| # Copyright 2017-2023 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) and the ONF Contributors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # onos common functions |
| |
| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Library for BBSimCtl interactions |
| Resource ./k8s.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| &{IGMP_TASK_DICT} join=0 leave=1 joinv3=2 |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| List ONUs |
| [Documentation] Lists ONUs via BBSimctl |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ${onus} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu list |
| Log ${onus} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Restart Auth |
| [Documentation] Restart Authentication on a BBSim ONU |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} |
| ${res} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu auth_restart ${onu} |
| Log ${res} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Restart DHCP |
| [Documentation] Restart Dhcp on a BBSim ONU |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} |
| ${res} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu dhcp_restart ${onu} |
| Log ${res} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| List Service |
| [Documentation] Lists Service via BBSimctl |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ${service} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl service list |
| Log ${service} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| JoinOrLeave Igmp Rest Based |
| [Documentation] Joins or Leaves Igmp on a BBSim ONU (based on Rest Endpoint) |
| [Arguments] ${bbsim_rel_session} ${onu} ${task} ${group_address} |
| ${resp}= Post Request ${bbsim_rel_session} |
| ... /v1/olt/onus/${onu}/igmp/${IGMP_TASK_DICT}[${task}]/${group_address} |
| Log ${resp} |
| |
| JoinOrLeave Igmp |
| [Documentation] Joins or Leaves Igmp on a BBSim ONU |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} ${task} ${group_address}= |
| ${res} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu igmp ${onu} ${task} ${group_address} |
| Log ${res} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Power On ONU |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns on the power for onu device. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} |
| ${result} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu poweron ${onu} |
| Should Contain ${result} successfully msg=Can not poweron ${onu} values=False |
| |
| Power Off ONU |
| [Documentation] This keyword turns off the power for onu device. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} |
| ${result} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu shutdown ${onu} |
| Should Contain ${result} successfully msg=Can not shutdown ${onu} values=False |
| |
| Set Wrong MDS Counter ONU |
| [Documentation] This keyword sets wrong MDS counter for onu device. |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} |
| ${result} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu invalidate_mds ${onu} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${result} MDS counter of ONU msg=Can not invalidate MDS counter ${onu} values=False |
| Should Contain ${result} , set to msg=Can not invalidate MDS counter ${onu} values=False |
| |
| Get ONUs List |
| [Documentation] Fetches ONUs via BBSimctl |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ${onus} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu list | awk 'NR>1 {print $3}' |
| @{onuList}= Split To Lines ${onus} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| [Return] ${onuList} |
| |
| Restart Grpc Server |
| [Documentation] Restart Grpc Server on a BBSim OLT |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${delay} |
| ${res} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl olt restartServer ${delay} |
| Log ${res} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| |
| Verify ONU Device Image On BBSim |
| [Documentation] Validates the state of ONU in case of Image Upgrade |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} ${onu} ${internal_state} |
| ${res} ${rc}= Exec Pod And Return Output And RC ${namespace} ${bbsim_pod_name} |
| ... bbsimctl onu list | grep ${onu} | awk '{print $5}' |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Be Equal ${res} ${internal_state} |
| |
| Get Images Count |
| [Documentation] Validates the state of ONU in case of Image Upgrade |
| [Arguments] ${webserver_port}=50074 |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output curl localhost:${webserver_port}/images-count 2>/dev/null |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 Could not access images-count of bbsim |
| ${value}= Fetch From Right ${output} : |
| ${count}= Fetch From Left ${value} } |
| [Return] ${count} |
| |
