| # Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # onos common functions |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Library for various utilities |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library String |
| Library DateTime |
| Library Process |
| Library Collections |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Resource ./flows.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| @{connection_list} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Open ONOS SSH Connection |
| [Documentation] Establishes an ssh connection to ONOS contoller |
| [Arguments] ${host} ${port} ${user}=karaf ${pass}=karaf |
| ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${host} port=${port} timeout=300s alias=ONOS_SSH |
| SSHLibrary.Login ${user} ${pass} |
| ${conn_list_entry}= Create Dictionary conn_id=${conn_id} user=${user} pass=${pass} |
| Append To List ${connection_list} ${conn_list_entry} |
| ${conn_list_id}= Get Index From List ${connection_list} ${conn_list_entry} |
| Set Global Variable ${connection_list} |
| [Return] ${conn_list_id} |
| |
| Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection |
| [Documentation] Execute ONOS CLI Command On an Open Connection |
| [Arguments] ${connection_list_id} ${cmd} |
| ${connection_entry}= Get From List ${connection_list} ${connection_list_id} |
| SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connection_entry.conn_id} |
| ${PassOrFail} @{result_values} Run Keyword And Ignore Error SSHLibrary.Execute Command ${cmd} |
| ... return_rc=True return_stderr=True return_stdout=True |
| Run Keyword If '${PassOrFail}'=='FAIL' Reconnect ONOS SSH Connection ${connection_list_id} |
| @{result_values}= Run Keyword If '${PassOrFail}'=='FAIL' |
| ... SSHLibrary.Execute Command ${cmd} return_rc=True return_stderr=True return_stdout=True |
| ... ELSE Set Variable @{result_values} |
| ${output} Set Variable @{result_values}[0] |
| Log Command output: ${output} |
| Should Be Empty @{result_values}[1] |
| Should Be Equal As Integers @{result_values}[2] 0 |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| Reconnect ONOS SSH Connection |
| [Documentation] Reconnect an SSH Connection |
| [Arguments] ${connection_list_id} |
| ${connection_entry}= Get From List ${connection_list} ${connection_list_id} |
| ${user}= Get From Dictionary ${connection_entry} user |
| ${pass}= Get From Dictionary ${connection_entry} pass |
| ${oldconndata}= Get Connection ${connection_entry.conn_id} |
| SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connection_entry.conn_id} |
| SSHLibrary.Close Connection |
| ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${oldconndata.host} port=${oldconndata.port} |
| ... timeout=300s alias=ONOS_SSH |
| SSHLibrary.Login ${user} ${pass} |
| ${conn_list_entry}= Create Dictionary conn_id=${conn_id} user=${user} pass=${pass} |
| Set List Value ${connection_list} ${connection_list_id} ${conn_list_entry} |
| Set Global Variable ${connection_list} |
| |
| Close ONOS SSH Connection |
| [Documentation] Close an SSH Connection |
| [Arguments] ${connection_list_id} |
| ${connection_entry}= Get From List ${connection_list} ${connection_list_id} |
| ${connection_alias}= Get From Dictionary ${connection_entry} conn_id |
| ${oldconndata}= Get Connection ${connection_entry.conn_id} |
| SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${connection_alias} |
| SSHLibrary.Close Connection |
| Remove From List ${connection_list} ${connection_list_id} |
| Set Global Variable ${connection_list} |
| |
| Close All ONOS SSH Connections |
| [Documentation] Close all SSH Connection and clear connection list. |
| SSHLibrary.Close All Connections |
| @{connection_list} Create List |
| |
| Validate OLT Device in ONOS |
| # FIXME use volt-olts to check that the OLT is ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${serial_number} |
| [Documentation] Checks if olt has been connected to ONOS |
| ${resp}= Get Request ONOS onos/v1/devices |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata['devices']} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['devices']} |
| @{serial_numbers}= Create List |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata['devices']} ${INDEX} |
| ${of_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${sn}= Get From Dictionary ${value} serial |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${sn}' == '${serial_number}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No match for ${serial_number} found |
| [Return] ${of_id} |
| |
| Get ONU Port in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onu_serial_number} ${olt_of_id} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves ONU port for the ONU in ONOS |
