blob: 640f9e76f40314e830d69ace6813055d6e9b6eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 - present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# FIXME Can we use the same test against BBSim and Hardware?
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test various end-to-end scenarios
Suite Setup Setup Suite
Test Setup Setup
Test Teardown Teardown
Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../libraries/
Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot
Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
Resource ../../libraries/voltha.robot
Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot
Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot
Resource ../../variables/variables.robot
Resource ../../libraries/power_switch.robot
*** Variables ***
${POD_NAME} flex-ocp-cord
${KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR} ~/pod-configs/kubernetes-configs
${HELM_CHARTS_DIR} ~/helm-charts
${NAMESPACE} voltha
# For below variable value, using deployment name as using grep for
# parsing radius pod name, we can also use full radius pod name
${timeout} 360s
${of_id} 0
${logical_id} 0
${uprate} 0
${dnrate} 0
${has_dataplane} True
${teardown_device} True
${scripts} ../../scripts
# For dataplane bandwidth testing
${upper_margin_pct} 105 # Allow 5% over the limit
${lower_margin_pct} 92 # Allow 8% under the limit
${udp_rate_multiplier} 1.10 # Send UDP at bw profile limit * rate_multiplier
${udp_packet_bytes} 1400 # UDP payload in bytes
# Per-test logging on failure is turned off by default; set this variable to enable
${container_log_dir} ${None}
*** Test Cases ***
Reboot DT ONUs Physically
[Documentation] This test reboots ONUs physically before execution all the tests
... Test case runs only on the PODs that are configured with PowerSwitch that
... controls the power off/on ONUs/OLT remotely (simulating a physical reboot)
[Tags] functionalDt PowerSwitch RebootAllDTONUs
[Setup] Start Logging RebootAllDTONUs
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging RebootAllDTONUs
Power Switch Connection Suite ${web_power_switch.ip} ${web_power_switch.user} ${web_power_switch.password}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
Disable Switch Outlet ${src['power_switch_port']}
Sleep 60s
Enable Switch Outlet ${src['power_switch_port']}
Sleep 60s
Sanity E2E Test for OLT/ONU on POD for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Validate successful DHCP/E2E ping (no EAPOL and DHCP flows) for the tech profile that is used
... Traffic sent with same vlan from different RGs,
... should reach the NNI port on the OLT with the expected double tagged vlan ids
... Inner vlans from the RG should not change
[Tags] sanityDt
[Setup] Run Keywords Start Logging SanityTestDt
... AND Setup
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging SanityTestDt
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Perform Sanity Test DT
Test Subscriber Delete and Add for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Delete a subscriber and validate that the pings do not succeed and state is purged
... Disable and Enable the ONU (This is to replicate the existing DT behaviour)
... Re-add the subscriber, and validate that the flows are present and pings are successful
[Tags] functionalDt SubAddDeleteDt
[Setup] Start Logging SubAddDeleteDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging SubAddDeleteDt
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']}
${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']}
... ${of_id}
# Remove Subscriber Access
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
... ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
Sleep 10s
# TODO: Yet to Verify on the GPON based Physical POD (VOL-2652)
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s
... Check Ping False ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
# Number of Access Flows on ONOS equals 4 * the Number of Active ONUs (2 for each downstream and upstream)
${onos_flows_count}= Evaluate 4 * ( ${num_onus} - 1 )
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
... ${of_id} ${onos_flows_count}
# Verify VOLTHA flows for OLT equals twice the number of ONUS (minus ONU under test) + 1 for LLDP
${olt_flows}= Evaluate 2 * ( ${num_onus} - 1 ) + 1
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Flows ${olt_flows}
# Verify VOLTHA flows for ONU under test is Zero
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate Device Flows
... ${onu_device_id} 0
# Disable and Re-Enable the ONU (To replicate DT current workflow)
# TODO: Delete and Auto-Discovery Add of ONU (not yet supported)
Disable Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate Device DISABLED UNKNOWN
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']}
Enable Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 360s 5s
... Validate Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']}
# Add Subscriber Access
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
... ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
Sleep 10s
# Verify subscriber access flows are added for the ONU port
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For ONU DT ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${of_id}
... ${onu_port} ${nni_port} ${src['s_tag']}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 360s 5s
... Validate Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=True onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed
# TODO: Yet to Verify on the GPON based Physical POD (VOL-2652)
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s
... Check Ping True ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Get Device Output from Voltha ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Collect Logs
# Verify ONOS Flows
# Number of Access Flows on ONOS equals 4 * the Number of Active ONUs (2 for each downstream and upstream)
${onos_flows_count}= Evaluate 4 * ${num_onus}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
... ${of_id} ${onos_flows_count}
# Verify VOLTHA Flows
# Number of per OLT Flows equals Twice the Number of Active ONUs (each for downstream and upstream) + 1 for LLDP
${olt_flows}= Evaluate 2 * ${num_onus} + 1
# Number of per ONU Flows equals 2 (one each for downstream and upstream)
${onu_flows}= Set Variable 2
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Flows ${olt_flows}
${List_ONU_Serial} Create List
Set Suite Variable ${List_ONU_Serial}
Build ONU SN List ${List_ONU_Serial}
Log ${List_ONU_Serial}
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate ONU Flows
