| # Copyright 2020-2024 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Library for various openonu-go-adpter utilities |
| Library grpc_robot.VolthaTools WITH NAME volthatools |
| Resource ./bbsim.robot |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Printout ONU Serial Number and Device Id |
| [Documentation] Printouts the ONU serial number and corresponding device id. |
| [Arguments] ${onu_sn}=${EMPTY} ${print2console}=False |
| ${output}= Set Variable \r\n |
| ${onu_sn_list} Create List |
| Run Keyword If "${onu_sn}"=="${EMPTY}" Build ONU SN List ${onu_sn_list} |
| ... ELSE Append To List ${onu_sn_list} ${onu_sn} |
| FOR ${sn} IN @{onu_sn_list} |
| ${device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${sn} |
| ${output}= Catenate ${output}ONU Serial Number: ${sn} ONU Device ID: ${device_id}\r\n |
| END |
| Log ${output} |
| Run Keyword If ${print2console} Log ${output} console=yes |
| |
| Calculate Timeout |
| [Documentation] Calculates the timeout regarding num-onus in case of more than 4 onus |
| [Arguments] ${basetimeout}=60s |
| ${new_timeout} Fetch From Left ${basetimeout} s |
| ${new_timeout}= evaluate ${new_timeout}+((${num_all_onus}-4)*10) |
| ${new_timeout}= Set Variable If (not ${debugmode}) and (${new_timeout}>300) |
| ... 300 ${new_timeout} |
| ${new_timeout}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${new_timeout} s |
| [Return] ${new_timeout} |
| |
| Get Logical Id of OLT |
| [Documentation] Fills the logical id of OLT(s) if missing |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| # exit loop if logical id already known |
| Exit For Loop IF "${olt_ids}[${I}][logical_id]" != "${EMPTY}" |
| #read current device values |
| ${olt}= Get From List ${olt_ids} ${I} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Get From Dictionary ${olt} sn |
| # read logical id and store it |
| ${logical_id}= Get Logical Device ID From SN ${olt_serial_number} |
| Set To Dictionary ${olt} logical_id ${logical_id} |
| Set List Value ${olt_ids} ${I} ${olt} |
| END |
| Set Global Variable ${olt_ids} |
| |
| Power On ONU Device |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns on the power for all onus. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][sn] |
| ${bbsim}= Catenate SEPARATOR= bbsim ${J} |
| ${bbsim_pod}= Get Pod Name By Label ${namespace} release ${bbsim} |
| Power On ONU Device per OLT ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| END |
| |
| Power On ONU Device per OLT |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns on the power for all onus. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| @{onu_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${src['onu']} |
| # make sure all actions are done only once per onu |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Power On ONU ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod} ${sn} |
| END |
| |
| Power Off ONU Device |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns off the power for all onus per olt. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][sn] |
| ${bbsim}= Catenate SEPARATOR= bbsim ${J} |
| ${bbsim_pod}= Get Pod Name By Label ${namespace} release ${bbsim} |
| Power Off ONU Device per OLT ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| END |
| |
| Power Off ONU Device per OLT |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns off the power for all onus per olt. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| @{onu_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${src['onu']} |
| # make sure all actions are done only once per onu |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Power Off ONU ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod} ${sn} |
| END |
| |
| Set Wrong MDS Counter All ONUs |
| [Documentation] This keyword sets wrong MDS counter for all onus. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][sn] |
| ${bbsim}= Catenate SEPARATOR= bbsim ${J} |
| ${bbsim_pod}= Get Pod Name By Label ${namespace} release ${bbsim} |
| Set Wrong MDS Counter per OLT ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| END |
| |
| Set Wrong MDS Counter per OLT |
| [Documentation] This keyword sets wrong MDS counter for all onus per olt. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${olt_serial_number} ${bbsim_pod} |
| @{onu_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${sn}= Set Variable ${src['onu']} |
| # make sure all actions are done only once per onu |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${sn} |
| Set Wrong MDS Counter ONU ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod} ${sn} |
| END |
| |
| Current State Test |
| [Documentation] This keyword checks the passed state of the given onu. |
| [Arguments] ${state} ${onu} ${reqadminstate}=${EMPTY} ${reqoperstatus}=${EMPTY} |
| ... ${reqconnectstatus}=${EMPTY} |
| ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_state_nb} ${onu_state}= Map State ${state} |
| ${admin_state}= Set Variable If '${reqadminstate}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqadminstate} ${admin_state} |
| ${oper_status}= Set Variable If '${reqoperstatus}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqoperstatus} ${oper_status} |
| ${connect_status}= Set Variable If '${reqconnectstatus}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqconnectstatus} |
| ... ${connect_status} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 50ms |
| ... Validate Device ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} |
| ... ${onu} onu=True onu_reason=${onu_state} |
| |
| Current State Test All Onus |
