blob: aa2d5f00369e6899d9e655557c7f5e71796cf067 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package adaptercoreonu provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
package adaptercoreonu
import (
me ""
//ic ""
const (
// events of MibUpload FSM
ulEvStart = "ulEvStart"
ulEvResetMib = "ulEvResetMib"
ulEvGetVendorAndSerial = "ulEvGetVendorAndSerial"
ulEvGetEquipmentID = "ulEvGetEquipmentId"
ulEvGetFirstSwVersion = "ulEvGetFirstSwVersion"
ulEvGetSecondSwVersion = "ulEvGetSecondSwVersion"
ulEvGetMacAddress = "ulEvGetMacAddress"
ulEvGetMibTemplate = "ulEvGetMibTemplate"
ulEvUploadMib = "ulEvUploadMib"
ulEvExamineMds = "ulEvExamineMds"
ulEvSuccess = "ulEvSuccess"
ulEvMismatch = "ulEvMismatch"
ulEvAuditMib = "ulEvAuditMib"
ulEvForceResync = "ulEvForceResync"
ulEvDiffsFound = "ulEvDiffsFound"
ulEvTimeout = "ulEvTimeout"
ulEvStop = "ulEvStop"
const (
// states of MibUpload FSM
ulStDisabled = "ulStDisabled"
ulStStarting = "ulStStarting"
ulStResettingMib = "ulStResettingMib"
ulStGettingVendorAndSerial = "ulStGettingVendorAndSerial"
ulStGettingEquipmentID = "ulStGettingEquipmentID"
ulStGettingFirstSwVersion = "ulStGettingFirstSwVersion"
ulStGettingSecondSwVersion = "ulStGettingSecondSwVersion"
ulStGettingMacAddress = "ulStGettingMacAddress"
ulStGettingMibTemplate = "ulStGettingMibTemplate"
ulStUploading = "ulStUploading"
ulStInSync = "ulStInSync"
ulStExaminingMds = "ulStExaminingMds"
ulStResynchronizing = "ulStResynchronizing"
ulStAuditing = "ulStAuditing"
ulStOutOfSync = "ulStOutOfSync"
const (
// events of MibDownload FSM
dlEvStart = "dlEvStart"
dlEvCreateGal = "dlEvCreateGal"
dlEvRxGalResp = "dlEvRxGalResp"
dlEvRxOnu2gResp = "dlEvRxOnu2gResp"
dlEvRxBridgeResp = "dlEvRxBridgeResp"
dlEvTimeoutSimple = "dlEvTimeoutSimple"
dlEvTimeoutBridge = "dlEvTimeoutBridge"
dlEvReset = "dlEvReset"
dlEvRestart = "dlEvRestart"
const (
// states of MibDownload FSM
dlStDisabled = "dlStDisabled"
dlStStarting = "dlStStarting"
dlStCreatingGal = "dlStCreatingGal"
dlStSettingOnu2g = "dlStSettingOnu2g"
dlStBridgeInit = "dlStBridgeInit"
dlStDownloaded = "dlStDownloaded"
dlStResetting = "dlStResetting"
const (
cBasePathMibTemplateKvStore = "service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates"
cSuffixMibTemplateKvStore = "%s/%s/%s"
cBasePathOnuKVStore = "service/voltha/openonu"
// OnuDeviceEvent - event of interest to Device Adapters and OpenOMCI State Machines
type OnuDeviceEvent int
const (
// Events of interest to Device Adapters and OpenOMCI State Machines
// DeviceStatusInit - default start state
DeviceStatusInit OnuDeviceEvent = 0
// MibDatabaseSync - MIB database sync (upload done)
MibDatabaseSync OnuDeviceEvent = 1
// OmciCapabilitiesDone - OMCI ME and message type capabilities known
OmciCapabilitiesDone OnuDeviceEvent = 2
// MibDownloadDone - // MIB download done
MibDownloadDone OnuDeviceEvent = 3
// UniLockStateDone - Uni ports admin set to lock
UniLockStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 4
// UniUnlockStateDone - Uni ports admin set to unlock
UniUnlockStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 5
// UniAdminStateDone - Uni ports admin set done - general
UniAdminStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 6
// PortLinkUp - Port link state change
PortLinkUp OnuDeviceEvent = 7
// PortLinkDw - Port link state change
PortLinkDw OnuDeviceEvent = 8
// OmciAniConfigDone - AniSide config according to TechProfile done
OmciAniConfigDone OnuDeviceEvent = 9
// OmciVlanFilterDone - Omci Vlan config according to flowConfig done
OmciVlanFilterDone OnuDeviceEvent = 10
// Add other events here as needed (alarms separate???)
