blob: 7e6469c067eb18cc57b22c0bd9de5040cae1713a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//Package adaptercoreonu provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
package adaptercoreonu
//Attention: this file is more or less a coopy of file olt_platform.go from the voltha-openolt-adapter
// which includes system wide definitions and thus normally should be stored more centrally (within some voltha libs)!!
import (
ofp ""
@TODO: Looks like this Flow id concept below is not used anywhere
Propose to remove the below documentation of Flow Id on confirmation
of the same
Flow id
Identifies a flow within a single OLT
Flow Id is unique per OLT
Multiple GEM ports can map to same flow id
13 11 4 0
| pon id | onu id | Flow |
| | | idx |
14 bits = 16384 flows (per OLT).
pon id = 4 bits = 16 PON ports
onu id = 7 bits = 128 ONUss per PON port
Flow index = 3 bits = 4 bi-directional flows per ONU
= 8 uni-directional flows per ONU
Logical (OF) UNI port number
OpenFlow port number corresponding to PON UNI
20 12 4 0
|0 | pon id | onu id |uni id|
pon id = 8 bits = 256 PON ports
onu id = 8 bits = 256 ONUs per PON port
Logical (OF) NNI port number
OpenFlow port number corresponding to PON NNI
20 0
|1 | intf_id |
No overlap with UNI port number space
PON OLT (OF) port number
OpenFlow port number corresponding to PON OLT ports
31 28 0
| 0x2 | pon intf id |
const (
// Number of bits for the physical UNI of the ONUs
bitsForUniID = 4
// Number of bits for the ONU ID
bitsForONUID = 8
// Number of bits for PON ID
bitsForPONID = 8
// Number of bits to differentiate between UNI and NNI Logical Port
bitsForUNINNIDiff = 1
//MaxOnusPerPon is Max number of ONUs on any PON port
MaxOnusPerPon = (1 << bitsForONUID)
//MaxPonsPerOlt is Max number of PON ports on any OLT
MaxPonsPerOlt = (1 << bitsForPONID)
//MaxUnisPerOnu is the Max number of UNI ports on any ONU
MaxUnisPerOnu = (1 << bitsForUniID)
//Bit position where the differentiation bit is located
nniUniDiffPos = (bitsForUniID + bitsForONUID + bitsForPONID)
//Bit position where the marker for PON port type of OF port is present
ponIntfMarkerPos = 28
//Value of marker used to distinguish PON port type of OF port
ponIntfMarkerValue = 0x2
// Number of bits for NNI ID
bitsforNNIID = 20
// minNniIntPortNum is used to store start range of nni port number (1 << 20) 1048576
minNniIntPortNum = (1 << bitsforNNIID)
// maxNniPortNum is used to store the maximum range of nni port number ((1 << 21)-1) 2097151
maxNniPortNum = ((1 << (bitsforNNIID + 1)) - 1)
//Mask to indicate which possibly active ONU UNI state is really reported to the core
// compare python code - at the moment restrict active state to the first ONU UNI port
// check is limited to max 16 uni ports - cmp above UNI limit!!!
var ActiveUniPortStateUpdateMask = 0x0001
//MinUpstreamPortID value
var MinUpstreamPortID = 0xfffd
//MaxUpstreamPortID value
var MaxUpstreamPortID = 0xfffffffd
var controllerPorts = []uint32{0xfffd, 0x7ffffffd, 0xfffffffd}
//MkUniPortNum returns new UNIportNum based on intfID, inuID and uniID
func MkUniPortNum(intfID, onuID, uniID uint32) uint32 {
//extended for checks available in the python onu adapter:!!
