blob: 85a05a825dcb3c4a73162d8b6055c333ce9be5b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
//import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "bal_obj.proto";
import "bal_model_types.proto";
import "bal_errno.proto";
message BalErr {
BalErrno err = 1;
* BAL configuration object
message BalCfg {
BalObj hdr = 1; // Transport header
oneof obj {
BalAccessTerminalCfg cfg = 2; // Access Terminal
BalFlowCfg flow = 3; // Flow
BalGroupCfg group = 4;
BalInterfaceCfg interface = 5;
BalPacketCfg packet = 6;
BalSubscriberTerminalCfg terminal = 7;
BalTmQueueCfg tm_queue_cfg = 8;
BalTmSchedCfg tm_sched_cfg = 9;
string device_id = 10;
message BalInit {
string voltha_adapter_ip_port = 1; // IP:port of the VOLTHA Adapter
message BalHeartbeat {
string device_id = 1;
message BalReboot {
string device_id = 1;
message BalKey {
BalObj hdr = 1; // Transport header
oneof obj {
BalAccessTerminalKey access_term_key = 2;
BalFlowKey flow_key = 3;
BalGroupKey group_key = 4;
BalInterfaceKey interface_key = 5;
BalSubscriberTerminalKey terminal_key = 6;
BalTmQueueKey tm_queue_key = 7;
BalTmSchedKey tm_sched_key = 8;
service Bal {
* Initialize the BAL Public API internal data structures
rpc BalApiInit(BalInit) returns(BalErr) {}
* Un-initialize the BAL Public API internal data structures
rpc BalApiFinish(BalCfg) returns(BalErr) {}
* BAL Public API Set (or modify) command.
* Set (or modify) the specified object instance (with implicit creation
* of dynamic objects) associated with the specified access-terminal device.
rpc BalCfgSet(BalCfg) returns(BalErr) {}
rpc BalCfgClear(BalKey) returns(BalErr) {}
rpc BalCfgGet(BalKey) returns(BalCfg) {}
rpc BalApiReboot(BalReboot) returns(BalErr) {}
rpc BalApiHeartbeat(BalHeartbeat) returns(BalErr) {}
rpc BalCfgStatGet(BalInterfaceKey) returns(BalInterfaceStat) {}