... ${List_ONU_Serial} ${onu_flows}
Test Disable and Enable ONU for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Perform disable on the ONUs and validate that the pings do not succeed
... Perform enable on the ONUs and validate that the pings are successful
[Tags] functionalDt DisableEnableONUDt
[Setup] Start Logging DisableEnableONUDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DisableEnableONUDt
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']}
${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']}
... ${of_id}
Disable Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate Device DISABLED UNKNOWN
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=True onu_reason=omci-admin-lock
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
... Verify ONU Port Is Disabled ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${src['onu']}
# TODO: Yet to Verify on the GPON based Physical POD (VOL-2652)
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s
... Check Ping False ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Sleep 5s
Enable Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 360s 5s
... Validate Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=True onu_reason=onu-reenabled
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
... Verify ONU Port Is Enabled ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${src['onu']}
# TODO: Yet to Verify on the GPON based Physical POD (VOL-2652)
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s
... Check Ping True ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Get Device Output from Voltha ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Collect Logs
Test Disable and Delete OLT for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Perform disable on the OLT and validate ONUs state and that the pings do not succeed
... Perform delete on the OLT, Re-do Setup (Recreate the OLT) and Perform Sanity Test DT
[Tags] functionalDt DisableDeleteOLTDt
[Setup] Start Logging DisableDeleteOLTDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DisableDeleteOLTDt
# Disable and Validate OLT Device
Disable Device ${olt_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... ${olt_serial_number}
# Validate ONUs
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate ONUs After OLT Disable
# Verify ONOS Flows
# Number of Access Flows on ONOS equals 4 * the Number of Active ONUs (2 for each downstream and upstream)
${onos_flows_count}= Evaluate 4 * ${num_onus}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added Count DT ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
... ${of_id} ${onos_flows_count}
# Verify VOLTHA Flows
# Number of per OLT Flows equals Twice the Number of Active ONUs (each for downstream and upstream) + 1 for LLDP
${olt_flows}= Evaluate 2 * ${num_onus} + 1
# Number of per ONU Flows equals 2 (one each for downstream and upstream)
${onu_flows}= Set Variable 2
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Flows ${olt_flows}
${List_ONU_Serial} Create List
Set Suite Variable ${List_ONU_Serial}
Build ONU SN List ${List_ONU_Serial}
Log ${List_ONU_Serial}
Run Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate ONU Flows
... ${List_ONU_Serial} ${onu_flows}
# Delete OLT and Validate Empty Device List
Delete Device ${olt_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Test Empty Device List
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Device Flows Removed ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${of_id}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Collect Logs
# Re-do Setup (Recreate the OLT) and Perform Sanity Test DT
Run Keyword Setup
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Perform Sanity Test DT
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux
Test Disable and Enable OLT for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Perform disable on the OLT and validate that the pings do not succeed
... Perform enable on the OLT and validate that the pings are successful
[Tags] functionalDt DisableEnableOLTDt
[Setup] Start Logging DisableEnableOLTDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DisableEnableOLTDt
# Disable and Validate OLT Device
Disable Device ${olt_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... ${olt_serial_number}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']}
${onu_port}= Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
... Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']} ${of_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s
... Verify ONU Port Is Disabled ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${src['onu']}
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s
... Check Ping False ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${src['dp_iface_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
# Remove Subscriber Access (To replicate DT workflow)
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Execute ONOS CLI Command ${ONOS_SSH_IP}
... ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}
Sleep 10s
# Delete ONU Device (To replicate DT workflow)
Delete Device ${onu_device_id}
Sleep 5s
Sleep 5s
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux
# Enable the OLT back and check ONU, OLT status are back to "ACTIVE"
Enable Device ${olt_device_id}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Device ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE
... ${olt_serial_number}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Port Types
# Waiting extra time for the ONUs to come up
Sleep 60s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Perform Sanity Test DT
Test Delete and ReAdd OLT for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Disable and Delete the OLT
... Create/Enable the same OLT again
... Validate DHCP/E2E pings succeed for all the ONUs connected to the OLT
[Tags] functionalDt DeleteReAddOLTDt
[Setup] Start Logging DeleteReAddOLTDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DeleteReAddOLTDt
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Clean Up Linux
Delete Device and Verify
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Device Flows Removed ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${of_id}
Run Keyword and Ignore Error Collect Logs
# Recreate the OLT
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Perform Sanity Test DT
Test Disable ONUs and OLT Then Delete ONUs and OLT for DT
[Documentation] On deployed POD, disable the ONU, disable the OLT and then delete ONU and OLT.
