blob: b8053f41dd4800000b706fc60743c153c629dd9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package resourcemanager provides the utility for managing resources
package resourcemanager
import (
tp ""
ponrmgr ""
ofp ""
const (
// KvstoreTimeout specifies the time out for KV Store Connection
KvstoreTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// BasePathKvStore - <pathPrefix>/openolt/<device_id>
BasePathKvStore = "%s/openolt/{%s}"
// tpIDPathSuffix - <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/tp_id
tpIDPathSuffix = "{%d,%d,%d}/tp_id"
//MeterIDPathSuffix - <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
MeterIDPathSuffix = "{%d,%d,%d}/{%d}/meter_id/{%s}"
// OnuPacketInPathPrefix - path prefix where ONU packet-in vlanID/PCP is stored
//format: onu_packetin/{<intfid>,<onuid>,<logicalport>}
OnuPacketInPathPrefix = "onu_packetin/{%d,%d,%d}"
// OnuPacketInPath path on the kvstore to store packetin gemport,which will be used for packetin, packetout
//format: onu_packetin/{<intfid>,<onuid>,<logicalport>}/{<vlanId>,<priority>}
OnuPacketInPath = OnuPacketInPathPrefix + "/{%d,%d}"
//FlowIDsForGemPathPrefix format: flowids_for_gem/<intfid>
FlowIDsForGemPathPrefix = "flowids_per_gem/{%d}"
//FlowIDsForGem flowids_for_gem/<intfid>/<gemport-id>
FlowIDsForGem = FlowIDsForGemPathPrefix + "/{%d}"
//McastQueuesForIntf multicast queues for pon interfaces
McastQueuesForIntf = "mcast_qs_for_int"
//FlowGroup flow_groups/<flow_group_id>
// A group is stored under this path on the KV store after it has been installed to the device.
// It should also be deleted after it has been removed from the device accordingly.
FlowGroup = "flow_groups/{%d}"
//FlowGroupCached flow_groups_cached/<flow_group_id>
// When a group add request received, we create the group without setting any members to it since we cannot
// set any members to a group until it is associated with a multicast flow. It is a BAL limitation.
// When the related multicast flow has been created we perform set members operation for the group.
// That is why we need to keep the members of a group until the multicast flow creation request comes.
// We preserve the groups under "FlowGroupsCached" directory in the KV store temporarily. Having set members,
// we remove the group from the cached group store.
FlowGroupCached = "flow_groups_cached/{%d}"
//FlowIDPath - Path on the KV store for storing list of Flow IDs for a given subscriber
//Format: BasePathKvStore/<(pon_intf_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/flow_ids
FlowIDPath = "{%s}/flow_ids"
//OnuGemInfoPathPathPrefix format: onu_gem_info/<intfid>
OnuGemInfoPathPathPrefix = "onu_gem_info/{%d}"
//OnuGemInfoPath is path on the kvstore to store onugem info map
//format: onu_gem_info/<intfid>/<onu_id>
OnuGemInfoPath = OnuGemInfoPathPathPrefix + "/{%d}"
// NNI uint32 version of -1 which represents the NNI port
NNI = 4294967295
// FlowInfo holds the flow information
type FlowInfo struct {
Flow *openolt.Flow
IsSymmtricFlow bool
// OnuGemInfo holds onu information along with gem port list and uni port list
type OnuGemInfo struct {
OnuID uint32
SerialNumber string
IntfID uint32
GemPorts []uint32
UniPorts []uint32
// PacketInInfoKey is the key for packet in gemport
type PacketInInfoKey struct {
IntfID uint32
OnuID uint32
LogicalPort uint32
VlanID uint16
Priority uint8
// GroupInfo holds group information
type GroupInfo struct {
GroupID uint32
OutPorts []uint32
// MeterInfo store meter information at path <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
type MeterInfo struct {
RefCnt uint8 // number of flow references for this meter. When RefCnt is 0, the MeterInfo should be deleted.
MeterID uint32
// OpenOltResourceMgr holds resource related information as provided below for each field
type OpenOltResourceMgr struct {
PonIntfID uint32
DeviceID string // OLT device id
Address string // Host and port of the kv store to connect to
Args string // args
KVStore *db.Backend // backend kv store connection handle
DeviceType string
DevInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo // device information
// array of pon resource managers per interface technology
PonRsrMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager
// Local maps used for write-through-cache - start
allocIDsForOnu map[string][]uint32
allocIDsForOnuLock sync.RWMutex
gemPortIDsForOnu map[string][]uint32
gemPortIDsForOnuLock sync.RWMutex
techProfileIDsForOnu map[string][]uint32
techProfileIDsForOnuLock sync.RWMutex
meterInfoForOnu map[string]*MeterInfo
meterInfoForOnuLock sync.RWMutex
onuGemInfo map[string]*OnuGemInfo
onuGemInfoLock sync.RWMutex
gemPortForPacketInInfo map[string]uint32
gemPortForPacketInInfoLock sync.RWMutex
flowIDsForGem map[uint32][]uint64
flowIDsForGemLock sync.RWMutex
mcastQueueForIntf map[uint32][]uint32
mcastQueueForIntfLock sync.RWMutex
mcastQueueForIntfLoadedFromKvStore bool
groupInfo map[string]*GroupInfo
groupInfoLock sync.RWMutex
// Local maps used for write-through-cache - end
TechprofileRef tp.TechProfileIf
func newKVClient(ctx context.Context, storeType string, address string, timeout time.Duration) (kvstore.Client, error) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "kv-store-type", log.Fields{"store": storeType})
switch storeType {
case "etcd":
return kvstore.NewEtcdClient(ctx, address, timeout, log.FatalLevel)
case "redis":
return kvstore.NewRedisClient(address, timeout, false)
case "redis-sentinel":
return kvstore.NewRedisClient(address, timeout, true)
return nil, errors.New("unsupported-kv-store")
// SetKVClient sets the KV client and return a kv backend
func SetKVClient(ctx context.Context, backend string, addr string, DeviceID string, basePathKvStore string) *db.Backend {
// TODO : Make sure direct call to NewBackend is working fine with backend , currently there is some
// issue between kv store and backend , core is not calling NewBackend directly
kvClient, err := newKVClient(ctx, backend, addr, KvstoreTimeout)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalw(ctx, "Failed to init KV client\n", log.Fields{"err": err})
return nil
// return db.NewBackend(ctx, backend, addr, KvstoreTimeout, fmt.Sprintf(BasePathKvStore, basePathKvStore, DeviceID))
kvbackend := &db.Backend{
Client: kvClient,
StoreType: backend,
Address: addr,
Timeout: KvstoreTimeout,
PathPrefix: fmt.Sprintf(BasePathKvStore, basePathKvStore, DeviceID)}
return kvbackend
// CloseKVClient closes open KV clients
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) CloseKVClient(ctx context.Context) {
if rsrcMgr.KVStore != nil {
rsrcMgr.KVStore = nil
if rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr != nil {
// NewResourceMgr init a New resource manager instance which in turn instantiates pon resource manager
// instances according to technology. Initializes the default resource ranges for all
// the resources.
