[VOL-4267] Minor modifications to voltha comp restart scenarios while continuous ping in background for DT,
also marked the same TCs to notready till ping in background issue is resolved for lxc containers.
Additionally, deleted Voltha_failureScenarios2 unused robot file.

Change-Id: I6b42d8a8fad505fcd4c12eb02a83d9fab03ba2fe
diff --git a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_FailureScenarios.robot b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_FailureScenarios.robot
index 6020929..5233544 100755
--- a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_FailureScenarios.robot
+++ b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_FailureScenarios.robot
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Restart openonu-adapter container after VOLTHA is operational.
     ...    Run the ping continuously in background during container restart,
     ...    and verify that there should be no affect on the dataplane.
-    [Tags]    functionalDt   RestartOpenOnuPingDt    non-critical
+    [Tags]    functionalDt    RestartOpenOnuPingDt    non-critical    notready
     [Setup]    Start Logging    RestartOpenOnuPingDt
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
     ...           AND             Stop Logging    RestartOpenOnuPingDt
@@ -595,11 +595,15 @@
     FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
         ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
         ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
-        ${ping_output_file}=    Set Variable    /tmp/${src['onu']}_ping
         Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
         ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
         ...    Stop Ping Running In Background    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}
         ...    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
+    END
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${ping_output_file}=    Set Variable    /tmp/${src['onu']}_ping
         ${ping_output}=    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
         ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
         ...    Retrieve Remote File Contents    ${ping_output_file}    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}
@@ -611,7 +615,7 @@
     [Documentation]    Restart openolt-adapter container after VOLTHA is operational.
     ...    Run the ping continuously in background during container restart,
     ...    and verify that there should be no affect on the dataplane.
-    [Tags]    functionalDt   RestartOpenOltPingDt    non-critical
+    [Tags]    functionalDt    RestartOpenOltPingDt    non-critical    notready
     [Setup]    Start Logging    RestartOpenOltPingDt
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Run Keyword If    ${logging}    Collect Logs
     ...           AND             Stop Logging    RestartOpenOltPingDt
@@ -644,11 +648,15 @@
     FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
         ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
         ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
-        ${ping_output_file}=    Set Variable    /tmp/${src['onu']}_ping
         Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
         ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
         ...    Stop Ping Running In Background    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}
         ...    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
+    END
+    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_all_onus}
+        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
+        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
+        ${ping_output_file}=    Set Variable    /tmp/${src['onu']}_ping
         ${ping_output}=    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
         ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
         ...    Retrieve Remote File Contents    ${ping_output_file}    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}
diff --git a/tests/functional/Voltha_FailureScenarios2.robot b/tests/functional/Voltha_FailureScenarios2.robot
deleted file mode 100755
index 7070ff2..0000000
--- a/tests/functional/Voltha_FailureScenarios2.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 - present Open Networking Foundation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation     Test various failure scenarios
-Suite Setup       Setup Suite
-Test Setup        Setup
-Test Teardown     Teardown
-Suite Teardown    Teardown Suite
-Library           Collections
-Library           String
-Library           OperatingSystem
-Library           XML
-Library           RequestsLibrary
-Library           ../../libraries/DependencyLibrary.py
-Resource          ../../libraries/onos.robot
-Resource          ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
-Resource          ../../libraries/voltha.robot
-Resource          ../../libraries/utils.robot
-Resource          ../../libraries/k8s.robot
-Resource          ../../variables/variables.robot
-Resource          ../../libraries/power_switch.robot
-*** Variables ***
-${POD_NAME}       flex-ocp-cord
-${KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR}    ~/pod-configs/kubernetes-configs
-${HELM_CHARTS_DIR}    ~/helm-charts
-${NAMESPACE}      voltha
-${DEFAULTSPACE}      default
-# For below variable value, using deployment name as using grep for
-# parsing radius pod name, we can also use full radius pod name
-${RESTART_POD_NAME}    radius
-${timeout}        60s
-${of_id}          0
-${logical_id}     0
-${has_dataplane}    True
-${teardown_device}    False
-${scripts}        ../../scripts
-# Per-test logging on failure is turned off by default; set this variable to enable
-${container_log_dir}    ${None}
-# logging flag to enable Collect Logs, can be passed via the command line too
-# example: -v logging:False
-${logging}    True
-*** Test Cases ***
-Verify OLT Soft Reboot
-    [Documentation]    Test soft reboot of the OLT using voltctl command
-    [Tags]    VOL-2745   OLTSoftReboot    functional
-    [Setup]    Start Logging    OLTSoftReboot
-    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
-    ...           AND             Stop Logging    OLTSoftReboot
-    Delete All Devices and Verify
-    Setup
-    ## Performing Sanity Test to make sure subscribers are all AUTH+DHCP and pingable
-    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Perform Sanity Test
-    # Reboot the OLT using "voltctl device reboot" command
-    Reboot Device    ${olt_device_id}
-    # Wait for the OLT to actually go down
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    360s    5s    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    UNKNOWN    UNREACHABLE
-    ...    ${olt_serial_number}
-    #Verify that ping fails
-    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
-        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
-        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
-        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
-        ...    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    60s    2s
-        ...    Check Ping    False    ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}    ${src['dp_iface_name']}
-        ...    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
-    END
-    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    120s    10s
-    ...    Check Remote System Reachability    True    ${olt_ssh_ip}
-    # Waiting extra time for the ONUs to come up
-    # Check OLT states
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    360s    5s    Validate OLT Device    ENABLED    ACTIVE    REACHABLE
-    ...    ${olt_serial_number}
-    #Check after reboot that ONUs are active, authenticated/DHCP/pingable
-    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Perform Sanity Test
-Verify restart ofagent container before subscriber is provisioned
-    [Documentation]    Restart ofagent container before subscriber is provisioned.
