blob: 43161868b9b9097f601bf3c50fe5288a85573199 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package adaptercoreonu provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
package adaptercoreonu
import (
me ""
// general constants used for overall Metric Collection management
const (
DefaultMetricCollectionFrequency = 15 * 60 // unit in seconds. This setting can be changed from voltha NBI PmConfig configuration
GroupMetricEnabled = true // This is READONLY and cannot be changed from VOLTHA NBI
DefaultFrequencyOverrideEnabled = true // This is READONLY and cannot be changed from VOLTHA NBI
FrequencyGranularity = 5 // The frequency (in seconds) has to be multiple of 5. This setting cannot changed later.
// OpticalPowerGroupMetrics are supported optical pm names
var OpticalPowerGroupMetrics = map[string]voltha.PmConfig_PmType{
"ani_g_instance_id": voltha.PmConfig_CONTEXT,
"transmit_power": voltha.PmConfig_GAUGE,
"receive_power": voltha.PmConfig_GAUGE,
// OpticalPowerGroupMetrics specific constants
const (
OpticalPowerGroupMetricName = "OpticalPower"
OpticalPowerGroupMetricEnabled = true // This setting can be changed from voltha NBI PmConfig configuration
OpticalPowerMetricGroupCollectionFrequency = 5 * 60 // unit in seconds. This setting can be changed from voltha NBI PmConfig configuration
// UniStatusGroupMetrics are supported UNI status names
var UniStatusGroupMetrics = map[string]voltha.PmConfig_PmType{
"uni_port_no": voltha.PmConfig_CONTEXT,
"ethernet_type": voltha.PmConfig_GAUGE,
"oper_status": voltha.PmConfig_GAUGE,
"uni_admin_state": voltha.PmConfig_GAUGE,
// UniStatusGroupMetrics specific constants
const (
UniStatusGroupMetricName = "UniStatus"
UniStatusGroupMetricEnabled = true // This setting can be changed from voltha NBI PmConfig configuration
UniStatusMetricGroupCollectionFrequency = 5 * 60 // unit in seconds. This setting can be changed from voltha NBI PmConfig configuration
type groupMetric struct {
groupName string
enabled bool
frequency uint32 // valid only if FrequencyOverride is enabled.
metricMap map[string]voltha.PmConfig_PmType
nextCollectionInterval time.Time // valid only if FrequencyOverride is enabled.
type standaloneMetric struct {
metricName string
enabled bool
frequency uint32 // valid only if FrequencyOverride is enabled.
nextCollectionInterval time.Time // valid only if FrequencyOverride is enabled.
type onuMetricsManager struct {
pDeviceHandler *deviceHandler
commMetricsChan chan Message
opticalMetricsChan chan me.AttributeValueMap
uniStatusMetricsChan chan me.AttributeValueMap
groupMetricMap map[string]*groupMetric
standaloneMetricMap map[string]*standaloneMetric
stopProcessingOmciResponses chan bool
nextGlobalMetricCollectionTime time.Time // valid only if pmConfig.FreqOverride is set to false.
onuMetricsManagerLock sync.RWMutex
// newonuMetricsManager returns a new instance of the newonuMetricsManager
// Note that none of the context stored internally in onuMetricsManager is backed up on KV store for resiliency.
// Metric collection is not a critical operation that needs support for resiliency. On adapter restart, some context
// could be lost (except for Device.PmConfigs which is backed up the rw-core on KV store). An example of information
// that is lost on adapter restart is nextCollectionInterval time.
func newonuMetricsManager(ctx context.Context, dh *deviceHandler) *onuMetricsManager {
var metricsManager onuMetricsManager
logger.Debugw(ctx, "init-onuMetricsManager", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.deviceID})
metricsManager.pDeviceHandler = dh
metricsManager.commMetricsChan = make(chan Message)
metricsManager.opticalMetricsChan = make(chan me.AttributeValueMap)
metricsManager.uniStatusMetricsChan = make(chan me.AttributeValueMap)
metricsManager.stopProcessingOmciResponses = make(chan bool)
metricsManager.groupMetricMap = make(map[string]*groupMetric)
metricsManager.standaloneMetricMap = make(map[string]*standaloneMetric)
if dh.pmConfigs == nil { // dh.pmConfigs is NOT nil if adapter comes back from a restart. We should NOT go back to defaults in this case
dh.pmConfigs = &voltha.PmConfigs{}
dh.pmConfigs.Id = dh.deviceID
dh.pmConfigs.DefaultFreq = DefaultMetricCollectionFrequency
dh.pmConfigs.Grouped = GroupMetricEnabled
dh.pmConfigs.FreqOverride = DefaultFrequencyOverrideEnabled
// Populate group metrics.
