blob: 28af6b41d95865e8137863feedb88b74fcd89e95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//Package omcitst provides the omci test functionality
package omcitst
import (
gp ""
me ""
oframe ""
cmn ""
//OmciTestRequest structure holds the information for the OMCI test
type OmciTestRequest struct {
deviceID string
pDevOmciCC *cmn.OmciCC
extended bool
started bool
result bool
exclusiveCc bool
allowFailure bool
txSeqNo uint16
verifyDone chan<- bool
// CTestRequestOmciTimeout - Special OMCI timeout for low prio test request
const CTestRequestOmciTimeout = 5
//NewOmciTestRequest returns a new instance of OmciTestRequest
func NewOmciTestRequest(ctx context.Context,
deviceID string, omciCc *cmn.OmciCC, extended bool,
exclusive bool, allowFailure bool) *OmciTestRequest {
logger.Debug(ctx, "OmciTestRequest-init")
var OmciTestRequest OmciTestRequest
OmciTestRequest.deviceID = deviceID
OmciTestRequest.pDevOmciCC = omciCc
OmciTestRequest.extended = extended
OmciTestRequest.started = false
OmciTestRequest.result = false
OmciTestRequest.exclusiveCc = exclusive
OmciTestRequest.allowFailure = allowFailure
return &OmciTestRequest
// PerformOmciTest - TODO: add comment
func (oo *OmciTestRequest) PerformOmciTest(ctx context.Context, execChannel chan<- bool) {
logger.Debug(ctx, "OmciTestRequest-start-test")
if oo.pDevOmciCC != nil {
oo.verifyDone = execChannel
// test functionality is limited to ONU-2G get request for the moment
// without yet checking the received response automatically here (might be improved ??)
tid := oo.pDevOmciCC.GetNextTid(false)
onu2gGet, _ := oo.createOnu2gGet(ctx, tid)
omciRxCallbackPair := cmn.CallbackPair{
CbKey: tid,
CbEntry: cmn.CallbackPairEntry{
CbRespChannel: nil,
CbFunction: oo.ReceiveOmciVerifyResponse,
FramePrint: true,
logger.Debugw(ctx, "performOmciTest-start sending frame", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID, "onu2gGet": hex.EncodeToString(onu2gGet)})
// send with default timeout and normal prio
// Note: No reference to fetch the OMCI timeout value from configuration, so hardcode it to 10s
go oo.pDevOmciCC.Send(ctx, onu2gGet, CTestRequestOmciTimeout, cmn.CDefaultRetries, false, omciRxCallbackPair)
} else {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "performOmciTest: Device does not exist", log.Fields{"for device-id": oo.deviceID})
// these are OMCI related functions, could/should be collected in a separate file? TODO!!!
// for a simple start just included in here
//basic approach copied from bbsim, cmp /devices/onu.go and /internal/common/omci/mibpackets.go
func (oo *OmciTestRequest) createOnu2gGet(ctx context.Context, tid uint16) ([]byte, error) {
meParams := me.ParamData{
EntityID: 0,
Attributes: me.AttributeValueMap{
me.Onu2G_EquipmentId: "",
me.Onu2G_OpticalNetworkUnitManagementAndControlChannelOmccVersion: 0},
meInstance, omciErr := me.NewOnu2G(meParams)
if omciErr.GetError() == nil {
var messageSet omci.DeviceIdent = omci.BaselineIdent
if oo.extended {
messageSet = omci.ExtendedIdent
omciLayer, msgLayer, err := oframe.EncodeFrame(meInstance, omci.GetRequestType, oframe.TransactionID(tid),
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Cannot encode ONU2-G instance for get", log.Fields{
"Err": err, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil, err
oo.txSeqNo = tid
pkt, err := cmn.SerializeOmciLayer(ctx, omciLayer, msgLayer)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Cannot serialize ONU2-G get", log.Fields{
"Err": err, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil, err
return pkt, nil
logger.Errorw(ctx, "Cannot generate ONU2-G", log.Fields{
"Err": omciErr.GetError(), "device-id": oo.deviceID})
return nil, omciErr.GetError()
//ReceiveOmciVerifyResponse supply a response handler - in this testobject the message is evaluated directly, no response channel used
func (oo *OmciTestRequest) ReceiveOmciVerifyResponse(ctx context.Context, omciMsg *omci.OMCI, packet *gp.Packet, respChan chan cmn.Message) error {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response received:", log.Fields{"omciMsgType": omciMsg.MessageType,
"transCorrId": omciMsg.TransactionID, "DeviceIdent": omciMsg.DeviceIdentifier})
if omciMsg.TransactionID == oo.txSeqNo {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response", log.Fields{"correct TransCorrId": omciMsg.TransactionID})
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response error", log.Fields{"incorrect TransCorrId": omciMsg.TransactionID,
"expected": oo.txSeqNo})
oo.verifyDone <- false
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected TransCorrId %s", oo.deviceID)
if omciMsg.MessageType == omci.GetResponseType {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response", log.Fields{"correct RespType": omciMsg.MessageType})
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response error", log.Fields{"incorrect RespType": omciMsg.MessageType,
"expected": omci.GetResponseType})
oo.verifyDone <- false
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected MessageType %s", oo.deviceID)
if oo.extended {
if omciMsg.DeviceIdentifier == omci.ExtendedIdent {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response", log.Fields{"correct DeviceIdentifier": omciMsg.DeviceIdentifier})
} else {
logger.Debugw(ctx, "verify-omci-message-response error", log.Fields{"incorrect DeviceIdentifier": omciMsg.DeviceIdentifier,
"expected": omci.ExtendedIdent})
oo.verifyDone <- false
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected DeviceIdentifier %s", oo.deviceID)
//TODO!!! further tests on the payload should be done here ...
if _, exist := oo.pDevOmciCC.GetMonitoredRequest(omciMsg.TransactionID); exist {
oo.pDevOmciCC.SetChMonitoredRequest(omciMsg.TransactionID, true)
} else {
logger.Infow(ctx, "reqMon: map entry does not exist!",
log.Fields{"tid": omciMsg.TransactionID, "device-id": oo.deviceID})
oo.result = true
oo.verifyDone <- true
return nil