blob: 76afee1c980bb110a93a0c4884c891fadb2b8707 [file] [log] [blame]
# Note: When the target == "cluster" the installer
# is running to install voltha in the cluster hosts.
# Whe the target == "installer" the installer is being
# created.
- name: The environment is properly set on login
src: bashrc.j2
dest: "{{ target_voltha_home }}/.bashrc"
owner: voltha
group: voltha
mode: "u=rw,g=r,o=r"
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: The .bashrc file is executed on ssh login
src: bash_profile.j2
dest: "{{ target_voltha_home }}/.bash_profile"
owner: voltha
group: voltha
mode: "u=rw,g=r,o=r"
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Required directory exists
path: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}"
state: directory
owner: voltha
group: voltha
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Configuration files and directories are copied
src: "/home/vinstall/{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}"
archive: no
owner: no
perms: no
recursive: yes
links: yes
- compose
- nginx_config
- envoy
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Insecure registry is configured and permitted
src: "/home/vinstall/daemon.json"
dest: /etc/docker/
archive: no
owner: no
perms: no
recursive: no
links: yes
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Configuration directories are owned by voltha
path: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}/{{ item }}"
owner: voltha
group: voltha
recurse: yes
follow: no
- compose
- nginx_config
- envoy
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Script files are owned by voltha and executable
path: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}/{{ item }}"
owner: voltha
group: voltha
mode: 0755
follow: no
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Nginx statup script is executable
path: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}/nginx_config/"
mode: 0755
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
#- name: Configuration files are on the cluster host
# copy:
# src: "files/consul_config"
# dest: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}"
# owner: voltha
# group: voltha
# when: target == "cluster"
# tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker containers for Voltha are pulled
command: docker pull {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker images are re-tagged to expected names
command: docker tag {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }} {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker images are re-tagged to cluster registry names
command: docker tag {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }} {{ inventory_hostname }}:5001/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "cluster"
tags: [voltha]
#- name: Old docker image tags are removed
# command: docker rmi {{ docker_registry }}/{{ item }}
# with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
# when: target == "cluster"
# tags: [voltha]
# Update the insecure registry to reflect the current installer.
# The installer name can change depending on whether test mode
# is being used or not.
- name: Enable insecure install registry
src: "{{ docker_daemon_json }}"
dest: "{{ docker_daemon_json_dest }}"
register: copy_result
when: target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Debain Daemon is reloaded
command: systemctl daemon-reload
when: copy_result|changed and is_systemd is defined and target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Debian Docker service is restarted
name: docker
state: restarted
when: copy_result|changed or user_result|changed
when: target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
# command: docker pull zookeeper
# when: target == "installer"
# tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker images are re-tagged to registry for push
command: docker tag {{ item }} {{ docker_push_registry }}/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker containers for Voltha are pushed
command: docker push {{ docker_push_registry }}/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Temporary registry push tags are removed
command: docker rmi {{ docker_push_registry }}/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "installer"
tags: [voltha]
- name: voltha components are started
command: "{{ target_voltha_dir }}/"
become: voltha
when: target == "startup"
tags: [voltha]
- name: cluster specific insecure registry is started
command: "docker stack deploy -c {{ target_voltha_dir }}/compose/docker-compose-registry.yml registry"
become: voltha
when: target == "startup"
tags: [voltha]
- name: wait for the cluster startup to settle
command: "sleep 15"
become: voltha
when: target == "startup"
tags: [voltha]
- name: Docker containers in the cluster are pushed to the cluster registry
command: docker push {{ inventory_hostname }}:5001/{{ item }}
with_items: "{{ voltha_containers }}"
when: target == "startup"
tags: [voltha]