func NewResourceMgr(ctx context.Context, PonIntfID uint32, deviceID string, KVStoreAddress string, kvStoreType string, deviceType string, devInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo, basePathKvStore string) *OpenOltResourceMgr {
var ResourceMgr OpenOltResourceMgr
logger.Debugf(ctx, "Init new resource manager , ponIf: %v, address: %s, device-id: %s", PonIntfID, KVStoreAddress, deviceID)
ResourceMgr.PonIntfID = PonIntfID
ResourceMgr.DeviceID = deviceID
ResourceMgr.Address = KVStoreAddress
ResourceMgr.DeviceType = deviceType
ResourceMgr.DevInfo = devInfo
Backend := kvStoreType
ResourceMgr.KVStore = SetKVClient(ctx, Backend, ResourceMgr.Address, deviceID, basePathKvStore)
if ResourceMgr.KVStore == nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to setup KV store")
// TODO self.args = registry('main').get_args()
// Create a separate Resource Manager instance for each range. This assumes that
// each technology is represented by only a single range
for _, TechRange := range devInfo.Ranges {
for _, intfID := range TechRange.IntfIds {
if intfID == PonIntfID {
technology := TechRange.Technology
logger.Debugf(ctx, "Device info technology %s, intf-id %v", technology, PonIntfID)
rsrMgr, err := ponrmgr.NewPONResourceManager(ctx, technology, deviceType, deviceID,
Backend, ResourceMgr.Address, basePathKvStore)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to create pon resource manager instance for technology %s", technology)
return nil
ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr = rsrMgr
// self.initialize_device_resource_range_and_pool(resource_mgr, global_resource_mgr, arange)
InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(ctx, rsrMgr, TechRange, devInfo)
if err := ResourceMgr.PonRsrMgr.InitDeviceResourcePoolForIntf(ctx, intfID); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, "failed-to-initialize-device-resource-pool-intf-id-%v-device-id", ResourceMgr.PonIntfID, ResourceMgr.DeviceID)
return nil
if err := ResourceMgr.LoadLocalCacheFromKVStore(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed-to-load-local-cache-from-kvstore")
logger.Info(ctx, "Initialization of resource manager success!")
return &ResourceMgr
// InitLocalCache initializes local maps used for write-through-cache
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) InitLocalCache() {
rsrcMgr.allocIDsForOnu = make(map[string][]uint32)
rsrcMgr.gemPortIDsForOnu = make(map[string][]uint32)
rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu = make(map[string][]uint32)
rsrcMgr.meterInfoForOnu = make(map[string]*MeterInfo)
rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo = make(map[string]*OnuGemInfo)
rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo = make(map[string]uint32)
rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem = make(map[uint32][]uint64)
rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf = make(map[uint32][]uint32)
rsrcMgr.groupInfo = make(map[string]*GroupInfo)
// LoadLocalCacheFromKVStore loads local maps
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) LoadLocalCacheFromKVStore(ctx context.Context) error {
//List all the keys for OnuGemInfo
prefixPath := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPathPathPrefix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
keys, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.List(ctx, prefixPath)
logger.Debug(ctx, "load-local-cache-from-KV-store-started")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed-to-list-keys-from-path-%s", prefixPath)
return err
for path := range keys {
var Val []byte
var onugem OnuGemInfo
// Get rid of the path prefix
stringToBeReplaced := rsrcMgr.KVStore.PathPrefix + "/"
replacedWith := ""
path = strings.Replace(path, stringToBeReplaced, replacedWith, 1)
value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-get-from-kv-store", log.Fields{"path": path})
return err
} else if value == nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "no-onugeminfo-for-path", log.Fields{"path": path})
if Val, err = kvstore.ToByte(value.Value); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed-to-covert-to-byte-array")
return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &onugem); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed-to-unmarshall")
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found-onugeminfo-from-path", log.Fields{"path": path, "onuGemInfo": onugem})
rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[path] = &onugem
logger.Debug(ctx, "load-local-cache-from-KV-store-finished")
return nil
// InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool initializes the resource range pool according to the sharing type, then apply
// device specific information. If KV doesn't exist
// or is broader than the device, the device's information will
// dictate the range limits
func InitializeDeviceResourceRangeAndPool(ctx context.Context, ponRMgr *ponrmgr.PONResourceManager,
techRange *openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges, devInfo *openolt.DeviceInfo) {
// var ONUIDShared, AllocIDShared, GEMPortIDShared openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_SharingType
var ONUIDStart, ONUIDEnd, AllocIDStart, AllocIDEnd, GEMPortIDStart, GEMPortIDEnd uint32
var ONUIDShared, AllocIDShared, GEMPortIDShared, FlowIDShared uint32
// The below variables are just dummy and needed to pass as arguments to InitDefaultPONResourceRanges function.