... This TC is to confirm that ONU removal is not impacting OLT
... Devices will be removed during the execution of this TC
... so calling setup at the end to add the devices back to avoid the confusion.
[Tags] functionalDt DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
[Setup] Start Logging DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DisableDeleteONUOLTDt
${olt_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${olt_serial_number}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=True onu_reason=omci-flows-pushed
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate OLT Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${olt_serial_number}
Disable Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate Device DISABLED UNKNOWN
... REACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=false
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate OLT Device ENABLED ACTIVE
... REACHABLE ${olt_serial_number}
Disable Device ${olt_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... ${olt_serial_number}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... UNREACHABLE ${src['onu']} onu=false
Delete Device ${onu_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate OLT Device DISABLED UNKNOWN
... REACHABLE ${olt_serial_number}
Delete Device ${olt_device_id}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Test Empty Device List
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Verify Device Flows Removed ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${of_id}
# Re-do Setup (Recreate the OLT) and Perform Sanity Test DT
Run Keyword Setup
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Perform Sanity Test DT
Data plane verification using TCP for DT
[Documentation] Test bandwidth profile is met and not exceeded for each subscriber.
... Assumes iperf3 and jq installed on client and iperf -s running on DHCP server
[Tags] dataplaneDt BandwidthProfileTCPDt VOL-3061
[Setup] Start Logging BandwidthProfileTCPDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging BandwidthProfileTCPDt
Pass Execution If '${has_dataplane}'=='False' Bandwidth profile validation can be done only in
... physical pod. Skipping this test in BBSIM.
${of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 15s Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${olt_serial_number}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
# Check for iperf3 and jq tools
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which iperf3 jq
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: iperf3 / jq not found on the RG
${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']}
... ${of_id}
${subscriber_id}= Set Variable ${of_id}/${onu_port}
${bandwidth_profile_name} Get Bandwidth Profile Name For Given Subscriber ${subscriber_id}
... upstreamBandwidthProfile
${limiting_bw_value_upstream} Get Bandwidth Details ${bandwidth_profile_name}
${bandwidth_profile_name} Get Bandwidth Profile Name For Given Subscriber ${subscriber_id}
... downstreamBandwidthProfile
${limiting_bw_value_dnstream} Get Bandwidth Details ${bandwidth_profile_name}
# Stream TCP packets from RG to server
${updict}= Run Iperf3 Test Client ${src} server=${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}
... args=-t 30
${actual_upstream_bw_used}= Evaluate ${updict['end']['sum_received']['bits_per_second']}/1000
# Stream TCP packets from server to RG
${dndict}= Run Iperf3 Test Client ${src} server=${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}
... args=-R -t 30
${actual_dnstream_bw_used}= Evaluate ${dndict['end']['sum_received']['bits_per_second']}/1000
${pct_limit_up}= Evaluate 100*${actual_upstream_bw_used}/${limiting_bw_value_upstream}
${pct_limit_dn}= Evaluate 100*${actual_dnstream_bw_used}/${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}
Log Up: bwprof ${limiting_bw_value_upstream}Kbps, got ${actual_upstream_bw_used}Kbps (${pct_limit_up}%)
Log Down: bwprof ${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}Kbps, got ${actual_dnstream_bw_used}Kbps (${pct_limit_dn}%)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_up} <= ${upper_margin_pct}
... The upstream bandwidth exceeded the limit (${pct_limit_up}% of limit)
# VOL-3125: downstream bw limit not enforced. Uncomment when fixed.
#Should Be True ${pct_limit_dn} <= ${upper_margin_pct}
#... The downstream bandwidth exceeded the limit (${pct_limit_dn}% of limit)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_up} >= ${lower_margin_pct}
... The upstream bandwidth guarantee was not met (${pct_limit_up}% of resv)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_dn} >= ${lower_margin_pct}
... The downstream bandwidth guarantee was not met (${pct_limit_dn}% of resv)
Data plane verification using UDP for DT
[Documentation] Test bandwidth profile is met and not exceeded for each subscriber.
