blob: c855cfe31c17aae7a1161d70f66a0341f24fe9c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
OMCI Message support
import sys
import arrow
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredQueue, TimeoutError, CancelledError, failure, fail
from common.frameio.frameio import hexify
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci import *
from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import OntGFrame, OntDataFrame
MAX_OMCI_TX_ID = 0xFFFF # 2 Octets max
# abbreviations
OP = EntityOperations
class OMCI_CC(object):
""" Handle OMCI Communication Channel specifics for Adtran ONUs"""
def __init__(self, adapter_agent, device_id, me_map=None,
self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
self._adapter_agent = adapter_agent
self._device_id = device_id
self._proxy_address = None
self._tx_tid = 1
self._enabled = False
self._requests = dict() # Tx ID -> (timestamp, deferred, tx_frame, timeout)
self._alarm_queue = DeferredQueue(size=alarm_queue_limit)
self._avc_queue = DeferredQueue(size=avc_queue_limit)
self._test_results_queue = DeferredQueue(size=test_results_queue_limit)
self._me_map = me_map
# Statistics
self._tx_frames = 0
self._rx_frames = 0
self._rx_unknown_tid = 0 # Rx OMCI with no Tx TID match
self._rx_onu_frames = 0 # Autonomously generated ONU frames
self._rx_alarm_overflow = 0 # Autonomously generated ONU alarms rx overflow
self._rx_avc_overflow = 0 # Autonomously generated ONU AVC rx overflow
self._rx_onu_discards = 0 # Autonomously generated ONU unknown message types
self._rx_timeouts = 0
self._tx_errors = 0 # Exceptions during tx request
self._consecutive_errors = 0 # Rx & Tx errors in a row, a good RX resets this to 0
self._reply_min = sys.maxint # Fastest successful tx -> rx
self._reply_max = 0 # Longest successful tx -> rx
self._reply_sum = 0.0 # Total seconds for successful tx->rx (float for average)
# If a list of custom ME Entities classes were provided, insert them into
# main class_id to entity map.
# TODO: If this class becomes hidden from the ONU DA, move this to the OMCI State Machine runner
def __str__(self):
return "OMCISupport: {}".format(self._device_id)
def enabled(self):
return self._enabled
def enabled(self, value):
Enable/disable the OMCI Communications Channel
:param value: (boolean) True to enable, False to disable
assert isinstance(value, bool), 'enabled is a boolean'
if self._enabled != value:
self._enabled = value
if self._enabled:
def tx_frames(self):
return self._tx_frames
def rx_frames(self):
return self._rx_frames
def rx_unknown_tid(self):
return self._rx_unknown_tid # Tx TID not found
def rx_onu_frames(self):
return self._rx_onu_frames
def rx_alarm_overflow(self):
return self._rx_alarm_overflow # Alarm ONU autonomous overflows
def rx_avc_overflow(self):
return self._rx_avc_overflow # Attribute Value change autonomous overflows
def rx_onu_discards(self):
return self._rx_onu_discards # Attribute Value change autonomous overflows
def rx_timeouts(self):
return self._rx_timeouts
def tx_errors(self):
return self._tx_errors
def consecutive_errors(self):
return self._consecutive_errors
def reply_min(self):
return int(round(self._reply_min * 1000.0)) # Milliseconds
def reply_max(self):
return int(round(self._reply_max * 1000.0)) # Milliseconds
def reply_average(self):
avg = self._reply_sum / self._rx_frames if self._rx_frames > 0 else 0.0
return int(round(avg * 1000.0)) # Milliseconds
def get_alarm_message(self):
Attempt to retrieve and remove an ONU Alarm Message from the ONU
autonomous message queue.
TODO: We may want to deprecate this, see TODO comment around line 399 in
the _request_success() method below
:return: a Deferred which fires with the next Alarm Frame available in
the queue.
return self._alarm_queue.get()
def get_avc_message(self):
Attempt to retrieve and remove an ONU Attribute Value Change (AVC)
Message from the ONU autonomous message queue.
TODO: We may want to deprecate this, see TODO comment around line 399 in
the _request_success() method below
:return: a Deferred which fires with the next AVC Frame available in
the queue.
return self._avc_queue.get()
def get_test_results(self):
Attempt to retrieve and remove an ONU Test Results Message from the
ONU autonomous message queue.