| ${onu_serial_number}= Catenate SEPARATOR=- ${onu_serial_number} 1 |
| ${resp}= Get Request ONOS onos/v1/devices/${olt_of_id}/ports |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata['ports']} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['ports']} |
| @{ports}= Create List |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata['ports']} ${INDEX} |
| ${annotations}= Get From Dictionary ${value} annotations |
| ${onu_port}= Get From Dictionary ${value} port |
| ${portName}= Get From Dictionary ${annotations} portName |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${portName}' == '${onu_serial_number}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No match for ${onu_serial_number} found |
| [Return] ${onu_port} |
| |
| Get NNI Port in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${olt_of_id} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves NNI port for the OLT in ONOS |
| ${resp}= Get Request ONOS onos/v1/devices/${olt_of_id}/ports |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata['ports']} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['ports']} |
| @{ports}= Create List |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata['ports']} ${INDEX} |
| ${annotations}= Get From Dictionary ${value} annotations |
| ${nni_port}= Get From Dictionary ${value} port |
| ${nniPortName}= Catenate SEPARATOR= nni- ${nni_port} |
| ${portName}= Get From Dictionary ${annotations} portName |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${portName}' == '${nniPortName}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No match for NNI found for ${olt_of_id} |
| [Return] ${nni_port} |
| |
| Get FabricSwitch in ONOS |
| [Documentation] Returns of_id of the Fabric Switch in ONOS |
| ${resp}= Get Request ONOS onos/v1/devices |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata['devices']} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['devices']} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata['devices']} ${INDEX} |
| ${of_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${type}' == "SWITCH" True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No fabric switch found |
| [Return] ${of_id} |
| |
| Get Master Instace in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${of_id} |
| [Documentation] Returns nodeId of the Master instace for a giver device in ONOS |
| ${resp}= Get Request ONOS onos/v1/mastership/${of_id}/master |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata['nodeId']} |
| ${master_node}= Get From Dictionary ${jsondata} nodeId |
| [Return] ${master_node} |
| |
| Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added for ONU |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} ${nni_port} ${c_tag} ${s_tag} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the Subscriber Access Flows are added in ONOS for the ONU |
| # Verify upstream table=0 flow |
| ${upstream_flow_0_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep VLAN_VID:0 | |
| ... grep VLAN_ID:${c_tag} | grep transition=TABLE:1 |
| ${upstream_flow_0_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${upstream_flow_0_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${upstream_flow_0_added} |
| # Verify upstream table=1 flow |
| ${flow_vlan_push_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep VLAN_VID:${c_tag} | |
| ... grep VLAN_PUSH | grep VLAN_ID:${s_tag} | grep OUTPUT:${nni_port} |
| ${upstream_flow_1_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${flow_vlan_push_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${upstream_flow_1_added} |
| # Verify downstream table=0 flow |
| ${flow_vlan_pop_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${nni_port} | grep VLAN_VID:${s_tag} | |
| ... grep VLAN_POP | grep transition=TABLE:1 |
| ${downstream_flow_0_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${flow_vlan_pop_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${downstream_flow_0_added} |
| # Verify downstream table=1 flow |
| ${downstream_flow_1_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${nni_port} | grep VLAN_VID:${c_tag} | |
| ... grep VLAN_ID:0 | grep OUTPUT:${onu_port} |
| ${downstream_flow_1_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${downstream_flow_1_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${downstream_flow_1_added} |
| # Verify ipv4 dhcp upstream flow |
| ${upstream_flow_ipv4_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep ETH_TYPE:ipv4 | |
| ... grep IP_PROTO:17 | grep UDP_SRC:68 | grep UDP_DST:67 | grep VLAN_ID:${c_tag} | |