// The openolt adapter does not need flowIDs to be managed as it is managed on the OLT device
// The UNI IDs are dynamically generated by openonu adapter for every discovered UNI.
var flowIDDummyStart, flowIDDummyEnd uint32 = 1, 2
var uniIDDummyStart, uniIDDummyEnd uint32 = 0, 1
// init the resource range pool according to the sharing type
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Device info init", log.Fields{"technology": techRange.Technology,
"onu_id_start": ONUIDStart, "onu_id_end": ONUIDEnd,
"alloc_id_start": AllocIDStart, "alloc_id_end": AllocIDEnd,
"gemport_id_start": GEMPortIDStart, "gemport_id_end": GEMPortIDEnd,
"intf_ids": techRange.IntfIds,
for _, RangePool := range techRange.Pools {
// FIXME: Remove hardcoding
if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ONU_ID {
ONUIDStart = RangePool.Start
ONUIDEnd = RangePool.End
ONUIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
} else if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_ALLOC_ID {
AllocIDStart = RangePool.Start
AllocIDEnd = RangePool.End
AllocIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
} else if RangePool.Type == openolt.DeviceInfo_DeviceResourceRanges_Pool_GEMPORT_ID {
GEMPortIDStart = RangePool.Start
GEMPortIDEnd = RangePool.End
GEMPortIDShared = uint32(RangePool.Sharing)
ponRMgr.InitDefaultPONResourceRanges(ctx, ONUIDStart, ONUIDEnd, ONUIDShared,
AllocIDStart, AllocIDEnd, AllocIDShared,
GEMPortIDStart, GEMPortIDEnd, GEMPortIDShared,
flowIDDummyStart, flowIDDummyEnd, FlowIDShared, uniIDDummyStart, uniIDDummyEnd,
devInfo.PonPorts, techRange.IntfIds)
// Delete clears used resources for the particular olt device being deleted
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) Delete(ctx context.Context, intfID uint32) error {
if err := rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.ClearDeviceResourcePoolForIntf(ctx, intfID); err != nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Failed to clear device resource pool")
return err
logger.Debug(ctx, "Cleared device resource pool")
return nil
// GetONUID returns the available onuID for the given pon-port
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetONUID(ctx context.Context) (uint32, error) {
// Get ONU id for a provided pon interface ID.
onuID, err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.GetResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
ponrmgr.ONU_ID, 1)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to get resource for interface %d for type %s",
rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, ponrmgr.ONU_ID)
return 0, err
if len(onuID) > 0 {
return onuID[0], err
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no-onu-id-allocated")
// UpdateAllocIdsForOnu updates alloc ids in kv store for a given pon interface id, onu id and uni id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) UpdateAllocIdsForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, allocIDs []uint32) error {
intfOnuIDuniID := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
// Note: in case the write to DB fails there could be inconsistent data between cache and db.
// Although this is highly unlikely with DB retries in place, this is something we have to deal with in the next release
if err := rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.UpdateAllocIdsForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID, allocIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to update alloc ids for onu", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.allocIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID] = allocIDs
return nil
// GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu returns gem ports for given pon interface , onu id and uni id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32) []uint32 {
intfOnuIDuniID := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
// fetch from cache
gemIDs, ok := rsrcMgr.gemPortIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID]
if ok {
return gemIDs
/* Get gem ports for given pon interface , onu id and uni id. */
gemIDs = rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID)
// update cache
rsrcMgr.gemPortIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID] = gemIDs
return gemIDs
// GetCurrentAllocIDsForOnu returns alloc ids for given pon interface and onu id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetCurrentAllocIDsForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32) []uint32 {
intfOnuIDuniID := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
// fetch from cache
allocIDs, ok := rsrcMgr.allocIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID]
if ok {
return allocIDs
allocIDs = rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.GetCurrentAllocIDForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID)
// update cache
rsrcMgr.allocIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID] = allocIDs
return allocIDs
// RemoveAllocIDForOnu removes the alloc id for given pon interface, onu id, uni id and alloc id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveAllocIDForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, allocID uint32) {
allocIDs := rsrcMgr.GetCurrentAllocIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
for i := 0; i < len(allocIDs); i++ {
if allocIDs[i] == allocID {
allocIDs = append(allocIDs[:i], allocIDs[i+1:]...)
err := rsrcMgr.UpdateAllocIdsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, allocIDs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to Remove Alloc Id For Onu. intfID %d onuID %d uniID %d allocID %d",
rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, allocID)
// RemoveGemPortIDForOnu removes the gem port id for given pon interface, onu id, uni id and gem port id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveGemPortIDForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, gemPortID uint32) {
gemPortIDs := rsrcMgr.GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
for i := 0; i < len(gemPortIDs); i++ {
if gemPortIDs[i] == gemPortID {
gemPortIDs = append(gemPortIDs[:i], gemPortIDs[i+1:]...)