TODO: We may want to deprecate this, see TODO comment around line 399 in
the _request_success() method below
:return: a Deferred which fires with the next Test Results Frame is
available in the queue.
return self._test_results_queue.get()
def _start(self):
Start the OMCI Communications Channel
assert self._enabled, 'Start should only be called if enabled'
# TODO: Perform any other common startup tasks here
device = self._adapter_agent.get_device(self._device_id)
self._proxy_address = device.proxy_address
def _stop(self):
Stop the OMCI Communications Channel
assert not self._enabled, 'Stop should only be called if disabled'
# TODO: Perform common shutdown tasks here
self._proxy_address = None
# TODO: What is best way to clean up any outstanding futures for these queues
self._alarm_queue = None
self._avc_queue = None
self._test_results_queue = None
def _receive_onu_message(self, rx_frame):
""" Autonomously generated ONU frame Rx handler"""
# TODO: Best way to handle autonomously generated ONU frames may be pub/sub method
from twisted.internet.defer import QueueOverflow
self.log.debug('rx-onu-frame', frame_type=type(rx_frame),
# TODO: Signal, via defer if Alarm Overflow or just an event?
msg_type = rx_frame.fields['message_type']
self._rx_onu_frames += 1
if msg_type == EntityOperations.AlarmNotification.value:
self._alarm_queue.put((rx_frame, arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp))
except QueueOverflow:
self._rx_alarm_overflow += 1
self.log.warn('onu-rx-alarm-overflow', cnt=self._rx_alarm_overflow)
elif msg_type == EntityOperations.AttributeValueChange.value:
self._alarm_queue.put((rx_frame, arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp))
except QueueOverflow:
self._rx_avc_overflow += 1
self.log.warn('onu-rx-avc-overflow', cnt=self._rx_avc_overflow)
# TODO: Need to add test results message support
self.log.warn('onu-unsupported-autonomous-message', type=msg_type)
self._rx_onu_discards += 1
def receive_message(self, msg):
Receive and OMCI message from the proxy channel to the OLT.
Call this from your ONU Adapter on a new OMCI Rx on the proxy channel
if self.enabled:
now = arrow.utcnow()
d = None
# NOTE: Since we may need to do an independent ME map on a per-ONU basis
# save the current value of the entity_id_to_class_map, then
# replace it with our custom one before decode, and then finally
# restore it later. Tried other ways but really made the code messy.
saved_me_map = omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map
omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map = self._me_map
rx_frame = OmciFrame(msg)
rx_tid = rx_frame.fields['transaction_id']
if rx_tid == 0:
return self._receive_onu_message(rx_frame)
self._rx_frames += 1
self._consecutive_errors = 0
except KeyError as e:
# Unknown, Unsupported, or vendor-specific ME. Key is the unknown classID
# TODO: Can we create a temporary one to hold it so upload does not always fail on new ME's?
self.log.exception('frame-decode-key-error', msg=hexlify(msg), e=e)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('frame-decode', msg=hexlify(msg), e=e)
omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map = saved_me_map # Always restore it.
(ts, d, _, _) = self._requests.pop(rx_tid)
ts_diff = now - arrow.Arrow.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
secs = ts_diff.total_seconds()
self._reply_sum += secs
if secs < self._reply_min:
self._reply_min = secs
if secs > self._reply_max:
self._reply_max = secs
# TODO: Could also validate response type based on request action
except KeyError as e:
# Possible late Rx on a message that timed-out
self._rx_unknown_tid += 1
self.log.warn('tx-message-missing', rx_id=rx_tid, msg=hexlify(msg))
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('frame-match', msg=hexlify(msg), e=e)
if d is not None:
return d.errback(failure.Failure(e))
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('rx-msg', e=e)
def flush(self, max_age=0):
limit = arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp - max_age
old = [tid for tid, (ts, _, _, _) in self._requests.iteritems()
if ts <= limit]
for tid in old:
(_, d, _, _) = self._requests.pop(tid)
if d is not None and not d.called:
self._requests = dict()
if max_age == 0:
# Flush autonomous messages (Alarms & AVCs)
while self._alarm_queue.pending:
_ = yield self._alarm_queue.get()
while self._avc_queue.pending:
_ = yield self._avc_queue.get()
def _get_tx_tid(self):
