| # Copyright 2017-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # voltctl common functions |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Library for various utilities |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library String |
| Library DateTime |
| Library Process |
| Library Collections |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Resource ./utils.robot |
| Resource ./flows.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${voltctlGrpcLimit} 32M |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Test Empty Device List |
| [Documentation] Verify that there are no devices in the system |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 0 |
| |
| Create Device |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} ${type}=openolt |
| [Documentation] Creates a device in VOLTHA |
| #create/preprovision device |
| ${rc} ${device_id}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device create -t ${type} -H ${ip}:${port} |
| Log ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Create Device beause of ${device_id} |
| [Return] ${device_id} |
| |
| Enable Device |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Enables a device in VOLTHA |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device enable ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Enable Device beause of ${output} |
| |
| Disable Device |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Disables a device in VOLTHA |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Disable Device beause of ${output} |
| |
| Delete Device |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Deletes a device in VOLTHA |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device delete ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Delete Device beause of ${output} |
| |
| Reboot Device |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Reboot the OLT using voltctl command |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device reboot ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Reboot Device beause of ${output} |
| |
| Disable Devices In Voltha |
| [Documentation] Disables all the known devices in voltha |
| [Arguments] ${filter} |
| ${arg}= Set Variable ${EMPTY} |
| ${arg}= Run Keyword If len('${filter}'.strip()) != 0 Set Variable --filter ${filter} |
| ${rc} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} ${arg} --orderby Root -q | xargs echo -n |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If len('${devices}') != 0 Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device disable ${devices} |
| Run Keyword If len('${devices}') != 0 |
| ... Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed to Disable Devices beause of ${output} |
| |
| Test Devices Disabled In Voltha |
| [Documentation] Tests to verify that all devices in VOLTHA are disabled |
| [Arguments] ${filter} |
| ${rc} ${count}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} --filter '${filter},AdminState!=DISABLED' -q | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} 0 |
| |
| Delete Devices In Voltha |
| [Documentation] Disables all the known devices in voltha |
| [Arguments] ${filter} |
| ${arg}= Set Variable ${EMPTY} |
| ${arg}= Run Keyword If len('${filter}'.strip()) != 0 Set Variable --filter ${filter} |
| ${rc} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list ${arg} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} --orderby Root -q | xargs echo -n |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If len('${devices}') != 0 Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device delete ${devices} |
| Run Keyword If len('${devices}') != 0 Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Get Device Flows from Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Gets device flows from VOLTHA |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device flows ${device_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| Get Logical Device Output from Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Gets logicaldevice flows and ports from VOLTHA |
| ${rc1} ${flows}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice flows ${device_id} |
| ${rc2} ${ports}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice port list ${device_id} |
| Log ${flows} |
| Log ${ports} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc2} 0 |
| |
| Get Device Output from Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Gets device flows and ports from VOLTHA |
| ${rc1} ${flows}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device flows ${device_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} |
| ${rc2} ${ports}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${device_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} |
| Log ${flows} |
| Log ${ports} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc2} 0 |
| |
| Get Device List from Voltha |
| [Documentation] Gets Device List Output from Voltha |
| ${rc1} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} |
| Log ${devices} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| |
| Get ONUs Device IDs from Voltha |
| [Documentation] Fetches the ONU Device Ids from Voltha |
| ${rc} ${onus}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=brcm_openomci_onu -q |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| @{onuDevList}= Split To Lines ${onus} |
| [Return] ${onuDevList} |
| |
| Get Device List from Voltha by type |
| [Documentation] Gets Device List Output from Voltha applying filtering by device type |
| [Arguments] ${type} |
| ${rc1} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=${type} -o json |
| Log ${devices} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| Return From Keyword ${devices} |
| |
| Get Logical Device List from Voltha |
| [Documentation] Gets Logical Device List Output from Voltha (in json format) |
| ${rc1} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -o json |
| Log ${devices} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| Return From Keyword ${devices} |
| |
| Validate Device |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects a device ${id}, specified as either |
| ... the serial number or device ID. Arguments are matched for device states of: "admin_state", |
| ... "oper_status", and "connect_status" |
| ... Note: Set "by_dev_id" to True if Device Id is passed for validation |
| ... otherwise look up will be based on Device Serial Number |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} |
