| # Copyright 2017 - present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # FIXME Can we use the same test against BBSim and Hardware? |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Test various end-to-end scenarios |
| Suite Setup Common Test Suite Setup |
| Test Setup Setup |
| Test Teardown Teardown |
| #Suite Teardown Teardown Suite |
| Library Collections |
| Library String |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library XML |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library ../../libraries/DependencyLibrary.py |
| Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/voltha.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot |
| Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot |
| Resource ../../variables/variables.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${POD_NAME} flex-ocp-cord |
| ${KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR} ~/pod-configs/kubernetes-configs |
| ${HELM_CHARTS_DIR} ~/helm-charts |
| ${NAMESPACE} voltha |
| # For below variable value, using deployment name as using grep for |
| # parsing radius pod name, we can also use full radius pod name |
| ${RESTART_POD_NAME} radius |
| ${timeout} 90s |
| ${of_id} 0 |
| ${logical_id} 0 |
| ${has_dataplane} True |
| ${external_libs} True |
| ${teardown_device} False |
| ${scripts} ../../scripts |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Adding the same OLT before and after enabling the device |
| [Documentation] Create OLT, Create the same OLT again and Check for the Error message |
| [Tags] VOL-2405 VOL-2406 AddSameOLT functional |
| [Setup] None |
| [Teardown] None |
| Run Keyword If ${has_dataplane} Delete Device and Verify |
| ${olt_device_id}= Create Device ${olt_ip} ${OLT_PORT} |
| Set Suite Variable ${olt_device_id} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Device PREPROVISIONED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN |
| ... ${EMPTY} ${olt_device_id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device create -t openolt -H ${olt_ip}:${OLT_PORT} |
| Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${output} Device is already pre-provisioned |
| #Enable the created OLT device |
| Enable Device ${olt_device_id} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate OLT Device ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE |
| ... ${olt_serial_number} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device create -t openolt -H ${olt_ip}:${OLT_PORT} |
| Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Contain ${output} Device is already pre-provisioned |
| Log "This OLT is added already and enabled" |
| |
| Test Disable different device id which is not in the device list |
| [Documentation] Disable a device id which is not listed in the voltctl device list |
| ... command and ensure that error message is shown. |
| [Tags] functional DisableInvalidDevice VOL-2412 |
| [Setup] None |
| [Teardown] None |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device list -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| @{ids}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${device_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} id |
| Append To List ${ids} ${device_id} |
| END |
| #Create a new fake device id |
| ${fakeDeviceId} Replace String Using Regexp ${device_id} \\d\\d xx count=1 |
| Log ${fakeDeviceId} |
| #Ensure that the new id created is not in the device id list |
| List Should Not Contain Value ${ids} ${fakeDeviceId} |
| #Disable fake device id |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG}; voltctl device disable ${fakeDeviceId} |
| Should Contain ${output} Error while disabling '${fakeDeviceId}': rpc error: code = NotFound desc |