.adapterEndpoint, tpDownloadMsg)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrCommunication("send-techprofile-download-request",
"from-adapter": f.deviceHandler.openOLT.config.AdapterEndpoint,
"to-adapter": onuDev.deviceType,
"onu-id": onuDev.deviceID,
"proxyDeviceID": onuDev.proxyDeviceID}, err)
logger.Infow(ctx, "success-sending-load-tech-profile-request-to-brcm-onu-adapter", log.Fields{"tpid": TpID})
return nil
// GetLogicalPortFromPacketIn function computes logical port UNI/NNI port from packet-in indication and returns the same
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) GetLogicalPortFromPacketIn(ctx context.Context, packetIn *openoltpb2.PacketIndication) (uint32, error) {
var logicalPortNum uint32
if packetIn.IntfType == "pon" {
// packet indication does not have serial number , so sending as nil
// get onu and uni ids associated with the given pon and gem ports
onuID, uniID := packetIn.OnuId, packetIn.UniId
logger.Debugf(ctx, "retrieved ONU and UNI IDs [%d, %d] by interface:%d, gem:%d", packetIn.OnuId, packetIn.UniId, packetIn.GemportId)
if packetIn.PortNo != 0 {
logicalPortNum = packetIn.PortNo
} else {
logicalPortNum = plt.MkUniPortNum(ctx, packetIn.IntfId, onuID, uniID)
// Store the gem port through which the packet_in came. Use the same gem port for packet_out
f.UpdateGemPortForPktIn(ctx, packetIn.IntfId, onuID, logicalPortNum, packetIn.GemportId, packetIn.Pkt)
} else if packetIn.IntfType == "nni" {
logicalPortNum = plt.IntfIDToPortNo(packetIn.IntfId, voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI)
if logger.V(log.DebugLevel) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-logicalport-from-packet-in",
"logical-port-num": logicalPortNum,
"intf-type": packetIn.IntfType,
"packet": hex.EncodeToString(packetIn.Pkt),
return logicalPortNum, nil
// GetPacketOutGemPortID returns gemPortId
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) GetPacketOutGemPortID(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, portNum uint32, packet []byte) (uint32, error) {
var gemPortID uint32
ctag, priority, err := getCTagFromPacket(ctx, packet)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pktInkey := rsrcMgr.PacketInInfoKey{IntfID: intfID, OnuID: onuID, LogicalPort: portNum, VlanID: ctag, Priority: priority}
var ok bool
gemPortID, ok = f.packetInGemPort[pktInkey]
if ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-gemport-for-pktin-key",
"pktinkey": pktInkey,
"gem": gemPortID})
return gemPortID, nil
//If gem is not found in cache try to get it from kv store, if found in kv store, update the cache and return.
gemPortID, err = f.resourceMgr.GetGemPortFromOnuPktIn(ctx, pktInkey)
if err == nil {
if gemPortID != 0 {
f.packetInGemPort[pktInkey] = gemPortID
logger.Infow(ctx, "found-gem-port-from-kv-store-and-updating-cache-with-gemport",
"pktinkey": pktInkey,
"gem": gemPortID})
return gemPortID, nil
return uint32(0), olterrors.NewErrNotFound("gem-port",
"pktinkey": pktInkey,
"gem": gemPortID}, err)
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addTrapFlowOnNNI(ctx context.Context, logicalFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, classifier map[string]interface{}, portNo uint32) error {
logger.Debug(ctx, "adding-trap-of-nni-flow")
action := make(map[string]interface{})
classifier[PacketTagType] = DoubleTag
action[TrapToHost] = true
/* We manage flowId resource pool on per PON port basis.
