blob: ea190a16b615d481f9a51b6221e57ce5f05ff019 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
from termcolor import cprint, colored
from cli.table import TablePrinter
_printfn = lambda l: sys.stdout.write(l + '\n')
def pb2dict(pb_msg):
d = MessageToDict(pb_msg, including_default_value_fields=1,
return d
def p_cookie(cookie):
cookie = '%x' % int(cookie)
if len(cookie) > 8:
return '~' + cookie[len(cookie)-8:]
return cookie
OFPP_NORMAL = 0x7ffffffa; /* Forward using non-OpenFlow pipeline. */
OFPP_FLOOD = 0x7ffffffb; /* Flood using non-OpenFlow pipeline. */
OFPP_ALL = 0x7ffffffc; /* All standard ports except input port. */
OFPP_CONTROLLER = 0x7ffffffd; /* Send to controller. */
OFPP_LOCAL = 0x7ffffffe; /* Local openflow "port". */
OFPP_ANY = 0x7fffffff; /* Special value used in some requests when
def p_port(port):
if port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffa:
return 'NORMAL'
elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffb:
return 'FLOOD'
elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffc:
return 'ALL'
elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffd:
elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7ffffffe:
return 'LOCAL'
elif port & 0x7fffffff == 0x7fffffff:
return 'ANY'
return str(port)
def p_vlan_vid(vlan_vid):
if vlan_vid == 0:
return 'untagged'
assert vlan_vid & 4096 == 4096
return str(vlan_vid - 4096)
def p_ipv4(x):
return '.'.join(str(v) for v in [
(x >> 24) & 0xff, (x >> 16) & 0xff, (x >> 8) & 0xff, x & 0xff
field_printers = {
'IN_PORT': lambda f: (100, 'in_port', p_port(f['port'])),
'VLAN_VID': lambda f: (101, 'vlan_vid', p_vlan_vid(f['vlan_vid'])),
'VLAN_PCP': lambda f: (102, 'vlan_pcp', str(f['vlan_pcp'])),
'ETH_TYPE': lambda f: (103, 'eth_type', '%X' % f['eth_type']),
'IP_PROTO': lambda f: (104, 'ip_proto', str(f['ip_proto'])),
'IPV4_DST': lambda f: (105, 'ipv4_dst', p_ipv4(f['ipv4_dst'])),
'UDP_SRC': lambda f: (106, 'udp_src', str(f['udp_src'])),
'UDP_DST': lambda f: (107, 'udp_dst', str(f['udp_dst'])),
'TCP_SRC': lambda f: (108, 'tcp_src', str(f['tcp_src'])),
'TCP_DST': lambda f: (109, 'tcp_dst', str(f['tcp_dst'])),
'METADATA': lambda f: (110, 'metadata', str(f['table_metadata'])),
def p_field(field):
assert field['oxm_class'].endswith('OPENFLOW_BASIC')
ofb = field['ofb_field']
assert not ofb['has_mask']
type = ofb['type'][len('OFPXMT_OFB_'):]
weight, field_name, value = field_printers[type](ofb)
return 1000 + weight, 'set_' + field_name, value
action_printers = {
'SET_FIELD': lambda a: p_field(a['set_field']['field']),
'POP_VLAN': lambda a: (2000, 'pop_vlan', 'Yes'),
'PUSH_VLAN': lambda a: (2001, 'push_vlan', '%x' % a['push']['ethertype']),
'GROUP': lambda a: (3000, 'group', p_port(a['group']['group_id'])),
'OUTPUT': lambda a: (4000, 'output', p_port(a['output']['port'])),
def print_flows(what, id, type, flows, groups, printfn=_printfn, flows_info=[], fields_to_omit=[]):
header = ''.join([
'{} '.format(what),
colored(id, color='green', attrs=['bold']),
' (type: ',
colored(type, color='blue'),
]) + '\nFlows ({}):'.format(len(flows))
table = TablePrinter()
for i, flow in enumerate(flows):
if flows_info:
flow_info = flows_info[i]
flow_info = dict()
if 'table_id' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 0, 'table_id', value=str(flow['table_id']))
if 'flow_id' not in fields_to_omit and 'flow_id' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 1, 'flow_id', value=str(flow_info['flow_id']))
if 'flow_category' not in fields_to_omit and 'flow_category' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 2, 'flow_category', value=str(flow_info['flow_category']))
