blob: a9fb66e1d55cfdd7cf5994593d3ba1b0d3ff3f3b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 - present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Tests can be enabled by passing the following tags:
# - [setup] Creates and enable the OLT devices
# - [activation] Checks that ONUs are active in VOLTHA and ports discevered in ONOS
# - [flow-before] Checks that flows are pushed (before subscriber provisioning)
# - [authentication] Checks that subscribers are correctly authenticated
# - [provision] Provision the data-plane flows for all the subscribers
# - [flow-after] Checks that flows are pushed (after subscriber provisioning)
# - [dhcp] Checks that subscribers have received an IP
# To run the full test:
# robot Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
# To run only ceratain tests:
# robot -i activation -i flow-before Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
# To exclude only ceratain tests:
# robot -e -i flow-before Voltha_Scale_Tests.robot
# Once te test complete you can extrapolate the results by using
# python
*** Settings ***
Documentation Collect measurements on VOLTHA performances
Suite Setup Setup Suite
#Test Setup Setup
#Test Teardown Teardown
Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../libraries/
Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot
Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
Resource ../../libraries/voltha.robot
Resource ../../libraries/flows.robot
Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot
Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot
Resource ../../libraries/bbsim.robot
Resource ../../variables/variables.robot
*** Variables ***
${ONOS_SSH_PORT} 30115
${NAMESPACE} default
# Scale pipeline values
${stackId} 1
${olt} 1
${pon} 1
${onu} 1
${enableFlowProvisioning} true
${enableSubscriberProvisioning} true
${workflow} att
${withEapol} false
${withDhcp} false
${withIgmp} false
# as of now the LLDP flow is always installed
${withLLDP} true
# Per-test logging on failure is turned off by default; set this variable to enable
${container_log_dir} ${None}
${timeout} 10m
*** Test Cases ***
Create and Enable devices
[Documentation] Create and enable the OLTs in VOLTHA
[Tags] non-critical setup
${olt_device_ids}= Create List
FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${olt}
${olt_device_id}= Create Device bbsim${INDEX} 50060 openolt
Enable Device ${olt_device_id}
Append To List ${olt_device_ids} ${olt_device_id}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_device_ids}
[Documentation] Check that ONOS recognize the correct number of OLTs
[Tags] activation plot-onos-olts
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for Olt in ONOS ${onos_ssh_connection} ${deviceId}
Onu Activation in VOLTHA
[Documentation] Check that all ONUs reach the ACTIVE/ENABLED state in VOLTHA
[Tags] non-critical activation plot-voltha-onus
Wait For ONUs In VOLTHA ${total_onus}
Port Discovery in ONOS
[Documentation] Check that all the UNI ports show up in ONOS
[Tags] non-critical activation plot-onos-ports
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for Ports in ONOS ${onos_ssh_connection} ${total_onus_per_olt} ${deviceId} BBSM
Flows validation in VOLTHA before subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all the flows has been stored in the logical device
[Tags] non-critical flow-before plot-voltha-flows-before
# NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
Wait for Logical Devices flows ${workflow} ${total_onus} ${olt} false
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Flows validation in VOLTHA Adapters before subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all flows has been store in devices of type openolt
[Tags] non-critical flow-before plot-voltha-openolt-flows-before only-me
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
Wait for OpenOLT Devices flows ${workflow} ${total_onus} ${olt} false
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Flows validation in ONOS before subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all the flows has been acknowledged
[Tags] non-critical flow-before plot-onos-flows-before
# NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for all flows to in ADDED state ${onos_ssh_connection}
... ${deviceId} ${workflow} ${total_onus_per_olt} 1 false
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Wait for subscribers to be Authenticated
[Documentation] Check that all subscribers have successfully authenticated
[Tags] non-critical authentication plot-onos-auth
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for AAA Authentication ${onos_ssh_connection} ${total_onus_per_olt} ${deviceId}
Provision subscribers
[Documentation] Provision data plane flows for all the subscribers
[Tags] non-critical provision
Should Be Equal ${enableSubscriberProvisioning} true
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${olt} IN @{onos_devices}
Provision all subscribers on device ${onos_ssh_connection} ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_REST_PORT} ${olt}
Flows validation in VOLTHA after subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all the flows has been stored in the logical device
[Tags] non-critical flow-after plot-voltha-flows-after
# NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
Wait for Logical Devices flows ${workflow} ${total_onus} ${olt} true
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Flows validation in VOLTHA Adapters after subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all flows has been store in devices of type openolt
[Tags] non-critical flow-after plot-voltha-openolt-flows-after only-me
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
Wait for OpenOLT Devices flows ${workflow} ${total_onus} ${olt} true
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Flows validation in ONOS after subscriber provisioning
[Documentation] Check that all the flows has been acknowledged
[Tags] non-critical flow-after plot-onos-flows-after
# NOTE fail the test immediately if we're trying to check flows without provisioning them
Should Be Equal ${enableFlowProvisioning} true
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for all flows to in ADDED state ${onos_ssh_connection}
... ${deviceId} ${workflow} ${total_onus_per_olt} 1 true
... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLLDP}
Wait for subscribers to have an IP
[Documentation] Check that all subscribers have received a DHCP_ACK
[Tags] non-critical dhcp plot-onos-dhcp
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Wait for DHCP Ack ${onos_ssh_connection} ${total_onus_per_olt} ${workflow} ${deviceId}
Perform Igmp Join
[Documentation] Performs Igmp Join for all the ONUs of all the OLTs (based on Rest Endpoint)
[Tags] non-critical igmp igmp-join
FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${olt}
${bbsim_rel}= Catenate SEPARATOR= bbsim ${INDEX}
${bbsim_rel_local_port}= Evaluate ${BBSIM_REST_PORT}+${INDEX}
Create Session ${bbsim_rel} http://${BBSIM_REST_IP}:${bbsim_rel_local_port}
${bbsim_pod}= Get Pod Name By Label ${NAMESPACE} release ${bbsim_rel}
${onu_list}= Get ONUs List ${NAMESPACE} ${bbsim_pod}
Perform Igmp Join or Leave Per OLT ${bbsim_rel} ${onu_list} join
List Service ${NAMESPACE} ${bbsim_pod}
Wait for ONUs Join Igmp Group
[Documentation] Checks the ONUs Join the IGMP Group
... Note: Currently, it expects all the ONUs on an OLT joined the same group
[Tags] non-critical igmp igmp-join igmp-count-verify igmp-join-count-verify
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify ONUs in Group Count in ONOS ${onos_ssh_connection} ${total_onus_per_olt} ${deviceId}
Perform Igmp Leave
[Documentation] Performs Igmp Leave for all the ONUs of all the OLTs (based on Rest Endpoint)
[Tags] non-critical igmp igmp-leave
FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${olt}
${bbsim_rel}= Catenate SEPARATOR= bbsim ${INDEX}
${bbsim_rel_local_port}= Evaluate ${BBSIM_REST_PORT}+${INDEX}
Create Session ${bbsim_rel} http://${BBSIM_REST_IP}:${bbsim_rel_local_port}
${bbsim_pod}= Get Pod Name By Label ${NAMESPACE} release ${bbsim_rel}
${onu_list}= Get ONUs List ${NAMESPACE} ${bbsim_pod}
Perform Igmp Join or Leave Per OLT ${bbsim_rel} ${onu_list} leave
List Service ${NAMESPACE} ${bbsim_pod}
Wait for ONUs Leave Igmp Group
[Documentation] Checks the ONUs Leave the IGMP Group
... Note: Currently, it expects all the ONUs on an OLT left the same group
[Tags] non-critical igmp igmp-leave igmp-count-verify igmp-leave-count-verify
${onos_devices}= Compute Device IDs
FOR ${deviceId} IN @{onos_devices}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Empty Group in ONOS ${onos_ssh_connection} ${deviceId}
Disable and Delete devices
[Documentation] Disable and delete the OLTs in VOLTHA
[Tags] non-critical teardown
FOR ${olt_device_id} IN @{olt_device_ids}
Disable Device ${olt_device_id}
Delete Device ${olt_device_id}
Remove Values From List ${olt_device_ids} ${olt_device_id}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_device_ids}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
[Documentation] Setup test global variables, open an SSH connection to ONOS and starts a timer
${total_onus}= Evaluate ${olt} * ${pon} * ${onu}
Set Suite Variable ${total_onus}
${total_onus_per_olt}= Evaluate ${pon} * ${onu}
Set Suite Variable ${total_onus_per_olt}
${onos_auth}= Create List karaf karaf
Create Session ONOS http://${ONOS_REST_IP}:${ONOS_REST_PORT} auth=${ONOS_AUTH}
Run Keyword If '${workflow}'=='tt'
... Send File To Onos ${CURDIR}/../../tests/data/onos-igmp.json apps/
${onos_ssh_connection} Open ONOS SSH Connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
Set Suite Variable ${onos_ssh_connection}
Teardown Suite
[Documentation] Close the SSH connection to ONOS
Close All ONOS SSH Connections
Compute device IDs
[Documentation] Creates a list of ONOS device ID based on the test configuration
# TODO read ${olt} and ${stackid} from parameters
${base}= Set Variable of:00000a0a0a0a0a
${device_ids}= Create List
FOR ${olt_id} IN RANGE 0 ${olt}
${decimal_id}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${stackid} ${olt_id}
${piece}= Convert To Hex ${decimal_id} length=2 lowercase=yes
${id}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${base} ${piece}
Append To List ${device_ids} ${id}
[Return] ${device_ids}
Perform Igmp Join or Leave Per OLT
[Documentation] Performs Igmp Join for all the ONUs of an OLT (based on Rest Endpoint)
[Arguments] ${bbsim_rel_session} ${onu_list} ${task}
FOR ${onu} IN @{onu_list}
JoinOrLeave Igmp Rest Based ${bbsim_rel_session} ${onu} ${task}