| ... ${id} ${onu_reason}=${EMPTY} ${onu}=False ${by_dev_id}=False |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If ${by_dev_id} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Id=${id} -o json |
| ... ELSE Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f SerialNumber=${id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${output} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${jsonCamelCaseFieldnames}= Run Keyword And Return Status |
| ... Dictionary Should Contain Key ${value} adminState |
| ${astate}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminState |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminstate |
| ${opstatus}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operStatus |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operstatus |
| ${cstatus}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} connectStatus |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} connectstatus |
| ${sn}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} serialNumber |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} serialnumber |
| ${devId}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${mib_state}= Get From Dictionary ${value} reason |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${sn}' == '${id}' or '${devId}' == '${id}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No match found for ${id} to validate device |
| Log ${value} |
| Should Be Equal '${astate}' '${admin_state}' Device ${sn} admin_state != ${admin_state} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${opstatus}' '${oper_status}' Device ${sn} oper_status != ${oper_status} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${cstatus}' '${connect_status}' Device ${sn} conn_status != ${connect_status} |
| ... values=False |
| Run Keyword If '${onu}' == 'True' Should Contain '${onu_reason}' '${mib_state}' |
| ... Device ${sn} mib_state incorrect (${mib_state}) values=False |
| |
| Validate OLT Device |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${id} ${by_dev_id}=False |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects device ${id}, specified |
| ... as either its serial numbner or device ID. Match on OLT Serial number or Device Id and inspect states |
| ... Note: Set "by_dev_id" to True if Device Id is passed for validation |
| ... otherwise look up will be based on Device Serial Number |
| Validate Device ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${id} by_dev_id=${by_dev_id} |
| |
| Validate OLT Devices |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${ids}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects device ${id}, specified |
| ... as either its serial numbner or device ID. Match on OLT Serial number or Device Id and inspect states |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${olt_count} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Get From Dictionary ${olt_ids}[${I}] sn |
| ${olt_device_id}= Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List ${olt_serial_number} |
| Validate Device ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${olt_device_id} by_dev_id=True |
| END |
| |
| Validate ONU Devices |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ... ${onu_reason}=omci-flows-pushed |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects device ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ... Iteratively match on each Serial number contained in ${List_ONU_Serial} and inspect |
| ... states including MIB state |
| FOR ${serial_number} IN @{List_ONU_Serial} |
| Validate Device ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${serial_number} |
| ... onu_reason=${onu_reason} onu=True |
| END |
| |
| Validate Device Port Types |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of voltctl device port list <device_id> and matches the port types listed |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${pon_type} ${ethernet_type} ${all_active}=True |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${device_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${jsonCamelCaseFieldnames}= Run Keyword And Return Status |
| ... Dictionary Should Contain Key ${value} adminState |
| ${astate}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminState |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminstate |
| ${opstatus}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operStatus |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operstatus |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| Should Be Equal '${astate}' 'ENABLED' Device ${device_id} port admin_state != ENABLED values=False |
| Run Keyword If ${all_active} Should Be Equal '${opstatus}' 'ACTIVE' |
| ... Device ${device_id} port oper_status != ACTIVE values=False |
| Should Be True '${type}' == '${pon_type}' or '${type}' == '${ethernet_type}' |
| ... Device ${device_id} port type is neither ${pon_type} or ${ethernet_type} |
| END |
| |
| Validate OLT Port Types |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of voltctl device port list ${olt_device_id} and matches the port types listed |
| [Arguments] ${pon_type} ${ethernet_type} |
| Validate Device Port Types ${olt_device_id} ${pon_type} ${ethernet_type} |
| |
| Validate ONU Port Types |
| [Arguments] ${List_ONU_Serial} ${pon_type} ${ethernet_type} |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of voltctl device port list for each ONU SN listed in ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ... and matches the port types listed |
| FOR ${serial_number} IN @{List_ONU_Serial} |
| ${onu_dev_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${serial_number} |
| # Only first UNI port is ACTIVE; the rest are in DISCOVERED operstatus |
| Validate Device Port Types ${onu_dev_id} ${pon_type} ${ethernet_type} all_active=False |
| END |
| |
| Validate Device Flows |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${flow_count}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of voltctl device flows <device_id> and expects flow count > 0 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device flows ${device_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Log 'Number of flows = ' ${length} |
| Run Keyword If '${flow_count}' == '${EMPTY}' Should Be True ${length} > 0 |
| ... Number of flows for ${device_id} was 0 |
| ... ELSE Should Be True ${length} == ${flow_count} |
| ... Number of flows for ${device_id} was not ${flow_count} |