if 'flow_type' not in fields_to_omit and 'flow_type' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 3, 'flow_type', value=str(flow_info['flow_type']))
if 'priority' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 4, 'priority', value=str(flow['priority']))
if 'gemport_id' not in fields_to_omit and 'gemport_id' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 5, 'gemport_id', value=str(flow_info['gemport_id']))
if 'alloc_id' not in fields_to_omit and 'alloc_id' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 6, 'alloc_id', value=str(flow_info['alloc_id']))
if 'o_pbits' not in fields_to_omit and 'o_pbits' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 7, 'o_pbits', value=str(flow_info['o_pbits']))
if 'pon_intf_onu_id' not in fields_to_omit and 'pon_intf_onu_id' in flow_info:
table.add_cell(i, 8, 'intf_onu_id', value=str(flow_info['pon_intf_onu_id']))
if 'cookie' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 9, 'cookie', p_cookie(flow['cookie']))
assert flow['match']['type'] == 'OFPMT_OXM'
for field in flow['match']['oxm_fields']:
assert field['oxm_class'].endswith('OPENFLOW_BASIC')
ofb = field['ofb_field']
type = ofb['type'][len('OFPXMT_OFB_'):]
table.add_cell(i, *field_printers[type](ofb))
for instruction in flow['instructions']:
itype = instruction['type']
if itype == 4 or itype == 3:
for action in instruction['actions']['actions']:
atype = action['type'][len('OFPAT_'):]
table.add_cell(i, *action_printers[atype](action))
elif itype == 1:
if 'goto-table' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 10000, 'goto-table',
elif itype == 2:
if 'write-metadata' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 10001, 'write-metadata',
elif itype == 5:
if 'clear-actions' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 10002, 'clear-actions', [])
elif itype == 6:
if 'meter' not in fields_to_omit:
table.add_cell(i, 10003, 'meter',
raise NotImplementedError(
'not handling instruction type {}'.format(itype))
table.print_table(header, printfn)
def print_groups(what, id, type, groups, printfn=_printfn):
header = ''.join([
'{} '.format(what),
colored(id, color='green', attrs=['bold']),
' (type: ',
colored(type, color='blue'),
]) + '\nGroups ({}):'.format(len(groups))
table = TablePrinter()
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
output_ports = []
for bucket in group['desc']['buckets']:
for action in bucket['actions']:
if action['type'] == 'OFPAT_OUTPUT':
table.add_cell(i, 0, 'group_id', value=str(group['desc']['group_id']))
table.add_cell(i, 1, 'buckets', value=str(dict(output=output_ports)))
table.print_table(header, printfn)
def print_meters(what, id, type, meters, printfn=_printfn):
header = ''.join([
'{} '.format(what),
colored(id, color='green', attrs=['bold']),
' (type: ',
colored(type, color='blue'),
]) + '\nMeters ({}):'.format(len(meters))
table = TablePrinter()
for i, meter in enumerate(meters):
bands = []
for meter_band in meter['config']['bands']:
table.add_cell(i, 0, 'meter_id', value=str(meter['config']['meter_id']))
table.add_cell(i, 1, 'meter_bands', value=str(dict(bands=bands)))
table.print_table(header, printfn)
def dict2line(d):
assert isinstance(d, dict)
return ', '.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(d.items()))
def enum2name(msg_obj, enum_type, enum_value):
descriptor = msg_obj.DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name[enum_type]
name = descriptor.values_by_number[enum_value].name
return name