blob: 06a71b62cf04b5b0d3a9a80d11f71a8a1cd5217b [file] [log] [blame]
#Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test raises alarms using bbsimctl and verifies them using voltctl
Suite Setup Setup Suite
Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../libraries/
Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot
Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot
Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot
Resource ../../variables/variables.robot
*** Variables ***
${timeout} 60s
${long_timeout} 420s
${of_id} 0
${logical_id} 0
${has_dataplane} True
${external_libs} True
${setup_device} True
${teardown_device} True
*** Test Cases ***
Ensure required pods Running
[Documentation] Ensure the bbsim and voltctl pods are in Running state
[Tags] active
Validate Pod Status ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} Running
ONU Discovery
[Documentation] Discover lists of ONUS, their Serial Numbers and device id, and pick one for subsequent tests
[Tags] active
#build onu sn list
${List_ONU_Serial} Create List
Set Suite Variable ${List_ONU_Serial}
Build ONU SN List ${List_ONU_Serial}
Log ${List_ONU_Serial}
#validate onu states
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${long_timeout} 20s
... Validate ONU Devices ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE ${List_ONU_Serial}
# Pick an ONU to use for subsequent test cases
${onu_sn} Set Variable ${List_ONU_Serial}[0]
Set Suite Variable ${onu_sn}
${onu_id} Get Device ID From SN ${onu_sn}
Set Suite Variable ${onu_id}
Test StartupFailureAlarm
[Documentation] Raise StartupFailure Alarm and verify event received
[Tags] not_active
Raise Alarm StartupFailure ${onu_sn}
# This one is actually broken...
# TODO: complete test once alarm is working...
Test RaiseLossOfBurstAlarm
[Documentation] Raise Loss Of Burst Alarm and verify event received
[Tags] active
${since} Get Current Time
Raise Alarm LossOfBurst ${onu_sn}
${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_RAISE_EVENT ${since}
Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST\.(\\d+)
Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_RAISE_EVENT
# TODO: Why does the event have the OLT ID instead of the ONU ID ? Verify correctness.
${parent_id} Get Parent ID From Device ID ${onu_id}
Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id}
Test ClearLossOfBurstAlarm
[Documentation] Clear Loss Of Burst Alarm and verify event received
[Tags] active
${since} Get Current Time
Clear Alarm LossOfBurst ${onu_sn}
${header} ${deviceEvent} Get Device Event ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_CLEAR_EVENT ${since}
Verify Header ${header} Voltha.openolt.ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST\.(\\d+)
Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[deviceEventName] ONU_LOSS_OF_BURST_CLEAR_EVENT
# TODO: Why does the event have the OLT ID instead of the ONU ID ? Verify correctness.
${parent_id} Get Parent ID From Device ID ${onu_id}
Should Be Equal ${deviceEvent}[resourceId] ${parent_id}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
[Documentation] Set up the test suite
Common Test Suite Setup
# Ensure the voltctl pod is deployed and running
Apply Kubernetes Resources ./voltctl.yaml ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate Pod Status ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME} ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} Running
# Call Setup keyword in utils library to create and enable device
Run Keyword If ${setup_device} Setup
Teardown Suite
[Documentation] Clean up devices if desired
... kills processes and cleans up interfaces on src+dst servers
Run Keyword If ${external_libs} Get ONOS Status ${k8s_node_ip}
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux
Run Keyword If ${external_libs}
... Log Kubernetes Containers Logs Since Time ${datetime} ${container_list}
Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Delete Device and Verify
Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Test Empty Device List
Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Execute ONOS CLI Command ${k8s_node_ip} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
... device-remove ${of_id}
Raise Alarm
[Documentation] Raise an Alarm
[Arguments] ${name} ${sn}
${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} bbsimctl alarm raise ${name} ${sn}
Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent
Clear Alarm
[Documentation] Raise an Alarm
[Arguments] ${name} ${sn}
${raiseOutput} Exec Pod ${BBSIMCTL_NAMESPACE} ${BBSIMCTL_POD_NAME} bbsimctl alarm clear ${name} ${sn}
Should Contain ${raiseOutput} Alarm Indication Sent
Get Device Event
[Documentation] Get the most recent alarm event from
[Arguments] ${deviceEventName} ${since}
${output} ${raiseErr} Exec Pod Separate Stderr ${VOLTCTL_NAMESPACE} ${VOLTCTL_POD_NAME}
... voltctl event listen --show-body -t 1 -o json -f Titles=${deviceEventName} -s ${since}
${json} To Json ${output}
${count} Get Length ${json}
# If there is more than one event (which could happen if we quickly do a raise and a clear),
# then return the most recent one.
Should Be Larger Than ${count} 0
${lastIndex} Evaluate ${count}-1
${lastItem} Set Variable ${json}[${lastIndex}]
${header} Set Variable ${lastItem}[header]
${deviceEvent} Set Variable ${lastItem}[deviceEvent]
Log ${header}
Log ${deviceEvent}
[return] ${header} ${deviceEvent}
Verify Header
[Documentation] Verify that a DeviceEvent's header is sane and the id matches regex
[Arguments] ${header} ${id}
Should Be Equal ${header}[subCategory] ONU
Should Be Equal ${header}[type] DEVICE_EVENT
Should Match Regexp ${header}[id] ${id}
# TODO Revisit when timestamp format is changed from Float to Timestamp
Should Be Float ${header}[raisedTs]
Should Be Float ${header}[reportedTs]