// Lets populate irrespective of GroupMetricEnabled is true or not.
// The group metrics collection will decided on this flag later
// Populate optical power group metrics
var opPmConfigSlice []*voltha.PmConfig
for k, v := range OpticalPowerGroupMetrics {
opPmConfigSlice = append(opPmConfigSlice, &voltha.PmConfig{Name: k, Type: v})
opticalPowerGroupMetric := voltha.PmGroupConfig{
GroupName: OpticalPowerGroupMetricName,
Enabled: OpticalPowerGroupMetricEnabled,
GroupFreq: OpticalPowerMetricGroupCollectionFrequency,
Metrics: opPmConfigSlice,
dh.pmConfigs.Groups = append(dh.pmConfigs.Groups, &opticalPowerGroupMetric)
// Populate uni status group metrics
var uniStPmConfigSlice []*voltha.PmConfig
for k, v := range UniStatusGroupMetrics {
uniStPmConfigSlice = append(uniStPmConfigSlice, &voltha.PmConfig{Name: k, Type: v})
uniStatusGroupMetric := voltha.PmGroupConfig{
GroupName: UniStatusGroupMetricName,
Enabled: UniStatusGroupMetricEnabled,
GroupFreq: UniStatusMetricGroupCollectionFrequency,
Metrics: uniStPmConfigSlice,
dh.pmConfigs.Groups = append(dh.pmConfigs.Groups, &uniStatusGroupMetric)
// Add standalone metric (if present) after this (will be added to dh.pmConfigs.Metrics)
// Populate local group metric structures
for _, g := range dh.pmConfigs.Groups {
metricsManager.groupMetricMap[g.GroupName] = &groupMetric{
groupName: g.GroupName,
enabled: g.Enabled,
frequency: g.GroupFreq,
switch g.GroupName {
case OpticalPowerGroupMetricName:
metricsManager.groupMetricMap[g.GroupName].metricMap = OpticalPowerGroupMetrics
case UniStatusGroupMetricName:
metricsManager.groupMetricMap[g.GroupName].metricMap = UniStatusGroupMetrics
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unhandled-group-name", log.Fields{"groupName": g.GroupName})
// Populate local standalone metric structures
for _, m := range dh.pmConfigs.Metrics {
metricsManager.standaloneMetricMap[m.Name] = &standaloneMetric{
metricName: m.Name,
enabled: m.Enabled,
frequency: m.SampleFreq,
switch m.Name {
// None exist as of now. Add when available.
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unhandled-metric-name", log.Fields{"metricName": m.Name})
// initialize the next metric collection intervals.
