blob: 9dc979330b045c8a94f1d4e89757fc202fdb3f2f [file] [log] [blame]
TorstenThieme53450ff2021-05-11 09:44:33 +00001# Copyright 2021 - present Open Networking Foundation
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15*** Settings ***
16Documentation Negative test states of ONU Go adapter with ATT workflows only (not for DT/TT workflow!)
17Suite Setup Setup Suite
18Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
19Test Setup Setup
20Test Teardown Teardown
21Library Collections
22Library String
23Library OperatingSystem
24Library XML
25Library RequestsLibrary
26Library ../../libraries/
27Resource ../../libraries/onos.robot
28Resource ../../libraries/voltctl.robot
29Resource ../../libraries/voltha.robot
30Resource ../../libraries/utils.robot
31Resource ../../libraries/k8s.robot
32Resource ../../libraries/onu_utilities.robot
33Resource ../../libraries/bbsim.robot
34Resource ../../variables/variables.robot
36*** Variables ***
37${namespace} voltha
38${timeout} 300s
39${of_id} 0
40${logical_id} 0
41${has_dataplane} True
42${external_libs} True
43${teardown_device} True
44${scripts} ../../scripts
45# Per-test logging on failure is turned off by default; set this variable to enable
46${container_log_dir} ${None}
47# KV Store Prefix
48# example: -v kvstoreprefix:voltha_voltha
49${kvstoreprefix} voltha_voltha
50# used tech profile, can be passed via the command line too, valid values: default (=1T1GEM), 1T4GEM, 1T8GEM
51# example: -v techprofile:1T4GEM
52${techprofile} default
53# flag debugmode is used, if true timeout calculation various, can be passed via the command line too
54# example: -v debugmode:True
55${debugmode} False
56# logging flag to enable Collect Logs, can be passed via the command line too
57# example: -v logging:True
58${logging} False
59# if True execution will be paused before clean up, only use in case of manual testing, do not use in ci pipeline!
60# example: -v pausebeforecleanup:True
61${pausebeforecleanup} False
62# if True some outputs to console are done during running tests e.g. long duration flow test
63# example: -v print2console:True
64${print2console} False
65${data_dir} ../data
68*** Test Cases ***
69ONU Negative State Test
70 [Documentation] Validates the ONU Go adapter states will never leave starting-openomci
71 ... Due to a 'omci-response-rate' lower than 8 more OMCI messages will be through away by BBSIM than
72 ... repeated by openonu-go-adapter. So ONU will never leave starting-openomci state.
73 ... Timeout has to set at least to 300s (or more)
74 [Tags] NegativeStateTestOnuGo
75 [Setup] Run Keywords Start Logging ONUNegativeStateTest
76 ... AND Setup
77 # Suite Variable will be overwritten by Teardown of Current State Test All Onus
78 Set Suite Variable ${StateTestAllONUs} True
79 ${seconds}= Convert Time ${timeout}
80 ${seconds}= Convert To String ${seconds}
81 ${seconds}= Get Substring ${seconds} 0 -2
82 FOR ${I} IN RANGE ${seconds}
83 Sleep 1s
84 Current State Test All Onus starting-openomci timeout=1x
85 Exit For Loop If not ${StateTestAllONUs}
86 END
87 [Teardown] Run Keywords Run Keyword If ${logging} Collect Logs
88 ... AND Stop Logging ONUStateTest
91*** Keywords ***
92Setup Suite
93 [Documentation] Set up the test suite
94 ${LogInfo}= Catenate
95 ... \r\nPassed arguments:
96 ... techprofile:${techprofile},
97 ... debugmode:${debugmode}, logging:${logging}, pausebeforecleanup:${pausebeforecleanup},
98 ... print2console:${print2console}
99 Log ${LogInfo} console=yes
100 Common Test Suite Setup
101 ${techprofile}= Set Variable If "${techprofile}"=="1T1GEM" default ${techprofile}
102 Set Suite Variable ${techprofile}
103 Run Keyword If "${techprofile}"=="default" Log To Console \nTechProfile:default (1T1GEM)
104 ... ELSE IF "${techprofile}"=="1T4GEM" Set Tech Profile 1T4GEM
105 ... ELSE IF "${techprofile}"=="1T8GEM" Set Tech Profile 1T8GEM
106 ... ELSE Fail The TechProfile (${techprofile}) is not valid!
107 ${onos_ssh_connection} Open ONOS SSH Connection ${ONOS_SSH_IP} ${ONOS_SSH_PORT}
108 Set Suite Variable ${onos_ssh_connection}
109 # delete etcd MIB Template Data
110 Delete MIB Template Data
111 # delete etcd onu data
112 Delete ONU Go Adapter ETCD Data validate=True
114Teardown Suite
115 [Documentation] Replaces the Suite Teardown in utils.robot.
116 ... Cleans up and checks all ONU ports disabled in ONOS.
117 ... Furthermore gives the possibility to pause the execution.
118 Run Keyword If ${pausebeforecleanup} Import Library Dialogs
119 Run Keyword If ${pausebeforecleanup} Pause Execution Press OK to continue with clean up!
120 Run Keyword If ${pausebeforecleanup} Log Teardown will be continued... console=yes
121 Run Keyword If ${teardown_device} Delete All Devices and Verify
122 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 1s Validate Onu Data In Etcd 0 ${kvstoreprefix} without_pm_data=False
123 Wait for Ports in ONOS for all OLTs ${onos_ssh_connection} 0 BBSM ${timeout}
124 Close All ONOS SSH Connections
125 Remove Tech Profile