blob: 4d31f770695cfa0112287c9dcb2dd6c39fbd04b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package adaptercoreonu provides the utility for onu devices, flows and statistics
package adaptercoreonu
import (
//ic ""
const (
KvstoreTimeout = 5 //in seconds
BasePathMibTemplateKvStore = "service/voltha/omci_mibs/templates"
SuffixMibTemplateKvStore = "%s/%s/%s"
type OnuDeviceEvent int
const (
// Events of interest to Device Adapters and OpenOMCI State Machines
DeviceStatusInit OnuDeviceEvent = 0 // OnuDeviceEntry default start state
MibDatabaseSync OnuDeviceEvent = 1 // MIB database sync (upload done)
OmciCapabilitiesDone OnuDeviceEvent = 2 // OMCI ME and message type capabilities known
MibDownloadDone OnuDeviceEvent = 3 // MIB database sync (upload done)
UniLockStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 4 // Uni ports admin set to lock
UniUnlockStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 5 // Uni ports admin set to unlock
UniAdminStateDone OnuDeviceEvent = 6 // Uni ports admin set done - general
PortLinkUp OnuDeviceEvent = 7 // Port link state change
PortLinkDw OnuDeviceEvent = 8 // Port link state change
// Add other events here as needed (alarms separate???)
type activityDescr struct {
databaseClass func() error
advertiseEvents bool
auditDelay uint16
//tasks map[string]func() error
type OmciDeviceFsms map[string]activityDescr
type AdapterFsm struct {
fsmName string
deviceID string
commChan chan Message
pFsm *fsm.FSM
func NewAdapterFsm(a_name string, a_deviceID string, a_commChannel chan Message) *AdapterFsm {
aFsm := &AdapterFsm{
fsmName: a_name,
deviceID: a_deviceID,
commChan: a_commChannel,
return aFsm
//Start starts (logs) the omci agent
func (oo *AdapterFsm) logFsmStateChange(e *fsm.Event) {
logger.Debugw("FSM state change", log.Fields{"device-id": oo.deviceID, "FSM name": oo.fsmName,
"event name": string(e.Event), "src state": string(e.Src), "dst state": string(e.Dst)})
//OntDeviceEntry structure holds information about the attached FSM'as and their communication
const (
FirstSwImageMeId = 0
SecondSwImageMeId = 1
const OnugMeId = 0
const Onu2gMeId = 0
const IpHostConfigDataMeId = 1
const OnugSerialNumberLen = 8
const OmciMacAddressLen = 6
type SwImages struct {
version string
isActive uint8
type OnuDeviceEntry struct {
deviceID string
baseDeviceHandler *DeviceHandler
coreProxy adapterif.CoreProxy
adapterProxy adapterif.AdapterProxy
started bool
PDevOmciCC *OmciCC
pOnuDB *OnuDeviceDB
mibTemplateKVStore *db.Backend
vendorID string
serialNumber string
equipmentID string
swImages [SecondSwImageMeId + 1]SwImages
activeSwVersion string
macAddress string
//lockDeviceEntries sync.RWMutex
mibDbClass func() error
supportedFsms OmciDeviceFsms
devState OnuDeviceEvent
// for mibUpload
mibAuditDelay uint16
// for mibUpload
pMibUploadFsm *AdapterFsm //could be handled dynamically and more general as pAdapterFsm - perhaps later
// for mibDownload
pMibDownloadFsm *AdapterFsm //could be handled dynamically and more general as pAdapterFsm - perhaps later
//remark: general usage of pAdapterFsm would require generalization of commChan usage and internal event setting
// within the FSM event procedures
omciMessageReceived chan bool //seperate channel needed by DownloadFsm
//OnuDeviceEntry returns a new instance of a OnuDeviceEntry
//mib_db (as well as not inluded alarm_db not really used in this code? VERIFY!!)
func NewOnuDeviceEntry(ctx context.Context, device_id string, kVStoreHost string, kVStorePort int, kvStoreType string, device_Handler *DeviceHandler,
core_proxy adapterif.CoreProxy, adapter_proxy adapterif.AdapterProxy,
supported_Fsms_Ptr *OmciDeviceFsms) *OnuDeviceEntry {
logger.Infow("init-onuDeviceEntry", log.Fields{"deviceId": device_id})
var onuDeviceEntry OnuDeviceEntry
onuDeviceEntry.started = false
onuDeviceEntry.deviceID = device_id
onuDeviceEntry.baseDeviceHandler = device_Handler
onuDeviceEntry.coreProxy = core_proxy
onuDeviceEntry.adapterProxy = adapter_proxy
onuDeviceEntry.devState = DeviceStatusInit
//openomciagent.lockDeviceHandlersMap = sync.RWMutex{}
//OMCI related databases are on a per-agent basis. State machines and tasks
//are per ONU Vendor
// MIB Synchronization Database - possible overloading from arguments
if supported_Fsms_Ptr != nil {
onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms = *supported_Fsms_Ptr
} else {
//var mibSyncFsm = NewMibSynchronizer()
// use some internaƶ defaults, if not defined from outside
onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms = OmciDeviceFsms{
"mib-synchronizer": {
//mibSyncFsm, // Implements the MIB synchronization state machine
onuDeviceEntry.MibDbVolatileDict, // Implements volatile ME MIB database
true, // Advertise events on OpenOMCI event bus
60, // Time to wait between MIB audits. 0 to disable audits.
