| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # |
| # Copyright 2016 the original author or authors. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| |
| import sys |
| |
| from google.protobuf.compiler import plugin_pb2 as plugin |
| from google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 import ServiceDescriptorProto, \ |
| MethodOptions |
| from jinja2 import Template |
| from simplejson import dumps |
| |
| from chameleon.protos.third_party.google.api import annotations_pb2, http_pb2 |
| _ = annotations_pb2, http_pb2 # to keep import line from being optimized out |
| |
| |
| template = Template(""" |
| # Generated file; please do not edit |
| |
| from simplejson import dumps, load |
| from structlog import get_logger |
| from protobuf_to_dict import dict_to_protobuf |
| from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict |
| from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue |
| |
| {% set package = file_name.replace('.proto', '') %} |
| |
| {% for pypackage, module in includes %} |
| {% if pypackage %} |
| from {{ pypackage }} import {{ module }} |
| {% else %} |
| import {{ module }} |
| {% endif %} |
| {% endfor %} |
| |
| log = get_logger() |
| |
| def add_routes(app, grpc_client): |
| |
| pass # so that if no endpoints are defined, Python is still happy |
| |
| {% for method in methods %} |
| {% set method_name = method['service'].rpartition('.')[2] + '_' + method['method'] %} |
| {% set path = method['path'].replace('{', '<string:').replace('}', '>') %} |
| @app.route('{{ path }}', methods=['{{ method['verb'].upper() }}']) |
| @inlineCallbacks |
| def {{ method_name }}(server, request, **kw): |
| log.debug('{{ method_name }}', request=request, server=server, **kw) |
| {% if method['body'] == '*' %} |
| data = load(request.content) |
| data.update(kw) |
| {% elif method['body'] == '' %} |
| data = kw |
| {% else %} |
| riase NotImplementedError('cannot handle specific body field list') |
| {% endif %} |
| try: |
| req = dict_to_protobuf({{ type_map[method['input_type']] }}, data) |
| except Exception, e: |
| log.error('cannot-convert-to-protobuf', e=e, data=data) |
| raise |
| res = yield grpc_client.invoke( |
| {{ type_map[method['service']] }}Stub, |
| '{{ method['method'] }}', req) |
| try: |
| out_data = MessageToDict(res, True, True) |
| except AttributeError, e: |
| filename = '/tmp/chameleon_failed_to_convert_data.pbd' |
| with file(filename, 'w') as f: |
| f.write(res.SerializeToString()) |
| log.error('cannot-convert-from-protobuf', outdata_saved=filename) |
| raise |
| request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') |
| log.debug('{{ method_name }}', **out_data) |
| returnValue(dumps(out_data)) |
| |
| {% endfor %} |
| |
| """, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) |
| |
| |
| def traverse_methods(proto_file): |
| |
| package = proto_file.name |
| for service in proto_file.service: |
| assert isinstance(service, ServiceDescriptorProto) |
| |
| for method in service.method: |
| options = method.options |
| assert isinstance(options, MethodOptions) |
| for fd, http in options.ListFields(): |
| if fd.full_name == 'google.api.http': |
| assert fd.name == 'http' |
| assert isinstance(http, http_pb2.HttpRule) |
| |
| input_type = method.input_type |
| if input_type.startswith('.'): |
| input_type = input_type[1:] |
| |
| output_type = method.output_type |
| if output_type.startswith('.'): |
| output_type = output_type[1:] |
| |
| if http.delete: |
| verb = 'delete' |
| path = http.delete |
| elif http.get: |
| verb = 'get' |
| path = http.get |
| elif http.patch: |
| verb = 'patch' |
| path = http.patch |
| elif http.post: |
| verb = 'post' |
| path = http.post |
| elif http.put: |
| verb = 'put' |
| path = http.put |
| else: |
| raise AttributeError('No valid verb in method %s' % |
| method.name) |
| |
| body = http.body |
| |
| data = { |
| 'package': package, |
| 'filename': proto_file.name, |
| 'service': proto_file.package + '.' + service.name, |
| 'method': method.name, |
| 'input_type': input_type, |
| 'output_type': output_type, |
| 'path': path, |
| 'verb': verb, |
| 'body': body |
| } |
| |
| yield data |
| |
| |
| def generate_gw_code(file_name, methods, type_map, includes): |
| return template.render(file_name=file_name, methods=methods, |
| type_map=type_map, includes=includes) |
| |
| |
| class IncludeManager(object): |
| # need to keep track of what files define what message types and |
| # under what package name. Later, when we analyze the methods, we |
| # need to be able to derive the list of files we need to load and we |
