blob: af64f910c3fe10a64ac2404a6754daca4bc24e2e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Creates bbsim olt/onu and validates activataion
... Assumes voltha-go, go-based onu/olt adapters, and bbsim are installed
... voltctl and kubectl should be configured prior to running these tests
Library OperatingSystem
Resource ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/onos.robot
Resource ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/voltctl.robot
Resource ${CURDIR}/../../libraries/utils.robot
Resource ${CURDIR}/../../variables/variables.robot
Suite Setup Setup
Suite Teardown Teardown
*** Variables ***
${server_ip} localhost
${timeout} 90s
${num_onus} 1
*** Test Cases ***
Activate Device BBSIM OLT/ONU
[Documentation] Validate deployment ->
... create and enable bbsim device ->
... re-validate deployment
[Tags] sanity
#create/preprovision device
${olt_device_id}= Create Device ${BBSIM_IP} ${BBSIM_PORT}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_device_id}
#enable device
Enable Device ${olt_device_id}
#validate olt states
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device ${BBSIM_OLT_SN} ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE
#validate onu states
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device ${BBSIM_ONU_SN} ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE onu=True onu_reason=tech-profile-config-download-success
#get onu device id
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${BBSIM_ONU_SN}
Set Suite Variable ${onu_device_id}
Validate OLT Connected to ONOS
[Documentation] Verifies the BBSIM-OLT device is activated in onos
[Tags] sanity
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${BBSIM_OLT_SN}
Check EAPOL Flows in ONOS
[Documentation] Validates eapol flows for the onu are pushed from voltha
[Tags] sanity notready
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Verify Eapol Flows Added ${num_onus}
Validate ONU Authenticated in ONOS
[Documentation] Validates onu is AUTHORIZED in ONOS as bbsim will attempt to authenticate
[Tags] sanity
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s Verify Number of AAA-Users ${server_ip} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${num_onus}
Add Subscriber-Access in ONOS
[Documentation] Through the olt-app in ONOS, execute 'volt-add-subscriber-access' and validate IP Flows
[Tags] sanity
## TODO: this works fine with 1 onu, but with multiple onus, we need to ensure this is executes
... prior to to dhclient starting. possible start a process after first test case to just attempt
... "volt-add-subscriber-access" to all onus periodically?
${output}= Execute ONOS Command ${server_ip} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} 16
Log ${output}
Validate DHCP Assignment in ONOS
[Documentation] After IP Flows are pushed to the device, BBSIM will start a dhclient for the ONU.
[Tags] sanity
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 15s Validate DHCP Allocations ${server_ip} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${num_onus}
Delete Device and Verify
[Documentation] Disable -> Delete devices via voltctl and verify its removed
[Tags] VOL-1705
#disable/delete onu
${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device disable ${onu_device_id}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device ${BBSIM_ONU_SN} DISABLED UNKNOWN REACHABLE
${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device delete ${onu_device_id}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device Removed ${onu_device_id}
#disable/delete olt
${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device disable ${olt_device_id}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device ${BBSIM_OLT_SN} DISABLED UNKNOWN REACHABLE
${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device delete ${olt_device_id}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Validate Device Removed ${olt_device_id}
*** Keywords ***
[Documentation] Setup environment
Log Setting up
Check CLI Tools Configured
${onos_auth}= Create List karaf karaf
${HEADERS} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
Create Session ONOS http://${server_ip}:${ONOS_REST_PORT} auth=${ONOS_AUTH}
[Documentation] Delete all http sessions
Delete All Sessions