| # Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # voltctl common functions |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Library for various utilities |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library String |
| Library DateTime |
| Library Process |
| Library Collections |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Lookup Service IP |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to resolve a service name to an IP |
| ${rc} ${ip}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get svc -n ${namespace} ${name} -o jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| [Return] ${ip} |
| |
| Lookup Service PORT |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to resolve a service name to an PORT |
| ${rc} ${port}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get svc -n ${namespace} ${name} -o jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].port} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| [Return] ${port} |
| |
| Restart Pod |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to force delete pod |
| ${rc} ${restart_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' |
| Log ${restart_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${restart_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl delete pod ${restart_pod_name} -n ${namespace} --grace-period=0 --force |
| Log ${output} |
| |
| Exec Pod |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${command} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to execute a command in the pod and return the output |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l app=${name} -o name |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl exec -i ${exec_pod_name} -n ${namespace} -- ${command} |
| Log ${output} |
| [return] ${output} |
| |
| Exec Pod In Kube |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${command} ${grep}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to execute a command in the pod and return the output |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run Keyword If '${grep}'=='${EMPTY}' |
| ... Run and Return Rc and Output kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=${name} -o name |
| ... ELSE Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=${name} -o name \| grep ${grep} |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl exec -i ${exec_pod_name} -n ${namespace} -- ${command} |
| Log ${output} |
| [return] ${output} |
| |
| Exec Pod And Return Output And RC |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${command} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to execute a command in the pod and return the output |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl exec -i ${exec_pod_name} -n ${namespace} -- ${command} |
| Log ${output} |
| [return] ${output} ${rc} |
| |
| Exec Pod Separate Stderr |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${command} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to execute a command in the pod and return the stderr and stdout |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l app=${name} -o name |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| @{args}= Split String ${command} |
| ${result}= Run Process |
| ... kubectl exec -i ${exec_pod_name} -n ${namespace} -- @{args} |
| ${stdout}= Set Variable ${result.stdout} |
| ${stderr}= Set Variable ${result.stderr} |
| Log ${stdout} |
| Log ${stderr} |
| [return] ${stdout} ${stderr} |
| |
| Copy File To Pod |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${src} ${dest} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to copy a file to a pod |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl cp -n ${namespace} ${src} ${exec_pod_name}:${dest} |
| Log ${output} |
| [return] ${output} |
| |
| Apply Kubernetes Resources |
| [Arguments] ${resource_yaml} ${namespace} |
| [Documentation] Use kubectl to create resources given a yaml file |
| ${rc} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl apply -n ${namespace} -f ${resource_yaml} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Delete Kubernetes Resources |
| [Arguments] ${resource_yaml} ${namespace} |
| [Documentation] Use kubectl to delete resources given a yaml file |
| ${rc} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl delete -n ${namespace} -f ${resource_yaml} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Validate Pod Status |
| [Arguments] ${pod_name} ${namespace} ${expectedStatus} |
| [Documentation] To run the kubectl command and check the status of the given pod matches the expected status |
| ${length}= Run kubectl get pod -n ${namespace} -o name | wc -l |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${length} |
| ${currentPodName}= Run |
| ... kubectl get pod -n ${namespace} -o=jsonpath="{.items[${index}].status.containerStatuses[0].name}" |
| Log Required Pod : ${pod_name} |
| Log Current Pod: ${currentPodName} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${currentPodName}'=='${pod_name}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No pod ${podname} found |
| ${currentStatusofPod}= Run |
| ... kubectl get pod -n ${namespace} -o=jsonpath="{.items[${index}].status.phase}" |
| Log ${currentStatusofPod} |
| Should Contain ${currentStatusofPod} ${expectedStatus} |
| |
| Get Pod Name By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${label_key} ${label_value} |
| [Documentation] Return a pod name from a given label |
| ${rc} ${pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} -l ${label_key}=${label_value} --no-headers | awk '{print $1}' |
| Should Not Be Empty ${pod_name} Pod not found |
| [return] ${pod_name} |
| |
| Validate Pods Status By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${label_key} ${label_value} ${expectedStatus} |
| [Documentation] To run the kubectl command and check the status of all pods filter |