Since this situation is tricky, as a hack, we pass the NNI port
index (network_intf_id) as PON port Index for the flowId resource
pool. Also, there is no ONU Id available for trapping packets
on NNI port, use onu_id as -1 (invalid)
****************** CAVEAT *******************
This logic works if the NNI Port Id falls within the same valid
range of PON Port Ids. If this doesn't work for some OLT Vendor
we need to have a re-look at this.
onuID := -1
uniID := -1
gemPortID := -1
allocID := -1
networkInterfaceID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-intreface-id",
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action},
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Info(ctx, "flow-exists-not-re-adding")
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addTrapFlowOnNNI--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": networkInterfaceID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-trap-of-nni-flow",
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action,
"flowId": logicalFlow.Id,
"intf-id": networkInterfaceID})
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifier}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto", log.Fields{"classifier": *classifierProto})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(action, classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": action}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-action-proto", log.Fields{"action": *actionProto})
downstreamflow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(-1), // AccessIntfId not required
OnuId: int32(onuID), // OnuId not required
UniId: int32(uniID), // UniId not used
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: Downstream,
AllocId: int32(allocID), // AllocId not used
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkInterfaceID),
GemportId: int32(gemPortID), // GemportId not used
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: portNo}
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &downstreamflow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, log.Fields{"flow": downstreamflow}, err)
logger.Info(ctx, "trap-on-nni-flow-added–to-device-successfully")
return nil
// getPacketTypeFromClassifiers finds and returns packet type of a flow by checking flow classifiers
func getPacketTypeFromClassifiers(classifierInfo map[string]interface{}) string {
var packetType string
ovid, ivid := false, false
if vlanID, ok := classifierInfo[VlanVid].(uint32); ok {
vid := vlanID & VlanvIDMask
if vid != ReservedVlan {
ovid = true
// The classifierInfo[Metadata] is set for the following flows
// - In the Downstream datapath flow table0 and table1. From the OLT perspective, only table0 downstream flow is relevant.
// - Mcast flow that points to a group in the action/treatment
// This value, when present and valid (not 0 and not 4096), is interpreted as below
// - inner vid for a double tagged packet in the datapath flow
// - outer vid for a single tagged packet in the datapath flow
// - inner vid in the mcast flow that points to a group
// It is to be noted though that for DT FTTH downstream table0 flow, the classifierInfo[Metadata] is absent.
// And consequently the ivid is not set to true. This will result in packetType being set to singleTag which is not true
// Interestingly enough, this function `getPacketTypeFromClassifiers` is called only by Mcast flow handlers and
// it is to be used with caution elsewhere as it could result in wrong packetType to be returned to the caller.
if metadata, ok := classifierInfo[Metadata].(uint64); ok {
vid := uint32(metadata)
if vid != ReservedVlan {
ivid = true
if ovid && ivid {
packetType = DoubleTag
} else if !ovid && !ivid {
packetType = Untagged
} else {
packetType = SingleTag
return packetType
// addIgmpTrapFlowOnNNI adds a trap-to-host flow on NNI
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) addIgmpTrapFlowOnNNI(ctx context.Context, logicalFlow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, classifier map[string]interface{}, portNo uint32) error {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-igmp-trap-of-nni-flow", log.Fields{"classifier-info": classifier})
action := make(map[string]interface{})
classifier[PacketTagType] = getPacketTypeFromClassifiers(classifier)
action[TrapToHost] = true
/* We manage flowId resource pool on per PON port basis.
Since this situation is tricky, as a hack, we pass the NNI port
index (network_intf_id) as PON port Index for the flowId resource
pool. Also, there is no ONU Id available for trapping packets
on NNI port, use onu_id as -1 (invalid)
****************** CAVEAT *******************
This logic works if the NNI Port Id falls within the same valid
range of PON Port Ids. If this doesn't work for some OLT Vendor
we need to have a re-look at this.