| |
| Validate OLT Flows |
| [Arguments] ${flow_count}=${EMPTY} ${olt_device_id}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of voltctl device flows ${olt_device_id} |
| ... and expects flow count == ${flow_count} |
| Validate Device Flows ${olt_device_id} ${flow_count} |
| |
| Validate ONU Flows |
| [Arguments] ${List_ONU_Serial} ${flow_count}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Parses the output of voltctl device flows for each ONU SN listed in ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ... and expects flow count == ${flow_count} |
| FOR ${serial_number} IN @{List_ONU_Serial} |
| ${onu_dev_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${serial_number} |
| Validate Device Flows ${onu_dev_id} ${flow_count} |
| END |
| |
| Validate ONU Devices With Duration |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects all devices ${List_ONU_Serial}, |
| ... Iteratively match on each Serial number contained in ${List_ONU_Serial} and inspect |
| ... states including MIB state. |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_reason} |
| ... ${List_ONU_Serial} ${startTime} ${print2console}=False ${output_file}=${EMPTY} |
| ... ${alternate_reason}=${EMPTY} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=brcm_openomci_onu |
| ... --format "{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.AdminState}}\t{{.OperStatus}}\t{{.ConnectStatus}}\t{{.Reason}}" | grep -v SERIALNUMBER |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed Validate ONU Devices because of ${output} |
| Log ${output} |
| ${timeCurrent} = Get Current Date |
| ${timeTotalMs} = Subtract Date From Date ${timeCurrent} ${startTime} result_format=number |
| @{Results}= Split String ${output} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{Results} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} \t |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${astate}= Set Variable ${words[1]} |
| ${opstatus}= Set Variable ${words[2]} |
| ${cstatus}= Set Variable ${words[3]} |
| ${mib_state}= Set Variable ${words[4]} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If -1 != ${onu_id} True False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${astate}' == '${admin_state}' ${matched} False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${opstatus}' == '${oper_status}' ${matched} False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${cstatus}' == '${connect_status}' ${matched} False |
| ${len}= Get Length ${alternate_reason} |
| ${matches}= Run Keyword If ${len} >= 1 Get Match Count ${alternate_reason} ${mib_state} |
| ... ELSE Set Variable 0 |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${mib_state}' == '${onu_reason}' or ${matches} >= 1 |
| ... ${matched} False |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} and ${print2console} Log |
| ... \r\nONU ${sn} reached the state ${onu_reason} after ${timeTotalMs} sec. console=yes |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} and ('${output_file}'!='${EMPTY}') Append To File ${output_file} |
| ... \r\nONU ${sn} reached the state ${onu_reason} after ${timeTotalMs} sec. |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} Remove Values From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| END |
| Should Be Empty ${List_ONU_Serial} List ${List_ONU_Serial} not empty |
| |
| Validate ONU Devices MIB State With Duration |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects all devices ${List_ONU_Serial}, |
| ... Iteratively match on each Serial number contained in ${List_ONU_Serial} and inspect MIB state. |
| [Arguments] ${onu_reason} |
| ... ${List_ONU_Serial} ${startTime} ${print2console}=False ${output_file}=${EMPTY} |
| ${type} = Set Variable brcm_openomci_onu |
| ${voltctl_commad} = Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... voltctl device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=${type} -f Reason=${onu_reason} --format '{{.SerialNumber}}' |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${voltctl_commad} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${timeCurrent} = Get Current Date |
| ${timeTotalMs} = Subtract Date From Date ${timeCurrent} ${startTime} result_format=number |
| @{outputdata} = Split String ${output} |
| ${outputlength} = Get Length ${outputdata} |
| ${onulength} = Get Length ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ${Matches} = Run Keyword If ${outputlength}<=${onulength} |
| ... Compare Lists ${outputdata} ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| ... ELSE Compare Lists ${List_ONU_Serial} ${outputdata} |
| ${length} = Get Length ${Matches} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${sn}= Get From List ${Matches} ${INDEX} |
| Run Keyword If ${print2console} Log |
| ... \r\nONU ${sn} reached the state ${onu_reason} after ${timeTotalMs} sec. console=yes |
| Run Keyword If ('${output_file}'!='${EMPTY}') Append To File ${output_file} |
| ... \r\nONU ${sn} reached the state ${onu_reason} after ${timeTotalMs} sec. |
| Remove Values From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| END |
| Should Be Empty ${List_ONU_Serial} List ${List_ONU_Serial} not empty |
| |
| Validate ONU Device By Device Id |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of "voltctl device list" filtered by device id and inspects states including reason. |
| [Arguments] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_reason} ${onu_id} |
| ${cmd} Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list --filter=Id=${onu_id} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -o json |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 1 No match found for ${onu_id} to validate device |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} 0 |
| Log ${value} |
| ${jsonCamelCaseFieldnames}= Run Keyword And Return Status |
| ... Dictionary Should Contain Key ${value} adminState |
| ${astate}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminState |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} adminstate |
| ${opstatus}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operStatus |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} operstatus |
| ${cstatus}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} connectStatus |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} connectstatus |
| ${sn}= Run Keyword If ${jsonCamelCaseFieldNames} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} serialNumber |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} serialnumber |
