blob: 9aa4a3eedcf03cdf4324d24db9ddcb3657411ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
package internal
import (
dpb ""
// NB: We use reflection or unknown fields in case we are linked against an older
// version of the proto runtime which does not know about the proto3_optional field.
// We don't require linking with newer version (which would greatly simplify this)
// because that means pulling in v1.4+ of the protobuf runtime, which has some
// compatibility issues. (We'll be nice to users and not require they upgrade to
// that latest runtime to upgrade to newer protoreflect.)
func GetProto3Optional(fd *dpb.FieldDescriptorProto) bool {
type newerFieldDesc interface {
GetProto3Optional() bool
var pm proto.Message = fd
if fd, ok := pm.(newerFieldDesc); ok {
return fd.GetProto3Optional()
// Field does not exist, so we have to examine unknown fields
// (we just silently bail if we have problems parsing them)
unk := internal.GetUnrecognized(pm)
buf := codec.NewBuffer(unk)
for {
tag, wt, err := buf.DecodeTagAndWireType()
if err != nil {
return false
if tag == Field_proto3OptionalTag && wt == proto.WireVarint {
v, _ := buf.DecodeVarint()
return v != 0
if err := buf.SkipField(wt); err != nil {
return false
func SetProto3Optional(fd *dpb.FieldDescriptorProto) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(fd).Elem()
fld := rv.FieldByName("Proto3Optional")
if fld.IsValid() {
// Field does not exist, so we have to store as unknown field.
var buf codec.Buffer
if err := buf.EncodeTagAndWireType(Field_proto3OptionalTag, proto.WireVarint); err != nil {
// TODO: panic? log?
if err := buf.EncodeVarint(1); err != nil {
// TODO: panic? log?
internal.SetUnrecognized(fd, buf.Bytes())
// ProcessProto3OptionalFields adds synthetic oneofs to the given message descriptor
// for each proto3 optional field. It also updates the fields to have the correct
// oneof index reference.
func ProcessProto3OptionalFields(msgd *dpb.DescriptorProto) {
var allNames map[string]struct{}
for _, fd := range msgd.Field {
if GetProto3Optional(fd) {
// lazy init the set of all names
if allNames == nil {
allNames = map[string]struct{}{}
for _, fd := range msgd.Field {
allNames[fd.GetName()] = struct{}{}
for _, fd := range msgd.Extension {
allNames[fd.GetName()] = struct{}{}
for _, ed := range msgd.EnumType {
allNames[ed.GetName()] = struct{}{}
for _, evd := range ed.Value {
allNames[evd.GetName()] = struct{}{}
for _, fd := range msgd.NestedType {
allNames[fd.GetName()] = struct{}{}
for _, n := range msgd.ReservedName {
allNames[n] = struct{}{}
// Compute a name for the synthetic oneof. This uses the same
// algorithm as used in protoc:
ooName := fd.GetName()
if !strings.HasPrefix(ooName, "_") {
ooName = "_" + ooName
for {
_, ok := allNames[ooName]
if !ok {
// found a unique name
allNames[ooName] = struct{}{}
ooName = "X" + ooName
fd.OneofIndex = proto.Int32(int32(len(msgd.OneofDecl)))
msgd.OneofDecl = append(msgd.OneofDecl, &dpb.OneofDescriptorProto{Name: proto.String(ooName)})