blob: b4c4d3526046117279ba014bf49a24d5c0f244d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package adaptercoreonu provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
package adaptercoreonu
import (
me ""
const cMaxUint32 = ^uint32(0)
const (
// internal predefined values - some off them should later be configurable (perhaps with theses as defaults)
cOmciDownloadSectionSize = 31 //in bytes
cOmciDownloadWindowSizeLimit = 31 //in sections for window offset (windowSize(32)-1)
//cOmciDownloadWindowRetryMax = 2 // max attempts for a specific window
cOmciSectionInterleaveMilliseconds = 0 //DownloadSection interleave time in milliseconds (0 for no delay)
cOmciEndSwDlDelaySeconds = 1 //End Software Download delay after last section (may be also configurable?)
cWaitCountEndSwDl = 6 //maximum number of EndSwDl requests
cWaitDelayEndSwDlSeconds = 10 //duration, how long is waited before next request on EndSwDl
//cOmciDownloadCompleteTimeout = 5400 //in s for the complete timeout (may be better scale to image size/ noOfWindows)
const (
// events of config PON ANI port FSM
upgradeEvStart = "upgradeEvStart"
upgradeEvAdapterDownload = "upgradeEvAdapterDownload"
upgradeEvPrepareSwDownload = "upgradeEvPrepareSwDownload"
upgradeEvRxStartSwDownload = "upgradeEvRxStartSwDownload"
upgradeEvWaitWindowAck = "upgradeEvWaitWindowAck"
upgradeEvContinueNextWindow = "upgradeEvContinueNextWindow"
upgradeEvEndSwDownload = "upgradeEvEndSwDownload"
upgradeEvWaitEndDownload = "upgradeEvWaitEndDownload"
upgradeEvContinueFinalize = "upgradeEvContinueFinalize"
upgradeEvCheckImageName = "upgradeEvCheckImageName"
upgradeEvWaitForActivate = "upgradeEvWaitForActivate"
upgradeEvRequestActivate = "upgradeEvRequestActivate"
upgradeEvActivationDone = "upgradeEvActivationDone"
upgradeEvWaitForCommit = "upgradeEvWaitForCommit"
upgradeEvCommitSw = "upgradeEvCommitSw"
upgradeEvCheckCommitted = "upgradeEvCheckCommitted"
//upgradeEvTimeoutSimple = "upgradeEvTimeoutSimple"
//upgradeEvTimeoutMids = "upgradeEvTimeoutMids"
upgradeEvReset = "upgradeEvReset"
upgradeEvAbort = "upgradeEvAbort"
upgradeEvRestart = "upgradeEvRestart"
const (
// states of config PON ANI port FSM
upgradeStDisabled = "upgradeStDisabled"
upgradeStStarting = "upgradeStStarting"
upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL = "upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL"
upgradeStPreparingDL = "upgradeStPreparingDL"
upgradeStDLSection = "upgradeStDLSection"
upgradeStVerifyWindow = "upgradeStVerifyWindow"
upgradeStFinalizeDL = "upgradeStFinalizeDL"
upgradeStWaitEndDL = "upgradeStWaitEndDL"
upgradeStCheckImageName = "upgradeStCheckImageName"
upgradeStWaitForActivate = "upgradeStWaitForActivate"
upgradeStRequestingActivate = "upgradeStRequestingActivate"
upgradeStActivated = "upgradeStActivated"
upgradeStWaitForCommit = "upgradeStWaitForCommit"
upgradeStCommitSw = "upgradeStCommitSw"
upgradeStCheckCommitted = "upgradeStCheckCommitted"
upgradeStResetting = "upgradeStResetting"
//required definition for IdleState detection for activities on OMCI
const cOnuUpgradeFsmIdleState = upgradeStWaitForCommit
//OnuUpgradeFsm defines the structure for the state machine to config the PON ANI ports of ONU UNI ports via OMCI
type OnuUpgradeFsm struct {
pDeviceHandler *deviceHandler
pDownloadManager *adapterDownloadManager
pFileManager *fileDownloadManager //used from R2.8 with new API version
deviceID string
pDevEntry *OnuDeviceEntry
pOmciCC *omciCC
pOnuDB *onuDeviceDB
requestEvent OnuDeviceEvent
//omciMIdsResponseReceived chan bool //seperate channel needed for checking multiInstance OMCI message responses
pAdaptFsm *AdapterFsm
pImageDsc *voltha.ImageDownload
imageBuffer []byte
origImageLength uint32 //as also limited by OMCI
imageCRC uint32 //as per OMCI - ITU I.363.5 crc
imageLength uint32 //including last bytes padding
omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit uint8 //windowSize-1 in sections
omciDownloadWindowSizeLast uint8 //number of sections in last window
noOfSections uint32 //uint32 range for sections should be sufficient for very long images
nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute uint32 //number of next section to download in overall image
nextDownloadSectionsWindow uint8 //number of next section to download within current window
noOfWindows uint32 //uint32 range for windows should be sufficient for very long images
nextDownloadWindow uint32 //number of next window to download
inactiveImageMeID uint16 //ME-ID of the inactive image
downloadToOnuTimeout4MB time.Duration //timeout for downloading the image to the ONU for a 4MB image slice
omciSectionInterleaveDelay time.Duration //DownloadSectionInterleave delay in milliseconds
delayEndSwDl bool //flag to provide a delay between last section and EndSwDl
pLastTxMeInstance *me.ManagedEntity
waitCountEndSwDl uint8 //number, how often is waited for EndSwDl at maximum
waitDelayEndSwDl time.Duration //duration, how long is waited before next request on EndSwDl
chReceiveExpectedResponse chan bool
useAPIVersion43 bool //flag for indication on which API version is used (and accordingly which specific methods)
mutexUpgradeParams sync.RWMutex //mutex to protect members for parallel function requests and omci response processing
imageVersion string //name of the image as used within OMCI (and on extrenal API interface)
imageIdentifier string //name of the image as used in the adapter
mutexIsAwaitingAdapterDlResponse sync.RWMutex
chAdapterDlReady chan bool
isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse bool
mutexIsAwaitingOnuDlResponse sync.RWMutex
chOnuDlReady chan bool
isWaitingForOnuDlResponse bool
activateImage bool
commitImage bool
mutexAbortRequest sync.RWMutex
abortRequested voltha.ImageState_ImageFailureReason
conditionalCancelRequested bool
volthaDownloadState voltha.ImageState_ImageDownloadState
volthaDownloadReason voltha.ImageState_ImageFailureReason
volthaImageState voltha.ImageState_ImageActivationState
//NewOnuUpgradeFsm is the 'constructor' for the state machine to config the PON ANI ports
// of ONU UNI ports via OMCI
func NewOnuUpgradeFsm(ctx context.Context, apDeviceHandler *deviceHandler,
apDevEntry *OnuDeviceEntry, apOnuDB *onuDeviceDB,
aRequestEvent OnuDeviceEvent, aName string, aCommChannel chan Message) *OnuUpgradeFsm {
instFsm := &OnuUpgradeFsm{
pDeviceHandler: apDeviceHandler,
deviceID: apDeviceHandler.deviceID,
pDevEntry: apDevEntry,
pOmciCC: apDevEntry.PDevOmciCC,
pOnuDB: apOnuDB,
requestEvent: aRequestEvent,
omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit: cOmciDownloadWindowSizeLimit,
omciSectionInterleaveDelay: cOmciSectionInterleaveMilliseconds,
downloadToOnuTimeout4MB: apDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.dlToOnuTimeout4M,
waitCountEndSwDl: cWaitCountEndSwDl,
waitDelayEndSwDl: cWaitDelayEndSwDlSeconds,
volthaDownloadState: voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_STARTED, //if FSM created we can assume that the download (to adapter) really started
volthaDownloadReason: voltha.ImageState_NO_ERROR,
volthaImageState: voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN,
abortRequested: voltha.ImageState_NO_ERROR,
instFsm.chReceiveExpectedResponse = make(chan bool)
instFsm.chAdapterDlReady = make(chan bool)
instFsm.chOnuDlReady = make(chan bool)
instFsm.pAdaptFsm = NewAdapterFsm(aName, instFsm.deviceID, aCommChannel)
if instFsm.pAdaptFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm's AdapterFsm could not be instantiated!!", log.Fields{
"device-id": instFsm.deviceID})