| ${devId}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${mib_state}= Get From Dictionary ${value} reason |
| Should Be Equal '${devId}' '${onu_id}' No match found for ${onu_id} to validate device |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${astate}' '${admin_state}' Device ${sn} admin_state != ${admin_state} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${opstatus}' '${oper_status}' Device ${sn} oper_status != ${oper_status} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${cstatus}' '${connect_status}' Device ${sn} conn_status != ${connect_status} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${mib_state}' '${onu_reason}' |
| ... Device ${sn} mib_state incorrect (${mib_state}) values=False |
| |
| Check all ONU OperStatus |
| [Documentation] Checks that all ONUs OperStatus is the required one. |
| [Arguments] ${List_ONU_Serial} ${oper_status} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=brcm_openomci_onu |
| ... --format "{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.AdminState}}\t{{.OperStatus}}\t{{.ConnectStatus}}\t{{.Reason}}" |
| ... | grep -v SERIALNUMBER | grep ${oper_status} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| @{Results}= Split String ${output} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{Results} |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} \t |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| Remove Values From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| END |
| Should Be Empty ${List_ONU_Serial} For ONUs ${List_ONU_Serial} OperStatus ${oper_status} not matched! |
| |
| Validate Last ONU Communication |
| [Documentation] Validates last communication with ONU. |
| [Arguments] ${validation_duration}=5s |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} adapter list -f Type=brcm_openomci_onu |
| ... --format '{{gosince .LastCommunication}}' |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${lastcomm}= Convert Time ${output} |
| ${validduration}= Convert Time ${validation_duration} |
| Should Be True ${lastcomm}<=${validduration} |
| |
| Get Onu Image List |
| [Documentation] Delivers the ONU device image list |
| [Arguments] ${dev_id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage list ${dev_id} |
| [return] ${rc} ${output} |
| |
| Compare Lists |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Compares both lists and put all matches in the returned list |
| [Arguments] ${ListIterate} ${ListCompare} |
| @{list} = Create List |
| ${length} = Get Length ${ListIterate} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${sn}= Get From List ${ListIterate} ${INDEX} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${ListCompare} ${sn} |
| Run Keyword If -1 != ${onu_id} Append To List ${list} ${sn} |
| END |
| [Return] ${list} |
| |
| Validate Logical Device |
| [Documentation] Validate Logical Device is listed |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice list -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${devid}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${rootdev}= Get From Dictionary ${value} rootDeviceId |
| ${desc}= Get From Dictionary ${value} desc |
| ${sn}= Get From Dictionary ${desc} serialNum |
| Exit For Loop |
| END |
| Should Be Equal '${rootdev}' '${olt_device_id}' Root Device does not match ${olt_device_id} values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${sn}' '${BBSIM_OLT_SN}' Logical Device ${sn} does not match ${BBSIM_OLT_SN} |
| ... values=False |
| [Return] ${devid} |
| |
| Validate Logical Device Ports |
| [Arguments] ${logical_device_id} |
| [Documentation] Validate Logical Device Ports are listed and are > 0 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice port list ${logical_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Should Be True ${length} > 0 Number of ports for ${logical_device_id} was 0 |
| |
| Validate Logical Device Flows |
| [Arguments] ${logical_device_id} |
| [Documentation] Validate Logical Device Flows are listed and are > 0 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice flows ${logical_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Should Be True ${length} > 0 Number of flows for ${logical_device_id} was 0 |
| |
| Retrieve ONU UNI Ports |
| [Arguments] ${onu_device_id} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the list of Active and Enabled UNI ports from the ONU device |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${onu_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${onu_uni_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${portno}= Get From Dictionary ${value} portNo |
| ${adminstate}= Get From Dictionary ${value} adminState |
| ${operstate}= Get From Dictionary ${value} operStatus |
| Run Keyword If '${type}'=='ETHERNET_UNI' and '${adminstate}'=='ENABLED' and '${operstate}'=='ACTIVE' |
| ... Append To List ${onu_uni_list} ${portno} |
| END |
| [Return] ${onu_uni_list} |
| |
| Retrieve OLT PON Ports |
| [Arguments] ${olt_device_id} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the list of PON ports from the OLT device |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${olt_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${olt_pon_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${portno}= Get From Dictionary ${value} portNo |
| ${peers}= Get From Dictionary ${value} peers |
| ${len_peers}= Get Length ${peers} |
| Run Keyword If '${type}' == 'PON_OLT' and ${len_peers} > 0 |
| ... Append To List ${olt_pon_list} ${portno} |
| END |
| [Return] ${olt_pon_list} |
| |
| Retrieve Peer List From OLT PON Port |
| [Arguments] ${olt_device_id} ${pon_port} ${expected_num_peers}=0 |
| [Documentation] Retrieves the list of peer device ids list from the OLT PON port |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${olt_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${portno}= Get From Dictionary ${value} portNo |
| ${peers}= Get From Dictionary ${value} peers |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${type}' == 'PON_OLT' and '${portno}' == '${pon_port}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No PON port found for OLT ${olt_device_id} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${peers} |
| Run Keyword If ${expected_num_peers}>0 Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} ${expected_num_peers} |
| ... Number of found peers does not match expected number ${length}:${expected_num_peers} |