onuID := -1
uniID := -1
gemPortID := -1
allocID := -1
networkInterfaceID, err := getNniIntfID(ctx, classifier, action)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-interface-id", log.Fields{
"classifier": classifier,
"action": action},
present, err := f.resourceMgr.IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx, int32(onuID), logicalFlow.Id)
if present {
logger.Info(ctx, "igmp-flow-exists-not-re-adding")
return nil
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "aborting-addIgmpTrapFlowOnNNI--flow-may-already-exist",
log.Fields{"intf-id": networkInterfaceID, "onu-id": onuID, "flow-id": logicalFlow.Id})
return err
classifierProto, err := makeOpenOltClassifierField(classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifier}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-classifier-proto-for-the-igmp-flow", log.Fields{"classifier": *classifierProto})
actionProto, err := makeOpenOltActionField(action, classifier)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action": action}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "created-action-proto-for-the-igmp-flow", log.Fields{"action": *actionProto})
downstreamflow := openoltpb2.Flow{AccessIntfId: int32(-1), // AccessIntfId not required
OnuId: int32(onuID), // OnuId not required
UniId: int32(uniID), // UniId not used
FlowId: logicalFlow.Id,
FlowType: Downstream,
AllocId: int32(allocID), // AllocId not used
NetworkIntfId: int32(networkInterfaceID),
GemportId: int32(gemPortID), // GemportId not used
Classifier: classifierProto,
Action: actionProto,
Priority: int32(logicalFlow.Priority),
Cookie: logicalFlow.Cookie,
PortNo: portNo}
if err := f.addFlowToDevice(ctx, logicalFlow, &downstreamflow); err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrFlowOp("add", logicalFlow.Id, log.Fields{"flow": downstreamflow}, err)
logger.Info(ctx, "igmp-trap-on-nni-flow-added-to-device-successfully")
return nil
func verifyMeterIDAndGetDirection(MeterID uint32, Dir tp_pb.Direction) (string, error) {
if MeterID == 0 { // This should never happen
return "", olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"meter-id": MeterID}, nil).Log()
if Dir == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
return "upstream", nil
} else if Dir == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
return "downstream", nil
return "", nil
// nolint: gocyclo
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) checkAndAddFlow(ctx context.Context, args map[string]uint32, classifierInfo map[string]interface{},
actionInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, TpInst interface{}, gemPorts []uint32,
tpID uint32, uni string) error {
var gemPortID uint32
intfID := args[IntfID]
onuID := args[OnuID]
uniID := args[UniID]
portNo := args[PortNo]
allocID := args[AllocID]
pbitToGem := make(map[uint32]uint32)
gemToAes := make(map[uint32]bool)
var attributes []*tp_pb.GemPortAttributes
var direction = tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM
switch TpInst := TpInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
if plt.IsUpstream(actionInfo[Output].(uint32)) {
attributes = TpInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList
} else {
attributes = TpInst.DownstreamGemPortAttributeList
direction = tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unsupported-tech", log.Fields{"tpInst": TpInst})
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"tpInst": TpInst}, nil)
if len(gemPorts) == 1 {
// If there is only single gemport use that and do not populate pbitToGem map
gemPortID = gemPorts[0]
gemToAes[gemPortID], _ = strconv.ParseBool(attributes[0].AesEncryption)
} else if pcp, ok := classifierInfo[VlanPcp]; !ok {
for idx, gemID := range gemPorts {
pBitMap := attributes[idx].PbitMap
// Trim the bitMapPrefix form the binary string and then iterate each character in the binary string.
// If the character is set to pbit1, extract the pcp value from the position of this character in the string.
// Update the pbitToGem map with key being the pcp bit and the value being the gemPortID that consumes
// this pcp bit traffca.
for pos, pbitSet := range strings.TrimPrefix(pBitMap, bitMapPrefix) {
if pbitSet == pbit1 {
pcp := uint32(len(strings.TrimPrefix(pBitMap, bitMapPrefix))) - 1 - uint32(pos)
pbitToGem[pcp] = gemID
gemToAes[gemID], _ = strconv.ParseBool(attributes[idx].AesEncryption)
} else { // Extract the exact gemport which maps to the PCP classifier in the flow
if gem := f.techprofile.GetGemportForPbit(ctx, TpInst, direction, pcp.(uint32)); gem != nil {
gemPortID = gem.(*tp_pb.GemPortAttributes).GemportId
gemToAes[gemPortID], _ = strconv.ParseBool(gem.(*tp_pb.GemPortAttributes).AesEncryption)
flowContext := &flowContext{intfID, onuID, uniID, portNo, classifierInfo, actionInfo,
flow, allocID, gemPortID, tpID, pbitToGem, gemToAes}
if ipProto, ok := classifierInfo[IPProto]; ok {
if ipProto.(uint32) == IPProtoDhcp {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-dhcp-flow", log.Fields{
"tp-id": tpID,
