blob: 3b13266a152433057bb6b2f81b731c369f8fe53b [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "org.opencord.voltha";
option java_outer_classname = "VolthaAdapter";
package voltha;
import "voltha_protos/meta.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message AdapterConfig {
// Custom (vendor-specific) configuration attributes
google.protobuf.Any additional_config = 64;
// Adapter (software plugin)
message Adapter {
// the adapter ID has to be unique,
// it will be generated as Type + CurrentReplica
string id = 1 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
string vendor = 2 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
string version = 3 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
// Adapter configuration
AdapterConfig config = 16;
// Custom descriptors and custom configuration
google.protobuf.Any additional_description = 64 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
repeated string logical_device_ids = 4; // Logical devices "owned"
// timestamp when the adapter last sent a message to the core
int64 last_communication = 5;
int32 currentReplica = 6;
int32 totalReplicas = 7;
string endpoint = 8;
// all replicas of the same adapter will have the same type
// it is used to associate a device to an adapter
string type = 9;
message Adapters {
repeated Adapter items = 1;