blob: 5186ce40414d5a952497105a968836837120cde5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import xmltodict
import re
import structlog
from enum import Enum
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
log = structlog.get_logger()
# NOTE: For the EVC Map name, the ingress-port number is the VOLTHA port number (not pon-id since
# it covers NNI ports as well in order to handle the NNI-NNI case. For flows that
# cover an entire pon, the name will have the ONU ID and GEM ID appended to it upon
# installation with a period as a separator.
EVC_MAP_NAME_FORMAT = 'VOLTHA-{}-{}' # format(ingress-port,
class EVCMap(object):
Class to wrap EVC functionality
class EvcConnection(Enum):
EVC = 1
def xml(value):
# Note we do not have XML for 'EVC' enumeration.
if value is None:
value = EVCMap.EvcConnection.DEFAULT
if value == EVCMap.EvcConnection.DISCARD:
return '<no-evc-connection/>'
elif value == EVCMap.EvcConnection.DISCARD:
return 'discard/'
raise ValueError('Invalid EvcConnection enumeration')
class PriorityOption(Enum):
def xml(value):
if value is None:
value = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
if value == EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY:
return '<inherit-pri/>'
elif value == EVCMap.PriorityOption.EXPLICIT_PRIORITY:
return '<explicit-pri/>'
raise ValueError('Invalid PriorityOption enumeration')
def __init__(self, flow, evc, is_ingress_map):
self._flow = flow
self._evc = evc
self._gem_ids_and_vid = None # { key -> onu-id, value -> tuple(sorted GEM Port IDs, onu_vid) }
self._is_ingress_map = is_ingress_map
self._pon_id = None
self._installed = False
self._status_message = None
self._name = None
self._enabled = True
self._uni_port = None
self._evc_connection = EVCMap.EvcConnection.DEFAULT
self._evc_name = None
self._men_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
self._men_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
self._c_tag = None
self._men_ctag_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.DEFAULT
self._men_ctag_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
self._match_ce_vlan_id = None
self._match_untagged = False
self._match_destination_mac_address = None
self._match_l2cp = False
self._match_broadcast = False
self._match_multicast = False
self._match_unicast = False
self._match_igmp = False
# ACL logic
self._eth_type = None
self._ip_protocol = None
self._ipv4_dst = None
self._udp_dst = None
self._udp_src = None
self._valid = self._decode()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('decode', e=e)
self._valid = False
if self._valid:
self._evc = None
def __str__(self):
return "EVCMap-{}: UNI: {}, isACL: {}".format(self._name, self._uni_port,
def create_ingress_map(flow, evc):
return EVCMap(flow, evc, True)
def create_egress_map(flow, evc):
return EVCMap(flow, evc, False)
def valid(self):
return self._valid
def installed(self):
return self._installed
def installed(self, value):
assert not value, 'installed can only be reset' # Can only reset
self._installed = False
def name(self):
return self._name
def status(self):
return self._status_message
def status(self, value):
self._status_message = value
def _needs_acl_support(self):
return self._eth_type is not None or self._ip_protocol is not None or\
self._ipv4_dst is not None or self._udp_dst is not None or self._udp_src is not None
def pon_id(self):
return self._pon_id # May be None
def onu_ids(self):
return self._gem_ids_and_vid.keys()
def gem_ids_and_vid(self):
return self._gem_ids_and_vid.copy()
def _xml_header(operation=None):
return '<evc-maps xmlns=""{}><evc-map>'.\
format('' if operation is None else ' xc:operation="{}"'.format(operation))
def _xml_trailer():
return '</evc-map></evc-maps>'
def _common_install_xml(self):
xml = '<enabled>{}</enabled>'.format('true' if self._enabled else 'false')
xml += '<uni>{}</uni>'.format(self._uni_port)
if self._evc_name is not None:
xml += '<evc>{}</evc>'.format(self._evc_name)
xml += EVCMap.EvcConnection.xml(self._evc_connection)