| ${olt_peer_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${peers} ${INDEX} |
| ${peer_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} deviceId |
| Append To List ${olt_peer_list} ${peer_id} |
| END |
| [Return] ${olt_peer_list} |
| |
| Validate OLT PON Port Status |
| [Arguments] ${olt_device_id} ${pon_port} ${admin_state} ${oper_status} |
| [Documentation] Verifies the state of the PON port of the OLT |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${olt_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${portno}= Get From Dictionary ${value} portNo |
| ${astate}= Get From Dictionary ${value} adminState |
| ${opstatus}= Get From Dictionary ${value} operStatus |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${type}' == 'PON_OLT' and '${portno}' == '${pon_port}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No PON port found for OLT ${olt_device_id} ${pon_port} |
| Log ${value} |
| Should Be Equal '${astate}' '${admin_state}' OLT PON Port admin_state != ${admin_state} |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${opstatus}' '${oper_status}' OLT PON Port oper_status != ${oper_status} |
| ... values=False |
| |
| DisableOrEnable OLT PON Port |
| [Arguments] ${operation} ${olt_device_id} ${portno} |
| [Documentation] Disables or Enables the PON port of the OLT |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port ${operation} ${olt_device_id} ${portno} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Retrieve Peer List From OLT |
| [Arguments] ${olt_peer_list} |
| [Documentation] Retrieve the list of peer device id list from port list |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${olt_device_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${peers}= Get From Dictionary ${value} peers |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${type}' == 'PON_OLT' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No PON port found for OLT ${olt_device_id} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${peers} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${peers} ${INDEX} |
| ${peer_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} deviceId |
| Append To List ${olt_peer_list} ${peer_id} |
| END |
| |
| Validate OLT Peer Id List |
| [Arguments] ${olt_peer_id_list} |
| [Documentation] Match each entry in the ${olt_peer_id_list} against ONU device ids. |
| FOR ${peer_id} IN @{olt_peer_id_list} |
| Match OLT Peer Id ${peer_id} |
| END |
| |
| Match OLT Peer Id |
| [Arguments] ${olt_peer_id} |
| [Documentation] Lookup the OLT Peer Id in against the list of ONU device Ids |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${devid}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${devid}' == '${olt_peer_id}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} Peer id ${olt_peer_id} does not match any ONU device id |
| |
| Validate ONU Peer Id |
| [Arguments] ${olt_device_id} ${List_ONU_Serial} |
| [Documentation] Match each ONU peer to that of the OLT device id |
| FOR ${onu_serial} IN @{List_ONU_Serial} |
| ${onu_dev_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${onu_serial} |
| Match ONU Peer Id ${onu_dev_id} |
| END |
| |
| Match ONU Peer Id |
| [Arguments] ${onu_dev_id} |
| [Documentation] Match an ONU peer to that of the OLT device id |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device port list ${onu_dev_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${value} type |
| ${peers}= Get From Dictionary ${value} peers |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${type}' == 'PON_ONU' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No PON port found for ONU ${onu_dev_id} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${peers} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${peers} ${INDEX} |
| ${peer_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} deviceId |
| END |
| Should Be Equal '${peer_id}' '${olt_device_id}' |
| ... Mismatch between ONU peer ${peer_id} and OLT device id ${olt_device_id} values=False |
| |
| Get Device ID From SN |
| [Arguments] ${serial_number} |
| [Documentation] Gets the device id by matching for ${serial_number} |
| ${rc} ${id}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list --filter=SerialNumber=${serial_number} --format='{{.Id}}' |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 "Error while fetching device list from VOLTHA" |
| Log ${id} |
| [Return] ${id} |
| |
| Get Logical Device ID From SN |
| [Arguments] ${serial_number} |
| [Documentation] Gets the device id by matching for ${serial_number} |
| ${rc} ${id}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice list --filter=Desc.SerialNum=${serial_number} --format='{{.Id}}' |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Log ${id} |
| [Return] ${id} |
| |
| Build ONU SN List |
| [Arguments] ${serial_numbers} ${olt_serial_number}=${EMPTY} ${num_onus}=${num_all_onus} |
| [Documentation] Appends all ONU SNs for the given OLT to the ${serial_numbers} list |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus} |
| ${onu_sn}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${INDEX}]['onu']} |
| # skip if we have already append this ONU |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${serial_numbers} ${onu_sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Run Keyword IF "${olt_serial_number}"=="${hosts.src[${INDEX}].olt}" or "${olt_serial_number}"=="${EMPTY}" |
| ... Append To List ${serial_numbers} ${onu_sn} |
| END |
| |
| Build ONU Device Id List |
| [Arguments] ${device_ids} ${olt_serial_number}=${EMPTY} ${num_onus}=${num_all_onus} |
| [Documentation] Appends all ONU Device IDs for the given OLT to the ${serial_numbers} list |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onus} |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${hosts.src[${INDEX}]['onu']} |
| # skip if we have already append this ONU |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${device_ids} ${onu_device_id} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Run Keyword IF "${olt_serial_number}"=="${hosts.src[${INDEX}].olt}" or "${olt_serial_number}"=="${EMPTY}" |
| ... Append To List ${device_ids} ${onu_device_id} |
| END |
| |
| Get SN From Device ID |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Gets the device id by matching for ${device_id} |
| ${rc} ${sn}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list --filter=Id=${device_id} --format='{{.SerialNumber}}' |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Log ${sn} |
