[VOL-3289] Fix tags

Change-Id: I1ca8f084de3d555d3e2a784c308172ed7cbe5e3f
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e8e9f6b..0853c2e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
 sanity-kind-dt: ROBOT_FILE := Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
 sanity-kind-dt: voltha-dt-test
-functional-single-kind: ROBOT_MISC_ARGS += -i sanity -i functional $(ROBOT_DEBUG_LOG_OPT)
+functional-single-kind: ROBOT_MISC_ARGS += -i sanity -i functional -e PowerSwitch $(ROBOT_DEBUG_LOG_OPT)
 functional-single-kind: bbsim-kind
 # target to invoke DT Workflow Functional scenarios
-functional-single-kind-dt: ROBOT_MISC_ARGS += -i sanityDt -i functionalDt $(ROBOT_DEBUG_LOG_OPT)
+functional-single-kind-dt: ROBOT_MISC_ARGS += -i sanityDt -i functionalDt -e PowerSwitch $(ROBOT_DEBUG_LOG_OPT)
 functional-single-kind-dt: ROBOT_CONFIG_FILE := $(ROBOT_SANITY_DT_SINGLE_PON_FILE)
 functional-single-kind-dt: ROBOT_FILE := Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
 functional-single-kind-dt: voltha-dt-test
diff --git a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
index e91ec4d..950a696 100644
--- a/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
+++ b/tests/dt-workflow/Voltha_DT_PODTests.robot
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     [Documentation]   This test reboots ONUs physically before execution all the tests
     ...    Test case runs only on the PODs that are configured with PowerSwitch that
     ...    controls the power off/on ONUs/OLT remotely (simulating a physical reboot)
-    [Tags]    functional   PowerSwitch    RebootAllONUs
+    [Tags]    functionalDt   PowerSwitch    RebootAllONUs
     [Setup]    Start Logging    RebootAllONUs
     [Teardown]    Run Keywords    Collect Logs
     ...           AND             Stop Logging    RebootAllONUs