xml += '<match-untagged>{}</match-untagged>'.format('true'
if self._match_untagged
else 'false')
# if self._c_tag is not None:
# xml += '<ctag>{}</ctag>'.format(self._c_tag)
# TODO: The following is not yet supported (and in some cases, not decoded)
# self._men_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY
# self._men_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
# self._men_ctag_priority = EVCMap.PriorityOption.INHERIT_PRIORITY
# self._men_ctag_pri = 0 # If Explicit Priority
# self._match_ce_vlan_id = None
# self._match_untagged = True
# self._match_destination_mac_address = None
# self._eth_type = None
# self._ip_protocol = None
# self._ipv4_dst = None
# self._udp_dst = None
# self._udp_src = None
return xml
def _ingress_install_xml(self, onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid):
from ..onu import Onu
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns="">'
for onu_or_vlan_id, gem_ids_and_vid in onu_s_gem_ids_and_vid.iteritems():
first_gem_id = True
vid = gem_ids_and_vid[1]
ident = '{}.{}'.format(self._pon_id, onu_or_vlan_id) if vid is None \
else onu_or_vlan_id
for gem_id in gem_ids_and_vid[0]:
xml += '<evc-map>'
xml += '<name>{}.{}.{}</name>'.format(, ident, gem_id)
xml += '<ce-vlan-id>{}</ce-vlan-id>'.format(Onu.gem_id_to_gvid(gem_id))
# GEM-IDs are a sorted list (ascending). First gemport handles downstream traffic
if first_gem_id and vid is not None:
first_gem_id = False
xml += '<network-ingress-filter>'
xml += '<men-ctag>{}</men-ctag>'.format(vid) # Added in August 2017 model
xml += '</network-ingress-filter>'
xml += self._common_install_xml()
xml += '</evc-map>'
xml += '</evc-maps>'
return xml
def _egress_install_xml(self):
xml = EVCMap._xml_header()
xml += '<name>{}</name>'.format(
xml += self._common_install_xml()
xml += EVCMap._xml_trailer()
return xml
def install(self):
if self._valid and not self._installed and len(self._gem_ids_and_vid) > 0:
# TODO: create generator of XML once we have MANY to install at once
map_xml = self._ingress_install_xml(self._gem_ids_and_vid) \
if self._is_ingress_map else self._egress_install_xml()
log.debug('install', xml=map_xml,
results = yield self._flow.handler.netconf_client.edit_config(map_xml,
self._installed = results.ok
self.status = '' if results.ok else results.error
except Exception as e:
log.exception('install',, e=e)
returnValue(self._installed and self._valid)
def _ingress_remove_xml(self, onus_gem_ids_and_vid):
xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' + \
' xc:operation="delete">'
for onu_id, gem_ids_and_vid in onus_gem_ids_and_vid.iteritems():
for gem_id in gem_ids_and_vid[0]:
xml += '<evc-map>'
xml += '<name>{}.{}.{}</name>'.format(, onu_id, gem_id)
xml += '</evc-map>'
xml += '</evc-maps>'
return xml
def _egress_remove_xml(self):
return EVCMap._xml_header('delete') + \
'<name>{}</name>'.format( + EVCMap._xml_trailer()
def remove(self):
if not self.installed:
returnValue(succeed('Not installed'))'removing', evc_map=self)
def _success(rpc_reply):
log.debug('remove-success', rpc_reply=rpc_reply)
self._installed = False
def _failure(failure):
log.error('remove-failed', failure=failure)
self._installed = False
# TODO: create generator of XML once we have MANY to install at once
map_xml = self._ingress_remove_xml(self._gem_ids_and_vid) if self._is_ingress_map \
else self._egress_remove_xml()
d = self._flow.handler.netconf_client.edit_config(map_xml, lock_timeout=30)
d.addCallbacks(_success, _failure)
return d
def delete(self):
Remove from hardware and delete/clean-up EVC-MAP Object
if self._evc is not None:
self._evc = None
self._flow = None
self._valid = False
yield self.remove()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('removal', e=e)
def create_evc_map_name(flow):
return EVC_MAP_NAME_FORMAT.format(flow.in_port, flow.flow_id)
def _decode(self):
from evc import EVC
from flow_entry import FlowEntry
flow = self._flow # TODO: Drop saving of flow once debug complete
self._name = EVCMap.create_evc_map_name(flow)