"alloc-id": allocID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
//Adding DHCP upstream flow
if err := f.addDHCPTrapFlow(ctx, flowContext); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else if ipProto.(uint32) == IgmpProto {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-us-igmp-flow",
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"classifier-info:": classifierInfo})
if err := f.addIGMPTrapFlow(ctx, flowContext); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "invalid-classifier-to-handle", log.Fields{"classifier": classifierInfo, "action": actionInfo})
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"classifier": classifierInfo, "action": actionInfo}, nil)
} else if ethType, ok := classifierInfo[EthType]; ok {
if ethType.(uint32) == EapEthType {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-eapol-flow", log.Fields{
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"ethType": ethType,
var vlanID uint32
if val, ok := classifierInfo[VlanVid]; ok {
vlanID = (val.(uint32)) & VlanvIDMask
} else {
vlanID = DefaultMgmtVlan
if err := f.addEthTypeBasedFlow(ctx, flowContext, vlanID, ethType.(uint32)); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else if ethType.(uint32) == PPPoEDEthType {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-pppoed-flow", log.Fields{
"tp-id": tpID,
"alloc-id": allocID,
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
//Adding PPPOED upstream flow
if err := f.addUpstreamTrapFlow(ctx, flowContext); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else if direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-upstream-data-rule", log.Fields{
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
//Adding HSIA upstream flow
if err := f.addUpstreamDataPathFlow(ctx, flowContext); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else if direction == tp_pb.Direction_DOWNSTREAM {
logger.Infow(ctx, "adding-downstream-data-rule", log.Fields{
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
//Adding HSIA downstream flow
if err := f.addDownstreamDataPathFlow(ctx, flowContext); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-and-queue-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "flow-id": flow.Id, "tp-id": tpID})
_ = f.clearResources(ctx, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID), flow.Id, portNo, tpID, false)
return err
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"classifier": classifierInfo,
"action": actionInfo,
"flow": flow},
// Send Techprofile download event to child device in go routine as it takes time
go func() {
if err := f.sendTPDownloadMsgToChild(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, uni, tpID, *(TpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance))); err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, err)
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) isAllocUsedByAnotherUNI(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) bool {
tpInst := sq.tpInst.(*tp_pb.TechProfileInstance)
if tpInst.InstanceControl.Onu == "single-instance" && sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
tpInstances := f.techprofile.FindAllTpInstances(ctx, f.deviceHandler.device.Id, sq.tpID, sq.intfID, sq.onuID).([]tp_pb.TechProfileInstance)
for i := 0; i < len(tpInstances); i++ {
tpI := tpInstances[i]
if tpI.SubscriberIdentifier != tpInst.SubscriberIdentifier &&
tpI.UsScheduler.AllocId == tpInst.UsScheduler.AllocId {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "alloc-is-in-use-on-another-uni",
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intfID": sq.intfID,
"onuID": sq.onuID,
"uniID": sq.uniID,
"allocID": tpI.UsScheduler.AllocId,
return true
return false
func formulateClassifierInfoFromFlow(ctx context.Context, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) {
for _, field := range flows.GetOfbFields(flow) {
if field.Type == flows.ETH_TYPE {
classifierInfo[EthType] = field.GetEthType()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-eth-type", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[ETH_TYPE]": classifierInfo[EthType].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.ETH_DST {
classifierInfo[EthDst] = field.GetEthDst()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-eth-dst", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[ETH_DST]": classifierInfo[EthDst].([]uint8)})
} else if field.Type == flows.ETH_SRC {
classifierInfo[EthSrc] = field.GetEthSrc()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-eth-src", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[ETH_SRC]": classifierInfo[EthSrc].([]uint8)})
} else if field.Type == flows.IP_PROTO {
classifierInfo[IPProto] = field.GetIpProto()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-ip-proto", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[IP_PROTO]": classifierInfo[IPProto].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.IN_PORT {
classifierInfo[InPort] = field.GetPort()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-in-port", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[IN_PORT]": classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.VLAN_VID {