| ${upstream_flow_ipv4_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${upstream_flow_ipv4_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${upstream_flow_ipv4_added} |
| # Verify ipv4 dhcp downstream flow |
| # Note: This flow will be one per nni per olt |
| ${downstream_flow_ipv4_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${nni_port} | grep ETH_TYPE:ipv4 | |
| ... grep IP_PROTO:17 | grep UDP_SRC:67 | grep UDP_DST:68 | grep OUTPUT:CONTROLLER |
| ${downstream_flow_ipv4_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${downstream_flow_ipv4_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${downstream_flow_ipv4_added} |
| |
| Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added for ONU DT |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} ${nni_port} ${s_tag} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the Subscriber Access Flows are added in ONOS for the ONU |
| # Verify upstream table=0 flow |
| ${upstream_flow_0_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep VLAN_VID:Any | grep transition=TABLE:1 |
| Should Not Be Empty ${upstream_flow_0_added} |
| # Verify upstream table=1 flow |
| ${flow_vlan_push_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep VLAN_VID:Any | |
| ... grep VLAN_PUSH | grep VLAN_ID:${s_tag} | grep OUTPUT:${nni_port} |
| ${upstream_flow_1_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${flow_vlan_push_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${upstream_flow_1_added} |
| # Verify downstream table=0 flow |
| ${flow_vlan_pop_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${nni_port} | grep VLAN_VID:${s_tag} | |
| ... grep VLAN_POP | grep transition=TABLE:1 |
| ${downstream_flow_0_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${flow_vlan_pop_cmd} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${downstream_flow_0_added} |
| # Verify downstream table=1 flow |
| ${downstream_flow_1_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep IN_PORT:${nni_port} | grep VLAN_VID:Any | grep OUTPUT:${onu_port} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${downstream_flow_1_added} |
| |
| Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} ${expected_flows} |
| [Documentation] Matches for total number of subscriber access flows added for all onus |
| ${access_flows_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s ADDED ${olt_of_id} | grep -v deviceId | grep -v ETH_TYPE:lldp | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${access_flows_added} ${expected_flows} |
| |
| Get Programmed Subscribers |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the subscriber details at a given location |
| ${sub_location}= Catenate SEPARATOR=/ ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} |
| ${programmed_sub}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... volt-programmed-subscribers | grep ${sub_location} |
| [Return] ${programmed_sub} |
| |
| Get Upstream and Downstream Bandwidth Profile Name |
| [Arguments] ${programmed_sub} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the upstream and downstream bandwidth profile name |
| ... from the programmed subscriber |
| @{programmed_sub_array}= Split String ${programmed_sub} , |
| # Get upstream bandwidth profile name for the subscriber |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${programmed_sub_array[9]} = |
| ${programmed_sub_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${programmed_sub_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${us_bw_profile}= Run Keyword If '${programmed_sub_param}' == ' upstreamBandwidthProfile' |
| ... Set Variable ${programmed_sub_val} |
| Log ${us_bw_profile} |
| # Get downstream bandwidth profile name for the subscriber |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${programmed_sub_array[10]} = |
| ${programmed_sub_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${programmed_sub_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${ds_bw_profile}= Run Keyword If '${programmed_sub_param}' == ' downstreamBandwidthProfile' |
| ... Set Variable ${programmed_sub_val} |
| Log ${ds_bw_profile} |
| [Return] ${us_bw_profile} ${ds_bw_profile} |
| |
| Get Bandwidth Profile Details |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${bw_profile} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the details of the given bandwidth profile |
| ${bw_profile_values}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... bandwidthprofile ${bw_profile} |
| @{bw_profile_array}= Split String ${bw_profile_values} , |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${bw_profile_array[1]} = |
