blob: 6b0f66c23d3c1ad1a1ea07ecc96c6117237fc89c [file] [log] [blame]
from tests.itests.voltha.rest_base import RestBase
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict, ParseDict
import unittest
from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_base_pb2 as fb
from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device
from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 as gemport
from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 as tcont
from voltha.protos import bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 as tdp
from common.utils.consulhelpers import get_endpoint_from_consul
from tests.itests.voltha.xpon_scenario import scenario as xpon_scenario
from tests.itests.test_utils import get_pod_ip
from testconfig import config
These tests use the Ponsim OLT to verify create, update, and delete
functionalities of ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig,
ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, VOntAni, OntAni, and VEnets
for xPON
The prerequisite for this test are:
1. voltha ensemble is running
docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-system-test.yml up -d
2. ponsim olt is running with PONSIM-OLT
sudo -s
. ./
./ponsim/ -v
device_type = 'ponsim_olt'
host_and_port = ''
#for ordering the test cases
id = 3
LOCAL_CONSUL = "localhost:8500"
orch_env = 'docker-compose'
if 'test_parameters' in config and 'orch_env' in config['test_parameters']:
orch_env = config['test_parameters']['orch_env']
print 'orchestration-environment: %s' % orch_env
# Retrieve details of the REST entry point
if orch_env == 'k8s-single-node':
rest_endpoint = get_pod_ip('voltha') + ':8443'
rest_endpoint = get_endpoint_from_consul(LOCAL_CONSUL, 'voltha-envoy-8443')
# Construct the base_url
BASE_URL = 'https://' + rest_endpoint
class GlobalPreChecks(RestBase):
base_url = BASE_URL
# def test_000_get_root(self):
# res = self.get('/#!/', expected_content_type='text/html')
# self.assertGreaterEqual(res.find('swagger'), 0)
def test_001_get_health(self):
res = self.get('/health')
self.assertEqual(res['state'], 'HEALTHY')
class TestXPon(RestBase):
base_url = BASE_URL
def test_002_setup_device(self):
global device
device = self.add_device()
def _remove_device(self):
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Helper Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create a new simulated device
def add_device(self):
def verify_device_preprovisioned_state(self, olt_id):
# we also check that so far what we read back is same as what we get
# back on create
device = self.get('/api/v1/devices/{}'.format(olt_id))
self.assertNotEqual(device['id'], '')
self.assertEqual(device['adapter'], 'ponsim_olt')
self.assertEqual(device['admin_state'], 'PREPROVISIONED')
self.assertEqual(device['oper_status'], 'UNKNOWN')
# Active the simulated device.
# This will trigger the simulation of random alarms
def activate_device(self, device_id):
path = '/api/v1/devices/{}'.format(device_id) + '/enable', expected_http_code=200)
device = self.get(path)
self.assertEqual(device['admin_state'], 'ENABLED')
def deactivate_device(self, device_id):
path = '/api/v1/devices/{}'.format(device_id) + '/disable', expected_http_code=200)
device = self.get(path)
self.assertEqual(device['admin_state'], 'DISABLED')
def delete_device(self, device_id):
path = '/api/v1/devices/{}'.format(device_id)
self.delete(path + '/delete', expected_http_code=200)
device = self.get(path, expected_http_code=404)
# Add cg, cpair, cpart
def add(self, type, config, req, name):
res = self.verify(type)
prev_len = len(res[config]), name, ''),
MessageToDict(req, preserving_proto_field_name = True),
expected_http_code = 200)
return self.verify(type), prev_len
# Modify the existing cg, cpair, cpart
def modify(self, type, req, name):, name, '/modify'),
MessageToDict(req, preserving_proto_field_name = True),
expected_http_code = 200)
return self.verify(type)
# Delete cg, cpair, cpart
def remove(self, type, config, name):
res = self.verify(type)
prev_len = len(res[config])
self.delete(self.get_path(type, name, '/delete'),
expected_http_code = 200)
return self.verify(type), prev_len
# Retrieve the desired item upon Post message
def verify(self, type):
if(type == 'channel_terminations'):
return self.get('/api/v1/devices/{}/{}'.format(device['id'], type))
return self.get('/api/v1/{}'.format(type))
def get_path(self, type, name, operation):
if(type == 'channel_terminations'):
return '/api/v1/devices/{}/{}/{}{}'.format(device['id'],
type, name, operation)
return '/api/v1/{}/{}{}'.format(type, name, operation)
# Method to check if the result is same as the change requested
def search(self, req, result):
dict1 = MessageToDict(req,
including_default_value_fields = True,
preserving_proto_field_name = True)
#skip comparison of READ-ONLY fields
result['id'] = ''
if isinstance(req, fb.ChannelgroupConfig):
result['cg_index'] = 0
elif isinstance(req, tcont.TcontsConfigData):
if not dict1['alloc_id']:
result['alloc_id'] = 0
elif isinstance(req, gemport.GemportsConfigData):
if not dict1['gemport_id']:
result['gemport_id'] = 0
return dict1 == result
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Function to create test cases on the fly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def create_dynamic_method(key, value):
obj_type_config = {
'cg': {'type':'channel_groups',
'cpart': {'type':'channel_partitions',
'cpair': {'type':'channel_pairs',
'cterm': {'type':'channel_terminations',
'ontani': {'type':'ont_anis',
'venet': {'type':'v_enets',
'tcont': {'type':'tconts',
'tdp': {'type':'traffic_descriptor_profiles',
def _add(self, type, config, req, name):
result, prev_len = self.add(type, config, req, name)
self.assertEqual(result[config][prev_len]['name'], name)
self.assertEqual(len(result[config]), prev_len+1)
self.assertEqual(, result[config][prev_len]), True)
def _mod(self, type, config, req, name):
result = self.modify(type, req, name)
self.assertEqual(, result[config][0]), True)
def _del(self, type, config, req, name):
result, prev_len = self.remove(type, config, name)
self.assertEqual(len(result[config]), prev_len-1)
def _operate(self, obj_action, type_config, req, name):
if obj_action == 'add':
_add(self, type_config['type'], type_config['config'], req, name)
elif obj_action == 'mod':
_mod(self, type_config['type'], type_config['config'], req, name)
elif obj_action == 'del':
_del(self, type_config['type'], type_config['config'], req, name)
def _config(self):
ParseDict(value['rpc'], value['pb2'])
return value['pb2']
def dynamic_test_method(self):
_obj_action = [val for val in key.split('-')]
_type_config = obj_type_config[_obj_action[0]]
_req = _config(self)
_operate(self, _obj_action[1], _type_config, _req, value['rpc']['name'])
return dynamic_test_method
#read the set instructions for tests
#dynamically create test cases in desired sequence
for item in xpon_scenario:
id = id + 1
if(isinstance(item, dict)):
for k,v in item.items():
dynamic_method = create_dynamic_method(k, v)
dynamic_method.__name__ = 'test_{:3d}_{}'.format(id, k).replace(
' ', '0')
setattr(TestXPon, dynamic_method.__name__, dynamic_method)
del dynamic_method
if __name__ == '__main__':