| argparse==1.2.1 |
| arrow==0.10.0 |
| bitstring==3.1.5 |
| cmd2==0.7.0 |
| colorama==0.3.9 |
| confluent-kafka==0.11.5 |
| cython==0.24.1 |
| decorator==4.1.2 |
| docker-py==1.10.6 |
| fluent-logger==0.6.0 |
| grpc==0.3.post19 |
| grpcio==1.3.5 |
| grpcio-tools==1.3.5 |
| hash_ring==1.3.1 |
| hexdump==3.3 |
| jinja2==2.8 |
| jsonpatch==1.16 |
| kafka_python==1.3.5 |
| kafkaloghandler==0.8.0 |
| klein==17.10.0 |
| kubernetes==5.0.0 |
| netaddr==0.7.19 |
| networkx==2.0 |
| nose==1.3.7 |
| nose-exclude==0.5.0 |
| nose-testconfig==0.10 |
| mock==2.0.0 |
| netifaces==0.10.6 |
| pcapy==0.11.1 |
| pep8==1.7.1 |
| pep8-naming>=0.3.3 |
| protobuf==3.3.0 |
| protobuf-to-dict==0.1.0 |
| pyflakes==1.6.0 |
| pylint==1.7.6 |
| #pypcap>=1.1.5 |
| pyOpenSSL==17.3.0 |
| PyYAML==3.12 |
| requests==2.18.4 |
| scapy==2.3.3 |
| service-identity==17.0.0 |
| simplejson==3.12.0 |
| jsonschema==2.6.0 |
| six==1.11.0 |
| structlog==17.2.0 |
| termcolor==1.1.0 |
| transitions==0.6.4 |
| treq==17.8.0 |
| Twisted==17.9.0 |
| txaioetcd==0.3.0 |
| urllib3==1.22 |
| pyang==1.7.3 |
| lxml==3.6.4 |
| nosexcover==1.0.11 |
| zmq==0.0.0 |
| pyzmq==16.0.3 |
| txZMQ==0.8.0 |
| ncclient==0.5.3 |
| xmltodict==0.11.0 |
| dicttoxml==1.7.4 |
| etcd3==0.7.0 |
| pyparsing==2.2.0 |
| packaging==17.1 |
| pexpect==4.6.0 |
| |
| # python-consul>=0.6.1 we need the pre-released version for now, because 0.6.1 does not |
| # yet support Twisted. Once this is released, it will be the 0.6.2 version |
| git+https://github.com/cablehead/python-consul.git |
| |
| # Twisted Python kafka client |
| git+https://github.com/ciena/afkak.git |