return nil
instFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: upgradeEvStart, Src: []string{upgradeStDisabled}, Dst: upgradeStStarting},
{Name: upgradeEvAdapterDownload, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting}, Dst: upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL},
{Name: upgradeEvPrepareSwDownload, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting, upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL}, Dst: upgradeStPreparingDL},
{Name: upgradeEvRxStartSwDownload, Src: []string{upgradeStPreparingDL}, Dst: upgradeStDLSection},
{Name: upgradeEvWaitWindowAck, Src: []string{upgradeStDLSection}, Dst: upgradeStVerifyWindow},
{Name: upgradeEvContinueNextWindow, Src: []string{upgradeStVerifyWindow}, Dst: upgradeStDLSection},
{Name: upgradeEvEndSwDownload, Src: []string{upgradeStVerifyWindow}, Dst: upgradeStFinalizeDL},
{Name: upgradeEvWaitEndDownload, Src: []string{upgradeStFinalizeDL}, Dst: upgradeStWaitEndDL},
{Name: upgradeEvContinueFinalize, Src: []string{upgradeStWaitEndDL}, Dst: upgradeStFinalizeDL},
//upgradeStCheckImageName only used with useAPIVersion43
{Name: upgradeEvCheckImageName, Src: []string{upgradeStWaitEndDL}, Dst: upgradeStCheckImageName},
//upgradeEvWaitForActivate state transitions depend on useAPIVersion43
{Name: upgradeEvWaitForActivate, Src: []string{upgradeStWaitEndDL, upgradeStCheckImageName}, Dst: upgradeStWaitForActivate},
//upgradeEvRequestActivate state transitions depend on useAPIVersion43
{Name: upgradeEvRequestActivate, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting, upgradeStWaitEndDL, upgradeStCheckImageName,
upgradeStWaitForActivate}, Dst: upgradeStRequestingActivate}, //allows also for direct activation (without download) [TODO!!!]
{Name: upgradeEvActivationDone, Src: []string{upgradeStRequestingActivate}, Dst: upgradeStActivated},
{Name: upgradeEvWaitForCommit, Src: []string{upgradeStRequestingActivate}, Dst: upgradeStWaitForCommit},
{Name: upgradeEvCommitSw, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting, upgradeStRequestingActivate, upgradeStWaitForCommit,
upgradeStActivated}, Dst: upgradeStCommitSw}, //allows also for direct commitment (without download) [TODO!!!]
{Name: upgradeEvCheckCommitted, Src: []string{upgradeStCommitSw}, Dst: upgradeStCheckCommitted},
{Name: upgradeEvTimeoutSimple, Src: []string{
upgradeStCreatingDot1PMapper, upgradeStCreatingMBPCD, upgradeStSettingTconts, upgradeStSettingDot1PMapper}, Dst: upgradeStStarting},
{Name: upgradeEvTimeoutMids, Src: []string{
upgradeStCreatingGemNCTPs, upgradeStCreatingGemIWs, upgradeStSettingPQs}, Dst: upgradeStStarting},
// exceptional treatments
//on upgradeEvReset: upgradeStRequestingActivate, upgradeStWaitForCommit and upgradeStActivated are not reset
// (to let the FSM survive the expected OnuDown indication)
{Name: upgradeEvReset, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting, upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL, upgradeStPreparingDL, upgradeStDLSection,
upgradeStVerifyWindow, upgradeStDLSection, upgradeStFinalizeDL, upgradeStWaitEndDL, upgradeStCheckImageName,
upgradeStCommitSw, upgradeStCheckCommitted},
Dst: upgradeStResetting},
{Name: upgradeEvAbort, Src: []string{upgradeStStarting, upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL, upgradeStPreparingDL, upgradeStDLSection,
upgradeStVerifyWindow, upgradeStDLSection, upgradeStFinalizeDL, upgradeStWaitEndDL, upgradeStCheckImageName,
upgradeStRequestingActivate, upgradeStActivated, upgradeStWaitForCommit,
upgradeStCommitSw, upgradeStCheckCommitted},
Dst: upgradeStResetting},
{Name: upgradeEvRestart, Src: []string{upgradeStResetting}, Dst: upgradeStDisabled},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.pAdaptFsm.logFsmStateChange(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStStarting: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterStarting(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStWaitingAdapterDL: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterWaitingAdapterDL(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStPreparingDL: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterPreparingDL(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStDLSection: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterDownloadSection(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStVerifyWindow: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterVerifyWindow(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStFinalizeDL: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterFinalizeDL(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStWaitEndDL: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterWaitEndDL(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStCheckImageName: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterCheckImageName(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStRequestingActivate: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterActivateSw(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStCommitSw: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterCommitSw(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStCheckCommitted: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterCheckCommitted(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStResetting: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterResetting(ctx, e) },
"enter_" + upgradeStDisabled: func(e *fsm.Event) { instFsm.enterDisabled(ctx, e) },
if instFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm's Base FSM could not be instantiated!!", log.Fields{
"device-id": instFsm.deviceID})
return nil
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm created", log.Fields{"device-id": instFsm.deviceID})
return instFsm
//SetDownloadParams configures the needed parameters for a specific download to the ONU
// called from 'old' API Activate_image_update()
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetDownloadParams(ctx context.Context, aInactiveImageID uint16,
apImageDsc *voltha.ImageDownload, apDownloadManager *adapterDownloadManager) error {
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil && pBaseFsm.Is(upgradeStStarting) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Parameter setting", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-description": apImageDsc})
oFsm.inactiveImageMeID = aInactiveImageID //upgrade state machines run on configured inactive ImageId
oFsm.pImageDsc = apImageDsc
oFsm.pDownloadManager = apDownloadManager
oFsm.activateImage = true
oFsm.commitImage = true
go func(aPBaseFsm *fsm.FSM) {
// let the upgrade FSM proceed to PreparingDL
_ = aPBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvPrepareSwDownload)
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//SetDownloadParamsAfterDownload configures the needed parameters for a specific download to the ONU according to
// updated API interface with R2.8: start download to ONU if the image is downloaded to the adapter
// called from 'new' API Download_onu_image
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetDownloadParamsAfterDownload(ctx context.Context, aInactiveImageID uint16,
apImageRequest *voltha.DeviceImageDownloadRequest, apDownloadManager *fileDownloadManager,
aImageIdentifier string) error {
var pBaseFsm *fsm.FSM = nil
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
pBaseFsm = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil && pBaseFsm.Is(upgradeStStarting) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Parameter setting", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-description": apImageRequest})