logger.Info(ctx, "init-onuMetricsManager completed", log.Fields{"device-id": dh.deviceID})
return &metricsManager
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) initializeMetricCollectionTime(ctx context.Context) {
if mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.FreqOverride {
// If mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.FreqOverride is set to true, then group/standalone metric specific interval applies
defer mm.onuMetricsManagerLock.Unlock()
for _, v := range mm.groupMetricMap {
if v.enabled {
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(v.frequency) * time.Second)
for _, v := range mm.standaloneMetricMap {
if v.enabled {
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(v.frequency) * time.Second)
} else {
// If mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.FreqOverride is set to false, then overall metric specific interval applies
mm.nextGlobalMetricCollectionTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.DefaultFreq) * time.Second)
logger.Infow(ctx, "initialized standalone group/metric collection time", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) updateDefaultFrequency(ctx context.Context, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
// Verify that the configured DefaultFrequency is > 0 and is a multiple of FrequencyGranularity
if pmConfigs.DefaultFreq == 0 && pmConfigs.DefaultFreq%FrequencyGranularity != 0 {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "frequency-%u-should-be-a-multiple-of-%u", pmConfigs.DefaultFreq, FrequencyGranularity)
return fmt.Errorf("frequency-%d-should-be-a-multiple-of-%d", pmConfigs.DefaultFreq, FrequencyGranularity)
mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.DefaultFreq = pmConfigs.DefaultFreq
// re-set the nextGlobalMetricCollectionTime based on the new DefaultFreq
mm.nextGlobalMetricCollectionTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.DefaultFreq) * time.Second)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "frequency-updated--new-frequency", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "frequency": mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.DefaultFreq})
return nil
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) updateGroupFreq(ctx context.Context, aGroupName string, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
var newGroupFreq uint32
found := false
groupSliceIdx := 0
var group *voltha.PmGroupConfig
for groupSliceIdx, group = range pmConfigs.Groups {
if group.GroupName == aGroupName {
if group.GroupFreq != 0 { // freq 0 not allowed
newGroupFreq = group.GroupFreq
found = true
// if not found update group freq and next collection interval for the group
if !found {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "group name not found", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "groupName": aGroupName})
return fmt.Errorf("group-name-not-found-%v", aGroupName)
updated := false
defer mm.onuMetricsManagerLock.Unlock()
for k, v := range mm.groupMetricMap {
if k == aGroupName && newGroupFreq != 0 { // freq 0 not allowed
v.frequency = newGroupFreq
// update internal pm config
mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.Groups[groupSliceIdx].GroupFreq = newGroupFreq
// Also updated the next group metric collection time from now
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(newGroupFreq) * time.Second)
updated = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "group frequency updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "newGroupFreq": newGroupFreq, "groupName": aGroupName})
if !updated {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "group frequency not updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "newGroupFreq": newGroupFreq, "groupName": aGroupName})
return fmt.Errorf("internal-error-during-group-freq-update--groupname-%s-freq-%d", aGroupName, newGroupFreq)
return nil
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) updateMetricFreq(ctx context.Context, aMetricName string, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
var newMetricFreq uint32
found := false
metricSliceIdx := 0
var metric *voltha.PmConfig
for metricSliceIdx, metric = range pmConfigs.Metrics {
if metric.Name == aMetricName {
if metric.SampleFreq != 0 { // freq 0 not allowed
newMetricFreq = metric.SampleFreq
found = true
if !found {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "metric name not found", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "metricName": aMetricName})
return fmt.Errorf("metric-name-not-found-%v", aMetricName)
updated := false
defer mm.onuMetricsManagerLock.Unlock()
for k, v := range mm.groupMetricMap {
if k == aMetricName && newMetricFreq != 0 {
v.frequency = newMetricFreq
// update internal pm config
mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.Metrics[metricSliceIdx].SampleFreq = newMetricFreq
// Also updated the next standalone metric collection time from now
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(newMetricFreq) * time.Second)
updated = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "metric frequency updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "newMetricFreq": newMetricFreq, "aMetricName": aMetricName})
if !updated {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "metric frequency not updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "newMetricFreq": newMetricFreq, "aMetricName": aMetricName})
return fmt.Errorf("internal-error-during-standalone-metric-update--matricnane-%s-freq-%d", aMetricName, newMetricFreq)
return nil
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) updateGroupSupport(ctx context.Context, aGroupName string, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
groupSliceIdx := 0
var group *voltha.PmGroupConfig
for groupSliceIdx, group = range pmConfigs.Groups {
if group.GroupName == aGroupName {
if group == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "group metric not found", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "groupName": aGroupName})
return fmt.Errorf("group-not-found--groupName-%s", aGroupName)
updated := false
defer mm.onuMetricsManagerLock.Unlock()
for k, v := range mm.groupMetricMap {
if k == aGroupName && v.enabled != group.Enabled {
mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.Groups[groupSliceIdx].Enabled = group.Enabled
v.enabled = group.Enabled
// If the group is now enabled and frequency override is enabled, set the next group metric collection time