| [Documentation] This keyword checks the passed state of all onus. |
| ... Hint: ${timeStart} will be not evaluated here! |
| [Arguments] ${state} ${reqadminstate}=${EMPTY} ${reqoperstatus}=${EMPTY} ${reqconnectstatus}=${EMPTY} |
| ... ${alternativeonustate}=${EMPTY} ${timeout}=${timeout} |
| ${timeStart}= Get Current Date |
| ${list_onus} Create List |
| Build ONU SN List ${list_onus} |
| ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_state_nb} ${onu_state}= Map State ${state} |
| ${admin_state}= Set Variable If '${reqadminstate}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqadminstate} ${admin_state} |
| ${oper_status}= Set Variable If '${reqoperstatus}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqoperstatus} ${oper_status} |
| ${connect_status}= Set Variable If '${reqconnectstatus}'!='${EMPTY}' ${reqconnectstatus} |
| ... ${connect_status} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 50ms |
| ... Validate ONU Devices With Duration |
| ... ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} |
| ... ${onu_state} ${list_onus} ${timeStart} alternate_reason=${alternativeonustate} |
| # teardown is used as 'return' for result of Validate ONU Devices With Duration (used for ONUNegativeStateTests) |
| [Teardown] Run Keyword If "${KEYWORD STATUS}"=="FAIL" Set Suite Variable ${StateTestAllONUs} False |
| |
| Reconcile Onu Adapter |
| [Documentation] Restarts the openonu adapter and waits for reconciling is finished and expected oper-state is reached |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${usekill2restart} ${oper_status} ${olt_to_be_deleted_sn}=${EMPTY} |
| ... ${flow_delete_params}=&{EMPTY} ${wrong_MDS_counter}=False |
| # get last ready timestamp of openonu adapter |
| ${previous_ready_ts}= Get Pod Ready Timestamp by Label ${namespace} app adapter-open-onu |
| # restart OpenONU adapter |
| Run Keyword If ${usekill2restart} Kill And Check Onu Adaptor ${namespace} |
| ... ELSE Restart And Check Onu Adaptor ${namespace} |
| #check ready timestamp of openonu adapter, should be younger than the previous ready timestamp |
| ${openonu_ready_ts}= Get Pod Ready Timestamp by Label ${namespace} app adapter-open-onu |
| ${restart_duration}= Subtract Date From Date ${openonu_ready_ts} ${previous_ready_ts} |
| Should Be True ${restart_duration}>0 |
| Sleep 20s |
| # delete the olt passed, if available (special feature) |
| ${olt_to_be_deleted_device_id}= Run Keyword IF "${olt_to_be_deleted_sn}"!="${EMPTY}" |
| ... Get OLTDeviceID From OLT List ${olt_to_be_deleted_sn} |
| Run Keyword If "${olt_to_be_deleted_sn}"!="${EMPTY}" Delete Device ${olt_to_be_deleted_device_id} |
| # remove flows if params passed for it (special feature II) |
| Run Keyword If ${flow_delete_params}!=&{EMPTY} Remove Flows Conditional ${flow_delete_params['unitag']} |
| ... ${flow_delete_params['onu_sn']} ${flow_delete_params['of_id']} ${flow_delete_params['onu_port']} |
| # Set wrong MDS counter (for all ONUs) if required (special feature III) |
| Run Keyword If ${wrong_MDS_counter} Set Wrong MDS Counter All ONUs ${namespace} |
| # wait for the reconcile to complete |
| # - we check that communication to openonu-adapter is established again |
| # - we check that all ONUs leave reconcile state by validate a simple voltctl request will not responds with error |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s Validate Last ONU Communication |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s Validate All Onus Accessible ${olt_to_be_deleted_sn} |
| # - then we wait that all ONU move to the next state, except ONU belonging to deleted OLT (special feature) |
| ${list_onus} Create List |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][sn] |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_to_be_deleted_sn}"=="${olt_serial_number}" |
| Build ONU SN List ${list_onus} ${olt_serial_number} |
| END |
| Log ${list_onus} |
| Run Keyword And Ignore Error Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} |
| ... 1s Check all ONU OperStatus ${list_onus} ${oper_status} |
| |
| Validate All Onus Accessible |
| [Documentation] This keyword checks all onus accessible (again) with help of a simple voltctl request. |
| ... As long we've got an rc!=0 keyword will fail -> onu is not accessible. |
| ... As get request Onu image list is used, any other get command could be used for this check. |
| ... Will not check ONUs of passed deleted OLT (special feature) |
| [Arguments] ${deleted_olt}=${EMPTY} |
| ${onu_list} Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${src['olt']} |
| Continue For Loop If "${deleted_olt}"=="${olt_serial_number}" |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Get Onu Image List ${onu_device_id} |
| Should Be True ${rc}==0 Onu ${src['onu']} (${onu_device_id}) still not accessible. |
| END |
| |
| Remove Flows Conditional |
| [Documentation] This keyword removes the flows (subscriber) conditional depending on unitag. |
| ... In case of unitagsub==False (normal case) single subscriber remove will be executed. |
| ... In case of multi uni each uni id will be deleted. |
| [Arguments] ${unitagsub} ${onu_sn} ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| # first handle 'normal' case without uni ports |
| Run Keyword If ${unitagsub}==False Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s |
| ... Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| Return From Keyword If ${unitagsub}==False |
| # handle multi uni case |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${onu_sn}"!="${src['onu']}" |