// The ReservedVlan is used to signify transparent vlan. Do not do any classification when we see ReservedVlan
if field.GetVlanVid() != ReservedVlan {
classifierInfo[VlanVid] = field.GetVlanVid() & 0xfff
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-vlan-vid", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[VLAN_VID]": classifierInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.VLAN_PCP {
classifierInfo[VlanPcp] = field.GetVlanPcp()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-vlan-pcp", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[VLAN_PCP]": classifierInfo[VlanPcp].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.UDP_DST {
classifierInfo[UDPDst] = field.GetUdpDst()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-udp-dst", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[UDP_DST]": classifierInfo[UDPDst].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.UDP_SRC {
classifierInfo[UDPSrc] = field.GetUdpSrc()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-udp-src", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[UDP_SRC]": classifierInfo[UDPSrc].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.IPV4_DST {
classifierInfo[Ipv4Dst] = field.GetIpv4Dst()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-ipv4-dst", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[IPV4_DST]": classifierInfo[Ipv4Dst].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.IPV4_SRC {
classifierInfo[Ipv4Src] = field.GetIpv4Src()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-ipv4-src", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[IPV4_SRC]": classifierInfo[Ipv4Src].(uint32)})
} else if field.Type == flows.METADATA {
classifierInfo[Metadata] = field.GetTableMetadata()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-metadata", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[Metadata]": classifierInfo[Metadata].(uint64)})
} else if field.Type == flows.TUNNEL_ID {
classifierInfo[TunnelID] = field.GetTunnelId()
logger.Debug(ctx, "field-type-tunnelId", log.Fields{"classifierInfo[TUNNEL_ID]": classifierInfo[TunnelID].(uint64)})
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "un-supported-field-type", log.Fields{"type": field.Type})
func formulateActionInfoFromFlow(ctx context.Context, actionInfo, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
for _, action := range flows.GetActions(flow) {
if action.Type == flows.OUTPUT {
if out := action.GetOutput(); out != nil {
actionInfo[Output] = out.GetPort()
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-type-output", log.Fields{"out-port": actionInfo[Output].(uint32)})
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"output-port": nil}, nil)
} else if action.Type == flows.POP_VLAN {
actionInfo[PopVlan] = true
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-type-pop-vlan", log.Fields{"in_port": classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)})
} else if action.Type == flows.PUSH_VLAN {
if out := action.GetPush(); out != nil {
if tpid := out.GetEthertype(); tpid != 0x8100 {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "invalid ethertype in push action", log.Fields{"ethertype": actionInfo[PushVlan].(int32)})
} else {
actionInfo[PushVlan] = true
actionInfo[TPID] = tpid
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-type-push-vlan",
"push-tpid": actionInfo[TPID].(uint32),
"in-port": classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)})
} else if action.Type == flows.SET_FIELD {
if out := action.GetSetField(); out != nil {
if field := out.GetField(); field != nil {
if ofClass := field.GetOxmClass(); ofClass != ofp.OfpOxmClass_OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"openflow-class": ofClass}, nil)
/*logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-type-set-field",log.Fields{"field": field, "in_port": classifierInfo[IN_PORT].(uint32)})*/
formulateSetFieldActionInfoFromFlow(ctx, field, actionInfo)
} else if action.Type == flows.GROUP {
formulateGroupActionInfoFromFlow(ctx, action, actionInfo)
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{"action-type": action.Type}, nil)
return nil
func formulateSetFieldActionInfoFromFlow(ctx context.Context, field *ofp.OfpOxmField, actionInfo map[string]interface{}) {
if ofbField := field.GetOfbField(); ofbField != nil {
fieldtype := ofbField.GetType()
if fieldtype == ofp.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_VID {
if vlan := ofbField.GetVlanVid(); vlan != 0 {
actionInfo[VlanVid] = vlan & 0xfff
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-set-vlan-vid", log.Fields{"actionInfo[VLAN_VID]": actionInfo[VlanVid].(uint32)})
} else {
logger.Error(ctx, "no-invalid-vlan-id-in-set-vlan-vid-action")
} else if fieldtype == ofp.OxmOfbFieldTypes_OFPXMT_OFB_VLAN_PCP {
pcp := ofbField.GetVlanPcp()
actionInfo[VlanPcp] = pcp