if group.Enabled && mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.FreqOverride {
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(v.frequency) * time.Second)
updated = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "group metric support updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "groupName": aGroupName, "enabled": group.Enabled})
if !updated {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "group metric support not updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "groupName": aGroupName})
return fmt.Errorf("internal-error-during-group-support-update--groupName-%s", aGroupName)
return nil
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) updateMetricSupport(ctx context.Context, aMetricName string, pmConfigs *voltha.PmConfigs) error {
metricSliceIdx := 0
var metric *voltha.PmConfig
for metricSliceIdx, metric = range pmConfigs.Metrics {
if metric.Name == aMetricName {
if metric == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "standalone metric not found", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "metricName": aMetricName})
return fmt.Errorf("metric-not-found--metricname-%s", aMetricName)
updated := false
defer mm.onuMetricsManagerLock.Unlock()
for k, v := range mm.standaloneMetricMap {
if k == aMetricName && v.enabled != metric.Enabled {
mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.Metrics[metricSliceIdx].Enabled = metric.Enabled
v.enabled = metric.Enabled
// If the standalone metric is now enabled and frequency override is enabled, set the next metric collection time
if metric.Enabled && mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.FreqOverride {
v.nextCollectionInterval = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(v.frequency) * time.Second)
updated = true
logger.Infow(ctx, "standalone metric support updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "metricName": aMetricName, "enabled": metric.Enabled})
if !updated {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "standalone metric support not updated", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "metricName": aMetricName})
return fmt.Errorf("internal-error-during-standalone-support-update--metricname-%s", aMetricName)
return nil
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectAllGroupAndStandaloneMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
if mm.pDeviceHandler.pmConfigs.Grouped { // metrics are managed as a group.
go mm.collectAllGroupMetrics(ctx)
} else {
go mm.collectAllStandaloneMetrics(ctx)
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectAllGroupMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
go func() {
logger.Debug(ctx, "startCollector before collecting optical metrics")
metricInfo := mm.collectOpticalMetrics(ctx)
if metricInfo != nil {
mm.publishMetrics(ctx, metricInfo)
go func() {
logger.Debug(ctx, "startCollector before collecting uni metrics")
metricInfo := mm.collectUniStatusMetrics(ctx)
if metricInfo != nil {
mm.publishMetrics(ctx, metricInfo)
// Add more here
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectAllStandaloneMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
// None exists as of now, add when available here
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectGroupMetric(ctx context.Context, groupName string) {
switch groupName {
case OpticalPowerGroupMetricName:
go func() {
if mi := mm.collectOpticalMetrics(ctx); mm != nil {
mm.publishMetrics(ctx, mi)
case UniStatusGroupMetricName:
go func() {
if mi := mm.collectUniStatusMetrics(ctx); mm != nil {
mm.publishMetrics(ctx, mi)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unhandled group metric name", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "groupName": groupName})
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectStandaloneMetric(ctx context.Context, metricName string) {
switch metricName {
// None exist as of now, add when available
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unhandled standalone metric name", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "metricName": metricName})
// collectOpticalMetrics collects groups metrics related to optical power from ani-g ME.
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectOpticalMetrics(ctx context.Context) []*voltha.MetricInformation {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "collectOpticalMetrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
if !mm.groupMetricMap[OpticalPowerGroupMetricName].enabled {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "optical power group metric is not enabled", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
return nil
var metricInfoSlice []*voltha.MetricInformation
metricsContext := make(map[string]string)
metricsContext["onuID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", mm.pDeviceHandler.device.ProxyAddress.OnuId)
metricsContext["intfID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", mm.pDeviceHandler.device.ProxyAddress.ChannelId)
metricsContext["devicetype"] = mm.pDeviceHandler.DeviceType
raisedTs := time.Now().Unix()
mmd := voltha.MetricMetaData{
Title: OpticalPowerGroupMetricName,
Ts: float64(raisedTs),
Context: metricsContext,
DeviceId: mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID,
LogicalDeviceId: mm.pDeviceHandler.logicalDeviceID,
SerialNo: mm.pDeviceHandler.device.SerialNumber,
// get the ANI-G instance IDs
anigInstKeys := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.pOnuDB.getSortedInstKeys(ctx, me.AniGClassID)
for _, anigInstID := range anigInstKeys {
var meAttributes me.AttributeValueMap
opticalMetrics := make(map[string]float32)
// Get the ANI-G instance optical power attributes
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"OpticalSignalLevel": 0, "TransmitOpticalLevel": 0}
if meInstance := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC.sendGetMe(ctx, me.AniGClassID, anigInstID, requestedAttributes, ConstDefaultOmciTimeout, true, mm.commMetricsChan); meInstance != nil {
select {
case meAttributes = <-mm.opticalMetricsChan:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "received optical metrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
case <-time.After(time.Duration(ConstDefaultOmciTimeout) * time.Second):
logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for omci-get response for uni status", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
// The metrics will be empty in this case
break loop
// Populate metric only if it was enabled.
