blob: e0e44db4f78ce93b861f686d4bfd19d7378ea8cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package common provides global definitions
package common
import (
gp ""
vc ""
ofp ""
// MessageType - Message Protocol Type
type MessageType uint8
const (
// TestMsg - Message type for non OMCI messages
TestMsg MessageType = iota
//OMCI - OMCI protocol type msg
// String - Return the text representation of the message type based on integer
func (m MessageType) String() string {
names := [...]string{
return names[m]
// Message - message type and data(OMCI)
type Message struct {
Type MessageType
Data interface{}
//TestMessageType - message data for various events
type TestMessageType uint8
const (
// LoadMibTemplateOk - message data for getting mib template successfully
LoadMibTemplateOk TestMessageType = iota + 1
// LoadMibTemplateFailed - message data for failure for getting mib template
// TimeOutOccurred - message data for timeout
// AbortMessageProcessing - message data for aborting running message
//TestMessage - Struct to hold the message data
//TODO: place holder to have a second interface variant - to be replaced by real variant later on
type TestMessage struct {
TestMessageVal TestMessageType
//OmciMessage - OMCI protocol messages for managing and monitoring ONUs
type OmciMessage struct {
//OnuSN *openolt.SerialNumber
//OnuID uint32
OmciMsg *omci.OMCI
OmciPacket *gp.Packet
// device reasons
const (
DrUnset = 0
DrActivatingOnu = 1
DrStartingOpenomci = 2
DrDiscoveryMibsyncComplete = 3
DrInitialMibDownloaded = 4
DrTechProfileConfigDownloadSuccess = 5
DrOmciFlowsPushed = 6
DrOmciAdminLock = 7
DrOnuReenabled = 8
DrStoppingOpenomci = 9
DrRebooting = 10
DrOmciFlowsDeleted = 11
DrTechProfileConfigDeleteSuccess = 12
DrReconcileFailed = 13
DrReconcileMaxTimeout = 14
DrReconcileCanceled = 15
DrTechProfileConfigDownloadFailed = 16
// DeviceReasonMap holds device reason strings
var DeviceReasonMap = map[uint8]string{
DrUnset: "unset",
DrActivatingOnu: "activating-onu",
DrStartingOpenomci: "starting-openomci",
DrDiscoveryMibsyncComplete: "discovery-mibsync-complete",
DrInitialMibDownloaded: "initial-mib-downloaded",
DrTechProfileConfigDownloadSuccess: "tech-profile-config-download-success",
DrTechProfileConfigDownloadFailed: "tech-profile-config-download-failed",
DrOmciFlowsPushed: "omci-flows-pushed",
DrOmciAdminLock: "omci-admin-lock",
DrOnuReenabled: "onu-reenabled",
DrStoppingOpenomci: "stopping-openomci",
DrRebooting: "rebooting",
DrOmciFlowsDeleted: "omci-flows-deleted",
DrTechProfileConfigDeleteSuccess: "tech-profile-config-delete-success",
DrReconcileFailed: "reconcile-failed",
DrReconcileMaxTimeout: "reconcile-max-timeout",
DrReconcileCanceled: "reconciling-canceled",
// UsedOmciConfigFsms type for FSMs dealing with OMCI messages
type UsedOmciConfigFsms int
// FSMs dealing with OMCI messages
const (
CUploadFsm UsedOmciConfigFsms = iota
// OnuDeviceEvent - TODO: add comment
type OnuDeviceEvent int
// Events of interest to Device Adapters and OpenOMCI State Machines
const (
// DeviceStatusInit - default start state
DeviceStatusInit OnuDeviceEvent = iota
// MibDatabaseSync - MIB database sync (upload done)
// OmciCapabilitiesDone - OMCI ME and message type capabilities known
// MibDownloadDone - // MIB download done
// UniLockStateDone - Uni ports admin set to lock
// UniUnlockStateDone - Uni ports admin set to unlock
// UniDisableStateDone - Uni ports admin set to lock based on device disable
// UniEnableStateDone - Uni ports admin set to unlock based on device re-enable
// UniEnableStateFailed - Uni ports admin set to unlock failure based on device re-enable
// PortLinkUp - Port link state change
// PortLinkDw - Port link state change
// OmciAniConfigDone - AniSide config according to TechProfile done
// OmciAniResourceRemoved - AniSide TechProfile related resource (Gem/TCont) removed
OmciAniResourceRemoved // needs to be the successor of OmciAniConfigDone!
// OmciVlanFilterAddDone - Omci Vlan config done according to flow-add with request to write kvStore
// OmciVlanFilterAddDoneNoKvStore - Omci Vlan config done according to flow-add without writing kvStore
OmciVlanFilterAddDoneNoKvStore // needs to be the successor of OmciVlanFilterAddDone!