err := rsrcMgr.UpdateGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, gemPortIDs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to Remove Gem Id For Onu. intfID %d onuID %d uniID %d gemPortId %d",
rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, gemPortID)
// UpdateGEMPortIDsForOnu updates gemport ids on to the kv store for a given pon port, onu id and uni id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) UpdateGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, gemIDs []uint32) error {
intfOnuIDuniID := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
if err := rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.UpdateGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID, gemIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to update gem port ids for onu", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.gemPortIDsForOnu[intfOnuIDuniID] = gemIDs
return nil
// FreeonuID releases(make free) onu id for a particular pon-port
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) FreeonuID(ctx context.Context, onuID []uint32) {
if len(onuID) == 0 {
logger.Info(ctx, "onu id slice is nil, nothing to free")
if err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.FreeResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, ponrmgr.ONU_ID, onuID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-freeing-onu-id", log.Fields{
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"err": err.Error(),
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "freed onu id", log.Fields{"intfID": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "onuID": onuID})
// FreeAllocID frees AllocID on the PON resource pool and also frees the allocID association
// for the given OLT device.
// The caller should ensure that this is a blocking call and this operation is serialized for
// the ONU so as not cause resource corruption since there are no mutexes used here.
// Setting freeFromResourcePool to false will not clear it from the resource pool but only
// clear it for the given pon/onu/uni
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) FreeAllocID(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, allocID uint32, freeFromResourcePool bool) {
rsrcMgr.RemoveAllocIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, allocID)
if freeFromResourcePool {
allocIDs := make([]uint32, 0)
allocIDs = append(allocIDs, allocID)
if err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.FreeResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, ponrmgr.ALLOC_ID, allocIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-freeing-alloc-id", log.Fields{
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"err": err.Error(),
// FreeGemPortID frees GemPortID on the PON resource pool and also frees the gemPortID association
// for the given OLT device.
// The caller should ensure that this is a blocking call and this operation is serialized for
// the ONU so as not cause resource corruption since there are no mutexes used here.
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) FreeGemPortID(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, gemPortID uint32) {
rsrcMgr.RemoveGemPortIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID, gemPortID)
gemPortIDs := make([]uint32, 0)
gemPortIDs = append(gemPortIDs, gemPortID)
if err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.FreeResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, ponrmgr.GEMPORT_ID, gemPortIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-freeing-gem-port-id", log.Fields{
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"err": err.Error(),
// FreePONResourcesForONU make the pon resources free for a given pon interface and onu id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) FreePONResourcesForONU(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32) {
intfOnuIDuniID := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d,%d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
if rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr == nil || rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef == nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "PonRsrMgr or TechprofileRef is nil")
AllocIDs := rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.GetCurrentAllocIDForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID)
if err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.FreeResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
AllocIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-freeing-all-alloc-ids-for-onu", log.Fields{
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"err": err.Error(),
//update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.allocIDsForOnu, intfOnuIDuniID)
GEMPortIDs := rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.GetCurrentGEMPortIDsForOnu(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID)
if err := rsrcMgr.TechprofileRef.FreeResourceID(ctx, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
GEMPortIDs); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "error-while-freeing-all-gem-port-ids-for-onu", log.Fields{
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"err": err.Error(),
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.gemPortIDsForOnu, intfOnuIDuniID)
// Clear resource map associated with (pon_intf_id, gemport_id) tuple.
rsrcMgr.PonRsrMgr.RemoveResourceMap(ctx, intfOnuIDuniID)
// IsFlowOnKvStore checks if the given flowID is present on the kv store
// Returns true if the flowID is found, otherwise it returns false
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) IsFlowOnKvStore(ctx context.Context, onuID int32, flowID uint64) (bool, error) {
var anyError error
// In case of nni trap flow
if onuID == -1 {
nniTrapflowIDs, err := rsrcMgr.GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx, NNI)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed-to-get-nni-trap-flowIDs", log.Fields{"err": err})
return false, err
for _, id := range nniTrapflowIDs {
if flowID == id {
return true, nil
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPath, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID)
val, ok := rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[path]
if ok {
for _, gem := range val.GemPorts {
flowIDs, err := rsrcMgr.GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gem)
if err != nil {
anyError = err
logger.Warnw(ctx, "failed-to-get-flowIDs-for-gem", log.Fields{"err": err, "onuID": onuID, "gem": gem})
} else {
for _, id := range flowIDs {
if flowID == id {
return true, nil
return false, anyError
// GetTechProfileIDForOnu fetches Tech-Profile-ID from the KV-Store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: {intfID, onuID, uniID}/tp_id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32) []uint32 {
Path := fmt.Sprintf(tpIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
// fetch from cache
tpIDs, ok := rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu[Path]
if ok {
return tpIDs
Value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, Path)
if err == nil {
if Value != nil {
Val, err := kvstore.ToByte(Value.Value)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to convert into byte array", log.Fields{"err": err})
return tpIDs
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &tpIDs); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshal", log.Fields{"err": err})
return tpIDs
} else {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to get TP id from kvstore for path %s", Path)
logger.Debugf(ctx, "Getting TP id %d from path %s", tpIDs, Path)
// update cache
rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu[Path] = tpIDs
return tpIDs
// RemoveTechProfileIDsForOnu deletes all tech profile ids from the KV-Store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: {intfID, onuID, uniID}/tp_id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveTechProfileIDsForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32) error {
intfOnuUniID := fmt.Sprintf(tpIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, intfOnuUniID); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to delete techprofile id resource in KV store", log.Fields{"path": intfOnuUniID})
return err
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu, intfOnuUniID)
return nil
// RemoveTechProfileIDForOnu deletes a specific tech profile id from the KV-Store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: {intfID, onuID, uniID}/tp_id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, uniID uint32, tpID uint32) error {
tpIDList := rsrcMgr.GetTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
for i, tpIDInList := range tpIDList {
if tpIDInList == tpID {
tpIDList = append(tpIDList[:i], tpIDList[i+1:]...)