type activityDescr struct {
databaseClass func() error
//advertiseEvents bool
auditDelay uint16
//tasks map[string]func() error
// OmciDeviceFsms - FSM event mapping to database class and time to wait between audits
type OmciDeviceFsms map[string]activityDescr
// AdapterFsm - Adapter FSM details including channel, event and device
type AdapterFsm struct {
fsmName string
deviceID string
commChan chan Message
pFsm *fsm.FSM
//NewAdapterFsm - FSM details including event, device and channel.
func NewAdapterFsm(aName string, aDeviceID string, aCommChannel chan Message) *AdapterFsm {
aFsm := &AdapterFsm{
fsmName: aName,
deviceID: aDeviceID,
commChan: aCommChannel,
return aFsm
//Start starts (logs) the omci agent
func (oo *AdapterFsm) logFsmStateChange(e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw("FSM state change", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "FSM name": oo.fsmName,
"event name": string(e.Event), "src state": string(e.Src), "dst state": string(e.Dst)})
//OntDeviceEntry structure holds information about the attached FSM'as and their communication
const (
firstSwImageMeID = 0
secondSwImageMeID = 1
const onugMeID = 0
const onu2gMeID = 0
const ipHostConfigDataMeID = 1
const onugSerialNumberLen = 8
const omciMacAddressLen = 6
type swImages struct {
version string
isActive uint8
type uniVlanFlowParams struct {
TpID uint16 `json:"tp_id"`
MatchVid uint32 `json:"match_vid"` //use uint32 types for allowing immediate bitshifting
MatchPcp uint32 `json:"match_pcp"`
TagsToRemove uint32 `json:"tags_to_revome"`
SetVid uint32 `json:"set_vid"`
SetPcp uint32 `json:"set_pcp"`
type uniPersConfig struct {
PersUniID uint8 `json:"uni_id"`
PersTpPath string `json:"tp_path"`
PersFlowParams []uniVlanFlowParams `json:"flow_params"`
type onuPersistentData struct {
PersOnuID uint32 `json:"onu_id"`
PersIntfID uint32 `json:"intf_id"`
PersSnr string `json:"serial_number"`
PersAdminState string `json:"admin_state"`
PersOperState string `json:"oper_state"`
PersUniConfig []uniPersConfig `json:"uni_config"`
// OnuDeviceEntry - ONU device info and FSM events.
type OnuDeviceEntry struct {
deviceID string
baseDeviceHandler *deviceHandler
coreProxy adapterif.CoreProxy
adapterProxy adapterif.AdapterProxy
started bool
PDevOmciCC *omciCC
pOnuDB *onuDeviceDB
mibTemplateKVStore *db.Backend
sOnuPersistentData onuPersistentData
onuKVStoreMutex sync.RWMutex
onuKVStore *db.Backend
onuKVStorePath string
onuKVStoreprocResult error //error indication of processing
chOnuKvProcessingStep chan uint8
vendorID string
serialNumber string
equipmentID string
swImages [secondSwImageMeID + 1]swImages
activeSwVersion string
macAddress string
//lockDeviceEntries sync.RWMutex
mibDbClass func() error
supportedFsms OmciDeviceFsms
devState OnuDeviceEvent
// for mibUpload
mibAuditDelay uint16
// for mibUpload
pMibUploadFsm *AdapterFsm //could be handled dynamically and more general as pAdapterFsm - perhaps later
// for mibDownload
pMibDownloadFsm *AdapterFsm //could be handled dynamically and more general as pAdapterFsm - perhaps later
//remark: general usage of pAdapterFsm would require generalization of commChan usage and internal event setting
// within the FSM event procedures
omciMessageReceived chan bool //seperate channel needed by DownloadFsm
omciRebootMessageReceivedChannel chan Message // channel needed by Reboot request
//newOnuDeviceEntry returns a new instance of a OnuDeviceEntry
//mib_db (as well as not inluded alarm_db not really used in this code? VERIFY!!)