// OmciVlanFilterRemDone - Omci Vlan config done according to flow-remove with request to write kvStore
OmciVlanFilterRemDone // needs to be the successor of OmciVlanFilterAddDoneNoKvStore!
// OmciVlanFilterRemDoneNoKvStore - Omci Vlan config done according to flow-remove without writing kvStore
OmciVlanFilterRemDoneNoKvStore // needs to be the successor of OmciVlanFilterRemDone!
// OmciOnuSwUpgradeDone - SoftwareUpgrade to ONU finished
// Add other events here as needed (alarms separate???)
//definitions as per G.988 softwareImage::valid ME IDs
const (
FirstSwImageMeID = 0
SecondSwImageMeID = 1
//definitions as per G.988 softwareImage::IsCommitted
const (
SwIsUncommitted = 0
SwIsCommitted = 1
//definitions as per G.988 softwareImage::IsActive
const (
SwIsInactive = 0
SwIsActive = 1
//definitions as per G.988 softwareImage::IsValid
const (
SwIsInvalid = 0
SwIsValid = 1
// SEntrySwImageIndication - TODO: add comment
type SEntrySwImageIndication struct {
Valid bool
EntityID uint16
Version string
IsCommitted uint8
// SswImageIndications - TODO: add comment
type SswImageIndications struct {
ActiveEntityEntry SEntrySwImageIndication
InActiveEntityEntry SEntrySwImageIndication
type activityDescr struct {
DatabaseClass func(context.Context) error
//advertiseEvents bool
AuditInterval time.Duration
//tasks map[string]func() error
// OmciDeviceFsms - FSM event mapping to database class and time to wait between audits
type OmciDeviceFsms map[string]activityDescr
// AdapterFsm - Adapter FSM details including channel, event and device
type AdapterFsm struct {
fsmName string
deviceID string
CommChan chan Message
PFsm *fsm.FSM
//CErrWaitAborted - AdapterFsm related error string
//error string could be checked on waitforOmciResponse() e.g. to avoid misleading error log
// but not used that way so far (permit error log even for wanted cancellation)
const CErrWaitAborted = "waitResponse aborted"
// UniPortType holds possible UNI port types
type UniPortType uint8
// UniPPTP Interface type - re-use values from G.988 (Chapter 9.3.4) TP type definition (directly used in OMCI!)
const (
// UniPPTP relates to PPTP
UniPPTP UniPortType = 1 // relates to PPTP
// UniVEIP relates to VEIP
UniVEIP UniPortType = 11 // relates to VEIP
// UniPPTPPots relates to PPTP POTS
UniPPTPPots UniPortType = 4 // relates to IP host config data (for Voice Services)
//OnuUniPort structure holds information about the ONU attached Uni Ports
type OnuUniPort struct {
Enabled bool
Name string
PortNo uint32
PortType UniPortType
OfpPortNo string
UniID uint8
MacBpNo uint8
EntityID uint16
AdminState vc.AdminState_Types
OperState vc.OperStatus_Types
PPort *voltha.Port
// OnuUniPortMap - TODO: add comment
type OnuUniPortMap map[uint32]*OnuUniPort
const (
tpIDStart = 64
tpIDEnd = 256
tpRange = tpIDEnd - tpIDStart
maxUni = 256
const (
IeeMaperServiceProfileBaseEID = uint16(0x1001)
MacBridgePortAniBaseEID = uint16(0x1001)
MacBridgePortUniBaseEID = uint16(0x201)
MacBridgePortAniMcastBaseEID = uint16(0xA01)
VoipUniBaseEID = uint16(0x2001)
GalEthernetEID = uint16(1)
MacBridgeServiceProfileEID = uint16(0x201)
// UniVlanRuleParams - TODO: add comment
type UniVlanRuleParams struct {
TpID uint8 `json:"tp_id"`
MatchVid uint32 `json:"match_vid"` //use uint32 types for allowing immediate bitshifting
MatchPcp uint32 `json:"match_pcp"`
TagsToRemove uint32 `json:"tags_to_remove"`
SetVid uint32 `json:"set_vid"`
SetPcp uint32 `json:"set_pcp"`
// UniVlanFlowParams - TODO: add comment
type UniVlanFlowParams struct {
CookieSlice []uint64 `json:"cookie_slice"`
VlanRuleParams UniVlanRuleParams `json:"vlan_rule_params"`
Meter *ofp.OfpMeterConfig `json:"flow_meter"`
RespChan *chan error `json:"-"`
//definitions as per G.988
const (
OnuDataMeID = 0
Onu2gMeID = 0
OnugMeID = 0
IPHostConfigDataMeID = 1
OnugSerialNumberLen = 8
OmciMacAddressLen = 6
// CBasePathOnuKVStore - kv store path of ONU specific data
const CBasePathOnuKVStore = "%s/openonu"