intfOnuUniID := fmt.Sprintf(tpIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
Value, err := json.Marshal(tpIDList)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to Marshal")
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, intfOnuUniID, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to update resource %s", intfOnuUniID)
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu[intfOnuUniID] = tpIDList
return err
// UpdateTechProfileIDForOnu updates (put) already present tech-profile-id for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: {intfID, onuID, uniID}/tp_id
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) UpdateTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, tpID uint32) error {
var Value []byte
var err error
intfOnuUniID := fmt.Sprintf(tpIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID)
tpIDList := rsrcMgr.GetTechProfileIDForOnu(ctx, onuID, uniID)
for _, value := range tpIDList {
if value == tpID {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "tpID %d is already in tpIdList for the path %s", tpID, intfOnuUniID)
return err
logger.Debugf(ctx, "updating tp id %d on path %s", tpID, intfOnuUniID)
tpIDList = append(tpIDList, tpID)
Value, err = json.Marshal(tpIDList)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to Marshal")
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, intfOnuUniID, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to update resource %s", intfOnuUniID)
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.techProfileIDsForOnu[intfOnuUniID] = tpIDList
return err
// StoreMeterInfoForOnu updates the meter id in the KV-Store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) StoreMeterInfoForOnu(ctx context.Context, Direction string, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, tpID uint32, meterInfo *MeterInfo) error {
var Value []byte
var err error
intfOnuUniID := fmt.Sprintf(MeterIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, tpID, Direction)
Value, err = json.Marshal(*meterInfo)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to Marshal meter config")
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, intfOnuUniID, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to store meter into KV store %s", intfOnuUniID)
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.meterInfoForOnu[intfOnuUniID] = meterInfo
logger.Debugw(ctx, "meter info updated successfully", log.Fields{"path": intfOnuUniID, "meter-info": meterInfo})
return err
// GetMeterInfoForOnu fetches the meter id from the kv store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx context.Context, Direction string, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, tpID uint32) (*MeterInfo, error) {
Path := fmt.Sprintf(MeterIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, tpID, Direction)
// get from cache
val, ok := rsrcMgr.meterInfoForOnu[Path]
if ok {
return val, nil
var meterInfo MeterInfo
Value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, Path)
if err == nil {
if Value != nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "Found meter info in KV store", log.Fields{"Direction": Direction})
Val, er := kvstore.ToByte(Value.Value)
if er != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to convert into byte array", log.Fields{"err": er})
return nil, er
if er = json.Unmarshal(Val, &meterInfo); er != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshal meter info", log.Fields{"err": er})
return nil, er
} else {
logger.Debug(ctx, "meter-does-not-exists-in-KVStore")
return nil, err
} else {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to get Meter config from kvstore for path %s", Path)
// update cache
rsrcMgr.meterInfoForOnu[Path] = &meterInfo
return &meterInfo, err
// HandleMeterInfoRefCntUpdate increments or decrements the reference counter for a given meter.
// When reference count becomes 0, it clears the meter information from the kv store
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) HandleMeterInfoRefCntUpdate(ctx context.Context, Direction string,
onuID uint32, uniID uint32, tpID uint32, increment bool) error {
meterInfo, err := rsrcMgr.GetMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, Direction, onuID, uniID, tpID)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if meterInfo == nil {
// If we are increasing the reference count, we expect the meter information to be present on KV store.
// But if decrementing the reference count, the meter is possibly already cleared from KV store. Just log warn but do not return error.
if increment {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "error-fetching-meter-info-for-intf-%d-onu-%d-uni-%d-tp-id-%d-direction-%s", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, tpID, Direction)
return fmt.Errorf("error-fetching-meter-info-for-intf-%d-onu-%d-uni-%d-tp-id-%d-direction-%s", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, tpID, Direction)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "meter is already cleared",
log.Fields{"intfID": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID, "direction": Direction, "increment": increment})
return nil
if increment {
} else {
if err := rsrcMgr.StoreMeterInfoForOnu(ctx, Direction, onuID, uniID, tpID, meterInfo); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveMeterInfoForOnu deletes the meter id from the kV-Store for the given onu based on the path
// This path is formed as the following: <(pon_id, onu_id, uni_id)>/<tp_id>/meter_id/<direction>
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveMeterInfoForOnu(ctx context.Context, Direction string, onuID uint32,
uniID uint32, tpID uint32) error {
Path := fmt.Sprintf(MeterIDPathSuffix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, uniID, tpID, Direction)
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, Path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to delete meter id %s from kvstore ", Path)
return err
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.meterInfoForOnu, Path)
return nil
// AddGemToOnuGemInfo adds gemport to onugem info kvstore and also local cache
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddGemToOnuGemInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, gemPort uint32) error {
onugem, err := rsrcMgr.GetOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID)
if err != nil || onugem == nil || onugem.SerialNumber == "" {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to get onuifo for intfid %d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
return err
if onugem.OnuID == onuID {
for _, gem := range onugem.GemPorts {
if gem == gemPort {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Gem already present in onugem info, skpping addition", log.Fields{"gem": gem})
return nil
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Added gem to onugem info", log.Fields{"gem": gemPort})
onugem.GemPorts = append(onugem.GemPorts, gemPort)
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "onu id in OnuGemInfo does not match", log.Fields{"onuID": onuID, "ponIf": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "onuGemInfoOnuID": onugem.OnuID})
return fmt.Errorf("onu-id-in-OnuGemInfo-does-not-match-%v", onuID)
err = rsrcMgr.AddOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID, *onugem)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to add onugem to kv store")
return err
return err
// RemoveGemFromOnuGemInfo removes gemport from onugem info on kvstore and also local cache
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveGemFromOnuGemInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, gemPort uint32) error {
onugem, err := rsrcMgr.GetOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID)
if err != nil || onugem == nil || onugem.SerialNumber == "" {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to get onuifo for intfid %d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
return err
updated := false
if onugem.OnuID == onuID {
for i, gem := range onugem.GemPorts {
if gem == gemPort {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Gem found, removing from onu gem info", log.Fields{"gem": gem})
onugem.GemPorts = append(onugem.GemPorts[:i], onugem.GemPorts[i+1:]...)
