blob: 814b0866733727529800ef04fd72740db7c7a9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Networking Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.opencord.voltha.voip_system_profile";
package voip_system_profile;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
message VoipSystemProfileRequest {
string key = 1;
VoipSystemProfile voipSystemProfile = 2;
// A system wide profile for voip service that can be stored into voltha KV anytime.
// Designed based on G988-2017 (also designed flexible to be able to be modified later on)
message VoipSystemProfile {
SipConfig sipConfig = 1;
VoipConfig voipConfig = 2;
// Common voip fields are grouped here
message VoipConfig {
IpHostConfig ipHostConfig = 1;
TcpUdpConfig tcpUdpConfig = 2;
VoipVoiceCtp voipVoiceCtp = 3;
VoipMediaProfile voipMediaProfile = 4;
VoiceServiceProfile voiceServiceProfile = 5;
RtpProfile rtpProfile = 6;
PptpPotsUni pptpPotsUni = 7;
message IpHostConfig {
uint32 ipOptions = 1;
string onuIdentifier = 2;
string ipAddress = 3;
string mask = 4;
string gateway = 5;
string primaryDns = 6;
string secondaryDns = 7;
string relayAgentOptions = 8;
message TcpUdpConfig {
uint32 protocol = 1;
string tosField = 2;
message VoipVoiceCtp {
uint32 signallingCode = 1;
message VoipMediaProfile {
uint32 faxMode = 1;
uint32 codecSelection1 = 2;
uint32 packetPeriodSelection1 = 3;
uint32 silenceSuppression1 = 4;
uint32 codecSelection2 = 5;
uint32 packetPeriodSelection2 = 6;
uint32 silenceSuppression2 = 7;
uint32 codecSelection3 = 8;
uint32 packetPeriodSelection3 = 9;
uint32 silenceSuppression3 = 10;
uint32 codecSelection4 = 11;
uint32 packetPeriodSelection4 = 12;
uint32 silenceSuppression4 = 13;
uint32 oobDtmf = 14;
message VoiceServiceProfile {
uint32 announcementType = 1;
uint32 jitterTarget = 2;
uint32 jitterBufferMax = 3;
bool echoCancelInd = 4;
uint32 pstnProtocolVariant = 5;
uint32 dtmfDigitLevels = 6;
uint32 dtmfDigitDuration = 7;
uint32 hookFlashMinimumTime = 8;
message RtpProfile {
uint32 localPortMin = 1;
uint32 localPortMax = 2;
string dscpMark = 3;
uint32 piggyBackEvents = 4;
uint32 toneEvents = 5;
uint32 dtmfEvents = 6;
uint32 casEvents = 7;
message PptpPotsUni {
string arc = 1;
string arcInterval = 2;
uint32 impedance = 3;
uint32 transmissionPath = 4;
sint32 rxGain = 5;
sint32 txGain = 6;
uint32 potsHoldOverTime = 7;
uint32 nominalFeedVoltage = 8;
uint32 lossOfSoftSwitch = 9;
// Sip specific fields are grouped here
message SipConfig {
SipUserData sipUserData = 1;
SipAgentConfig sipAgentConfig = 2;
NetworkDialPlan networkDialPlan = 3;
VoipFeatureAccessCodes voipFeatureAccessCodes = 4;
VoipApplicationServiceProfile voipApplicationServiceProfile = 5;
message SipUserData {
string userPartAor = 1;
UsernameAndPassword usernameAndPassword = 2;
string voicemailServerSipUri = 3;
int32 voicemailSubscriptionExpirationTime = 4;
int32 releaseTimer = 5;
int32 rohTimer = 6;
message SipAgentConfig {
string outboundProxyAddress = 1;
string primarySipDns = 2;
string secondarySipDns = 3;
int32 sipRegExpTime = 4;
int32 sipReregHeadStartTime = 5;
string SipRegistrar = 6;
string softSwitch = 7;
SipResponseTable sipResponseTable = 8;
bool sipOptionTransmitControl = 9;
string sipUriFormat = 10;
string redundantSipAgentPointer = 11;
message NetworkDialPlan {
uint32 criticalDialTimeout = 1;
uint32 partialDialTimeout = 2;
uint32 dialPlanFormat = 3;
DialPlanTable dialPlanTable = 4;
message UsernameAndPassword {
int32 validationScheme = 1;
message SipResponseTable {
string sipResponseCode = 1;
string tone = 2;
string textMessage = 3;
message DialPlanTable {
uint32 dialPlanId = 1;
uint32 action = 2;
string dialPlanToken = 3;
uint32 dialPlanTableMaxSize = 4;
message VoipFeatureAccessCodes {
string cancelCallWaiting = 1;
string callHold = 2;
string callPark = 3;
string callerIdActivate = 4;
string callerIdDeactivate = 5;
string doNotDisturbActivation = 6;
string doNotDisturbDeactivation = 7;
string doNotDisturbPinChange = 8;
string emergencyServiceNumber = 9;
string intercomService = 10;
string unattendedCallTransfer = 11;
string attendedCallTransfer = 12;
message VoipApplicationServiceProfile {
uint32 cidFeatures = 1;
uint32 callWaitingFeatures = 2;
uint32 callProgressOrTransferFeatures = 3;
uint32 callPresentationFeatures = 4;
uint32 directConnectFeature = 5;
string directConnectUriPointer = 6;
string bridgedLineAgentUriPointer = 7;
string conferenceFactoryUriPointer = 8;
uint32 dialToneDelayTimer = 9;