// map[string]func() error{
// "mib-upload": onuDeviceEntry.MibUploadTask,
// "mib-template": onuDeviceEntry.MibTemplateTask,
// "get-mds": onuDeviceEntry.GetMdsTask,
// "mib-audit": onuDeviceEntry.GetMdsTask,
// "mib-resync": onuDeviceEntry.MibResyncTask,
// "mib-reconcile": onuDeviceEntry.MibReconcileTask,
// },
onuDeviceEntry.mibDbClass = onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms["mib-synchronizer"].databaseClass
go onuDeviceEntry.mibDbClass()
onuDeviceEntry.mibAuditDelay = onuDeviceEntry.supportedFsms["mib-synchronizer"].auditDelay
logger.Debugw("MibAudit is set to", log.Fields{"Delay": onuDeviceEntry.mibAuditDelay})
// Omci related Mib upload sync state machine
mibUploadChan := make(chan Message, 2048)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm = NewAdapterFsm("MibUpload", device_id, mibUploadChan)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm.pFsm = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: "start", Src: []string{"disabled"}, Dst: "starting"},
{Name: "reset_mib", Src: []string{"starting"}, Dst: "resetting_mib"},
{Name: "get_vendor_and_serial", Src: []string{"resetting_mib"}, Dst: "getting_vendor_and_serial"},
{Name: "get_equipment_id", Src: []string{"getting_vendor_and_serial"}, Dst: "getting_equipment_id"},
{Name: "get_first_sw_version", Src: []string{"getting_equipment_id"}, Dst: "getting_first_sw_version"},
{Name: "get_second_sw_version", Src: []string{"getting_first_sw_version"}, Dst: "getting_second_sw_version"},
{Name: "get_mac_address", Src: []string{"getting_second_sw_version"}, Dst: "getting_mac_address"},
{Name: "get_mib_template", Src: []string{"getting_mac_address"}, Dst: "getting_mib_template"},
{Name: "upload_mib", Src: []string{"getting_mib_template"}, Dst: "uploading"},
{Name: "examine_mds", Src: []string{"starting"}, Dst: "examining_mds"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"getting_mib_template"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"uploading"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"examining_mds"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "mismatch", Src: []string{"examining_mds"}, Dst: "resynchronizing"},
{Name: "audit_mib", Src: []string{"in_sync"}, Dst: "auditing"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"out_of_sync"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "audit_mib", Src: []string{"out_of_sync"}, Dst: "auditing"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"auditing"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "mismatch", Src: []string{"auditing"}, Dst: "resynchronizing"},
{Name: "force_resync", Src: []string{"auditing"}, Dst: "resynchronizing"},
{Name: "success", Src: []string{"resynchronizing"}, Dst: "in_sync"},
{Name: "diffs_found", Src: []string{"resynchronizing"}, Dst: "out_of_sync"},
{Name: "timeout", Src: []string{"reset_mib", "get_vendor_and_serial", "get_equipment_id", "get_first_sw_version", "get_mac_address",
"get_mib_template", "uploading", "resynchronizing", "examining_mds", "in_sync", "out_of_sync", "auditing"}, Dst: "starting"},
{Name: "stop", Src: []string{"starting", "reset_mib", "get_vendor_and_serial", "get_equipment_id", "get_first_sw_version", "get_mac_address",
"get_mib_template", "uploading", "resynchronizing", "examining_mds", "in_sync", "out_of_sync", "auditing"}, Dst: "disabled"},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.pMibUploadFsm.logFsmStateChange(e) },
"enter_starting": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterStartingState(e) },
"enter_resetting_mib": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResettingMibState(e) },
"enter_getting_vendor_and_serial": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingVendorAndSerialState(e) },
"enter_getting_equipment_id": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingEquipmentIdState(e) },
"enter_getting_first_sw_version": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingFirstSwVersionState(e) },
"enter_getting_second_sw_version": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingSecondSwVersionState(e) },
"enter_getting_mac_address": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingMacAddressState(e) },
"enter_getting_mib_template": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterGettingMibTemplate(e) },
"enter_uploading": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterUploadingState(e) },
"enter_examining_mds": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterExaminingMdsState(e) },
"enter_resynchronizing": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResynchronizingState(e) },
"enter_auditing": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterAuditingState(e) },
"enter_out_of_sync": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterOutOfSyncState(e) },
"enter_in_sync": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterInSyncState(e) },
// Omci related Mib download state machine
mibDownloadChan := make(chan Message, 2048)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm = NewAdapterFsm("MibDownload", device_id, mibDownloadChan)
onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.pFsm = fsm.NewFSM(
{Name: "start", Src: []string{"disabled"}, Dst: "starting"},
{Name: "create_gal", Src: []string{"starting"}, Dst: "creatingGal"},
{Name: "rx_gal_resp", Src: []string{"creatingGal"}, Dst: "settingOnu2g"},
{Name: "rx_onu2g_resp", Src: []string{"settingOnu2g"}, Dst: "bridgeInit"},
// the bridge state is used for multi ME config for alle UNI related ports
// maybe such could be reflected in the state machine as well (port number parametrized)
// but that looks not straightforward here - so we keep it simple here for the beginning(?)