updated = true
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "onu id in OnuGemInfo does not match", log.Fields{"onuID": onuID, "ponIf": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "onuGemInfoOnuID": onugem.OnuID})
return fmt.Errorf("onu-id-in-OnuGemInfo-does-not-match-%v", onuID)
if updated {
err = rsrcMgr.AddOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID, *onugem)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to add onugem to kv store")
return err
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Gem port not found in onu gem info", log.Fields{"gem": gemPort})
return nil
// GetOnuGemInfo gets onu gem info from the kvstore per interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetOnuGemInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32) (*OnuGemInfo, error) {
var err error
var Val []byte
var onugem OnuGemInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPath, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID)
val, ok := rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[path]
if ok {
return val, nil
value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to get from kv store", log.Fields{"path": path})
return nil, err
} else if value == nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "No onuinfo for path", log.Fields{"path": path})
return nil, nil // returning nil as this could happen if there are no onus for the interface yet
if Val, err = kvstore.ToByte(value.Value); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to convert to byte array")
return nil, err
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &onugem); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshall")
return nil, err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found onugem info from path", log.Fields{"path": path, "onuGemInfo": onugem})
rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[path] = &onugem
return &onugem, nil
// AddNewOnuGemInfoToCacheAndKvStore function adds a new onu gem info to cache and kvstore
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddNewOnuGemInfoToCacheAndKvStore(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, serialNum string) error {
Path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPath, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID)
_, ok := rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[Path]
// If the ONU already exists in onuGemInfo list, nothing to do
if ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "onu-id-already-exists-in-cache", log.Fields{"onuID": onuID, "serialNum": serialNum})
return nil
onuGemInfo := OnuGemInfo{OnuID: onuID, SerialNumber: serialNum, IntfID: rsrcMgr.PonIntfID}
if err := rsrcMgr.AddOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID, onuGemInfo); err != nil {
return err
logger.Infow(ctx, "added-onuinfo",
"intf-id": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID,
"onu-id": onuID,
"serial-num": serialNum,
"onu": onuGemInfo,
"device-id": rsrcMgr.DeviceID})
return nil
// AddOnuGemInfo adds onu info on to the kvstore per interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddOnuGemInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, onuGem OnuGemInfo) error {
var Value []byte
var err error
Path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPath, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID)
Value, err = json.Marshal(onuGem)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to Marshal")
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, Path, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to update resource %s", Path)
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "added onu gem info to store", log.Fields{"onuGemInfo": onuGem, "Path": Path})
//update cache
rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[Path] = &onuGem
return err
// DelOnuGemInfo deletes the onugem info from kvstore per ONU
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DelOnuGemInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPath, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID)
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to remove resource %s", path)
return err
//update cache
logger.Debugw(ctx, "removing onu gem info", log.Fields{"onuGemInfo": rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo[path]})
delete(rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo, path)
return nil
// DeleteAllOnuGemInfoForIntf deletes all the all onu gem info on the given pon interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DeleteAllOnuGemInfoForIntf(ctx context.Context) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuGemInfoPathPathPrefix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "delete-all-onu-gem-info-for-pon-intf", log.Fields{"intfID": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID})
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.DeleteWithPrefix(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed-to-remove-resource-%s", path)
return err
// Reset cache. Normally not necessary as the entire device is getting deleted when this API is invoked.
rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo = make(map[string]*OnuGemInfo)
return nil
// AddUniPortToOnuInfo adds uni port to the onuinfo kvstore. check if the uni is already present if not update the kv store.
