| #Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation This test raises alarms using bbsimctl and verifies them using voltctl |
| Suite Setup Setup Suite |
| Suite Teardown Teardown Suite |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library XML |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library ../../libraries/DependencyLibrary.py |
| Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/voltha.robot |
| Resource ../../variables/variables.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${timeout} 60s |
| ${long_timeout} 420s |
| ${of_id} 0 |
| ${logical_id} 0 |
| ${has_dataplane} True |
| ${setup_device} True |
| ${teardown_device} True |
| ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} default |
| ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} voltctl |
| ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} bbsim |
| ${INFRA_NAMESPACE} default |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Ensure required pods Running |
| [Documentation] Ensure the bbsim and voltctl pods are in Running state |
| [Tags] active |
| Validate Pod Status ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} Running |
| Validate Pod Status ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} Running |
| |
| ONU Discovery |
| [Documentation] Discover lists of ONUS, their Serial Numbers and device id, and pick one for subsequent tests |
| [Tags] active |
| #build onu sn list |
| ${List_ONU_Serial} Create List |
| Set Suite Variable ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| Build ONU SN List ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| Log ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| #validate onu states |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${long_timeout} 20s |
| ... Validate ONU Devices ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| # Pick an ONU to use for subsequent test cases |
| ${onu_sn} Set Variable ${List_ONU_Serial}[0] |
| Set Suite Variable ${onu_sn} |
| ${onu_id} Get Device ID From SN ${onu_sn} |
| Set Suite Variable ${onu_id} |
| ${parent_id} Get Parent ID From Device ID ${onu_id} |
| Set Suite Variable ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseDriftOfWindowAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Drift Of Window Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearDriftOfWindowAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Drift Of Window Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_DRIFT_OF_WINDOW_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseDyingGaspAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Dying Gasp Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event DYING_GASP |
| ... ${onu_sn} ONU_DYING_GASP_EVENT |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_DYING\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_DYING_GASP_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLopcMissAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise LOPC_MISS Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOPC_MISS |
| ... ${onu_sn} ONU_LOPC_MISS_RAISE_EVENT |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOPC_MISS\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOPC_MISS_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLopcMissAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear LOPC_MISS Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOPC_MISS |
| ... ${onu_sn} ONU_LOPC_MISS_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOPC_MISS\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOPC_MISS_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLopcMicErrorAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise LOPC_MISS Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOPC_MIC_ERROR |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOPC_MIC_ERROR\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOPC_MIC_ERROR_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLopcMicErrorAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear LOPC_MISS Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOPC_MIC_ERROR |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOPC_MIC_ERROR\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOPC_MIC_ERROR_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLossOfBurstAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Burst Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOB |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfBurstAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Burst Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOB |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLossOfFrameAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Frame Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOFI |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_FRAME\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_FRAME_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfFrameAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Frame Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOFI |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_FRAME\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_FRAME_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLossOfKeySyncFailureAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Key Sync Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfKeySyncFailureAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Key Sync Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_KEY_SYNC_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLossOfOmciChannelAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Omci Channel Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfOmciChannelAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Omci Channel Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_OMCI_CHANNEL_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseLossOfPloamAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Ploam Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOAMI |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_PLOAM\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_PLOAM_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfPloamAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Ploam Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOAMI |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_PLOAM\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_PLOAM_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| # NOTE: ONU_ALARM_LOS a bit touchy as it seems to be automatically suppressed if |
| # multiples are sent in a row. It seems like the bbsim state machine is interacting |
| # with alarms, sometimes causing an ONU_ALARM_LOS to be sent, which then causes |
| # this test to be a duplicate, which in turn is suppressed and fails. So what we |
| # do is issue a CLEAR right before the RAISE. |
| Test RaiseLossOfSignalAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Signal Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| Clear Onu Alarm ONU_ALARM_LOS ${onu_sn} |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOS |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearLossOfSignalAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Signal Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_ALARM_LOS |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaisePonLossOfSignalAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Loss Of Signal Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Olt Alarm And Get Event OLT_PON_LOS |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.OLT_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL\.(\\d+) PON |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] OLT_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearPonLossOfSignalAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Loss Of Signal Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Olt Alarm And Get Event OLT_PON_LOS |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.OLT_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL\.(\\d+) PON |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] OLT_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseProcessingErrorAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Raise Processing Error Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearProcessingErrorAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Clear Processing Error Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_PROCESSING_ERROR_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseSignalDegradeAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Signal Degrade Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearSignalDegradeAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Signal Degrade Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_SIGNAL_DEGRADE_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseSignalsFailureAlarm |
| [Documentation] Raise Signals Fail Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_SIGNALS_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_SIGNALS_FAIL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_SIGNALS_FAIL_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearSignalsFailureAlarm |
| [Documentation] Clear Signals Fail Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_SIGNALS_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_SIGNALS_FAIL\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_SIGNALS_FAIL_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseStartupFailureAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Raise Startup Failure Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearStartupFailureAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Clear Startup Failure Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_STARTUP_FAILURE_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test RaiseTransmissionInterferenceAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Raise Transmission Interference Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE_WARNING |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE_RAISE_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| Test ClearTransmissionInterferenceAlarm |
| # Not Implemented |
| [Documentation] Clear Transmission Interference Alarm and verify event received |
| [Tags] not-active |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE_WARNING |
| Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE\.(\\d+) ONU |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_TRANSMISSION_INTERFERENCE_CLEAR_EVENT |
| Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Setup Suite |
| [Documentation] Set up the test suite |
| Common Test Suite Setup |
| # Ensure the voltctl pod is deployed and running |
| Apply Kubernetes Resources ./voltctl.yaml ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s |
| ... Validate Pod Status ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} Running |
| # Call Setup keyword in utils library to create and enable device |
| Run Keyword If ${setup_device} Setup |
| |
| Teardown Suite |
| [Documentation] Clean up devices if desired |
| ... kills processes and cleans up interfaces on src+dst servers |
| Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux |
| Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Delete All Devices and Verify |
| Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Test Empty Device List |
| Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... device-remove ${of_id} |
| Close All ONOS SSH Connections |
| |
| # Onu Alarms |
| |
| Raise Onu Alarm And Get Event |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm and return event |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${sn} ${deviceEventName} |
| ${since} Get Current Time |
| Raise Onu Alarm ${name} ${sn} |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ${deviceEventName} ${since} |
| ${LastEventPostTimestamp} Set Variable ${since} |
| Set Suite Variable ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |
| [return] ${header} ${deviceEvent} |
| |
| Clear Onu Alarm And Get Event |
| [Documentation] Clear an Alarm and return event |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${sn} ${deviceEventName} |
| ${since} Get Current Time |
| Clear Onu Alarm ${name} ${sn} |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ${deviceEventName} ${since} |
| ${LastEventPostTimestamp} Set Variable ${since} |
| Set Suite Variable ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |
| [return] ${header} ${deviceEvent} |
| |
| Raise Onu Alarm |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${sn} |
| ${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} |
| ... bbsimctl onu alarms raise ${name} ${sn} |
| Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent |
| |
| Clear Onu Alarm |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${sn} |
| ${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} |
| ... bbsimctl onu alarms clear ${name} ${sn} |
| Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent |
| |
| # Olt Alarms |
| |
| Raise Olt Alarm And Get Event |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm and return event |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${intf_id} ${deviceEventName} |
| ${since} Get Current Time |
| Raise Olt Alarm ${name} ${intf_id} |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ${deviceEventName} ${since} |
| ${LastEventPostTimestamp} Set Variable ${since} |
| Set Suite Variable ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |
| [return] ${header} ${deviceEvent} |
| |
| Clear Olt Alarm And Get Event |
| [Documentation] Clear an Alarm and return event |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${intf_id} ${deviceEventName} |
| ${since} Get Current Time |
| Clear Olt Alarm ${name} ${intf_id} |
| ${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ${deviceEventName} ${since} |
| ${LastEventPostTimestamp} Set Variable ${since} |
| Set Suite Variable ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |
| [return] ${header} ${deviceEvent} |
| |
| Raise Olt Alarm |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${intf_id} |
| ${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} |
| ... bbsimctl olt alarms raise ${name} ${intf_id} |
| Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent |
| |
| Clear Olt Alarm |
| [Documentation] Raise an Alarm |
| [Arguments] ${name} ${intf_id} |
| ${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} |
| ... bbsimctl olt alarms clear ${name} ${intf_id} |
| Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent |
| |
| Get Device Event |
| [Documentation] Get the most recent alarm event from voltha.events |
| [Arguments] ${deviceEventName} ${since} |
| ${output} ${raiseErr} Exec Pod Separate Stderr ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} |
| ... voltctl event listen --show-body -t 1 -o json -f Titles=${deviceEventName} |
| ${json} To Json ${output} |
| ${count} Get Length ${json} |
| # If there is more than one event (which could happen if we quickly do a raise and a clear), |
| # then return the most recent one. |
| Should Be Larger Than ${count} 0 |
| ${lastIndex} Evaluate ${count}-1 |
| ${lastItem} Set Variable ${json}[${lastIndex}] |
| ${header} Set Variable ${lastItem}[header] |
| ${deviceEvent} Set Variable ${lastItem}[deviceEvent] |
| Log ${header} |
| Log ${deviceEvent} |
| [return] ${header} ${deviceEvent} |
| |
| Verify Header |
| [Documentation] Verify that a DeviceEvent's header is sane and the id matches regex |
| [Arguments] ${header} ${id} ${subCategory} |
| ${headerSubCategory} Evaluate $header.get("subCategory", "") |
| Should Be Equal ${headerSubCategory} ${subCategory} |
| Should Be Equal ${header}[type] DEVICE_EVENT |
| Should Match Regexp ${header}[id] ${id} |
| # TODO Timestamps are now RFC3339 date strings. Add Verification |
| ${reportedTs} Set Variable ${header}[reportedTs] |
| ${raisedTs} Set Variable ${header}[raisedTs] |
| Should Be Newer Than Or Equal To ${reportedTs} ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |
| Should Be Newer Than Or Equal To ${raisedTs} ${LastEventPostTimestamp} |