-    [Tags]    functional   VOL-2962   ofagentRestart
-    [Setup]    Start Logging    ofagentRestart
-    [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
-    ...           AND             Stop Logging    ofagentRestart
-    ...           AND             Scale K8s Deployment    ${NAMESPACE}    voltha-ofagent    1
-    setup
-    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Clean Up Linux
-    ${of_id}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    15s    Validate OLT Device in ONOS    ${olt_serial_number}
-    Set Global Variable    ${of_id}
-    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
-        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
-        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
-        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
-        ${onu_port}=    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${src['onu']}
-        ...    ${of_id}
-        # Bring up the device and verify it authenticates
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    5s    Validate Device        ENABLED    ACTIVE    REACHABLE
-        ...    ${onu_device_id}    onu=True    onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed    by_dev_id=True
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Verify Eapol Flows Added For ONU    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
-        ...    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${of_id}    ${onu_port}
-        ${wpa_log}=    Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Catenate    SEPARATOR=.
-        ...    /tmp/wpa    ${src['dp_iface_name']}    log
-        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Validate Authentication    True
-        ...    ${src['dp_iface_name']}    wpa_supplicant.conf    ${src['ip']}    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}
-        ...    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}    ${wpa_log}
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Verify ONU in AAA-Users    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
-        ...    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}     ${onu_port}
-    END
-    # Restart POD ofagent
-    ${waitforRestart}    Set Variable    120s
-    ${podStatusOutput}=    Run    kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
-    Log    ${podStatusOutput}
-    ${countBforRestart}=    Run    kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} | grep Running | wc -l
-    ${podName}    Set Variable     ofagent
-    Restart Pod    ${NAMESPACE}    ${podName}
-    Sleep    60s
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${waitforRestart}    2s    Validate Pod Status    ofagent    ${NAMESPACE}
-    ...    Running
-    FOR    ${I}    IN RANGE    0    ${num_onus}
-        # Add subscriber access and verify that DHCP completes to ensure system is still functioning properly
-        #Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
-        #...    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
-        ${src}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.src[${I}]}
-        ${dst}=    Set Variable    ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
-        ${onu_device_id}=    Get Device ID From SN    ${src['onu']}
-        ${onu_port}=    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s
-        ...    Get ONU Port in ONOS    ${src['onu']}    ${of_id}
-        # Add subscriber access and verify that DHCP completes to ensure system is still functioning properly
-        Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s    Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
-        ...    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
-	# Verify DHCP-Allocations
-        Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    ${timeout}    2s
-        ...    Validate Subscriber DHCP Allocation    ${ONOS_SSH_IP}    ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}    ${onu_port}
-        # Verify Ping
-        Run Keyword If    ${has_dataplane}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Check Ping    True
-        ...    ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}    ${src['dp_iface_name']}    ${src['ip']}
-        ...    ${src['user']}    ${src['pass']}    ${src['container_type']}    ${src['container_name']}
-    END
-*** Keywords ***
-Setup Suite
-    [Documentation]    Set up the test suite
-    Common Test Suite Setup
-Teardown Suite
-    [Documentation]    Clean up ONOS SSH connections
-    Close All ONOS SSH Connections