| Restart And Check BBSIM |
| [Documentation] This keyword restarts bbsim and waits for it to come up again |
| ... Following steps will be executed: |
| ... - restart bbsim adaptor |
| ... - check bbsim adaptor is ready again |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} |
| ${bbsim_apps} Create List bbsim |
| ${label_key} Set Variable app |
| ${bbsim_label_value} Set Variable bbsim |
| Restart Pod By Label ${namespace} ${label_key} ${bbsim_label_value} |
| Sleep 5s |
| Wait For Pods Ready ${namespace} ${bbsim_apps} |
| |
| Get BBSIM Svc and Webserver Port |
| [Documentation] This keyword gets bbsim instance and bbsim webserver port from image url |
| @{words}= Split String ${image_url} / |
| ${SvcAndPort} Set Variable @{words}[2] |
| ${bbsim_svc} ${webserver_port}= Split String ${SvcAndPort} : 1 |
| ${svc_return} Set Variable If '${bbsim_svc}'!='${EMPTY}' ${bbsim_svc} ${BBSIM_INSTANCE} |
| ${port_return} Set Variable If '${webserver_port}'!='${EMPTY}' ${webserver_port} ${BBSIM_WEBSERVER_PORT} |
| [Return] ${svc_return} ${port_return} |
| |
| # keywords regarding OMCC message version |
| |
| Get BBSIM OMCC Version |
| [Documentation] Retrieves OMCC Version from BBSIM |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${instance}=0 |
| ${rc} ${exec_pod_name}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl get pods -n ${namespace} | grep bbsim${instance} | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' |
| Log ${exec_pod_name} |
| Should Not Be Empty ${exec_pod_name} Unable to parse pod name |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return Rc and Output |
| ... kubectl -n ${namespace} get pods ${exec_pod_name} -o=jsonpath="{.spec.containers[].command}" |
| Log ${output} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| Should Not Be Empty ${output} Unable to read OMCC Version |
| ${output}= Remove String ${output} " [ ] |
| ${is_comma_separated}= Evaluate "," in """${output}""" |
| @{commands}= Run Keyword If ${is_comma_separated} Split String ${output} , |
| ... ELSE Split String ${output} |
| ${length}= Get Length ${commands} |
| ${match}= Set Variable False |
| FOR ${I} IN RANGE 0 ${length} |
| ${item}= Get From List ${commands} ${I} |
| ${match}= Set Variable If "${item}"=="-omccVersion" True ${match} |
| ${omcc_version}= Run Keyword If ${match} Get From List ${commands} ${I+1} |
| Exit For Loop IF ${match} |
| END |
| Should Be True ${match} Unable to read OMCC Version |
| ${is_extended}= Is OMCC Extended Version ${omcc_version} |
| [return] ${omcc_version} ${is_extended} |
| |
| Is OMCC Extended Version |
| [Documentation] Checks passed value and return False (baseline) or True (extended) |
| ... baseline: 124-130, 160-163 |
| ... extended: 150, 176-180 |
| [Arguments] ${omcc_version} |
| ${is_extended}= Set Variable If '${omcc_version}'=='150' True |
| ... '${omcc_version}'>='176' and '${omcc_version}'<='180' True |
| ... False |
| [return] ${is_extended} |
| |
| # Keywords regarding restart BBSIM by Helm Charts |
| |
| Restart BBSIM by Helm Charts |
| [Documentation] Restart BBSIM by helm charts |
| ... Attention: config-yaml file has to pass by ${extra_helm_flags}! |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${instance}=0 ${extra_helm_flags}=${EMPTY} |
| Remove BBSIM Helm Charts ${namespace} ${instance} |
| Restart BBSIM Helm Charts ${namespace} ${instance} extra_helm_flags=${extra_helm_flags} |
| Restart Port Forward BBSIM ${namespace} ${instance} |
| |
| Remove BBSIM Helm Charts |
| [Documentation] Remove BBSIM helm charts |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${instance}=0 |
| ${cmd} Catenate helm delete -n '${namespace}' 'bbsim${instance}' |
| ${rc} Run And Return Rc ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${list} Create List bbsim${instance} |
| Wait For Pods Not Exist ${namespace} ${list} |
| |
| Restart BBSIM Helm Charts |
| [Documentation] Restart BBSIM helm charts |
| ... Attention: config-yaml file has to pass by ${extra_helm_flags}! |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${instance}=0 ${extra_helm_flags}=${EMPTY} |
| ${cmd} Catenate |
| ... helm upgrade --install -n ${namespace} bbsim${instance} onf/bbsim |
| ... --set olt_id=1${instance} |
| ... --set global.image_pullPolicy=Always |
| ... --set global.image_tag=master |
| ... --set global.image_org=voltha/ |
| ... --set global.image_registry= |
| ... --set global.log_level=${helmloglevel} ${extra_helm_flags} |
| ${rc} Run And Return Rc ${cmd} |
| Should Be Equal as Integers ${rc} 0 |
| ${list} Create List bbsim |
| Wait For Pods Ready ${namespace} ${list} |
| |
| Restart Port Forward BBSIM |
| [Documentation] Restart Port forward BBSIM |
| [Arguments] ${namespace} ${instance}=0 |
| ${tag} Catenate bbsim${instance} |
| Restart VOLTHA Port Forward ${tag} |