oFsm.useAPIVersion43 = true
oFsm.inactiveImageMeID = aInactiveImageID //upgrade state machines run on configured inactive ImageId
oFsm.pFileManager = apDownloadManager
oFsm.imageIdentifier = aImageIdentifier
oFsm.imageVersion = apImageRequest.Image.Version
oFsm.activateImage = apImageRequest.ActivateOnSuccess
oFsm.commitImage = apImageRequest.CommitOnSuccess
//TODO: currently straightforward options activate and commit are expected to be set and (unconditionally) done
// for separate handling of these options the FSM must accordingly branch from the concerned states - later
_ = pBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvAdapterDownload) //no need to call the FSM event in background here
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//SetActivationParamsRunning sets the activate and commit flags for a running download to the ONU according to adapters rpc call
// called from 'new' API Activate_onu_image
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetActivationParamsRunning(ctx context.Context,
aImageIdentifier string, aCommit bool) error {
//set activate/commit independent from state, if FSM is already beyond concerned states, then it does not matter anyway
// (as long as the Imageidentifier is correct)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm activate/commit parameter setting", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-id": aImageIdentifier, "commit": aCommit})
if aImageIdentifier != oFsm.imageIdentifier {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: mismatching upgrade image", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "request-image": aImageIdentifier, "fsm-image": oFsm.imageIdentifier})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm params ignored: requested image-name not used in current upgrade for device-id: %s",
oFsm.activateImage = true
oFsm.commitImage = aCommit
var pBaseFsm *fsm.FSM = nil
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
pBaseFsm = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil {
if pBaseFsm.Is(upgradeStWaitForActivate) {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_STARTED //better choice would be 'UpgradeState=Started'
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm finish waiting for activate", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
_ = pBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvRequestActivate) //no need to call the FSM event in background here
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm not (yet?) waiting for activate", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "current FsmState": pBaseFsm.Current()})
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//SetActivationParamsStart starts upgrade processing with immediate activation
// called from 'new' API Activate_onu_image
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetActivationParamsStart(ctx context.Context, aImageVersion string, aInactiveImageID uint16, aCommit bool) error {
var pBaseFsm *fsm.FSM = nil
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
pBaseFsm = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil && pBaseFsm.Is(upgradeStStarting) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Parameter setting to start with activation", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-version": aImageVersion})
oFsm.useAPIVersion43 = true
oFsm.inactiveImageMeID = aInactiveImageID //upgrade state machines run on configured inactive ImageId
oFsm.imageVersion = aImageVersion
oFsm.activateImage = true
oFsm.commitImage = aCommit
// indicate start of the upgrade activity
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_STARTED //better choice would be 'UpgradeState=Started'
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_INACTIVE //as simply applied for inactive image
//directly request the FSM to activate the image
_ = pBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvRequestActivate) //no need to call the FSM event in background here
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//SetCommitmentParamsRunning sets the commit flag for a running download to the ONU according to adapters rpc call
// called from 'new' API Commit_onu_image
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetCommitmentParamsRunning(ctx context.Context,
aImageIdentifier string, aImageVersion string) error {
//set commit independent from state, if FSM is already beyond commit state (just ready), then it does not matter anyway
// (as long as the Imageidentifier is correct)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm commit parameter setting", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-id": aImageIdentifier})
if (aImageIdentifier != oFsm.imageIdentifier) && (aImageVersion != oFsm.imageVersion) {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: mismatching upgrade image", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "request-identifier": aImageIdentifier, "fsm-identifier": oFsm.imageIdentifier,
"request-version": aImageVersion, "fsm-version": oFsm.imageVersion})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm params ignored: requested image-name not used in current upgrade for device-id: %s",
oFsm.commitImage = true
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_STARTED //better choice would be 'UpgradeState=Started'
var pBaseFsm *fsm.FSM = nil
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
pBaseFsm = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil {
//let the FSM decide if it is ready to process the event
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm requesting commit",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "current FsmState": pBaseFsm.Current()})
_ = pBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvCommitSw) //no need to call the FSM event in background here
return nil
//should never occur
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//SetCommitmentParamsStart starts upgrade processing with immediate commitment
// called from 'new' API Commit_onu_image
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetCommitmentParamsStart(ctx context.Context, aImageVersion string, aActiveImageID uint16) error {
var pBaseFsm *fsm.FSM = nil
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
pBaseFsm = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm
if pBaseFsm != nil && pBaseFsm.Is(upgradeStStarting) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Parameter setting to start with commitment", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-version": aImageVersion})
oFsm.useAPIVersion43 = true
oFsm.inactiveImageMeID = aActiveImageID //upgrade state machines inactive ImageId is the new active ImageId
oFsm.imageVersion = aImageVersion
oFsm.commitImage = true
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_STARTED //better choice would be 'UpgradeState=Started'
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVE //as simply applied for active image
//directly request the FSM to commit the image
_ = pBaseFsm.Event(upgradeEvCommitSw) //no need to call the FSM event in background here
return nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
return fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("OnuUpgradeFsm abort: invalid FSM base pointer or state for device-id: %s", oFsm.deviceID))
//GetCommitFlag delivers the commit flag that was configured here
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) GetCommitFlag(ctx context.Context) bool {