| ${bw_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${bw_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${cir} Run Keyword If '${bw_param}' == ' committedInformationRate' |
| ... Set Variable ${bw_val} |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${bw_profile_array[2]} = |
| ${bw_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${bw_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${cbs} Run Keyword If '${bw_param}' == ' committedBurstSize' |
| ... Set Variable ${bw_val} |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${bw_profile_array[3]} = |
| ${bw_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${bw_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${eir} Run Keyword If '${bw_param}' == ' exceededInformationRate' |
| ... Set Variable ${bw_val} |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${bw_profile_array[4]} = |
| ${bw_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${bw_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| ${ebs} Run Keyword If '${bw_param}' == ' exceededBurstSize' |
| ... Set Variable ${bw_val} |
| @{param_val_pair}= Split String ${bw_profile_array[5]} = |
| ${bw_param}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[0]} |
| ${bw_val}= Set Variable ${param_val_pair[1]} |
| @{bw_val_air}= Split String ${bw_val} } |
| ${air} Run Keyword If '${bw_param}' == ' assuredInformationRate' |
| ... Set Variable ${bw_val_air[0]} |
| [Return] ${cir} ${cbs} ${eir} ${ebs} ${air} |
| |
| Verify Meters in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Verifies the meters |
| # Get programmed subscriber |
| ${programmed_sub}= Get Programmed Subscribers ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${olt_of_id} ${onu_port} |
| Log ${programmed_sub} |
| ${us_bw_profile} ${ds_bw_profile} Get Upstream and Downstream Bandwidth Profile Name |
| ... ${programmed_sub} |
| # Get upstream bandwidth profile details |
| ${us_cir} ${us_cbs} ${us_eir} ${us_ebs} ${us_air} Get Bandwidth Profile Details |
| ... ${ip} ${port} ${us_bw_profile} |
| Sleep 1s |
| # Verify meter for upstream bandwidth profile |
| ${us_meter_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... meters ${olt_of_id} | grep state=ADDED | grep "rate=${us_cir}, burst-size=${us_cbs}" |
| ... | grep "rate=${us_eir}, burst-size=${us_ebs}" | grep "rate=${us_air}, burst-size=0" | wc -l |
| ${upstream_meter_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${us_meter_cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${upstream_meter_added} 1 |
| Sleep 1s |
| # Get downstream bandwidth profile details |
| ${ds_cir} ${ds_cbs} ${ds_eir} ${ds_ebs} ${ds_air} Get Bandwidth Profile Details |
| ... ${ip} ${port} ${ds_bw_profile} |
| Sleep 1s |
| # Verify meter for downstream bandwidth profile |
| ${ds_meter_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... meters ${olt_of_id} | grep state=ADDED | grep "rate=${ds_cir}, burst-size=${ds_cbs}" |
| ... | grep "rate=${ds_eir}, burst-size=${ds_ebs}" | grep "rate=${ds_air}, burst-size=0" | wc -l |
| ${downstream_meter_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${ds_meter_cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${downstream_meter_added} 1 |
| |
| Verify Default Meter Present in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} |
| [Documentation] Verifies the single default meter entry is present |
| # Get default bandwidth profile details |
| ${cir} ${cbs} ${eir} ${ebs} ${air} Get Bandwidth Profile Details |
| ... ${ip} ${port} 'Default' |
| Sleep 1s |
| # Verify meter for default bandwidth profile |
| ${meter_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... meters ${olt_of_id} | grep state=ADDED | grep "rate=${cir}, burst-size=${cbs}" |
| ... | grep "rate=${eir}, burst-size=${ebs}" | grep "rate=${air}, burst-size=0" | wc -l |
| ${default_meter_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ${meter_cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${default_meter_added} 1 |
| |
| Verify Device Flows Removed |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_of_id} |
| [Documentation] Verifies all flows are removed from the device |
| ${device_flows}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s -f ${olt_of_id} | grep -v deviceId | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${device_flows} 0 |
| |
| Verify Eapol Flows Added |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${expected_flows} |
| [Documentation] Matches for number of eapol flows based on number of onus |
| ${eapol_flows_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s -f ADDED | grep eapol | grep IN_PORT | wc -l |
| Should Contain ${eapol_flows_added} ${expected_flows} |
| |