| ${add_sub_cmd}= Catenate volt-remove-subscriber-unitag --tpId ${src['tp_id']} --sTag ${src['s_tag']} |
| ... --cTag ${src['c_tag']} ${src['onu']}-${src['uni_id']} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection |
| ... ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${add_sub_cmd} |
| END |
| |
| Remove Flows all ONUs |
| [Documentation] Remove all Flows from all onus |
| @{onu_list}= Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| # Collect data for remove flow(s) |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| # skip if we have already handled this ONU |
| ${onu_sn}= Set Variable ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${onu_sn} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${onu_sn} |
| ${of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 15s Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${src['olt']} |
| ${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${onu_sn} |
| ... ${of_id} ${src['uni_id']} |
| # Remove Flows |
| Remove Flows Conditional ${unitag_sub} ${onu_sn} ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| END |
| |
| Log Ports |
| [Documentation] This keyword logs all port data available in ONOS of first port per ONU |
| [Arguments] ${onlyenabled}=False |
| ${cmd} Set Variable If ${onlyenabled} ports -e ports |
| ${onu_ports}= Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${cmd} |
| ${lines} = Get Lines Matching Regexp ${onu_ports} .*portName=BBSM[0-9]{8}-1 |
| Log ${lines} |
| |
| Kill Adaptor |
| [Documentation] This keyword kills the passed adaptor. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${name} |
| ${cmd} Catenate |
| ... kubectl exec -it -n ${namespace} $(kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep ${name} | awk 'NR==1{print $1}') |
| ... -- /bin/sh -c "kill 1" |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output ${cmd} |
| Log ${output} |
| |
| Kill And Check Onu Adaptor |
| [Documentation] This keyword kills ONU Adaptor and waits for it to come up again |
| ... Following steps will be executed: |
| ... - kill openonu adaptor |
| ... - check openonu adaptor is ready again |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| ${list_openonu_apps} Create List adapter-open-onu |
| ${adaptorname}= Set Variable open-onu |
| Kill Adaptor ${namespace} ${adaptorname} |
| Sleep 5s |
| Wait For Pods Ready ${namespace} ${list_openonu_apps} |
| |
| Restart And Check Onu Adaptor |
| [Documentation] This keyword restarts ONU Adaptor and waits for it to come up again |
| ... Following steps will be executed: |
| ... - restart openonu adaptor |
| ... - check openonu adaptor is ready again |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| ${list_openonu_apps} Create List adapter-open-onu |
| ${openonu_label_key} Set Variable app |
| ${openonu_label_value} Set Variable adapter-open-onu |
| Restart Pod By Label ${namespace} ${openonu_label_key} ${openonu_label_value} |
| Sleep 5s |
| Wait For Pods Ready ${namespace} ${list_openonu_apps} |
| |
| Disable Onu Device |
| [Documentation] This keyword disables all onus. |
| ${onu_list} Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| Disable Device ${onu_device_id} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20s 2s Test Devices Disabled in VOLTHA Id=${onu_device_id} |
| END |
| |
| Enable Onu Device |
| [Documentation] This keyword enables all onus. |
| ${onu_list} Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${onu_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${onu_device_id} |
| Enable Device ${onu_device_id} |
| END |
| |
| Verify MIB Template Data Available |
| [Documentation] This keyword verifies MIB Template Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${commandget} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates/' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${result} No MIB Template Data stored in etcd! |
| |
| Delete MIB Template Data |
| [Documentation] This keyword deletes MIB Template Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${commanddel} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl del --prefix service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates/' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commanddel} |
| Sleep 3s |
| ${commandget} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates/' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| Should Be Empty ${result} Could not delete MIB Template Data stored in etcd! |
| |
| Get ONU MIB Template Data |
| [Documentation] This keyword delivers MIB Template Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${without_prefix}=True |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${commandget} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates/' |
| ${commandget}= Run Keyword If ${without_prefix} Catenate ${commandget} |
| ... | grep -v service/voltha/omci_mibs/go_templates/ |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${commandget} |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| log ${result} |
| [Return] ${result} |
| |
| Set Tech Profile |
| [Documentation] This keyword sets the passed TechProfile for the test |
| [Arguments] ${TechProfile} ${namespace}=default ${tp_id}=64 |
| Log To Console \nSet TechProfile:${TechProfile} tp_id:${tp_id} |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${label}= Set Variable app.kubernetes.io/name=${podname} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${data_dir}/TechProfile-${TechProfile}.json |
| ${dest}= Set Variable /tmp/flexpod.json |