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-set-vlan-pcp", log.Fields{"actionInfo[VLAN_PCP]": actionInfo[VlanPcp].(uint32)})
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unsupported-action-set-field-type", log.Fields{"type": fieldtype})
func formulateGroupActionInfoFromFlow(ctx context.Context, action *ofp.OfpAction, actionInfo map[string]interface{}) {
if action.GetGroup() == nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "no-group-entry-found-in-the-group-action")
} else {
actionInfo[GroupID] = action.GetGroup().GroupId
logger.Debugw(ctx, "action-group-id", log.Fields{"actionInfo[GroupID]": actionInfo[GroupID].(uint32)})
func formulateControllerBoundTrapFlowInfo(ctx context.Context, actionInfo, classifierInfo map[string]interface{}, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
if isControllerFlow := plt.IsControllerBoundFlow(actionInfo[Output].(uint32)); isControllerFlow {
logger.Debug(ctx, "controller-bound-trap-flows--getting-inport-from-tunnelid")
/* Get UNI port/ IN Port from tunnel ID field for upstream controller bound flows */
if portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
classifierInfo[InPort] = uniPort
logger.Debugw(ctx, "upstream-pon-to-controller-flow--inport-in-tunnelid",
"newinport": classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32),
"outport": actionInfo[Output].(uint32)})
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("child-in-port",
"reason": "upstream-pon-to-controller-flow--no-inport-in-tunnelid",
"flow": flow}, nil)
} else {
logger.Debug(ctx, "non-controller-flows--getting-uniport-from-tunnelid")
// Downstream flow from NNI to PON port , Use tunnel ID as new OUT port / UNI port
if portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(actionInfo[Output].(uint32)); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
actionInfo[Output] = uniPort
logger.Debugw(ctx, "downstream-nni-to-pon-port-flow, outport-in-tunnelid",
"newoutport": actionInfo[Output].(uint32),
"outport": actionInfo[Output].(uint32)})
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("out-port",
"reason": "downstream-nni-to-pon-port-flow--no-outport-in-tunnelid",
"flow": flow}, nil)
// Upstream flow from PON to NNI port , Use tunnel ID as new IN port / UNI port
} else if portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32)); portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
if uniPort := flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPort != 0 {
classifierInfo[InPort] = uniPort
logger.Debugw(ctx, "upstream-pon-to-nni-port-flow, inport-in-tunnelid",
"newinport": actionInfo[Output].(uint32),
"outport": actionInfo[Output].(uint32)})
} else {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("nni-port",
"reason": "upstream-pon-to-nni-port-flow--no-inport-in-tunnelid",
"in-port": classifierInfo[InPort].(uint32),
"out-port": actionInfo[Output].(uint32),
"flow": flow}, nil)
return nil
func getTpIDFromFlow(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) (uint32, error) {
/* Metadata 8 bytes:
Most Significant 2 Bytes = Inner VLAN
Next 2 Bytes = Tech Profile ID(TPID)
Least Significant 4 Bytes = Port ID
Flow Metadata carries Tech-Profile (TP) ID and is mandatory in all
subscriber related flows.
metadata := flows.GetMetadataFromWriteMetadataAction(ctx, flow)
if metadata == 0 {
return 0, olterrors.NewErrNotFound("metadata", log.Fields{"flow": flow}, nil)
TpID := flows.GetTechProfileIDFromWriteMetaData(ctx, metadata)
return uint32(TpID), nil
func appendUnique32bit(slice []uint32, item uint32) []uint32 {
for _, sliceElement := range slice {
if sliceElement == item {
return slice
return append(slice, item)
func appendUnique64bit(slice []uint64, item uint64) []uint64 {
for _, sliceElement := range slice {
if sliceElement == item {
return slice
return append(slice, item)
// getNniIntfID gets nni intf id from the flow classifier/action
func getNniIntfID(ctx context.Context, classifier map[string]interface{}, action map[string]interface{}) (uint32, error) {
portType := plt.IntfIDToPortTypeName(classifier[InPort].(uint32))
if portType == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
intfID, err := plt.IntfIDFromNniPortNum(ctx, action[Output].(uint32))
if err != nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "invalid-action-port-number",
"port-number": action[Output].(uint32),
"err": err})
return uint32(0), err
logger.Infow(ctx, "output-nni-intfId-is", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID})
return intfID, nil
} else if portType == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
intfID, err := plt.IntfIDFromNniPortNum(ctx, classifier[InPort].(uint32))
if err != nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "invalid-classifier-port-number",
"port-number": action[Output].(uint32),
"err": err})
return uint32(0), err
logger.Infow(ctx, "input-nni-intfId-is", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID})
return intfID, nil
return uint32(0), nil
// UpdateGemPortForPktIn updates gemport for packet-in in to the cache and to the kv store as well.