func newOnuDeviceEntry(ctx context.Context, deviceID string, kVStoreHost string, kVStorePort int, kvStoreType string, deviceHandler *deviceHandler,
coreProxy adapterif.CoreProxy, adapterProxy adapterif.AdapterProxy,
supportedFsmsPtr *OmciDeviceFsms) *OnuDeviceEntry {
logger.Infow("init-onuDeviceEntry", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID})
var onuDeviceEntry OnuDeviceEntry
onuDeviceEntry.started = false
onuDeviceEntry.deviceID = deviceID
onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler = deviceHandler
onuDeviceEntry.coreProxy = coreProxy
onuDeviceEntry.adapterProxy = adapterProxy
onuDeviceEntry.devState = DeviceStatusInit
onuDeviceEntry.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig = make([]uniPersConfig, 0)
onuDeviceEntry.chOnuKvProcessingStep = make(chan uint8)
onuDeviceEntry.omciRebootMessageReceivedChannel = make(chan Message, 2048)
//openomciagent.lockDeviceHandlersMap = sync.RWMutex{}
//OMCI related databases are on a per-agent basis. State machines and tasks
//are per ONU Vendor
// MIB Synchronization Database - possible overloading from arguments
if supportedFsmsPtr != nil {
onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms = *supportedFsmsPtr
} else {
//var mibSyncFsm = NewMibSynchronizer()
// use some internaö defaults, if not defined from outside
onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms = OmciDeviceFsms{
"mib-synchronizer": {
//mibSyncFsm, // Implements the MIB synchronization state machine
onuDeviceEntry.mibDbVolatileDict, // Implements volatile ME MIB database
//true, // Advertise events on OpenOMCI event bus
60, // Time to wait between MIB audits. 0 to disable audits.
// map[string]func() error{
// "mib-upload": onuDeviceEntry.MibUploadTask,
// "mib-template": onuDeviceEntry.MibTemplateTask,
// "get-mds": onuDeviceEntry.GetMdsTask,
// "mib-audit": onuDeviceEntry.GetMdsTask,
// "mib-resync": onuDeviceEntry.MibResyncTask,
// "mib-reconcile": onuDeviceEntry.MibReconcileTask,
// },
onuDeviceEntry.mibDbClass = onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms["mib-synchronizer"].databaseClass
go onuDeviceEntry.mibDbClass()
onuDeviceEntry.mibAuditDelay = onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms["mib-synchronizer"].auditDelay
logger.Debugw("MibAudit is set to", log.Fields{"Delay": onuDeviceEntry.mibAuditDelay})
// Omci related Mib upload sync state machine
mibUploadChan := make(chan Message, 2048)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm = NewAdapterFsm("MibUpload", deviceID, mibUploadChan)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm.pFsm = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: ulEvStart, Src: []string{ulStDisabled}, Dst: ulStStarting},
{Name: ulEvResetMib, Src: []string{ulStStarting}, Dst: ulStResettingMib},
{Name: ulEvGetVendorAndSerial, Src: []string{ulStResettingMib}, Dst: ulStGettingVendorAndSerial},
{Name: ulEvGetEquipmentID, Src: []string{ulStGettingVendorAndSerial}, Dst: ulStGettingEquipmentID},
{Name: ulEvGetFirstSwVersion, Src: []string{ulStGettingEquipmentID}, Dst: ulStGettingFirstSwVersion},
{Name: ulEvGetSecondSwVersion, Src: []string{ulStGettingFirstSwVersion}, Dst: ulStGettingSecondSwVersion},
{Name: ulEvGetMacAddress, Src: []string{ulStGettingSecondSwVersion}, Dst: ulStGettingMacAddress},
{Name: ulEvGetMibTemplate, Src: []string{ulStGettingMacAddress}, Dst: ulStGettingMibTemplate},
{Name: ulEvUploadMib, Src: []string{ulStGettingMibTemplate}, Dst: ulStUploading},
{Name: ulEvExamineMds, Src: []string{ulStStarting}, Dst: ulStExaminingMds},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStGettingMibTemplate}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStUploading}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStExaminingMds}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvMismatch, Src: []string{ulStExaminingMds}, Dst: ulStResynchronizing},
{Name: ulEvAuditMib, Src: []string{ulStInSync}, Dst: ulStAuditing},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStOutOfSync}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvAuditMib, Src: []string{ulStOutOfSync}, Dst: ulStAuditing},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStAuditing}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvMismatch, Src: []string{ulStAuditing}, Dst: ulStResynchronizing},
{Name: ulEvForceResync, Src: []string{ulStAuditing}, Dst: ulStResynchronizing},
{Name: ulEvSuccess, Src: []string{ulStResynchronizing}, Dst: ulStInSync},
{Name: ulEvDiffsFound, Src: []string{ulStResynchronizing}, Dst: ulStOutOfSync},
{Name: ulEvTimeout, Src: []string{ulStResettingMib, ulStGettingVendorAndSerial, ulStGettingEquipmentID, ulStGettingFirstSwVersion,
ulStGettingSecondSwVersion, ulStGettingMacAddress, ulStGettingMibTemplate, ulStUploading, ulStResynchronizing, ulStExaminingMds,