var limit = int(intfID)
if limit > MaxPonsPerOlt {
logger.Warn("Warning: exceeded the MAX pons per OLT")
limit = int(onuID)
if limit > MaxOnusPerPon {
logger.Warn("Warning: exceeded the MAX ONUS per PON")
limit = int(uniID)
if limit > MaxUnisPerOnu {
logger.Warn("Warning: exceeded the MAX UNIS per ONU")
return (intfID << (bitsForUniID + bitsForONUID)) | (onuID << bitsForUniID) | uniID
//OnuIDFromPortNum returns ONUID derived from portNumber
func OnuIDFromPortNum(portNum uint32) uint32 {
return (portNum >> bitsForUniID) & (MaxOnusPerPon - 1)
//IntfIDFromUniPortNum returns IntfID derived from portNum
func IntfIDFromUniPortNum(portNum uint32) uint32 {
return (portNum >> (bitsForUniID + bitsForONUID)) & (MaxPonsPerOlt - 1)
//UniIDFromPortNum return UniID derived from portNum
func UniIDFromPortNum(portNum uint32) uint32 {
return (portNum) & (MaxUnisPerOnu - 1)
//IntfIDToPortNo returns portId derived from intftype, intfId and portType
func IntfIDToPortNo(intfID uint32, intfType voltha.Port_PortType) uint32 {
if (intfType) == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
return (1 << nniUniDiffPos) | intfID
if (intfType) == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
return (ponIntfMarkerValue << ponIntfMarkerPos) | intfID
return 0
//PortNoToIntfID returns portnumber derived from interfaceID
func PortNoToIntfID(portno uint32, intfType voltha.Port_PortType) uint32 {
if (intfType) == voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI {
return (1 << nniUniDiffPos) ^ portno
if (intfType) == voltha.Port_PON_OLT {
return (ponIntfMarkerValue << ponIntfMarkerPos) ^ portno
return 0
//IntfIDFromNniPortNum returns Intf ID derived from portNum
func IntfIDFromNniPortNum(portNum uint32) (uint32, error) {
if portNum < minNniIntPortNum || portNum > maxNniPortNum {
logger.Errorw("NNIPortNumber is not in valid range", log.Fields{"portNum": portNum})
return uint32(0), errors.New("invalid-port-range") //olterrors.ErrInvalidPortRange
return (portNum & 0xFFFF), nil
//IntfIDToPortTypeName returns port type derived from the intfId
func IntfIDToPortTypeName(intfID uint32) voltha.Port_PortType {
if ((ponIntfMarkerValue << ponIntfMarkerPos) ^ intfID) < MaxPonsPerOlt {
return voltha.Port_PON_OLT
if (intfID & (1 << nniUniDiffPos)) == (1 << nniUniDiffPos) {
return voltha.Port_ETHERNET_NNI
return voltha.Port_ETHERNET_UNI
//ExtractAccessFromFlow returns AccessDevice information
func ExtractAccessFromFlow(inPort, outPort uint32) (uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32) {
if IsUpstream(outPort) {
return inPort, IntfIDFromUniPortNum(inPort), OnuIDFromPortNum(inPort), UniIDFromPortNum(inPort)
return outPort, IntfIDFromUniPortNum(outPort), OnuIDFromPortNum(outPort), UniIDFromPortNum(outPort)
//IsUpstream returns true for Upstream and false for downstream
func IsUpstream(outPort uint32) bool {
for _, port := range controllerPorts {
if port == outPort {
return true
return (outPort & (1 << nniUniDiffPos)) == (1 << nniUniDiffPos)
//IsControllerBoundFlow returns true/false
func IsControllerBoundFlow(outPort uint32) bool {
for _, port := range controllerPorts {
if port == outPort {
return true
return false
//OnuIDFromUniPortNum returns onuId from give portNum information.
func OnuIDFromUniPortNum(portNum uint32) uint32 {
return (portNum >> bitsForUniID) & (MaxOnusPerPon - 1)
//FlowExtractInfo fetches uniport from the flow, based on which it gets and returns ponInf, onuID, uniID, inPort and ethType
func FlowExtractInfo(flow *ofp.OfpFlowStats, flowDirection string) (uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, error) {
var uniPortNo uint32
var ponIntf uint32
var onuID uint32
var uniID uint32
var inPort uint32
var ethType uint32
if flowDirection == "upstream" {
if uniPortNo = flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPortNo == 0 {
for _, field := range flows.GetOfbFields(flow) {
if field.GetType() == flows.IN_PORT {
uniPortNo = field.GetPort()
} else if flowDirection == "downstream" {
if uniPortNo = flows.GetChildPortFromTunnelId(flow); uniPortNo == 0 {
for _, field := range flows.GetOfbFields(flow) {
if field.GetType() == flows.METADATA {
for _, action := range flows.GetActions(flow) {
if action.Type == flows.OUTPUT {
if out := action.GetOutput(); out != nil {
uniPortNo = out.GetPort()
} else if field.GetType() == flows.IN_PORT {
inPort = field.GetPort()
} else if field.GetType() == flows.ETH_TYPE {
ethType = field.GetEthType()
if uniPortNo == 0 {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("NotFound: pon-interface (flowDirection)")
// olterrors.NewErrNotFound("pon-interface", log.Fields{"flow-direction": flowDirection}, nil)
ponIntf = IntfIDFromUniPortNum(uniPortNo)
onuID = OnuIDFromUniPortNum(uniPortNo)
uniID = UniIDFromPortNum(uniPortNo)
logger.Debugw("flow extract info result",
log.Fields{"uniPortNo": uniPortNo, "ponIntf": ponIntf,
"onuID": onuID, "uniID": uniID, "inPort": inPort, "ethType": ethType})
return uniPortNo, ponIntf, onuID, uniID, inPort, ethType, nil