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) UpdateGemPortForPktIn(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, logicalPort uint32, gemPort uint32, pkt []byte) {
cTag, priority, err := getCTagFromPacket(ctx, pkt)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unable-to-update-gem-port-for-packet-in",
log.Fields{"intfID": intfID, "onuID": onuID, "logicalPort": logicalPort, "gemPort": gemPort, "err": err})
pktInkey := rsrcMgr.PacketInInfoKey{IntfID: intfID, OnuID: onuID, LogicalPort: logicalPort, VlanID: cTag, Priority: priority}
lookupGemPort, ok := f.packetInGemPort[pktInkey]
if ok {
if lookupGemPort == gemPort {
logger.Infow(ctx, "pktin-key/value-found-in-cache--no-need-to-update-kv--assume-both-in-sync",
"pktinkey": pktInkey,
"gem": gemPort})
f.packetInGemPort[pktInkey] = gemPort
f.resourceMgr.UpdateGemPortForPktIn(ctx, pktInkey, gemPort)
logger.Infow(ctx, "pktin-key-not-found-in-local-cache-value-is-different--updating-cache-and-kv-store",
"pktinkey": pktInkey,
"gem": gemPort})
// getCTagFromPacket retrieves and returns c-tag and priority value from a packet.
func getCTagFromPacket(ctx context.Context, packet []byte) (uint16, uint8, error) {
if packet == nil || len(packet) < 18 {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable-get-c-tag-from-the-packet--invalid-packet-length ")
return 0, 0, errors.New("invalid packet length")
outerEthType := (uint16(packet[12]) << 8) | uint16(packet[13])
innerEthType := (uint16(packet[16]) << 8) | uint16(packet[17])
var index int8
if outerEthType == 0x8100 {
if innerEthType == 0x8100 {
// q-in-q 802.1ad or 802.1q double tagged packet.
// get the inner vlanId
index = 18
} else {
index = 14
priority := (packet[index] >> 5) & 0x7
//13 bits composes vlanId value
vlan := ((uint16(packet[index]) << 8) & 0x0fff) | uint16(packet[index+1])
return vlan, priority, nil
logger.Debugf(ctx, "No vlanId found in the packet. Returning zero as c-tag")
return 0, 0, nil
// clearMulticastFlowFromResourceManager removes a multicast flow from the KV store and
// clears resources reserved for this multicast flow
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) clearMulticastFlowFromResourceManager(ctx context.Context, flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
removeFlowMessage := openoltpb2.Flow{FlowId: flow.Id, FlowType: Multicast}
logger.Debugw(ctx, "multicast-flow-to-be-deleted",
"flow": flow,
"flow-id": flow.Id,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
// Remove from device
if err := f.removeFlowFromDevice(ctx, &removeFlowMessage, flow.Id); err != nil {
// DKB
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-remove-multicast-flow",
"flow-id": flow.Id,
"err": err})
return err
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) getTechProfileDownloadMessage(ctx context.Context, tpPath string, uniID uint32, onuDeviceID string) (*ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage, error) {
tpInst, err := f.techprofile.GetTPInstance(ctx, tpPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-fetching-tp-instance", log.Fields{"tpPath": tpPath})
return nil, err
switch tpInst := tpInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "fetched-tp-instance-successfully-formulating-tp-download-msg", log.Fields{"tpPath": tpPath})
return &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage{
DeviceId: onuDeviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
TechTpInstance: &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage_TpInstance{TpInstance: tpInst},
}, nil
case *tp_pb.EponTechProfileInstance:
return &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage{
DeviceId: onuDeviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
TechTpInstance: &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage_EponTpInstance{EponTpInstance: tpInst},
}, nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unknown-tech", log.Fields{"tpPath": tpPath})
return &ia.TechProfileDownloadMessage{
DeviceId: onuDeviceID,
UniId: uniID,
TpInstancePath: tpPath,
TechTpInstance: nil,
}, nil
// revertTechProfileInstance is called when CreateScheduler or CreateQueues request fails