| ... by label matche the expected status |
| ${command}= Catenate |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${label_key}=${label_value} |
| ... -o=jsonpath="{.items[?(.status.phase=='${expectedStatus}')].status.phase}" |
| ${pods_status}= Run ${command} |
| Should Not Be Equal ${pods_status} ${EMPTY} Can't filter out Pods with exptected status ${expectedStatus} |
| |
| Validate Pods Status By Name |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${expectedStatus} |
| [Documentation] To run the kubectl command and check the status of all pods filter |
| ... by label matche the expected status |
| ${command}= Catenate |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods ${name} |
| ... -o=jsonpath="{.status.phase}" |
| ${pods_status}= Run ${command} |
| Should Not Be Equal ${pods_status} ${EMPTY} Can't filter out Pods with exptected status ${expectedStatus} |
| |
| Verify All Voltha Pods For Any Error Logs |
| [Arguments] ${datetime} |
| [Documentation] This keyword checks for the error occurence in the voltha pods |
| &{errorPodDict} Create Dictionary |
| &{containerDict} Get Container Dictionary voltha |
| FOR ${podName} IN @{PODLIST1} |
| ${containerName} Get From Dictionary ${containerDict} ${podName} |
| ${rc} ${logOutput} Run And Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl logs --timestamps -n voltha --since-time=${datetime} ${containerName} |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${logOutput}'=='${EMPTY}' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| ${errorDict} Check For Error Logs in Pod Type1 Given the Log Output ${logOutput} |
| ${returnStatusFlagList} Get Dictionary Keys ${errorDict} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Get From List ${returnStatusFlagList} 0 |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='Nologfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='UnexpectedErrorfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log Unexpected Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Set to Dictionary ${errorPodDict} ${podName} ${errorDict} |
| END |
| FOR ${podName} IN @{PODLIST2} |
| ${containerName} Get From Dictionary ${containerDict} ${podName} |
| ${rc} ${logOutput} Run And Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl logs --timestamps -n voltha --since-time=${datetime} ${containerName} |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${logOutput}'=='${EMPTY}' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| ${errorDict} Check For Error Logs in Pod Type2 Given the Log Output ${logOutput} |
| ${returnStatusFlagList} Get Dictionary Keys ${errorDict} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Get From List ${returnStatusFlagList} 0 |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='Nologfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='UnexpectedErrorfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log Unexpected Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Set to Dictionary ${errorPodDict} ${podName} ${errorDict} |
| END |
| Print to Console Error Statement logged in the following pods : ${errorPodDict} |
| [Return] ${errorPodDict} |
| |
| Check For Error Logs in Pod Type1 Given the Log Output |
| [Arguments] ${logOutput} ${logLevel}=error ${errorMessage}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Checks for error message in the particular list of pods |
| Log ${logOutput} |
| ${linesContainingLog} = Get Lines Matching Regexp ${logOutput} .*\s\${logLevel}.* partial_match=true |
| ${is_exec_status} ${output} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Be Empty ${linesContainingLog} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Set Variable If '${is_exec_status}'=='PASS' |
| ... Nologfound '${is_exec_status}'=='FAIL' Errorlogfound |
| ${linesContainingError} = Get Lines Matching Regexp |
| ... ${logOutput} .*\s\${logLevel}.*${errorMessage} partial_match=true |
| ${is_exec_status} ${output} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Be Empty ${linesContainingError} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Set Variable If '${is_exec_status}'=='PASS' |
| ... UnexpectedErrorfound '${is_exec_status}'=='FAIL' MatchingErrorlogfound |
| Log {linesContainingError} |
| &{errorDict} Create Dictionary ${returnStatusFlag} ${linesContainingLog} |
| [Return] ${errorDict} |
| |
| Check For Error Logs in Pod Type2 Given the Log Output |
| [Arguments] ${logOutput} ${logLevel}=warn ${errorMessage}=${EMPTY} |
| [Documentation] Checks for error message in the particular set of pods |
| Log ${logOutput} |
| ${linesContainingLog} = Get Lines Matching Regexp |
| ... ${logOutput} .*?\s.*level.*${logLevel}.* partial_match=true |
| ${is_exec_status} ${output} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Be Empty ${linesContainingLog} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Set Variable If '${is_exec_status}'=='PASS' |
| ... Nologfound '${is_exec_status}'=='FAIL' Errorlogfound |
| ${linesContainingError} = Get Lines Matching Regexp |
| ... ${logOutput} .*?\s.*level.*${logLevel}.*msg.*${errorMessage} partial_match=true |
| ${is_exec_status} ${output} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Be Empty ${linesContainingError} |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Set Variable If '${is_exec_status}'=='PASS' |
| ... UnexpectedErrorfound '${is_exec_status}'=='FAIL' MatchingErrorlogfound |
| Log {linesContainingError} |
| &{errorDict} Create Dictionary ${returnStatusFlag} ${linesContainingLog} |
| [Return] ${errorDict} |
| |
| Get Container Dictionary |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| [Documentation] Creates a mapping for pod name and container name and returns the same |
| &{containerDict} Create Dictionary |
| ${containerName} Set Variable ${EMPTY} |