{Name: "rx_bridge_resp", Src: []string{"bridgeInit"}, Dst: "downloaded"},
{Name: "timeout_simple", Src: []string{"creatingGal", "settingOnu2g"}, Dst: "starting"},
{Name: "timeout_bridge", Src: []string{"bridgeInit"}, Dst: "starting"},
{Name: "reset", Src: []string{"starting", "creatingGal", "settingOnu2g",
"bridgeInit", "downloaded"}, Dst: "resetting"},
// exceptional treatment for all states except "resetting"
{Name: "restart", Src: []string{"starting", "creatingGal", "settingOnu2g",
"bridgeInit", "downloaded", "resetting"}, Dst: "disabled"},
"enter_state": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.logFsmStateChange(e) },
"enter_starting": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterDLStartingState(e) },
"enter_creatingGal": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterCreatingGalState(e) },
"enter_settingOnu2g": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterSettingOnu2gState(e) },
"enter_bridgeInit": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterBridgeInitState(e) },
"enter_downloaded": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterDownloadedState(e) },
"enter_resetting": func(e *fsm.Event) { onuDeviceEntry.enterResettingState(e) },
if onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm == nil || onuDeviceEntry.pMibDownloadFsm.pFsm == nil {
logger.Error("MibDownloadFsm could not be instantiated!!")
// some specifc error treatment - or waiting for crash ???
onuDeviceEntry.mibTemplateKVStore = onuDeviceEntry.SetKVClient(kvStoreType, kVStoreHost, kVStorePort, BasePathMibTemplateKvStore)
if onuDeviceEntry.mibTemplateKVStore == nil {
logger.Error("Failed to setup mibTemplateKVStore")
// Alarm Synchronization Database
//self._alarm_db = None
//self._alarm_database_cls = support_classes['alarm-synchronizer']['database']
return &onuDeviceEntry
//Start starts (logs) the omci agent
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
oo.PDevOmciCC = NewOmciCC(ctx, oo, oo.deviceID, oo.baseDeviceHandler,
oo.coreProxy, oo.adapterProxy)
if oo.PDevOmciCC == nil {
logger.Errorw("Could not create devOmciCc - abort", log.Fields{"for device": oo.deviceID})
return errors.New("Could not create devOmciCc")
oo.started = true
return nil
//Stop terminates the session
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
oo.started = false
//oo.exitChannel <- 1
// maybe also the omciCC should be stopped here - for now not as no real processing is expected here - maybe needs consolidation
return nil
//Relay the InSync message via Handler to Rw core - Status update
func (oo *OnuDeviceEntry) transferSystemEvent(dev_Event OnuDeviceEvent) error {
logger.Debugw("relaying system-event", log.Fields{"Event": dev_Event})
// decouple the handler transfer from further processing here
// TODO!!! check if really no synch is required within the system e.g. to ensure following steps ..
if dev_Event == MibDatabaseSync {
if oo.devState < MibDatabaseSync { //devState has not been synced yet
oo.devState = MibDatabaseSync
go oo.baseDeviceHandler.DeviceProcStatusUpdate(dev_Event)
//TODO!!! device control: next step: start MIB capability verification from here ?!!!
} else {
logger.Debugw("mibinsync-event in some already synced state - ignored", log.Fields{"state": oo.devState})
} else if dev_Event == MibDownloadDone {
if oo.devState < MibDownloadDone { //devState has not been synced yet
oo.devState = MibDownloadDone
go oo.baseDeviceHandler.DeviceProcStatusUpdate(dev_Event)
} else {
logger.Debugw("mibdownloaddone-event was already seen - ignored", log.Fields{"state": oo.devState})
} else {
logger.Warnw("device-event not yet handled", log.Fields{"state": dev_Event})
return nil