| [Return] ${sn} |
| |
| Get Parent ID From Device ID |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| [Documentation] Gets the device id by matching for ${device_id} |
| ${rc} ${pid}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list --filter=Id=${device_id} --format='{{.ParentId}}' |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Log ${pid} |
| [Return] ${pid} |
| |
| Validate Device Removed |
| [Arguments] ${serialNumber} |
| [Documentation] Verifys that device, ${serial_number}, has been removed |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| @{sns}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${device_sn}= Get From Dictionary ${value} serialNumber |
| Append To List ${sns} ${device_sn} |
| END |
| List Should Not Contain Value ${sns} ${serialNumber} |
| |
| Validate all ONUS for OLT Removed |
| [Arguments] ${num_all_onus} ${hosts} ${olt_serial_number} ${timeout} |
| [Documentation] Verifys that all the ONUS for OLT ${serial_number}, has been removed |
| @{onu_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${J}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate Device Removed ${sn} |
| END |
| |
| Reboot ONU |
| [Arguments] ${onu_id} ${validate_device}=True |
| [Documentation] Using voltctl command reboot ONU and verify that ONU comes up to running state |
| ${rc} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device reboot ${onu_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Run Keyword If ${validate_device} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds |
| ... 60s 1s Validate ONU Device By Device Id ENABLED DISCOVERED REACHABLE rebooting ${onu_id} |
| |
| Assert ONUs in Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${count} |
| [Documentation] Check that a certain number of devices reached the ACTIVE/ENABLE state |
| ${rc1} ${devices}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} device list | grep -v OLT | grep ACTIVE | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc1} 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${devices} ${count} |
| |
| Wait for ONUs in VOLTHA |
| [Arguments] ${count} ${timeout}=10m |
| [Documentation] Waits until a certain number of devices reached the ACTIVE/ENABLE state |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Assert ONUs In Voltha ${count} |
| |
| Validate ONU Model |
| [Documentation] |
| ... Parses the output of "voltctl device list" and inspects onu model and optionally Vendor and Vendor-id |
| ... Iteratively match on each Serial number contained in ${List_ONU_Serial} and inspect passed values |
| [Arguments] ${List_ONU_Serial} ${onu_model} ${onu_vendor}=${EMPTY} ${onu_vendor_id}=${EMPTY} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device list -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -f Type=brcm_openomci_onu |
| ... --format "{{.Id}}\t{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.Vendor}}\t{{.VendorId}}\t{{.Model}}" | grep -v SERIALNUMBER |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Failed Validate ONU model because of ${output} |
| Log ${output} |
| @{Results}= Split String ${output} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{Results} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} \t |
| ${id}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${words[1]} |
| ${vendor}= Set Variable ${words[2]} |
| ${vendor_id}= Set Variable ${words[3]} |
| ${model}= Set Variable ${words[4]} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If -1 != ${onu_id} True False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${model}'=='${onu_model}' ${matched} False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${onu_vendor}'=='${EMPTY}' or '${vendor}'=='${onu_vendor}' ${matched} False |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${onu_vendor_id}'=='${EMPTY}' or '${vendor_id}'=='${onu_vendor_id}' ${matched} False |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} Remove Values From List ${List_ONU_Serial} ${sn} |
| END |
| Should Be Empty ${List_ONU_Serial} No valid ONU model found for ${List_ONU_Serial}! |
| |
| Count Logical Devices flows |
| [Documentation] Count the flows across logical devices in VOLTHA |
| [Arguments] ${targetFlows} |
| ${output}= Get Logical Device List From Voltha |
| ${logical_devices}= To Json ${output} |
| ${total_flows}= Set Variable 0 |
| FOR ${device} IN @{logical_devices} |
| ${rc} ${flows}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} logicaldevice flows ${device['id']} | grep -v ID | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${total_flows}= Evaluate ${total_flows} + ${flows} |
| END |
| ${msg}= Format String Found {total_flows} flows of {targetFlows} expected |
| ... total_flows=${total_flows} targetFlows=${targetFlows} |
| Log ${msg} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${targetFlows} ${total_flows} |
| |
| Wait for Logical Devices flows |
| [Documentation] Waits until the flows have been provisioned in the logical device |
| [Arguments] ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} ${provisioned} |
| ... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} ${timeout}=10m |
| ${targetFlows}= Calculate flows by workflow ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} ${provisioned} |
| ... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} |
| Log ${targetFlows} |
| # TODO extend Validate Logical Device Flows to check the correct number of flows |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Count Logical Devices flows ${targetFlows} |
| |
| Count OpenOLT Device Flows |
| [Documentation] Count the flows across openolt devices in VOLTHA |
| [Arguments] ${targetFlows} |
| ${output}= Get Device List from Voltha by type openolt |
| ${devices}= To Json ${output} |
| ${total_flows}= Set Variable 0 |
| FOR ${device} IN @{devices} |
| ${rc} ${flows}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device flows ${device['id']} | grep -v ID | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${total_flows}= Evaluate ${total_flows} + ${flows} |
| END |
| ${msg}= Format String Found {total_flows} flows of {targetFlows} expected |
| ... total_flows=${total_flows} targetFlows=${targetFlows} |
| Log ${msg} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${targetFlows} ${total_flows} |
| |
| Wait for OpenOLT Devices flows |
| [Documentation] Waits until the flows have been provisioned in the openolt devices |