| ${command} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'cat ${dest} | ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl put service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/${tp_id}' |
| Copy File To Pod ${namespace} ${label} ${src} ${dest} |
| Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${command} |
| ${commandget} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/${tp_id}' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${result} No Tech Profile stored in etcd! |
| |
| Remove Tech Profile |
| [Documentation] This keyword removes TechProfile |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${tp_id}=64 |
| Run Keyword If "${TechProfile}"!="${EMPTY}" Log To Console \nRemove TechProfile:${TechProfile} tp_id:${tp_id} |
| ... ELSE Log To Console \nRemove Tech Profile template at tp_id:${tp_id} |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${command} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl del --prefix service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/${tp_id}' |
| Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${command} |
| ${commandget} Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/voltha/technology_profiles/XGS-PON/${tp_id}' |
| Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| |
| Do Onu Subscriber Add Per OLT |
| [Documentation] Add Subscriber per OLT |
| [Arguments] ${of_id} ${olt_serial_number} ${print2console}=False |
| ${onu_list} Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_port}= Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s |
| ... Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']} ${of_id} |
| ${of_id_onu_port}= Catenate SEPARATOR=- ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| ${pair_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${of_id_onu_port} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${pair_id} and ${unitag_sub} == False |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${of_id_onu_port} |
| # Add subscriber |
| ${add_sub_cmd}= Run Keyword If ${unitag_sub} |
| ... Catenate volt-add-subscriber-unitag --tpId ${src['tp_id']} --sTag ${src['s_tag']} |
| ... --cTag ${src['c_tag']} ${src['onu']}-${src['uni_id']} |
| ... ELSE |
| ... Set Variable volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2 |
| ... Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${add_sub_cmd} |
| Run Keyword If ${print2console} Log \r\n[${I}] volt-add-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}. |
| ... console=yes |
| END |
| |
| Do Onu Flow Check Per OLT |
| [Documentation] Checks all ONU flows show up in ONOS and Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${of_id} ${nni_port} ${olt_serial_number} ${print2console}=False |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_port}= Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s |
| ... Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']} ${of_id} |
| # Verify subscriber access flows are added for the ONU port |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s |
| ... Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For ONU ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${of_id} |
| ... ${onu_port} ${nni_port} ${src['c_tag']} ${src['s_tag']} |
| ${logoutput} Catenate \r\n[${I}] Verify Subscriber Access Flows Added For |
| ... ONU ${of_id} ${onu_port} ${src['c_tag']} ${src['s_tag']}. |
| Run Keyword If ${print2console} Log ${logoutput} console=yes |
| END |
| |
| Do Onu Subscriber Remove Per OLT |
| [Documentation] Removes per OLT subscribers in ONOS and Voltha |
| [Arguments] ${of_id} ${olt_serial_number} ${print2console}=False |
| ${onu_list} Create List |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| ${dst}= Set Variable ${hosts.dst[${I}]} |
| Continue For Loop If "${olt_serial_number}"!="${src['olt']}" |
| ${onu_device_id}= Get Device ID From SN ${src['onu']} |
| ${onu_port}= Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s |
| ... Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']} ${of_id} |
| ${of_id_onu_port}= Catenate SEPARATOR=- ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| ${pair_id}= Get Index From List ${onu_list} ${of_id_onu_port} |
| Continue For Loop If -1 != ${pair_id} |
| Append To List ${onu_list} ${of_id_onu_port} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2 |
| ... Execute ONOS CLI Command use single connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} |
| ... volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port} |
| Run Keyword If ${print2console} Log \r\n[${I}] volt-remove-subscriber-access ${of_id} ${onu_port}. |
| ... console=yes |
| END |
| |
| Validate Resource Instances Used Gem Ports |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates resource instances data stored in etcd. |
| ... It checks checks the number of gemport-ids which has matched with used Tech Profile |
| [Arguments] ${nbofgemports} ${namespace}=default ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${etcddata}= Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data namespace=${namespace} defaultkvstoreprefix=${kvstoreprefix} |
| #prepare result for json convert |
| ${result}= Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json ${etcddata} |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${result} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| log ${jsondata} |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| # TODO: The TP ID is hardcoded to 64 below. It is fine when testing single-tcont workflow. |
| # When testing multi-tcont this may need some adjustment. |