| # also need to replce the <proto-package-name>.<artifact-name> in the |
| # templates with <python-package-name>.<artifact-name> so Python can |
| # resolve these. |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.package_to_localname = {} |
| self.fullname_to_filename = {} |
| self.prefix_table = [] # sorted table of top-level symbols in protos |
| self.type_map = {} # full name as used in .proto -> python name |
| self.includes_needed = set() # names of files needed to be included |
| self.filename_to_module = {} # filename -> (package, module) |
| |
| def extend_symbol_tables(self, proto_file): |
| # keep track of what file adds what top-level symbol to what abstract |
| # package name |
| package_name = proto_file.package |
| file_name = proto_file.name |
| self._add_filename(file_name) |
| all_defs = list(proto_file.message_type) |
| all_defs.extend(list(proto_file.enum_type)) |
| all_defs.extend(list(proto_file.service)) |
| for typedef in all_defs: |
| name = typedef.name |
| fullname = package_name + '.' + name |
| self.fullname_to_filename[fullname] = file_name |
| self.package_to_localname.setdefault(package_name, []).append(name) |
| self._update_prefix_table() |
| |
| def _add_filename(self, filename): |
| if filename not in self.filename_to_module: |
| python_path = filename.replace('.proto', '_pb2').replace('/', '.') |
| package_name, _, module_name = python_path.rpartition('.') |
| self.filename_to_module[filename] = (package_name, module_name) |
| |
| def _update_prefix_table(self): |
| # make a sorted list symbol prefixes needed to resolv for potential use |
| # of nested symbols |
| self.prefix_table = sorted(self.fullname_to_filename.iterkeys(), |
| reverse=True) |
| |
| def _find_matching_prefix(self, fullname): |
| for prefix in self.prefix_table: |
| if fullname.startswith(prefix): |
| return prefix |
| # This should never happen |
| raise Exception('No match for type name "{}"'.format(fullname)) |
| |
| def add_needed_symbol(self, fullname): |
| if fullname in self.type_map: |
| return |
| top_level_symbol = self._find_matching_prefix(fullname) |
| name = top_level_symbol.rpartition('.')[2] |
| nested_name = fullname[len(top_level_symbol):] # may be empty |
| file_name = self.fullname_to_filename[top_level_symbol] |
| self.includes_needed.add(file_name) |
| module_name = self.filename_to_module[file_name][1] |
| python_name = module_name + '.' + name + nested_name |
| self.type_map[fullname] = python_name |
| |
| def get_type_map(self): |
| return self.type_map |
| |
| def get_includes(self): |
| return sorted( |
| self.filename_to_module[fn] for fn in self.includes_needed) |
| |
| |
| def generate_code(request, response): |
| |
| assert isinstance(request, plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest) |
| |
| include_manager = IncludeManager() |
| for proto_file in request.proto_file: |
| |
| include_manager.extend_symbol_tables(proto_file) |
| |
| methods = [] |
| |
| for data in traverse_methods(proto_file): |
| methods.append(data) |
| include_manager.add_needed_symbol(data['input_type']) |
| include_manager.add_needed_symbol(data['output_type']) |
| include_manager.add_needed_symbol(data['service']) |
| |
| type_map = include_manager.get_type_map() |
| includes = include_manager.get_includes() |
| |
| # as a nice side-effect, generate a json file capturing the essence |
| # of the RPC method entries |
| f = response.file.add() |
| f.name = proto_file.name + '.json' |
| f.content = dumps(dict( |
| type_rename_map=type_map, |
| includes=includes, |
| methods=methods), indent=4) |
| |
| # generate the real Python code file |
| f = response.file.add() |
| assert proto_file.name.endswith('.proto') |
| f.name = proto_file.name.replace('.proto', '_gw.py') |
| f.content = generate_gw_code(proto_file.name, |
| methods, type_map, includes) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| |
| if len(sys.argv) >= 2: |
| # read input from file, to allow troubleshooting |
| with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: |
| data = f.read() |
| else: |
| # read input from stdin |
| data = sys.stdin.read() |
| # with file('/tmp/buf', 'wb') as f: |
| # f.write(data) |
| |
| # parse request |
| request = plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest() |
| request.ParseFromString(data) |
| |
| # create response object |
| response = plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse() |
| |
| # generate the output and the response |
| generate_code(request, response) |
| |
| # serialize the response |
| output = response.SerializeToString() |
| |
| # write response to stdout |
| sys.stdout.write(output) |