| Verify No Pending Flows For ONU |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Verifies that there are no flows "PENDING" state for the ONU in ONOS |
| ${pending_flows}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} | grep PENDING |
| Should Be Empty ${pending_flows} |
| |
| Verify Eapol Flows Added For ONU |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the Eapol Flows are added in ONOS for the ONU |
| ${eapol_flows_added}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... flows -s -f ADDED | grep eapol | grep IN_PORT:${onu_port} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${eapol_flows_added} |
| |
| Verify ONU Port Is Enabled |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_name} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the ONU port is enabled in ONOS |
| ${onu_port_enabled}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ports -e | grep portName=${onu_name} |
| Log ${onu_port_enabled} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${onu_port_enabled} |
| |
| Verify ONU Port Is Disabled |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_name} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the ONU port is disabled in ONOS |
| ${onu_port_disabled}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... ports -e | grep portName=${onu_name} |
| Log ${onu_port_disabled} |
| Should Be Empty ${onu_port_disabled} |
| |
| Verify ONU in AAA-Users |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Verifies that the specified onu_port exists in aaa-users output |
| ${aaa_users}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} aaa-users | grep AUTHORIZED | grep ${onu_port} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${aaa_users} ONU port ${onu_port} not found in aaa-users |
| |
| Assert Number of AAA-Users |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${expected_onus} ${deviceId} |
| [Documentation] Matches for number of aaa-users authorized based on number of onus |
| ${aaa_users}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... aaa-users | grep ${deviceId} | grep AUTHORIZED | wc -l |
| Log Found ${aaa_users} of ${expected_onus} expected authenticated users on device ${deviceId} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${aaa_users} ${expected_onus} |
| |
| Validate DHCP Allocations |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${workflow} ${deviceId} |
| [Documentation] Matches for number of dhcpacks based on number of onus |
| ${allocations}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... dhcpl2relay-allocations | grep ${deviceId} | grep DHCPACK | wc -l |
| # if the workflow is TT we'll have 2 allocations for each ONU |
| ${ttAllocations}= Evaluate (${count} * 2) |
| ${count}= Set Variable If $workflow=='tt' ${ttAllocations} ${count} |
| Log Found ${allocations} of ${count} expected DHCPACK on device ${deviceId} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${allocations} ${count} |
| |
| Validate Subscriber DHCP Allocation |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${onu_port} ${vlan}='' |
| [Documentation] Verifies that the specified subscriber is found in DHCP allocations |
| ##TODO: Enhance the keyword to include DHCP allocated address is not |
| ${allocations}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ip} ${port} |
| ... dhcpl2relay-allocations | grep DHCPACK | grep ${onu_port} | grep ${vlan} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${allocations} ONU port ${onu_port} not found in dhcpl2relay-allocations |
| |
| Device Is Available In ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${url} ${dpid} |
| [Documentation] Validates the device exists and it available in ONOS |
| ${rc} ${json} Run And Return Rc And Output curl --fail -sSL ${url}/onos/v1/devices/${dpid} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${rc} |
| ${rc} ${value} Run And Return Rc And Output echo '${json}' | jq -r .available |
| Should Be Equal As Integers 0 ${rc} |
| Should Be Equal 'true' '${value}' |
| |
| Remove All Devices From ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${url} |
| [Documentation] Executes the device-remove command on each device in ONOS |
| ${rc} ${output} Run And Return Rc And Output |
| ... curl --fail -sSL ${url}/onos/v1/devices | jq -r '.devices[].id' |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| @{dpids} Split String ${output} |
| ${count}= Get length ${dpids} |
| FOR ${dpid} IN @{dpids} |
| ${rc}= Run Keyword If '${dpid}' != '' |
| ... Run And Return Rc curl -XDELETE --fail -sSL ${url}/onos/v1/devices/${dpid} |
| Run Keyword If '${dpid}' != '' |
| ... Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| END |
| |