| Exit For Loop If not ('uni_config' in $value) |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['PersTpPathMap']} 64 |
| ${resourcedata}= Get Resource Instances ETCD Data ${tp_path} namespace=${namespace} |
| ... defaultkvstoreprefix=${kvstoreprefix} |
| log ${resourcedata} |
| ${decoderesult}= volthatools.Tech Profile Decode Resource Instance ${resourcedata} return_default=true |
| log ${decoderesult} |
| ${gemportids}= Get From Dictionary ${decoderesult} gemport_ids |
| ${length}= Get Length ${gemportids} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${nbofgemports} ${length} |
| ... msg=Number of gem ports (${length}) does not match with techprofile ${nbofgemports} |
| END |
| |
| Get Resource Instances ETCD Data |
| [Documentation] This keyword delivers Resource Instances Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${tppath} ${namespace}=default ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${commandget}= Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/${kvstoreprefix}/resource_instances/${tppath} |
| ... --print-value-only --hex' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| log ${result} |
| [Return] ${result} |
| |
| Validate Tech Profiles and Flows in ETCD Data Per Onu |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates tech profiles and flows data stored in etcd per onu. |
| ... It checks checks presence/absence of tech profiles and flows depending on must_exist. |
| ... The values/content of tech profiles and flows will be not validated! |
| [Arguments] ${onu_sn} ${namespace}=default ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha ${must_exist}=True |
| ... ${check_tcont_map_empty}=False ${check_default_flow_att}=True |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${etcddata}= Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data namespace=${namespace} defaultkvstoreprefix=${kvstoreprefix} |
| #prepare result for json convert |
| ${result}= Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json ${etcddata} |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${result} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| log ${jsondata} |
| ${matched}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| ${uni_config}= Get From Dictionary ${value} uni_config |
| ${uni_config}= Set Variable ${uni_config[0]} |
| ${sn}= Get From Dictionary ${value} serial_number |
| ${tcont_map}= Get From Dictionary ${value} tcont_map |
| ${matched}= Set Variable If '${sn}'=='${onu_sn}' True False |
| Exit For Loop If ${matched} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${matched} No ETCD data found for ONU ${onu_sn} |
| Log ${uni_config} |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${uni_config} PersTpPathMap |
| Log ${tp_path} |
| ${flow_params}= Get From Dictionary ${uni_config} flow_params |
| Log ${flow_params} |
| # in case of ATT for ONU with removed flows there is default flow established |
| ${length}= Get Length ${flow_params} |
| ${cookieslice}= Run Keyword If ${length}>0 Run Keyword If 'cookie_slice' in ${flow_params[0]} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${flow_params[0]} cookie_slice |
| ${setvid}= Run Keyword If ${length}>0 Run Keyword If 'set_vid' in ${flow_params[0]['vlan_rule_params']} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${flow_params[0]['vlan_rule_params']} set_vid |
| ${cookie_slice_length}= Run Keyword If ${length}>0 Run Keyword If 'cookie_slice' in ${flow_params[0]} |
| ... Get Length ${cookieslice} |
| Run Keyword If "${workflow}"=="ATT" and not ${must_exist} and ${check_default_flow_att} Run Keywords |
| ... Should Be Equal As Numbers ${setvid} 4091 AND |
| ... Should Be Equal As Numbers ${cookie_slice_length} 1 AND |
| ... Should Not Be Empty ${tp_path} AND |
| ... Return From Keyword |
| ${tp_path_length}= Get Length ${tp_path} |
| # validate tp_path is not Empty for case must_exist, case not must_exist will be validated implicitly with FOR loop |
| Run Keyword If ${must_exist} Should Not Be Empty ${tp_path} |
| ${tp_path_keys}= Run Keyword If ${tp_path_length}==0 Create List |
| ... ELSE Get Dictionary Keys ${tp_path} |
| ${tp_path_values}= Run Keyword If ${tp_path_length}==0 Create List |
| ... ELSE Get Dictionary Values ${tp_path} |
| ${tp_path_empty}= Set Variable True |
| Log ${tp_path_values} |
| Log ${tp_path_keys} |
| # In case of not empty tp_path each value will be checked depending on must_exist |
| FOR ${key} IN @{tp_path_keys} |
| ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${tp_path} ${key} |
| Run Keyword If ${must_exist} Should Not Be Empty ${value} |
| ... ELSE Should Be Empty ${value} |
| END |
| Run Keyword If ${must_exist} Should Not Be Empty ${flow_params} |
| ... ELSE Should Be Empty ${flow_params} |
| Run Keyword If ${check_tcont_map_empty} Log ${tcont_map} |
| Run Keyword If ${check_tcont_map_empty} Should Be Empty ${tcont_map} |
| |
| Validate Onu Data In Etcd |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd. |
| ... It checks unique of serial_number and combination of pon, onu and uni in tp_path. |
| ... Furthermore it evaluates the values of onu_id and uni_id with values read from tp_path. |
| ... Number of etcd entries has to match with the passed number. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${nbofetcddata}=${num_all_onus} ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha |
| ... ${without_prefix}=True ${without_pm_data}=True |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${etcddata}= Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data ${namespace} ${kvstoreprefix} ${without_prefix} ${without_pm_data} |