defer oFsm.mutexUpgradeParams.RUnlock()
return oFsm.commitImage
//GetImageStates delivers the download/image states as per device proto buf definition
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) GetImageStates(ctx context.Context,
aImageIdentifier string, aVersion string) *voltha.ImageState {
pImageState := &voltha.ImageState{}
pImageState.Version = aVersion //version as requested
// check if the request refers to some active image/version of the processing
if (aImageIdentifier == oFsm.imageIdentifier) || (aVersion == oFsm.imageVersion) {
pImageState.DownloadState = oFsm.volthaDownloadState
pImageState.Reason = oFsm.volthaDownloadReason
pImageState.ImageState = oFsm.volthaImageState
} else {
pImageState.DownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN
pImageState.Reason = voltha.ImageState_NO_ERROR
pImageState.ImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN
return pImageState
//GetSpecificImageState delivers ImageState of the download/image states as per device proto buf definition
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) GetSpecificImageState(ctx context.Context) voltha.ImageState_ImageActivationState {
imageState := oFsm.volthaImageState
return imageState
//SetImageStateActive sets the FSM internal volthaImageState to ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVE
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) SetImageStateActive(ctx context.Context) {
defer oFsm.mutexUpgradeParams.Unlock()
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVE
if !oFsm.commitImage {
//if commit is not additionally set, regard the upgrade activity as successful
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED //better choice would be 'UpgradeState=Succeeded'
//GetImageVersion delivers image-version of the running upgrade
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) GetImageVersion(ctx context.Context) string {
imageVersion := oFsm.imageVersion
return imageVersion
//CancelProcessing ensures that suspended processing at waiting on some response is aborted and reset of FSM
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) CancelProcessing(ctx context.Context, abCompleteAbort bool,
aReason voltha.ImageState_ImageFailureReason) {
oFsm.abortRequested = aReason //possibly abort the sectionDownload loop
//mutex protection is required for possible concurrent access to FSM members
//attention: for an unbuffered channel the sender is blocked until the value is received (processed)!
// accordingly the mutex must be released before sending to channel here (mutex acquired in receiver)
if oFsm.isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse {
//use channel to indicate that the download response waiting shall be aborted for this device (channel)
oFsm.chAdapterDlReady <- false
} else {
//chOnuDlReady is cleared as part of the FSM reset processing (from enterResetting())
// in any case (even if it might be automatically requested by above cancellation of waiting) ensure resetting the FSM
// specific here: See definition of state changes: some states are excluded from reset for possible later commit
pAdaptFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pAdaptFsm != nil {
// calling FSM events in background to avoid blocking of the caller
go func(aPAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
if aPAFsm.pFsm != nil {
if aPAFsm.pFsm.Is(upgradeStWaitEndDL) {
oFsm.chReceiveExpectedResponse <- false //which aborts the FSM in WaitEndDL state
// in case of state-conditional request the
var err error
if abCompleteAbort {
//any previous lingering conditional cancelRequest is superseded by this abortion
oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested = false
if aReason == voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_REQUEST {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_CANCELLED
} else {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = aReason
err = aPAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort) //as unconditional default FSM cancellation
} else {
//at conditional request the image states are set when reaching the reset state
oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested = true
err = aPAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvReset) //as state-conditional default FSM cleanup
if err != nil {
//error return is expected in case of conditional request and no state transition
logger.Debugw(ctx, "onu upgrade fsm could not cancel with abort/reset event", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
} //else the FSM seems already to be in some released state
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterStarting(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm start", log.Fields{"in state": e.FSM.Current(),
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// start go routine for processing of LockState messages
go oFsm.processOmciUpgradeMessages(ctx)
//enterWaitingAdapterDL state can only be reached with useAPIVersion43
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterWaitingAdapterDL(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm waiting for adapter download", log.Fields{"in state": e.FSM.Current(),
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
syncChannel := make(chan struct{})
go oFsm.waitOnDownloadToAdapterReady(ctx, syncChannel, oFsm.chAdapterDlReady)
//block until the wait routine is really blocked on chAdapterDlReady
go oFsm.pFileManager.RequestDownloadReady(ctx, oFsm.imageIdentifier, oFsm.chAdapterDlReady)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterPreparingDL(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm prepare Download to Onu", log.Fields{"in state": e.FSM.Current(),
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
var fileLen int64
var err error
if oFsm.useAPIVersion43 {
//with the new API structure download to adapter is implicit and we have to wait until the image is available
fileLen, err = oFsm.pFileManager.GetImageBufferLen(ctx, oFsm.imageIdentifier)
} else {
fileLen, err = oFsm.pDownloadManager.getImageBufferLen(ctx, oFsm.pImageDsc.Name, oFsm.pImageDsc.LocalDir)
if err != nil || fileLen > int64(cMaxUint32) {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_UNKNOWN_ERROR //Something like 'LOCAL_FILE_ERROR' would be better (proto)
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: problems getting image buffer length", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err, "length": fileLen})
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
//copy file content to buffer
oFsm.imageBuffer = make([]byte, fileLen)
if oFsm.useAPIVersion43 {
oFsm.imageBuffer, err = oFsm.pFileManager.GetDownloadImageBuffer(ctx, oFsm.imageIdentifier)
} else {
oFsm.imageBuffer, err = oFsm.pDownloadManager.getDownloadImageBuffer(ctx, oFsm.pImageDsc.Name, oFsm.pImageDsc.LocalDir)
if err != nil {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_UNKNOWN_ERROR //Something like 'LOCAL_FILE_ERROR' would be better (proto)
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort: can't get image buffer", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
oFsm.noOfSections = uint32(fileLen / cOmciDownloadSectionSize)
if fileLen%cOmciDownloadSectionSize > 0 {
bufferPadding := make([]byte, cOmciDownloadSectionSize-uint32((fileLen)%cOmciDownloadSectionSize))
//expand the imageBuffer to exactly fit multiples of cOmciDownloadSectionSize with padding
oFsm.imageBuffer = append(oFsm.imageBuffer[:(fileLen)], bufferPadding...)