ulStInSync, ulStOutOfSync, ulStAuditing}, Dst: ulStStarting},
{Name: ulEvStop, Src: []string{ulStStarting, ulStResettingMib, ulStGettingVendorAndSerial, ulStGettingEquipmentID, ulStGettingFirstSwVersion,
ulStGettingSecondSwVersion, ulStGettingMacAddress, ulStGettingMibTemplate, ulStUploading, ulStResynchronizing, ulStExaminingMds,
ulStInSync, ulStOutOfSync, ulStAuditing}, Dst: ulStDisabled},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm.logFsmStateChange(e) },
("enter_" + ulStStarting): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterStartingState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStResettingMib): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResettingMibState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingVendorAndSerial): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingVendorAndSerialState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingEquipmentID): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingEquipmentIDState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingFirstSwVersion): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingFirstSwVersionState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingSecondSwVersion): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingSecondSwVersionState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingMacAddress): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingMacAddressState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStGettingMibTemplate): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingMibTemplate(e) },
("enter_" + ulStUploading): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterUploadingState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStExaminingMds): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterExaminingMdsState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStResynchronizing): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResynchronizingState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStAuditing): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterAuditingState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStOutOfSync): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterOutOfSyncState(e) },
("enter_" + ulStInSync): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterInSyncState(e) },
// Omci related Mib download state machine
mibDownloadChan := make(chan Message, 2048)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm = NewAdapterFsm("MibDownload", deviceID, mibDownloadChan)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.pFsm = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: dlEvStart, Src: []string{dlStDisabled}, Dst: dlStStarting},
{Name: dlEvCreateGal, Src: []string{dlStStarting}, Dst: dlStCreatingGal},
{Name: dlEvRxGalResp, Src: []string{dlStCreatingGal}, Dst: dlStSettingOnu2g},
{Name: dlEvRxOnu2gResp, Src: []string{dlStSettingOnu2g}, Dst: dlStBridgeInit},
// the bridge state is used for multi ME config for alle UNI related ports
// maybe such could be reflected in the state machine as well (port number parametrized)
// but that looks not straightforward here - so we keep it simple here for the beginning(?)
{Name: dlEvRxBridgeResp, Src: []string{dlStBridgeInit}, Dst: dlStDownloaded},
{Name: dlEvTimeoutSimple, Src: []string{dlStCreatingGal, dlStSettingOnu2g}, Dst: dlStStarting},
{Name: dlEvTimeoutBridge, Src: []string{dlStBridgeInit}, Dst: dlStStarting},
{Name: dlEvReset, Src: []string{dlStStarting, dlStCreatingGal, dlStSettingOnu2g,
dlStBridgeInit, dlStDownloaded}, Dst: dlStResetting},
// exceptional treatment for all states except dlStResetting
{Name: dlEvRestart, Src: []string{dlStStarting, dlStCreatingGal, dlStSettingOnu2g,
dlStBridgeInit, dlStDownloaded, dlStResetting}, Dst: dlStDisabled},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.logFsmStateChange(e) },
("enter_" + dlStStarting): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterDLStartingState(e) },
("enter_" + dlStCreatingGal): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterCreatingGalState(e) },
("enter_" + dlStSettingOnu2g): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterSettingOnu2gState(e) },
("enter_" + dlStBridgeInit): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterBridgeInitState(e) },
("enter_" + dlStDownloaded): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterDownloadedState(e) },
("enter_" + dlStResetting): func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResettingState(e) },
if onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm == nil || onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.pFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw("MibDownloadFsm could not be instantiated", log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID})
// TODO some specifc error treatment - or waiting for crash ?