| #prepare result for json convert |
| ${result}= Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json ${etcddata} |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${result} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| log ${jsondata} |
| Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} ${nbofetcddata} |
| ... msg=Number etcd data (${length}) does not match required (${nbofetcddata})! |
| ${oltpononuuniidlist}= Create List |
| ${serialnumberlist}= Create List |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| # TODO: The TP ID is hardcoded to 64 below. It is fine when testing single-tcont workflow. |
| # When testing multi-tcont this may need some adjustment. |
| Exit For Loop If not ('uni_config' in $value) |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['PersTpPathMap']} 64 |
| ${oltpononuuniid}= Read Pon Onu Uni String ${tp_path} |
| ${list_id}= Get Index From List ${oltpononuuniidlist} ${oltpononuuniid} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${list_id} -1 |
| ... msg=Combination of Pon, Onu and Uni (${oltpononuuniid}) exist multiple in etcd data! |
| Append To List ${oltpononuuniidlist} ${oltpononuuniid} |
| Validate Onu Id ${value} |
| Validate Uni Id ${value} |
| ${serial_number}= Get From Dictionary ${value} serial_number |
| ${list_id}= Get Index From List ${serialnumberlist} ${serial_number} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${list_id} -1 |
| ... msg=Serial number (${serial_number}) exists multiple in etcd data! |
| Append To List ${serialnumberlist} ${serial_number} |
| END |
| |
| Validate Onu Data In Etcd Removed |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd are removed. |
| ... In case of a device is passed, only this will be checked. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${device_id}=${EMPTY} ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha |
| ... ${without_pm_data}=True |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${etcddata}= Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data ${namespace} ${kvstoreprefix} False ${without_pm_data} |
| ... ${device_id} True |
| Log ${etcddata} |
| Should Be Empty ${etcddata} Stale Openonu Data in Etcd (KV store) ${device_id} |
| |
| Validate Vlan Rules In Etcd |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates Vlan rules of openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd. |
| ... It checks the given number of cookie_slice, match_vid (=4096) and set_vid. |
| ... Furthermore it returns a list of all set_vid. |
| ... In case of a passed dictionary containing set_vids these will be checked for to |
| ... current set-vid depending on setvidequal (True=equal, False=not equal). |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${nbofcookieslice}=1 ${reqmatchvid}=4096 ${prevvlanrules}=${NONE} |
| ... ${setvidequal}=False ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha |
| ... ${without_prefix}=True ${without_pm_data}=True |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${etcddata}= Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data ${namespace} ${kvstoreprefix} ${without_prefix} ${without_pm_data} |
| #prepare result for json convert |
| ${result}= Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json ${etcddata} |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${result} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| log ${jsondata} |
| ${vlan_rules}= Create Dictionary |
| FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata} ${INDEX} |
| # TODO: The TP ID is hardcoded to 64 below. It is fine when testing single-tcont workflow. |
| # When testing multi-tcont this may need some adjustment. |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['PersTpPathMap']} 64 |
| ${oltpononuuniid}= Read Pon Onu Uni String ${tp_path} |
| ${cookieslice}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['flow_params'][0]} cookie_slice |
| #@{cookieslicelist}= Split String ${cookieslice} , |
| ${foundcookieslices}= Get Length ${cookieslice} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${foundcookieslices} ${nbofcookieslice} |
| ${matchvid}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['flow_params'][0]['vlan_rule_params']} |
| ... match_vid |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${matchvid} ${reqmatchvid} |
| ${setvid}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['flow_params'][0]['vlan_rule_params']} |
| ... set_vid |
| ${evalresult}= Evaluate 2 <= ${setvid} <= 4095 |
| Should Be True ${evalresult} msg=set_vid out of range (${setvid})! |
| Set To Dictionary ${vlan_rules} ${oltpononuuniid} ${setvid} |
| ${oldsetvidvalid} Set Variable If ${prevvlanrules} is ${NONE} False True |
| ${prevsetvid}= Set Variable If ${oldsetvidvalid} ${prevvlanrules['${oltpononuuniid}']} |
| Run Keyword If ${oldsetvidvalid} and ${setvidequal} |
| ... Should Be Equal As Integers ${prevsetvid} ${setvid} |
| ... ELSE IF ${oldsetvidvalid} and not ${setvidequal} |
| ... Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${prevsetvid} ${setvid} |
| END |
| log Many ${vlan_rules} |
| [Return] ${vlan_rules} |
| |
| Get ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data |
| [Documentation] This keyword delivers openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha ${without_prefix}=True |
| ... ${without_pm_data}=True ${device_id}=${Empty} ${keys_only}=False |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${commandget}= Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get --prefix service/${kvstoreprefix}/openonu' |