| ${podName} Run kubectl get deployment -n ${namespace} | awk 'NR>1 {print $1}' |
| @{podNameList}= Split To Lines ${podName} |
| Append To List ${podNameList} voltha-etcd-cluster voltha-kafka voltha-ro-core voltha-zookeeper |
| Log ${podNameList} |
| #Creatiing dictionary to correspond pod name and container name |
| FOR ${pod} IN @{podNameList} |
| ${containerName} Run kubectl get pod -n ${namespace} | grep ${pod} | awk '{print $1}' |
| &{containerDict} Set To Dictionary ${containerDict} ${pod} ${containerName} |
| END |
| Log ${containerDict} |
| [Return] ${containerDict} |
| |
| Validate Error For Given Pods |
| [Arguments] ${datetime} ${podDict} |
| [Documentation] |
| ... This keyword is used to get the list of pods if there is any unexpected error |
| ... in a particular pod(s) given the time-${datetime} from which the log needs to |
| ... be analysed and the dictionary of pods and the error in the dictionary format |
| ... ${podDict] . |
| ... |
| ... Usage: ${returnStatusFlag} Validate Error For Given Pods ${datetime} ${podDict} |
| ... |
| ... Arguments: |
| ... |
| ... ${datetime} = time from which the log needs to be taken |
| ... ${podDict} = Key-value pair of the pod name and the error msg |
| ... |
| ... Example: ${podDict} = Set Dictionary ${podDict} radius sample error message. |
| ... |
| ... In case the radius pod log has any other error than the expected |
| ... error, then the podname will be returned |
| ${podList} = Get Dictionary Keys ${podDict} |
| FOR ${podName} IN @{podList} |
| ${containerName} Get From Dictionary ${containerDict} ${podName} |
| ${expectedError} Get From Dictionary ${podDict} ${podName} |
| ${rc} ${logOutput} Run And Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl logs --timestamps -n voltha --since-time=${datetime} ${containerName} |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${logOutput}'=='${EMPTY}' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| ${returnStatusFlag} Check For Error Logs in Pod Type1 Given the Log Output ${logOutput} |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='Nologfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log No Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Continue For Loop |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error |
| ... Run Keyword If '${returnStatusFlag}'=='UnexpectedErrorfound' |
| ... Run Keywords Log Unexpected Error Log found in pod ${podName} |
| ... AND Append To List ${errorPodList} ${podName} |
| END |
| [Return] ${errorPodList} |
| |
| Delete K8s Pod |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to delete a named POD |
| ${rc} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl delete -n ${namespace} pod/${name} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Delete K8s Pods By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to delete a PODs, filtering by label |
| ${rc}= Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pods -l${key}=${value} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Delete K8s Pods By Name |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to delete a PODs, filtering by label |
| ${rc}= Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pods ${value} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Scale K8s Deployment |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${count} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to scale a named deployment |
| ${rc} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl scale --replicas=${count} -n ${namespace} deploy/${name} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Get K8s Deployment by Pod Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to scale a deployment given the app name of the pod |
| ${rc} ${name} Run And Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl describe rs -n ${namespace} -l ${key}=${value} | grep "Controlled By" | awk -F'/' '{print $2}' | awk 'FNR == 1' |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| [Return] ${name} |
| |
| Scale K8s Deployment by Pod Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} ${count} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to scale a deployment given the app name of the pod |
| ${name} Get K8s Deployment by Pod Label ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| Scale K8s Deployment ${namespace} ${name} ${count} |
| |
| Pod Exists |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds it the named POD exists |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl get -n ${namespace} pod -o json | jq -r ".items[].metadata.name" | grep ${name} |
| Should Be True ${count}>0 Pod ${name} not found |
| |
| Pod Does Not Exist |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the named POD does not exist |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl get -n ${namespace} pod -o json | jq -r ".items[].metadata.name" | grep -c ${name} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} 0 |
| Should Be True ${count}==0 Pod ${name} exists but should not |
| |
| Wait For Pods Not Exist |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${list_names} |
| [Documentation] Checks the passed PODs are no longer existing |
| FOR ${pod_name} IN @{list_names} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 3s |
| ... Pod Does Not Exist ${namespace} ${pod_name} |
| END |
| |
| Pods Do Not Exist By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the named POD does not exist |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc And Output |
| ... kubectl get -n ${namespace} pod -l${key}=${value} -o json | jq -r ".items[].metadata.name" | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} 0 |
| Should Be True ${count}==0 Pod with label ${key}=${value} exists but should not |
| |