onuDeviceEntry.mibTemplateKVStore = onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.setBackend(cBasePathMibTemplateKvStore)
if onuDeviceEntry.mibTemplateKVStore == nil {
logger.Errorw("Can't access mibTemplateKVStore - no backend connection to service",
log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID, "service": cBasePathMibTemplateKvStore})
onuDeviceEntry.onuKVStorePath = onuDeviceEntry.deviceID
onuDeviceEntry.onuKVStore = onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler.setBackend(cBasePathOnuKVStore)
if onuDeviceEntry.onuKVStore == nil {
logger.Errorw("Can't access onuKVStore - no backend connection to service",
log.Fields{"device-id": deviceID, "service": cBasePathOnuKVStore})
// Alarm Synchronization Database
//self._alarm_db = None
//self._alarm_database_cls = support_classes['alarm-synchronizer']['database']
return &onuDeviceEntry
//start starts (logs) the omci agent
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) start(ctx context.Context) error {
oo.PDevOmciCC = newOmciCC(ctx, oo, oo.deviceID, oo.baseDeviceHandler,
oo.coreProxy, oo.adapterProxy)
if oo.PDevOmciCC == nil {
logger.Errorw("Could not create devOmciCc - abort", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf("could not create devOmciCc %s", oo.deviceID)
oo.started = true
logger.Infow("OnuDeviceEntry-started", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil
//stop terminates the session
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) stop(ctx context.Context) error {
logger.Infow("stopping-OnuDeviceEntry", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.started = false
//oo.exitChannel <- 1
// maybe also the omciCC should be stopped here - for now not as no real processing is expected here - maybe needs consolidation
logger.Infow("OnuDeviceEntry-stopped", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) reboot(ctx context.Context) error {
logger.Infow("reboot-OnuDeviceEntry", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
if err := oo.PDevOmciCC.sendReboot(context.TODO(), ConstDefaultOmciTimeout, true, oo.omciRebootMessageReceivedChannel); err != nil {
logger.Errorw("onu didn't reboot", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return err
logger.Infow("OnuDeviceEntry-reboot", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) waitForRebootResponse(responseChannel chan Message) error {
select {
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second): //3s was detected to be to less in 8*8 bbsim test with debug Info/Debug
logger.Warnw("Reboot timeout", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf("rebootTimeout")
case data := <-responseChannel:
switch data.Data.(OmciMessage).OmciMsg.MessageType {
case omci.RebootResponseType:
msgLayer := (*data.Data.(OmciMessage).OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeRebootResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("omci Msg layer could not be detected for RebootResponseType")
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.GetResponse)
if !msgOk {
return fmt.Errorf("omci Msg layer could not be assigned for RebootResponseType %s", oo.deviceID)
logger.Debugw("CreateResponse Data", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw("Omci RebootResponseType Error ", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
// possibly force FSM into abort or ignore some errors for some messages? store error for mgmt display?
return fmt.Errorf("omci RebootResponse Result Error indication %s for device %s",
msgObj.Result, oo.deviceID)
return nil
logger.Warnw("Reboot response error", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected OmciResponse type received %s", oo.deviceID)
//Relay the InSync message via Handler to Rw core - Status update
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) transferSystemEvent(devEvent OnuDeviceEvent) {
logger.Debugw("relaying system-event", log.Fields{"Event": devEvent})
// decouple the handler transfer from further processing here
// TODO!!! check if really no synch is required within the system e.g. to ensure following steps ..
if devEvent == MibDatabaseSync {
if oo.devState < MibDatabaseSync { //devState has not been synced yet
oo.devState = MibDatabaseSync
go oo.baseDeviceHandler.deviceProcStatusUpdate(devEvent)
//TODO!!! device control: next step: start MIB capability verification from here ?!!!