| ${commandget}= Run Keyword If ${keys_only} Catenate ${commandget} --keys-only |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${commandget} |
| ${commandget}= Run Keyword If ${without_prefix} Catenate ${commandget} |
| ... | grep -v service/${kvstoreprefix}/openonu |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${commandget} |
| ${commandget}= Run Keyword If ${without_pm_data} Catenate ${commandget} | grep -v instances_active |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${commandget} |
| ${commandget}= Run Keyword If "${device_id}"!="${Empty}" Catenate ${commandget} | grep ${device_id} |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${commandget} |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| log ${result} |
| [Return] ${result} |
| |
| Prepare ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data For Json |
| [Documentation] This keyword prepares openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd for converting |
| ... to json |
| [Arguments] ${etcddata} |
| #prepare result for json convert |
| ${prepresult}= Replace String ${etcddata} \n , |
| ${prepresult}= Strip String ${prepresult} mode=right characters=, |
| ${prepresult}= Set Variable [${prepresult}] |
| log ${prepresult} |
| [Return] ${prepresult} |
| |
| Read Pon Onu Uni String |
| [Documentation] This keyword builds a four digit string using Olt, Pon, Onu and Uni value of given tp-path taken |
| ... taken from etcd data of onu go adapter |
| [Arguments] ${tp_path} |
| ${tppathlines}= Replace String ${tp_path} / \n |
| ${olt}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} olt |
| ${pon}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} pon |
| ${onu}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} onu |
| ${uni}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} uni |
| ${valuesid}= Set Variable ${olt}/${pon}/${onu}/${uni} |
| log ${valuesid} |
| [Return] ${valuesid} |
| |
| Get Value Of Tp Path Element |
| [Documentation] This keyword delivers numeric value of given tp path element. |
| [Arguments] ${tp_path_lines} ${element} |
| ${value}= Get Lines Containing String ${tp_path_lines} ${element}-\{ |
| ${value}= Remove String ${value} ${element}-\{ |
| ${value}= Remove String ${value} \} |
| log ${value} |
| [Return] ${value} |
| |
| Validate Onu Id |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates ONU Id of passed etcd data. |
| [Arguments] ${value} |
| # TODO: The TP ID is hardcoded to 64 below. It is fine when testing single-tcont workflow. |
| # When testing multi-tcont this may need some adjustment. |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['PersTpPathMap']} 64 |
| ${tppathlines}= Replace String ${tp_path} / \n |
| ${onu}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} onu |
| ${onu_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} onu_id |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${onu} ${onu_id} |
| ... msg=Onu-Id (${onu_id}) does not match onu (${onu}) from tp_path in etcd data! |
| Should Be True ${onu_id}>=1 |
| |
| Validate Uni Id |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates UNI Id of passed etcd data. |
| [Arguments] ${value} |
| # TODO: The TP ID is hardcoded to 64 below. It is fine when testing single-tcont workflow. |
| # When testing multi-tcont this may need some adjustment. |
| ${tp_path}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]['PersTpPathMap']} 64 |
| ${tppathlines}= Replace String ${tp_path} / \n |
| ${uni}= Get Value Of Tp Path Element ${tppathlines} uni |
| ${uni_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value['uni_config'][0]} uni_id |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${uni} ${uni_id} |
| ... msg=Uni-Id (${uni_id}) does not match onu (${uni}) from tp_path in etcd data! |
| |
| Delete ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data |
| [Documentation] This keyword deletes openonu-go-adapter Data stored in etcd |
| [Arguments] ${namespace}=default ${defaultkvstoreprefix}=voltha/voltha_voltha ${validate}=False |
| ${podname}= Set Variable etcd |
| ${kvstoreprefix}= Get Kv Store Prefix ${defaultkvstoreprefix} |
| ${commandget}= Catenate |
| ... /bin/sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl del --prefix service/${kvstoreprefix}/openonu' |
| ${result}= Exec Pod In Kube ${namespace} ${podname} ${commandget} |
| log ${result} |
| Run Keyword If ${validate} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s |
| ... Validate Onu Data In Etcd namespace=${namespace} nbofetcddata=0 without_pm_data=False |
| [Return] ${result} |
| |
| Validate ONOS Flows per OLT |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates onos flows per olt |
| [Arguments] ${olt_sn} ${expected_flows} |
| ${olt_of_id} Validate OLT Device in ONOS ${olt_sn} |
| ${flows}= Count flows ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT} ${olt_of_id} added |
| Log Found added ${flows} of ${expected_flows} expected flows on device ${olt_sn} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${expected_flows} ${flows} |
| |
| Validate OLT Flows Per Onu |
| [Documentation] This keyword validates olt flows per onu |
| ... It checks checks presence/absence of olt flows depending on must_exist. |
| ... The values/content of olt flows will be not validated! |
| [Arguments] ${onu_device_id} ${must_exist} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... voltctl -c ${VOLTCTL_CONFIG} device flows ${onu_device_id} -m 32MB -o json |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${jsondata}= To Json ${output} |
| Log ${jsondata} |