Get the next Transaction ID for a tx. Note TID=0 is reserved
for autonomously generated messages from an ONU
:return: (int) TID
tx_tid, self._tx_tid = self._tx_tid, self._tx_tid + 1
if self._tx_tid > MAX_OMCI_TX_ID:
self._tx_tid = 1
return tx_tid
def _request_failure(self, value, tx_tid):
Handle a transmit failure and/or Rx timeout
:param value: (Failure) Twisted failure
:param tx_tid: (int) Associated Tx TID
if tx_tid in self._requests:
(_, _, _, timeout) = self._requests.pop(tx_tid)
timeout = 0
if isinstance(value, failure.Failure):
self._rx_timeouts += 1
self._consecutive_errors += 1'timeout', tx_id=tx_tid, timeout=timeout)
value = failure.Failure(TimeoutError(timeout, "Deferred"))
return value
def _request_success(self, rx_frame):
Handle transmit success (a matching Rx was received)
:param rx_frame: (OmciFrame) OMCI response frame with matching TID
:return: (OmciFrame) OMCI response frame with matching TID
# TODO: Here we could update the MIB database if we did a set/create/delete
# or perhaps a verify if a GET. Also could increment mib counter
# TODO: A better way to perform this in VOLTHA v1.3 would be to provide
# a pub/sub capability for external users/tasks to monitor responses
# that could optionally take a filter. This would allow a MIB-Sync
# task to easily watch all AVC notifications as well as Set/Create/Delete
# operations and keep them serialized. It may also be a better/easier
# way to handle things if we containerize OpenOMCI.
if isinstance(rx_frame.omci_message, OmciGetResponse):
pass # TODO: Implement MIB check or remove
elif isinstance(rx_frame.omci_message, OmciSetResponse):
pass # TODO: Implement MIB update
elif isinstance(rx_frame.omci_message, OmciCreateResponse):
pass # TODO: Implement MIB update
elif isinstance(rx_frame.omci_message, OmciDeleteResponse):
pass # TODO: Implement MIB update
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception('omci-message', e=e)
return rx_frame
def send(self, frame, timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT):
Send the OMCI Frame to the ONU via the proxy_channel
:param frame: (OMCIFrame) Message to send
:param timeout: (int) Rx Timeout. 0=Forever
:return: (deferred) A deferred that fires when the response frame is received
or if an error/timeout occurs
assert timeout <= MAX_OMCI_REQUEST_AGE, \
'Maximum timeout is {} seconds'.format(MAX_OMCI_REQUEST_AGE)
assert isinstance(frame, OmciFrame), \
"Invalid frame class '{}'".format(type(frame))
if not self.enabled or self._proxy_address is None:
# TODO custom exceptions throughout this code would be helpful
return fail(result=failure.Failure(Exception('OMCI is not enabled')))
tx_tid = frame.fields['transaction_id']
if tx_tid is None:
tx_tid = self._get_tx_tid()
frame.fields['transaction_id'] = tx_tid
assert tx_tid not in self._requests, 'TX TID {} is already exists'.format(tx_tid)
assert tx_tid >= 0, 'Invalid Tx TID: {}'.format(tx_tid)
ts = arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp
d = defer.Deferred()
# NOTE: Since we may need to do an independent ME map on a per-ONU basis
# save the current value of the entity_id_to_class_map, then
# replace it with our custom one before decode, and then finally
# restore it later. Tried other ways but really made the code messy.
saved_me_map = omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map
omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map = self._me_map
omci_entities.entity_id_to_class_map = saved_me_map
self._tx_frames += 1
self._requests[tx_tid] = (ts, d, frame, timeout)
d.addCallbacks(self._request_success, self._request_failure,
if timeout > 0:
d.addTimeout(timeout, reactor)
except Exception as e:
self._tx_errors += 1
self._consecutive_errors += 1
self.log.exception('send-omci', e=e)
return fail(result=failure.Failure(e))
return d
# MIB Action shortcuts
def send_mib_reset(self, timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT):
Perform a MIB Reset
frame = OntDataFrame().mib_reset()
return self.send(frame, timeout)
def send_mib_upload(self, timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT):
frame = OntDataFrame().mib_upload()
return self.send(frame, timeout)
def send_mib_upload_next(self, seq_no, timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT):
frame = OntDataFrame(seq_no).mib_upload_next()
return self.send(frame, timeout)
def send_reboot(self, timeout=DEFAULT_OMCI_TIMEOUT):
Send an ONU Device reboot request (ONU-G ME).
frame = OntGFrame().reboot()
return self.send(frame, timeout)