} else {
logger.Debugw("mibinsync-event in some already synced state - ignored", log.Fields{"state": oo.devState})
} else if devEvent == MibDownloadDone {
if oo.devState < MibDownloadDone { //devState has not been synced yet
oo.devState = MibDownloadDone
go oo.baseDeviceHandler.deviceProcStatusUpdate(devEvent)
} else {
logger.Debugw("mibdownloaddone-event was already seen - ignored", log.Fields{"state": oo.devState})
} else {
logger.Warnw("device-event not yet handled", log.Fields{"state": devEvent})
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) restoreDataFromOnuKvStore(ctx context.Context) error {
if oo.onuKVStore == nil {
logger.Debugw("onuKVStore not set - abort", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("onuKVStore-not-set-abort-%s", oo.deviceID))
oo.sOnuPersistentData = onuPersistentData{0, 0, "", "", "", make([]uniPersConfig, 0)}
Value, err := oo.onuKVStore.Get(ctx, oo.onuKVStorePath)
if err == nil {
if Value != nil {
logger.Debugw("ONU-data read",
log.Fields{"Key": Value.Key, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
tmpBytes, _ := kvstore.ToByte(Value.Value)
if err = json.Unmarshal(tmpBytes, &oo.sOnuPersistentData); err != nil {
logger.Errorw("unable to unmarshal ONU-data", log.Fields{"error": err, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("unable-to-unmarshal-ONU-data-%s", oo.deviceID))
logger.Debugw("ONU-data", log.Fields{"sOnuPersistentData": oo.sOnuPersistentData,
"device-id": oo.deviceID})
} else {
logger.Errorw("no ONU-data found", log.Fields{"path": oo.onuKVStorePath, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("no-ONU-data-found-%s", oo.deviceID))
} else {
logger.Errorw("unable to read from KVstore", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("unable-to-read-from-KVstore-%s", oo.deviceID))
return nil
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) deleteDataFromOnuKvStore(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if oo.onuKVStore == nil {
logger.Debugw("onuKVStore not set - abort", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.onuKVStoreprocResult = errors.New("onu-data delete aborted: onuKVStore not set")
var processingStep uint8 = 1 // used to synchronize the different processing steps with chOnuKvProcessingStep
go oo.deletePersistentData(ctx, processingStep)
if !oo.waitForTimeoutOrCompletion(ctx, oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep, processingStep) {
//timeout or error detected
logger.Debugw("ONU-data not deleted - abort", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.onuKVStoreprocResult = errors.New("onu-data delete aborted: during kv-access")
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) deletePersistentData(ctx context.Context, aProcessingStep uint8) {
logger.Debugw("delete ONU-data from KVStore", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
err := oo.onuKVStore.Delete(ctx, oo.onuKVStorePath)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("unable to delete in KVstore", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "err": err})
oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep <- 0 //error indication
oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep <- aProcessingStep //done
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) updateOnuKvStore(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if oo.onuKVStore == nil {
logger.Debugw("onuKVStore not set - abort", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.onuKVStoreprocResult = errors.New("onu-data update aborted: onuKVStore not set")
var processingStep uint8 = 1 // used to synchronize the different processing steps with chOnuKvProcessingStep
go oo.storeDataInOnuKvStore(ctx, processingStep)
if !oo.waitForTimeoutOrCompletion(ctx, oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep, processingStep) {
//timeout or error detected
logger.Debugw("ONU-data not written - abort", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.onuKVStoreprocResult = errors.New("onu-data update aborted: during writing process")
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) storeDataInOnuKvStore(ctx context.Context, aProcessingStep uint8) {
//assign values which are not already present when newOnuDeviceEntry() is called
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersOnuID = oo.baseDeviceHandler.pOnuIndication.OnuId
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersIntfID = oo.baseDeviceHandler.pOnuIndication.IntfId
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersSnr = oo.baseDeviceHandler.pOnuOmciDevice.serialNumber
//TODO: verify usage of these values during restart UC
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersAdminState = "up"
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersOperState = "active"
logger.Debugw("Update ONU-data in KVStore", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "sOnuPersistentData": oo.sOnuPersistentData})
Value, err := json.Marshal(oo.sOnuPersistentData)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("unable to marshal ONU-data", log.Fields{"sOnuPersistentData": oo.sOnuPersistentData,
"device-id": oo.deviceID, "err": err})
oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep <- 0 //error indication
err = oo.onuKVStore.Put(ctx, oo.onuKVStorePath, Value)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("unable to write ONU-data into KVstore", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "err": err})
oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep <- 0 //error indication
oo.chOnuKvProcessingStep <- aProcessingStep //done
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) updateOnuUniTpPath(aUniID uint8, aPathString string) bool {
/* within some specific InterAdapter processing request write/read access to data is ensured to be sequentially,
as also the complete sequence is ensured to 'run to completion' before some new request is accepted
no specific concurrency protection to sOnuPersistentData is required here
for k, v := range oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig {
if v.PersUniID == aUniID {
logger.Debugw("PersUniConfig-entry already exists", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID})
existingPath := oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig[k].PersTpPath
if existingPath != aPathString {
if aPathString == "" {
//existing entry to be deleted
logger.Debugw("UniTp delete path value", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID, "path": aPathString})
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig[k].PersTpPath = ""
} else {
//existing entry to be modified
logger.Debugw("UniTp modify path value", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID, "path": aPathString})
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig[k].PersTpPath = aPathString
return true
//entry already exists
logger.Debugw("UniTp path already exists", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID, "path": aPathString})
return false
//no entry exists for uniId
if aPathString == "" {
//delete request in non-existing state , accept as no change
logger.Debugw("UniTp path already removed", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID})
return false
//new entry to be created
logger.Debugw("New UniTp path set", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID, "path": aPathString})
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig =
append(oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig, uniPersConfig{PersUniID: aUniID, PersTpPath: aPathString, PersFlowParams: make([]uniVlanFlowParams, 0)})
return true
// deleteTpResource removes Resources from the ONU's specified Uni
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) deleteTpResource(ctx context.Context,
aUniID uint8, aPathString string, aResource resourceEntry, aEntryID uint32,
wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
logger.Debugw("this would remove TP resources from ONU's UNI", log.Fields{
"device-id": oo.deviceID, "uniID": aUniID, "path": aPathString, "Resource": aResource})
//delete the given resource from ONU OMCI config and data base - as background routine
var processingStep uint8 = 1 // used to synchronize the different processing steps with chTpConfigProcessingStep
go onuTp.deleteAniResource(ctx, processingStep)
if !onuTP.waitForTimeoutOrCompletion(ctx, chTpConfigProcessingStep, processingStep) {
//timeout or error detected
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) updateOnuUniFlowConfig(aUniID uint8, aUniVlanFlowParams *[]uniVlanFlowParams) {
for k, v := range oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig {
if v.PersUniID == aUniID {
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig[k].PersFlowParams = make([]uniVlanFlowParams, len(*aUniVlanFlowParams))
copy(oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig[k].PersFlowParams, *aUniVlanFlowParams)
//flow update was faster than tp-config - create PersUniConfig-entry
tmpConfig := uniPersConfig{PersUniID: aUniID, PersTpPath: "", PersFlowParams: make([]uniVlanFlowParams, len(*aUniVlanFlowParams))}
copy(tmpConfig.PersFlowParams, *aUniVlanFlowParams)
oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig = append(oo.sOnuPersistentData.PersUniConfig, tmpConfig)
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) waitForTimeoutOrCompletion(
ctx context.Context, aChOnuProcessingStep <-chan uint8, aProcessingStep uint8) bool {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Warnw("processing not completed in-time!",
log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "error": ctx.Err()})
return false
case rxStep := <-aChOnuProcessingStep:
if rxStep == aProcessingStep {
return true
//all other values are not accepted - including 0 for error indication
logger.Warnw("Invalid processing step received: abort!",
log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID,
"wantedStep": aProcessingStep, "haveStep": rxStep})
return false
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) resetKvProcessingErrorIndication() {
oo.onuKVStoreprocResult = nil
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) getKvProcessingErrorIndication() error {
return oo.onuKVStoreprocResult
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) lockOnuKVStoreMutex() {
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) unlockOnuKVStoreMutex() {