for k := range OpticalPowerGroupMetrics {
switch k {
case "ani_g_instance_id":
if val, ok := meAttributes["ManagedEntityId"]; ok && val != nil {
opticalMetrics[k] = float32(val.(uint16))
case "transmit_power":
if val, ok := meAttributes["TransmitOpticalLevel"]; ok && val != nil {
opticalMetrics[k] = float32(val.(uint16))
case "receive_power":
if val, ok := meAttributes["OpticalSignalLevel"]; ok && val != nil {
opticalMetrics[k] = float32(val.(uint16))
// do nothing
// create slice of metrics given that there could be more than one ANI-G instance and
// optical metrics are collected per ANI-G instance
metricInfo := voltha.MetricInformation{Metadata: &mmd, Metrics: opticalMetrics}
metricInfoSlice = append(metricInfoSlice, &metricInfo)
return metricInfoSlice
// collectUniStatusMetrics collects UNI status group metric from various MEs (uni-g, pptp and veip).
// nolint: gocyclo
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) collectUniStatusMetrics(ctx context.Context) []*voltha.MetricInformation {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "collectUniStatusMetrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
if !mm.groupMetricMap[UniStatusGroupMetricName].enabled {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "uni status group metric is not enabled", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
return nil
var metricInfoSlice []*voltha.MetricInformation
metricsContext := make(map[string]string)
metricsContext["onuID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", mm.pDeviceHandler.device.ProxyAddress.OnuId)
metricsContext["intfID"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", mm.pDeviceHandler.device.ProxyAddress.ChannelId)
metricsContext["devicetype"] = mm.pDeviceHandler.DeviceType
raisedTs := time.Now().Unix()
mmd := voltha.MetricMetaData{
Title: "UniStatus", // Is this ok to hard code?
Ts: float64(raisedTs),
Context: metricsContext,
DeviceId: mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID,
LogicalDeviceId: mm.pDeviceHandler.logicalDeviceID,
SerialNo: mm.pDeviceHandler.device.SerialNumber,
// get the UNI-G instance IDs
unigInstKeys := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.pOnuDB.getSortedInstKeys(ctx, me.UniGClassID)
for _, unigInstID := range unigInstKeys {
// TODO: Include additional information in the voltha.MetricMetaData - like portno, uni-id, instance-id
// to uniquely identify this ME instance and also to correlate the ME instance to physical instance
unigMetrics := make(map[string]float32)
var meAttributes me.AttributeValueMap
// Get the UNI-G instance optical power attributes
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"AdministrativeState": 0}
if meInstance := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC.sendGetMe(ctx, me.UniGClassID, unigInstID, requestedAttributes, ConstDefaultOmciTimeout, true, mm.commMetricsChan); meInstance != nil {
// Wait for metrics or timeout
select {
case meAttributes = <-mm.uniStatusMetricsChan:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "received uni-g metrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
case <-time.After(time.Duration(ConstDefaultOmciTimeout) * time.Second):
logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for omci-get response for uni status", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
// The metrics could be empty in this case
break loop1
// Populate metric only if it was enabled.
for k := range UniStatusGroupMetrics {
switch k {
case "uni_admin_state":
if val, ok := meAttributes["AdministrativeState"]; ok && val != nil {
unigMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
// do nothing
var entityID uint32
if val, ok := meAttributes["ManagedEntityId"]; ok && val != nil {
entityID = uint32(val.(uint16))
// TODO: Rlock needed for reading uniEntityMap?