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddUniPortToOnuInfo(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, portNo uint32) {
onugem, err := rsrcMgr.GetOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID)
if err != nil || onugem == nil || onugem.SerialNumber == "" {
logger.Warnf(ctx, "failed to get onuifo for intfid %d", rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
if onugem.OnuID == onuID {
for _, uni := range onugem.UniPorts {
if uni == portNo {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "uni already present in onugem info", log.Fields{"uni": portNo})
onugem.UniPorts = append(onugem.UniPorts, portNo)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "onu id mismatch in onu gem info", log.Fields{"intfID": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "onuID": onuID})
err = rsrcMgr.AddOnuGemInfo(ctx, onuID, *onugem)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to add uni port in onugem to kv store", log.Fields{"uni": portNo})
// UpdateGemPortForPktIn updates gemport for pkt in path to kvstore, path being intfid, onuid, portno, vlan id, priority bit
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) UpdateGemPortForPktIn(ctx context.Context, pktIn PacketInInfoKey, gemPort uint32) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuPacketInPath, pktIn.IntfID, pktIn.OnuID, pktIn.LogicalPort, pktIn.VlanID, pktIn.Priority)
Value, err := json.Marshal(gemPort)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to marshal data")
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, path, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to put to kvstore", log.Fields{"path": path, "value": gemPort})
// update cache
rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo[path] = gemPort
logger.Debugw(ctx, "added gem packet in successfully", log.Fields{"path": path, "gem": gemPort})
// GetGemPortFromOnuPktIn gets the gem port from onu pkt in path, path being intfid, onuid, portno, vlan id, priority bit
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetGemPortFromOnuPktIn(ctx context.Context, packetInInfoKey PacketInInfoKey) (uint32, error) {
var Val []byte
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuPacketInPath, packetInInfoKey.IntfID, packetInInfoKey.OnuID, packetInInfoKey.LogicalPort,
packetInInfoKey.VlanID, packetInInfoKey.Priority)
// get from cache
gemPort, ok := rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo[path]
if ok {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found packein gemport from path", log.Fields{"path": path, "gem": gemPort})
return gemPort, nil
value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to get from kv store", log.Fields{"path": path})
return uint32(0), err
} else if value == nil {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "No pkt in gem found", log.Fields{"path": path})
return uint32(0), nil
if Val, err = kvstore.ToByte(value.Value); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to convert to byte array")
return uint32(0), err
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &gemPort); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshall")
return uint32(0), err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "found packein gemport from path", log.Fields{"path": path, "gem": gemPort})
// update cache
rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo[path] = gemPort
return gemPort, nil
// DeletePacketInGemPortForOnu deletes the packet-in gemport for ONU
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DeletePacketInGemPortForOnu(ctx context.Context, onuID uint32, logicalPort uint32) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf(OnuPacketInPathPrefix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, onuID, logicalPort)
value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.List(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed-to-read-value-from-path-%s", path)
return errors.New("failed-to-read-value-from-path-" + path)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "delete-packetin-gem-port", log.Fields{"realPath": path})
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.DeleteWithPrefix(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed-to-remove-resource-%s", path)
return err
//remove them one by one
for key := range value {
// Remove the PathPrefix from the path on KV key.
// gemPortForPacketInInfo cache uses OnuPacketInPath as the key
stringToBeReplaced := rsrcMgr.KVStore.PathPrefix + "/"
replacedWith := ""
key = strings.Replace(key, stringToBeReplaced, replacedWith, 1)
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo, key)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "removed-key-from-packetin-gem-port-cache", log.Fields{"key": key, "cache-len": len(rsrcMgr.gemPortForPacketInInfo)})
return nil
// GetFlowIDsForGem gets the list of FlowIDs for the given gemport
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx context.Context, gem uint32) ([]uint64, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf(FlowIDsForGem, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, gem)
// get from cache
flowIDs, ok := rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem[gem]
if ok {
return flowIDs, nil
value, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to get from kv store", log.Fields{"path": path})
return nil, err
} else if value == nil || value.Value == nil {
logger.Debug(ctx, "no flow-ids found", log.Fields{"path": path})
return nil, nil
Val, err := kvstore.ToByte(value.Value)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to convert to byte array")
return nil, err
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &flowIDs); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshall")
return nil, err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem[gem] = flowIDs
return flowIDs, nil
// IsGemPortUsedByAnotherFlow returns true if given gem is used by another flow
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) IsGemPortUsedByAnotherFlow(ctx context.Context, gemPortID uint32, flowID uint64) (bool, error) {
flowIDList, err := rsrcMgr.GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, id := range flowIDList {
if flowID != id {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// RegisterFlowIDForGem updates both cache and KV store for flowIDsForGem map
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RegisterFlowIDForGem(ctx context.Context, gemPortID uint32, flowFromCore *ofp.OfpFlowStats) error {
flowIDs, err := rsrcMgr.GetFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID)
if err != nil {
return err
flowIDs = appendUnique64bit(flowIDs, flowFromCore.Id)
// update the flowids for a gem to the KVstore
return rsrcMgr.UpdateFlowIDsForGem(ctx, gemPortID, flowIDs)
// UpdateFlowIDsForGem updates flow id per gemport
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) UpdateFlowIDsForGem(ctx context.Context, gem uint32, flowIDs []uint64) error {
var val []byte
path := fmt.Sprintf(FlowIDsForGem, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, gem)
if flowIDs == nil {
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to delete from kvstore", log.Fields{"err": err, "path": path})
return nil
val, err := json.Marshal(flowIDs)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to marshal data", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, path, val); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to put to kvstore", log.Fields{"err": err, "path": path, "value": val})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "added flowid list for gem to kv successfully", log.Fields{"path": path, "flowidlist": flowIDs})
// update cache
rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem[gem] = flowIDs
return nil
// DeleteFlowIDsForGem deletes the flowID list entry per gem from kvstore.