... Assumes iperf3 and jq installed on client and iperf -s running on DHCP server
[Tags] dataplaneDt BandwidthProfileUDPDt VOL-3061
[Setup] Start Logging BandwidthProfileUDPDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging BandwidthProfileUDPDt
Pass Execution If '${has_dataplane}'=='False' Bandwidth profile validation can be done only in
... physical pod. Skipping this test in BBSIM.
${of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 15s Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${olt_serial_number}
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
# Check for iperf3 and jq tools
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which iperf3 jq
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: iperf3 / jq not found on the RG
${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']}
... ${of_id}
${subscriber_id}= Set Variable ${of_id}/${onu_port}
${bandwidth_profile_name} Get Bandwidth Profile Name For Given Subscriber ${subscriber_id}
... upstreamBandwidthProfile
${limiting_bw_value_upstream} Get Bandwidth Details ${bandwidth_profile_name}
${bandwidth_profile_name} Get Bandwidth Profile Name For Given Subscriber ${subscriber_id}
... downstreamBandwidthProfile
${limiting_bw_value_dnstream} Get Bandwidth Details ${bandwidth_profile_name}
# Stream UDP packets from RG to server
${uprate}= Run Keyword If ${limiting_bw_value_upstream} != 1000000
... Evaluate ${limiting_bw_value_upstream}*${udp_rate_multiplier}
... ELSE
... Set Variable ${limiting_bw_value_upstream}
${updict}= Run Iperf3 Test Client ${src} server=${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}
... args=-u -b ${uprate}K -t 30 -l ${udp_packet_bytes} --pacing-timer 0
# With UDP test, bits per second is the sending rate. Multiply by the loss rate to get the throughput.
${actual_upstream_bw_used}= Evaluate
... (100 - ${updict['end']['sum']['lost_percent']})*${updict['end']['sum']['bits_per_second']}/100000
# Stream UDP packets from server to RG
${dnrate}= Run Keyword If ${limiting_bw_value_dnstream} != 1000000
... Evaluate ${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}*${udp_rate_multiplier}
... ELSE
... Set Variable ${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}
${dndict}= Run Iperf3 Test Client ${src} server=${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']}
... args=-u -b ${dnrate}K -R -t 30 -l ${udp_packet_bytes} --pacing-timer 0
# With UDP test, bits per second is the sending rate. Multiply by the loss rate to get the throughput.
${actual_dnstream_bw_used}= Evaluate
... (100 - ${dndict['end']['sum']['lost_percent']})*${dndict['end']['sum']['bits_per_second']}/100000
${pct_limit_up}= Evaluate 100*${actual_upstream_bw_used}/${limiting_bw_value_upstream}
${pct_limit_dn}= Evaluate 100*${actual_dnstream_bw_used}/${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}
Log Up: bwprof ${limiting_bw_value_upstream}Kbps, got ${actual_upstream_bw_used}Kbps (${pct_limit_up}%)
Log Down: bwprof ${limiting_bw_value_dnstream}Kbps, got ${actual_dnstream_bw_used}Kbps (${pct_limit_dn}%)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_up} <= ${upper_margin_pct}
... The upstream bandwidth exceeded the limit (${pct_limit_up}% of limit)
# VOL-3125: downstream bw limit not enforced. Uncomment when fixed.
#Should Be True ${pct_limit_dn} <= ${upper_margin_pct}
#... The downstream bandwidth exceeded the limit (${pct_limit_dn}% of limit)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_up} >= ${lower_margin_pct}
... The upstream bandwidth guarantee was not met (${pct_limit_up}% of resv)
Should Be True ${pct_limit_dn} >= ${lower_margin_pct}
... The downstream bandwidth guarantee was not met (${pct_limit_dn}% of resv)
Validate parsing of data traffic through voltha using tech profile
[Documentation] Assuming that test1 was executed where all the ONUs are authenticated/DHCP/pingable
... Prerequisite tools : Tcpdump and Mausezahn traffic generator on both RG and DHCP/BNG VMs
... Install jq tool to read json file, where test suite is being running
... Make sure 9999 port is enabled or forwarded for both upsteam and downstream direction
... This test sends UDP packets on port 9999 with pbits between 0 and 7 and validates that
... the pbits are preserved by the PON.