if uniPort, ok := mm.pDeviceHandler.uniEntityMap[entityID]; ok && uniPort != nil {
unigMetrics["uni_port_no"] = float32(uniPort.portNo)
// create slice of metrics given that there could be more than one UNI-G instance
metricInfo := voltha.MetricInformation{Metadata: &mmd, Metrics: unigMetrics}
metricInfoSlice = append(metricInfoSlice, &metricInfo)
// get the PPTP instance IDs
pptpInstKeys := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.pOnuDB.getSortedInstKeys(ctx, me.PhysicalPathTerminationPointEthernetUniClassID)
for _, pptpInstID := range pptpInstKeys {
// TODO: Include additional information in the voltha.MetricMetaData - like portno, uni-id, instance-id
// to uniquely identify this ME instance and also to correlate the ME instance to physical instance
var meAttributes me.AttributeValueMap
pptpMetrics := make(map[string]float32)
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"SensedType": 0, "OperationalState": 0, "AdministrativeState": 0}
if meInstance := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC.sendGetMe(ctx, me.PhysicalPathTerminationPointEthernetUniClassID, pptpInstID, requestedAttributes, ConstDefaultOmciTimeout, true, mm.commMetricsChan); meInstance != nil {
// Wait for metrics or timeout
select {
case meAttributes = <-mm.uniStatusMetricsChan:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "received pptp metrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
case <-time.After(time.Duration(ConstDefaultOmciTimeout) * time.Second):
logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for omci-get response for uni status", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
// The metrics could be empty in this case
break loop2
// Populate metric only if it was enabled.
for k := range UniStatusGroupMetrics {
switch k {
case "ethernet_type":
if val, ok := meAttributes["SensedType"]; ok && val != nil {
pptpMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
case "oper_status":
if val, ok := meAttributes["OperationalState"]; ok && val != nil {
pptpMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
case "uni_admin_state":
if val, ok := meAttributes["AdministrativeState"]; ok && val != nil {
pptpMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
// do nothing
var entityID uint32
if val, ok := meAttributes["ManagedEntityId"]; ok && val != nil {
entityID = uint32(val.(uint16))
// TODO: Rlock needed for reading uniEntityMap?
if uniPort, ok := mm.pDeviceHandler.uniEntityMap[entityID]; ok && uniPort != nil {
pptpMetrics["uni_port_no"] = float32(uniPort.portNo)
// create slice of metrics given that there could be more than one PPTP instance and
metricInfo := voltha.MetricInformation{Metadata: &mmd, Metrics: pptpMetrics}
metricInfoSlice = append(metricInfoSlice, &metricInfo)
// get the VEIP instance IDs
veipInstKeys := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.pOnuDB.getSortedInstKeys(ctx, me.VirtualEthernetInterfacePointClassID)
for _, veipInstID := range veipInstKeys {
// TODO: Include additional information in the voltha.MetricMetaData - like portno, uni-id, instance-id
// to uniquely identify this ME instance and also to correlate the ME instance to physical instance
var meAttributes me.AttributeValueMap
veipMetrics := make(map[string]float32)
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"OperationalState": 0, "AdministrativeState": 0}
if meInstance := mm.pDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.PDevOmciCC.sendGetMe(ctx, me.VirtualEthernetInterfacePointClassID, veipInstID, requestedAttributes, ConstDefaultOmciTimeout, true, mm.commMetricsChan); meInstance != nil {
// Wait for metrics or timeout
select {
case meAttributes = <-mm.uniStatusMetricsChan:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "received veip metrics", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
case <-time.After(time.Duration(ConstDefaultOmciTimeout) * time.Second):
logger.Errorw(ctx, "timeout waiting for omci-get response for uni status", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
// The metrics could be empty in this case
break loop3
// Populate metric only if it was enabled.
for k := range UniStatusGroupMetrics {
switch k {
case "oper_status":
if val, ok := meAttributes["OperationalState"]; ok && val != nil {
veipMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
case "uni_admin_state":
if val, ok := meAttributes["AdministrativeState"]; ok && val != nil {
veipMetrics[k] = float32(val.(byte))
// do nothing
var entityID uint32
if val, ok := meAttributes["ManagedEntityId"]; ok && val != nil {
entityID = uint32(meAttributes["ManagedEntityId"].(uint16))
// TODO: Rlock needed for reading uniEntityMap?