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DeleteFlowIDsForGem(ctx context.Context, gem uint32) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf(FlowIDsForGem, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, gem)
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to delete from kvstore", log.Fields{"err": err, "path": path})
return err
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem, gem)
return nil
// DeleteAllFlowIDsForGemForIntf deletes all the flow ids associated for all the gems on the given pon interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DeleteAllFlowIDsForGemForIntf(ctx context.Context) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf(FlowIDsForGemPathPrefix, rsrcMgr.PonIntfID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "delete-flow-ids-for-gem-for-pon-intf", log.Fields{"intfID": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID})
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.DeleteWithPrefix(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed-to-remove-resource-%s", path)
return err
// Reset cache. Normally not necessary as the entire device is getting deleted when this API is invoked.
rsrcMgr.flowIDsForGem = make(map[uint32][]uint64)
return nil
// GetMcastQueuePerInterfaceMap gets multicast queue info per pon interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetMcastQueuePerInterfaceMap(ctx context.Context) (map[uint32][]uint32, error) {
path := McastQueuesForIntf
var val []byte
if rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntfLoadedFromKvStore {
return rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf, nil
kvPair, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to get data from kv store")
return nil, err
if kvPair != nil && kvPair.Value != nil {
if val, err = kvstore.ToByte(kvPair.Value); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to convert to byte array ", log.Fields{"err": err})
return nil, err
defer rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntfLock.Unlock()
if err = json.Unmarshal(val, &rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "Failed to unmarshall ", log.Fields{"err": err})
return nil, err
rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntfLoadedFromKvStore = true
return rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf, nil
// AddMcastQueueForIntf adds multicast queue for pon interface
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddMcastQueueForIntf(ctx context.Context, gem uint32, servicePriority uint32) error {
var val []byte
path := McastQueuesForIntf
// Load local cache from kv store the first time
if !rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntfLoadedFromKvStore {
_, err := rsrcMgr.GetMcastQueuePerInterfaceMap(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to get multicast queue info for interface", log.Fields{"err": err, "intf": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID})
return err
} else {
// Update KV store
rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf[rsrcMgr.PonIntfID] = []uint32{gem, servicePriority}
val, err := json.Marshal(rsrcMgr.mcastQueueForIntf)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to marshal data", log.Fields{"err": err})
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, path, val); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to put to kvstore", log.Fields{"err": err, "path": path, "value": val})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "added multicast queue info to KV store successfully", log.Fields{"path": path, "interfaceId": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID, "gem": gem, "svcPrior": servicePriority})
return nil
// DeleteMcastQueueForIntf deletes multicast queue info for the current pon interface from kvstore
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) DeleteMcastQueueForIntf(ctx context.Context) error {
path := McastQueuesForIntf
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to delete multicast queue info from kvstore", log.Fields{"err": err, "interfaceId": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID})
return err
logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleted multicast queue info from KV store successfully", log.Fields{"interfaceId": rsrcMgr.PonIntfID})
return nil
// AddFlowGroupToKVStore adds flow group into KV store
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) AddFlowGroupToKVStore(ctx context.Context, groupEntry *ofp.OfpGroupEntry, cached bool) error {
var Value []byte
var err error
var path string
if cached {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroupCached, groupEntry.Desc.GroupId)
} else {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroup, groupEntry.Desc.GroupId)
//build group info object
var outPorts []uint32
for _, ofBucket := range groupEntry.Desc.Buckets {
for _, ofAction := range ofBucket.Actions {
if ofAction.Type == ofp.OfpActionType_OFPAT_OUTPUT {
outPorts = append(outPorts, ofAction.GetOutput().Port)
groupInfo := GroupInfo{
GroupID: groupEntry.Desc.GroupId,
OutPorts: outPorts,
Value, err = json.Marshal(groupInfo)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to Marshal flow group object")
return err
if err = rsrcMgr.KVStore.Put(ctx, path, Value); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to update resource %s", path)
return err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.groupInfo[path] = &groupInfo
return nil
// RemoveFlowGroupFromKVStore removes flow group from KV store
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) RemoveFlowGroupFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, groupID uint32, cached bool) error {
var path string
if cached {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroupCached, groupID)
} else {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroup, groupID)
if err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Delete(ctx, path); err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to remove resource %s due to %s", path, err)
return err
// update cache
delete(rsrcMgr.groupInfo, path)
return nil
// GetFlowGroupFromKVStore fetches flow group from the KV store. Returns (false, {} error) if any problem occurs during
// fetching the data. Returns (true, groupInfo, nil) if the group is fetched successfully.
// Returns (false, {}, nil) if the group does not exists in the KV store.
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetFlowGroupFromKVStore(ctx context.Context, groupID uint32, cached bool) (bool, GroupInfo, error) {
var groupInfo GroupInfo
var path string
if cached {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroupCached, groupID)
} else {
path = fmt.Sprintf(FlowGroup, groupID)
// read from cache
gi, ok := rsrcMgr.groupInfo[path]
if ok {
return true, *gi, nil
kvPair, err := rsrcMgr.KVStore.Get(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
return false, groupInfo, err
if kvPair != nil && kvPair.Value != nil {
Val, err := kvstore.ToByte(kvPair.Value)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to convert flow group into byte array", log.Fields{"err": err})
return false, groupInfo, err
if err = json.Unmarshal(Val, &groupInfo); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Failed to unmarshal", log.Fields{"err": err})
return false, groupInfo, err
// update cache
rsrcMgr.groupInfo[path] = &groupInfo
return true, groupInfo, nil
return false, groupInfo, nil
// GetOnuGemInfoList returns all gems in the onuGemInfo map
func (rsrcMgr *OpenOltResourceMgr) GetOnuGemInfoList(ctx context.Context) []OnuGemInfo {
var onuGemInfoLst []OnuGemInfo
defer rsrcMgr.onuGemInfoLock.RUnlock()
for _, v := range rsrcMgr.onuGemInfo {
onuGemInfoLst = append(onuGemInfoLst, *v)
return onuGemInfoLst
func appendUnique64bit(slice []uint64, item uint64) []uint64 {
for _, sliceElement := range slice {
if sliceElement == item {
return slice
return append(slice, item)