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) revertTechProfileInstance(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue) {
intfID := sq.intfID
onuID := sq.onuID
uniID := sq.uniID
tpID := sq.tpID
var reverseDirection string
if sq.direction == tp_pb.Direction_UPSTREAM {
reverseDirection = "downstream"
} else {
reverseDirection = "upstream"
// check reverse direction - if reverse meter exists, tech profile instance is in use - do not delete
if KvStoreMeter, _ := f.resourceMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, reverseDirection, onuID, uniID, tpID); KvStoreMeter != nil {
// revert-delete tech-profile instance and delete tech profile id for onu
logger.Warnw(ctx, "reverting-tech-profile-instance-and-tech-profile-id-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID, "onu-id": onuID, "uni-id": uniID, "tp-id": tpID})
uniPortName := getUniPortPath(f.deviceHandler.device.Id, intfID, int32(onuID), int32(uniID))
_ = f.DeleteTechProfileInstance(ctx, intfID, onuID, uniID, uniPortName, tpID)
_ = f.resourceMgr.RemoveTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, tpID)
// free gem/alloc
switch techprofileInst := sq.tpInst.(type) {
case *tp_pb.TechProfileInstance:
for _, gem := range techprofileInst.UpstreamGemPortAttributeList {
f.resourceMgr.FreeGemPortID(ctx, onuID, uniID, gem.GemportId)
f.resourceMgr.FreeAllocID(ctx, onuID, uniID, techprofileInst.UsScheduler.AllocId, true)
// revertSchduler is called when CreateQueues request fails
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) revertScheduler(ctx context.Context, sq schedQueue, TrafficSched []*tp_pb.TrafficScheduler) {
// revert scheduler
logger.Warnw(ctx, "reverting-scheduler-for-onu", log.Fields{"intf-id": sq.intfID, "onu-id": sq.onuID, "uni-id": sq.uniID, "tp-id": sq.tpID})
_, _ = f.deviceHandler.Client.RemoveTrafficSchedulers(ctx, &tp_pb.TrafficSchedulers{
IntfId: sq.intfID, OnuId: sq.onuID,
UniId: sq.uniID, PortNo: sq.uniPort,
TrafficScheds: TrafficSched})
// validateMeter validates if there is a meter mismatch for the given direction. It also clears the stale meter if the reference count is zero
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) validateMeter(ctx context.Context, direction string, meterID uint32, intfID uint32, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, tpID uint32) error {
meterInfo, err := f.resourceMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, direction, onuID, uniID, tpID)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrNotFound("meter",
log.Fields{"intf-id": intfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"uni-id": uniID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, err)
if meterInfo != nil {
// If RefCnt become 0 clear the meter information from the DB.
if meterInfo.MeterID != meterID && meterInfo.RefCnt == 0 {
if err := f.resourceMgr.RemoveMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, direction, onuID, uniID, tpID); err != nil {
return err
} else if meterInfo.MeterID != meterID {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "meter-mismatch-for-direction",
log.Fields{"direction": direction,
"kv-store-meter-id": meterInfo.MeterID,
"meter-id-in-flow": meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id})
return olterrors.NewErrInvalidValue(log.Fields{
"unsupported": "meter-id",
"kv-store-meter-id": meterInfo.MeterID,
"meter-id-in-flow": meterID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id}, nil)
return nil
func (f *OpenOltFlowMgr) removeMeterReference(ctx context.Context, direction string, sq schedQueue) error {
/* After we successfully remove the scheduler configuration on the OLT device,
* delete the meter id on the KV store.
err := f.resourceMgr.RemoveMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, direction, sq.onuID, sq.uniID, sq.tpID)
if err != nil {
return olterrors.NewErrAdapter("unable-to-remove-meter",
"onu": sq.onuID,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort}, err)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "removed-meter-from-KV-store-successfully",
"dir": direction,
"device-id": f.deviceHandler.device.Id,
"intf-id": sq.intfID,
"onu-id": sq.onuID,
"uni-id": sq.uniID,
"uni-port": sq.uniPort})
return err