if uniPort, ok := mm.pDeviceHandler.uniEntityMap[entityID]; ok && uniPort != nil {
veipMetrics["uni_port_no"] = float32(uniPort.portNo)
// create slice of metrics given that there could be more than one VEIP instance
metricInfo := voltha.MetricInformation{Metadata: &mmd, Metrics: veipMetrics}
metricInfoSlice = append(metricInfoSlice, &metricInfo)
return metricInfoSlice
// publishMetrics publishes the metrics on kafka
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) publishMetrics(ctx context.Context, metricInfo []*voltha.MetricInformation) {
var ke voltha.KpiEvent2
ts := time.Now().Unix()
ke.SliceData = metricInfo
ke.Type = voltha.KpiEventType_slice
ke.Ts = float64(ts)
if err := mm.pDeviceHandler.EventProxy.SendKpiEvent(ctx, "STATS_EVENT", &ke, voltha.EventCategory_EQUIPMENT, voltha.EventSubCategory_ONU, ts); err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-send-pon-stats", log.Fields{"err": err})
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) processOmciMessages(ctx context.Context) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "Start routine to process OMCI-GET messages for device-id", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
// Flush metric collection channels to be safe.
// It is possible that there is stale data on this channel if the processOmciMessages routine
// is stopped right after issuing a OMCI-GET request and started again.
// The processOmciMessages routine will get stopped if startCollector routine (in device_handler.go)
// is stopped - as a result of ONU going down.
for {
select {
case <-mm.stopProcessingOmciResponses: // stop this routine
logger.Infow(ctx, "Stop routine to process OMCI-GET messages for device-id", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
case message, ok := <-mm.commMetricsChan:
if !ok {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Message couldn't be read from channel", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Received message on ONU metrics channel", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
switch message.Type {
case OMCI:
msg, _ := message.Data.(OmciMessage)
mm.handleOmciMessage(ctx, msg)
logger.Warn(ctx, "Unknown message type received", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "message.Type": message.Type})
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) handleOmciMessage(ctx context.Context, msg OmciMessage) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "omci Msg", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID,
"msgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType, "msg": msg})
switch msg.OmciMsg.MessageType {
case omci.GetResponseType:
//TODO: error handling
_ = mm.handleOmciGetResponseMessage(ctx, msg)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "Unknown Message Type", log.Fields{"msgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType})
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) handleOmciGetResponseMessage(ctx context.Context, msg OmciMessage) error {
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeGetResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "omci Msg layer could not be detected for GetResponse - handling stopped", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf("omci Msg layer could not be detected for GetResponse - handling stopped: %s", mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.GetResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "omci Msg layer could not be assigned for GetResponse - handling stopped", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf("omci Msg layer could not be assigned for GetResponse - handling stopped: %s", mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OMCI GetResponse Data", log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result == me.Success {
meAttributes := msgObj.Attributes
switch msgObj.EntityClass {
case me.AniGClassID:
mm.opticalMetricsChan <- meAttributes
return nil
case me.UniGClassID:
mm.uniStatusMetricsChan <- meAttributes
return nil
case me.PhysicalPathTerminationPointEthernetUniClassID:
mm.uniStatusMetricsChan <- meAttributes
return nil
case me.VirtualEthernetInterfacePointClassID:
mm.uniStatusMetricsChan <- meAttributes
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "unhandled omci get response message",
log.Fields{"device-id": mm.pDeviceHandler.deviceID, "class-id": msgObj.EntityClass})
return errors.New("unhandled-omci-get-response-message")
// flushMetricCollectionChannels flushes all metric collection channels for any stale OMCI responses
func (mm *onuMetricsManager) flushMetricCollectionChannels(ctx context.Context) {
// flush commMetricsChan
select {
case <-mm.commMetricsChan:
logger.Debug(ctx, "flushed common metrics channel")
// flush opticalMetricsChan
select {
case <-mm.opticalMetricsChan:
logger.Debug(ctx, "flushed optical metrics channel")
// flush uniStatusMetricsChan
select {
case <-mm.uniStatusMetricsChan:
logger.Debug(ctx, "flushed uni status metrics channel")