oFsm.origImageLength = uint32(fileLen)
oFsm.imageLength = uint32(len(oFsm.imageBuffer))
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm starts with StartSwDl values", log.Fields{
"MeId": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, "windowSizeLimit": oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit,
"ImageSize": oFsm.imageLength, "original file size": fileLen})
//"NumberOfCircuitPacks": oFsm.numberCircuitPacks, "CircuitPacks MeId": 0}) //parallel circuit packs download not supported
go oFsm.waitOnDownloadToOnuReady(ctx, oFsm.chOnuDlReady) // start supervision of the complete download-to-ONU procedure
err = oFsm.pOmciCC.sendStartSoftwareDownload(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false,
oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit, oFsm.origImageLength)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "StartSwDl abort: can't send section", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterDownloadSection(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm start downloading sections", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "absolute window": oFsm.nextDownloadWindow})
var windowAckRequest uint8 = 0
var bufferStartOffset uint32
var bufferEndOffset uint32
var downloadSection []byte
framePrint := false //default no printing of downloadSection frames
if oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute == 0 {
//debug print of first section frame
framePrint = true
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING
for {
// this way out of the section download loop on abort request
if oFsm.abortRequested != voltha.ImageState_NO_ERROR {
if oFsm.abortRequested == voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_REQUEST {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_CANCELLED
} else {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = oFsm.abortRequested
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
bufferStartOffset = oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute * cOmciDownloadSectionSize
bufferEndOffset = bufferStartOffset + cOmciDownloadSectionSize - 1 //for representing cOmciDownloadSectionSizeLimit values
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DlSection values are", log.Fields{
"DlSectionNoAbsolute": oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute,
"DlSectionWindow": oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow,
"startOffset": bufferStartOffset, "endOffset": bufferEndOffset})
if bufferStartOffset+1 > oFsm.imageLength || bufferEndOffset+1 > oFsm.imageLength { //should never occur in this state
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm buffer error: exceeded length", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "bufferStartOffset": bufferStartOffset,
"bufferEndOffset": bufferEndOffset, "imageLength": oFsm.imageLength})
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_UNKNOWN_ERROR //Something like 'LOCAL_FILE_ERROR' would be better (proto)
//logical error -- reset the FSM
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
downloadSection = oFsm.imageBuffer[bufferStartOffset : bufferEndOffset+1]
if oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow == oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit {
windowAckRequest = 1
logger.Debugw(ctx, "DlSection expect Response for complete window", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "in window": oFsm.nextDownloadWindow})
if oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute+1 >= oFsm.noOfSections {
windowAckRequest = 1
framePrint = true //debug print of last frame
oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLast = oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow
logger.Infow(ctx, "DlSection expect Response for last window (section)", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "DlSectionNoAbsolute": oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute})
oFsm.mutexUpgradeParams.Unlock() //unlock here to give other functions some chance to process during/after the send request
err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendDownloadSection(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false,
oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, windowAckRequest, oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow, downloadSection, framePrint)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "DlSection abort: can't send section", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "section absolute": oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute, "error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute++ //always increase the absolute section counter after having sent one
if windowAckRequest == 1 {
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvWaitWindowAck) //state transition to upgradeStVerifyWindow
framePrint = false //for the next Section frame (if wanted, can be enabled in logic before sendXXX())
oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow++ //increase the window related section counter only if not in the last section
if oFsm.omciSectionInterleaveDelay > 0 {
//ensure a defined intersection-time-gap to leave space for further processing, other ONU's ...
oFsm.mutexUpgradeParams.Unlock() //unlock here to give other functions some chance to process during/after the send request
time.Sleep(oFsm.omciSectionInterleaveDelay * time.Millisecond)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterVerifyWindow(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm verify DL window ack", log.Fields{
"for window": oFsm.nextDownloadWindow, "device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterFinalizeDL(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm finalize DL", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "crc": strconv.FormatInt(int64(oFsm.imageCRC), 16), "delay": oFsm.delayEndSwDl})
if oFsm.delayEndSwDl {
//give the ONU some time for image evaluation (hoping it does not base that on first EndSwDl itself)
// should not be set in case this state is used for real download abort (not yet implemented)
time.Sleep(cOmciEndSwDlDelaySeconds * time.Second)
} else {
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pBaseFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "EndSwDl abort: BaseFsm invalid", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_UNKNOWN_ERROR
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendEndSoftwareDownload(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false,
oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, oFsm.origImageLength, oFsm.imageCRC)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "EndSwDl abort: can't send section", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
// go waiting for the EndSwDLResponse and check, if the ONU is ready for activation
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvWaitEndDownload)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterWaitEndDL(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm WaitEndDl", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "wait delay": oFsm.waitDelayEndSwDl * time.Second, "wait count": oFsm.waitCountEndSwDl})
if oFsm.waitCountEndSwDl == 0 {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "WaitEndDl abort: max limit of EndSwDL reached", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pBaseFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "WaitEndDl abort: BaseFsm invalid", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_REFUSED_BY_ONU //Something like 'END_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT' would be better (proto)
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
select {
case <-time.After(oFsm.waitDelayEndSwDl * time.Second):
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pBaseFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "WaitEndDl abort: BaseFsm invalid", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//FSM may be reset already from somewhere else, nothing we can do here anymore
//retry End SW DL
oFsm.delayEndSwDl = false //no more extra delay for the request
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvContinueFinalize)
case success := <-oFsm.chReceiveExpectedResponse:
logger.Debugw(ctx, "WaitEndDl stop wait timer", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pBaseFsm == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "WaitEndDl abort: BaseFsm invalid", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//FSM may be reset already from somewhere else, nothing we can do here anymore
if success {
//answer received with ready indication
//useAPIVersion43 may not conflict in concurrency in this state function
if oFsm.useAPIVersion43 { // newer API usage requires verification of downloaded image version
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvCheckImageName)
} else { // elder API usage does not support image version check -immediately consider download as successful
if oFsm.activateImage {
//immediate activation requested
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvRequestActivate)
} else {
//have to wait on explicit activation request
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvWaitForActivate)
//timer was aborted
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterCheckImageName(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm checking downloaded image name", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "me-id": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID})
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"IsCommitted": 0, "IsActive": 0, "Version": ""}
meInstance, err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendGetMe(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx),
me.SoftwareImageClassID, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, requestedAttributes, oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout,
false, oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm get Software Image ME result error",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
oFsm.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterActivateSw(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm activate SW", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "me-id": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID})
err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendActivateSoftware(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false,
oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "ActivateSw abort: can't send activate frame", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATION_ABORTED)
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATING
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterCommitSw(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm start commit SW", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "me-id": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID})
//any abort request (also conditional) is still regarded as valid as the commit indication might not be possible to verify
// (which is a bit problematic as the ONU might already be in committed state,
// in this case (committing failed) always 'onuimage list' should be used to verify the real state (if ONU is reachable))
if activeImageID, err := oFsm.pDevEntry.GetActiveImageMeID(ctx); err == nil {
if activeImageID == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
inactiveImageID := oFsm.inactiveImageMeID
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm commit SW", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "me-id": inactiveImageID}) //more efficient activeImageID with above check
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMITTING
err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendCommitSoftware(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx), oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false,
oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan, inactiveImageID) //more efficient activeImageID with above check
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "CommitSw abort: can't send commit sw frame", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm active ImageId <> IdToCommit", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "active ID": activeImageID, "to commit ID": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID})
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm can't commit, no valid active image", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested = false //any lingering conditional cancelRequest is superseded by this error
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by omci processing)??
pBaseFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterCheckCommitted(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm checking committed SW", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "me-id": oFsm.inactiveImageMeID})
requestedAttributes := me.AttributeValueMap{"IsCommitted": 0, "IsActive": 0, "Version": ""}
meInstance, err := oFsm.pOmciCC.sendGetMe(log.WithSpanFromContext(context.TODO(), ctx),
me.SoftwareImageClassID, oFsm.inactiveImageMeID, requestedAttributes, oFsm.pDeviceHandler.pOpenOnuAc.omciTimeout, false, oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm get Software Image ME result error",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": err})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
oFsm.pLastTxMeInstance = meInstance
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterResetting(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm resetting", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// if the reset was conditionally requested
if oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE
// in case the download-to-ONU timer is still running - cancel it
if oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse {
//use channel to indicate that the download response waiting shall be aborted for this device (channel)
oFsm.chOnuDlReady <- false
} else {
pConfigupgradeStateAFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pConfigupgradeStateAFsm != nil {
// abort running message processing
fsmAbortMsg := Message{
Type: TestMsg,
Data: TestMessage{
TestMessageVal: AbortMessageProcessing,
pConfigupgradeStateAFsm.commChan <- fsmAbortMsg
//try to restart the FSM to 'disabled'
// Can't call FSM Event directly, decoupling it
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
if a_pAFsm != nil && a_pAFsm.pFsm != nil {
_ = a_pAFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvRestart)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) enterDisabled(ctx context.Context, e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm enters disabled state", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// no need to flush possible channels here, Upgrade FSM will be completely removed, garbage collector should find its way
if oFsm.pDeviceHandler != nil {
//request removal of 'reference' in the Handler (completely clear the FSM and its data)
pLastUpgradeImageState := &voltha.ImageState{
Version: oFsm.imageVersion,
DownloadState: oFsm.volthaDownloadState,
Reason: oFsm.volthaDownloadReason,
ImageState: oFsm.volthaImageState,
go oFsm.pDeviceHandler.removeOnuUpgradeFsm(ctx, pLastUpgradeImageState)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) processOmciUpgradeMessages(ctx context.Context) { //ctx context.Context?
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Start OnuUpgradeFsm Msg processing", log.Fields{"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
for {
// case <-ctx.Done():
// logger.Info(ctx,"MibSync Msg", log.Fields{"Message handling canceled via context for device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// break loop
message, ok := <-oFsm.pAdaptFsm.commChan
if !ok {
logger.Info(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Rx Msg - could not read from channel", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// but then we have to ensure a restart of the FSM as well - as exceptional procedure
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
break loop
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Rx Msg", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
switch message.Type {
case TestMsg:
msg, _ := message.Data.(TestMessage)
if msg.TestMessageVal == AbortMessageProcessing {
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm abort ProcessMsg", log.Fields{"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
break loop
logger.Warnw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm unknown TestMessage", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "MessageVal": msg.TestMessageVal})
case OMCI:
msg, _ := message.Data.(OmciMessage)
oFsm.handleOmciOnuUpgradeMessage(ctx, msg)
logger.Warn(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Rx unknown message", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID,
"message.Type": message.Type})
logger.Infow(ctx, "End OnuUpgradeFsm Msg processing", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//nolint: gocyclo
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) handleOmciOnuUpgradeMessage(ctx context.Context, msg OmciMessage) {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Rx OMCI OnuUpgradeFsm Msg", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID,
"msgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType})
switch msg.OmciMsg.MessageType {
case omci.StartSoftwareDownloadResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeStartSoftwareDownloadResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for StartSwDlResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.StartSoftwareDownloadResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for StartSwDlResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm StartSwDlResponse data", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm StartSwDlResponse result error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Expected StartSwDlResponse received", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
if msgObj.WindowSize != oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit {
// also response WindowSize = 0 is a valid number for used Window size 1
logger.Debugw(ctx, "different StartSwDlResponse window size requested by ONU", log.Fields{
"acceptedOnuWindowSizeLimit": msgObj.WindowSize, "device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit = msgObj.WindowSize
oFsm.noOfWindows = oFsm.noOfSections / uint32(oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit+1)
if oFsm.noOfSections%uint32(oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit+1) > 0 {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm will use", log.Fields{
"windows": oFsm.noOfWindows, "sections": oFsm.noOfSections,
"at WindowSizeLimit": oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit})
oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsAbsolute = 0
oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow = 0
oFsm.nextDownloadWindow = 0
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvRxStartSwDownload)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm StartSwDlResponse wrong ME instance: try again (later)?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
} //StartSoftwareDownloadResponseType
case omci.DownloadSectionResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeDownloadSectionResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for DlSectionResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "omci-message": msg.OmciMsg})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.DownloadSectionResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for DlSectionResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm DlSectionResponse Data", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm DlSectionResponse result error - later: repeat window once?", //TODO!!!
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
sectionNumber := msgObj.SectionNumber
logger.Infow(ctx, "DlSectionResponse received", log.Fields{
"window section-number": sectionNumber, "window": oFsm.nextDownloadWindow, "device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
if oFsm.nextDownloadWindow >= oFsm.noOfWindows {
if sectionNumber != oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLast {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm DlSectionResponse section error last window - later: repeat window once?", //TODO!!!