| Assert ONU Port Is Disabled |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${deviceId} ${onu_port} |
| [Documentation] Verifies if the ONU port is disabled in ONOS |
| ${onu_port_disabled}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... ports -d ${deviceId} | grep port=${onu_port} |
| Log ${onu_port_disabled} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${onu_port_disabled} |
| |
| Assert Ports in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${deviceId} ${filter} |
| [Documentation] Check that a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS |
| ${ports}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... ports -e ${deviceId} | grep ${filter} | wc -l |
| Log Found ${ports} of ${count} expected ports on device ${deviceId} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${ports} ${count} |
| |
| Wait for Ports in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${deviceId} ${filter} ${max_wait_time}=10m |
| [Documentation] Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in ONOS for a particular deviceId |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${max_wait_time} 5s Assert Ports in ONOS |
| ... ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${deviceId} ${filter} |
| |
| Wait for AAA Authentication |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${deviceId} ${max_wait_time}=10m |
| [Documentation] Waits untill a certain number of subscribers are authenticated in ONOS |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${max_wait_time} 5s Assert Number of AAA-Users |
| ... ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${deviceId} |
| |
| Wait for DHCP Ack |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${workflow} ${deviceId} ${max_wait_time}=10m |
| [Documentation] Waits untill a certain number of subscribers have received a DHCP_ACK |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${max_wait_time} 5s Validate DHCP Allocations |
| ... ${onos_ssh_connection} ${count} ${workflow} ${deviceId} |
| |
| Provision subscriber |
| [Documentation] Calls volt-add-subscriber-access in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ip} ${onos_port} ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| |
| Provision subscriber REST |
| [Documentation] Uses the rest APIs to provision a subscriber |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ip} ${onos_port} ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| ${resp}= Post Request ONOS |
| ... /onos/olt/oltapp/${of_id}/${onu_port} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| |
| |
| List Enabled UNI Ports |
| [Documentation] List all the UNI Ports, the only way we have is to filter out the one called NNI |
| ... Creates a list of dictionaries |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${of_id} |
| [Return] [{'port': '16', 'of_id': 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a00'}, {'port': '32', 'of_id': 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a00'}] |
| ${result}= Create List |
| ${out}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... ports -e ${of_id} | grep -v SWITCH | grep -v nni |
| @{unis}= Split To Lines ${out} |
| FOR ${uni} IN @{unis} |
| ${matches} = Get Regexp Matches ${uni} .*port=([0-9]+),.* 1 |
| &{portDict} Create Dictionary of_id=${of_id} port=${matches[0]} |
| Append To List ${result} ${portDict} |
| END |
| Log ${result} |
| Return From Keyword ${result} |
| |
| Provision all subscribers on device |
| [Documentation] Provisions a subscriber in ONOS for all the enabled UNI ports on a particular device |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${onos_ip} ${onos_rest_port} ${of_id} |
| ${unis}= List Enabled UNI Ports ${onos_ssh_connection} ${of_id} |
| ${onos_auth}= Create List karaf karaf |
| Create Session ONOS http://${onos_ip}:${onos_rest_port} auth=${onos_auth} |
| FOR ${uni} IN @{unis} |
| Provision Subscriber REST ${onos_ip} ${onos_rest_port} ${uni['of_id']} ${uni['port']} |
| END |
| |
| List OLTs |
| # NOTE this method is not currently used but it can come useful in the future |
| [Documentation] Returns a list of all OLTs known to ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| [Return] ['of:00000a0a0a0a0a00', 'of:00000a0a0a0a0a01'] |
| ${result}= Create List |
| ${out}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... volt-olts |
| @{olts}= Split To Lines ${out} |
| FOR ${olt} IN @{olts} |
| Log ${olt} |
| ${matches} = Get Regexp Matches ${olt} ^OLT (.+)$ 1 |
| # there may be some logs mixed with the output so only append if we have a match |
| ${matches_length}= Get Length ${matches} |
| Run Keyword If ${matches_length}==1 |
| ... Append To List ${result} ${matches[0]} |