if self._evc:
self._evc_connection = EVCMap.EvcConnection.EVC
self._evc_name =
self._status_message = 'Can only create EVC-MAP if EVC supplied'
return False
is_pon = flow.handler.is_pon_port(flow.in_port)
is_uni = flow.handler.is_uni_port(flow.in_port)
if is_pon or is_uni:
self._uni_port = flow.handler.get_port_name(flow.in_port)
self._evc.ce_vlan_preservation = False
self._status_message = 'EVC-MAPS without UNI or PON ports are not supported'
return False # UNI Ports handled in the EVC Maps
# ACL logic
self._eth_type = flow.eth_type
if self._eth_type == FlowEntry.EtherType.IPv4.value:
self._ip_protocol = flow.ip_protocol
self._ipv4_dst = flow.ipv4_dst
if self._ip_protocol == FlowEntry.IpProtocol.UDP.value:
self._udp_dst = flow.udp_dst
self._udp_src = flow.udp_src
# If no match of VLAN this may be for untagged traffic or upstream and needs to
# match the gem-port vid
if self._is_ingress_map and is_pon:
pon_port = flow.handler.get_southbound_port(flow.in_port)
if pon_port is not None:
self._pon_id = pon_port.pon_id
self._gem_ids_and_vid = pon_port.gem_ids(flow.logical_port,
# TODO: Only EAPOL ACL support for the first demo - FIXED_ONU
if self._needs_acl_support and self._eth_type != FlowEntry.EtherType.EAPOL.value:
self._gem_ids_and_vid = dict()
# self._match_untagged = flow.vlan_id is None and flow.inner_vid is None
self._c_tag = flow.inner_vid
# If a push of a single VLAN is present with a POP of the VLAN in the EVC's
# flow, then this is a traditional EVC flow
self._evc.men_to_uni_tag_manipulation = EVC.Men2UniManipulation.POP_OUT_TAG_ONLY
self._evc.switching_method = EVC.SwitchingMethod.DOUBLE_TAGGED
# if len(flow.push_vlan_id) == 1 and self._evc.flow_entry.pop_vlan == 1:
# self._evc.men_to_uni_tag_manipulation = EVC.Men2UniManipulation.SYMMETRIC
# self._evc.switching_method = EVC.SwitchingMethod.SINGLE_TAGGED
# self._evc.stpid = flow.push_vlan_tpid[0]
# elif len(flow.push_vlan_id) == 2 and self._evc.flow_entry.pop_vlan == 1:
# self._evc.men_to_uni_tag_manipulation = EVC.Men2UniManipulation.POP_OUT_TAG_ONLY
# self._evc.switching_method = EVC.SwitchingMethod.DOUBLE_TAGGED
# # self._match_ce_vlan_id = 'something maybe'
# raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Not supported/needed yet')
return True
# Bulk operations
def remove_all(client, regex_=EVC_MAP_NAME_REGEX_ALL):
Remove all matching EVC Maps from hardware
:param client: (ncclient) NETCONF Client to use
:param regex_: (String) Regular expression for name matching
:return: (deferred)
# Do a 'get' on the evc-map config an you should get the names
get_xml = """
<evc-maps xmlns="">
"""'query', xml=get_xml, regex=regex_)
def request_failed(results, operation):
log.error('{}-failed'.format(operation), results=results)
# No further actions. Periodic poll later on will scrub any old EVC-Maps if needed
def delete_complete(results):
log.debug('delete-complete', results=results)
def do_delete(rpc_reply, regexpr):
log.debug('query-complete', rpc_reply=rpc_reply)
if rpc_reply.ok:
result_dict = xmltodict.parse(rpc_reply.data_xml)
entries = result_dict['data']['evc-maps'] if 'evc-maps' in result_dict['data'] else {}
if 'evc-map' in entries:
p = re.compile(regexpr)
if isinstance(entries['evc-map'], list):
names = {entry['name'] for entry in entries['evc-map']
if 'name' in entry and p.match(entry['name'])}
names = set()
for item in entries['evc-map'].items():
if isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] == 'name':
if len(names) > 0:
del_xml = '<evc-maps xmlns=""' + \
' xc:operation = "delete">'
for name in names:
del_xml += '<evc-map>'
del_xml += '<name>{}</name>'.format(name)
del_xml += '</evc-map>'
del_xml += '</evc-maps>'
log.debug('removing', xml=del_xml)
return client.edit_config(del_xml, lock_timeout=30)
return succeed('no entries')
d = client.get(get_xml)
d.addCallbacks(do_delete, request_failed, callbackArgs=[regex_], errbackArgs=['get'])
d.addCallbacks(delete_complete, request_failed, errbackArgs=['edit-config'])
return d