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "actual section": sectionNumber,
"expected section": oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLast})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
oFsm.delayEndSwDl = true //ensure a delay for the EndSwDl message
//CRC computation for all data bytes of the file
imageCRC := crc32a.Checksum(oFsm.imageBuffer[:int(oFsm.origImageLength)]) //store internal for multiple usage
//revert the retrieved CRC Byte Order (seems not to deliver NetworkByteOrder)
var byteSlice []byte = make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(byteSlice, uint32(imageCRC))
oFsm.imageCRC = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(byteSlice)
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvEndSwDownload)
if sectionNumber != oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm DlSectionResponse section error - later: repeat window once?", //TODO!!!
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "actual-section": sectionNumber,
"expected section": oFsm.omciDownloadWindowSizeLimit})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
oFsm.nextDownloadSectionsWindow = 0
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvContinueNextWindow)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Omci StartSwDlResponse wrong ME instance: try again (later)?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
} //DownloadSectionResponseType
case omci.EndSoftwareDownloadResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeEndSoftwareDownloadResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for EndSwDlResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.EndSoftwareDownloadResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for EndSwDlResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm EndSwDlResponse data", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
if msgObj.Result == me.DeviceBusy {
//ONU indicates it is still processing the image - let the FSM just wait and then repeat the request
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm EndSwDlResponse busy: waiting before sending new request", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm EndSwDlResponse result error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
//EndSwDownloadSuccess is used to indicate 'DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED'
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
if !oFsm.useAPIVersion43 {
//in the older API version the image version check was not possible
// - assume new loaded image as valid-inactive immediately
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_INACTIVE
if oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse {
//use non-blocking channel to indicate that the download to ONU was successful
select {
case oFsm.chOnuDlReady <- true:
} else {
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "Expected EndSwDlResponse received", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//use non-blocking channel to let the FSM proceed from the waitState
select {
case oFsm.chReceiveExpectedResponse <- true:
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm StartSwDlResponse wrong ME instance: try again (later)?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_DOWNLOADING)
} //EndSoftwareDownloadResponseType
case omci.ActivateSoftwareResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeActivateSoftwareResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for ActivateSw",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATION_ABORTED)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.ActivateSoftwareResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for ActivateSw",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATION_ABORTED)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm ActivateSwResponse data", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm ActivateSwResponse result error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATION_ABORTED)
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
// the image is regarded as active really only after ONU reboot and according indication (ONU down/up procedure)
logger.Infow(ctx, "Expected ActivateSwResponse received",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "commit": oFsm.commitImage})
if oFsm.commitImage {
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvWaitForCommit)
} else {
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvActivationDone) // let the FSM wait for external commit request
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm ActivateSwResponse wrong ME instance: abort",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_ACTIVATION_ABORTED)
} //ActivateSoftwareResponseType
case omci.CommitSoftwareResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeCommitSoftwareResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for CommitResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.CommitSoftwareResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for CommitResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage CommitResponse result error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Expected SwImage CommitResponse received", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//verifying committed image
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvCheckCommitted)
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage CommitResponse wrong ME instance: abort",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
} //CommitSoftwareResponseType
case omci.GetResponseType:
msgLayer := (*msg.OmciPacket).Layer(omci.LayerTypeGetResponse)
if msgLayer == nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be detected for SwImage GetResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
msgObj, msgOk := msgLayer.(*omci.GetResponse)
if !msgOk {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Omci Msg layer could not be assigned for SwImage GetResponse",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage GetResponse data", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "data-fields": msgObj})
if msgObj.EntityClass == oFsm.pLastTxMeInstance.GetClassID() &&
msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.pLastTxMeInstance.GetEntityID() {
if msgObj.Result != me.Success {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage GetResponse result error - later: drive FSM to abort state ?",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "Error": msgObj.Result})
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, false, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED)
} else {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage unexpected Entity GetResponse data - ignore",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
meAttributes := msgObj.Attributes
imageIsCommitted := meAttributes["IsCommitted"].(uint8)
imageIsActive := meAttributes["IsActive"].(uint8)
imageVersion := TrimStringFromMeOctet(meAttributes["Version"])
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm - GetResponse Data for SoftwareImage",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "entityID": msgObj.EntityInstance,
"version": imageVersion, "isActive": imageIsActive, "isCommitted": imageIsCommitted})
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Current() == upgradeStCheckImageName {
//image name check after EndSwDownload, this state (and block) can only be taken if APIVersion43 is used
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID && imageIsActive == swIsInactive &&
imageIsCommitted == swIsUncommitted {
if imageVersion != oFsm.imageVersion {
//new stored inactive version indicated on OMCI from ONU is not the expected version
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage GetResponse version indication not matching requested upgrade",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance,
"onu-version": imageVersion, "expected-version": oFsm.imageVersion})
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED //not the expected image was downloaded
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE //something like 'UNEXPECTED_VERSION' would be better - proto def
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN //something like 'DOWNLOADED' would be better - proto def
//stop the running ONU download timer
if oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse {
//use channel to indicate that the download to ONU was not successful
oFsm.chOnuDlReady <- false
} else {
// TODO!!!: error treatment?
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by wrong version)?
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
//with APIVersion43 this is the point to consider the newly loaded image as valid (and inactive)
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_INACTIVE
//store the new inactive version to onuSwImageIndications (to keep them in sync)
oFsm.pDevEntry.modifySwImageInactiveVersion(ctx, oFsm.imageVersion)
//proceed within upgrade FSM
if oFsm.activateImage {
//immediate activation requested
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm - expected ONU image version indicated by the ONU, continue with activation",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvRequestActivate)
} else {
//have to wait on explicit activation request
// but a previously requested download activity (without activation) was successful here
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
logger.Infow(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm - expected ONU image version indicated by the ONU, wait for activate request",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvWaitForActivate)
if oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse {
//use channel to indicate that the download to ONU was successful
oFsm.chOnuDlReady <- true
} else {
//not the expected image/image state
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN //real image state not known
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage GetResponse indications not matching requested upgrade",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
// TODO!!!: error treatment?
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by ONU state indication)?