| END |
| Return From Keyword ${result} |
| |
| Count ADDED flows |
| [Documentation] Count the flows in ADDED state in ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${targetFlows} ${deviceId} |
| ${flows}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... flows -s any ${deviceId} | grep ADDED | wc -l |
| Log Found ${flows} of ${targetFlows} expected flows on device ${deviceId} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${targetFlows} ${flows} |
| |
| Wait for all flows to in ADDED state |
| [Documentation] Waits until the flows have been provisioned |
| [Arguments] ${onos_ssh_connection} ${deviceId} ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} |
| ... ${provisioned} ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} |
| ${targetFlows}= Calculate flows by workflow ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} ${provisioned} |
| ... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10m 5s Count ADDED flows |
| ... ${onos_ssh_connection} ${targetFlows} ${deviceId} |
| |
| Get Bandwidth Details |
| [Arguments] ${bandwidth_profile_name} |
| [Documentation] Collects the bandwidth profile details for the given bandwidth profile and |
| ... returns the limiting bandwidth |
| ${bandwidth_profile_values}= Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... bandwidthprofile ${bandwidth_profile_name} |
| @{bandwidth_profile_array}= Split String ${bandwidth_profile_values} , |
| @{parameter_value_pair}= Split String ${bandwidth_profile_array[1]} = |
| ${bandwidthparameter}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[0]} |
| ${value}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[1]} |
| ${cir_value} Run Keyword If '${bandwidthparameter}' == ' committedInformationRate' |
| ... Set Variable ${value} |
| @{parameter_value_pair}= Split String ${bandwidth_profile_array[2]} = |
| ${bandwidthparameter}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[0]} |
| ${value}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[1]} |
| ${cbs_value} Run Keyword If '${bandwidthparameter}' == ' committedBurstSize' Set Variable ${value} |
| @{parameter_value_pair}= Split String ${bandwidth_profile_array[3]} = |
| ${bandwidthparameter}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[0]} |
| ${value}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[1]} |
| ${eir_value} Run Keyword If '${bandwidthparameter}' == ' exceededInformationRate' Set Variable ${value} |
| @{parameter_value_pair}= Split String ${bandwidth_profile_array[4]} = |
| ${bandwidthparameter}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[0]} |
| ${value}= Set Variable ${parameter_value_pair[1]} |
| ${ebs_value} Run Keyword If '${bandwidthparameter}' == ' exceededBurstSize' Set Variable ${value} |
| ${limiting_BW}= Evaluate ${cir_value}+${eir_value} |
| [Return] ${limiting_BW} |
| |
| Validate Deleted Device Cleanup In ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${olt_serial_number} |
| [Documentation] The keyword verifies that ports, flows, meters, subscribers, dhcp are all cleared in ONOS |
| # Fetch OF Id for OLT |
| ${olt_of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${olt_serial_number} |
| # Open ONOS SSH Connection |
| ${onos_ssh_connection} Open ONOS SSH Connection ${ip} ${port} |
| # Verify Ports are Removed |
| ${port_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... ports ${olt_of_id} | grep -v ${olt_of_id} | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${port_count} 0 |
| # Verify Subscribers are Removed |
| ${sub_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... volt-programmed-subscribers | grep ${olt_of_id} | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${sub_count} 0 |
| # Verify Flows are Removed |
| ${flow_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... flows -s -f ${olt_of_id} | grep -v deviceId | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${flow_count} 0 |
| # Verify Meters are Removed |
| ${meter_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... meters ${olt_of_id} | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${meter_count} 0 |
| # Verify AAA-Users are Removed |
| ${aaa_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... aaa-users ${olt_of_id} | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${aaa_count} 0 |
| # Verify Dhcp-Allocations are Removed |
| ${dhcp_count}= Execute ONOS CLI Command on open connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |
| ... dhcpl2relay-allocations ${olt_of_id} | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${dhcp_count} 0 |
| # Close ONOS SSH Connection |
| Close ONOS SSH Connection ${onos_ssh_connection} |