blob: 60115eb1725177fed8e68d540e2494feb7615481 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Library Process
Library OperatingSystem
Library ../common/
Library ../common/
Library ../common/
Library ../common/
Library ../common/
Library volthaMngr.VolthaMngr
Library preprovisioning.Preprovisioning
Library discovery.Discovery
Library authentication.Authentication
Suite Setup Start Voltha
Suite Teardown Stop Voltha
*** Variables ***
${LOG_DIR} /tmp/voltha_test_results
${OLT_IP_ADDR} olt.voltha.svc
${OLT_PORT_ID} 50060
${OLT_TYPE} ponsim_olt
${ONU_TYPE} ponsim_onu
*** Test Cases ***
Olt Pre Provisioning
[Documentation] Olt Pre Provisioning
... This test preprovisions a ponsim-OLT with given IP address and TCP port
... and then enables both it and a number of ponsim-ONUs with predefined IP/port
... information. It then verifies that all the physical and logical devices are ACTIVE
PSet Log Dirs ${LOG_DIR}
Preprovision Olt
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Query Devices Before Enabling
Status Should Be Success After Preprovision Command
Check Olt Fields Before Enabling
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Query Devices After Enabling
Status Should Be Success After Enable Command
Check Olt Fields After Enabling
Check Onu Fields After Enabling
Olt Onu Discovery
[Documentation] Olt Onu Discovery
... This test covers both Onu Discovery and yet to be developped Olt Discovery
... It aims to verify the integrity of all port fields under each discrete device.
... It also insures that the peers fields contains device Id entries for the corresponding
... Olt or Onu device. Functionality to support multiple ONU accomodated
... The extent of the flow validation is limited to checking whether number of Flows is > 0
DSet Log Dirs ${LOG_DIR}
DConfigure ${OLT_TYPE} ${ONU_TYPE}
Olt Discovery
Onu Discovery
Olt Ports Should Be Enabled and Active
Onu Ports Should Be Enabled and Active
Olt Should Have At Least One Flow
Onu Should Have At Least One Flow
Radius Authentication
[Documentation] Radius Authentication
... This test attempts to perform a Radius Authentication from the RG
... It uses the wpa_supplicant app to authenticate using EAPOL.
... We then verify the generated log file confirming all the authentication steps
Discover RG Pod Name
Discover Freeradius Pod Name
Discover Freeradius Ip Addr
Set Current Freeradius Ip In AAA Json
Alter AAA Application Configuration In Onos Using AAA Json
Execute Authenticatication On RG
Verify Authentication Should Have Started
Verify Authentication Should Have Completed
Verify Authentication Should Have Disconnected
Verify Authentication Should Have Terminated
*** Keywords ***
Start Voltha
[Documentation] Start Voltha infrastructure to run test(s). This includes starting all
... Kubernetes Pods and start collection of logs. PonsimV2 has now been
... containerized and does not need to be managed separately
Set Suite Variable ${ROOT_DIR}
Set Suite Variable ${VOLTHA_DIR}
Set Suite Variable ${LOG_DIR}
Stop Voltha
Start All Pods
Sleep 60
Collect Pod Logs
${pod_status} Run kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
Log To Console \n ${pod_status}
Alter Onos NetCfg
Stop Voltha
[Documentation] Stop Voltha infrastucture. This includes clearing all installation milestones
... files and stopping all Kubernetes pods
Stop All Pods
Reset Kube Adm