[Tags] dataplaneDt TechProfileDt VOL-3291
[Setup] Start Logging TechProfileDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging TechProfileDt
Pass Execution If '${has_dataplane}'=='False'
... Skipping test: Technology profile validation can be done only in physical pod
FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus}
${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]}
${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]}
${src_iface_name}= Fetch From Left ${src['dp_iface_name']} .
${bng_ip}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_ip']}
${bng_user}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_user']}
${bng_pass}= Get Variable Value ${dst['noroot_pass']}
Pass Execution If "${bng_ip}" == "${NONE}" or "${bng_user}" == "${NONE}" or "${bng_pass}" == "${NONE}"
... Skipping test: credentials for BNG login required in deployment config
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which mausezahn tcpdump
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: mausezahn / tcpdump not found on the RG
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command which mausezahn tcpdump
... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
Pass Execution If ${rc} != 0 Skipping test: mausezahn / tcpdump not found on the BNG
Log Upstream test
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Create traffic with each pbit and capture at other end
... ${dst['dp_iface_ip_qinq']} ${dst['dp_iface_name']} ${src_iface_name}
... 0 udp 9999 ${src['c_tag']} vlan
... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Log Downstream test
${rg_ip} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Remote Command
... ifconfig ${src['dp_iface_name']} | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Could not get RG's IP address
Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Create traffic with each pbit and capture at other end
... ${rg_ip} ${src_iface_name} ${dst['dp_iface_name']}.${src['s_tag']}
... 0 udp 9999 ${src['c_tag']} udp
... ${src['ip']} ${src['user']} ${src['pass']} ${src['container_type']} ${src['container_name']}
... ${bng_ip} ${bng_user} ${bng_pass} ${dst['container_type']} ${dst['container_name']}
Test Disable and Enable OLT PON Port for DT
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Assuming that all the ONUs are DHCP/pingable (i.e. assuming sanityDt test was executed)
... Perform disable on the OLT PON Port and validate that the pings do not succeed
... Perform enable on the OLT PON Port and validate that the pings are successful
[Tags] functionalDt DisableEnableOltPonPortDt VOL-2577
[Setup] Start Logging DisableEnableOltPonPortDt
[Teardown] Run Keywords Collect Logs
... AND Stop Logging DisableEnableOltPonPortDt
${olt_pon_port_list}= Retrieve OLT PON Ports ${olt_device_id}
${olt_pon_port_list_len}= Get Length ${olt_pon_port_list}
FOR ${INDEX0} IN RANGE 0 ${olt_pon_port_list_len}
${olt_pon_port}= Get From List ${olt_pon_port_list} ${INDEX0}
${olt_peer_list}= Retrieve Peer List From OLT PON Port ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
# Disable the OLT PON Port and Validate OLT Device
DisableOrEnable OLT PON Port disable ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate OLT PON Port Status ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... ${olt_serial_number}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate ONUs for PON OLT Disable DT ${olt_peer_list}
Sleep 15s
# Enable the OLT PON Port back, and check ONU status are back to "ACTIVE"
DisableOrEnable OLT PON Port enable ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate OLT PON Port Status ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
# Waiting extra time for the ONUs to come up
Sleep 60s
${olt_peer_list_new}= Retrieve Peer List From OLT PON Port ${olt_device_id} ${olt_pon_port}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s
... Validate ONUs for PON OLT Enable DT ${olt_peer_list_new}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
[Documentation] Set up the test suite
Common Test Suite Setup
#Restore all ONUs
#Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} RestoreONUs ${num_onus}
#power_switch.robot needs it to support different vendor's power switch
${switch_type}= Get Variable Value ${web_power_switch.type}
Run Keyword If "${switch_type}"!="" Set Global Variable ${powerswitch_type} ${switch_type}
Clear All Devices Then Create New Device
[Documentation] Remove any devices from VOLTHA and ONOS
# Remove all devices from voltha and nos
Delete All Devices and Verify
# Execute normal test Setup Keyword