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
//assumed only relevant state here is upgradeStCheckCommitted
oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested = false //getting here any set (conditional) cancelRequest is not relevant anymore
if msgObj.EntityInstance == oFsm.inactiveImageMeID && imageIsActive == swIsActive {
//a check on the delivered image version is not done, the ONU delivered version might be different from what might have been
// indicated in the download image version string (version must be part of the image content itself)
// so checking that might be quite unreliable
//but with new API this was changed, assumption is that omci image version is known at download request and exactly that is used
// in all the API references, so it can and should be checked here now
if oFsm.useAPIVersion43 {
if imageVersion != oFsm.imageVersion {
//new active version indicated on OMCI from ONU is not the expected version
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm image-version not matching the requested upgrade",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance,
"onu-version": imageVersion, "expected-version": oFsm.imageVersion})
// TODO!!!: error treatment?
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by wrong version)?
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED //not the expected image was committed
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE //something like 'UNEXPECTED_VERSION' would be better - proto def
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN //expected image not known
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm - expected ONU image version indicated by the ONU",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
if imageIsCommitted == swIsCommitted {
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMITTED
//store the new commit flag to onuSwImageIndications (to keep them in sync)
oFsm.pDevEntry.modifySwImageActiveCommit(ctx, imageIsCommitted)
logger.Infow(ctx, "requested SW image committed, releasing OnuUpgrade", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//deviceProcStatusUpdate not used anymore,
// replaced by transferring the last (more) upgrade state information within removeOnuUpgradeFsm
//releasing the upgrade FSM on success
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
//if not committed, abort upgrade as failed. There is no implementation here that would trigger this test again
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_CANCELLED_ON_ONU_STATE
oFsm.volthaImageState = voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_COMMIT_ABORTED
logger.Errorw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm SwImage GetResponse indications not matching requested upgrade",
log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "ResponseMeId": msgObj.EntityInstance})
// TODO!!!: error treatment?
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by omci processing)??
_ = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
} //GetResponseType
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Rx OMCI unhandled MsgType",
log.Fields{"omciMsgType": msg.OmciMsg.MessageType, "device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
//abortOnOmciError aborts the upgrade processing with OMCI_TRANSFER_ERROR indication
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) abortOnOmciError(ctx context.Context, aAsync bool,
aImageState voltha.ImageState_ImageActivationState) {
oFsm.conditionalCancelRequested = false //any conditional cancelRequest is superseded by this abortion
oFsm.volthaDownloadState = voltha.ImageState_DOWNLOAD_FAILED
oFsm.volthaDownloadReason = voltha.ImageState_OMCI_TRANSFER_ERROR
if aImageState != voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN {
// update image state only in case some explicite state is given (otherwise the existing state is used)
oFsm.volthaImageState = aImageState
//TODO!!!: possibly send event information for aborted upgrade (aborted by omci processing)??
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm != nil {
var err error
if aAsync { //asynchronous call requested to ensure state transition
go func(a_pAFsm *AdapterFsm) {
if a_pAFsm.pFsm != nil {
err = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
} else {
if oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm != nil {
err = oFsm.pAdaptFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvAbort)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw(ctx, "onu upgrade fsm could not abort on omci error", log.Fields{
"device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "error": err})
//waitOnDownloadToAdapterReady state can only be reached with useAPIVersion43 (usage of pFileManager)
// precondition: mutexIsAwaitingAdapterDlResponse is lockek on call
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) waitOnDownloadToAdapterReady(ctx context.Context, aSyncChannel chan<- struct{},
aWaitChannel chan bool) {
downloadToAdapterTimeout := oFsm.pFileManager.GetDownloadTimeout(ctx)
oFsm.isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse = true
aSyncChannel <- struct{}{}
select {
// maybe be also some outside cancel (but no context modeled for the moment ...)
// case <-ctx.Done():
// logger.Infow("OnuUpgradeFsm-waitOnDownloadToAdapterReady canceled", log.Fields{"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
case <-time.After(downloadToAdapterTimeout): //10s should be enough for downloading some image to the adapter
logger.Warnw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Waiting-adapter-download timeout", log.Fields{
"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-id": oFsm.imageIdentifier, "timeout": downloadToAdapterTimeout})
oFsm.pFileManager.RemoveReadyRequest(ctx, oFsm.imageIdentifier, aWaitChannel)
oFsm.isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse = false
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
case success := <-aWaitChannel:
if success {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm image-downloaded received", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse = false
//let the upgrade process proceed
pUpgradeFsm := oFsm.pAdaptFsm
if pUpgradeFsm != nil {
_ = pUpgradeFsm.pFsm.Event(upgradeEvPrepareSwDownload)
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "pUpgradeFsm is nil", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
// waiting was aborted (probably on external request)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Waiting-adapter-download aborted", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.pFileManager.RemoveReadyRequest(ctx, oFsm.imageIdentifier, aWaitChannel)
oFsm.isWaitingForAdapterDlResponse = false
//the upgrade process has to be aborted
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
//waitOnDownloadToOnuReady state can only be reached with useAPIVersion43 (usage of pFileManager)
func (oFsm *OnuUpgradeFsm) waitOnDownloadToOnuReady(ctx context.Context, aWaitChannel chan bool) {
downloadToOnuTimeout := time.Duration(1+(oFsm.imageLength/0x400000)) * oFsm.downloadToOnuTimeout4MB
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm start download-to-ONU timer", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID,
"duration": downloadToOnuTimeout})
oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse = true
select {
// maybe be also some outside cancel (but no context modeled for the moment ...)
// case <-ctx.Done():
// logger.Infow("OnuUpgradeFsm-waitOnDownloadToOnuReady canceled", log.Fields{"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
case <-time.After(downloadToOnuTimeout): //using an image-size depending timout (in minutes)
logger.Warnw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Waiting-ONU-download timeout", log.Fields{
"for device-id": oFsm.deviceID, "image-id": oFsm.imageIdentifier, "timeout": downloadToOnuTimeout})
oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse = false
//the upgrade process has to be aborted
oFsm.abortOnOmciError(ctx, true, voltha.ImageState_IMAGE_UNKNOWN) //no ImageState update
case success := <-aWaitChannel:
if success {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm image-downloaded on ONU received", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse = false
//all fine, let the FSM proceed like defined from the sender of this event
// waiting was aborted (assumed here to be caused by
// error detection or cancel at download after upgrade FSM reset/abort)
logger.Debugw(ctx, "OnuUpgradeFsm Waiting-ONU-download aborted", log.Fields{"device-id": oFsm.deviceID})
oFsm.isWaitingForOnuDlResponse = false