| [Arguments] ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} ${provisioned} |
| ... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} |
| ${beforeFlows}= Calculate flows by workflow ${workflow} ${uni_count} ${olt_count} ${provisioned} |
| ... ${withEapol} ${withDhcp} ${withIgmp} ${withLldp} |
| # In the physical device we only have 2 data plane flows (on the PON) instead of 4 |
| ${afterFlows}= Evaluate ${beforeFlows} - (${uni_count} * 2) |
| # In the TT workflow we have multiple service, |
| # so we need to remove 6 flows per each UNI that are only on the ONU device |
| ${ttFlows}= Evaluate ${beforeFlows} - (${uni_count} * 6) |
| ${afterFlows}= Set Variable If $workflow=='tt' ${ttFlows} ${afterFlows} |
| ${targetFlows}= Set Variable If $provisioned=='true' ${afterFlows} ${beforeFlows} |
| Log ${targetFlows} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10m 5s Count OpenOLT Device Flows ${targetFlows} |
| |
| Validate ONU Device Image |
| [Documentation] Validates the ONU device image |
| [Arguments] ${data} ${image_version} ${dev_id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_status} |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${data} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${length} 0 No record to validate device image |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${J} |
| Log ${value} |
| ${deviceId}= Get From Dictionary ${value} deviceId |
| Should Contain ${dev_id} ${deviceId} No match found for ${deviceId} to validate device image! |
| ${imageState}= Get From Dictionary ${value} imageState |
| ${version}= Get From Dictionary ${imageState} version |
| ${dwlState}= Get From Dictionary ${imageState} downloadState |
| ${reason}= Get From Dictionary ${imageState} reason |
| ${imgStatus}= Get From Dictionary ${imageState} imageState |
| Should Be Equal '${version}' '${image_version}' Device ${deviceId}: '${version}' != '${image_version}' |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${dwlState}' '${download_state}' Device ${deviceId}: '${dwlState}' != '${download_state}' |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${reason}' '${expected_reason}' Device ${deviceId}: '${reason}' != '${expected_reason}' |
| ... values=False |
| Should Be Equal '${imgStatus}' '${image_status}' Device ${deviceId}: '${imgStatus}' != '${image_status}' |
| ... values=False |
| END |
| |
| Download ONU Device Image |
| [Documentation] Downloads the given ONU software image |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${url} ${vendor} ${active} ${commit} ${crc} ${id} |
| ... ${download_state}=DOWNLOAD_STARTED ${expected_reason}=NO_ERROR ${image_state}=IMAGE_UNKNOWN |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage download ${ver} ${url} ${vendor} ${active} ${commit} ${crc} ${id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Validate ONU Device Image ${output} ${ver} ${id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| |
| Activate ONU Device Image |
| [Documentation] Activates the given ONU software image |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${commit} ${id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage activate ${ver} ${commit} ${id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Validate ONU Device Image ${output} ${ver} ${id} DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED NO_ERROR IMAGE_ACTIVATING |
| |
| Commit ONU Device Image |
| [Documentation] Commits the given ONU software image |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage commit ${ver} ${id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Validate ONU Device Image ${output} ${ver} ${id} DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED NO_ERROR IMAGE_COMMITTING |
| |
| Abort ONU Device Image |
| [Documentation] Aborts the given ONU software image |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage abort ${ver} ${id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Validate ONU Device Image ${output} ${ver} ${id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| |
| Remove Adapter Image |
| [Documentation] Aborts the upgrade processing for a given ONU software image and thus removes the image from adapter |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage abort ${ver} ${id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| |
| Remove Adapter Image from ONUs |
| [Documentation] Aborts the upgrade processing for a given ONU software image and thus removes the image from adapter |
| ... for the passed ONUs |
| [Arguments] ${ver} ${onu_id_list} |
| FOR ${onu_device_id} IN @{onu_id_list} |
| Remove Adapter Image ${ver} ${onu_device_id} |
| END |
| |
| Verify ONU Device Image Status |
| [Documentation] Verfies the ONU device image state |
| [Arguments] ${image_version} ${dev_id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage status ${image_version} ${dev_id} -o json |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Validate ONU Device Image ${output} ${image_version} ${dev_id} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} |
| ... ${image_state} |
| |
| Assert ONUs Image Status in Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${onu_count} ${image_version} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| [Documentation] Check that a certain number of devices reached the given image status |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} -m ${voltctlGrpcLimit} device onuimage status ${image_version} |
| ... | grep ${download_state} | grep ${expected_reason} | grep ${image_state} | wc -l |
| ${rc} ${count}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} ${onu_count} |
| |
| Wait for ONUs Image Status in VOLTHA |
| [Arguments] ${onu_count} ${image_version} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| ... ${timeout}=10m |
| [Documentation] Waits until a certain number of devices reached the given image status |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Assert ONUs Image Status in Voltha ${onu_count} |
| ... ${image_version} ${download_state} ${expected_reason} ${image_state} |
| |
| Verify ONU Device Image List |
| [Documentation] Verfies the ONU device image list |
| [Arguments] ${dev_id} ${image_version} ${committed} ${activated} ${valid} ${image_should_not_in_list}=False |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device onuimage list ${dev_id} -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${version}= Get From Dictionary ${value} version |