| # in case of ATT for ONU with removed flows there is default flow established |
| ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata} |
| ${value}= Run Keyword If ${length}>0 Get From List ${jsondata} 0 |
| ${setvid}= Run Keyword If ${length}>0 Run Keyword If 'setvlanid' in ${value} |
| ... Get From Dictionary ${value} setvlanid |
| Run Keyword If "${workflow}"=="ATT" and not ${must_exist} Run Keywords |
| ... Should Be Equal As Numbers ${setvid} 4091 AND |
| ... Should Be Equal As Numbers ${length} 1 AND |
| ... Return From Keyword |
| Run Keyword If ${must_exist} Should Not Be Empty ${jsondata} |
| ... ELSE Should Be Empty ${jsondata} |
| |
| Wait for Ports in ONOS for all OLTs |
| [Documentation] Waits untill a certain number of ports are enabled in all OLTs |
| [Arguments] ${host} ${port} ${count} ${filter} ${max_wait_time}=10m ${determine_number}=False |
| FOR ${J} IN RANGE 0 ${num_olts} |
| ${olt_serial_number}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][sn] |
| ${onu_count}= Set Variable ${list_olts}[${J}][onucount] |
| ${of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 15s Validate OLT Device in ONOS |
| ... ${olt_serial_number} |
| Set Global Variable ${of_id} |
| ${count2check}= Set Variable If ${count}==${num_all_onus} ${onu_count} ${count} |
| # if flag determine_number is set to True, always determine the number of real ONUs (overwrite previous value) |
| ${count2check}= Run Keyword If ${determine_number} Determine Number Of ONU ${olt_serial_number} |
| ... ELSE Set Variable ${count2check} |
| Wait for Ports in ONOS ${host} ${port} ${count2check} ${of_id} BBSM ${max_wait_time} |
| END |
| |
| Wait for all ONU Ports in ONOS Disabled |
| [Documentation] Waits untill a all ONU ports are disabled in all ONOS |
| [Arguments] ${host} ${port} ${unitag}=False |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${num_all_onus} |
| ${src}= Set Variable ${hosts.src[${I}]} |
| ${of_id}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 15s Validate OLT Device in ONOS |
| ... ${src['olt']} |
| ${onu_uni_id}= Set Variable If ${unitag} ${src['uni_id']} 1 |
| ${onu_port}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Get ONU Port in ONOS ${src['onu']} ${of_id} |
| ... ${onu_uni_id} |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 2s Assert ONU Port Is Disabled ${host} ${port} ${of_id} |
| ... ${onu_port} |
| END |
| |
| Validate Events All ONUs |
| [Documentation] Validates kafka events for all ONUs |
| [Arguments] ${list_onu_device_id} ${expected_event} |
| ${Kafka_Records}= kafka.Records Get voltha.events |
| ${RecordsLength}= Get Length ${Kafka_Records} |
| FOR ${Index} IN RANGE 0 ${RecordsLength} |
| ${metric}= Set Variable ${Kafka_Records[${Index}]} |
| ${message}= Get From Dictionary ${metric} message |
| ${event}= volthatools.Events Decode Event ${message} return_default=true |
| Continue For Loop If not 'device_event' in ${event} |
| ${event_name}= Get From Dictionary ${event['device_event']} device_event_name |
| Continue For Loop If "${event_name}" != "${expected_event}" |
| ${resource_id}= Get From Dictionary ${event['device_event']} resource_id |
| Remove Values From List ${list_onu_device_id} ${resource_id} |
| END |
| Should Be Empty ${list_onu_device_id} Missing "${expected_event}" for ONUs ${list_onu_device_id}! |
| |
| Map State |
| [Documentation] This keyword converts the passed numeric value or name of a onu state to its state values. |
| [Arguments] ${state} |
| # create state lists with corresponding return values |
| ${state1} Create List ENABLED ACTIVATING REACHABLE 1 activating-onu |
| ${state2} Create List ENABLED ACTIVATING REACHABLE 2 starting-openomci |
| ${state3} Create List ENABLED ACTIVATING REACHABLE 3 discovery-mibsync-complete |
| ${state4} Create List ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE 4 initial-mib-downloaded |
| ${state5} Create List ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE 5 tech-profile-config-download-success |
| ${state6} Create List ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE 6 omci-flows-pushed |
| ${state7} Create List DISABLED UNKNOWN REACHABLE 7 omci-admin-lock |
| ${state8} Create List ENABLED ACTIVE REACHABLE 8 onu-reenabled |
| ${state9} Create List ENABLED DISCOVERED UNREACHABLE 9 stopping-openomci |
| ${state10} Create List ENABLED DISCOVERED REACHABLE 10 rebooting |
| ${state11} Create List ENABLED DISCOVERED REACHABLE 11 omci-flows-deleted |
| ${state12} Create List DISABLED UNKNOWN REACHABLE 12 tech-profile-config-delete-success |
| ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_state_nb} ${onu_state}= Set Variable If |
| ... '${state}'=='1' or '${state}'=='activating-onu' ${state1} |
| ... '${state}'=='2' or '${state}'=='starting-openomci' ${state2} |
| ... '${state}'=='3' or '${state}'=='discovery-mibsync-complete' ${state3} |
| ... '${state}'=='4' or '${state}'=='initial-mib-downloaded' ${state4} |
| ... '${state}'=='5' or '${state}'=='tech-profile-config-download-success' ${state5} |
| ... '${state}'=='6' or '${state}'=='omci-flows-pushed' ${state6} |
| ... '${state}'=='7' or '${state}'=='omci-admin-lock' ${state7} |
| ... '${state}'=='8' or '${state}'=='onu-reenabled' ${state8} |
| ... '${state}'=='9' or '${state}'=='stopping-openomci' ${state9} |
| ... '${state}'=='10' or '${state}'=='rebooting' ${state10} |
| ... '${state}'=='11' or '${state}'=='omci-flows-deleted' ${state11} |
| ... '${state}'=='12' or '${state}'=='tech-profile-config-delete-success' ${state12} |
| [Return] ${admin_state} ${oper_status} ${connect_status} ${onu_state_nb} ${onu_state} |