| Get Available Deployment Replicas |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the named POD exists and has a ready count > 0 |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get -n ${namespace} deploy/${name} -o jsonpath='{.status.availableReplicas}' |
| ${result}= Run Keyword If '${count}' == '' Set Variable 0 |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${count} |
| [Return] ${result} |
| |
| Check Expected Available Deployment Replicas By Pod Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} ${expected} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the named deployment has the expected number of available replicas |
| ${name} Get K8s Deployment by Pod Label ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| Check Expected Available Deployment Replicas ${namespace} ${name} ${expected} |
| |
| Check Expected Available Deployment Replicas |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${expected} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the named deployment has the expected number of available replicas |
| ${count}= Get Available Deployment Replicas ${namespace} ${name} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${expected} ${count} |
| |
| Get Deployment Replica Count |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to fetch the number of configured replicas on a deployment |
| ${rc} ${value} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get deploy/${name} -o 'jsonpath={.status.replicas}' |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${replicas}= Run Keyword If '${value}' == '' Set Variable 0 |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${value} |
| [Return] ${replicas} |
| |
| Does Deployment Have Replicas |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} ${expected_count} |
| [Documentation] Uses kubectl to fetch the number of configured replicas on a deployment |
| ${rc} ${value} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get deploy/${name} -o 'jsonpath={.status.replicas}' |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${replicas}= Run Keyword If '${value}' == '' Set Variable 0 |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${value} |
| Should be Equal as Integers ${replicas} ${expected_count} |
| |
| Pods Are Ready By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Check that all pods with a label are ready |
| ${output}= Run |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o=jsonpath="{.items[].status.containerStatuses[].ready}" |
| Should Not Contain ${output} false |
| |
| Wait For Pods Ready |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${list_apps} |
| [Documentation] Checks the passed PODs are ready |
| FOR ${app_name} IN @{list_apps} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 3s |
| ... Pods Are Ready By Label ${namespace} app ${app_name} |
| END |
| |
| Check Expected Running Pods Number By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} ${number} |
| [Documentation] Succeeds if the desired pod has expected number replicas |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o json | jq -r ".items[].status.phase" | wc -l |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${count} ${number} |
| |
| Get Number of Running Pods Number By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Returns the number of pods for a given label |
| ${rc} ${count} Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o name | wc -l |
| [Return] ${count} |
| |
| Get Pod Restart Count |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| [Documentation] Returns the restart count for the given Pod |
| ${rc} ${count}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk 'NR==1{print $4}' |
| [Return] ${count} |
| |
| Verify ONOS Pod Restart |
| [Arguments] ${restarted}=True |
| [Documentation] Verifies if any of the given ONOS instances restarted |
| ${num_onos}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20s 5s Get Number of Running Pods Number By Label default |
| ... app onos-onos-classic |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_onos} |
| ${onos_pod}= Catenate SEPARATOR=- onos-onos-classic ${I} |
| ${count}= Get Pod Restart Count default ${onos_pod} |
| Run Keyword If ${restarted} |
| ... Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${count} 0 ONOS Pod ${onos_pod} Not Restarted |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Should Be Equal As Integers ${count} 0 ONOS Pod ${onos_pod} Restarted |
| END |
| |
| Deploy Pod New Image |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${deployment} ${container} ${image} |
| [Documentation] Deploys the Pod given image |
| ${rc} Run and Return Rc |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} set image deployment/${deployment} ${container}=${image} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Verify Pod Image |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} ${image} |
| [Documentation] Verifies the Pod Image |
| ${output}= Run |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o=jsonpath="{.items[].status.containerStatuses[].image}" |
| Should Be Equal '${output}' 'docker.io/${image}' |
| |
| Get Pod Image And App Version And Helm Chart By Label |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${key} ${value} |
| [Documentation] Retrieves Pod Image and, App and Helm Chart Version details |
| ${image}= Run |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o=jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" |
| ${cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o= |
| ... jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.labels.\\app\\.kubernetes\\.io\\/version}" |
| ${app_version}= Run ${cmd} |
| ${helm_chart}= Run |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods -l ${key}=${value} -o=jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.labels.\\helm\\.sh\\/chart}" |
| [Return] ${image} ${app_version} ${helm_chart} |