| ${isCommited}= Get From Dictionary ${value} isCommited |
| ${isActive}= Get From Dictionary ${value} isActive |
| ${isValid}= Get From Dictionary ${value} isValid |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${version}' == '${image_version}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Run Keyword If ${image_should_not_in_list} |
| ... Should Not Be True ${matched} ONU Image found unexpectedly with Version ${image_version} |
| ... ELSE Should Be True ${matched} No ONU Image found with Version ${image_version} |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} Should Be Equal '${isCommited}' '${committed}' |
| ... Device ${dev_id}: '${isCommited}' != '${committed}' values=False |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} Should Be Equal '${isActive}' '${activated}' |
| ... Device ${dev_id}: '${isActive}' != '${activated}' values=False |
| Run Keyword If ${matched} Should Be Equal '${isValid}' '${valid}' |
| ... Device ${dev_id}: '${isValid}' != '${valid}' values=False |
| |
| # pm-data relevant keywords |
| Read Default Interval From Pmconfig |
| [Documentation] Reads default interval from pm config |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig get ${device_id} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| log ${result} |
| @{words}= Split String ${result} |
| ${interval}= Get From List ${words} 3 |
| log ${interval} |
| [return] ${interval} |
| |
| Read Group Interval From Pmconfig |
| [Documentation] Reads default interval from pm config |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${group} |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig group list ${device_id} | grep ${group} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| log ${result} |
| @{words}= Split String ${result} |
| ${interval}= Get From List ${words} -1 |
| log ${interval} |
| [return] ${interval} |
| |
| Set and Validate Default Interval |
| [Documentation] Sets and validates default interval of pm data |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${interval} |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig frequency set ${device_id} ${interval} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| log ${result} |
| # workaround until unit will be printed out in voltctl - remove unit |
| ${interval}= Get Substring ${interval} 0 -1 |
| Should Contain ${result} ${interval} |
| |
| Set and Validate Group Interval |
| [Documentation] Sets and validates group interval of pm data |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${interval} ${group} |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig group set ${device_id} ${group} ${interval} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig group list ${device_id} | grep ${group} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| log ${result} |
| # workaround until unit will be printed out in voltctl - remove unit |
| ${interval}= Get Substring ${interval} 0 -1 |
| Should Contain ${result} ${interval} |
| |
| Read Group List |
| [Documentation] Reads metric group list of given device |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output voltctl device pmconfig group list ${device_id} | grep -v GROUPNAME |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${group_list} Create List |
| ${interval_dict} Create Dictionary |
| @{output}= Split String ${result} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{output} |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} |
| ${group}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${interval}= Set Variable ${words[2]} |
| Append To List ${group_list} ${group} |
| Set To Dictionary ${interval_dict} ${group}=${interval} |
| END |
| [return] ${group_list} ${interval_dict} |
| |
| Read Group Metric List |
| [Documentation] Reads group metric list of given device and group |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${group} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl device pmconfig groupmetric list ${device_id} ${group} | grep -v SAMPLEFREQ |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${groupmetric_list} Create List |
| @{output}= Split String ${result} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{output} |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} |
| ${name}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${type}= Set Variable ${words[1]} |
| ${enabled}= Set Variable ${words[2]} |
| ${subdict}= Create Dictionary type=${type} enabled=${enabled} |
| ${dict}= Create Dictionary ${name}=${subdict} |
| Append To List ${groupmetric_list} ${dict} |
| END |
| [return] ${groupmetric_list} |
| |
| Read Group Metric Dict |
| [Documentation] Reads group metric list of given device and group |
| [Arguments] ${device_id} ${group} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate voltctl device pmconfig groupmetric list ${device_id} ${group} | grep -v SAMPLEFREQ |
| ${rc} ${result}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${groupmetric_dict} Create Dictionary |
| @{output}= Split String ${result} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{output} |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} |
| ${name}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${type}= Set Variable ${words[1]} |
| ${enabled}= Set Variable ${words[2]} |
| ${subdict}= Create Dictionary type=${type} enabled=${enabled} |
| Set To Dictionary ${groupmetric_dict} ${name}=${subdict} |
| END |
| [return] ${groupmetric_dict} |
| |
| # openonu-go-adapter OMCI counter statistics |
| Get OMCI counter statistics |
| [Documentation] Delivers the openonu-go-adapter OMCI counter statistics |
| [Arguments] ${dev_id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device getextval onu_omci_stats ${dev_id} |
| [return] ${rc} ${output} |
| |
| Get OMCI counter statistics dictionary |
| [Documentation] Delivers the openonu-go-adapter OMCI counter statistics as dictionary |
| [Arguments] ${dev_id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Get OMCI counter statistics ${dev_id} |
| # check rc |
| &{output_dict}= Create Dictionary |
| Return From Keyword If ${rc} != 0 ${rc} ${output_dict} |
| @{Results}= Split String ${output} \n |
| FOR ${Line} IN @{Results} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| @{words}= Split String ${Line} |
| ${name}= Set Variable ${words[0]} |
| ${value}= Set Variable ${words[1]} |
| ${name}= Remove String ${name} : |
| Set To Dictionary ${output_dict} ${name} ${value} |
| END |
| [return] ${rc} ${output_dict} |